Elie`s motivation in achieving freedom revealed in the main character`s conflicts as seen in Elie Wiesel`s Night - USD Repository







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters





Student Number: 024214097














Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters





Student Number: 024214097









A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis








Student Number: 024214097

Approved by Modesta Luluk Artika W., S.S.

  14 November 2009 Advisor Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum

  14 November 2009 Co-advisor


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis








Student Number: 024214097

Defended before the Board of Examiners


On 26 November 2009

and Declared Acceptable



Chairman : Drs. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. ________

Secretary : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum ________

Member : Maria Ananta Tri S., S.S., M.Ed. ________

Member : Modesta Luluk Artika W., S.S. ________

Member : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum ________

Yogyakarta, 30 November 2009

  Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University Dean, Dr. I. Pratomo Baryadi, M.Hum



When there is a will, there is a way


“You got a dream, you gotta protect it.


People can’t do something themselves,

they wanna tell you that you can’t do it.


You want something? Go get it”

~Chris Gardner~





I dedicate this thesis


 My Almighty Creator, Jesus

Christ  My beloved Father and Mother  My Princess Lem0ntea  My GrandPa & GRANDMa  My Twin Sister  The big PRUE Family

  ~Marchelynow Alfa Christian~




Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Marchelynow Alfa Christian

  Nomor Mahasiswa : 024214097

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul : ELIE’S MOTIVATION IN ACHIEVING FREEDOM REVEALED IN THE



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan

kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,

mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data,

mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media

lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun

memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai

penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 14 November 2009 Yang menyatakan Marchelynow Alfa Christian Mengko



First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to my Almighty Creator, Jesus Christ

for always being there for me. I thank Him for being my Savior coz’ I’m nothing

without Him.

  The writing process of this thesis involved many generous contributions of

wonderful people. My enormous thank and award is dedicated for my advisor,

Modesta Luluk Artika W., S.S. I thank her for all her help, suggestions, and guidance

during my undergraduate thesis up to the end. I also would like to thank Drs.


Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum for the suggestions and inputs as the co-advisor of my

undergraduate thesis and as my academic counselor. My acknowledgement also goes

to all of the lecturers and the staff of Department of English Letters. I thank them for

their unforgettable great role during my study in this university.

  With lots of love, I would like to express my extraordinary gratefulness to my

amazing father and mother for their unconditional love. They are tha Inspirator,

S.F.L. Mengko for his inspirational words, and my wonderful tha Motivator, Deetje

Sampe who always care of me and taught me to be optimistic in finishing this thesis

as soon as possible.

  I would like to express my special gratitude to my precious ‘Princess Lem0ntea

  , Danita Irianti Malute S.S., for her love, forgiveness, patience, help and

support. I thank her for always there by my side every time I need her and always


help me in solving every problem during the process of writing this undergraduate


  My biggest appreciation goes to the Pengew-Sampe Family, the Paath-Sampe

Family, and Big Mengko’s Family. I would like to thank my aunt Ike and Mr. Moses.

  Thank you for your support.

  The expression of thankfulness also goes to big PRUE family (Jeff Reinhard,

Nicholas Maynard, Yeremias Nardi, Gerardus Ferdinand, Gatot Hendy, Fitra Sony,

Sri Harjanto, Suryo Pramono, Rudi Prasojo, Debora Wienda, Kartika Kusumaningsih,

Faida Indana, Dian Patricia) who have shared an unforgettable and craziness

friendship in all lovely days during my study at Sanata Dharma University, and

special warm thanks to Dhina Mayasari, Agusta Rosariana, my KKN team (Githa,

Ria, Tyas, Abu, Yosep), Yosua’06 English Letters Department, the Karang nangka’s

and the Djiman’s.

  Last but not least, thanks for everyone who helps me in hand and those who

filled my life with joy and laughter that I cannot mention here. You are all the best

things I have ever had.

  Marchelynow Alfa Christian



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………….. i


APPROVAL PAGE…………………………………………………………… ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE……………………………………………………….. iii

MOTTO PAGE……………………………………………………………….. iv

DEDICATION PAGE………………………………………………………… v

PUBLICATION PAGE……………………………………………………….. vi

ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS…………………………………………………... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………... ix

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………. xi

ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………………... xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................

  1 A. Background of the Study……………...............……………….……..

  1 B. Problem Formulation………………………………………………...

  4 C. Objectives of the Study………………………………………………

  5 D. Definition of Terms…………………………………………….…….


  7 A. Review of Related Studies…………………………………………...

  7 B. Review of Related Theories……………………………………….…

  9 1. Character and Characterization….…………………….……..

