this PDF file A COMPARISON OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS | Rachman | Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis 1 PB

Anggiar Rachman
Tri Wulida Afrianty
Faculty of Administrative Science
Brawijaya University


Penelitian ini membandingkan Analisis Kebutuhan Pelatihan (AKP) dan Evaluasi Pelatihan (EP) di
Organisasi Publik dan Privat menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di satu
organisasi public (i.e. Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota (BKD) Kota Malang) dan dua organisasi privat
(i.e. Perum Jasa Tirta I dan PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara). Data Utama didapatkan melalui
wawancara semi-struktural. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: 1) Berdasarkan pada factor Analisis
Kebutuhan Pelatihan dari Noe (2010) (i.e. Analisis Organisasi, Individual, dan Tugas), semua organisasi
hanya menekankan pada analisis organisasi dibandingkan dengan analisis individual dan tugas, 2)
Menggunakan model 4 Level Evaluasi Training oleh Kirkpatrick (2006) (i.e. Reaksi, Pembelaja ran, Sikap
dan Hasil) penelitian menemukan BKD Kota Malang dan PJT I tidak menekankan pada Reaksi dan Hasil
melainkan hanya pada Pembelajaran dan Sikap, di PT. AMNT semua factor ditekankan, 3) Hambatan

pelaksanaan AKP dan EP pada semua organisasi berhubungan pada hal keuangan, namun, regulasi
pemerintah juga dapat menjadi tantangan khususnya pada organisasi publik, 4) Perbedaan pelaksanaan
AKP dan EP di kedua jenis organisasi terletak pada Praktek, BKD cenderung mengeksekusi metode
terstandar dan berkerja sama dengan pihak ketiga, PJT I cenderung bergantung pada pihak ketiga dan PT.
AMNT mengembangkan metode sendiri dan secara spesifik mengikuti Metode Kirkpatrick pada EP.
Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, analisis kebutuhan diklat, evaluasi, evaluasti pelatihan


This research compared Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and Training Evaluation (TE) of Public and
Private Organizations using qualitative approach. Research was conducted in one public organization (i.e.
Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kota Malang) and two private organizations (i.e. Perum Jasa Tirta I
and PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara). Primary data is obtained through semi-structured interview. The
result concluded: 1) Based on the factors from Noe (2010) Training Needs Assessment model (i.e.
Organization, Person and Tasks Analysis), all of the organizations only emphasizing on organization
analysis rather than Person and Tasks Analysis, 2) Using Kirkpatrick (2006) 4 levels of Training Evaluation
(i.e. Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Result) research found that BKD Kota Malang and PJT I did not
emphasized Reaction and Result and only emphasizing on learning and behavior factors, in PT. AMNT all
factors are emphasized, 3) Barriers of TNA and TE of all organizations are related to financial matters,
however, government regulation could be challenging especially for public organization, 4) Differences of

TNA and TE in both organizations is on Practical, BKD tend to execute standardized method and combined
effort with third party, PJT I tend to relies on third party and PT. AMNT developed their own method for
TNA and specifically follows Kirkpatrick Method for TE.
Keyword: Training, Training Needs Assessment, Evaluation, Training Evaluation

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


Training has always been an important part
of any organization in effort to educate,
empowering, and improving skills of members of
the organizations. In professional environment,
Truelove (1992) clarified that Training is an
undertakings to give information, aptitudes and
states of mind important to perform work related
errands and it intends to enhance work execution
straightforwardly. Sloman (2005) determined that

training is described as an educator drove,
content-based intercession prompting wanted
changes in conduct.
Noe (2010) disclosed that preparation
alludes to an arranged exertion by an organization
to encourage workers' learning of occupation
related capabilities. These abilities incorporate
learning, aptitudes, or practices that are basic for
fruitful employment execution. Besides, Noe
accentuate that the objective of preparing is for
representatives to ace the learning, ability, and
practices stressed in preparing programs and to
apply them to their everyday exercises.
In Indonesia, Thorat (2013) clarified that
there are a change in perspective of Human
Resources administration part in Indonesia
organizations, he called attention to that, Habir
and Larasati (1999) on Thorat (2013) broke down
three driving Indonesian organizations and their
examination shows a changing introduction for

