The Generalized Anxiety Disorder The Phobia

from the bucket itself and it is the same with our mind if we cannot fulfill the desires over and over, the desires someday will came out from our mind and become a problem. This illness often related to biological makeup and life experiences of the individual, and they frequently run in families. 25 There are several types of anxiety disorder, each with its own distinct features. Anxiety Disorder was divided in to five major types: 26

1. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder GAD is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry about everyday things that is disproportionate to the actual source of worry. 27 People with generalized anxiety disorder feel anxious most of the time. They worry excessively about routine events or circumstances in their lives. Their worries often relate to finances, family, personal health, and relationships with others. Although they recognize their anxiety as irrational or out of proportion to actual events, they feel unable to control their worrying. For example, they may worry uncontrollably and intensely about money despite evidence that their financial situation is stable. 25 Anxiety disorder, NAMI Arizona’s voice of mental illness 2007. Accessed on June 29, 2009. , p. 1. 26 Ibid., p. 1. 27 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiGeneralized_anxiety_disorder .ed 07:37, 30 July 2009 Max Duchess. Accessed on August I,2009. p. 1. According to DSM-IV, symptoms must be present for more days than not for a six-month period, and the patient must not meet criteria for another anxiety disorder. Worrying is associated with at least three of the following: a Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge. b Easy fatigability, difficulty concentrating or mind going blank. c Irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance. 28

2. The Phobia

The word phobia is taken from Greek “phobos” means ‘fear.’ The concept of fear and anxiety are related to each other; fear is an anxious feeling and agitation as responses toward a threat. And phobia disorder is a persistence fear toward object or situation and the fear is not proportional with its threat. 29 The individual who suffer phobia doesn’t lose contact with reality external world; most of them know that their fear is too much and uncommon. And the unique thing about phobia is not about fear toward extraordinary things but is about common things in daily life. Individuals who suffer phobia fear something that people think it doesn’t have to be worried. 30 There are three kinds of phobia; they are specific phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia. a Specific phobias is an excessive fear and persistent toward an object or specific situation, such as fear about highest placesacrophobia, 28 Karen Elmore MD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Revised 5-11-2001 by Robert K. Schneider MD. , p. 1. 29 Jeffry s. Nevid, et al., Psikologi Abnormal. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga. 2005, p. 168. 30 Ibid. p. 134. fear about lock up places claustrophobia, or fear toward small creatures likes rat or snake or another disgusting creatures. b Social phobias is an excessive fear toward negative evaluation from others people. c Agoraphobias came from Greek means “fear toward marketplaces” that suggestive to the fear in the middle wide and crowded places.

3. The Panic Disorder