Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Kadar Asam Urat dan Disabilitas Komunitas di Daerah Batu Gantung Dalam, Kelurahan Mangga Dua, Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon

  Lampiran 1. Surat Keterangan Penelitian

  Lampiran 2. Informed Consent

  Lampiran 3. Instrumen Penelitian

  Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini bertujuan untuk menilai ketidakmampuan saudara dalam melakukan aktivitas. Berilah tanda cek () pada satu jawaban terbaik saudara selama satu minggu terakhir.





  D. TIDAK MAMPU MELAKUKAN NO. PERTANYAAN A B C D Berpakaian dan berdandan

  Apakah saudara dapat berpakaian sendiri, termasuk

  1 mengikat tali sepatu dan mengkancing dengan sendiri? Apakah saudara dapat keramas/

  2 mencuci rambut dengan sendiri


  Apakah 3 saudara dapat berdiri langsung dari kursi dengan sendiri? Apakah saudara dapat bangun dari

  4 tempat tidur dengan sendiri?


  Apakah saudara mampu makan menggunakan 5 sendok dan memasukkan ke mulut dengan sendiri?

  Apakah saudara mampu mengangkat 6 secangkir penuh atau gelas ke mulut dengan sendiri?

  Apakah saudara mampu menuangkan air dari cerek ke dalam gelas,

  7 dan atau membuka kemasan minuman dengan sendiri?


  Apakah saudara mampu berjalan di luar

  8 ruangan di lantai/tanah datar dengan sendiri? Apakah saudara mampu 9 menaiki lima anak tangga dengan sendiri?

  Silahkan diperiksa setiap kategori yang biasanya saudara membutuhkan bantuan orang lain dan berilah tanda cek ()  Berpakaian dan berdandan  Berdiri  Makan  Berjalan










  10 Apakah saudara mampu mandi dan mengeringkan badan dengan sendiri?

  11 Apakah saudara mampu mengambil gayung mandi dengan sendiri?

  12 Apakah saudara mampu keluar masuk ke kamar mandi/WC?


  13 Apakah saudara mampu mengambil dan menurunkan barang dari atas kepala seberat 2,5kg (seperti kantong gula/tepung)?

  14 Apakah saudara mampu membungkuk untuk mengambil pakaian di lantai?


  15 Apakah saudara mampu membuka pintu kamar/pintu rumah dengan sendiri?

  16 Apakah saudara mampu membuka toples yang sebelumnya tertutup dengan sendiri?

  17 Apakah saudara dapat memutar kran air untuk menghidupkan dan mematikannya dengan sendiri?


  18 Apakah saudara dapat menjalankan tugas dan berbelanja ke toko/kios?

  19 Apakah saudara mampu anik dan turun dari kendaraan dan atau angkot dengan sendiri?

  20 Apakah saudara dapat melakukan pekerjaan rumah seperti menyapu, mengepel atau bekerja di halaman rumah?

  Silahkan diperiksa setiap jenis bantuan atau alat bantu yang biasanya saudara gunakan untuk salah satu aktivitas di atas dan berilah tanda cek ()  Diangkat dari toilet duduk  Kursi mandi  Peralatan bergagang panjang di kamr mandi  Peralatan bergagang panjang untuk mengambil sesuatu  Pembuka botol (untuk botol yang sebelumnya tertutup)

  Silahkan diperiksa setiap kategori yang biasanya saudara membutuhkan bantuan orang lain dan berilah tanda cek ()  Kebersihan  Mencapai/menjangkau  Mencengkram/membuka barang  Tugas dan pekerjaan rumah tangga

  Lampiran 4. Hasil Uji Tukey SPSS Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors

  Value Label N jeniskelamin .00 perempuan

  78 1.00 laki-laki

  87 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:haqdi jeniskelami Std. n Mean Deviation N perempuan .2404 .32941

