THE ANALYSIS OF DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL (A Study of English Alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 2012 2013) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulf





(A Study of English Alumni of Education Department

Teacher Training and Education Faculty

in the Academic Year of 2012 / 2013)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga














  “In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful” In the name of Allah,

  Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the writer himself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by other people; and it does not cite any other people’s ideas except the information from the references.

  The writer is capable to account his graduating paper if in the future it can be proved of containing others’ idea or in fact that the writer imitates the others’ graduating paper. Likewise, this declaration is written by the writer, and he hopes that this declaration can be understood.


  Salatiga, 1 March 2017 The writer,

  Ahmad Chudhori NIM. 113-12-017 st

  Salatiga, 1 March 2017

  Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum

  The lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


  Case: Ah

  mad Chudhori’s Graduating Paper

  Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting Ahmad Chudhori’s graduating paper entitled



(A Study of English Alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and

Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 2012 / 2013)

  ”, I have decided and

would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by Teacher Training and

Education Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


  Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum

  NIP. 19750917 200801 1 010




هللاب لاإ ةوق لاو لوح لا

  “There is no power and no strength except with Allah” Narrated by Imam Ahmad in his musnad (V/159)


  This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1.

  My God, Allah SWT who always beside me, listens to me, takes care of me and gives me the best thing ever.

  2. My beloved parents, my mother (Rubini) and my father (Isroil) who always pray, guide, motivate me to become a better person.

  3. Special thanks to my candidate wife who always stands beside me and takes the big part in supporting until finishing this study.


4. My big brother of Unbreakable (Surya agung Wijaya, Faisal Abi Yusuf,

  Ahmad Zamroni and Anas Sofyan), thanks for your help, motivation, and support.

  5. Everybody who has helped me in finishing this research. Thanks for all supports, advices, and other helps that you all give.



  Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim, In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidances, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution, and the researcher somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

  (IAIN) Salatiga 2. Suwardi, M. Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty 3.

  Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Education Department

  4. Faizal Risdianto, M. Hum as a counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this thesis from beginning until the end 5.

  English Education Department. Thanks for your

  All of the lecturers in


  6. All of the staffs who have helped the researcher in processing of graduating paper administration

7. All of my close friends who I could not mention one by one 8.

  All of my friends from A class of TBI 2013 Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. Moreover, the researcher is pleased to accept more suggestions and contributions from the readers for the improvement of the graduating paper.

  Salatiga, 1


  March 2017 Ahmad Chudhori

  NIM. 113-12-017




  RESEARCH PROPOSAL (A Study of English Alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 2012 / 2013) Counselor: Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum.

  Keywords: Morphology, Affixes, Derivational This study mainly describes the morphology roles in the alumni

  research proposals. The objectives of the study are (1) To know the morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013. (2) To know the most dominant use of morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013. The object of this study was 28 alumni research proposals. The findings of this research are following: There were 7 derivational prefix “In-

  “, “Un-“, “En-“, “Im-“, “mis-“, “inter-“, and “Re-“; and 22 derivational suffi xes “-ive”, “-er”, “-ion”, “-ed”, “-s”, “-ing”, “-ly”, “-al”, “-ence”, “-ty”, “-an”, “-ent”, “-logy”, “-able”, “-ic”, “-ment”, “-es”, “-ship”, “-en”, “- ation”, “-ness”, and “-tion”. There were three types if affixes; prefix, suffix, and infix; but the writer just found prefix and suffix. There were many derivational affixes. Moreover, suffix “-ing” became the most dominant affixes.



  TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ i DECLARATION .......................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR

  ’S NOTES ...................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .......................................................... iv MOTTO

  …………………………………………………………. ................ v DEDICATION………………………………………………………… ....... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………….. vii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………… ix TABLE O F CONTENTS…………………………………………………… x LIST OF TABLES

  …………………………………………………………. xiv

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ................................................. 1 B. Statements of Problem ..................................................... 3 C. Objectives of the Study ................................................... 3 D. Benefits of the Study ....................................................... 4 1. Theoretical Benefit……………………………..... ... 4 2. Practical Benefit…………………………………… 4 E. Scope of The Study ......................................................... 5 F. Definition of the Key Terms ........................................... 5 1. Affixes…………………………………………… ... 5

  2. Research………………………………………….. .. 5 3.

  Research Proposal…………………………………. 5 G. Graduating Paper Outline ................................................ 6

  CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Morpheme ....................................................................... 7 1. Definition of Morpheme…………………………… 7 2. Types of Morpheme……………………………… .. 8 B. Affixes ............................................................................. 8 1. Definition of Affixes……………………………… . 8 2. Types of Affixes…………………………………… 8 C. Inflectional Affixes ………………………………....... .. 10 1. Definition of Inflectional Affixes…………………. . 10 2. Types of Inflectional Affixes………………………. 10 D. Derivational Affixes…………………………………… 12 1. Definition of Derivational Affixes…………………. 12 2. Characteristic of Derivational Affixes……………... 12 E. Previous Study ................................................................. 13 CHAPTER III: METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Location of The Study ..................................................... 16 1. Profile of IAIN Salatiga……………….. .................. 16 2. Profile of TBI 2012……………………….. ............. 17 B. Time Schedule of Study .................................................. 17 C. Research Approach .......................................................... 17


  Research Design……………………………………… .. 18 E. Data Sources………………………………………… .... 19 1.

  Primary ...................................................................... 20 2. Secondary .................................................................. 20 F. Data Collection Method .................................................. 20 G.

  Population and sample ..................................................... 21 1.

  Population .................................................................. 21 2. Sample ....................................................................... 21 H. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................ 22 1.

  Identification ............................................................. 22 2. Classification ............................................................. 22 3. Tabulation .................................................................. 22 4. Description ................................................................ 23 I. Data Analysis ................................................................... 23

  CHAPTER IV: DATA PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION A. Morphological Process on Derivational Affixes Found in Research Proposals Made by English Alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 20012 / 2013 .....................................


  24 B. Most Dominant use of Morphological Process on Derivational Affixes Found in Research Proposals Made by English Alumni

  of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education

  Faculty In The Academic Year Of 2012 / 2013 .............


  61 1. Types of Derivational Affixes .................................. 61 2. Description................................................................ 62

  CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion ....................................................................... 63 1. Morphological Process on Derivational Affixes Found in Research Proposals Made by English Alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 20012 / 2013 ................................

  63 2. Most Dominant use of Morphological Process on Derivational Affixes Found in Research Proposals Made by

  English Alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty In The Academic Year Of 2012 / 2013 ................................................................

  63 B. Suggestion ....................................................................... 64



Table 2.1 Pre fixes………………………………………………………... 9Table 2.2 Suf fixes………………………………………………………... 9Table 2.3 Englisg Infixes...

  ………………………………………………. 10

Table 2.4 Kinds of Inflec tional Affixes………………………………….. 12Table 3.1 Time Schedule of the Research……………………………….. 17Table 4.1 Distribution of

  Alumni’s Research Proposals……………….... 24 Table 4.2

  Process of Words Building………………………………...….. 50

Table 4.3 Grouping Words Into

  Class of Words………………………… 57

Table 4.4 Types of Der ivational Affixes………………………………… 61

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Language is an important communication tool for people. According to Kreidler (2002: 19) says that language is a system of symbol through which

  people communicate. According to Parker (1986: 12) says that people have to communicate in how they use language structured internally. According to Brown (1980: 4) says that language is a system of communication by sound operating the organ or speech or hearing, among members or given community, using vocal symbols processing arbitrary conventional meaning. Moreover, the people are able to know the information using language. In other hand, the people also can convey some ideas of using language. Therefore, the people need to know more about language and its elements. The teacher teaches vocabularies, structures, speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Language can be developed because there are an individual and group interaction in society. The important role of language for people is as a medium to express their selves, feelings, thoughs, needs and requirements as an individual creature or society. Language is also as an integration and social adaptation tools with other people.

  This globalization era pushes developing language quickly, especially language comes from Arabic, Chinese and English. English is one of language which is spoken by most people as a medium of international communication. Considering the importance of English, the government includes it as one of the compulsory subject to be taught to the students. In the curriculum 2013, English is taught at school starting from the junior high school up to senior high school.

  The purpose of teaching foreign language, in this case, is to master the four language skills by which the learner uses of holding communication with the speaking English people. The four skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To gain four skills above, the people should fulfill the language components such as the knowledge of structure, pronounciation, and vocabulary. However, it is not easy. Some students even have some problems in the language components.

