Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga










Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English


Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




NIM 11310144








  "In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful" Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the writer himself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by other people; and it does not cite any other people‟s ideas except the information from the references. This declaration is written by the writer to be understood.


  Salatiga, December 30 2014 The Writer

  Purhawan Sugiyatno 11310144


  Jl. Tentara Pelajar 2 Telp (0298) 323706, 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: th

  Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed. Salatiga, December 30 2014 The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Case

  : Purhawan Sugiyatno‟s Graduating Paper Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting Purhawan Sugiyatno‟s graduating paper, entitled AN





ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2014/2015), I have decided and would like to propose

  that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

  Counselor Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed.

  NIP. 19730815 199903 1 003










NIM: 11310144

  Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies


  (IAIN) Salatiga, on April 15 2015 and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

  Boards of examiners, Head : Rr. Dewi Wahyu M, S.S., M.Pd. ________________ Secretary : Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed. ________________


  1 Examiner : Noor Malihah, Ph.D ________________


  2 Examiner : Ari Setiawan, S.Pd., MM. ________________


  Salatiga, April 15 2015 Dean of TeacherTraining and Education Faculty Suwardi , M.Pd.

  NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002


  “No One Knows You Better Unless You Prove in Your Life.” (Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII)

  “God Has Given Everything You Need To Be Success.” ( Purhawan Sugiyatno)


  This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. Allah SWT, “alhamdulillahi rabbil‟alamiin”.

  2. Prophet Muhammad SAW.

  3. My big family; my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and my nephew.



  Alhamdulillahirobbil „alamin, all praises due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Bless and the mercy is upon great prophet Muhammad SAW for his guide us from the darkness to the brightness.

  However, this thesis will not be finished without supports, advices, help and encouragement from some people and the institution. I would like to say thanks to: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of IAIN Salatiga, thanks for the time I spent for studying in IAIN Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department.

  4. Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum.,M.Ed. as my counselor who has educated, supported, directed, and given the witer countless advices, sugesstion, and recommendation for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end.

  5. All of my lecturers of IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching .

  6. All the staffs of IAIN Salatiga that helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

  7. My beloved parents, my father (Sugimin), and my mother (Atik Purhawan), who always give me sincere prayers for successfulness in my life. Beloved my sister ( Utami) who always give me support. And beloved little nephew ( Aji) who always make me smile.

  8. My friend Tri Jalu thanks for support and helping to make my graduating paper.

  9. All of my friends at IAIN Salatiga especially E Class 2010 ( I love you all) who helped me finish this graduating paper.

  10. My friend Muflichatul Ista‟in who always support and help to finish this graduating paper.

  11. The students of SMPN 3 Salatiga thanks for cooperation and opportunity.

  12. All of my friends anywhere. Thanks for support and togetherness.

  13. My students EEE anywhere.

  Salatiga, December 30


  2014 The Writer



  Sugiyatno, Purhawan. 2015. An Error Analysis of Preposition of Time used in the

  students‟ Writing (A Descriptive Qualitative Study at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 3 Salatiga in Academic Year of 2014/2015).

  A Graduating Paper in Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum, M.Ed.

  Key words: Errors Analysis, Preposition of Time

  This research deals with analyzing errors of preposition of time used in the eight year students of SMPN 3 Salatiga in academic year of 2014/2015. This research is conducted to analyze how the errors, kinds of errors which is focused on preposition of time for categories: in, at, on and the function and how the eliminate the errors. This research applies qualitative method. The object of this research is the eight year students of SMPN 3 Salatiga. Choosen purposely using purposive sampling from 244 students. The sample is 50 students of the eight year. The data of this study is taken from test, documentation and interview. The test is used to get the data about the ability of the students to do preposition of time in writing. The writer uses the documentation method to obtain the school data like stud ents‟s name, and school general situation. Interview is used to obtain the more accurate data dealing with the factors that influence the grammatical errors on the use of preposition of time. Those data collection, the is analyzed in order to find how is the errors, kinds of errors, and how to eliminate the errors. The analysis result shows that: 1) students‟ mastery in using preposition of time are weak grade and low average achievement, 2) the kinds of errors are Over- generalization, False concept hypothesized, and Carelessness, 3) the writer give solutions that the students should understand deeply about the function of preposition of time and the teacher can give more explanations and exercises about preposition of time.