  9 2. The Relation between Literature and Psychology……….…..

  12 3. Theory of Motive and Motivation…………………………...


  4. Theory of Conflict……………………………………………


  5. Review on Freedom and Survival……………………………

  17 C. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………...

  19 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY……………………………………….…..

  20 A. Object of the Study…………………………………………….…….

  20 B. Approach of the Study………………………………………….……

  21 C. Method of the Study…………………………………………….…...

  22 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS…………………………………………………...

  24 A. The Characterization of the Characters……………………………..


  1. Elie Wiesel……………………...………………………...…

  25 2. Chlomo Wiesel…………………..………………………….

  29 B. The Internal and External Conflicts of Elie Wiesel….…………..….

  31 1. Internal Conflicts…………...……………………….….…...

  32 2. External Conflicts………..…………………………..……...

  41 C. Elie’s Motivation as seen through the Internal and External Conflicts


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION……………………………………….…..……

  58 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………….……..…….

  62 APPENDIX : The Summary of Elie Wiesel’s Night……………….…………...




MARCHELYNOW ALFA CHRISTIAN (2009). Elie’s Motivation in Achieving

Freedom Revealed in the Main Character’s Conflicts as Seen in Elie Wiesel’s

Night. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma


  This thesis discusses the novel by Elie Wiesel entitled Night, published by

Bantam Books in 1982. Elie Wiesel’s Night tells about the life of a Jewish boy who

struggled for his life in the concentration camp during the Second World War. This

thesis discusses Elie’s Motivation in Achieving Freedom Revealed in The Main

Character’s Conflicts as seen in Elie Wiesel’s Night.

  To see Elie’s motivation of survival that revealed in the main character’s

conflicts in the novel, three questions are formulated to guide the analysis. They are

(1) How are the characters described in the Elie Wiesel’s Night? (2) What are Elie

Wiesel’s internal and external conflicts that revealed in the story? (3) In what way the

internal and external conflicts reveal Elie’s motivation of survival? The method applied in this study is library research. The approach used in this

study is psychological approach. The sources that are needed to support this study are

taken from the novel Night and sources that contain the theories of literature and

theories of psychology in terms of books and internet.

  Based on the analysis, the results of the study are as follows. Firstly, Elie

Wiesel’s characteristics are religious, loving and brave. Chlomo Wiesel’s

characteristics are wise and loving. Secondly is the Elie’s internal and external

conflicts. His internal conflicts are conflicts that happen inside of him or conflicts of

Elie Wiesel against himself. The conflicts involved his religiosity or his God’s

existence and his loving characteristic related to his father’s existence. His external

conflicts are his conflicts against other persons and nature. He had conflicts with his

father, Idek Kapo, Franek, the dentist, other prisoners, and the fury of the cold

temperature of winter. Thirdly, Elie’s motivation of survival can be seen in every

conflict as Elie’s motivation influenced his mind, action, and behavior. This

motivation derived from a goal. His goal is freedom. Freedom becomes a goal of Elie

Wiesel because by becoming the oppressed, freedom is something that the oppressed

wanted most to achieve in order to once again live normal which is free from the

camp, free from oppression and free from slavery.



MARCHELYNOW ALFA CHRISTIAN (2009). Elie’s Motivation in Achieving

Freedom Revealed in the Main Character’s Conflicts as Seen in Elie Wiesel’s

Night. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata


  Skripsi ini membahas sebuah novel yang berjudul Night karya Elie Wiesel

yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1982 oleh Bantam Books. Novel Night bercerita tentang

pengalaman hidup seorang anak laki-laki keturunan Yahudi yang berjuang untuk

bertahan hidup selama berada di kemah konsentrasi pada saat Perang Dunia II.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang pentingnya arti bertahan hidup dalam upaya meraih

kebebasan yang merupakan sebuah tujuan dari seorang Elie Wiesel dalam novel


  . Pentingnya arti bertahan hidup tersebut tersirat pada tiap-tiap konflik yang dihadapi Elie Wiesel selama berada di kemah konsentrasi.