  It is important to learn about vocabulary when the people learn a foreign language. The people find the difficulties in understanding the meaning of the language itself. According to Sary (2011: 8) says that the people who are studying a foreign language are just understanding the part of sentences without understand the relation between these part, including vocabulary. Therefore, the people do not get much of information. However, if the people have enough vocabulary, it will make them easier to learn a new language and to understand the meaning of the language itself.

  According Lieber (2009: 2), morphology is the study of word formation, including the ways new words are coined in the languages of the world, and the way forms of words are varied depending on how they are used in sentences. According to Rachmadie (1990: 31) says that affixes that change the part of speech of the roots or bases are derivational affixes. Based on above understanding, the writer conclude that the affixes are the part of morphology. The writer conclude that morphology is the study of how words are structured and affixes can be categorized as the structure of word. Therefore, there is relationship between morphology and affixes in building a new word.

  Considering above statement, the writer makes a study entitled “THE

  ANALYSIS OF DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL (A Study of English Alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 2012 / 2013)

  ” B.

   Statements of the Problem

  Based on the problems above, the problems can be stated as follow: 1. How is the morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher

  Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013? 2. What is the most dominant use of morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education

  Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013?

C. Objectives of the Study

  Based on the statement of the problem, the writer determines the objective of the study is follow:

  1. To know the morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013.

  2. To know the most dominant use of morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013.

D. Benefits of the Study

  The writer hopes that this research gives the useful information for the reader. The significance of the study can be seen as follows:

  1. Theoretical Benefit

  This study helps in learning affixes, especially the derivational affixes that change the class of root or base in the part of speech.

  2. Practical Benefit

  The result of the study is to give precious contribution to lectures, university students and future researchers. For the lectures, this study might become a miningful contribution in teaching vocabulary. For university students, this study hopefully can be used to study both the affixes; derivational and inflectional, the result of this study is expected to be a previous study for those who are interested in doing similar field of study.

  E. Scope of The Study

  The writer has a limited the problem of the study, so the problem which is investigated not too wide and the study are effective to be studied. In this study, the writer analyzed the morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013.

  F. Definition of Key Terms

  Based on the title, some key terms will be explained bellow: 1.


  According Lieber (2009: 181), affixes are just like free morphemes in

  that they have lexical entries that include various types of information. The only difference between the entry for an affix and for a base is that the affix is a bound morpheme, and therefore as part of its structural information requires another category to attach to.

  2. Research

  According to Punch (2000: 10), research is a document which deals basically with what the proposed research is about; what it is trying to find out or achieve; how it will go about doing it is that.

  3. Research proposal

  Based on the explanation from Punch (2000: 1), says that research proposal is a central feature of the research world. According to Onwuegbuzie as quoted by Heath (2010: 148), a research proposal is a formal written plan which communicates ideas about a proposed study in order to obtain approval to conduct the study or to seek funding. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

  This study is divided into five chapters. Each chapter explains different matters in line, which the topic is discussed.

  Chapter I is introduction and consists of the background of the study, statements of problem, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, scope of the study, definition of key terms and graduating paper outline.

  Chapter II is theoretical framework and consists of morpheme, affixes, inflectional affixes, derivational affixes and previous studies. Chapter III presents the method of research. It consists of location of the study, time schedule of study, research approach, research design, data sources, data collection method, technique of data collection and data analysis.

  Chapter IV is data analyses and discussion. It consists of morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013 and most dominant use of morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013.

  Chapter V is closure. It consists the conclusions and suggestions.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Morpheme 1. Definition of Morpheme Before discussing derivational affixes, it is appropriate to explain

  morpheme first. According to Rachmadie (1990: 9) says that it is clear that words do not always constitute the smallest meaningful units in a language.

  These smaller parts are called morphemes.

  According to Katamba (1994: 20), says that morpheme is used to refer to the smallest, indivisible units of semantic content or grammatical function which words are made up of. He also said that a morpheme could not be decomposed into smaller units, which were the meaningful by themselves or mark a grammatical function, like singular or plural number in the noun.

  The concept of morpheme differ form the concept word, as may morphemes cannot stand as words on their own. A morpheme is free if it can stand alone, or bound if it is used exclusively alongside a free morpheme. Such as /-s/, /-ly/, /im- /, /un-/ are called bound morpheme (Katamba, 1994: 41).