HR administration (HRM) in Indonesia, which is
more vital and concentrated on how HRM
methodologies and procedures line up with the
business goals.
It is important to note that the
implementation of human resources management
in Indonesia itself is still relatively obscure as
Thorat (2013) brought up that little consideration
has been given to examining HRM hones in
Indonesia, despite the fact that a number have
contemplated HRM in other creating nations
crosswise over Asia and the Asia-Pacific. Thorat
(2013) outline, given the constrained articles and
research, more thought and thoughtfulness
regarding learns about HRM inside the Indonesian
setting are justified. This call isn't just identified
with the mind boggling setting of Indonesian life,
however to the worldwide effect. The dynamic or
even contradictive collaborations that exist among
inward and outer parts of HRM inside the

Indonesian setting are viewed as an intriguing
open door for consider.

This research attempted to explain the
implementation of training program aspects, in
particular: planning, designing using Training
Needs Assessment by Raymond A. Noe(2010) and
evaluation processes in private and public sector
using Kirkpatrick (2006) 4 Levels of Training
preparation is an endeavor to enhance present or
future execution, upheld by Simamora (2006)
clarification that preparation is a learning

accomplishments, ideas, directions, or state of
mind to enhance workers exhibitions. This
definition infers that preparation a procedure, in
which people would accomplish new arrangement
of information which in the end would prompt
ideal exhibitions.
Training Objectives
Ivancevich (2001) stated that the goals of training
are as follows:
1) To ensure that participant of the training
will acquire knowledge and/or abilities out
of the implementation, as part of training
2) To ensure that the knowledge and/or
abilities does improve performance on the
job. (Transfer validity) ;
3) To ensure the implementation relevant for

the trainees and still can be useful even
after the trainees leaves the company.
(Inter-organizational validity).
Raymond A. Noe Training Needs Assessment
Assessment as the procedure used to decide if
preparing training is essential, and are commonly
includes: organizational analysis, person analysis,
and task analysis.

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


Figure 1.Noe (2010) Training Needs Assessment

Source: Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee Training and
Development. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, p. 104

a. Organizational Analysis
recognizing in the case of preparing
bolsters the organization's vital heading;
regardless of whether supervisors,
companions, and workers bolster preparing
action; and what preparing assets are
accessible. Preparing implementer need to
consider what are organization's key
bearings, this will figure out what is the

key part of the preparation programs, the
recurrence and sort of preparing and how
the preparation work is composed in the
b. Person Analysis
Noe (2010) clarified that person
analysis recognizes representatives who
require preparing, that is, regardless of
whether worker current execution or
expected execution shows requirement for
preparing which more often than not
demonstrated by poor exhibitions. Noe
expressed that poor execution is shown by
(for instance) client objections, low
execution evaluations, or at work
occurrences, for example, mischances and
perilous conduct. Another potential marker
of the requirement for preparing is if the
activity changes with the end goal that
present levels of execution should be

enhanced or workers must have the
capacity to finish new undertakings.
Keeping in mind the end goal to figure out
organization need to realize what is simply
the attributes of the representative.

c. Tasks Analysis
Noe (2010) clarified that Task
analysis brings about a portrayal of work
exercises, including errands performed by
the worker and the learning, aptitudes, and
capacities required to finish the
undertakings. A vocation is a particular
position requiring the finishing of specific

representative's work action in a particular
employment. Assignment investigation
ought to be attempted simply after the
authoritative examination has confirmed
that the organization needs to dedicate
time and cash for preparing.
Kirkpatrick 4 Levels of Training Evaluation
Kirkpatrick (2006) clarified that the four
levels speak to an arrangement of approaches to
assess programs. Each level is essential and
affects the following level. As you move starting
with one level then onto the next, the procedure
turns out to be more troublesome and tedious, yet
it additionally gives more important data. None of
the level ought to be skirted basically to get to the
level that mentor considers the most essential.
These are the four levels: (a) Level 1: Reaction,
(b) Level 2: Learning, (c) Level 3: Behavior and
(d) Level 4: Result.
a. Reaction
As the word response suggests,
assessment on this level measures how the
individuals who take an interest in the
program respond to it. Kirkpatrick (2006)
call it “a measure of consumer
satisfaction”. It is essential to get a
response as well as to get a positive
response. Kirkpatrick (2016) stress that the
eventual fate of a program relies upon
positive response. What's more, if
members don't respond positively, they
likely won't be roused to learn. Positive
response may not guarantee adapting, but
rather negative response more likely than
not decreases the likelihood of its
b. Learning
Kirkpatrick (2006) clarified that
Learning can be characterized as thestretch out to which members change
dispositions, enhance information, and
additionally increment aptitude because of
going to the program. Those are the three
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


