Submitted to the Board of as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


  IN APRIL 2017 A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga






“Bersyukur dan Ikhlas”




Yakin Usaha Sampai


This graduating paper is especially dedicated to:

My beloved Mother and Father



Alhamdulillahirobbil „alamin, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the

  Most Merciful because of Allah, the researcher could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English education department of teacher training and education faculty of state institute for Islamic studies Salatiga.

  This attainment would be achieve without support, guidance, advice, help and encouragements from individual and institution, and the researcher somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest graduate for: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN Salatiga).

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D as the Head of English Education Department.

  4. Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum as my counselor who has educated, supported, directed, motivated and given the researcher advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this research from beginning until the end.

  5. My beloved Ibu Nurul Jumilah, my beloved Bapak Sulasi Fajaru, you are my reason to keep straight forward. My beloved sister Rahayu Ningsih and twin brother Doni Muhammad Fauzi, thank you for supporting me as always.

  6. My beloved uncle Sulasi Purnomo, my lovely grandfather Sulasi thanks for all of your lesson in life.

  7. My beloved cousin, Mas Arif, Royan, Faisol, Farhan, Zahiq and Salwa.

  8. Kastolani, Ph.D, Mufiq, M.Phil, Syaemuri Albab and Sulaeman G.

  Songge, thank you for supporting and motivating me as your junior in HMI (The Association of Islamic University Students).



  Syukur, Dona Muhammad. 2017. Descriptive Analysis of Discourse Deixis Used in Politics Column on Jakarta Post in April 2017.

  Counselor: Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum. Keywords: analysis, discourse deixis, and Jakarta post.


This research is aiming at analyzing of discourse deixis in Jakarta post by using Levinson

theory. Discourse Deixis is a reference to certain parts of the discourse that have been

given or being developed. Discourse deixis

  concerns the use of expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains that utterance including the utterance itself. The study in this paper concerns with the way


in which the researcher explains the kinds of discourse deixis and its meaning. In

conducting research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method in which the

researcher describes the types of discourse deixis in which the data is taken from politics

column on Jakarta post in April 2017. Then the writer identify and classify the discourse

deixis are used on Jakarta post in April 2017. The last step is the researcher analyse the

data. From all data analysis taken from politics column on Jakarta post in April 2017, the

writer found the types of discourse deixis like this and that. In this research the writer

found that the word that is frequently used than the word this. The word that found on

84.22%, and the word this is found on 15.78%. The researcher suggest for the next

researcher will discuss more about the types of discourse deixis except: this and that.



  TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION .................................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES.................................................................... iii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION .............................................................................. iv MOTTO ................................................................................................................ v DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ........................................................................... 1 B. Problem Statement .................................................................................... 7 C. The Purpose of the Study .......................................................................... 7 D. The Limitation of the Study ...................................................................... 8 E. The Benefit of the Study ........................................................................... 8 F. Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................... 9 G. Previous Study ........................................................................................ 10 H. Research Paper Organisation .................................................................. 12 CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Deixis ...................................................................................................... 13

  a. Types of Deixis .......................................................................... 14

  1. Person Deixis ................................................................................... 14 2.

  Place Deixis ....................................................................................... 15 3. Time Deixis ....................................................................................... 16 4. Discourse Deixis ............................................................................... 17 5. Social Deixis .................................................................................... 19 B. Jakarta Post ............................................................................................. 20

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Types ....................................................................................... 24 B. Object of the Research ............................................................................ 24 C. Source of Data ......................................................................................... 24 1. Primary .............................................................................................. 24 2. Secondary .......................................................................................... 24 D. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................................ 25 E. The Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................. 25 1. Primary .............................................................................................. 25 2. Secondary .......................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER IV DATA FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Data Findings .......................................................................................... 27 1. Articles of Politics Column on Jakarta Post in April 2017 ............... 27 2. Types of Discourse Deixis Found .................................................... 34 A. Article A ...................................................................................... 34 B. Article B ...................................................................................... 36 C. Article C ..................................................................................... 38


  Article D ..................................................................................... 39 E. Article E ...................................................................................... 39 F. Article F ...................................................................................... 41 G.

  Article G ..................................................................................... 42 H. Article H ..................................................................................... 44 I. Article I ....................................................................................... 45 J.