  For example: the word “unbreakable” has three morphemes “un- (meaning n ot X) a bound morpheme, “-break-“ a free morpheme and “-able”. “un-“ is also a prefix, “-able” is a suffix. Both are affixes. Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that morpheme is the smallest part of construct words.

2. Types of Morpheme

  According to Lieber (2009: 33), there are two types of morpheme. They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. The morpheme can stand alone as

  words: wipe, head, bracelet, and McDonald, these are called free morphemes. The morphemes that cannot stand alone are called bound morphemes. For example: un-, -ize, and -ation.

B. Affixes

  Affixes includes morpheme. It can be added to other morpheme (root/base) which is constructing a word formation and new meaning, the following are the further explanation.

  1. Definition of Affixes

  According to Rachmadie (1990: 13) says that morpheme as the basic for words are sometimes called roots or base. Thus, morphemes such as happy,

  quick, tidy, print are roots. On the other hand, morpheme such as –ly, -ness, un-, ir- is non roots. They are usually called affixes. Based on the statement

  above, the writer concludes that affixes are morphemes which are not clearly lexical meaning and it is attached in root morpheme.

  2. Types of Affixes

  According to Katamba (1994: 44), an affix is a morpheme, which only occurs when attached to some other morpheme or morphemes such as a root

  • –s or –ed or –al or even a number of affixes strung together like al-s.
  • – prefixes, suffixes, and infixes
  • – and it is explained below: a.

  In-decent In-accurate In-sincere b.

  Chair-s Leg-s

  Wait-er Play-er

  Kind-ly Quick-ly

Table 2.2 Suffixes

  According to Katamba (1994: 44), a suffix is an affix attached after a root (or stem or base) like


  Un-kind Un-tidy Un-holy

  Re-write Re-read Re-act

Table 2.1 Prefixes

  According to Katamba (1994: 44), a prefix is an affix attached before a root (or stem or base) like re-, un-, and in-.


  According to Katamba (1994: 44), there are three types of affixes

  or stem or base. Obviously, by definition affixes are bound morphemes. No word may contain only an affix standing on its own. For example:

  • –ly, -er, -ist, -s, -ing, and –ed.

  Work-ed Jump-ed

c. Infixes

  According to Katamba (1994: 44), an infix is an affix inserted into the root or stems itself

Table 2.3 English Infixes

  bumili co mes from root ‘buy’ (Tagalog, Philippines) Kalamzoo (name of place)  Kalama-goddam-zoo Son-in-low C.

   Inflectional Affixes 1. Definition of Inflectional Affixes

  Rachmadie (1990: 31) says that some affixes when attached to the root or base do not change the part of speech of the root and they do not create a new word. They only have certain grammatical function. These affixes are usually called inflection affixes.

2. Types of Inflectional Affixes

  According to Rachmadie (1990: 31), in English, we have inflectional affixes to indicate the following: a.

  Plural form, such as:

  • s book books

  Glass glasses

  • en ox oxen

  Child children b.

  Possession, such as: John’s house Students’ shoes A dog’s tail c. Third singular verb marker, for example: My sister always eats an apple every morning.

  Ann goes to school early. Bill never reads newspapers.


  Tense marker, such as: Andre’s uncle worked hard yesterday. (Past tense) I have studied the lesson. (Past participle) We are walking around the field. (Present progressive)

  According to ______ (2001: 4), inflectional affixes are all suffixes; that have a wide range of application. For example: most English nouns can be made plural, with (PLU). According to ______ (2001: 4), there are eight inflectional affixes are listed in the following table, along with the type of root that each one attaches to, and a representative example.

Table 2.4 Kinds of Inflectional Affixes


  Plural (PLU) Noun Cars Possessive (POSS) Noun Mothers Comparative (COMP) Adjective Older Superlative (SUP) Adjective Highest Present (PRES) Verb Eats Past (PAST) Verb Walked Past participle (PAST PART) Verb Driven Present participle (PRES PART) Verb Listening D.

   Derivational Affixes

  As the people know that a word sometimes is built by joining of affixes and root together, sometimes it can form a new word with the new meaning and it can change the part of speech of root, which is called derivational affixes. The following are the more explanation of derivational affixes.

1. Definition of Derivational Affixes

  According to Rahmadie (1990: 23) says that derivational affixes is the affixes that change the class of root or base. Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that derivational affixes are affixes that change part of speech of root.