things that a preparation program can
achieve. Projects managing subjects like
assorted variety in the workforce point
principally at evolving states of mind.
Specialized projects go for enhancing
abilities. Projects on subjects like
correspondence can go for every one of the
three goals. With a specific end goal to
assess taking in, the specific targets must
be resolved.
c. Behavior
Kirkpatrick (2006) clarified that
Behavior can be characterized as the
degree to which change in conduct has
happened in light of the fact that the
member went to the preparation program.
With the goal for change to happen, four
conditions are important: (a) the individual
must want to change, (b) the individual
must recognize what to do and how to do
it, (c) the individual must work in the
correct atmosphere, (d) the individual must
be remunerated for evolving.
d. Result
Kirkpatrick (2006) clarified that
Result can be characterized as the last
outcome that happened in light of the fact
that the member went to the program. The
last outcome can incorporate expanded
creation, enhanced quality, diminished
additionally seriousness of mischances,
expanded deals, lessened turnover, and
higher benefits. Recognize that outcome
like these are the purpose behind making
them prepare programs. Kirkpatrick (2006)
underline that Evaluating comes about,
level 4, gives the best test to preparing
experts. He additionally clarifying that it is
all things considered, that is the reason
association (us) prepare, and associations
should have the capacity to indicate
unmistakable outcomes that more than pay
for the cost of the preparation. At times,
such assessment should be possible and
effectively. Projects that go for expanding
deals, decreasing mishaps, diminishing
turnover, and lessening scrap rates can
frequently be assessed regarding comes
about. What's more, the cost of the
program isn't excessively troublesome,
making it impossible to decide. An

examination can promptly demonstrate
that preparation pays off.
Training implementation in general is not
without barriers, in order to identify those barriers,
this research is using an adaptation of Soenarko’s
(Cited from Widodo, 2010) variables to identify
the success or failure of public policy, those
adapted variable are:
Table 1.Soenarko’s
Widodo, 2010)







Not appropriate theory


Ineffective media/tool

Lack of Knowledge of Method

The contents of the policy is not clear

Uncertainty internal and/or external factors

Policy set that contains many gaps
Less attention to technical problems

Lack of resources

Source: Soenarko (Cited from Widodo, 2010)
This research is an exploratory research
with qualitative approach. The research is focused
on investigating and analyzing findings of
Training Needs Assessment, Training Evaluation
and its Challenges and Barriers, and comparing it
with established theories/models (Raymond A.
Noe’s Training Needs Assessment, 2010 and
Kirkpatrick’s 4 Levels of Training Evaluation,
2006) as an chase study in Badan Kepegawaian
Daerah Kota (BKD) Kota Malang, Perum Jasa
Tirta I (PJT I) and PT. Amman Mineral Nusa
Tenggara (PT. AMNT). Data collection
techniques in this research are semi-structured
interview model, observation, documentation and
audio-visual study.
1. Training Needs Assessment (TNA) at BKD
Kota Malang, Perum Jasa Tirta I and PT.
Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara.
In order to analyze the implementation of
Training Needs Assessment in BKD Kota
Malang, PJT I and PT. AMNT, this research is
using variables which originated from
Raymond A. Noe (2010) Training Needs
Assessment model which composed of a)
Organizational Analysis, b) Person Analysis
and c) Tasks Analysis. The explanation are

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


divided into 3 different point in accordance to
a. Organizational Analysis
In implementing their TNA, BKD Kota
Malang as government body ensure that
their implementation are singular with
local government by using standardized
Analisis Kebutuhan Diklat (AKD) format
as made per request by another
government agencies or planned prior by
BKD. In comparison, Perum Jasa Tirta I
and PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara
tend to implement their training needs
assessment annually as part of strategic
planning, some training program are made
as reaction to current identified problem or
made along the strategic year as response
to it.
It can be summarized in the following
Table 2.Organizational Analysis
Organizational Analysis