  TITLE ...................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ................................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................. iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .................................................................. iv MOTTO................................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURE AND TABLES ..................................................................... xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research .................................................................... 1 B. Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................ 3 C. Research Questions................ .................................................................. 4 D. Objectives of the Research ...................................................................... 4 E. Benefits of the Research ........................................................................... 5 F. Definition of the Key Terms ..................................................................... 6 G. Review of Previous Studies.......................................................................7 H. Graduating Paper Outline ........................................................................ 8 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Error Analysis ........................................................................................ 10

  B. Error and Mistakes ................................................................................. 11

  C. Sources of Errors .................................................................................... 13 D.Preposition................................................................................................20

  E. Writing.....................................................................................................23

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A.Research Methodology.............................................................................27 B. General Situation of SMPN 3 Salatiga .................................................. 33 CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION AND DATA ANALYSIS A. Data Presentation ................................................................................... 39 B. Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 48 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion.............................................................................................. 66 B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 69 REFERENCES CURICULUM VITAE APPENDICES


Figure 3.1 Organization Structure of SMPN 3 Salatiga in the

  Academic Year 2014/2015 ...................................................................35 Table 3.1

  Various Level of Students‟s Achievement According Wilmar Tinambunan ...........................................................32

Table 3.2 Infrastructure of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the

  Academic Year2014/2015.....................................................................34 Table 3.2Teachers and Staffs of SMPN3 in the Academic Year 2014/2015 ....................................................................36

Table 3.3 Family Background of Students SMPN 3 Salatiga

  In Academic Year 2014/2015................................................................38

Table 4.1 Test Result..............................................................................................40Table 4.2 Test Score...............................................................................................43Table 4.3 Percentages of Respondents Errors........................................................45Table 4.4 The Factors that Influence the Errors.....................................................56

  Table 4.5 The Varieties of SMP N 3 Salatiga Student‟s

  Mastery of Using Preposition of Time.................................................65


   Background of the Study

  English has a central role in the development of intellectual, emotional, social, and also supports the success of the study in all fields of the study. In schools, English is one of the most important lessons because it is part of the national final examination.

  English is learned by students in Indonesia since they are in the basic level of education or elementary school. When students learn English, they focus on the fourth language skills, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills while speaking and writing are productive skills. All of them are to be improved in the process of teaching and learning English.

  Language is a tool of communication. English is the first foreign language learned in schools. English is one of a foreign language and used by the people in the world or become a tool in communication. They need English in trading, education and also in science and technology. By using English, people are able to improve the ability to understand any knowledges.

  Each language has its own rule. This is the problem, which often faced by Indonesian students to learn English, and they often make some errors. Teachers should help them to solve this problem.

  There are many differences between Indonesian and English systems. One of the differences is structural system, and one of the difficulties in learning English structure is using English preposition. English preposition is different from Indonesian ones. They often encounter difficulties in translating Indonesian preposition. It causes difficulties and Indonesian students make errors in using English preposition. For example:

  I saw him in five o‟clock (incorrect)

  • I saw him at five o‟clock (correct)
  • I saw him on Saturday (correct)

  I saw him in Saturday (incorrect)

  • I was born on May 16 (correct)

  I was born in May 16 (incorrect)

  • I saw him in the morning (correct)

  I saw him at the morning (incorrect)

  • I saw him at 4.30 (correct)

  I saw him on 4.30 (incorrect)

  The above example is one of the difficulties, which are made by Indonesian students, which can affect the result of English teaching. In order to succeed in the process of teaching and learning English, it is important for English teachers to help the students solve the problems. They must make an effort to improve English teaching process easily for their students. They can predict the learning problems that are faced by their students in learning the language by understanding the differences between the two language systems. As the students learn English, the errors are unavoidable. The errors are sometimes occurred when they apply their English. Errors in language learning are natural. Especially in learning grammar such as learning tenses, there are many errors committed by the student.