  Article J ...................................................................................... 46 K.

  Article K ..................................................................................... 47 L. Article L ...................................................................................... 48 M.

  Article M .................................................................................... 49 N. Article N ..................................................................................... 50 O. Article O ..................................................................................... 52 P. Article P ...................................................................................... 53 Q.

  Article Q ..................................................................................... 54 R. Article R ..................................................................................... 57 S. Article S ...................................................................................... 59 3. The Frequency of Discourse Deixis Types ....................................... 60 B. Discussion ............................................................................................... 61

  CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 63 B. Recommendation..................................................................................... 64

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 65




Table 1.1: Types of Person Deixis ..................................................................... 15

Table 4.1:

  The articles and its titles.................................................................... 28


Table 4.2: Discourse Deixis and the Coding ...................................................... 29

Table 4.3: Frequency of Occurence of Discourse Deixis Types ........................ 60

Figures of Pie Charts 5.1:

  Conclusion of the Research ................................... 64

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher discuss about background of the study,

  problem statement, the purpose of the study, the limitation of the study, the benefit of the study, definition of key terms, previous study and research paper organisation.

A. Background of the Study

  In the global era, Language is a tool or system of symbols designed for the purpose of communication and interaction with each other (Lyons, 2002:16). In addition, People use language to transmit and express their ideas, emotions or desire either in oral or written forms. Language is a system of sounds and words to express one‘s personal reactions, emotions and thoughts as well as to share information in daily social life. Language is meaningful, when the meaning is conveyed though language, people use language to interact and establish relations, to influence their behavior and expressions of the word. Therefore, the language that we used ought to be meaningful to prevent misunderstanding or misinterpretation between sender and receiver. Furthermore, language is included as one of components of information.

  Nowadays, the citizens can consume information not only through printed media, but they can get any information from online media. The definition of online media is a general term for a form of media-based telecommunications and multimedia (Ashadi Siregar, 2005:20). G enerally, the ―media‖ refers to the various means of communication for example: Television, Radio, Newspaper and various types of media. The term "online" usually means being connected to the Internet. This connection can be through phone lines, using dial-up or DSL modem, cable channels via a cable modem, or via a wireless connection. The types of online media such as: TV-Online, Radio-Online, Website and etc (Anders Henten 2008:60).

  From the object of research, the writer interested in one category of Website called E-News. E-News is simple, flexible and easier to accessed. E- News can be defined as online newspaper because they provide any news information presented in online. E-News is a new way to deliver the news through media ( One of them is Jakarta Post. Jakarta Post is a company that provides politics column in English. Todays the news of politics are being favourited by the citizens. Yunarto Wijaya from Charta Politica claimed that the devotee of politics news are increased because of Pilkada DKI Jakarta and Ahok case. The relation between media and politics are interprenetative and influenced each other. Their relation are not always cooperative, but they may have a contradictory or different views.

  The most importantly, the position of media who sees politics as a source of a news while on the other hand they see politics as a process that must be criticized.

  We have focused on this fact, do media are able to independent or even become one of propaganda tools.

  Media as a part of developing democracy has a duty to deliver information to the citizens (Bennet, 2001:5). Practically media is not just deliver a news or information but they have to participate in democracy process by having alignment to the rightness. Media must giving a role and responsive on democratic reality issues on a nation. Chomsky (1988:5) stated that the media has a main role to influence the mindset of the citizens with their scopes. Their position is influencing the policies of the government. Theoretically they must stand up independently without any interests of many sides. Their movement is not allowed for personal or group interest.

  However, Herman and Chomsky (1988:5) beyond manufacturing consent stated that with the aim to maintain politics position and economic reason, media tends to accomodate dominant perspective in society without logical or special depth study. Shortly the media is in the position of being influenced, not influencing the policies of the government. One of manifestation is when the media tends to make a move toward politics agenda from political elite both executive, legislative or another political elite in society. Shortly, Rsaid the media is being controlled by political elite.

  Politics news can be said as a headlines because its relevancy and implications toward society at large. Accordance with that, media news basically has a political dimension because they belong to politics institution. Cook (1998:96) explained that there are three good reasons to declare media as a part of political institution, there are: (1) The history and its dynamics, (2) The similarity of its process and product, (3) The work of media is similar and relevance with the work of public officials.

