which sharia and whose sharia

ISSN: 2088-9445



Sekolah Pascasatjana
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah





Azyumardi Azra
Komaruddin Hidayat

Mark Cammack



(Profesor Sejarah UIN Jakarta)
(Profesor Filsafat UIN Jakarta)
(Profesor Hukum Southwestern Law School
Los Angeles, California)
(Profesor Hukum Islam U!N Jakarta)
(Profesor Filsafat McGill University, Canada)

M. Atho Mudzhar
Phillip Buckley

Eu is Nurlaelawati


Fu ad Jabali
Yusuf Rahman

Yo\unw 11. ;io1110r \. :!lll:2/I j.:)B

ISSN: .2088-9445

Yolunw II. 'iomor I. :!l)l·l.1\ i>J:)


Haula Noor
Windy Triana


M. Adam Hesa



ISSN: 2088-9445
Daftar lsi

Religious Celebrity; The Metamorphosis of Islamic Preachers in Indonesia
lim Ha!imatusa'diyah ...................................................................................... 1-16
Wakaf Uang dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan di

M. Nur Rianto Al Arif ............................................................................... . 17-29
Which and Whose Shari'a?: Historical and Political Perspectives on Legal
Articulation of Islam in Indonesia
Arska! Salim ........... .

·················· ························ .... 31·44

Jurnal INDO-ISLAMIKA adalah Jurnal Islam Indonesia yang diterbitkan dua

Simbol Keislaman pada Tradisi "Roket Tase" dalam Komunikasi pada

kali ctalam setahun (Januarl-Juni dan Jul1-Desember) oleh Sekolah Pascasarjana

Masyarakat Desa Nepa, Banyuates-Sampang Madura

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Secara spesifik, jurnal ini memuat tulisan
tentang kajian multidisiplin !slam Indonesia dalam perspektif para sarjana,

Wahyu llaihi dan Siti Aisah ........................................................................... 45-58

ilmuwan, dan cendek"1awan. Alamat Redaksi: Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas

"Sacrifice" Among Ahmadi Women

Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. JI. Kertamukti No. 5 Pisangan

WinyTrianita .............................................................................................. 59-73

Barat Cirendeu, Ciputat 15419 Indonesia. Telp. (+62-21) 740 1472, 74709260,






http://graduate.uinjkt.ac.i d

Menuju Kesetaraan dalam Aturan Kewarisan Islam Indonesia: Kedudukan
Anak Perempuan versus Saudara Kandung

Eu is Nurlaelawati ......................................................................................... 75-90

ldentitas Jurnal:
Penciri cover: cover benvarna gelap dengan font t?erw,arna terang dan

Tantangan Studi Hukum Islam di Indonesia Dewasa lni


M. Atho Mudzhar ....................................................................................... 91-103



17x24 cm. Jenis kertas: book
paper 70gr, cetak 1/1.


cover: AC 230 gr,. cetak 4/0,

10. Jumlah hal_an1,an セp@


4 him. Jumlah ha,_!arTian ゥセLZGQURM

Political Aspects of Shari'a Banking law in Indonesia
Djawahir Hejazziey .................................................................................... 105-124

Which and Whose Shari'a?:
Historical and Political Perspectives on Legal Articulation
of Islam in Indonesia
Arskal Sali111
Senior Research Lecturer, University \Vestern Sydney (U\VS), Australia
Upaya penerapan syariah di Indonesia tidak lepas dari adanya pertentangan
antara aspirasi politik dari para pendukung dan penentang dan dari adanya

resistensi ·dari negara yang sekuler. Tensi ini telah 111elahirkan perbedaan
politik hukum yang sang.at serius terkait penerapan hukum Islam secara formal
di negara ini. Pcrdcbatan atau perbedaan yang terus menerus tentang n1akna
at au 1naksud dari kata syariah it u sendiri dan istilahnya menyebabkan
munculnya penlebatan tentang syariah yang tnana. pena!Siran dan pandangan
siapa tcntung syariah yang akan diterapkrn1.
1\rtikd ini n1enelisik akar dan su1nbcr dari pcrdcbatan dan perhedaan
pandangan tentang politik hukun1 penerapan syariah. A.rtikcl ini n1enganalisa
faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan artikulasi dan ungkapan tentang penerapan
syariah sccara nyata berbcda. Artikel ini 111encgasknn baln\'a perbedaan yang
paling nyata dapat secara jclas tcrlihat dalam ha! aspirasi masyarakat Muslim
atas penerapan hukum Islam secara formal dan perlindungan hak-hak
konstitutional kebebasan beragarna. Menampilkan argumen balnva meskipun
penerapan syariah telah terlihat dalan1 beberapa bidang hukum yang diterapkan
di Indonesia dan pemerintah telnh n1engupayakan syariah terkorporasi ke dalam
siste1n hukun1 baik secan1 nasional n1aupun lokal. pe1nerintah 111asih 1ndakukan
kontrol dan pen1bntasan dan .syariah ald1in1ya 1nasih saja secaru ketut dibatusi
Attempts at the implementation of sbmi'a in Indonesia have ahvays been

