ACTIVITIES IN SPEAKING CLASSES (A Descriptive Study in English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto in Academic Year 2015/2016) - repository perpustakaan

  (A Descriptive Study in English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto in Academic Year 2015/2016)



  Submitted to the English Education Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S. Pd Degree













  (A Descriptive Study in English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto in Academic Year 2015/2016)

  2. : Teacher Traning and Education Faculty 3.

  Writer’s Identity

  a. : Esi Saputri Name

  b. : Female Sex

  c. : 1201050133 Student Number

  d. : English Education Department

  e. : Jalan Seroja RT 04 RW 07 Lebakgowah, Tegal, Addres

  Central Java

  f. : E-mail

  4. : Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum Thesis Supervisor




  This thesis is heartedly dedicated to: 1.

  My beloved mother Waitah and father Sukarto who always support me and pray for me in finishing this thesis. Because of your prayer, I can finish my study well. You are my spirit and inspiration in my life. Thanks for being such great parents for me. I am so proud to be your daughter. I will always love you.

  2. My lovely sister Siti Erni Asih and my lovely brother in law Mujianto for their love, support and prayers.

  3. My lovely grandmother Sawil for her love, support and prayers.

  4. The lecturers of English Education Department in The University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto who had given me much knowledge.

  5. My beloved friend, Wulan Sari who always give me spirit, motivation, and prayers.

  6. My lovely friends in Ketapang boarding house Ria, Shanti, Uus, Dian, Lina, Fibi, Sasya, Putri, Amal, Wening, and Rindi for the laughter, inspiration, spirit and the hope for being graduated together so that I was encouraged to do my research on time.

  7. My big family of PBI E, Novita, Vita, Uji, Anggi, Jevicka, Finka, Riri, Ririn, Endri, Cahyani, Anis, Ninda, Kuntum, Wulan, Ica, Dian, Ali, Irfan, Helmi, Sangidin, Nia, Farah and Muthia for the support and togethernes.



Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour.


Twenty years from now you will be more dissappointed by the things that

  you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail

away from the save harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.


Dream. Discover.

  “For each one are successive (angels) before and behind him who protect him


by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of

people until they change what is in themselves. Moreover, when Allah

intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them

besides him any pa

  tron.” (Ar- Rad: 7).



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the Lord of universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as partial fulfillment of requirement for S. Pd degree of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in The University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. The writer realized that there were some people who had helped and contributed the ideas and time for completing this final project. The writer would like to express the gratitude appreciation to: 1.

  Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of The University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto and as Supervisor who always spared his time and guided the writer. His thoughtful guidance and warming encouragement supported the writer much to complete this graduating paper.

  2. Rina Agustina, M.AppLing TESOL as the head of English Department who had given permission to conduct this research.

  3. Lutfi Istikharoh, M. Pd and Bambang Suroso M. Hum as the writer’s favorite lecturers who gave suggestion for the writer when facing embarrassment in doing thesis.

  4. All of the lecturers in English Department. Thanks for all the guidance, knowledge and support.

  5. All of my friends in PBI 2012, especially class PBI E.

  Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide knowledge and information for the readers especially in educational field. The writer appreciates any opinions and suggestions for the improvement of this thesis.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Purwokerto, 17 Juni 2016 The writer



  TITLE .......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................ ii LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ........................................................................ iii PERNYATAAN .......................................................................................... iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................ v MOTTO ...................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ viii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. xi ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ xii

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ....................................................

  1 B. Reason for Choosing Topic ......................................................

  4 C. Problems of the Research .........................................................

  5 D. Aim of the Research .................................................................

  5 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Nature of Speaking...................................................................

  6 B. Problems in Speaking Classes ..................................................

  7 C. Characteristics of Successful Speaking Activity ......................

  8 D. The Roles of Teacher and Students in Speaking Classroom ...

  9 E. Activities in Speaking Classes..................................................

  9 F. Previous Research Finding........................................................

  17 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD A. Method of the Research ...........................................................

  19 B. Place and Time of the Research ...............................................


  C. Subject of the Research ............................................................

  20 D. Technique of Collecting Data ..................................................

  21 E. Technique of Analyzing Data ...................................................

  23 CHAPTER IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Result ......................................................................................

  26 1. Observation Result ...............................................................

  26 2. Interview Result ...................................................................

  39 B. Discussion ................................................................................

  44 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ...............................................................................

  50 B. Suggestion ................................................................................




Table 3.1 (Data Analysis) ...........................................................................




Table 3.1 (Technique of Collecting Data)...................................................

  21 Table 3.2 (Indicators of Observation) .........................................................

  22 Table 4.1 (The Result of Classroom Observations of Speaking Activities that Lecturers Used).........................................................................

  27 Table 4.2 (Ativities Used by the Lecturers in Speaking Classes)................


  Appendix 1 Coding for interview result Appendix 2 Observation Result Appendix 3 Interview Transcription

  ABSTRACT ACTIVITIES IN SPEAKING CLASSES (A Descriptive Study in English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto in Academic Year 2015/2016) Esi Saputri 1201050133

  This research was aimed to find out activities which were mostly used by the lecturers in speaking classes as well as their reasons in using such activities in speaking classes. This research was carried out in three speaking classes of English Education Department. Those speaking classes were speaking 2A, speaking 4A and speaking 4C. Three lecturers who handled those speaking classes were chosen as the subject of this research. The teaching learning process conducted by three lecturers in speaking classes was observed to describe the activities that they used in teaching speaking. This observation was done nine times in which each class was observed three times. Then, the interview toward those three lecturers was done after finishing three times observation in each class. This was aimed to confirm the result of observation and to know their reasons in using those activities in speaking classes. The result of data analysis revealed that: first, discussion was the activity mostly used by the lecturers in speaking classes since it helped the students comprehend deeply the material. Moreover, it also encouraged them to practice more in speaking and have interaction with their friends. Second, brainstorming and speech were the activities used by some lecturers. Two of three lecturers always used those activities in their speaking classes since they wanted to motivate her students to be ready and feel comfortable to learn. In addition, they wanted to make their students confident to speak in front of people by always asking them to perform a speech. Third, reporting, interview, and information gap were the activities used by only one lecture since she did not want to make the students feel bored by only using the same activity in each meeting.

  Keywords: Activities, speaking classes.

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