2. Characteristic of Derivational Affixes

  Derivational affixes have a special characteristic. The following are the specific characteristic of derivational affixes. According to Rachmadie (1990: 23), derivational affixes have any characteristics, just below: a.

  The words with which derivational suffixes combine are an arbitrary matter. To make a noun from the verb adorn we must add the suffix “- ment” and no other suffix will do, whereas the verb fail combines only with “-ure” to make a noun failure. Yet the employ may use the different suffixes “-ment”, “-er”, “-ee” to make three nouns with different meaning (employment, employer, employee).


  In many case, but not all, derivational suffixes changes the part of speech of the word to which it is added. The noun act becomes an adjective by addition of “–ive”, and to the adjective active we could add “-ate”, making it verb activate.


  Derivational suffixes usually do not close off a word, that is after a derivational suffix you can sometimes add another derivational suffix and next, if required. For example, to the word fertilizer.

E. Previous Studies The writer knows that this study is not the first study in linguistics field.

  There are some people who ever write about linguistics analysis. In this study, the writer takes previous studies from other studies. As comparison from Sa’adah (2015), The Use of Affixation in English Translation of the Holy Qur’an in Surah

  As-Sajda, the writer tried to describe derivational affixes and inflectional affixes contain in the translation of surah as sajda by Abdullah Yousuf Ali. The writer used descriptive qualitative research to find out the derivational affixes, inflectional affixes and the root from the words in the translation of surah As Sajda by Abdullah Yousuf Ali. The writer found that a lot of derivational affixes in surah as sajda by Abdullah Yousuf Ali, they are re- , un- ,

  • –in, -ion, -ment, -er, -ty, -ance, -ence, -

    ous , -y, -ed, and inflectional affixes that found in the words of translation of Surah

    As Sajda by Abdullah Yusuf Ali are –s, -s, -s, -ed, -en, -ed, -ing.

  Second previous study came from Widiastuti (2010), in her study “The Students’ Ability and Problems in Writing A Research Proposal of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia”. The writer used a case study method. Nine students and two lecturers of an undergraduate English study program in one university in Banten are the participants of her study. In her study, first, she found most students still have problem in achieving the communicative purpose of each major element in a research proposal. Then the second, she found the problems that the students’ unfamiliarity and lack of knowledge in terms of element and linguistic feature required in research proposal. Finally, she found the solution than could be proposed to s olve the students’ problems. They were guidance, assistance, and explicit teaching for the students in writing the elements and linguistic features of a research proposal.

  From two previous studies, there were some differences. First from sa’adah’s graduating paper, she used a Holy Qur’an as a subject, but the writer used the English alumni ’s research proposals. Sa’adah described the derivational, inflectional affixes and root, but the writer was more specific in derivational affixes (suffix and prefix). Th e second differences were from the Widiastuti’s thesis. She used case study as the method, but the writer used descriptive qualitative. She focused on students in writing the elements and linguistic features of a research proposal, but the writer focused on the morphological affixes found on derivational in alumni

  ’s research proposals. Therefore, the writer can conclude that his study is difference from previous study.

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Location of The Study 1. Profile of IAIN Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies or IAIN Salatiga is the only one State Islamic University in Salatiga, Central Java province, Indonesia, based on the Regulation of the President of Republic Indonesia of State Islamic Institute transform into State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Since its establishment until now, IAIN Salatiga has gone through a

  long history, and has undergone several institutional changes. The establishment was pioneered by the ideals of Salatiga Islamic community to have Islamic Universities. Hence, there was established the Faculty of Education Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College) “NU” in Salatiga. It was located at Diponegoro Street No. 64 Salatiga.

  Recently, IAIN Salatiga owns three college buildings. They are located at Tentara Pelajar Street No. 2 Salatiga, Nakula Sadewa V Street No. 2 Salatiga, and the last is located in Pulutan, Sidorejo, Salatiga. IAIN Salatiga opens five faculties such as Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Economic and Business of Islamic Faculty, Syariah Faculty, Ushuludin and Humanities Faculty, and Dakwah Faculty.

2. Profile of TBI 2012

  TBI is English Education Department in IAIN Salatiga. It is a part of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. It had five classes in academic year of 2012 / 2013. It has 141 students. They are educated to be English teacher.

  They learn English itself and how to teach students in the class. Before lecturing process in campus one, but right now English Education Department lecturing process is in campus three.