  Hamad (2004:24) on Salvatore Simamrtama; Media dan Politik stated that the strength of media located on three things such as: the function of language, framing and agenda setting. At least those three things worked by media to construct political reality. In fact, the influence of media is when they are succeed to construct a new mindset inside society and lead them to follow or believe some issues that produced by them. Indeed, the achievement of media in constructing new mindset can not be separated from the quality of discourse analysis of a society construction.

  Discourse is a mode of organizing knowledge, ideas, or experience that is rooted in language and its concrete contexts. Henry Guntur Tarigan (1987:27) claimed discourse is known as a complete unit of languages, higher than clauses and sentences, has good cohesion and coherence and can be delivered verbally or written. Another perspective of discourse is stated by Michel Foucault on Eriyanto (2001:65), he stated that discourse is not only a unit of language or text proposition. Discourse is a something that produces the other (thought, concept or effect). Discourse can be detected because they are systematically idea, opinion, concept and a view of life that is formed in a certain context that affects a certain way of thinking and acting. Foucault also differentiate between reality and discourse. Reality is understood as a set of structure that are shaped by discourse.

  This reality according to Foucault can not be defined if we do not have access with the establishment of discoursive structure. We perceive and how we interpret object and phenomenon in meaning system are depend on discoursive structure. Discoursive marked modification from the structure into reality at the same time because discoursive is a result and a structure of reality. Discourse is identified by field boundary from the objects, the definition from the most trusted perspective.

  Discourse increases our field perspective, issuing something different in a certain condition that has been determined. In politics news, sometimes the news only illustrate one issue from one perspective or shortly, media deliver partial news.. For example, A media deliver information about due of KPK‘s (Corruption Eradication Commision) questionnaire. They only described the perspective from the DPR (House of Representatives), they do not illustrate the perspective from the opposition. It caused refraction or biased. If we have not comprehend discourse correctly, we would easier follow the news and believe the truth by the partial information from those media without trying to study about that news.

  Based on the problematic, one of Pragmatics study able to reviewing discourse on politics news. The writer chose deixis. Deixis is one of the most basic things in technical term of utterances

  (Yule, 1996). The word ―deixis‖ is borrowed from the Greek word for pointing or indicating. Additionally Levinson (1983: 55) advanced, deixis directly concerns with the relationship language and context which is reflected in structures of language their selves. Deixis is a technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterance. When we ask to someone, come here!‖ We are using a context in the utterance, such as who is speaking to whom, what relation they have, what content relate to, the time or place of speaking, the gesture of the speaker and what status the interaction participants have. In the sentence I miss you, the word I and you are deictic words which do not have permanent reference. They are different from the words house, bag, table and chair, which still have permanent reference even though different speakers, places, and situations express them. When someone says the word house, people will be able to imagine its physical performance even if he is not in the place of that house.

  Deictic expressions have their most basic uses in face to face spoken interaction where utterances are easily understood by the people present, but they may need a translation for someone not right there. Their interpretation depends on the context, the speaker, and the hearer. Deixis is traditionally subdivided into a number of categories those are person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis.

  Discourse Deixis is a reference to certain parts of the discourse that have been given or being developed. Levinson (1987:85) said that this type of deixis concerns the use of expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains that utterance (including the utterance itself).

  Discourse deixis relates deictic terms not to some extralinguistic phenomenon, or to a linguistic antecedent (as in anaphora), but to linguistic entities of various kinds, in the co-text of the utterance. The difference between this and anaphora is that whereas the anaphor will often refer to a fairly straightforward antecedent, the discourse deictic will refer to an element of the text in a meta-textual way, including references to the utteranceitself. It can produce reflexive paradoxes such as "This sentence, which I am now uttering, is false". Discourse takes place in time, and in the case of written texts, on a spatial plane; and so it is natural to use both spatial and temporal deictic expressions and terms to account for movement within the text itself. The deictic terms used are the demonstrative this and that. This can be used to refer to a forthcoming portion of the discourse and that to a preceding portion.