  78 laki-laki .5011 .54517

  87 Total .3779 .47313 165

  Levene's Test of Equality of Error a Variances

  Dependent Variable:haqdi F df1 df2 Sig. 10.670 1 163 .001

  Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

  a. Design: Intercept + jeniskelamin


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Type III Partial

  Sum of Mean Eta Source Squares df Square F Sig. Squared


  Corrected 2.797 1 2.797 13.44 .000 .076 Model

  1 Intercept 22.615 1 22.615 108.6 .000 .400

  89 jeniskelami 2.797 1 2.797 13.44 .000 .076 n

  1 Error 33.915 163 .208 Total 60.273 165

  Corrected 36.712 164 Total

  a. R Squared = ,076 (Adjusted R Squared = ,071)

  Estimated Marginal Means

  Dependent Variable:haqdi 95% Confidence Interval

  Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound .371 .036 .301 .441 Error 33.915 163 .208

  Contra st 2.797 1 2.797 13.441 .000 .076


  Partial Eta Squared

  Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Sum of


Univariate Tests

  a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.

  Based on estimated marginal means *. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.


  Upper Bound peremp uan laki-laki -.261

  Lower Bound


  2. jeniskelamin Estimates

  95% Confidence Interval for


  Std. Error Sig.

  Mean Differenc e (I-J)

  (J) jeniskel amin

  Dependent Variable:haqdi (I) jeniskel amin


Pairwise Comparisons

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound perempuan .240 .052 .138 .342 laki-laki .501 .049 .405 .598

  Dependent Variable:haqdi jeniskelami n Mean Std. Error

  • .071 .000 -.401 -.120 laki-laki peremp uan
  • .071 .000 .120 .401


Univariate Tests

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Sum of

  Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

  Partial Eta Squared

  Contra st 2.797 1 2.797 13.441 .000 .076

  Error 33.915 163 .208 The F tests the effect of jeniskelamin. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

  Profile Plot

  Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects Factors

  Value Label N usia 1.00 15-24

  5 2.00 25-34

  23 3.00 35-44

  27 4.00 45-54

  49 5.00 55-64

  35 6.00 65-74

  24 7.00 75-80

  2 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:haqdi Std. usia Mean Deviation N

  15-24 .0300 .06708

  5 25-34 .1326 .18316

  23 35-44 .1759 .23012

  27 45-54 .3449 .37281

  49 55-64 .5343 .53355

  35 65-74 .7542 .67838

  24 75-80 .3500 .49497

  2 Total .3779 .47313 165

  Levene's Test of Equality of Error



  Dependent Variable:haqdi F df1 df2 Sig. 7.338 6 158 .000

  Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

  a. Design: Intercept + usia


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Type III Partial

  Sum of Mean Eta Source Squares df Square F Sig. Squared


  Corrected 7.399 6 1.233 6.647 .000 .202 Model

  Intercept 6.188 1 6.188 33.35 .000 .174

  7 usia 7.399 6 1.233 6.647 .000 .202

  Error 29.313 158 .186 Total 60.273 165

  Corrected 36.712 164 Total

  a. R Squared = ,202 (Adjusted R Squared = ,171)

  • .103 .213 .630 -.522 .317 35-
  • .146 .210 .488 -.560 .268 45-
  • .315 .202 .121 -.714 .084 55-
    • .206 .015 -.911 -.098

  • .504
    • .212 .001 -1.142 -.306

  • .724
  • .320 .360 .376 -1.032 .392 25-
  • .043 .122 .723 -.285 .198 45-
  • .212 .109 .053 -.427 .003 55-
    • .116 .001 -.630 -.173

  • .402
    • .126 .000 -.870 -.373

  • .622
  • .217 .318 .495 -.845 .410 35-
  • .169 .103 .104 -.373 .035 55-



  34 15-

  24 .103 .213 .630 -.317 .522









  44 15-

  24 .146 .210 .488 -.268 .560




  Pairwise Comparisons


  Dependent Variable:haqdi (I) usia

  (J) usia Mean

  Difference (I-J) Std.

  Error Sig.


