Rasa bhakha Some vernacular concepts of

Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas



Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa
WSC 15 Presentation




Andrew Ollett
Columbia University

January 9, 2012


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns

Rasa in the Mānas

. .1 Introduction: poetics of rasa
. .2 Rasa in the premākhyāns
Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference
. .3 Rasa in the Mānas
Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

. Rasa’s polysemy

Amarakośa 3.3.228ab

ु े रागे वे रसः ।

ारादौ िवषे वीय गण
Rasa [is used] in the meaning of ‘the erotic’ and so on, poison,
semen, the quality [of taste], passion, and liquid.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

. Avadhi texts

Ṣūfī premākhyāns
Candāyan of Dāūd (1379)
Miragāvatī of Quṭban (1503)
Padmāvat of Jāyasī (1540)
Madhumālatī of Mañjhan (1545)
Rāmcaritmānas of Tulsīdās (last quarter of 16th c.)


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Candāyan 17.1

बरस सात स ै हाये इासी । ितिह याह किव सरस उभासी ।

It was the year seven hundred eighty-one (1379 ce): at that time,
this poem was spoken with rasa.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa

Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Miragāvatī 13.1

एक बात अब कहउँ रसाल । रतन मित आनउँ भर थाल ।
Now I will tell a tale full of rasa: I will fill my plate with gems and
pearls and bring them.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Miragāvatī 426.1, 2, 4

पिहले िहंई कसथा अही । फुिन रे काँ तरु की लइ कही ।

फुिन हम खोिल अरथ सब कहा । योग िसंगार बीर रस अहा ।…
जिहआ पंह स ै त साठी । तिहआ यह चउपाइ गाठी ।
First the story was told in hinduī, then some told it using turakī.
Then I told it, laying open all of its meanings. Its rasas are yoga, the
erotic (śṛṅgāra), and the heroic (vīra). When it was the year
fifteen-hundred sixty-six (1503 ce), I sang it in caupāīs.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Padmāvat 26.4–dohā
किब िबआस रस कँ वला पूरी । िरिह िनअर िनअर भा री ।
िनअरिह िर फू ल सँग काँटा । िर जो िनअर जस गु चाँटा ।
भँवर आइ बनखंड ित लेिहं कँ वल कै बास ।
दार बास न पाविहं भलेिहं जे आछिहं पास ॥
The flowering of poetry is like a lotus full of nectar (rasa): it is near
to the far, and far from the near. Far from the near, because its
flower comes with thorns; it is like sugar to ants, which draw near
to the far. The bee comes from the forest to receive the fragrance
of the lotus; the frogs don’t go for its fragrance, even though they
live nearby.

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Madhumālatī 39.1–2

ु किल पिरहिर ग ैऊ ।
संबत नौ स ै बावन भ ैऊ । सती परख
तौ हम िचत उपजी अिभलाखा । कथा एक बांधउं रस भाखा ।
It was the year nine-hundred fifty-two (1545): a man of truth had
left the Kaliyug. At that time a fascination arose in my mind: ‘I will
compose a story in the vernacular of rasa’.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Madhumālatī 43
ु सोहाई ।
अंित कथा कह अब गाई । रिसक कान दै सन
रस कै बात रिसक जान ै । िबन ु रस रिसक िनरस कै मान ै ।
िबन रस घनु अंित पिरहरै । िबन रस ऊं ट ऊिख का करै ।
जा कहं जेिह रस महं रस होई । तेिह रस महं रस पावै सोई ।
जो जेिह रस कै जान न बाता । सो तेिह रस अनरस उतपाता ।
ु रिसक दै कान ।
रस अनेग सयंसार कर सनं
जो सभ रस महं राउ रस ता कर कर बखान ॥


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Madhumālatī 43
Now I will tell a nectar-like story in song: let the rasika give ear and
listen to the beautiful story. The rasika knows a matter of rasa; [if it
is] without rasa, the rasika will know it to be nīrasa. Without rasa,
the insect turns away from nectar; without rasa, what does a camel
do with cane? Whoever has a taste (rasa) for a certain rasa will get
enjoyment (rasa) in that rasa. But whoever does not know a matter
of rasa, that rasa becomes lacking in rasa to him. The world has
several rasas: listen and give ear. I will tell a story of that rasa
which is king among rasas.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Miragāvatī 85.4–5 and dohā
बर न होइ रस सेउँ रस कीज ै । तौ रे  जह िपिरित गनीज ै ।
रस िक बात बर सेउँ निह होई । रस जो आिह रस सेउँ भल सोई ।
म रस बात कही रस तो सेउँ जौ रस कीज ै बात ।
सो रस रहै  जग ता कर जो रस सेउँ रंगरात ॥
It doesn’t come by force. If you make rasa with rasa, then that love
will be recognized in the two worlds. A matter of rasa does not
come by force: whatever rasa there is, is good on account of rasa. I
have told you the matter of rasa with that rasa: that’s the matter of
rasa that you should do. The rasa of the one who is in love with rasa
will remain in the two worlds.