Singularity with
Organization’s Goals and


Organization allocation in


Organizational transfer of
training climate


Capability to surprass
Environmental Constrains

Source: Variables adapted from Anderson (2000),
Author Summary (2017) () = Variable exist, (-) =
Variable is not exist (on chase)

b. Person Analysis
The establishment of Analisis
Kebutuhan Diklat (AKD) in BKD Kota
Malang made analyzing the the person(s)
who needs the training program is easier,
however it is still not explained in detail, in
comparison, PJT I and PT. AMNT having
their program established prior of
implemented year, the person analysis is
analyzed way even before the year/time of
implementation. It can be summarized in
the following table:

Table 3.Person Analysis



Summary Person Analysis
to ensure the compatibility
between the training
program(s) with participant

Diagnostic Person Analysis
to analyze the problems
that are relevant to the
training implementation
and the training participant.

Person Analysis



Source: Variables adapted from Anderson (2000),
Author Summary (2017) () = Variable exist, (-) =
Variable is not exist (on chase)

c. Tasks Analysis
BKD Kota Malang recruit third
party agency to directly implement the
program while they are providing the
logistic for the implementation itself,
indicating that almost entirety of tasks
analysis are handled by professionals,
which made the details of the tasks
analysis are not clear. PJT I and PT.
AMNT also practices the same method by
hiring third party agencies in some if not
implementation, however, in PT. AMNT
case, the tasks analysis has already predetermined before handled by third party.
It can be summarized in the following
Table 4.Tasks Analysis
Tasks Analysis





Develop overall job



Identify the tasks



Describe knowledge
skills attitudes needed to
perform the tasks



Identify the areas that
can benefits from


Prioritize the areas
that can benefits from

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


Source: Variables adapted from Anderson (2000),
Author Summary (2017) () = Variable exist, (-) =
Variable is not exist (on chase)

2. Training Evaluation (TE) at BKD Kota
Malang, Perum Jasa Tirta I and PT.
Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara.
In order to analyze the implementation of
Training Needs Assessment in BKD Kota
Malang, PJT I and PT. AMNT, this research is
using variables which originated from
Kirkpatrick (2006) 4 Levels of Training
Evaluation which composed of a) Reaction, b)
Learning, c) Behavior and d) Result. The
explanations are combined into one table and
followed by the general explanation.
Table 5.Four Levels of Training Evaluation
Four-Level Evaluation
1) Reaction to the training

2) Learning capabilities of
the training program


3) Behavior changes
4) Result


Source: Kirkpatrick (2006), Author Summary (2017),
() = Variable exist, (-) = Variable is not exist (on

From the table we can understand that
among the three research representatives,
BKD and PT. AMNT met all of the
requirements of Kirkpatrick’s model, however
only PT. AMNT that is actually mentioned of
using and implementing the model explicitly,
while BKD is not, however, even though BKD
did not explicitly using any method in
particular but certainly they are assuring that
third party agencies handled evaluation by
using certification and test, additionally the
implementer also observes if there are any
changes after they participant attending the
training program (compared to before
attending). In case of Perum Jasa Tirta I, their
explanation implies that most of their training
program included certification as verification
to learning and behavior changes as the main
indicator that participants are learning
something out of the program, however the
general result of the training program itself is
still unclear whether it is working according to
implementer intended or not. All of the
research representatives did mentioned using a
questionnaire to record training participant

opinion or as a constructive input for the
training program.
3. Barriers and Challenges of TNA and TE at
BKD Kota Malang, Perum Jasa Tirta I, and
PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara.
In order to analyze barriers and challenges
on implementing training needs assessment
and training evaluation in BKD Kota Malang,
PJT I and PT. AMNT, this research is using an
adaptation of variables which originated from
Soenarko’s model of identification of public
policy (Widodo, 2010). The explanations are
combined into one table and followed by the
general explanation.
Table 6.Barriers and Challenges

1) Not
2) Ineffective
3) Lack of
of Method
4) The
contents of
the policy
is not clear
5) Uncertainty
6) Policy set
many gaps
7) Less
attention to
8) Lack of












































Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


Source: Adaption from Soenarko’s Variable (Widodo,
2010), Author Summary (2017), () = Variable exist,
(-) = Variable is not exist (on chase), TNA = Training
Needs Assessment, TE = Training Evaluation.