  Mostly, people analyze discourse using discourse analysis, but the writer tried to make something different by analyzing discourse on the politics news using discourse deixis. From those facts, the writer interested to analyze this politics news to steeping the discourse context of political news on the Jakarta post with title ―DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF DISCOURSE DEIXIS ON THE


B. Problem Statement

  Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study can be formulated is the following:

  1. What are the types of discourse deixis used on the politics column on the Jakarta post on April 2017?

  2. What types of discourse deixis are frequently used on the Jakarta Post on April 2017? C.

   The Purpose of the Study

  1. To find the types of discourse deixis used on Politics news on the Jakarta Post on April 2017.

  2. To find the types of discourse deixis that frequently used on the Politics news on the Jakarta Post on April 2017.

  D. Limitation of the Study

  The result of the research will give some information and contribution that can be used by the other researchers who are interested in analyzing Politics news using discourse deixis.


  The result of the research will improve the writer‘s or researcher and readers of the research knowledge of critical discourse analysis comprehends deep.

   Practical Benefit a.


  This research is beneficial for further research to develop deixis study especially in discourse deixis topic.


   Theoretical Benefit a.

  The research entitled ―Descriptive Analysis of Discourse Deixis Used in Politics Column on Jakarta Post in

  The benefit of the study are: A.

  E. The Benefit of the Study

   The types of discourse deixis that frequently used in the politics column of Jakarta Post on April 2017.


   The types of discourse deixis used in the politics column of Jakarta Post on April 2017.


  April 2017‖ is a part of Pragmatic field, so the writer intend to limit the research area, they are:

  This research is able to disenchant and encourage the citizens to study more about discourse analysis in every forms of news. This is important to stimulate them to make an additional study of discourse of a text. Hopefully, this research becomes as a literature for public that comprehend discourse deixis and its type. Furthermore it can be made as a method to analyze text.

F. Definition of Key Terms.

  Based on the title of the study, definition of Key Term is necessary to clearance the writer's purpose.



  Analysis is study of something by examining its part or statement of the result of the study (compiled by Martin H. Manser: 1991). Based on Meriam-Webster Dictionary, analysis is a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other. It is an explanation of the nature and meaning of something . (



  Deixis concerns the ways in which language encode or grammaticalize feature of the context of utterance or speech event, and thus also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterance depends on the analysis of that context of utterance (Levinson, 1983:65). It means reference whose meaning are not constant. Deixis refers to the phenomenon where in understanding the meaning of certain words and phrase in an utterance require contextual information.


   Discourse Deixis

  Nababan (1987: 42) claimed that discourse deixis is a reference to certain parts of the discourse that have been given or being developed.

G. Previous Study

  There are some literary works that conduct almost the same topic that will be researched by the writer. First is a graduating paper from University of Yogyakarta written by Rully Pratama,

  2016. The title is ―Bentuk dan Fungsi Deixis dalam Film Comme Un Chef Karya Daniel Cuhen‖. This study is made to analyze the deixis used d an its form in the film ―Comme Un Chef‖ by Daniel

  Cuhen. The research problems of this study are the analyzing to be focused on three kinds of deixis used in film ―Comme Un Chef‖ and the contexts of that.

  The secondary is taken from graduating paper from UNDIP Semarang by Ike Endah Rachmawati, 2011. It has entitled The Use of Person Deixis in Relation to Politeness Function (A case study among the students of English Department Program class 2007, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University Semarang). This essay explains about person deixis that is used by university students of English Department Program 2007 in Faculty of Humanities of Diponegoro University Semarang. The purposes of this study are describing the communication strategy among the university students regarding the use of person deixis, and describing the social factors behind the use of certain person deixis by English students. This study is shown that the relationship between person deixis and politeness in the real communication in faculty of humanities, Diponegoro University Semarang.

  The third is taken from graduating paper from STAIN Salatiga by Dwi Setyawati, 2013. It has entitled The Analysis of Deixis of the Novel ―Emma‖ by Jane Austen. This graduating paper focused on analyzing 4 kinds of deixis, person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis and discourse Deixis.

  The fourth graduating paper is taken from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta by Debi Ratnawati, 2014. The title is A Deixis Analysis of Song Lyrics Taylor Swift‘s ―Red‖ Album. This research focused to analysis song lyric of Taylor Swift. The aim of this study is describing the types of deixis that used on a song lyrics.