  Although errors are bads things in learning English, but error analysis has many advantages for both students and teachers. For students, error analysis is needed, to show them in what aspect in grammar which is difficult for them, to show the error made by the students, to know the sources or the cause of the errors and how the students can learn from their mistake in order that they will not make some errors repeatedly. For teachers, it is required to evaluate themselves whether they are succesful or not in teaching English

  From the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing the grammatical errors of using preposition of time in the eight year students of SMP N 3 Salatiga and carrying out the research entitled: AN ERROR

  ANALYSIS OF PREPOSITION OF TIME USED I N THE STUDENTS’ WRITING ( A Descriptive Qualitative Study at The Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 3 Salatiga in Academic Year of 2014/2015).

B. Limitation of the Problem

  The English teachers should make an effort to make Indonesian students master English easily. They should understand the differences between the English and Indonesian linguistic system. By knowing the differences of the two language system, we can predict the learning problems that Indonesian students might face. This research is focused on analyzing the students‟ ability in using preposition of time. This thesis limits on the usage of preposition of time for the point itself categories (in, on, at) and function. The writer also limits the factors that cause in learning it.

C. Research Questions

  The problem that are discussed in this study can be stated as follows: 1.

  How are the errors of SMP N 3 Salatiga students‟ mastery in using preposition of time?

  2. What kinds of errors made by students of eight year students of SMP 3 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015? 3. How to eliminate or minimize those? D.

   Objectives of the Research

  In accordance with the problem above, the objectives or the aims of the study can be stated as follows:

  1. To know how the errors of SMP N 3 Salatiga students‟ mastery in using preposition of time.

  2. To find out kind of errors made by the eight year students of SMP N 3 Salatiga in academic year 2014/2015.

  3. To find out how to eliminate or minimize for the students‟ errors in using preposition of time.

E. Benefits of the Research

  The writer hopes this research will be useful practically and theoritically for:

  1. The teachers The result of this research is hoped to help English teachers know the student‟s ability in comprehending the rules of preposition.

  They are also expected to know the errors made by the students in using preposition of time and teacher pay attention to it. They can predict the student

  ‟s difficulties, and help them to solve the problem in order that its result will be better.

  2. The students The students know how to use the preposition of time, the students know their errors in using preposition. The students are expected to be able to avoid the same errors when they use the preposition of time in the future time.

  3. The researcher To add the experiences and knowledges about the preposition of time and help the writer as a candidate teacher who will teach English in preposition of time.

F. Definition of the Key Terms 1. Error

  Error is being wrong as defined in Oxford Dictionary. A noticeable deviation from adult grammar of a native speaker, reflects the competence of the learner (Brown, 2007: 258). According Brown (2007:259) error is indeed reveal a system at work, the classroom language teacher can become so preoccupied with noticing error that the correct utterances in the second language unnoticed. The meaning of error here is students‟ mistake in the use of preposition of time.

  2. Mistake

  A mistake as stated by Brown refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a “slip” in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly (Brown, 2007: 257). A learner is said to make a mistake when he has noticed the correct form and then he inconsistently gets it wrong. Accordingly, when committing a mistake, he is normally capable of recognizing and correcting. A mistake may be caused by temporary lapses of memory, confusion, tired, sleepy, or slip of the tongue.

  3. Analysis

  Analysis is study of something by examining its parts ( Oxford, 2008: 14). Detailed examination of something, in this case analysis of using preposition of time. Analysis the students‟ error in applying preposition of time.

  4. Error Analysis

  Error analysis is the an overemphasis on production data (Brown, 2007:259). The fact that learners do make errors, and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led to a surge of study of learners‟ erorrs, called error analysis (Brown, 2007:259).