niarked by a tension between political aspirations of the proponents and the
opponents of shari'a and by resistance from the secular state. The tension had
to the profound and ongoing legal political dissonance in the formal
aPPlic'ation of shari'a rules in the country. A continuum bet\veen conflicts in
m'eanings and direct contradictions in terms has resulted in a debate of \Vhich
arid "\\·hose sf1ari'a to be ilnple1nented.

INOO-ISLAMIKA, \'o!umL' ll, KL'mllr I. 2012/l-i-33

I 31

Arska!Solim (31-44)

Which and Whose ShorFa?:
Historical ond Political Perspectives on Legal Articulation of Islam in Indonesia

This paper looks at the roots as \Veil as the sources of those dissonances. It
observes a number of conditions that make the ar!iculation of religious la\v
dissonant. It argues that more direct dissonance is discernible bet\veen the

aspiration for the fonnal implementation of shari'a and constitutional rights of
religious freedom. Arguing that despite shari'a has been able to seep into
scattered legal aspects within Indonesian state and society and that the state
has al\o\ved :,i1ari'a to be incorporated in many \vays into its legal system,
nationally and regionally, it concludes that the state continues to control and
restrict this dispersion and that sbilli'a remains tightly confined in Indonesia
Keywords: silari'a, state, Indonesia, Islamization, legalization
One of n1y previous \Vorks focused on the interaction bct\veen sh::1ri'a and
st ate la\\·5 of conten1pora1y lndoncsia. 1 I argued therein that ··ancn1pts at the
in1plen1entation of shari"a in Indonesia have al\vays been marked by a tension
benveen political aspirations of the proponents and the opponents of s./Jmi·a
and bv resistance fron1 the secular state··. セ Q iケ@ prognosis \\'as that this tension
had l;d to the profound and ongoing legal political 、ゥウッョ。」・セ@
in the formal
application of shari ·a rules in the country. It is discordant in the sense that it
has been characterized by a continuum between conflicts in n1canings and
direct contradictions in tenns. I have identified this conf1icting articulation of
Isla111ic law in Indonesia via three then1es: (1) the ·constitutionalization· of
silari·a, (2) the 'nationalization' of shari'a:, and (3) the 'localization' of sfJari'a

in Aceh.
The first theme \Vas about efforts to give shari'a a constitutional status.
These efforts to constilutionalize sl1ari'a in Indonesia appeared four times since
the curly days of independence. Firstly. so1ne I'vluslin1 leado.!rs (in June-August
J 9..J.5l struggled to introduce the \Ye!l-kt10\Yl1 phrase contained in the ··Jakarta
Charier.. (i.e. seven \Vords: de11g.7n ken·ajiba11 QイZセゥ。ャjON@
s.variat lsi:u11 bagi
pe111e/uk11ya - "\vith the obligation of carrying OU! Islamic sJ1,1ri·a for the
J\'luslin1s.. } into the 1945 Constil ution. Secondly. the sa1nc request aro::;e during
debates over the ideology of the state during the sessions of the Constituent
Assembly in 1957-1959. Thirdly, a similar aspiration re-emerged in the MPRS

Arskal Salim. Challcn!!ine. tl1c Scculilf State: The /s/amizJtion of L1111'.-; in !ndone..;ia
(Honolulu: Hawaii Univcn;ity
:: \Vhat I mean here by the term ·dhsonancc' is a spectrum between mild tension in meanings
on the one hand am.I a direct 」ッョエイセ\ャゥ@
in tcrnh on the other hand. It bcconn::. an umbrdl