Bald-On Record Impoliteness Positive Impoliteness

4 and female in the vlog comments . The total number of the impoliteness strategies was 230. The data were collected by using documentary method and analyzed using theory of types of impoliteness strategy by Culpeper

1996. 3.

FINDING AND DISCUSSION Based on the data analysis all the types of impoliteness strategy based on taxonomy of Culpeper 1996 were found in this research, these being: bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, sarcasm or mock politeness, and combination impoliteness. Examples of each types of impoliteness are explained in the following section:

a. Bald-On Record Impoliteness

Bald on record impoliteness is used by the speaker to attack the addressee’s face in a straight forward, obvious, unambiguous and brief way in situations where the face is at stake Culpeper, 1996. The following are the example of using bald-on record impoliteness. 031DVlogF-MBALDONREC Katrina : I can barely hear her, James shut upppp . LovesMaiko : She is just barely singing. The conversation between Katrina and LovesMaiko is about Britney Spears performance in the carpool karaoke. The conversation occurred on vlog comments in the Late Late Show. They are talking about Britney’s performance. Katrina was disturbed by James sounds, so she told James to be silent in order to enjoy Britney’s sound. The condition above is because Katrina dislike to hear the sound of James. In this vlog, James is singing more dominant than Britney. This is very disturbing. James greatly exaggerated, he is very enthusiastic about singing Britney’s song. So that Britney’s fans disturbed. Therefore, the possibility of using an impolite sentence will be greater by Katrina. The condition similar to the characteristic of impoliteness theory bald on record strategy by Culpeper 1996. In this case, Katrina directly shows impolite expression to James Corden. The impolite utterance above is 5 Bald-On Record Impoliteness strategy because it is direct, clear, and unambiguous.

b. Positive Impoliteness

Culpeper 1996: 356 describes positive impoliteness as the strategy which is intended to attack the recipient’s positive face. I found the three strategies, there are “be disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic”, “calling the other names”, and “utilizing taboo words”. This study found 137 data positive impoliteness. The following are exam ple of using “be disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic”, “calling the other names”, and “utilizing taboo words”. 1 Be disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic 033AVlogF-FPOSITIVE Amy Roiland : She wasn’t singing at all... just mouthing the words... why? Veronica : I think she had a cold. I saw the video about it. Her throat was messed up. The conversation is between Amy and Veronica. They talking about Britney appearance in the carpool karaoke. Amy is disinterested, unconcerned and unsympathetic with Selena appearance. She said that Britney cannot sing. The condition above is because Amy commented that Britney cannot sing, just mouthing the words. She is disinterested, unconcerned and unsympathetic with Britney. The condition similar to the characteristic of impoliteness theory positive impoliteness by Culpeper 1996. This conversations is a sample of impoliteness work positive strategy use be disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic work. 2 Use taboo words - swear, or use abusive or profane language. Use taboo words have some criteria such as swearing and using rude words. The example are: 021DVlogF-FPOSITIVE 6 Khasya : Wouw, I’m impressed its damn good . KeyboardWarrior : I’m glad she stopped with the over the top customer because that shit hid her amazing fucking voice and no one could look past the dumb shit. This conversation is between Khasya and KeyboardWarrior. It occurred in the vlog comment in The Late Late Show. This conversation tells about Khasya and KeyboardWarrior who comments in the vlog. They comments about Lady Gaga and James Corden in the carpool karaoke. In this situation Khasya and KeyboardWarrior talk to each other with many impolite expressions. The word “ shit ” and “ fuck ” used by Khasya and KeyboardWarrior here is the same with the previous analysis, they uses it for swearing and profaning. So in this conversation, it is clear that they show impoliteness expression because the characteristic of those words are categorized as taboo words output positive strategy. 3 Calling the other names Utilizing derogative words is included as calling the other names. Calling the other name’s example can be seen in the utterance below. 002BVlogF-FPOSITIVE Betty : I love Bruno Mars, he is fun. Gina : Bro that dumm as you’re a fatty , stop using bots you clean idiot . This conversation is between Betty and Gina. It occurred in the vlog comments. They are talking about Bruno Mars appearance. In that Gina showing many impolite expressions. In their conversation they also call the other name with derogatory words. In this comment, Gina speaks with some impolite words to James, he call James as “ a fatty ” and “ Idiot ”. The word “fatty” has same meaning with “ excess fat ” and the word “ idiot ” has same meaning “ stupid people ” in the previous data analysis. That is one of 7 impoliteness strategy categorized as positive impoliteness, call the other names output.

c. Negative Impoliteness