  The differences between my research paper and some previous research above are my research study is focused on discourse deixis. Analyzing discourse deixis on Politics news on the Jakarta Post on April 2017, while the research paper from Ike Indah Rachmati and Dwi Setyawati focused on person deixis and another four types of deixis. In addition, the writer uses one of online media as a scope of study while Rully Pratama and Debi Ratnawati used another media as a scope of study. The writer interested to make a specific study about discourse deixis because the writer found many obstacles when the writer tried to seek some references. The writer hopes that this research will be useful for every researcher.

H. Research Paper Organisation

  This research is composed into systematically five chapters and able to clarify as follows. Chapter I, introduction which is dealing with the Background of the Study, Problem Statement, the Purpose of the Study, The Limitation of the Study, The Benefit of the Study, Definiton of Key Term, Previous Study and Research Paper Organisation; Chapter II, Theoretical Framework contains review of Deixis, Discourse Deixis and Jakarta Post; Chapter III consists of Research Types, Object of the Research, Data Source, Technique of Collecting Data and Technique of Analysing data.; Chapter IV presents Data Findings and Discussion; and Chapter V or the last chapter is Closure, it contains of conclusions and suggestions.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this chapter, the researcher divides this chapter into three main parts, they are review of deixis, discourse deixis and jakarta post. A. Deixis Levinson (1983:54) states that essentially deixis concerns the ways in

  which language encode or grammaticalize feature of the context of utterance or speech event, and thus also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterance depends on the analysis of that context of utterance. In addition, dexis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we do with utterance.

  It means ‗pointing‘ via language (Yule 1996: 9). Based on definition above, we can know that deixis is a way to refer something in current time, place, and context of speaker and listener via utterance, for example: Jack was born in Jakarta. He lived there for ten years.

1. The word he and there is deixis 2.

   He refers to Jack, there refers to Jakarta.

  When you notice strange object and ask, ‗what‘s that?‘ you are using deitic expression (that). Deitic expression sometimes called indexical. According to Grundy Peater (2000:23), indexical means the role of context in helping to determine reference. The functions are to indicate people via person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis. In the Levinson theory, we should add discourse (or text) and social deixis. Actually social included in person deixis but in the

  Levinson theory social deixis is discussed more detailed.

a. Types of Deixis Every linguist has his/her own view and opinion about types of deixis.

  There are several types of deixis as follows; person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. In this research, the discussion is focused only on five parts of deixis based on Stephen C. Levinson theory (1983:65), namely person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis.

1. Person deixis

  Person deixis concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event in which the utterance in the question delivered. Person deixis is related directly in the grammatical categories of person. The speaker of spokesman can be different from the source of an utterance and the recipient is different from the targets and the hearer of the bystanders is different from the addressee or targets. The category first person is the grammaticalization of the speaker‘s reference to himself, second person he encoding of the speaker‘s reference to one or more addressees, and third person the encoding of reference to personal and entities which are neither speakers nor addresses of the utterance in question (Levinson 1983:62). Yule( 1996:10) states as follows. Person deixis clearly operates on a basic three-part division, exemplified by pronouns for first person (‗I‘), second person (‗you‘), and third person (‗he‘,‘she‘,or‘it‘)‖. Here are some kinds of person deixis:

Table 1.1 (types person deixis)

  English Singular P


  l 1 person I/me We/


  2 person You us


  3 person He/him/, she/her, You It The y/th

  (Cruse, 2000: 320 & the researcher‘s data, 2000) For example: She watched a television

  • Could you open the door, please!
  • I‘ve lost the pen
  • They played cricket on Sunday - 2.

   Place Deixis

  According to Levinson (1983:79), place deixis (spatial deixis) is the specification of locations relative to anchorage points in the speech event.

  Yule (1996:12) states that in considering spatial diexis, however, it is important to remember that location from the spea ker‘s prespective can be fixed mentally as well as physically. In addition kinds of deixis, known as spatial or space deixis, is also associated with the adverbs here and there and some uses of prepositions such as in or on (e.g. in the room, on the roof).

