Point of View Conclusions


3.5.2 Setting of Time

The author of The Land of Five Towers’s novel tells the time when the story began. In this novel, the author describe the story occurs at July 1990 and the author tell about it very year until December 2003 and it is happen at morning noon, afternoon, and evening. This novel tells the story of the Tower of Alif and Sahibul while studying at PM in the afternoon until the evening. “I grew more panicked, the call to afternoon prayer was already echoing but my card was still empty.” The Land of Five Towers,2009:76

3.6 Point of View

The author of The Land of Five Towers novel uses the first person point of view as his technique of writing. The author uses the word “I” as main character. It is clear from the author who tells the story and experience with using the first person I until this story ends. For me, three years at madrasah felt like long enough for providing a base of religious knowledge. Now it was time for me to explore nonreligious knowledge. No more madrasah. I wanted to attend university at the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and continue on to Germany, like Mr. B.J Habibie was like profession itself. The Land of Five Towers,2009:08 Universitas Sumatera Utara 28 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION

4.1 Conclusions

The writer analyzes the intrinsic elements in a novel because it is essential in elements of novel. Intrinsic elements are main elements to create a novel if one of them is not shown it will be error so all of them must be solid and support each others. The writer chooses a novel entitle The Land of Five Towers by Ahmad Fuadi because the intrinsic elements in the novel are solid and support each other. The writer shows the conclusions that intrinsic elements from the novel below are: 1. Theme is this novel is education. Alif as the main characters it are educated in the Islamic world and the main activities are carried out every day by him was studied. Alif and his friends could realize their dreams through their hard work while in MP. 2. The plot in this novel is mixed plot progressive plot and flashback plot. At the beginning of the story in this novel opened by Alif who has lived in Washington DC, United States with his job as a reporter for VOA, and after that he went back to remember his past when the conflict began. the conflict began when his mother told Alif not to continue their education to high school but to the religious school and she refused her mothers request when he knew it. But finally, Alif was willing to attend religious schools called Madani Pondok located outside the island of Sumatra, although only a half-hearted. Anticlimax Universitas Sumatera Utara 29 in this novel begins when Alif and friends of the school will hold its final examination conducted by final year students in Madani Pesantren MP. 3. Character in this novel a divided in two kinds they are main and supporting character. The limitation of this characters intended to focuses only for the characters that has a necessary role in their participation in this story. - The main characters are Alif Fikri, Amak Alif’s mother and Father. - The supporting characters are Baso Salahuddin, Raja Lubis, Atang Dulmajid, and Said. 4. Setting in this novel is in ManinjauWest Sumatera, East Java, and London. In this novel show place of event where characters do the action: at School Madani Pesantren, at home and at office. 5. The point of view of this novel is first person narrator using personal pronoun I who tells the story. I narrator becomes the central of the story in the novel.

4.2 Suggestion