  5. Preposition of Time

  According Warriner (1982:64) preposition is a word used to show the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to some other word in the sentence. Preposition of time is preposition that shows time of occurance of something. Example preposition of time: at, in ,on, after, before, etc.

G. Review of Previous Studies

  In this study the writer takes two previous studies. The first study had been done by Titi Asih Wijayati (2004), entitled “An Error Analysis of

  The Stude nts‟ Mastery of English Relative Pronouns in MAN Tengaran in The Academic Year of

  2003/2004”. In her study, she described the kind of English relative pronouns students‟ mastery, the dominant sources of errors made by the students in using english relative pronouns and the efforts to evercome the errors.

  The second previous study was done by Risti Yani Rahmawati (2012), entitled

  “ Error Analysis on The Use of Simple Present Tense In Paper Assignment of Writing Subject Made by The Fourth Semester Students Of English Department at STAIN Salatiga in The Academic year of 2011/2012”. In her study, she analyzed about the kind of grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense in paper assignment of writing subject. She was also intended to give some contributions concerning the factors that influence the grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense in stude nts‟ paper assignment.

H. Graduating Paper Outline

  The graduating paper is divided into five chapters as a follows:

  Chapter I presents the introduction. It explains the background the research which discusses the reason why the writer wants to analyze the errors of students on using preposition of time. This chapter also explain the problem statements, objectives of research, limitation of research, benefits of research, clarification of key term, method research, and graduating paper outline. After that describing theoretical framework of this research will be the main discussion in the second chapter. The third chapter, research methodology, description the general situation of SMP N 3 Salatiga, the teachers and staffs as the research object. To explain the sample and population of this research and then technique collection data, analysis data, and presentation data. Chapter IV reports the finding the research. It presents the result of the analysis of collecting data. As the last chapter of this graduating paper, chapter V consists of closure divided into two parts, conclusion of the research and suggestions. The last part is references and appendices.

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK In this chapter , the writer goes to explains briefly the theoritical

  framework which includes the notion of error analysis, the differences between error and mistake, the source of errors and the explanation about preposition and writing.

A. Error Analysis

  Students who are learning a foreign language usually finds some difficulties in applying the language. The making of errors is unavoidable even if just a little error like misspelling word. It may be caused by the incapability in understanding the differences between source language and target language. Fundamentally, errors occurred because there are different rules between mother tongue and foreign language. The making of errors is a sign that the students have not mastered the rules of the language being learned.

  Learning is fundamentally process that involves the making of mistakes (Brown, 2007:257). It is important for the English teacher to realize that errors made by learned need to be analyzed correctly in order to arranging learning strategy effectively. In addition, it is important to discuss error analysis to under score the relevance of such analysis for teaching English as a foreign language. Such an analysis becomes the key for foreign language acquisition.

  Error analysis is the process of determining the incidence, nature, cuses and consequence of unsuccesful language ( James, 1998:1). Error analysis is the fact that learners do make errors, and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led to a surge of st udy of learners‟ errors (Brown, 2007: 259).

  In another concept error, analysis is an overemphasis on production data ( Brown, 2007: 259). Parera in Leksikon Istilah Pembelajaran Bahasa book, stated that errors analysis is sequence of analysis or language mistake that is committed by student, trainee/ foreign learner (Parera, 1993:7).

  According to Sanal (2007:597), error analysis is a study to identify, to describe and systematically to explain the learners‟ error by using any of the principles and techniques provided by linguistics. It can be said that error analysis as a process based on analysis of the students‟ errors.

  Practically, error analysis can be a very useful device of a foreign language teaching program. Errors provides feedback, they tell the lecturers something about the effectiveness of their teaching materials and their teaching techniques.

B. Errors and Mistakes

  An error is different from mistake, so it is crucial to differentiate both of them. There are many definitions of error proposed by some linguists. According to Brown, an error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner (Brown, 2007: 258). Lado as qoutes by Kinsella (1978:60), Errors are indication of the difficulties the learners have certain aspects of the language, which can be explained by the persistence of the habits of the mother tongue and their transfer to the new language.

