Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources, and Climate Change

  P A A A A A A P

  The 16 AAAP th Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Congress Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources, and Climate Change Food Security Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of

  Proceedings , Policy

  Full Papers , Genetic Resources, and Climate Change

  Proceedings Full Papers th

  The 16 AAAP Congress

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   Scope of AAAP: AAAP is established to devote for the efficient animal production in the Asian-Australasian region through national, regional, international cooperation and academic conferences.

   Brief History of AAAP: AAAP was founded in 1980 with 8 charter members representing 8 countries-those are Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines and Thailand. Then, the society representing Taiwan joined AAAP in 1982 followed by Bangladesh in 1987, Papua New Guinea in 1990, India and Vietnam in 1992, Mongolia, Nepal and Pakistan in 1994, Iran in 2002, Sri Lanka and China in 2006 , thereafter currently 19 members.

   Major Activities of AAAP: Biennial AAAP Animal Science Congress, Publications of the Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences and proceedings of the AAAP congress and symposia and Acknowledgement awards for the contribution of AAAP scientists.

   Organization of AAAP:

  ∙ President: Recommended by the national society hosting the next biennial AAAP Animal Science Congress and approved by Council meeting and serve 2 years. ∙ Two Vice Presidents: One represents the present host society and the other represents next host society of the very next AAAP Animal Science Congress. ∙ Secretary General: All managerial works for AAAP with 6 years term by approval by the council ∙ Council Members: AAAP president, vice presidents, secretary general and each presidents or representative of each member society are members of the council. The council decides congress venue and many important agenda of AAAP  Office of AAAP: Decided by the council to have the permanent office of AAAP in Korea.

  Currently # 909 Korea Sci &Tech Center Seoul 135-703, Korea Official Journal of AAAP: Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences (Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. ISSN 1011-2367. ) is published monthly with its main office in Korea Current 19 Member Societies of AAAP:


ASAP(Australia), BAHA(Bangladesh), CAASVM(China), IAAP(India), ISAS(Indonesia),


IAAS(Iran), JSAS(Japan), KSAST(Korea), MSAP(Malaysia), MLSBA(Mongolia),

NASA(Nepal), NZSAP(New Zealand), PAHA(Pakistan), PNGSA(Papua New Guinea),

PSAS(Philippines), SLAAP(Sri Lanka), CSAS(Taiwan), AHAT(Thailand), AHAV(Vietnam).

   Previous Venues of AAAP Animal Science Congress and AAAP Presidents

  I 1980 Malaysia S. Jalaludin

  II 1982 Philippines

  V. G. Arganosa

  III 1985 Korea In Kyu Han

  IV 1987 New Zealand

  A. R. Sykes V 1990 Taiwan T. P. Yeh

  VI 1992 Thailand

  C. Chantalakhana

  VII 1994 Indonesia

  E. Soetirto

  VIII 1996 Japan T. Morichi

  IX 2000 Australia J. Ternouth X 2002 India P. N. Bhat

  XI 2004 Malaysia Z. A. Jelan

  XII 2006 Korea

  I. K. Paik

  XIII 2008 Vietnam N.V. Thien

  XIV 2010 Taiwan L.C. Hsia

  XV 2012 Thailand C.Kittayachaweng XVI 2014 Indonesia Yudi.Guntara.Noor

  th Proceedings of the 16 AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II

  10-14 November 2014, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



  Code Title Page Genetic and Reproduction Large Ruminants




























  Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources and Climate Change

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  th Proceedings of the 16 AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II

  10-14 November 2014, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Code Title Page

























  Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources and Climate Change

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  th Proceedings of the 16 AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II

  10-14 November 2014, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Code Title Page










   POSTER PRESENTATION Code Title Page Genetic and Reproduction

  Large Ruminant













  th Proceedings of the 16 AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II

  10-14 November 2014, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Code Title Page
























  Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources and Climate Change

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  Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources and Climate Change

  Code Title Page



















  th Proceedings of the 16 AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II

  3URFHHGLQJV RI WKH WK $$$3 $QLPDO 6FLHQFH &RQJUHVV 9RO ,, 10-14 November 2014, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Effects of Estrous Synchronization of Bali Cattle Using PGF2α


Indira PN, Kustono and Ismaya

  Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Corresponding email:


  The aim of the study was to investigate response, behavior, cycle of estrous and estrogen hormone profile of Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) which were synchronized by PGF2α. Material samples were 9 Bali cattle at ±3 years old and the average body weight were 313,67±20,66 kg. Bali cattle were synchronized by injection of PGF2α with dosage 5 mg per cattle through intramuscular. Synchronization were covered by two injection with interval 12 days. The bloods were taken before and after injection PGF2α through jugular vein as much as 3 ml per sample. Then bloods samples were analyzed by estrogen hormone kit of Enzyme-Linked


Immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The estrous observation was every day. The result showed

  that response 100% estrus after the post injectio n PGF2α, onset estrous 57:49±0,55 hours/minutes, estrous indication and behavior were red vulva, mucus, warm, and standing heat, cycle of estrous was 20,11±1,36 days, the concentration of profil estrogen hormones estrus were 35,69±11,83 pg/mL, and non-estrus 25,16±11,92 pg/mL. The study concluded that Bali cattle synchronized using PGF2α showed normal response in onset estrous, behavior and estrous cycle while the concentration estrogen hormones were increased while estrous.