B. Time Schedule of Study

  The writer planned the time schedule in hope for the study was conducted smoothly. The study was done on December 2016. The table is shown below:

Table 3.1 Time Schedule of the Study Step Date Activity


  1 September 1 - October Collecting the research proposals


  30 , 2016


  2 November 5 - December Analyzing the research proposals


  31 2016 C.

   Research Approach

  Research is a result of finding, developing, and testing the knowledge correction using method of research (Hadi, 1881: 4). This statement means that research appears when there is a problem about something that has not been clear. Therefore, the research is done to make it clear or find something behind it that is never found before.

  The writer used descriptive qualitative method in this research. According to Fulkner (1983: 32), says that qualitative research deal with the meaning of things and one view of meaning. Descriptive research is used to provide a systematic, factual, accurate description of situation or area of interest. Meanwhile, Morse (1994: 1), states that process of doing qualitative research presents a challenge because procedures for organizing image are ill-defined and rely on processes of inference, insight, logic, and luck. The writer also says that variable are not controlled, and until qualitative research get closed to the end of study. The aim of this study was to find out the morphological process derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the Academic Year of 2012 / 2013) D.

   Research Design

  This chapter deals with the research design used in this study. As stated by Hopkins (1985: 8), research may be defined as the systematic self-critical enquiry.

  Thus, study is required to look for the answer relate with problem which want to be solved. In this study, the writer must have design to make easy in analyzing the data. A research design is a plan or strategy for conducting the study. It is required to get dependable and useful information. To know what design which should be taken by the writer, first, the writer has to look at the problem of study.

  As stated in problems of the study, this study was conducted to find out the morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013. Thus, in this study, the writer uses descriptive research. Descriptive research refers to research studies that have as their main objective the accurate portrayal of the characteristics of persons, situations or groups (Polit and Hungler 2004: 716). This approach is used to describe variables rather than to test a predicted relationship between variables. According to Hott (1999: 32) says that descriptive research explores and describes what is the analyses the findings in relation to their significance. This approach, which relief on both qualitative & quantitative methods is appropriate when little is known about a phenomenon.

E. Data Sources Data source in subject where the data acquired (Arikunto, 2010: 172).

  According to Moleong as quoted by Arikunto (2010: 22) states that data source of the qualitative research is presented in the spoken or written that accurate by the researcher, and the things detail monitored in order to be able to catch the implicit meaning on the document or the thing. Data source should original, however if the original source is difficult to get, photocopy or imitation is not be a problem, as long as the evidence can be acquired.

  In order to analyze morphological roles found in the alumni’s research proposals, the writer used the data sources both from primary and secondary data describe as follows: 1.


  Regarding Kurniadi (2011: 10), primary data source is the result of something found in the field. It is the result of an interview with respondent and the result of field observation. In this study the primary data source took from the research proposal which taken from English alumni of Education Department of IAIN Salatiga.

2. Secondary

  According to Kurniadi (2011: 11), the secondary data source is added data as an elaboration of primary data and as a reference seeing the setting of the problem. The writer used several references to support the data. The writer took from several books related to morphology and messenger texts to support the primary data.

F. Data Collection Method

  The writer starting from 1


  September 2016 to 30


  October 2016 collected the alumni’s research proposals. The writer texted the alumni one by one, and he said to the alumni to send the research proposals to him. Then, the alumni used Email, Messenger, BBM, and some of them using WhatsApp to send their research proposals.

G. Population and Sample 1. Population

  According to Kothari (2004: 55) says that population is all pieces in any field of research. The writer used the English Education Department (TBI) alumni as the object of the study. It consisted of 141 alumni.

2. Sample

  According to Arikunto (2002: 120) says that sample is partially or representative of the population studied. Based on above understanding, it can be conclude that the sample is section of the population who want to study and represent the characteristics of population.

  According to Arikunto (2002: 120) says that if population is less than 100, the researcher freely take the sample from the population. However, if the population is more than 100, the sample can be taken between 10-15% or 20- 25%. The writer took 20% of population as the object of this study.

  As illustrated by Arikunto (2002: 120) the formula is: n = 20% x N Note: n = Sum of sample N = Sum of population n = 20% x N n = 20% x N n = 20% x 141 n = 28.2 After the writer calculated using the formula, the writer took 28 alumni

  ’s research proposals as the object of this study.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

  The writer concerned on the morphological process on derivational affixes found in research proposals made by English alumni of Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year of 2012 / 2013)

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