A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies






(The Study of Fourth Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Salatiga in

The Academic Years 2014/ 2015)



Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education



State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




113 10 046






“In the name of ALLAH SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful”.

  Hereby the researcher declares that the researcher herself composes this graduating paper. It does not contain written materials or having been published by other people an d other people‟s idea except the information from the references.

  The researcher makes this declaration, and she hopes this declaration can be understood.


  Salatiga, 16 April 2015 The Researcher

  Anik Hidayati 11310046


  Jl. Tentara Pelaja r02 Tlp (0298) 323433Fax 323433 Salatiga 50731




  Salatiga,16 April 2015 Noor Malihah, Ph.D.

  The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


  Case: Anik Hidayati

  ’s Graduating Paper

  Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  Assalam u‟alaikum, wr.wb. After reading and correcting Anik Hidayati

  ‟s graduating paper entitled “THE

  USE OF SPEECH THROUGH VIDEO RECORDING TO REPRESENT THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS (The Study Of Fourth Semester Students Of English Department at IAIN Salatiga in The Academic Years 2014/ 2015)", I

  have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb.









ACADEMIC YEARS 2014/ 2015)




113 10 046

  Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies


  (IAIN) Salatiga on 16 April 2015 and hereby considered to complete the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

  Boards of examiners, Head : Setia Rini, M.Pd. ______________ Secretary : Noor Malihah, Ph.D. ______________ First Examiner : Ruwandi, M.A ______________ Second Examiner : Faizal Risdianto, M. Hum ______________


  Salatiga,16 April 2015 The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Suwardi, M. Pd.

  NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002








  This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedication to: 1.

  My God, ALLAH SWT the most gracious and the most merciful.

  2. My beloved parents, Mrs. Mistikomah and Mr. Suprapto, who always give me the best education in my life.

  3. My beloved brother Ajik Hidayanto.



  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of universe and space. Thanks to ALLAH because the researcher could complete this graduating paper as one of requirement to finish studying in English Education Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Dr. H. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as a Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as a Head of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga and as a Counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advice, suggestion and recomendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for your patience and care.

  4. Faizal Risdiyanto, M. Hum the lecturer of Interpreting subject.

  5. All of lecturers of IAIN Salatiga who have bestowed their knowledge to

  6. All of staffs of IAIN Salatiga who have helped the researcher in processing administration.

  7. My big family, thanks for their kindness and support.

  8. Angga Wahyu Saputra a special someone who supports and helps me in the finishing my graduating paper.

  9. My friendhip ( Ika, Mussy, mbak Ima, Uzin, Ayuk and my little friend evin) thanks for making my life more colorful. I will not forget your support, kindness, love and pray. Keep our promise to be friends forever.

  10. My friends in TBI 2010 especially TBI B keep spirit, we can do the best.

  11. Many people who have helped the researcher that I can not mention one by one, thanks all.

  Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers.

  Salatiga, 16


  April 2015 The Researcher,




  Hidayati, Anik. 2015. The use of speech through video recording to represent the

  stude nts’ speaking skill (The Study of Fourth Semester Students Of English Department at IAIN Salatiga in The Academic Years 2014/ 2015) .Counselor : Noor Malihah, Ph.D

  This research is aimed to describe the use of speech through video recording to represent the students‟ speaking skill in the Interpreting subject. Also, this research demonstrates the dominant aspects of speaking skill found in the speech as form of students‟ assessment in take Interpreting subject. In this quantitative and qualitative research, the researchers collect the data from observation, documentation and interview. To assess the speech through video recording as a form a assessment in the Interpreting subject, a rubric is used. The rubric show that students have Varian levels of qualification: Very good (28.57%), good (38.1%), good enough (4.76%), and enough (9.52%). Thus means that 80.95% students pass in the assessment. And thus, the speech as a form of assessment is able to represent the students‟ speaking skill. Although, however, there are 19,5% students are considered bad, the result of this research show that the dominant aspect of speaking skill in this speech assessment is comprehension (64) this means that the students comprehend or understand what they were talking about the topic in the video recording. Thus, they are successful in the communication. This result support the first result that speech through video recording as an assessment in the Interpreting subject represent the students‟ speaking skill in fourth semester students of English department at IAIN Salatiga in the academic years 2014/2015.