  Untuk melihat arti pentingnya bertahan hidup yang tersirat didalam setiap

konflik yang dialami Elie Wiesel, diformulasikanlah tiga pertanyaan guna memandu

proses analisa, yaitu: (1) Bagaimanakah penokohan dari tokoh-tokoh dalam novel

Night karya Elie Wiesel? (2) Konflik internal dan eksternal apa sajakah yang dihadapi

oleh Elie Wiesel? (3) Bagaimana konflik-konflik tersebut menunjukan motivasi Elie

untuk bertahan hidup? Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah studi pustaka. Pendekatan

yang digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologi. Data-data yang diperlukan untuk

mendukung studi ini diambil dari novel Night dan sumber-sumber yang memuat teori

sastra dan teori psikologi dalam bentuk buku-buku maupun data-data dari internet.

  Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, hasil temuan studi ini adalah sebagai

berikut. Pertama, Elie Wiesel digambarkan sebagai seorang anak yang religius,

penyayang dan pemberani. Chlomo Wiesel digambarkan sebagai seorang ayah yang

bijaksana dan penyayang. Kedua, Elie menghadapi konflik-konflik baik itu yang

bersifat internal maupun eksternal. Konflik yang bersifat internal adalah konflik-

konflik yang terjadi di dalam diri Elie sendiri. Konflik-konflik yang bersifat internal

meliputi konflik-konflik yang melibatkan religiositasnya berkaitan dengan

keberadaan Tuhan dan konflik-konflik yang berkaitan dengan keberadaan ayahnya.

Konflik yang bersifat eksternal adalah konflik-konflik antara Elie dan tokoh-tokoh

lainnya ataupun antara Elie dan kekuatan alam. Tokoh-tokoh yang terlibat konflik

dengan Elie adalah: ayahnya, Idek Kapo, Franek, seorang dokter gigi, serta tahanan

lainnya. Elie juga sempat bergelut dengan dinginnya suhu di musim dingin. Ketiga,

motivasi Elie yang adalah bertahan hidup dapat dilihat pada setiap konflik yang

dihadapi Elie Wiesel dimana motivasinya mempengaruhi pola pikir, tindakan, dan

perilaku Elie. Motivasi ini muncul dari sebuah tujuan yaitu kebebasan. Kebebasan

telah menjadi sebuah tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh mereka-mereka yang terkekang

dan tertindas demi sekali lagi merasakan hidup normal bebas dari pengekangan,

penindasan dan perbudakan.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of four sections. The first is the background of the

  study, which covers reason of choosing the novel and the topic. The second concerns with problem formulation, which gives general description of the problem that will be analyzed in this study. The third talks about the objectives of the study to answer the problems stated in the problem formulations. The last part describes about the terms that are used in this study.

A. Background of the Study

  Literary work is a portrait of human’s life. What is pictured there is generally based on the fact and experience which happened in the past or the dreams about future which is expressed through the medium of written language. As Hudson says in An Introduction to Study of Literature,

  Literary is the expression of life through the medium of Language. It can be regarded as something essential since it contains about real life, people, thought, and their feeling about life (1958: 10) The writer sees that literature is a creation of art, an object that an artist makes. Literature is not only an idea or theory that an artist makes, but also a creative work to express an experience of an artist, which is related to the human life. A novel as an example of literary works can be used by the author to express his or her feeling, point of view, protest or even everything that he or she wants toward his society or environment where he or she lives in. Murphy in his book says that the greatest novels reflects life and are compounded similarly of many elements, just as life is a mixture of joy, disappointment, hope, sorrow, humor, suffering, and success (1972: 33).

  Night is a novel by Elie Wiesel published by the Bantam Books in 1982.

  This novel is a true story where the author of this novel was the main character in the story; as Stanton stated that an author can also become the storyteller who told us about a story where he or she wants us to see the meaning of something, to feel a living experience, not just a gray abstraction (Stanton 1965: 19). Night is a story which tells us about the author’s experiences living in the concentration camp during the Second World War. He has experienced a horrible journey of pain and sorrow during the Nazi’s regime. During his journey of life, he has faced so many conflicts both internal and external conflicts. Conflict is a natural and inescapable phenomenon in human condition (Burgoon & Ruffner, 1977: 503). In other words, every human will face conflicts during his life. All conflicts in human life will have something to do with what we called motive and goals. Cofer and Appley stated that conflict is often conceived as occurring not only between action tendencies, but also between motives or drives and between goals or end states of action (1968: 413).