  According to Erdogan, (2005:263), a learner makes a mistake when writing or speaking because of lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other aspects of performance. Mistake can be self corrected when attention is called.

  In other words, a mistake is a slip that the learner can self correct whereas an error is what a learner can not self correct. From those definitions above, the writer can also conclude that a mistake is just a slip that the learner forgets the right form. While, an error is a deviation made by the learner because he/she does not know the rule and will make it repetitively.

  To distinguish between an error and mistake, Ellis as mentioned by Erdogan (2005:263) also suggest two ways. The first one is to check the consistency of learner‟s writing, if he sometimes uses the correct form and sometimes the wrong one, it is a mistake. However, if he always uses it incorrectly, it is an error. The second way is to ask learner to try to correct his own deviant utterence. When he is unable too, the deviations are errors, while if he is successful, they are mistake.

  Indeed, learners often make mistakes in the process of foreign language learning. Thus, it is still not a big deal when the learners commit the mistake either in speaking or writing since they are capable to correct the mitake. However, learning other language becomes difficult since the target language has different system from the native language. This difference sometimes makes the learners make errors especially in applying grammar.

  This is why analyzing learner‟s errors in learning other language would be interesting instead of mistake analysis.


  Sources of Errors In order to be able to decide weather it is error or not it is needed to understand fully the source of errors. Errors are state by Brown (2007:259), arise from several possible general causes or sources. The source of error could be interlingual error of the interference from the native language, intralingual errors within the target language or and the sociolinguistic context of communication, psycholinguistics or cognitive strategies and no doubt countless affective variables.

1. Interlingual errors This source of error can be called errors by negative transfer.

  Richard (1974:173) states if the learners of a foreign language make mistake in the target language by effect of his mother tongue that is called as interlingual. For example, any Indonesian writer learning English may write

  “Ahmad dan fatma menikah” in his mother tongue, and he may transfer his old habit to the target language. The result would be Ahmad married with Fatma, which is not acceptable in English.

  The interference of mother tongue becomes a major source of difficulty in learning second language. Interlingual transfer is a significant source of error for all learners (Brown, 2007: 263). Interlingual errors may occure at different level such as transfer of phonological, morphological, grammatical and lexica-semantic elements of the native language into the target language (Erdogan, 2005: 265).

2. Intralingual Errors

  Interference from the student‟s own language is not the only reason for commiting errors. Students may make mistakes in the target language, since they do not know the target language very well, they have difficulties in using it. Richard (1974:6) writes, “intralingual interference refers to items produced by learner, which reflect not the structure of mother tongue, but generalization based on partial exposure of the target langage”. Thus, intralingual errors are the direct result of the learner‟s attempt to create language system he is learning.

  Richard (1974:6) classifies the intralingual errors into four categories, namely (1) over generalization, (2) ignorance of rule (3) incomplete aplication of the rule, and (4) false concept

  restriction, hypothesis or semantic errors.

  a. Over generalization.

  Richard (1974:174 ) says “this group of error is the result of the use of previously available strategies in new situation”. In other words, it occurs when a learner creates a defiant structure based on his experience of other structure in the target language. Furthermore, overgeneralization is associated with redundancy reduction it may occur, for instance with items which are constracted in the grammar of the language but do not carry significant and obvious contrast for the learner.


  • –ed marker, in narative of in other past contexts, often appears to carry no meaning since past ness is usually indicated lexically in stories, and the essential notion of sequence in narrative can be expressed equally well in the present for example: Yesterday I go to university and I meet my new professor.

  b. Ignorance of the rule restriction.

  In this type of error, the learner fails to observe the restriction of existing structure. Some rule restriction errors may be accounted for in term of analogy and may result from the role learning rules. For example, a learners may use infinitive after verb like

  “tell” in “tell him to return the book” or “ask” in “I ask you to go there”.