  Keyword : Speaking skill, Video recording, speech


TITLE ....................................................................................................................i

DECLARATION................ ..................................................................................ii

ATTENTION COUNCELOR NOTE................................................................iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION.............................................................. iv

MOTTO .................................................................................................................v



ABSTRACT....................................................... .................................................viii

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................ix

LIST OF THE TABLE .........................................................................................x

LIST OF THE FIGURE.......................................................................................xi

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study..................................................................1 B. Limitation of the Study....................................................................4 C. Research Question............................................................................4 D. Purpose of the Study........................................................................5 E. Benefit of the Study.........................................................................5 F. Definition of Keyword.....................................................................5 G. Outline of the Research....................................................................7

  CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A. Speaking...........................................................................................9 1. Definition of Speaking...............................................................9 2. Types of Speaking Performance..............................................10 3. Characteristic of Speaking Skill...............................................12 4. The Importance of speaking skill.............................................14 5. The Elemens of speaking.........................................................15 6. Speaking Assessment...............................................................16 B. Video Recording.......................................................................................17 1. Definition of video...................................................................17

  2. The Advantages of using Video in the teaching and Learning


  3. Disadvantages using Video...............................................................21 C. Speech............................................................................................21 1.

  Definition of Speech................................................................22 2. Purpose of Speech...................................................................23 3. Types of speech........................................................................23 4. Speech Method.........................................................................25

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Methodology...................................................................27 1. Method of the Study...............................................................27 2. Setting Research.....................................................................29 3. Subject and Object of Research............................................30 4. Profile of Fourth Semester of STAIN Salatiga......................30 5. Data Collection.......................................................................31 6. Validity of Data....................................................................35 7. Technique of Data Analysis...................................................35 8. Research Procedure................................................................44 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Research Findings...........................................................................45 1. The Observation class...............................................................45 2. The Documentation of students speech test ............................47 3. The students interview..............................................................52 B. Discussion......................................................................................56 1. The use speech through video recording to represent the

  students‟ speaking skill............................................................56 2. The dominant aspect of speaking skill in the students‟ speech assessment through video recording........................................57

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion................................................................................58 B. Suggestion................................................................................60 REFERENCES APPENDIX


Lists of Tables

Table 3.1 The List Students of Class E..................................................................35Table 3.2 The Rubrics Speaking Assess................................................................43Table 3.3 The Qualification of Each Students.......................................................46

  Table 3.4 The Qulification of All Students‟ Mean Score......................................47

Table 4.1 The Score of Students Speech‟ Assessment.........................................55Table 4.2 Score and Qualification of Each Student in

  The Interpreting Class.............................................................................57 Table 4.3The Percentage of Students Having Same Score....................................59


Lists of Figure

Figure 3.1 The Model of Qualitative Research......................................................41Figure 4.1 The Score of All Students‟ Speech Assessment...................................56Figure 4.2 The Percentage of Students Having The Same Score..........................60

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study English becomes an important language in the world because English is the

  window of the world. Many references are written in English. English has been in many countries as a mean of communication. Holmes (1992: 51) state that ”

  A world language or international language is English language. It was used by people such as in economic, political and also education”. By mastering English, we can get much information. Likewise, in Indonesia, English is taught to students from elementary level to university level. It is expected that young generation can get knowledge as many as possible to develop Indonesia. Therefore, they are ready to face any competitions in the world.

  Many graduate students from an English Department faculty have more opportunities to get job in Indonesia. This is because many schools or offices need any employees who speak or write English.

  English is one of the subjects that is included in the national exam in Indonesia. Therefore, English teachers are expected to help students improve their English skills. There are four English language skills to learn, They are : speaking, listening, reading and writing. In this study, I will look only at the students‟ speaking skill mastery.

  Speaking is one of the basic skills in English that students need to people in communication. Therefore, speaking is very important for students and they have to learn it for a successful communication. Speaking is considered difficult for students to learn. Hetrakul (1995) says that since English is a foreign language in his country, most of the students especially of senior high school do not familiar with English. They only learn English frequently in the class and less frequently outside the class. However, students only have limited time to learn English in the class. They still do not have enough encouragement to practice English outside the class in order to get familiar with English.

  To speak a foreign language in front of many people, we need to be confident. However, students have low confidence when they are asked by the lecture to speak English. For example, in the class discussion, only one or two students are active to give their opinion about the problems. To make the students active in the class is very difficult. Many students only listen to their lecturers or friends and they are passive. There are many ways that the lecturer do to make them active, for example: make a conversation in the class by giving few time for each student to speak everything in the class about their experiences in their life. Then their lecturer asksthem to make conversation or speech about the theme given by lecture.