  Key Words: Bali cattle, Estrus,

  Estrogen, PGF2α, Synchronization


  Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) is an Indonesian native cattle and it is considered a national germplasm which should be preserved. Bali cattle, among others, have a high fertility rate, reaching about 80%, in conditions of dry, while in barren land in the province level around 75%, the production of high carcass and have a good quality meat with low fat content. However, some problems faced in developing Bali cattle as farmed animals is low genetic quality, the high incidence of inbreeding. Genetic influences in crossbred Bali cattle are a decrease in durability, animal fertility, and birth weight cattle as well as the specific disease of Bali cattle, namely: Jembrana disease, malignant catarrhal fever so decrease the reproducibility and productivity of Bali cattle (Noor et al. 2002). Efforts to improve reproducibility and productivity of Bali cattle has been done with the application of applied reproductive technologies, i.e. synchronization. Estrous synchronization of the estrous cycle manipulation is a technique to cause symptoms of estrus and ovulation in a group of animals simultaneously.

  Synchronization methods in beef cattle using PGF2α is now more widely used. Prostaglandin F2α has lysed the corpus luteum function which result in a decrease in progesterone levels suddenly. Observation of estrus is one of important factor s in the reproductive management of dairy cows and beef cattle. Consideration in all aspects of reproduction depends on the characteristics of the changes in hormone production, and hormonal status of the analysis is the most effective indirect method that can be used to monitor reproductive functions (Heistermann and Hodges, 1995). Therefore, is it necessary to determine the profiles of the hormone estrogen, estrous cycle length and estimated time of ovulation.


  Nine of females Bali cattle aging of ±3 years old and the average body weight of 313.67±20.66 kg were used. Synchronization of PGF2α was using Capriglandin (PT. Caprifarmindo Labs, Indonesia), was applied two times using a dose of 5 mg/head

  Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of

  6XVWDLQDEOH /LYHVWRFN 3URGXFWLRQ LQ WKH 3HUVSHFWLYH RI Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources and Climate Change


  intramuscular at intervals of 12 days. Blood samples were taken before and after injection of PGF2α. Estrus defined as 0 day. Blood samples from 4 Bali cattle were taken through jugular vein as much as 3 ml using a 5 ml syringe. Blood samples were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3000 rpm and serum was taken using a micro pipette and then transferred into 1 ml eppendorf tube and stored ontemperature -20°C until analyse using KIT estrogen (DRG Instruments GmBH, Germany) ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent Assay) (DRG, 2011). Moreover, the observed symptoms and behavior estrus, early symptoms start time visibility of estrus and estro us cycle after second of PGF2α synchronization. Symptoms andestrousbehavior, and estrous cycle, vaginal smear picture, as well as estrogen profiles using descriptive analysis.


  Observation of symptoms and behavior responses of cattle estrus indicated by the vulva redness, swelling, mucus and changes in behavior such as aggressive and standing heat. Bali cattle were standing heat as well as that secrete mucus so that the vulva kissed by the other cattle showed estrus. Tagama (1995) repo rted that administration of PGF2α on Ongole crossbreed cattle twice a day with a distance of 12day showed 100% estrus and the first injection showed estrus only two cattles, while the second injection all animals as much as 9cattle came into estrus.

  (A) (B)

  Figure 1 . (A) Standing heat while a peak of estrus and (B) Vaginal smear of synchronized by PGF2α during estrus

  Bali cattle that showed symptoms of estrus quiet or silent heat by 44% likely this can be caused by estrogen levels are below the threshold value that can not bully the clinical estrus. Bali cattle that have estrogen levels above the threshold limit values and was able to show symptoms of estrus behavior. Threshold value of each individual animal varies according to the physiological conditions (Noor et al., 2000). The results of this study are also supported by Cavalieri et al. (2007) that the effective