  Since every human has his/her own goals and motives in life, it becomes easy to have conflicts in every day life. These motives and goals will also influence his or her motivation and behavior. According to Frank J. Burno in


Dictionary of Keywords in Psychology (1986: 140) the definition of motive is

  hypothetical state in an organism used to explain its choices and goal-oriented behavior. Similar to what Gerring and Zimbardo suggested in Psychology and


Life, the definition of motivation is the process of starting, directing and

  maintaining physical and psychological activities toward a certain goal (2002: 364). For the writer, the close relation between motive, motivation, conflict, and goal appears to be an interesting subject to be analyzed, in this case, the relation of Elie Wiesel’s goal, motivation and conflicts especially during his life as a prisoner in concentration camp. As a prisoner, freedom has become something that Elie wanted to achieve. Freedom is something important for every human being. As Sartre mentioned that human beings are free and this is what separates human from animals. He also argued that we have the freedom to choose our own path and to decide upon our own essence and our own nature. Furthermore, he explains that the only necessity that a man needs is being free. Man is condemned to freedom: he cannot not to be free. (1956:560). Another writer, Paulo Freire in The


Pedagogy of the Oppressed suggested that by being the oppressed side, freedom is

  something which the oppressed struggles for in order to strive to get back their stolen humanity (1973:44). Enrich Fromm in The Fear of Freedom defined that the longing for freedom is rooted in all who are oppressed (1960: 1). Freedom has become something that the oppressed wanted so much. Freedom has become a desire for every oppressed person. In this case, freedom has become a goal for Elie. He wants to see the day where he will be liberate from the concentration camp and from the slavery. Freedom for Elie who has become the oppressed is something valuable. But in order to achieve this valuable thing he must struggle for it. His struggles can be seen in his conflicts. Elie knows that he must struggle to survive living in the concentration camp just in order to be able to see the liberation day. His goal of freedom has motivated him to keep on fighting. In other words, his goal has created his motivation. Survival has become Elie’s motivation. His motivation directs and maintains his physical and psychological activities toward his goal. Elie’s motivation which is to survive influenced his mind, actions, and his behavior.

  In Night, the setting, the flow, the dynamical emotion of getting involved in this novel, the sense, and the scope of understanding the novel are the things that can be reached more in this novel. During Elie Wiesel’s struggle to live in the concentration camp, he has gone through so many conflicts even a conflict with nature. In Night, Elie’s goal of freedom has created Elie’s motivation which is to survive. This motivation influenced his mind, actions, and behaviors. The importance of Elie’s motivation of survival is depicted through the Elie’s both internal and external conflicts. That is why “ELIE’S MOTIVATION IN ACHIEVING FREEDOM REVEALED IN THE MAIN CHARACTER’S CONFLICTS AS SEEN IN ELIE WIESEL’S NIGHT” is chosen as the title of this thesis.

B. Problem Formulation

  As a guide for the writer in referring to the particular elements to discuss, these questions below will direct the writer’s writing on the certain scope of the analysis. They are stated to be the problems, as well as the basic construction of the thesis.

  1. How are the characters described in the Elie Wiesel’s Night?

  2. What are Elie Wiesel’s internal and external conflicts revealed in the story?

  3. How do the internal and external conflicts reveal Elie’s motivation of survival in achieving freedom?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The aim of the study is to answer the three formulated problems above as clearly as possible. The first thing to do is to find how Elie Wiesel describes the main characters in the novel. The second thing to do is to find Elie Wiesel’s internal and external conflicts. And the last thing to do is to explain how internal and external conflicts reveal Elie’s motivation in achieving freedom as seen in Elie Wiesel’s Night.

  D. Definition of Terms

  To avoid any misinterpretations in the title, this thesis will provide some explanation on several important terms mainly used and closely related to the topic. The writer tries to explain them by borrowing mainly from the media, particularly from books and dictionaries.

1. Character One of the important elements of a play or a novel is the Character.

  Abrams’ theory about character in A Glossary of Literary Terms mentioned that character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who naturally possesses moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that all reflected in the dialogue and action among the person (1981: 20).

  2. Motive and Motivation

  According to Frank J. Burno in Dictionary of Keywords in Psychology (1986: 140) the definition of motive is hypothetical state in an organism used to explain its choices and goal-oriented behavior. Furthermore, in Psychology and


Life the definition of motivation is the process of starting, directing and

  maintaining physical and psychological activities toward a certain goal (Gerring and Zimbardo, 2002: 364).