  In fact, with the assignment about it, the students will try to speak. If the students practice it frequently whether or not as assignment, they will

  In this study the researcher is interested to look at the use of video recording to produce speech represented the students‟ speaking skill in the Interpreting subject.

  Video recording help students to improve their speaking skill by listen, watching and imitating what they see and listen from the recording when students want to do an assignment, they can take some examples from the video recording, especially for producing speech. The students can play the video recording as many as they see, so they understand the speech in the video recording well. After they watched a video recording, they can also produce a speech from video recording to practice their speaking skill. By recording what they practice, students can see that they have made several mistakes. This is because they can play the video as they like. They then can reproduce a speech in the video to correct their mistake, to get a better speaking.

  Speech is express the main in the base of words that shown to many people to discourse that prepare to say in front of many people (Sugiyono,1990: 681). Generally, speech is shown from the people or the group of people to ask celebrate, to accept visitor, to celebrate festal day,etc (Karomami, 2011: 12).

  Based of statements above, the writer will find the factors that influence of students speaking skill in the interpreting lesson. The researcher chooses the students in the fourth semester of English Department because the study of of students speaking skill. Therefore, The researcher en titles this study is “The

  Use of Speech Through Video Recording to Represent The Students ’ Speaking Skills Of Fourth Semester In English Department Of

  IAINSalatiga In The Academic Year Of 2014/2015 “.

  B. Limitation of the Study

  This study is concerned with the use of video in the speech activity for the students of fourth semester in English department of IAINSalatiga in the academic years of 2014/2015 that join in the interpreting subject. Using limitation in this study, the researcher wants to give description about the use of video in the speaking activity, like the use of speech. Speech is one of activity that can be used in the speaking teaching. It can help students improve their speaking skill because they have to be active given explain their theme that they want be explained for audience. With this study, the researcher hopes it can help improve the students speaking skill especially for students of fourth semester of IAIN Salatiga that join in the interpreting subject.

  C. Research Question

  Based on the background of study above, I will answer the following question: 1.

  How does speech through video recording represent the students speaking skill in the interpreting subject?

D. Purpose of the Study

  The purposes of this study are: 1.

  To know whether the use of speech through video recording can represent the students speaking skill.

2. To find the dominant aspect of speaking skill found in the speech through video recording.

E. Benefit of the Study

  This study is expected to provide some benefit theoretically and practically: 1.

  Theoretically  The results it‟s of this study can be used to contribute to a reference on a language teaching.

2. Practically a.

  The results of this study can be used to know the student‟s speaking skill in Interpreting lesson.


  The results of this study will help the lecturer to know their success in the apply their technique.

F. Definition of Keyword

  There are some key term in this paper, the writer will give the meaning of this

  1. Speaking

  Speaking skill is a basic skill in the English language. It is the skill in English that must be mastered by students because they can use English to communicate with a native speaker. According to Richards and Renandya (2002 : 210), speaking is one of the elements of communication.

  2. Video Recording

  Richards and Renandya (2002: 364) state that a video is an extremely dense medium, one which incorporates a wide variety of visual elements and a great range of audio experiences in addition to spoken language. The teacher is there to choose appropriate sequences, prepare the students for the viewing experience, focus to students‟ attention on the content, play and replay the video as needed, design or select viewing tasks, and follow up with suitable postviewing activities.

  Video recording is as interesting as media to explain the material of interpretationfor students. In the teaching and learning of foreign language, video is very needed by teacher. It can be the media that help students to do their assessment that related with the improvement of their speaking skill.

  3. Speech

  Speech is express the main in the base of words that shown to many group of people to ask celebrate, to accept visitor, to celebrate festal day,etc (Karomami, 2011: 12).

  . Speech needs the ideas that are appropriate to the problem that rising in the world. It is not only to improve the speaking skill, but it increases the vocabulary of students because before having speech in front of other people, they must prepare the text or material. So they will remember the anything they want like deliver. It is very effective for students in the English department because they will get more time to prepare their material and memorize it. In speech, the people need selfconfidence because they must face many people.

G. Outline of the Research

  The researcher organizes the final paper in the five chapters. In order to the final paper can be arranged clearly. The first chapter is introduction. It introduces the background of research, research question; purpose the study, the benefit of the study, definition keyword and the last is outline of the study.

  The second chapter contain with the review of the related literature. In this chapter the researcher discuss the definition of speaking, video recording and definition of speech. Thirdly, in this chapter is research methodology. In this chapter discuss about the setting of research, research methodology and the data presentation. researcher discusses the research closure and the suggestion. Finally, the researcher gives references and appendices too.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher will explain about the theoretical foundation

  which includes the definition of speaking, definition of video recording and definition of speech.