  There are though some pure place deictic words, notably in English the adverbs here and there and demonstratives pronoun this and that. The importance of location specification in general can be gauged from the fact that they seem to be the basic ways of referring object, such as: By describing or naming them on the one hand

  • By locating them on the other hand
  • Location can be specified relative to other objects or fixed reference points as in:

  The campus is one hundred meters from the market

  • That school is too near for me but not for her
  • The adverb here and there are often thought of a simple contrast on a proximal distal dimension, stretching away from the speaker location as in:
  • 3.

  Give that here and take this there

   Time Deixis

  Historically in English and other language, spatial preposition, such as in and on in the previous example, developed temporal meanings over time, a reflection of general trend for notions of time. Thus, prepositions such as in, on, at and by in the phrases in the morning, on time, at noon, and by the evening can now be markers of temporal, or time (Mayer 2009:187). According to Mayer temporal deixis is marked linguistically by both temporal adverbials (e.g. yesterday, tomorrow, in the morning) and tense markers (present and past) on verbs. Levinson Like all aspects of deixis, time deixis makes ultimate reference to participant role. Time deixis concerns the encoding of temporal points and spans relative to the time at which the utterance was spoken or written message inscribed. The basic for the system of reckoning and measuring time in most languages seem to be natural and prominent styles of day and night, lunar months, seasons and year. They can be used calendrical to locate event in absolute time or at least to some art of each natural cycle designate as the beginning of that cycle. For example:

  Tomorrow is my birthday.

  • I am very busy now.
  • 4.

   Discourse deixis

  Discourse deixis concerns with the use of expression within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains the utterance.

  The deictic word used here are the demonstratives this and that. This can be used to refer to a portion of the discourse and that to a previous portion.

  Demonstrative article divided into four types there are this, that, these and those (Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams, 2007: 202-203). According Levinson (1983: 85) ―Discourse or text deixis concerns the use of expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains that the utterance (including the utterance itself), for example: a. This is a great poetry.

  ―This‖ refers to an upcoming portion of the discourse.

  b. That was an amazing month.

  ―That‖ refers to a prior portion of the discourse.

  Discourse deixis deals with ―the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discourse in which the utterance (which includes the text referring expression) is located‖ (Levinson, 1983: 62). Discourse deixis, somehow, is often compared to anaphora. However, discourse deixis and anaphora is different since discourse deixis is located in a pronoun which refers to a linguistic expression or part of discourse itself, while anaphora is located in a pronoun which refers to the same entity as a prior linguistics expression refers to (Levinson, 1983: 86).

  Let‘s have a look at the following example: a.

X: That‘s a rhinoceros

  Y: Spell it for me b. John‘s a sweetheart; he‘s so considerate The example (a) above is an example of discourse deixis. There, the word ‗it‘ is not functioned to refer or replace the entity, i.e. a rhinoceros, but it is used to mention the rhinoceros itself. It is different from the concept of anaphora in (b) where ‗he‘ is functioned to refer the referent ‗John‘.

  Reference to parts of a discourse which can be interpreted by knowing where the current coding or receiving point is it. The demonstrative adjectives this and that are employed in definite noun phrase. As we have known, the English demonstrative this and that, used as deictic.

  It can be understood as instructing or inviting the hearer to direct his attention to a part region of the environment in order to find out the individual or group of individuals) that is being referred to something.

5. Social deixis

  Social Deixis Social deixis concerns the social information that is encoded within various expressions, such as relative social status and familiarity. Levinson (1983: 63) says that social deixis concerns the encoding of social distinctions that are relative to participant-roles, particularly aspects of the social relationship holding between speaker and addressee (s) or speaker and some referent. Besides that, social deixis is reference to the social characteristics of, or distinctions between, the participants or referents in a speech event. The example as follow: The distinction, found in many Indo-European languages, between familiar and polite. Social deixis is a deictic expression used to distinct social status. Social deixis separated in to two kinds relational and absolute social deixis. Relational social deixis is a deictic reference to some social characteristic of referent apart from any relative ranking of referents or deictic reference to a social relationship between the speaker and addressee. For example: my husband, teacher, cousin, mother, etc. Absolute social deixis is a deictic reference usually expressed in certain forms of address which will include no comparison of the ranking of the speaker and addressee. For examples: your highness, Mr. President, your majesty, etc.

b. Jakarta Post

  The Jakarta Post was the brainchild of Information Minister Ali Murtopo and politician Jusuf Wanandi. Murtopo and Wanandi were disappointed at the perceived bias against Indonesia in foreign news sources. At the time, there were two English-language dailies, The Indonesia Times and The Indonesian Observer.