  He, then produces an utterance

  “I make him to do it”. In this

  sentence, the learner ignores the rule restrictions of the verb


  i.e. the verb “make” is always followed by infinitive without “to”.

  The learner mostly tends to generalize syntactic rules; he has previously learned, ignoring the rule.

  c. Incomplete of the rule restriction

  Intralingual error of this type may occur when the learner fails to aply the rules completely due to the stimulus sentences. It shows an utterance of stuctures whose deviancy represents the degree of development of the rules required producing acceptable utterances.

  d. False concept hyphotized

  It is derived from the faulty comprehension of destinations in the target language. The learner fails to use the correct concepts.

  These errors are sometimes due to the poor gradation of teaching items. The form

  “it‟s” may be interpreted as “its” such as in Its pleasant in the garden instead of It‟s pleasant in the garden.

  According to Corder in Emmaryana (2010: 8), errors divided into four categories: omission of some required element, addition of some necessary or incorrect element, selection of an incorrect element, and miss-ordering of element. And here are the explanations:

1. Omission

  Certain linguistic forms may be omitted by the learners because of their complexity in production. Omission also occurs in morphology.

  Learners often leave out the third person singular morpheme

  • –s, the plural

  • –s and the past tense inflection –ed. A learner could say, for example: “I watch the movie last night”. Instead of: “I watched the movie last night”.

2. Addition

  Learners not only omit elements which they regard as redundant but they also add redundant element. For example: - I swims - The books is here. Instead of: “I swim” and “The book is here”. There are two categories of addition according to Dulay as cited by Mucholimi (2011: 30). Those are: a.

   Double marking

  Double marking happens when the learners failed to delete some unnecesary item that identified as error. For example, as in “She does not reads the book.” In the example, there are two tenses marker: “does” and “reads”. The used of auxiliary and verb seem as such phenomena that be common errors in constructing sentences.

b. Regulation

  Regulation occurs when learners confuse to decide the use of regular and irregular form. For instance: “eated” and “childs”. These kind of errors happened when learners use the tense marker

  • –ed in irregular verb or when putting the suffix
  • –s in the noun that do not have the addition –s form.

  3. Selection Learners commit errors in pronunciation, morphology, syntax and vocabulary due to the selection of the wrong, phoneme, morpheme, structure or vocabulary item. For example: “Fika is smartest than Femy”. Instead of “Fika is smarter than Femy”.

  4. Ordering Miss-ordering can occur in morphological level. Miss-ordering of bound morpheme in English is perhaps less frequent, given their limited number, but in the example “He is got upping now”, the learners attaches the inflection

  • –ing to the particle of the two words verb “get up”. Students‟ errors may be distinguished as follows: a.

  Errors Performance is unsystematic and not very serious, because the students themselves can correct them when their attention is drawn to them. These errors are attributed to carelessness, lapse of memory, ill health, emotional health, etc., and they should not worry us.


  Errors Competence is persistent and systematic and in consequence serious, and their treatment calls for careful analysis to discover their cause. These errors represent the learners‟ traditional competence (Nicos in Emmaryana, 2010: 9).

  Norrish in Emmaryana (2010:7) classifies causes of error into three types that is carelessness, first language interference, and translation. The three types of causes of error will be discussed briefly below.

  1. Carelessness. It is often closely related to lack of motivation. Many teachers will admit that it is not always the student‟s fault if he loses interest, perhaps the materials and/or style of presentation do not suit him.

  2. First language. Norrish states that learning a language (a mother tongue or a foreign language) is a matter of habit formation. When someone tries to learn new habits the old ones will interfere the new ones. This cause of error is called first language interference”.

  3. Translation. It is one of the causes of error. This happens because a student translates his first language sentence or idiomatic expression into the target language word by word. This is probably the most common cause of error.

  Another expert who discusses the sources of error is Richards in Schummann and Stenson in his article “Error Analysis and Second language Strategies”. He classifies sources of errors into six points: 1.

