Difficulty in Translating The Book 'Understanding Evangelical Media' In Time For Maestro Radio.

Ketika saya mengikuti magang, saya menemui kesulitan dalam
menerjemahkan sebuah buku berjudul Understanding Evangelical
Media. Saya tidak dapat menyelesaikan penerjemahan seluruh isi buku
tersebut tepat waktu.
Setelah melakukan analisa, saya menemukan tiga penyebab dari
kesulitan yang saya alami. Sebab yang pertama adalah karena saya
tidak mengetahui arti yang tepat untuk beberapa kata yang digunakan
di dalam buku tersebut. Yang kedua adalah karena situasi dalam
ruangan tempat saya bekerja gaduh, sehingga saya kurang dapat
berkonsentrasi ketika bekerja. Kemudian, yang ketiga adalah karena
saya tidak dapat menemukan padanan kata yang tepat, meskipun
saya telah menggunakan kamus. Masalah tersebut menimbulkan
beberapa akibat. Yang pertama adalah manajer saya menjadi kecewa
dengan pekerjaan terjemahan saya yang lamban. Akibat yang kedua
adalah saya kehilangan semangat saya ketika bekerja. Akibat yang
ketiga adalah saya tidak mampu menerjemahkan tepat waktu.
Saya menemukan empat pilihan solusi yang dapat saya gunakan
untuk menyelesaikan masalah saya. Pertama, saya perlu membaca
buku yang relevan dengan buku yang sedang saya terjemahkan
sebanyak 1 buku dalam 3 hari. Kedua, saya bertanya kepada manajer

saya tentang isi buku tersebut juga beberapa kata-kata dan istilah
yang saya temukan di dalamnya. Ketiga, saya harus mengembangkan
kemampuan saya dalam menggunakan kamus yang berkualitas. Yang
keempat adalah saya harus pindah ke ruangan yang lebih tenang agar
dapat berkonsentrasi.
Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, saya memilih untuk
menggabungkan tiga solusi terbaik. Pertama, saya harus
meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menggunakan kamus yang
berkualitas. Kemudian, saya perlu bertanya kepada manajer saya
tentang isi buku, juga tentang beberapa istilah yang saya temui. Juga,
saya pindah ke ruangan yang lebih tenang, sehingga saya dapat lebih
berkonsentrasi ketika mengerjakan terjemahan saya.


Maranatha Christian University

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY………………………............................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………….……………………iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………………………………..…………….1-5
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION……………………………………………19-20
a. Flowchart
b. Interview with publishers


Maranatha Christian University

Appendix A
1. I did not know the exact meaning
of some words used in the book
2. The situation in the office was
noisy I could not concentrate
while translating the book.
3. I could not find the equivalent
Indonesian words for some of
the English words .

Difficulty in
Translating the

Media in time
for Maestro
Potential Solution I

Potential Negative Effects:
1. My free time will be reduced.
2. I am going to be sleepy
3. Reading relevant books will make
me bored.

I have to read one
relevant books in
English in every
three days.

Potential Negative Effects:
1. The manager will get upset while
answering my question.
2. The manager may not answer my

question in detail.

Potential Solution II

Potential Negative Effect:
improving the skills will take a long

Potential Solution III

Potential Negative effects:
1.I cannot chat or ask something
that I do not understand about my
work to my friends.
2.I will suddenly fee lonely

I ask my manager
about the content
and also the words
and terms in the


Improve my skill to
use qualified

Potential Solution IV
Move to a quieter

1. 1. My manager was not
satisfied with my working
2. I lost my enthuasism when I
stuck with words and could
not finish translating
3. I could not finish translating
the book in the given time.
the book in the given time.

Potential Positive Effects:
1. I can know more about idioms
and terms in evangelism.
2. I prevent mistakes in translate

the meaning of the book.
3. I will increase my speed in
translating the book.
Potential Positive Effects:
1. It can increase my knowledge
about the content of the book.
2. Talking with my manager may
help me translating some
terms and words that are
completely new for me.
Potential Positive Effects:
1. The translation result will be
precise and correct.
2. It can increase my
translation’s speed.

Potential Postive Effect:
1..There is no distraction.
2. My translation’s work can
be optimal.

Chosen solution
Improve ability in using qualified dictionaries,
ask my manager about the content of the
book, move to a quieter room

Appendix B


Name of respondent:

Mr.Yosep Nugraha.

Date of interview:

March 28, 2011.