  95% Confidence Interval for Difference

  Lower Bound


  Upper Bound


  24 25-




  34 .043 .122 .723 -.198 .285

  • .110 .001 -.576 -.140
    • .358

  • .121 .000 -.817 -.340
    • .578
    • .174 .316 .582 -.798 .449 45-

  • .095 .049 -.378 -.001
    • .189

  • .107 .000 -.621 -.197
    • .409
    • .005 .311 .987 -.619 .609 55-

  • .206 .015 .098 .911
  • .116 .001 .173 .630
  • .110 .001 .140 .576
  • .095 .049 .001 .378
    • .220 .114 .056 -.445 .006 75-

  • .212 .001 .306 1.142
  • .126 .000 .373 .870


  64 15-

  24 .504


  34 .402


  44 .358


  54 .189



  80 .184 .313 .557 -.434 .803


  74 15-

  24 .724











  54 15-


  24 .315 .202 .121 -.084 .714


  34 .212 .109 .053 -.003 .427


  44 .169 .103 .104 -.035 .373


  25- .622

  • .121 .000 .340 .817
  • .107 .000 .197 .621

  80 .404 .317 .204 -.222 1.030




  54 .005 .311 .987 -.609 .619


  44 .174 .316 .582 -.449 .798


  34 .217 .318 .495 -.410 .845


  24 .320 .360 .376 -.392 1.032

  80 15-



  64 .220 .114 .056 -.006 .445


  54 .409


  44 .578


  • .184 .313 .557 -.803 .434 65-
  • .404 .317 .204 -1.030 .222 Based on estimated marginal means

  2. usia

  .332 .057 .218 .445

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Mean Std. Error

  Estimated Marginal Means

  a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

  • . The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.


  Dependent Variable:haqdi usia Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

  Lower Bound Upper Bound 15-24 .030 .193 -.350 .410 25-34 .133 .090 -.045 .310 35-44 .176 .083 .012 .340 45-54 .345 .062 .223 .466 55-64 .534 .073 .390 .678 65-74 .754 .088 .581 .928 75-80 .350 .305 -.252 .952


Univariate Tests

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Sum of

  Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  Partial Eta Squared

  Contra st 7.399 6 1.233 6.647 .000 .202

  Error 29.313 158 .186 The F tests the effect of usia. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

  25-34 .2123 .10887 .451 -.1129 .5374 35-44 .1690 .10323 .659 -.1394 .4773 55-64 -.1894 .09532 .427 -.4741 .0953

  15-24 25-34 -.1026 .21253 .999 -.7374 .5322 35-44 -.1459 .20970 .993 -.7722 .4804 45-54 -.3149 .20221 .710 -.9189 .2891 55-64 -.5043 .20593 .186 -1.1193 .1108 65-74 -.7242

  75-80 -.1741 .31565 .998 -1.1168 .7687 45-54 15-24 .3149 .20221 .710 -.2891 .9189

  65-74 -.5782

  25-34 .0433 .12222 1.000 -.3217 .4083 45-54 -.1690 .10323 .659 -.4773 .1394 55-64 -.3584

  75-80 -.2174 .31753 .993 -1.1658 .7310 35-44 15-24 .1459 .20970 .993 -.4804 .7722

  65-74 -.6216

  35-44 -.0433 .12222 1.000 -.4083 .3217 45-54 -.2123 .10887 .451 -.5374 .1129 55-64 -.4017

  75-80 -.3200 .36037 .974 -1.3963 .7563 25-34 15-24 .1026 .21253 .999 -.5322 .7374

  Upper Bound

  Post Hoc Tests usia Multiple Comparisons

  Lower Bound

  95% Confidence Interval

  Error Sig.

  (I-J) Std.

  Mean Difference

  (I) usia (J) usia

  haqdi Tukey HSD

  • .21174 .014 -1.3566 -.0918
  • .11562 .012 -.7470 -.0564
  • .12568 .000 -.9969 -.2462
  • .11033 .023 -.6879 -.0288
  • .12084 .000 -.9391 -.2173
  • .11562 .012 .0564 .7470

  75-80 -.0051 .31072 1.000 -.9331 .9229 55-64 15-24 .5043 .20593 .186 -.1108 1.1193

  25-34 .4017

  • .11033 .023 .0288 .6879

  35-44 .3584

  45-54 .1894 .09532 .427 -.0953 .4741 65-74 -.2199 .11415 .466 -.5608 .1211 75-80 .1843 .31315 .997 -.7510 1.1196

  • .21174 .014 .0918 1.3566
  • .12568 .000 .2462 .9969
  • .12084 .000 .2173 .9391
  • .10731 .004 .0888 .7298

  65-74 15-24 .7242

  25-34 .6216

  35-44 .5782

  45-54 .4093

  55-64 .2199 .11415 .466 -.1211 .5608 75-80 .4042 .31700 .862 -.5426 1.3510

  75-80 15-24 .3200 .36037 .974 -.7563 1.3963 25-34 .2174 .31753 .993 -.7310 1.1658 35-44 .1741 .31565 .998 -.7687 1.1168 45-54 .0051 .31072 1.000 -.9229 .9331 55-64 -.1843 .31315 .997 -1.1196 .7510 65-74 -.4042 .31700 .862 -1.3510 .5426 Based on observed means.

