Adityana Wijaya Putra, NPM 210103090012, Diploma III Pendidikan
Ahli Komunikasi Terapan (PAKT), Subprogram Studi Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
– Penyiaran, 2012. Judul “Kegiatan Promosi Melalui Acara Offair Bandung
Acoustic Festival and Dance Competition di Bandung Radio 95.2 FM”.
Pembimbing Dr. H. Edwin Rizal, M.Si.
Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai tujuan
acara, proses persiapan acara, proses pelaksanaan acara, hambatan dan solusi
pelaksanaan acara, pasca acara, dan evaluasi kegiatan promosi melalui acara off
air Bandung Acoustic Festival and Dance Competition di Bandung Radio 95,2
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan teknik
pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan studi kepustakaan sebagai referensi
Hasil penelitian yaitu sama halnya dalam siaran onair di radio, pada
kegiatan promosi melalui acara offair Bandung Acoustic Festival and Dance
Competition di Bandung Radio 95,2 FM, isi acara juga harus menarik hati
penonton berawal dari master of ceremony (MC), bintang tamu, peserta kompetisi
mampu membujuk / mempengaruhi penonton menikmati acara tersebut.
Hasil studi yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa divisi offair adalah divisi
yang menangani kegiatan promosi acara onair yang dilaksanakan di luar studio.

Hal ini terbukti, dengan adanya acara offair, maka semakin meningkatnya jumlah
pendengar Bandung Radio 95,2 FM.
Saran yang diberikan kepada pihak Bandung Radio 95,2 FM dari segi
kreativitas difisi offair adalah sebaiknya membuat acara-acara offair secara rutin
sehingga kegiatan promosi mengambil hati masyarakat sekitar kota Bandung
mendengarkan program-program onair mampu menarik pengiklan di radio.



Adityana Wijaya Putra, NPM 210103090012, Diploma III Applied
Communication, Program (PAKT), Subprogram Studies Faculty of
Communication - Broadcasting, 2012. The title "Through Promotional Activities
Events Offair Bandung Acoustic Festival and Dance Competition at the Bandung
Radio 95.2 FM". Adviser Dr. H. Edwin Rizal, M.Si.
The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the purpose of the
event, the event preparation, event execution process, barriers and solutions
implementation of the event, post-event, and evaluation of promotional activities

through the show off air Bandung Acoustic Festival and Dance Competition at the
Bandung Radio 95.2 FM.
The method used is descriptive method, the technique of collecting data
through observation and study of literature as a reference. The results are the
same as the nnair broadcast on the radio, on promotional activity through event
offair Bandung Acoustic Festival and Dance Competition at the Bandung Radio
95.2 FM, the content of the event should also be attractive to spectators came
from the master of ceremonies (MC), guest stars, competition participants were
able to persuade / influence the audience enjoyed the show.
The results obtained showed that the division is the division that handles
offair promotional Onair event held outside the studio. This is evident, with the
event offair, the increasing number of listeners Bandung Radio 95.2 FM. The
advice given to the Bandung Radio 95.2 FM in terms of creativity difisi offair is
preferably made offair events that regularly take care of promotional activities
surrounding the city of Bandung listen Onair programs to attract advertisers in