  3. Conflict

  The term is conflict which is taken from Literature: Structure, Sound, and


Sense second edition by Laurence Perrine. He defines conflict as a clash of action,

  ideas, and desires or wills between two individuals or among people in the society. The conflict can include physical, mental, emotional, or moral. In the real life people try to solve conflict but they will soon get a conflict (1974:44). In other words conflict is a state of discomfort cause by someone’s ideas, desires, wishes, or will that are incompatible between individuals, society, or someone’s internal and external demands.

  4. Freedom

  The word freedom according to Webster’s Encyclopaedic Unabridged


Dictionary means a state of being at liberty rather than in confinement or under

  physical restraint. “Freedom” is also understood as the power to make one’s own choices or decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self- determination (1975:565).

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter will be focused on the analyzing of theories that are used in

  this study. It is divided into three parts. The first part, the writer tries to review on some related studies that contain some information, comments, or criticisms related to Elie Wiesel’s Night. The second part is the writer tries to review on some theories that will be used in the analysis. The third or the last part is the writer discusses the theoretical framework. In this part, the writer tries to explain how the theories are used to support the analysis.

A. Review of Related Studies

  The existence of a literary work always invites comments or criticism from some critics. The criticism can be an agreement or disagreement toward the story.

  There are some criticisms directed to Night and those criticisms are needed to support the analysis of this study.

  One of the comments is in a website -www.powells.com- which is written by the publisher of Night, which said that Night is a terrifying account of the Nazi death camp horror that turns a young Jewish boy into an agonized witness to the death of his family, the death of his innocence, and the death of his God.

  Furthermore, Francios Mauriac in the same website says that “What I maintain is that this personal record, coming after so many others and describing an outrage about which we might imagine we already know all that it is possible to know, is nevertheless different, distinct, unique....Have we ever thought about the consequence of a horror that, though less apparent, less striking than the other outrages, is yet the worst of all to those of us who have faith: the death of God in the soul of a child who suddenly discovers absolute evil?”. Another critic, Alan M. Dershowitz in the Washington Post Book World writes that "The book that always makes me weep is 'Night' by Elie Wiesel, because it brings up emotions of sorrow, horror and anger. And the book that unfailingly cheers me up is also 'Night' by Elie Wiesel, because it shows me that there is never an excuse for not trying to overcome evil, and that there is no situation from which we cannot emerge with a determination to be productive” (www.powells.com). The same idea also rises on A. Alvarez’s opinion that is written in the same website which conclude that 'Night' is almost unbearably painful, and certainly beyond criticism.

  According to Lawrence L. Langer, an eminent scholar of Holocaust literature and a friend of Wiesel’s, in Rachel Donadio’s article The Story of Night, “What sets Night apart is a moral honesty that helps undermine the sentimental responses to the Holocaust. Night remains an essential companion or antidote to The Diary of Anne Frank . (http://www.nytimes.com)

  Another study on Elie Wiesel’s Night was done by Theo Donum. Donum in his thesis “Problems of Faith, Hope, and Suffering as Revealed in Eliezer’s Character Development as Seen in Elie Wiesel’s Night” concluded that the life in concentration camps has made Eliezer think about staying alive until the day of liberation. After his father’s death, nothing matters to Eliezer anymore as if he has already obtained his freedom. Eliezer eventually succeeds in managing himself to stay alive. His survival is not simply a matter of luck but there is no doubt that hope, to some extent, has taken serious part in providing Eliezer the strength to stay away from death (2008:88).

  Those opinions, criticisms, and comments give deeper information for the writer in analyzing the story of the novel. Most of them share the same view about the issues appearing in the time when the novel was written and generally focus on a terrifying account of the Nazi death camp especially to the Jewish. Donum’s point of view about Elie Wiesel’s Night, provoke the writer to analyze deeply on the influence of freedom and survival. That is why, in this undergraduate thesis, the writer will emphasize more on Elie’s motivation of survival in achieving his goal of freedom revealed in the main character’s conflicts as seen in the Elie Wiesel’s Night. The writer hopes that this study will give something new in understanding the story of the novel.

B. Review of Related Theories

  Some theories will be used in the study as the guidance in answering the problems formulation that becomes the focus of the analysis.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

  Since this study tries to deal with the main character’s conflict, the writer thinks that the understanding of the theories of character and characterization are needed to do the analysis. Character is one of the elements of play or novel that has significant role to show the qualities of the novel or play. According to Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms, character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who naturally possesses moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that all reflected in the dialogue and action among the person (1981: 20).