  The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,186.

  • . The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.

  75-80 -.0051 .31072 1.000 -.9331 .9229 55-64 15-24 .5043 .20593 .186 -.1108 1.1193

  75-80 -.3200 .36037 .974 -1.3963 .7563 25-34 15-24 .1026 .21253 .999 -.5322 .7374

  25-34 .2123 .10887 .451 -.1129 .5374 35-44 .1690 .10323 .659 -.1394 .4773 55-64 -.1894 .09532 .427 -.4741 .0953 65-74 -.4093

  75-80 -.1741 .31565 .998 -1.1168 .7687 45-54 15-24 .3149 .20221 .710 -.2891 .9189

  65-74 -.5782

  25-34 .0433 .12222 1.000 -.3217 .4083 45-54 -.1690 .10323 .659 -.4773 .1394 55-64 -.3584

  75-80 -.2174 .31753 .993 -1.1658 .7310 35-44 15-24 .1459 .20970 .993 -.4804 .7722

  65-74 -.6216

  35-44 -.0433 .12222 1.000 -.4083 .3217 45-54 -.2123 .10887 .451 -.5374 .1129 55-64 -.4017

  15-24 25-34 -.1026 .21253 .999 -.7374 .5322 35-44 -.1459 .20970 .993 -.7722 .4804 45-54 -.3149 .20221 .710 -.9189 .2891 55-64 -.5043 .20593 .186 -1.1193 .1108 65-74 -.7242


Multiple Comparisons

  Upper Bound

  Lower Bound

  95% Confidence Interval

  Error Sig.

  (I-J) Std.

  Mean Difference

  (I) usia (J) usia

  haqdi Tukey HSD

  • .21174 .014 -1.3566 -.0918
  • .11562 .012 -.7470 -.0564
  • .12568 .000 -.9969 -.2462
  • .11033 .023 -.6879 -.0288
  • .12084 .000 -.9391 -.2173
  • .10731 .004 -.7298 -.0888
  • .11562 .012 .0564 .7470

  • .11033 .023 .0288 .6879
  • .21174 .014 .0918 1.3566
  • .12568 .000 .2462 .9969
  • .12084 .000 .2173 .9391

  • .10731 .004 .0888 .7298
  • . The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.


  usia N Subset


  Tukey HSD

  Homogeneous Subsets Haqdi

  The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,186.

  75-80 15-24 .3200 .36037 .974 -.7563 1.3963 25-34 .2174 .31753 .993 -.7310 1.1658 35-44 .1741 .31565 .998 -.7687 1.1168 45-54 .0051 .31072 1.000 -.9229 .9331 55-64 -.1843 .31315 .997 -1.1196 .7510 65-74 -.4042 .31700 .862 -1.3510 .5426 Based on observed means.

  55-64 .2199 .11415 .466 -.1211 .5608 75-80 .4042 .31700 .862 -.5426 1.3510

  45-54 .4093

  35-44 .5782

  25-34 .6216

  65-74 15-24 .7242

  45-54 .1894 .09532 .427 -.0953 .4741 65-74 -.2199 .11415 .466 -.5608 .1211 75-80 .1843 .31315 .997 -.7510 1.1196

  35-44 .3584

  25-34 .4017

  2 15-24 5 .0300 25-34 23 .1326 .1326 35-44 27 .1759 .1759 45-54 49 .3449 .3449

  55-64 35 .5343 .5343 65-74 24 .7542

  Sig. .229 .064 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,186.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 8,035.

  b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.

  c. Alpha = ,05.

