Temporal Distribution of Benthic Macroin (1)

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Temporal Distribution of Benthic
Macroinvertebrate Communities from Tropical
Forest Stream in Gunung Pulai Recreational
Forest, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia
Impact Factor: 0.45



Salmiati Salmiati
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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Available from: Salmiati Salmiati
Retrieved on: 05 November 2015

Sains Malaysiana 44(9)(2015): 1223–1228

Temporal Distribution of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities from Tropical
Forest Stream in Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia
(Taburan Bermusim Komuniti Bentik Makroinvertebrat daripada Aliran Hutan Tropika
di Hutan Rekreasi Gunung Pulai, Johor, Semenanjung Malaysia)


Temporal changes of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) communities were investigated at the study area of
Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest, Johor, Malaysia. Taxa diversity were also studied to determine the seasonality impact
on certain benthic communities. Sampling of aquatic insects were carried out from November 2012 to July 2013 using
rectangular dip net. As a result, more EPT were found during the dry season (1533 individuals) compared to wet season
(321 individuals). Concomitantly, higher diversity was also recorded in the dry season. Among these three investigated
orders, Trichoptera represented the most diverse community with three families recorded, followed by Plecoptera (2

families) and Ephemeroptera (1 family). Caddisfly family Hydropsychidae were found to be abundant in the study area.
Therefore, seasonality impact on EPT assemblage at Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest is extremely evident.
Keywords: Benthic community; EPT; Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest; seasonal changes

Taburan bermusim bagi komuniti Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera dan Trichoptera (EPT) telah dikaji di kawasan kajian iaitu
Hutan Rekreasi Gunung Pulai, Johor, Malaysia. Kepelbagaian takson turut dikaji untuk melihat sama ada terdapat kesan
pengaruh musim terhadap komuniti bentik tertentu. Persampelan serangga akuatik telah dijalankan dari bulan November
2012 hingga Julai 2013 menggunakan jaring sauk berbentuk segi empat tepat. Hasilnya, lebih banyak EPT ditemui pada
musim kering (1533 individu) berbanding musim hujan (321 individu). Pada masa yang sama, kepelbagaian takson
turut direkodkan tinggi pada musim kering berbanding musim hujan. Antara ketiga-tiga order yang dikaji, Trichoptera
diwakili oleh komuniti pelbagai dengan tiga famili dilaporkan, diikuti oleh Plecoptera (2 famili) dan Ephemeroptera (1
famili). Lalat kandul daripada famili Hydropsichidae didapati lebih banyak di kawasan kajian. Oleh yang demikian,
pengaruh musim terhadap komuniti EPT di Hutan Rekreasi Gunung Pulai adalah sangat jelas.
Kata kunci: EPT; Hutan Rekreasi Gunung Pulai; komuniti bentik; perubahan musim
Stream communities are shaped by environmental
influences at multiple spatial scales. Their distribution,
interaction and adaptation can be influenced by abiotic
factors which vary in space and time (Bispo & Oliveira

2007; Bispo et al. 2006; Cobb et al. 1992; Corkum 1990;
Goldsmith 2007; Kittelson 2004; Morais et al. 1999; Tate
& Heiny 1995). Climate is one of the factors that influence
population dynamics of aquatic insects apart from other
abiotic factors (Hynes 1970; Torres & Madi-Ravazzi 2006;
Wolda 1978). Few studies have related the seasonal changes
in community structure with changes in the environment
(Giller & Twomey 1993). Seasonal pattern on the benthic
community have been monitored in association with the
changes in environment and as invertebrates move through
their life cycles (Bothwell & Culp 1993; Boulton & Lake
1992; Hynes 1970).
Similar study was also conducted in the tropics because
of uncertainty seasonal temperature setting is relatively

small compared with temperate and subtropical regions
(Che Salmah et al. 2001; Jongkar 2000; Lu 2005; Suhaila
et al. 2014). In tropical regions, rainfall varies considerably
throughout the year (Flecker & Feifarek 1994). Rainfall
increases current flow in mountainous areas. Rapid