Place of Interview:

Gramedia Istana Plaza

Marcella: Selamat siang bapak, nama saya Marcella Gunari. Saya dari Universitas
Kristen Maranatha, ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan, Pak?.
Mr. Yosep: Iya, ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Marcella: Begini Pak, apa Gramedia menerbitkan buku-buku yang diterjemahkan
dari Bahasa Inggris?
Mr. Yosep: Oh, tentu saja.
Marcella: Kira-kira berapa jumlah buku yang diterbitkan, terutama yang
diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris?
Mr. Yosep: Jumlah jelasnya mungkin lebih sekitar 8740 judul buku, atau mungkin
lebih dari jumlah tersebut, yang tadi saya sebutkan. Jenis-jenisnya pun beragam,
mulai dari novel, buku fiksi, non-fiksi, buku masakan, buku anak-anak, buku
Marcella: Apakah jumlah yang besar itu adalah jumlah buku hasil terjemahan per

tahun? Lalu kira-kira berapa banyak jumlahnya per bulan?
Mr. Yosep: Iyah, jumlah tersebut adalah jumlah per tahun, namun jumlah per
bulannya bila kita pukul rata mungkin ada sekitar 77 buku atau lebih.

Interview. 2

Name of respondent:


Date of interview:

March 30, 2011.

Place of Interview:

By email.

----- Original Message ----From: marcella
To: webadmin@visi-bookstore.com ; webadmin-2@visi-bookstore.com

Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2012 11:19 PM
Subject: VISI-BOOKSTORE.COM – Message
shalom bapak, nama saya marcella. Yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah,apakah Visi juga
menerbitkan buku2 yg diterjemahkan dr bahasa Inggris? Berapa banyak buku yang
diterbitkan tiap bulannya, apa sajah jenisnya. Kira2 berapa banyak dr buku tersebut yg sdh
d terbitkan.terima kasih> Tuhan berkati


jln raya dayeuhkolot 321

Dear Marcella,
Buku2 terjemahan Visi mungkin ada sekitar 60% dari 65 judul total buku Visi saat ini. Visi
menerbitkan sekitar
1-2 buku setiap bulannya. Bukunya pun beragam. Untuk setiap kali penerbitan buku, kami
bisa menerbitkan sekitar 35 buku.
Untuk update data2 terbaru buku2 VISIPress, bisa join di Facebook VISI Press
Semoga info ini membantu Marcella.
*Andri a.k.a Aan*
Accounting & Tax Staf & Sales Distribution Admin too.
PT. Visi Anugerah Indonesia
Jalan Karasak Lama 2
Bandung 40235
West Java - Indonesia
Phone : +62-22-522 5739
Fax : +62-22-521 1854


A. Background of the Study
Nowadays, in Indonesia more English books are translated into Bahasa
Indonesia. According to Said and Sinaga, there are more English books
translated into Bahasa Indonesia because there are still many people in
Indonesia who do not have the capability to read texts in English (par. 1). I
have collected some data on how many translated books are published by
some Indonesian publishers. Gramedia Publisher has published 8740 or
more titles of books each year, which 77 or more books are translated from
English into Bahasa Indonesia each month. Visi Publisher translates about
1-2 books each month, and about 60% of the book in Visi have been
translated from English . There are many kinds of books that have been
translated, and they are not only fiction books like novel, but also non-fiction
book like cooking books.
The great demand to translate English books makes the role of translators
important. However, translating books is not an easy job. According to the
article “Translator Job Description”, translators work with written word. They
must properly convey the intended meaning from the source word (par. 1).

Maranatha Christian University

Hence, I choose my difficulty in translating the book Understanding
Evangelical Media in time for Maestro Radio to be analyzed in this term
paper. I think it is the most difficult problem I found during my internship in
Maestro Radio. I am going to analyze this problem critically and
To accomplish similar understanding about the definition of translation,
translator, and equivalent words, I am going to give some definition about
those words taken from some literatures. According to Smith, in the article
“Automatic Translation vs. Manual Translation”, “Translation can be defined
as an act of interpretation of the meaning of a content and consequent reproduction of equivalent content” (par. 1). Furthermore, the definition of
translator, according to Piccolo, in the article “Work from Home as a
Professional Translator”, “Translators are language professionals who convert
written material from a source language into a target language” (par. 2).
Meanwhile, according to the article “Definition of Equivalent Word”,
“Equivalent word is two words that can be interchanged in a context that are
said to be synonymous relative to that context” (par.1).
During my internship at Maestro Radio as a translator, from July 1st 2010
to August 8th 2010, my manager instructed me to translate a book entitled
Understanding Evangelical Media. I had to finish translating it about one
month before I finished my internship. However, I could not translate it in time
although I used dictionaries. Thus, in this term paper I would like to find the
best solution for this problem, in order to improve my ability in translating.