A. Speaking 1. Definition of Speaking

  There are many definitions about speaking that have been proposed by some experts in language learning.

  Brown (2001: 267) says that when someone can speak a language it means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably competently. In addition, he states that the benchmark of successful acquisition of language is almost always the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic goals through an interactive discourse with other language speakers.

  Richards and Renandya (2002: 204) state that effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions that involves not only verbal communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation.

  Moreover, nonlinguistic elements such as gestures, body language, and expressions are needed in conveying messages directly without any

  Brown (2007: 237) states that social contact in interactive language functions is a key importance and in which it is not what you say that counts but how you say it what you convey with body language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance and other nonverbal messages.

  Based on the definition speaking above, speaking is one of skill in the English language that do interaction with other people with conversation, speech and other by body language, gesture, eye contact and another style to convey the message.

2. Types of Speaking Performances

  Brown (2004: 271) describes six categories of speaking skill there are : a.

  Imitative This category includes the ability to practice an intonation and focusing on some particular elements of language form. That is just imitating a word, phrase or sentence. The important thing here is focusing on pronunciation. The lecture uses drilling in the teaching learning process. By using drilling, students can get opportunity to listen and to orally repeat some words.


  Intensive This is the students‟ speaking performance that practices somephonological and grammatical aspects of language. The students includes reading paragraph, reading dialogue with partner, reading information from chart, etc.


  Responsive Responsive performance includes interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversation, standard greeting and small talk, simple request and comments. This is a kind of short replies to teacher or student-initiated questions or comments, giving instructions and directions. Those replies are usually sufficient and meaningful.


  Transactional (dialogue) It is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information. For example here is conversation which is done in pair work.


  Interpersonal (dialogue) It is carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the transmission of facts and information. The forms of interpersonal speaking performance are interview, role play, discussions, conversations, games and speech.


  Extensive (monologue) Teacher gives students extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, and storytelling and short speeches. Based on the the pronunciation, vocabularies, and language functions that they are going to use. When the students have been ready and prepared for the activity, they can use the language appropriately.

3. Characteristicsof Speaking Skill

  Speaking skill is seen as somewhat difficult for some language learners. Here, a speaker should at least pronounce the words well, choose the suit dictions, and try to do grammatically correct though, perhaps in any cases, it is common when a speaker speaks without having good attention at accuracy or fluency. Brown (2010: 270-271)says that there are eight characteristics of spoken language can make oral performance easy as well as, in some cases, there are : a.

  Clustering Because of fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word, so the learners should be able to organize their output both cognitively and physically through such clustering.


  Redundancy It means that the speaker has an opportunity to make meaning clearer through redundancy of language. Learners can capitalize on this feature of spoken language.


  Reduced colloquial contractions sometimes can develop a stilted, bookish quality of speaking that in turn stigmatize them.


  Performance variable As the process of thinking as we s peak, it„s possible allow us to manifest a certain number of performance hesitations, pauses, backtracking, and corrections. Some performance variable that can be taught to the learners are; how to pause and hesitation, for example, in English our thinking time is not silent; we insert certain fillers such us uh, um, well, you know, I mean, like, etc. One of the most silent differences between native and non native speakers of a language is their hesitation phenomena.


  Colloquial language To make the students able to speak well, the teachers should introduce them with the words, idioms, and phrases f.

  Rate of delivery It is another important characteristic of fluency. One of our tasks in teaching spoken English is to help learners achieve an acceptable speed along with other contributes of fluency.


  Stress, rhythm, and intonation This is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation.

  The stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns speaking skill of its richest component: the creativity of conversational negotiation (Brown, 2010: 270-271).


  Interaction Speaking is about interaction. It is about how you interact and what kind of language that you use that will make the communication goes smoothly.

  Based on the explanation above, the analysis showed how easily speaking skill can be accommodated within this particular view of language. When a lecturers asks students to use the spoken language in the classroom, they needs them to take part in a process where not only involves a knowledge of the target language, but also a general knowledge of interaction between the speaker and audiences in order that meanings and negotiate meanings are made clear. The example, the audiences may respond or give feedback as to whether the audiences have understood or did not understand with the speaker says.

