Teaching English Vocabulary Process By Using Pictures To the Fourth Grade Students of SD Kanisius Pucangsawit Surakarta.

Firstly I would like to thank Lord for His blessing since I could finally finish my final
project report. Secondly, I would like to thank all people who have given me a lot of support, and
spirit in finishing this final project entitled “Teaching Vocabulary by Using Pictures to The
Fourth Grade Students of SD KanisiusPucangsawit Surakarta”. It was made as a partial
requirement in obtaining degree in the English Diploma Program, Facultyof Cultural
SciencesSebelasMaret University.
In this final project, I focus on teaching the students by using pictures. I realized that this
final project is far from being perfect. Therefore, all criticisms and suggestions are accepted from
the readers in order to make this report better. I hoped the readers can get advantages from this

Surakarta, January 2016

Lidia Yesi P.