08032017212007 Evi Setianingsih 2014002045 Tugas thesaurusdocx

  Nama : Evi Setianiingsih NIM : 2014002045




Task 1 thesaurus offline

  1. Teach Impart: Communicate , Show, Explain, Clarify, Instil, DemonstrateEducate: Tutor, School, Lecture, Instruct, Edify, Coach

  2. Study Education (n.): Schoolwork, Training, Homework, Learning, Scholarship, Revision, Reading, Report (n): Analysis, Paper, Feedback, Review, Experiment, Survey, Research, Inquiry, Enquiry, Analysis, Examination, Review, Grind, Read, Revise, Consider, Scrutinize, Experiment, Investigate, Research, Analyse, Explore

  3. Work Exertion, Labour, Toil, Slog, Grind, Graft, Employment, Job, Vocation, Occupation, Design, Creation, Opus, Product

  4. Buy Acquisition, Bargain, Accept (v), Believe, SwallowCredit, Subscribe, Acquire, Procure, Obtain, Get

  5. Sell Wholesale, Trade, Retail, Offer, Have, Push, Handle, Advertise

  6. Football Ball, rugby ball, beach ball, matter, point, problem, issue, hot potato, bone of contention.

  7. Snake Serpent, Sea snake, Sea serpent, Wind, Bend, Twist, Turn, Meander.

  8. Kidnap Abduction, capture, hijack, highjack, hostage taking, release, abduct, capture, snatch, hijack, shanghai.

  9. Motorcycle Motorbike, Bike, Scrambler, Dirt bike.

  10. Glass cut-glass, crystal, Lead crystal, Goblet, Beaker, Flute, Schooner, Tumbler, Wineglass.

  Task 2 (online/Thesaurus, synonym)

  1. Study (n) Learning, analysis, application, class, consideration, course, debate, examination, exercise, inquiry, inspection, investigation, research, review, subject, survey, abstraction, analysing, attention, cogitation, comparison, concentration, contemplation, cramming, deliberation, lesson, meditation, memorizing, muse, musing, pondering, questioning, reading, reasoning, reflection, reverie, rumination, school work, scrutiny, thought, trance, weighing, academic work.

  2. Teach (v) Educate, instil knowledge, advise, coach, demonstrate, develop, direct, explain, instruct, lecture, prepare, show, train, tutor, brainwash, brief, catechize, communicate, cram, discipline, drill, edify, enlighten, exercise, expound, fit, form, ground, guide, illustrate, imbue, impart, implant, inculcate, indoctrinate, inform, initiate, interpret, nurture, profess, rear, school, sharpen, break in, give instruction, give lessons, give the facts, improve mind, open eyes, polish up, pound into, star, show the ropes.

  3. Write (verb) Address, compose, create, draft, note, pen, print, record, rewrite, scrawl, scribble, sign, tell, author, autograph, chalk, commit, communicate, copy, correspond, engross, formulate, ghost, invite, ink, inscribe, letter, pencil, reproduce, scribe, transcribe, typewrite, bang out, comp, dash off, draw up, drop a line, drop a note, jot down, knock off, knock out, note down, push a pencil, put in writing, striven, set down, set forth, take down, turn out, write down, write up.

  4. Run (noun) Drive, outing, ride, round, tour, trip, excursion, jaunt, lift, spin, travel, joy ride

  5. Type (noun) Pattern, sample, standard, archetype, epitome, essence, exemplar, original, paradigm, personification, prototype, quintessence, representative, specimen

  6. Ride (noun) Drive, excursion, expedition, jaunt, outing, tour, transportation, airing, commute,

  7. Sleep (noun) Coma, dream, hibernation, slumber, trance, bedtime, catnap, dormancy, doze, dullness, lethargy, nap, nod, repose, rest, sandman, shuteye, siesta, snooze, torpidity, torpor, few z's, forty winks, sack time, slumber land.

  8. Watch (noun) Timepiece, wristwatch, chronometer, stopwatch, ticker, timer, analog watch, digital watch, pocket watch.

  9. Walk (noun) Hike, jaunt, parade, step, stretch, stroll, tour, airing, carriage, circuit, constitutional, gait, march, pace, perambulation, peregrination, promenade, ramble, saunter, star, stride, traipse, tramp, tread, turn, schlepp.

  10. Climb (verb) crawl, move up Ascend, clamber, go up, mount, rise, scale, soar, top, escalade, escalate, ape up.

  Task 3 Online/ Lingvosoft

  1. walk English Indonesian (N)


  (V) English Thesaurus: walk (N)Act of walking, Trip made by walking, Distance covered in walking, Period of walking, Manner of walking, Pace; gait, Path specially arranged or paved for walking (V)Move or cause to move on foot at a pace slower than a run, Pass over, on, or through on foot, Conduct oneself in a particular manner, [Baseball] Give or be given a base on balls

  2. talk English Indonesian (N)




  English Thesaurus: talk (N)Act of talking; conversation, Speech or lecture, Hearsay, rumor, or speculation, Subject of conversation

  (V)Articulate words, Converse by means of spoken language, Converse about: talk politics, Speak: talk Arabic, Gossip, Parley or negotiate, Consult or confer, Persuade with arguments: talked them into joinin

  3. think English Indonesian (N) (V)


  English Thesaurus: think (V)Have or formulate in the mind, Ponder, Reason, Believe; suppose, Call to mind; remember, Visualize; imagine, Devise or invent: think up a plan, Consider

  4. play English Indonesian (N) (V)


  English Thesaurus: play (N)Literary work for the stage, Performance of such a work, Activity engaged in for enjoyment or recreation, Fun, Act or manner of playing a game or sport, Move in a game: a close play, Manner or conduct: fair play, Action or use: the play of the imagination, Freedom for action; scope, Free movement, as of mechanical parts (V)Occupy oneself in amusement, sport, or other recreation, Act in jest, Behave carelessly; toy, Cause (for example, a recorded tape) to emit sound, Act in a specified way: play fair, Engage in (a game or sport), Compete against in a game or sport, Occupy (a position) in a game or sport, Use (a card, piece, or ball) in a game or sport, Act or perform (a role), Pretend to be: play cowboy, Be performed, as a theatrical work, [Mus.] Perform on (an instrument), [Mus.] Perform (a piece), Perform or put into effect: play a joke, Manipulate: played the rivals against each other, Move lightly or irregularly: Breeze played on the water, Bet or wager

  5. free English Indonesian (A)


  (ADV (V)


  English Thesaurus: free Having personal rights and liberty; not enslaved, Not imprisoned, Not restricted, Independent, Spontaneous, Not busy, Not used, Not obstructed, Not containing, a general idea; not literal, Informal, Not showing enough respect, Not combined with any other chemical substance (ADV)In a free manner, Without payment, Away from the wind (V)Make free, Unfasten; disentangle, Relieve, Make available, Release