4. The Importance of Speaking Human being as social creature always communicates to one another.

  It can be occurred with the process of interchange of the thought or ideas which include interactions. For examples telling information or some news, asking other helps for their needs, or etc. All of them can be done trough

  Ramelan (1992:13) says that all human being whenever they live always speak a language, although they do not have any writing system to record their language.

  From the statement above it can be concluded that speaking is very important in mastering foreign language. Thus speaking capability can be measured whether a foreign language learner in successful in learning or not. But in mastering speaking skill can be seen not only from the performance of learners in spoken, but also we have to see from their competence in using the language.

5. The Elements of Speaking

  Speaking is a skill in the English teaching that deliver word and sound to express ideas, opinions or feeling. In the speaking there are some elements that must be considered by speaker (Chaudy,1997:22).

  a. Pronunciation According to Hewing (2004:9), “pronunciation is a feature of speech”. In the pronunciation includes with many components of speech which are combined together to form the pronunciation of language, such as sound, syllables, word and intonation. This particular range from the individual sound that make up speech, to the way in witch pitch, the rise and fall of the voice or sound.

  Grammar is a system of rules governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of word in a sentence (Brown, 2001:36). In the speaking English language well in the formal situation, many people that mastered of grammar when they speak.

  c. Vocabulary Vocabulary can be the build of word that is used by people to communication with other people. To speaking English fluently, the students must master many vocabularies.

  d. Fluency Hornby

  (1974:330) defines fluency as the quality of being able to speak smoothly and easily. It means that someone can speak without any hesitation. Someone can speak fluently even though he makes errors in pronunciation and grammar.

  e. Comprehension

  The last speaking element is comprehension. Comprehension can

  make the people getting the information that they want. It is defined as the ability to understand something by a reasonable comprehension of the subject or as the knowledge of what situation really like.

6. Speaking Assessment

  An assessment is the process of gathering data. More specifically, assessment is the ways instructors gather data about their teaching and their range of activities using different forms of assessment such as: pre-tests, observations, and examinations.

  Speaking task is an activity that involves speaker in using language for the purpose of achieving a particular goal or objective in particular speaking situation (Bachman& Palmer cited in Luoma, 2012:31).

  Based on the definition above, speaking assessment is the activity that is done to process the gathering data to achieve the goal of speaking.

  There are some types to assess the speaking skill. But, in this research, the researcher uses rubrics to assess the students‟ speech assessment as standard criteria.

  Rubrics, often developed around a set of standards or expectations, can be used for summative assessment. Rubrics can be given to students before they begin working on a particular project so they know what is expected of them (precisely what they have to do) for each of the criteria.

B. Video Recording 1. Definition of Video

  Video is considered to be one of media that can be profited in the English teaching and learning process. It has been proven to be an effective tool in the teaching English as a foreign/ second language (EFL/ESL) for young and adult learners (Rammal, 2006:142). Richards and Renandya experiences in addition to spoken language. The lecturer is there to choose appropriate sequences, to prepare the students for the viewing experiences, focus to students‟ attention on the content of material, play and replay the video that needed of them.

  When the lecturer decides to use the video recording as supplementary materials or assignments, they must believe that it is closely related with the goals of the study. One of way to do it, the teacher use video to introduce or to expand on a theme or topic based of the materials that teacher explains.

  According to Solomon (2004: 349), video segments can illustrate an event or a procedure so that students feel as though they are actually there. With the help of some special equipment, videos can easily be inserted into multimedia presentations. Smaldino(2007: 12) states video versions of the moving image are recorded on tape or disc, in the forms that vary in size, shape, speed, recording method, and playback mechanism.

  They also add any electronic media format that emp loys “motion pictures” to present a message can be referred as video.

  According to Harmer (2001: 284), a video is not only a great aid to see language-in-use such as comprehension since students are able to see general meanings and moods that are conveyed through expression, gestures, and other visual clues, but also uniquely bridge the cross cultural that for all of the reasons mentioned, most students show an increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it.

2. The Advantages Of Using Video In The Teaching And Learning Process a.

  The Use of Video as aMedium in The Teaching and Learning Process.

  Harmer (1998: 282) states there are many advantages when using videos in the teaching and learning process: 1)

  Seeing language-in-use, students do not just hear language but they can also see it. They can know the general meaning and moods that are conveyed through expressions, gesture, and other visual clues. 2)

  Cross-cultural awareness, which is allowing students a look at situations for beyond their classroom. Videos also give students a chance to see such things as what kinds of food people eat in other countries and what they wear.