  However, due to negative public perception regarding the existing papers they decided to create a new one. In order to ensure credibility, the two agreed to convince a group of competing newspapers (the Golkar-backed Suara Karya, the Catholic-owned Kompas, the Protestant-owned Sinar Harapan, and the weekly Tempo) to back the nascent paper. It was hoped to become a quality English- language paper, similar to The Straits Times in Singapore, the Bangkok Post in Thailand, and the New Straits Times in Malaysia.

  After founding PT Bina Media Tenggara to back the paper, Wanandi spent several months contacting influential figures at the targeted newspapers. To receive their cooperation, Kompas requested a 25 percent share in the new newspaper, for which it would handle the daily business operations, such as printing, circulation, and advertising. Tempo offered to assist with management in return for a 15 percent share, while Sabam Siagian of Sinar Harapan was hired as the first chief editor, for which Sinar Harapan received stock. The establishment of the paper was further aided by incoming Information Minister Harmoko, who received 5 percent interest for his role in acquiring a license. In total, the start-up cost Rp. 500 million (US$700,000 at the time). Muhammad Chudori, a co-founder of The Jakarta Post who formerly reported for Antara, became the newspaper's first general manager.

  Further details, including the matter of Sinar Harapan's share of stock and the publisher, were decided at a meeting at Wanandi's office in March 1983. The next month, on 25 April, the first edition

  — totalling eight pages — was published. The first newsroom of the new paper were located in Kompas's former laundry room, a one story warehouse; the first employees had to do the layout by hand, using pica poles as straight edges. During the first few months, the writers translated and recycled previously published stories from Indonesian media, which were later picked up by foreign wire services. Original reporting was rare as the editors at first did not want to deal with the censorship of Suharto's New Order government.

  During the early years of publication, The Jakarta Post had difficulty attracting advertisers, to the point that some editions ran without ads. However, circulation increased dramatically, from 8,657 in 1983 to 17,480 in 1988. Although it was originally hoped that the paper would begin to turn a profit within the first three years, the recession in the early 1980s led to the start-up funds being depleted. Eventually, in 1985 the paper took out an interest-free loan and received Rp. 700 million from its owners. After advertising increased, The Jakarta Post was able to turn a profit by 1988 and was considered "one of the most credible newspapers" in Indonesia.

  Susanto Pudjomartono, former chief editor of Tempo, became The Jakarta Post's second chief editor on 1 August 1991, after Siagian was chosen to be Indonesia's ambassador to Australia. Under Pudjomartono's leadership, the paper began publishing more original work and doing less translation; reporters were also asked to take a more active role in the day-to-day operations of the paper.

  The paper also became more vocal regarding politics, taking a pro-democracy stance like Tempo. It soon converted its offices into a new, two-story building built using the Kompas pension fund and expanded to 12 pages.

  In 1994, The Jakarta Post signed a distribution agreement with the British news service Reuters and the American Dialog Information Services, allowing its stories to be more easily promoted overseas. By the mid-1990s, it had established a workshop to assist its new, foreign-born staff in learning the local culture. By December 1998, The Jakarta Post had a circulation of 41,049, and was one of the few English-language dailies in Indonesia after the 1997 Asian financial crisis; six other English-language dailies had failed. That year it also became a founding member of the Asia News Network.

  To date, The Jakarta Post has had five editors-in-chief: Sabam Pandapotan Siagian (1983-1991), Susanto Pudjomartono (1991-2001), Raymond Toruan (2001-2004), Endy Bayuni (2004-2010), Meidyatama Suryodiningrat (2010-2016) and Endy Bayuni (2016-present).The Jakarta Post is a daily English language newspaper in

  The Jakarta Post was started as a collaboration between four Indonesian media under the urging of Information Minister After the first issue was printed on 25 April 1983, it spent several years with minimal advertisements and increasing circulation. After a change in chief editors in 1991, it began to take a more vocal pro-democracy point of view. The paper was one of the few Indonesian English-language dailies to survive the nd currently has a circulation of about 40,000.

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