From the table we can understand that in
general all of research representatives are
having troubles on budgeting (and for the most
part, it is not too risky). In Case of BKD Kota
Malang, apart from Budget, approval from
Regional Council could become hindrance for
implementation, the uncertainty whether one
training program would be approved or denied
made the project could be in jeopardy even
after they’re putting effort into it making it
possibly harder for them to prepare and assess
an effective training program. In the other
hand, PJT I and PT. AMNT seemingly facing
none of these problem since private
organization only needs higher upper body of
their organization which obviously less
complicated compared to BKD. In Case of
PJT I, however, the dependency to third party
organization could possibly made them harder
to understand the core of Training Needs
Assessment of their training program,
especially person and tasks analysis. PT.
AMNT facing none of these problems on their
training needs assessment processes since they
handled the entirety of its activities internally.
Amid the assessment of the preparation
program, BKD Kota Malang practice almost
no activity with the exception of little
perception excessively investigate the reality
of the consequence of the preparation program
and getting input by means of polls, be that as
it may, this still moderately satisfactory in
contrast with PJT I which a large number of
their preparation program does not has some
sort of assessment, since the sum of the action
are given over to outsider. PT. AMNT,
confronting none of these issue since they
practice their preparation assessment in
notwithstanding it is worth to take note of that
there are a few inconveniences looked amid
the genuine field movement while practicing
those assessment action (Technical issue).

Based from the previous analysis, there are
several conclusions that can be summarized as
1. The conclusion of how respective research
subject conducted their training program
implementation, particularly in the
planning and designing process, using Noe
(2010) Needs Assessment models can be
concluded as good, despite none of the
research subjects, based on data
presentation, actually considering using
internationally acclaimed model on
conducting the needs assessment analysis.
In actuality, each research subjects
creating a needs assessment model that is
applicable for their needs and more
organizational goals and it seems to work
for them and obviously every research
subject does considering every aspect of
Organizational Analysis, Person Analysis
and Tasks Analysis even without
consciously using the standard which Noe
has established.
2. Using Kirkpatrick (2006) four-level
evaluation model, it can be concluded that,
despite the majority of the research subject
(BKD Kota Malang and Perum Jasa Tirta
I) does not even considering using the
model, both research subject managed to
get the result that the implementer wanted
from the training program implementation,
although what are considered to be
successful or not successful are appeared
to be relative due the lack of evaluation
standard implemented. This is, however,
does not causing a problem for both
subject as both of them working together
with third party that actually managed the
evaluation procedures. It is worth to note
that BKD Kota Malang implementation
using what is known as Monitoring dan
Evaluasi or MONEV, which is the nationwide standard of determining the result of
training program for every government
bodies in Indonesia.
3. As for Barriers and Challenges, from the
analysis we learned that in BKD, because
of their nature as government body,
regulation can be a problem if they don’t
ensure good coordination with the top
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


level management which in this case is
Sekda (Sekretaris Daerah). For BKD,
budget is relatively could be a problem
because it is determined by regulation
imposed by Regional People’s Council
meeting for every training program that are
planned by BKD, however, it can be a
problem if the budget does not cover the
expense for training program that are
based on proposal from particular
constitutionally does not need approval
from Regional People’s Council. As for
PJT I, based on the data presentation we
can understand that the main concern is the
limited budget, other minor challenges
included low participation and motivation
level in some training program from BKD
and evaluation technicality problem in PT.
4. There are contrasts in execution of Needs
Assessment amongst open and private
establishment which spoke to by BKD
Kota Malang (Public) and PJT I and PT.
AMNT (Private), BKD Kota Malang have
a tendency to take after the direction and
standard which is for the most part settled
by the focal government, it is elusive
something that is exceptional to the usage
as it can be effectively found in other
government organizations significantly
more in another BKD in various area, a
similar thing can be finished up on PJT I
and PT. AMNT preparing needs appraisal,
however what makes their usage diverse is
"the way" as in the technique for which
5. This research inferred that there is a
fundamental distinction of preparing
assessment lead in every association, this
distinction is the technique which are
utilizing by particular associations. As it as
of now inferred in past conclusions (No.2),
people in general association which spoke
to by BKD Kota Malang is utilizing
MONEV which survey the effectivity of
the preparation program, however the
MONEV itself does not neccessarily
evaluate the aftereffect of the preparation
itself as the idea of its lead is indeterminate
and its application to evaluate preparing
program is, for the absence of better word,
untested. Moreover, a significant number