  Abrams also stated that characters in novel are divided into “major” and “minor” character based on their importance in the novel. He mentioned that major characters are substantially involved in main action as well as becoming the central and the most important in a story, while minor characters are characters that appear in certain setting and they are necessary to become the background for the major character (Abrams, 1981:20). According to Stanton in An Introduction


to Fiction , the term “character” is commonly used in two ways; first, it designates

  the individual who appears in the story. Second, it refers to the mixture of interest, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals (1965:17).

  The process by which an author creates a character is called characterization. Murphy in Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English


Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students (1972: 161-173) describes

  characterization as the way in which an author attempts to make his characters understandable and come alive for his readers. He also proposes some methods of characterization to discern how an author conveys the characters and the personalities of the people he writes about.

  The first method is personal description. By using this method the author can describe a person’s appearance in terms of build, face, hands, skin-color, hair, and clothes in order to help the reader both to visualize the character and to understand his characteristics.

  The second method is character as seen by another. Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe him through the eyes and opinions of another. The reader gets, as it were, a reflected image. This method can give the impressions of shape, cleanliness, firmness, smoothness, color, etc. Another character will give explanation about what the character is like.

  The third method is speech. The author can give the readers an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what the person says. The characters of a person can be seen from whenever he/she speaks, having conversation with others, and stated his/her opinion.

  The fourth method is past life. By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can give the readers a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by the author, though the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person.

  The fifth method is conversation of others. By using this technique, the author can also give the readers clues to a person’s character through the conversations of other people and the things they say about him. People talk about other people and the things they say often give as a clue to the character of the person spoken about.

  The sixth method is reactions. By using this method, the author can also give the readers a clue to a person’s character by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events. The actions are related to his/her motives and thought.

  The seventh method is direct comment. In this way, the author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. Usually the author gives comments based on his point of view.

  The eighth method is thoughts. In this method, the author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this respect, he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. He can tell the readers what different people are thinking. The readers then are in a privileged position; they have, as it were, a secret listening device plugged in to the inmost thoughts of a person in a novel.

  The last method is mannerisms. Through this method, the author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits, or idiosyncrasies which may also tell the readers something about his character.

  Some of the theories above will be useful to help the writer to identify and understanding character’s attitudes in the novel and to do the analysis.

2. Review on the Relation between Literature and Psychology

  It is almost impossible to separate psychology and literature because both of them have a close relation in which some literary works take the issue of psychology as the basic idea as Wellek and Waren in Theory of Literature (1956: 81) purposed. The term psychology of literature has four possible meanings. The first is the psychological study of the author as a type or as an individual. The second is the study of creative process. The third is the study of psychological types and laws presented within works of literature, and the last is the effect of literature upon readers (1956: 81). They state that people can learn theory of Cohen in Humanistic Psychology also states that literature and psychology has a relation in exploring human’s life, “in a variety of ways, a psychological approach has opened new avenues to the study of literature” (Cohen, 1958: 189). Those theories have shown the relation between psychology and literature. Analyzing literary works may reflect certain psychological factors. This study will explore parts of the psychological subjects. That is Elie’s motivation of survival in achieving his goal of freedom.

3. Theories of Motive and Motivation

  Frank J. Burno in Dictionary of Keywords in Psychology proposed the definition of motive as a hypothetical state in an organism used to explain its choices and goal-oriented behavior (1986: 140). It is supported by Charles G. Morris’ theory which stated that motive is an inner directing force –a need or want- that arouses the organism and directs behavior toward a goal (1990: 408).

  Furthermore, in Psychology and Life the definition of motivation is the process of starting, directing and maintaining physical and psychological activities toward a certain goal (Gerring and Zimbardo, 2002: 364). It is similar to Miller’s theory of motivation in Robert C. Beck’s Motivation Theories and Principles which stated that the closer an organism is to a positive goal, the stronger the motivation to approach that goal and the closer an organism to an aversive goal, the stronger the motivation to escape or avoid the goal (1978:256). Petri, in the


Motivation: Theory and Research, states that motivation is the forces acting on or

within an organism to initiate and direct behavior (1981: 12).

  Furthermore, Abraham Maslow in Introduction of Psychology stated that there are psychological motives and physiological motive. Psychological motives are motives which are in form of desire such as safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, cognitive needs, and aesthetic needs (in Atkinson, Atkinson, and Hilgard, 1983: 317). From those theories of motivation and motive, it can be concluded that all people usually have certain motive when they do something in their life because motive is the foundation of every action human beings do. All the theories of motive above will be used in determining Elie’s motivation of survival in achieving his goal of freedom.