Penerapan Bahasa Cinta Untuk Perkembanga

Penerapan Bahasa Cinta Untuk Perkembangan Emosi dan Sosial Pada Anak
Usia Dini (Studi Kasus PAUD SPS Mawar Sungai Laban Kecamatan Nan
Sabaris Kabupaten Padang Pariaman).
Mayang Belia Sameto, S.Pd
Pasca Sarjana
Prodi PAUD
Universitas Negeri Padang

This paper is written based on thesis research that explains about the Application
of Love Language for Emotional and Social Development at Early Childhood in
Early Childhood SPS Mawar Sungai Laban Nan Sabaris Subdistrict Padang
Pariaman District which is motivated by the inability of most teachers in applying
the language of love at the time of teaching and parenting early childhood so
much reality in the field shows that they lack the attitudes of love and affection to
others. Based on the problem is certainly not independent of the role of teachers
as research subjects. The inability of most teachers in applying the language of
love to make the children become less familiar with his own emotions and the
environment. In analyzing this research, researchers used Emotion Theory
proposed by Elizabeth B. Hurlock. This research uses qualitative approach with

case study research type.
Key Word: The Language of Love, Emotion, Social, Early Childhood

The presence of a child for human life is a gift. Children are not smallsized adults therefore children are treated accordingly. Children are the next
generation of the family of the intellectual life of the nation and toward
intellectual emotional social intelligence.
Education is an important asset for the nation, therefore every citizen
must go through education. The purpose of the providers of education and
teaching in the National Education Act of 2003 article 1 verse 1 that education is a
conscious effort and planned to create an atmosphere of learning and learning
process so that learners are actively developing their potential. Therefore from an
early age we instill good language and behavior. On the basis of his children in
desperate need of love from teachers and parents and even the environment
around the students actively develop their potential. Therefore, since the early age
we instill good language and behavior, which basically children really need love
by teachers, parents and the environment.
The lessons at Paud are aimed at the rma-norms and values of life.
Schools as Educational Institutions must certainly prepare techniques and
methods to develop the character of the development of good emotions, in order

to create a positive child personality. Because the child is a valuable asset for the
future of emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence and the right
personality will control the child optimally.
Every child will need love affection all we want to be loved let alone a
child but in reality a day is not easy to get the love we want really love our
children even try to do the best for the learners in the hope that children will grow

into generation of national desires but not easy to make children understand how
much we love them therefore we apply the language of love to children, so that
they grow into the generation of the nation's desires.

There is also the purpose of this research is so that teachers can find
reveal the emotional behavior of children who have problems in the application of
the language of love in school paud roses. Then the expected benefits of the
results of the study are as follows first, For all teachers in school personnel to be
able to understand how should we as teachers able to apply language language
love good language in early childhood. Second, for parents should be able to
know how we can as parents give positive words for children to hormone love in
children developing well in his emotions.
The theory used in this study is the Emotional Theory presented by

Elizabeth B. Hurlock where children aged 3-4 years tend to show emotional
changes openly. In general, children are more emotional than adults, because at
this age there is still very young and can not control his emotions. Young children
have a very pushy behavior.
Emotional development at the age of 4 years, the child has begun to
realize akunya, that he (himself) different from not me (other people or objects).
This awareness is derived from his experience, that not every desire is fulfilled by
others or other objects. He realizes that his desire confronts the wishes of others,
so that others do not forever fulfill his wishes. At the same time, there is also a
sense of self-esteem that demands recognition from the environment. If the
environment (especially the parents) does not recognize the child's self-esteem,

such as treating the child hard, or less loving, then the child will develop attitudes:
(1) stubborn / opposed, or (2) giving up obedience feeling less self-esteem with
shy attitude. Recognizing this is how important the use of language love in early
Early development of children's development is complex and multidimensional. Fostering children as a whole can not be separated from 3 main
aspects of health care and protection of adequate food and nutrition and
appropriate care for the stages of development and potential of children.

Therefore, handling requires cooperation between agencies and the active
involvement of practitioners and academic from planning, implementation,
controlling to evaluation of program organizer. On the other hand parental
involvement is also very important because it is the family who play an important
role and responsible for the stages of growth and development of Early
Recognizing that, the world education forum for organizing the meeting
in April 2000 in Dakar Senegal agreed that the government and the international
community are determined to achieve quality basic education by 2015. One of the
results of the Dakar agreement is to strengthen, improve the care and development
of Early Childhood (PPAUD) . Comprehensive, especially vulnerable and
disadvantaged children.
To that end, the government issued a Decree through Ministry of
National Education Number: 051/0/2001 dated April 9, 2001 with the Directorate
of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) under the Director General of Out of

School Education and Youth National Education Department. It is intended that
the Directorate of Early Childhood Education can provide coaching services to the
providers of early childhood education through early childhood early childhood
care center (Yuliani, 2009: 32-33)

Furthermore Philipps H Coms (in Solaeman Joesef 1992: 16) discloses
that out-of-school education is: any organized education organized outside the
formal system either alone or part of a broad activity intended to provide services
to a particular educational objective in order achieve learning goals.
There are several factors that affect early childhood that is, parental care,
environment, and offspring. Some parents assume that their love for the child will
automatically be known and say "father / mother loves you" is enough to convey
his love. But both are not enough, the children react to the action that is against
what you do with them. Here are five love languages that can be applied to early
childhood such as: physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, rewards,
and service.
One of the problems faced in the learning process in the world of Early
Childhood Education is the lack of love language / love affection to students,
where children of this age tend to need more love than anything else. Therefore
the importance of this research can contribute positively in discussing the
application of love language in early childhood, because by giving love to every
treatment to the students then it can provide positive enegergi on the development
and mental growth of the students themselves.

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