  PGF2α regression of corpus luteum was function but was not effective in the corpus luteum that begun to grow, cattledo not estrus because the cattle in the follicular phase follicle development was took place which was followed by a rise in the hormone estrogen. Vaginal smear picture estrus phase characterized by large superficial cells that cornification without core and many times (Figure 1).Early estrus observed in the study were 9 Bali cattle gained an average of 0.55±57:49 hours/minutes. Early estrus Bali cattle obtained when studies with a range of values is still relatively early from 30 to 72 hours of normal estrous. These results presumably because the variation of age of the corpus luteum when administered PGF2α injection regretion corpus luteum was capable of at least 3 days old. Tagama (1995) reported the Ongole crossbreed cattle induced by injection of PGF2α induce early estrus averaged 95 hours 45 minutes. The diversity of the initial estrus after estrous synchronization on each individual was strongly influenced by the activity of the ovaries, especially the presence of an active corpus luteum to determine whether normal reproductive cycles and structure of preovulatory follicles present in the ovary (Ball and Peter, 2004).The period of estrous cycle were observed in the study were 9

  th Proceedings of the 16 AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II

  3URFHHGLQJV RI WKH WK $$$3 $QLPDO 6FLHQFH &RQJUHVV 9RO ,, 10-14 November 2014, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


  head Bali cattle gained an average of 20.11±1.36 days. The Bali cattle of estrous cycle were obtained when the study with a range of from 18 to 22 days value was still relatively normal estrus cycle. Gustari et al., (2003) reported in his study that the administration of PGF2α to synchronize estrus with a double-injection technique with interval 11 days estrus cycle raises the next 20 days.


Figure 2. (C) The individuals and (D) average profil estrogen hormone of Bali cattle during

synchronization from 24 hours to 20 days post-injection PGF2 α II

  The hormone estrogen was measured in this study is the type of estradiol- 17β. The first blood draw and the second was the base line data synchronization when using PGF2α were performed two times at intervals of 12 days so as to induce the onset of estrus in Bali cattle research . Profiles of estradiol hormone levels obtained individually in the first Bali cattle was the base line data synchronization of estro us when estradiol levels using PGF2α 18.41 pg/mL and 19.91 pg/mL at 0 hour and then increase during estrus 35.19 pg/mL at 24 hours, the second of Bali cattle was the base line data estradiol 20.71 pg/mL and 22.29 pg/mL at 0 hour, 18.33 pg/mL at 24 hours, 18.17 pg/mL at 48 hours, and then increases as estrus 35.19 pg/mL at 72 hours, The third of Bali cattle was the base line data estradiol 24.21 pg/mL and 34.89 pg/mL at 0 hour, 33.40 pg/mL at 24 hours, 22.88 pg/mL at 48 hours, then increased when estrus 35.19 pg/mL at 72 hours , and the fourth of Bali cattle was the base line data estradiol 60.08 pg/mL and 56.04 pg/mL at 0 hour, 29.32 pg/mL at 24 hours, 42.61 pg/mL at 48 hours, then increased when estrus 52.28 pg/mL at 72 hours. Amirruddin et al., (1995) reported the estrogen levels of Aceh cattle 10.08±1.23 pg/mL, increases when estrus becomes 14.80±1.16 pg/mL, and a peak estrus reached 28.81±5,12 pg/mL. The mean profiles of estradiol hormone levels at Bali cattle gained 30.85±19.63 pg/mL and increased to 33.28±16.53 pg/mL at 0 hour or when the second PGF2α injection, 29.06±7.56 pg/mL at 24 hours, 25.16±11.92 pg/mL at 48 hours, and when the estrus was achieved the highest levels of 35.69 ± 11.83 pg/mL at 72 hours after injection of PGF2α (Figure 2).Fluctuations of reproductive hormones in adult female animals generally known as follicular phase/growth phase characterized by high estrogen levels, while the luteal phase has a considerable length of time marked by the development of the corpus luteum and high progesterone concentrations. Vinoles (2003) reported that concentrations of estradiol-

  17β fluktuatif caused follicular growth was not equal among cattle that also affect the growth of follicular waves, can also be caused due to the influence of body condition and nutrition. Mohammed et al., (2003) reported a study that estradiol-

  17β profiles increased gradually from the day of ovulation until fourdays and then decreased to basal concentrations. Increased levels of the hormone estradiol while explaining that the synchronization of estrus using PGF2α injection at intervals of 12 days indicated that the injecti on of PGF2α appropriate for luteal phase so PGF2α lyse the corpus luteum function to cause estrus.

  Sustainable Livestock Production in the Perspective of

  6XVWDLQDEOH /LYHVWRFN 3URGXFWLRQ LQ WKH 3HUVSHFWLYH RI Food Security, Policy, Genetic Resources and Climate Change


  The study concluded that Bali cattle synchronized using P GF2α showed normal response in onset estrous, behavior and estrous cycle while the concentration estrogen hormones were increased while estrous.


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  Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada. 15(1):1-8. Heistermann, M., and Hodges JK. 1995. Endocrine monitoring of the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the saddle-black tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis) by measurement of steroid conjugates in urine. Am. J. Primatol 35:117-127. Mohamed S.M., G. Watanabe, K. Sasaki, S. Sharawy, N.P. Groome and K. Taya. 2003.

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