  Interference, that is an error resulting from the transfer of grammatical and/or stylistic elements from the source language to the target language.

2. Overgeneralization, that is an error caused by extension of target language rules to areas where they do not apply.

3. Performance error, that is unsystematic error that occurs as the result of such thing as memory lapses, fatigue, confusion, or strong emotion.

  4. Markers of transitional competence, that is an error that results from a natural and perhaps inevitable development sequence in the second language learning process (by analogy with first language acquisition).

  5. Strategy of communication and assimilation that is an error resulting from the attempt to communicate in the target language without having completely acquired the grammatical form necessary to do so.

  6. Teacher-induced error that is an error resulting from pedagogical procedures contained in the text or employed by the teacher (Richard in Emmaryana, 2010:7).

D. Preposition

  Wren and martin (2000:129) states that preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else. The noun or pronoun which is used with a preposition is called objects. Prepositions are words which, as their name implies, are placed before a noun phrase (Leech, 1975: 274). According Warriner (1982: 64), preposition is a word used to show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence.

  Frank (1972 : 163) states that preposition is classified as a part of speech in traditional grammar, However preposition as well as conjunction is different from other part of speech in that:

  1. Each is composed of small class of words that have no formal characteristic endings.

  2. Each signal syntactic structures function as one of the other part of speech.

  For those reasons, modern linguistic prefer to classify preposition as structure words rather than as part of speech. Preposition have basically two function: 1.

  Preposition is to connect the noun (all type of nouns) to the rest of sentence

  2. Preposition is specify the position of the nouns (persons or objects) Preposition of time may introduce not only adverbial prepositional phrase, as in those just given, but they may also introduce adjective phrase that modify nouns or pronouns (Frank, 1972: 165). According to Yates (1999:143), the functions of preposition: 1.

   Preposition of time in a.

  In time: not too late for an event Example: Try to get here in time to help me.


  A century, decade, year season, month Examples: He lived in the sixteenth century.

  That singer was popular in the eighties.

We came here in the fall. c.

  In gives a quantity of time before which something will happen (Frank, 172: 164) Example: I can see you in an hour from now.


  The preposition in is used in time expressions in the past, in the present, in the future (Azar, 1992: 45).

  Examples: Please be on time in the future.

  I usually watch TV in the evening.

  2. Preposition of time on a.

  On time: at the required time Example: He is punctual; he always arrives on time.


  On the dot: at the exact minute Example: Be here at ten o‟clock on the dot.


  A day, days, a date, dates, weekday, weekday morning, part of day (afternoon, evening).

  Examples: She is coming on Monday.

  She doesn‟t work on Tuesdays. I heard that singer on my birthday. I have a class on Thursday morning.

  3. Preposition of time at a.

  At around, at about: at an approximate time Examples: We will leave at around six, We will get there at about seven. b.

  Nigh, midnight (at used with a part of the day considered as a point.

  Example: I saw him at noon.


  At used with an hour of the day Example: I saw him at five o‟clock.

E. Writing

  Writing is one basic skill in learning English beside listening, speaking, and reading. To write means to communicate using written language. In writing, all information is delivered through text. Writing means producing or creating a piece of text. Harmer (2001: 249) states, language production means that students should use all and any language at their disposal to achieve a communicative purpose rather than be restricted to specific practice points. Writing is more difficult rather than other language skills because it needs well knowledge and hard thinking when they are produce words, sentences and paragraphs with a good grammatical.

  Harmer (2001: 255) said: Written text has a number of conventions which separate it out from speaking. Apart from differences in grammar and vocabulary, there are issues of letter, word, and text formation, manifested by handwriting, spelling, and layout and punctuation.

  It means that good content of writing only is not enough. A writer must also have sufficient language components like grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling to facilitate him/her in expressing his/her ideas, experiences, thoughts, and fellings. The writing should be organized well, in order to be easily read and understood by the readers.

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