Maranatha Christian University

B. Identification of the Problem
In this term paper, I would like to analyze this problem using the following
questions, which are:
1. Why am I not able to translate the book Understanding Evangelical
Media in time at Maestro Radio?
2. What are the consequences of my difficulty in translating the book in
3. How could I overcome my difficulty in translating the book in time?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
There are three objectives of this term paper. The first one is to discover
the reasons why I could not translate the book in time. The second one is to
find three potential solutions which can be used to solve this problem. The
last one is to know the best solution.
There are some benefits of the study. The first one is to help me, as the
writer of the term paper, to improve my translation skills by using the
knowledge I gain in the research for this term paper. This paper can also
benefit the readers in informing them about difficulties in translating books
and how to handle the problem so that people who have the same problem
in translating can use the solution that I offer. Then, for Maestro Radio this


Maranatha Christian University

paper can give a solution for the staff who needs the solution to overcome
difficulties in translating the book Understanding Evangelical Media .

D. Description of Institution
Maestro Radio is a gospel broadcasting media in Bandung. The inventor
of Maestro Radio was Mr. Gito Nugroho in 1968. He had electronical hobbies,
and he was trying to learn the principal of transmitted radio and sound
amplifier. Before it is located on Jl. Kacapiring 12, it was located on
Jl.Kacapiring 9. It was named Maestro Radio on January 4th 1969 . In 1971,
because of the government law, Maestro Radio changed from a radio for
hobby into a professional radio. This was the milestone of Maestro Radio.
Then, finally on April 15th 1997 Maestro Radio started broadcasting in FM
until today. The current owner of Maestro Radio is Mr. Stephen Matthew.
Maestro Radio has about 20 staff members, who work for on-air and off-air

E. Method of the Study
In this term paper, I use a number of data in analyzing my problem. For
the primary data, I use my internship journal where I recorded observation
during my internship. I also use secondary data from printed and Internet
sources. I use some books from the library to support my analysis in this term
paper. Additionally, I also search more theories from Internet resources and
do some interview with some publishers to support my research.

Maranatha Christian University

F. Limitation of the Study
The subjects studied are myself and the book that I translated. I worked
as a translator for Maestro Radio during my internship. I did the internship
from July 1st 2010 to August 8th 2010. The book translated is Understanding
Evangelical Media, written by Quentin.J Schultze and Robert H. Woods.Jr.
The book was published on May 30th 2008. It has 346 pages.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper has five chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction. It
consists of Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives
and Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter Two
consists of Problem Analysis. It describes the causes and the effects of the
problem. Chapter Three consists of description of each potential solution,
also its negative and positive effects. Chapter Four is the conclusion which
consists of summary, chosen solution, and the reason why I choose those
two solutions. In the last part there are Bibliography and Appendix, which
consists of the problem analysis flowchart and also the publisher’s interview.


Maranatha Christian University


During my internship, I had difficulty in translating the book
Understanding Evangelical Media in the given time. I cannot finish
translating the whole book in the given time. There are some causes for
my problem. The causes of my problem are I did not know the exact
meaning of some words used in the book, the situation in the office was
noisy that I could not concentrate while translating the book, and I could
not find the equivalent Indonesian words for some English words I found in
the book. The problem has several effects; namely, my manager was not
satisfied with my working speed, I lost my enthusiasm to translate the
book, and I could not finish translating the book in the given time.
After doing some research, I found four potential solutions for my
problem. The first solution is reading one relevant book in every three
days, to gain knowledge about evangelism. The second solution is I ask
my manager about the content of the book, and some words that I do not
understand. The third one is I can improve my skills by using qualified
dictionaries. The fourth solution is I should move to a quieter room.
After analyzing all the positive and negative effects of the potential
solutions, I conclude that combining three solutions is the best way to
solve my problem. First, I have to improve my skills in using qualified

Maranatha Christian University

dictionaries. Because by having a good ability in using qualified
dictionaries, I will not spend too much time to search the meaning of new
words, and it can also widen my vocabulary. Then, even though I have the
skills in using qualified dictionaries, I still need to ask my manager about
the content of the book and of some special terms, because my manager
has read the book. It can help me to translate better. Both of those
solutions will still not be effective if I still work in a noisy room. Therefore, I
also need to move to a quieter room.
On the application of the solution, I have several suggestions for
anyone who will apply them. First, if it is difficult to find a good tutor to
improve the skill in using qualified dictionaries, the Internet can be the
source to get tips on using qualified dictionaries, thus it will be like a selfstudy. For example, there are good Internet tutorial sites for translation on
www2.elc.polyu.edu.hk, and www.donnayoung.org. Then, to anticipate the
situation when the manager is not available in the office to answer
questions, the person who translates the book can ask the manager in his
or her convenient time, be ready with notes of any words or terms that
he/she wants to ask. To anticipate the problem that might happen when
the person who translates the book moves to a quieter room, that he or
she may feel lonely while doing his or her translation, he or she can take
a break, listening to music, and then continue working.


Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University