of their preparation assessment depend on
conventional technique, for example, poll
to survey their usage viability. Perum Jasa
Tirta I speak to private associations
demonstrates an alternate range of
preparing assessment direct, as it inferred
in past conclusion, PJT I has suggestion
that they doesn't leading a legitimate
preparing assessment strategy as obviously
relatively every part of assessment took
care of by outsider amid the preparation
program execution. PT. Amman Mineral
Nusa Tenggara feature a strong assessment
technique, not just utilizing a poll to gauge
the effectivity of the preparation program,
they are likewise utilizing a similar
strategy to quantify the consequence of the
additionally verbally met the preparation
member about the preparation program
adding more profundity to the preparation
Based on the conclusion, there are the
recommendations which are concluded by
researcher, which explained as follows:
1. For BKD Kota Malang
In assessment process the direction
force through Analisis Dampak Diklat
(AKD) isn't clear in detail and rehearse
and surely it can be enhanced by utilizing
Raymond A. Noe (2010) demonstrate for
Training Needs Analysis and Kirkpatrick
(2006), it will give clear clarification what
is to take for a preparation program to be
named effective, and all the more
essentially, it can help on figuring out
what to improve the situation the
consequence of the preparation program
and help set up a decent and reasonable
HR administration hones. Aside from
that, it is likewise no less imperative to
keep up great chain of coordination
amongst BKD and others government
organizations alongside provincial board
with a specific end goal to have a typical
comprehension of the significance to
forcing a viable preparing program.
2. For Perum Jasa Tirta I
Perum Jasa Tirta I need to impose a
proper evaluation practice as according to
their explanation, and it is needed to
lessen the dependency to third party. It is
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|


important to have an effective training
program, by exercising organizational,
person, and tasks analysis Perum Jasa
Tirta I could develop a more effective
training program and by imposing
Kirkpatrick model for training evaluation,
PJT I could make the program sustainable
for the future development of human
3. For PT. Amman Mineral Nusa
PT. AMNT is by far having the
implementation. However, as far as
observation and researcher involvement,
it is necessary to plan what are
organization going to do about the result,
because a good training practice needs a
good follow-up program in order for the
imposing a training implementation is not
only about planning, it is also about
executing, HR Department needs to put
more efforts into having a proper (human)
resources to handle technicality of the
training implementation, in order to make
sure that the training program which has
already been properly designed to be
properly executed.
4. For further Researcher
recommend future researcher to look
deeper on Standard Operational Procedure
implementation. This research may
answer the practicality and technicality of
particular aspect, but a general procedure
that could answer the question “what
constitute an effective training program in
Indonesia?” is still far from a definitive

provided through interview and based on
observation and involvements.
2. There is confidentiality procedure that
imposed by PT. AMNT, which made data
gathering is much harder. There are many
valuable data that can’t be published due to
this policy. Fortunately, the data that
obtained by observation and direct
involvement still can be used and enough
in providing crucial data for this research.
3. This research is a case study, so the result
cannot be generalized as the whole
representation of training needs assessment
and training evaluation practice in others
private and public organizations.
Anderson, J. E. (2000). Training needs
assessment, evaluation, success, and
organizational strategy and effectiveness:
An exploration of the relationships (Order
ABI/INFORM Collection. (304630408).
Creswell, John W. (2013). Research Design:
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Method Approached 4th Ed. SAGE.
Ivanevich, John M. (2001). Human Resources
Management 8th Edition. McGrawHill/Irwin. New York.
Kirkpatrick, D.L., Kirkpatrick, J.D. (2006).
Berret-Koehler Publisher, Inc.
Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and
development. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Sloman, M., & Webster, L. (2005). Training to
learning. T+ D, 59(9), 58-62.

These are the limitation of this research,
detailed as follows:
1. During the research process, it has been
lack of relevant data in term of official
reports from mainstream media about the
training conduct of every research
subjects. This make the research can only
gather and confirmed data that are

Truelove, S. (1992) Handbook of Training and
Development. Oxford: Blackwell
Thorat, Pravin. (2013). HRM In Indonesia.
International Journal of Enterprise and
Innovation Management Studies (IJEIMS).

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol. 55 No. 3 Februari 2018|