  Profile Plots

  Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors

  Value Label N tingkatpendidika n

  2.00 Sd


  3.00 Smp


  4.00 Sma

  56 5.00 perguruan tinggi

  71 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:haqdi tingkatpendidik an Mean Std.

  Deviation N sd .7800 .62071 15 smp .3739 .48661 23 sma .2571 .37154 56 perguruan tinggi

  .3894 .46697

  71 Total .3779 .47313 165

  Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances a

  Dependent Variable:haqdi F df1 df2 Sig. 3.283 3 161 .022

  Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

  a. Design: Intercept + tingkatpendidikan


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

  Corrected Total

  Dependent Variable:haqdi tingkatpendidika n Mean Std. Error

  2. tingkatpendidikan


  .450 .043 .365 .535

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Mean Std. Error

  Estimated Marginal Means

  a. R Squared = ,089 (Adjusted R Squared = ,072)

  36.712 164

  3.252 3 1.084 5.215 .002 .089 Error 33.460 161 .208 Total 60.273 165

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Source

  81 .000 .405 tingkatpend idikan

  3 1.084 5.215 .002 .089 Intercept 22.815 1 22.815 109.7


  Model 3.252

  Squared Corrected

  Partial Eta

  Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  Type III Sum of

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound sd .780 .118 .548 1.012 smp .374 .095 .186 .562 sma .257 .061 .137 .377 perguruan tinggi .389 .054 .283 .496


Pairwise Comparisons

  Dependent Variable:haqdi 95% Confidence

  Interval for


  Difference (I) (J) Mean tingkatpen tingkatpen Differenc Std. Lower Upper


  didikan didikan e (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound

  • Sd smp .406 .151 .048 .002 .810
  • sma .523 .133 .001 .169 .877
  • perguruan .391 .130 .018 .045 .737 tinggi
  • Smp sd -.406 .151 .048 -.810 -.002 sma .117 .113 1.000 -.185 .418 perguruan -.016 .109 1.000 -.308 .277 tinggi
  • Sma sd -.523 .133 .001 -.877 -.169 smp -.117 .113 1.000 -.418 .185 perguruan -.132 .081 .638 -.350 .085 tinggi
  • perguruan sd -.391 .130 .018 -.737 -.045 tinggi smp .016 .109 1.000 -.277 .308 sma .132 .081 .638 -.085 .350

  Based on estimated marginal means *. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.

  a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.

  .001 -.8669 -.1788

  Std. Error Sig.

  8 .999 -.2995 .2684 sma Sd -.5229

  Sma .1168 .1129 .730 -.1763 .4099 perguruan tinggi

  5 .016 .0543 .7269 smp Sd -.4061


  4 .001 .1788 .8669 perguruan tinggi

  Sma .5229

  Upper Bound sd Smp .4061

  Lower Bound

  95% Confidence Interval

  Mean Differenc e (I-J)


Univariate Tests

  (J) tingkatpen didikan

  (I) tingkatpen didikan

  haqdi Tukey HSD

  Post Hoc Tests tingkatpendidikan

Multiple Comparisons

  Error 33.460 161 .208 The F tests the effect of tingkatpendidikan. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

  Contra st 3.252 3 1.084 5.215 .002 .089

  Partial Eta Squared

  Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Sum of

  • .1513 .040 .0133 .7989
  • .1325
  • .1295
  • .1513 .040 -.7989 -.0133
    • .0155 .1093

  • .1325
  • .1323 .0814

  • .1295
  • . The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.

  Tukey HSD

  b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 28,152.

  Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,208.

  Sig. .697 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  2 sma 56 .2571 smp 23 .3739 perguruan tinggi 71 .3894 sd 15 .7800


  tingkatpendidika n N Subset


  Homogeneous Subsets Haqdi

  Smp -.1168 .1129 .730 -.4099 .1763 perguruan tinggi

  The error term is Mean Square(Error) = ,208.

  8 .368 -.0792 .3438 Based on observed means.

  Sma .1323 .0814

  8 .999 -.2684 .2995

  Smp .0155 .1093

  5 .016 -.7269 -.0543

  Sd -.3906

  8 .368 -.3438 .0792 perguruan tinggi

  c. Alpha = ,05.