response in the headwater stream could change from quiet,
trickling streams to torrents in an hour or two (Payne 1986).
Therefore, the seasonal rainfall play an important role in
influencing the temporal distribution of aquatic insect
communities in these regions (Boon et al. 1986).
There are several groups of aquatic insects which
are sensitive to environmental interference and can only
survive in clean and oxygen-rich waters. Among them
are Ephemerotera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT)
assemblages which are easily found in low and medium
stony cobble stream. Therefore, they are often considered
as good indicators of water quality (Rosenberg & Resh
1993). This study discusses how climate change affects
the abundance and taxonomic benthic communities as


well as the dominant species in a habitat of the river. EPT
species were chosen because it reflects the overall ecology
of benthic communities.


This study was conducted in a recreational forest located in
the state of Johor, southern Peninsular Malaysia (Figure 1).
The sampling points are situated at latitude 01°35’25.6” 01°35’22.7”N and 103°31’01.1” - 103°30’54.2”E. Gunung
Pulai Recreational Forest which is located in Gunung
Pulai Forest Reserve is a classic lowland and hill Malayan
dipterocarp forest on granite-based soil with the highest
peak of the mountain is about 700 m above sea level. In
addition to its function as water catchments and water
supply to Singapore in the recent past, this area serves as
habitat and protection of biodiversity, tourism, research
and education.

Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) were
collected over six sampling dates between November 2012
and July 2013 using rectangular dip net. The sampling
methods were based on USEPA Rapid Bioassessment

Protocol (RBP) multihabitat approach. Identification were
made to the lowest practical taxonomic level, usually genus
level based on Yule and Yong (2004) key taxonomic using
stereo microscopre with 40 times magnification.



Monthly rainfall data from the nearest station was
obtained from the Department of Drainage and Irrigation,
Malaysia (DID). Based on the statistics of annual rainfall
in 2013 by the Malaysian Meteorological Department,
the average annual precipitation observed in the Senai
meteorological station for the year was 2,876.40 mm
with a minimum reading of 113.24 mm. Malaysian
Meteorological Department divides the southern state of
Johor to the dry and wet seasons based on the amount of
rain collected. Precipitation of less than 200 mm per month
was considered as dry month and vice versa. The period

of November to February representing the wet season,
while April to July representing the dry season (Figure 2).

The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test was chosen
in this study due to small data sample and not normally
distributed. It is used to determine the effect of seasonality
on the abundance and diversity of dominant species using
SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 16®.
Species diversity and evenness were also measured using
ecological index Shannon-Wiener (H’) dan Pielou (E), in
both seasons.
Overall, the abundance and diversity of EPT found changed
throughout the study period. The sampling of EPT resulted
in a total of 1584 individuals belonging to six genera and

1. Location of the study area and EPT sampling station in Gunung Pulai
Recreational Forest, Johor, Malaysia



2. Monthly precipitation from November 2012 to July 2013 from the nearest rainfall
station provided by Department of Drainage Malaysia

families. The highest mean abundance was recorded in
the dry season with 511 individuals/ sample compared
to the wet season, which was 107 individuals/ sample
(Figure 3). Similarly, the highest mean value of diversity
found in the dry season (5 taxa) compared with three taxa
were recorded in the rainy season. This study is in line
with the findings by Suhaila et al. (2012). The study led
in Tupah River discovered that abundance and diversity
of adult EPT assemblage changed seasonally. Among the
three targeted groups, caddisfly families were the most
pervasive. All of the ecological index values (ShannonWeiner and Pielou) were higher in the dry season (Figure
4). The mean value of diversity and evenness indices
obtained in accordance with the number of species. Based

on Table 1, a total of 6 EPT genus were found in Gunung
Pulai Recreational Forest, i.e. Epeorus (Ephemeroptera:
Heptageniidae) (5.34%), Indonemoura (Plecoptera:


Nemouridae) (23.62%), Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae)
(32.36%), Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)
(37.06%), Setodes (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) (1.13%)
and Limnephilus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) (0.49%).
Compared to others, genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera:
Hydropsychidae) was the most prevalent taxa found.
Figure 5 shows the distribution pattern of EPT during the
study period. The abundance of main species perceived
differently in each month. However, there are similarities
among the graf whereby their populations are sharply
increased as season progressed. The EPT populations
peaked during the first phase of the dry season in April
Mayfly highest abundance was recorded in July

2013 (dry season) and the second highest occurred in
the same season i.e. April 2013, with a cumulative total
of 72 individuals. In this study, only one Mayfly family

3. Temporal changes in the abundance and diversity of EPT during the study period (mean ± SE)



4. Temporal changes in diversity and evenness index of EPT
during the study period (mean ± SE)

1. Mean abundance (± standard error) of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera
sampled from Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest from November 2012 to July 2013; n=6




Mean abundance ± SE













5. Monthly variation pattern of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera species during the study period


recorded namely Heptageniidae. This family tends
to dominate the shallow waters with rocky substrates.
Riparian arthropod predators such as birds and other
vertebrates constitutes a threat to the abundance of
aquatic insects including Mayfly larvae, as reported by
Baxter et al. (2005), Murakami and Nakano (2001) and
Paetzold and Tockner (2005). In addition, the presence
of high amounts of organic matter such as suspended
materials during summer favored by some genera EPT to
thrive in the environment (Suhaila et al. 2011). MannWhitney U test found there was a significant difference
in the distribution of Ephemeroptera in both seasons (z
= -1.964, p = 0.05).
Plecoptera represented by two dominant families
namely Nemouridae dan Perlidae. The highest population
was recorded in the dry season, July and April 2013 (561
individuals) and the lowest population was in February
2013 where no insect was recorded. Based on Che Salmah
et al. (2001), this type of insect fond of various sizes of
rocks, debris and leaf packs as their habitat. High density
of vegetative habitat provide leaf debris (allocthonous)
as a food source for Stonefly insects (Bispo et al. 2006).
Based on Mann-Whitney U test, there was a significant
difference in the distribution of Plecoptera in both
seasons (z = -1.964, p = 0.05).
In contrast, Trichoptera exhibits the highest peak of
abundance in the early of the dry period, but declined
drastically. Trichoptera represents the percentage of the
most abundant species (38.68%) with the most dominant
genus Hydropsyche. These kind of insects live in sheath
made from organic debris and mineral fragments and
makes the surface of the substrate as their habitat.
Influence of rainfall within a certain period of the year
resulted in environmental interference that contribute to
the reduction of insect populations due to higher levels
of rain water (Bispo & Oliveira 2007). In addition, fast
current or the movement of loose substrate can result in
damage of the sheath and flushed away certain genera
especially the free living genera that are less resistant to
hydraulic stresses. The results of Mann-Whitney U test
did not show significant difference of this species in both
seasons (z = -1.091, p = 0.275).
The present study indicates that tropical forest stream at
Gunung Pulai Recreation Forest supported high diversity
and abundance of EPT insects. The seasonal effect on
EPT abundance were remarkably seen. The dry season
condition was favourable to these investigated taxa as
their abundance and diversity were higher during the
dry season (April - July 2013). These constituents may
be due to dry season offers an optimum environment for
them to emerge, mate and oviposit, while the decrease in
their abundance during the wet season due to the sudden
increased in flow caused stream bed translocation, with
the resultant removal of insects.


We are pleased to acknowledge the Ministry of Education
Malaysia (Grant no. R.J130000.7809.4L830) and
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ( UTM) on the grants
awarded. Millions of thanks also goes to the staff of the
Environmental Engineering Laboratory (MKAS) for their
assistance in carrying out field work and laboratory.

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Nor Zaiha A. & Salmiati*
Center of Environmental Sustainability and Water Security
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim
Mohd Ismid M.S. & Salmiati*
Department of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim
*Corresponding author; email: salmiati@utm.my
Received: 12 March 2015
Accepted: 27 May 2015