  3) The power of creation, when students use video cameras themselves they are given the potential to create something memorable and enjoyable. Motivation, most students show an increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as hear it, and when this is coupled with communicative tasks.

  Based of the three advantages above, advantage c) is the advantage of using video recording in the speaking assessment with

  Similar with the advantagesaid by Harmer, Paul (2000: 163) said that, the effective using of video requires knowledge and planning. Video can make easy of the lecture to explain the material. Instead of being fun and useful, they can create the situation in class do not make students boring. However, only a little of all the materials available will be suitable for the students and the teaching purposes. The lecture have to select materials with clear objectives, the students‟ level and interest in mind, and get to know it well before using it. There should be a clear purpose for every video that lecture show, for example, style of communicative interactions in English, working at language forms, developing listening comprehension, speaking or discussion.

  From the explanations above, it is clear that videos have many advantages. Videos can support the teaching learning process and also give advantage for the students to assess themselves to see if they to improve their speaking skill or not. The students can learn language not only by listening how native speakers pronounce some words but also by observing their expression. They can also learn about culture from other countries what other people in other countries wear, eat, and anything.


  The Use of Video as a Form of Assessment Video technology can also be used to document students‟ a clear, meaningful purpose and a concrete finished product (Biegel, 1998). Furthermore, students can observe their own current English oral proficiency (Shinohara, 1997), and thus discover areas they need to improve.

3. Disadvantages of Using Video

  Beside the advantage of using video discussed above, the use of video also has some disadvantages. They are: a.

  Sometimes whatpeople in the video said cannot be understood by students clearly, to make this method can be used clearly; the teacher must sure that the students see and hear it.


  The used the video recording to be the speaking assessment, sometime there are some students that not honest when they made the assessment.

  For example, when their lecturer asks them to make speech and memorize it in the video recording, they will make manner to read the script. So, some time the use of video recording in the do the assessment is not effective.

C. Speech

  As the researcher has discussed in the section 2, there are several types of speaking performance. One type of speaking performance that the researcher

1. Definition of Speech

  Speech is express the main in the base of words that shown to many people to discourse that prepare to say in front of many people (Sugono,1990: 681). Generally, speech is shown from the people or the group of people to ask celebrate, to accept visitor, to celebrate festal day,etc (Karomami, 2011: 12).

  Similar with Sugono, Juanda (2007:95) says that speech is a oral presentation for audience. A speech directly does in above of podium or speaker‟s platform and the contents of speech are directed for audience

  And according to Rahmat (2009:78), speech is face to face of communication , which two way, and the speaker must attention of interlocutor, although the speaker is more dominate of conversation he must listen the message that want his convey for audience.

  Based on the definitions of speech above, the researcher can give reason that speech is a oral communication that convey in the podium, stage or other place that has purpose to give information for audience. To giving speech in front of audience, the speaker must has wide knowledge or insight that can divide for the audience.

  2. Purpose of Speech

  According Sugono (1990: 682) there are some purposes of speech based of presentation, there are: a.

  To convey the information (Informative) is the speech that means to give report or knowledge or interesting thing for audience.


  Convince and give influence of audience attitude (Persuasive) is kind of speech that contain with effort to encourage, convince and ask the audience to do something.


  Humored of audience is a speech that means to give humored or make audience happy. For example the speech those do to give humor for the people that get disaster.

  3. Type of Speech

  According Labov (1972 cited in Gareis, 2006:35) there are some type of speech, there are: a.

  Narrative Speeches Narrative speeches are a speech telling story. While stories can be told in many different ways, they usually consist of five parts. There are:

  1) Opener: a short statement announcing the story. 2) Orientation: introduction of time, place and character. 3) Complicating events: the events of the story.

  In narrative speech, the story is told for its own sake. Short narrative can also be told as part of another speech, however, in form of anecdotes or jokes that serve as attention points. Stories catch the interest of most of audiences and should be incorporated freely into speeches.


  Demonstration speeches Demonstration speech shows how to something work or how something is done. Audiovisual aids are therefore essential. Sometimes, demonstrations show something that takes places on the floor.


  Informative speeches Speeches to inform are intended to share new ideas and build perceptions. The speaker identifies a topic of importance to the audience, and then does research to find out recent and new information that will affect the audience. A second goal of the information speech is to give audience members a new understanding or new appreciation of some topic with which they might be familiar but unaware of recent developments. Informative speeches do not take sides or urge direct action. The purpose is to provide an even-handed or objective view of a topic without drawing conclusions or taking sides or proposing solutions. d.

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