S MTK 1005202 Bibliography


Barttle, R. G., & Sherbert, D. R. (2000). Introduction to Real Analysis (3rd ed.).
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Gupta, V. P., & Jain, P. K. (1986). Lebesgue Measure and Integration. New
Delhi: John Wiley & Sons.
Krasnosel'skii, M. A., & Rutickii, Y. B. (1961). Convex Function and Orlicz
Spaces. Netherlands: P.Noordhoff.
Kreyszig. (1978). Introductory Functional Analysis With Application. Canada:
John Wiley & Sons.
Kufner, A., John, O., & Fucik, S. (1977). Function Spaces. Czechoslovakia:
Noordhoff International Publishing.
Leonard, C. (2007). Orlicz Spaces. 1-10.
Masta, A. (2011). Karakteristik Integral McShane di Ruang Euclid ℝn. Skripsi,
UPI Bandung.
Masta, A. (2013). Ruang Orlicz Sebagai Ruang Konveks Seragam. Tesis.ITB
Rao, M. M., & Ren, Z. D. (1991). Theory of Orlicz Spaces. New York: Marcell
Dekker Inc.
Royden, H. L., & Fitzpatrick, P. M. (2009). Real Analysis (4th ed.). London:
China Machine Press.

Rukmana, I. (2013). Karakteristik Operator Pengali Sebagai Pembangun Norm
pada Ruang Orlicz.Skripsi. UPI Bandung.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. (2013). Pedoman Penulisan Karya Tulis
Ilmiah. Bandung: UPI Press.
Wayne. (1973). Convex Function. New York: Akademic Press.

Mila Apriliani Utari, 2014
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