  Profile Plots

Univariate Analysis of Variance



  N haqdi .00

  46 .05

  4 .10

  12 .15

  14 .20

  5 .25

  15 .30

  5 .35

  5 .40



  3 .50

  6 .55

  4 .60

  7 .65

  3 .70

  6 .75

  2 .80

  2 .85

  2 .95





























  1 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:jeniskelamin Std. haqdi Mean Deviation N

  .00 .3478 .48154


  .10 .4167 .51493

  12 .15 .6429 .49725

  14 .20 .6000 .54772

  5 .25 .3333 .48795

  15 .30 .6000 .54772

  5 .35 .4000 .54772

  5 .40 .8333 .40825

  6 .45 .3333 .57735

  3 .50 1.0000 .00000

  6 .55 .7500 .50000

  4 .60 .5714 .53452

  7 .65 .6667 .57735

  3 .70 .8333 .40825

  6 .75 .5000 .70711

  2 .80 1.0000 .00000

  2 .85 1.0000 .00000

  2 .95 .0000 .

  1 1.00 .0000 .

  1 1.05 .0000 .

  1 1.10 .5000 .70711

  2 1.20 1.0000 .

  1 1.35 .0000 .

  1 1.40 .5000 .70711

  2 1.50 1.0000 .

  1 1.55 1.0000 .00000

  2 1.60 1.0000 .

  1 1.65 1.0000 .

  1 1.75 1.0000 .

  1 1.85 1.0000 .

  1 2.20 1.0000 .

  1 2.55 1.0000 .

  1 Total .5273 .50078 165

Univariate Analysis of Variance


Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N jeniskelamin .00 perempuan

  78 1.00 laki-laki 87 usia

  1.00 15-24

  5 2.00 25-34 23 3.00 35-44 27 4.00 45-54 49 5.00 55-64 35 6.00 65-74 24 7.00 75-80

  2 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:haqdi jeniskelamin usia Mean Std. Deviation N perempuan 15-24 .0375 .07500

  4 25-34 .1273 .18757 11 35-44 .1211 .16441 19 45-54 .2921 .31722 19 55-64 .3588 .41429 17 65-74 .4643 .52735

  7 75-80 .0000 .

  1 Total .2404 .32941

  78 laki-laki 15-24 .0000 .

  1 25-34 .1375 .18723 12 35-44 .3062 .31559

  8 45-54 .3783 .40571


  55-64 .7000 .58987

  18 65-74 .8735 .71088 17 75-80 .7000 .

  1 Total .5011 .54517

  87 Total 15-24 .0300 .06708

  5 25-34 .1326 .18316 23 35-44 .1759 .23012 27 45-54 .3449 .37281 49 55-64 .5343 .53355 35 65-74 .7542 .67838 24 75-80 .3500 .49497

  2 Total .3779 .47313 165 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances a

  Dependent Variable:haqdi

F df1 df2 Sig.

  4.404 13 151 .000 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance

of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

  a. Design: Intercept + jeniskelamin + usia + jeniskelamin * usia

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Source Type III Sum of

  Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  Partial Eta Squared Intercept Hypothesi s

  5.050 1 5.050 12.483 .004 .516 Error 4.745 11.7 .405 a jeniskelami Hypothesi .717 1 .717 4.229 .045 .077 n s b Error 8.624 50.8 .170


usia Hypothesi 4.959

  6 .826 5.394 .030 .844 s c Error .919 6 .153 jeniskelami Hypothesi .919 6 .153 .859 .527 .033 n * usia s d Error 26.938 151 .178 a. ,349 MS(usia) + ,651 MS(Error)

  b. ,349 MS(jeniskelamin * usia) + ,651 MS(Error)

  c. MS(jeniskelamin * usia)

  d. MS(Error) a,b Expected Mean Squares

  Variance Component Var(jeniskelami

Source Var(usia) n * usia) Var(Error) Quadratic Term

Intercept 6.993 3.497 1.000 Intercept, jeniskelamin jeniskelamin .000 3.497 1.000 jeniskelamin usia 20.040 10.020 1.000 jeniskelamin * usia .000 10.020 1.000 Error .000 .000 1.000

  a. For each source, the expected mean square equals the sum of the coefficients in the cells times the variance components, plus a quadratic term involving effects in the Quadratic Term cell.

  b. Expected Mean Squares are based on the Type III Sums of Squares.

