Abdullah Husein, NPM 210303090026 Mahasiswa Jurusan Periklanan
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran angkatan 2009. “Proses
Promosi Film Mama Cake Oleh ON Radio Bandung”. Dibawah bimbingan
Iriana Bakti, Drs., M. Si.
Laporan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana
perencanaan kegiatan promosi, pemilihan media, hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan
promosi, serta hambatan – hambatan dalam proses promosi itu berlangsung.
Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan
teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara langsung dengan pihak
yang bersangkutan, dan studi kepustakaan.
Kesimpulan dari pengamatan menunjukan bahwa Proses promosi film
Mama Cake Oleh On Radio Bandung telah terhitung berhasil, karena tujuan dari
kegiatan promosi Film Mama Cake adalah untuk meningkatkan minat dan
memperkenalkan produk terbaru pada target audient. Pemanfaatan media online
sebagai sarana promosi cukup berhasil, hal itu dibuktikan dengan banyaknya
postingan dari audiens melalului sosial media twitter. Acara yang dilaksanakan
mendapatkan respon yang baik dari pelajar dan mahasiswa yang menjadi target
utama dari event ini, hambatan yang ditemukan tidak terlalu sulit untuk
diselesaikan. Saran disusun berdasarkan hasil Praktek Kerja Lapangan di

Promotion Division of ON Radio Bandung, yaitu bahwa sebaiknya dilakukan
penerimaan sumber daya manusia baru di bidang promotion guna membantu
promotion division dalam menangani proses kerja dilapangan, serta memberikan
inovasi dan ide – ide baru di bagian promosi ON Radio Bandung.



Abdullah Husein, NPM 210303090026, Student of Programs
Advertising Communication Faculty at Padjadjaran University 2009.
“TheProcess of Promotion Film Mama Cake by On Radio Bandung”. Under
the guidance of Iriana Bakti, Drs. M.Si.
This final report aims to find out how planning promotional activities,
media selection, the results of the implementation of promotional activities, as
well as obstacles in the process of promotion is underway.
A method of an approach that is done is a method of descriptive, with the
technique of collecting data in the form of observation, live interview with parties
concerned, and study of librarianship.
The conclusion of the observation shows that the process of promotion

film mama cake by On Radio Bandung has been succeed because the purpose of
promotional activities film mama cake is to increase interest and introduce the
newest product on a target audience
The utilization of online media as a promotion was quite successful, it was
evidenced by the number of postings from audience of the social media; twitter.
The event which held have get good responses from students who became the
main target of this event, the obstacles that are found are not too difficult to be
resolved. Advice have been arranged based on the practice field working on
Promotion Division of On Radio Bandung, that should done acceptance of new
human resources in the field of promotion to help promotion division in handling
work process field and give innovation and ideas new at the promotion On Radio