Estimated Marginal Means

  Dependent Variable:haqdi 95% Confidence Interval Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound .321 .060 .202 .440

  2. jeniskelamin

Univariate Tests

  Dependent Variable:haqdi Sum of Mean Partial Eta Squares df Square F Sig. Squared Contrast .717

  1 .717 4.020 .047 .026 Error 26.938 151 .178 The F tests the effect of jeniskelamin. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

  3. usia

Pairwise Comparisons

  Dependent Variable:haqdi 95% Confidence Interval for Mean a Difference

  (J) Difference (I- a

(I) usia usia J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

15-24 25-34 -.114 .252 1.000 -.893 .665

35-44 -.195 .252 1.000 -.975 .585

  45-54 -.316 .244 1.000 -1.071 .438 55-64 -.511 .247 .843 -1.273 .252 65-74 -.650 .254 .244 -1.436 .136

  75-80 -.331 .381 1.000 -1.508 .845

25-34 15-24 .114 .252 1.000 -.665 .893

35-44 -.081 .125 1.000 -.468 .306 45-54 -.203 .108 1.000 -.536 .130 55-64 -.397 * .113 .013 -.748 -.046 65-74 -.537
  • * .129 .001 -.937 -.136 75-80 -.218 .311 1.000 -1.180 .745

    35-44 15-24 .195 .252 1.000 -.585 .975

    25-34 .081 .125 1.000 -.306 .468 45-54 -.122 .108 1.000 -.457 .214

  55-64 -.316 .114 .134 -.668 .037 65-74 -.455

  • * .130 .013 -.857 -.053 75-80 -.136 .312 1.000 -1.099 .827

    45-54 15-24 .316 .244 1.000 -.438 1.071

    25-34 .203 .108 1.000 -.130 .536 35-44 .122 .108 1.000 -.214 .457

  55-64 -.194 .095 .875 -.486 .098 65-74 -.334 .113 .078 -.684 .016 75-80 -.015 .305 1.000 -.957 .928

55-64 15-24 .511 .247 .843 -.252 1.273

25-34 .397 * .113 .013 .046 .748 35-44 .316 .114 .134 -.037 .668 45-54 .194 .095 .875 -.098 .486 65-74 -.139 .119 1.000 -.506 .227 75-80 .179 .307 1.000 -.770 1.128

65-74 15-24 .650 .254 .244 -.136 1.436

25-34 .537 * .129 .001 .136 .937 35-44 .455
  • * .130 .013 .053 .857 45-54 .334 .113 .078 -.016 .684 55-64 .139 .119 1.000 -.227 .506 75-80 .319 .313 1.000 -.649 1.287

    75-80 15-24 .331 .381 1.000 -.845 1.508

  •   25-34 .218 .311 1.000 -.745 1.180 35-44 .136 .312 1.000 -.827 1.099 45-54 .015 .305 1.000 -.928 .957 55-64 -.179 .307 1.000 -1.128 .770 65-74 -.319 .313 1.000 -1.287 .649 Based on estimated marginal means

    • . The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.


    Univariate Tests

    Dependent Variable:haqdi Sum of

      Squares df


    Square F Sig.

      Partial Eta Squared Contrast 4.959 6 .826 4.633 .000 .155 Error 26.938 151 .178 The F tests the effect of usia. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.


    4. jeniskelamin * usia

    Dependent Variable:haqdi jeniskelamin usia Mean Std. Error

      95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

    perempuan 15-24 .038 .211 -.380 .455

    25-34 .127 .127 -.124 .379

      35-44 .121 .097 -.070 .313 45-54 .292 .097 .101 .484 55-64 .359 .102 .156 .561 65-74 .464 .160 .149 .780 75-80 6.217E-15 .422 -.835 .835

    laki-laki 15-24 -2.220E-16 .422 -.835 .835

      35-44 .306 .149 .011 .601 45-54 .378 .077 .226 .531 55-64 .700 .100 .503 .897 65-74 .874 .102 .671 1.076 75-80 .700 .422 -.135 1.535

      Profile Plots

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