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Cāndā and Biraspati

The nāyikā of the Candāyan (Cāndā) is suffering
from separation (viraha) from her beloved (Lorik),
and asks her ayah (Biraspati) to comfort her with a
love story:


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Candāyan 172

चांद िबरसपित पास बलाई
। िपरम कहानी क मोिह आई ।
जेिहं रस मन कर िबरस ु िबसारउं । रस िदवरा िहरद थिर जारउं ।
ु ।
रस अहा मोिहं देिह अघाई । िबरह झार िबन ु रस न बझाई
ु रसायन देखउे ं चाखी । सरस कहानी क मोिह भाखी ।
ु सख
ु िनंा आवइ ।
रस िकएं राित सपूरनभावइ । अउ रस सिन
क रस बचन िबरसपित जेिहं िचत कव िमठाइ ।
रस कइ धरी बराविह ख संताप षोभ जाइ ॥


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Candāyan 172
Cāndā called Biraspati to her: ‘Come and tell me a story of love, so
that I may forget the virasa of my heart through its rasa, so that I
may set the lamp of rasa in my heart and light it. Give me the food
of rasa [or: food and water], without ceasing; without rasa [water],
I cannot put out the flames of separation. I have seen and tasted
many medicines [rasāyana]; tell me a story, full of rasa, in the
bhākhā. By making rasa, the night will be completed well, and after
hearing rasa, an easy sleep will come. Tell me words of rasa,
Biraspati, so that my bitter mind will become sweet. Send me off
with an hour of rasa, so that my burning pain and agitation will go


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Candāyan 173
तूं रस ु िबरस ु चांद का जानिस । हउं रस कहउं िघिरत जउ सानिस ।
ु ं पावा ।
िघिरत खांड स करउं मेरावा । चांद जइस अंिबिरत ु त
रस बरजिह कइं बरइ अहा । रसिहं बूिड़ आछिहं सयंसा ।
रस के दाध अनपािन न भावा । रस जउ आन ओखद ब लावा ।
रस कइ बात िचतिहं जउ धरसी । रस कइ घिरय िबरस ु िजिन करसी ।
रस के कं ु िड परा मरिह मिु नव गहन गही ।
रस क बूड धिर बाहइं चांदा लाविह तीर ॥


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Candāyan 173
‘What do you know of rasa or virasa, Cāndā? For my part, I call it
rasa only when you mix it with ghee. I’ll mix together ghee and
sugar: Cāndā, it’ll be like nectar when you taste it. Whether
someone avoids or seeks out food and water (rasa), the world
remains drenched in rasa. For somene burned by rasa, food and
water are not pleasing. If you bring rasa, then take some good
medicine. If you establish a matter of rasa in your heart, then you
will not make virasa the hour of rasa. Your excellent sage has fallen
into the well of rasa, and he’s dying in it, deep and dark. He’s
drowning in rasa: by grabbing his arms, Cāndā, you’ll get him to
the shore.’


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Miragāvatī 193.4–194.2

उ महँ एक जो अही सजानाँ
। खेिलिस पेम कहै भल जानाँ ।
किहिस पेम का जानिस भोली । ह तोिह कह पेम रस खोली ।
िघिरत खाँड सेउ कर मेरावा अिमअ महारस ले ।
ु गम गँसन है गिह कै छाड न दे ॥
पेम भअं
ु ं आिह पेम कै साधा । आपिह
ु खांिड कर इ आधा । पेम
जौ त
ु मिट ओिह प ै सूझा ।
सवाद सोइ प ै बूझा । आपिह


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Miragāvatī 193.4–194.2

Among the [girlfriends] there was one who was wise; she had
played the game of love, and spoke of it knowing well: ‘You have
spoken of love: what do you know, you innocent girl? Let me tell
you, laying open what the rasa of love really is. Mix together ghee
and sugar, and taste the great rasa of the nectar. Love is a
constricting snake; once it grabs you, it doesn’t let you go. If you
have a desire for love, you have to split yourself in two halves; only
he knows its savor to whom it appears, after destroying himself.’


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Traditional illustration
Nāṭyaśāstra 6, after verse 31

यथा िह गडािदिभ
 ैन ैरौषिधिभ षाडवादयो रसा
िनव े तथा नानाभावोपगता अिप ाियनो भावा


For just as tastes such as [those of] sweets are produced through
ingredients such as jaggery, through other ingredients, and
through spices, in the same way the stable emotions too become
rasas when they are accompanied by the various factors.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Madhumālatī 99

ु रस पाई ।
अब जगाइ रस बात कहाई अ रस बचन सनत
Now, awakening her, I will have her speak words of rasa, as she
speaks words of rasa I will take enjoyment (rasa).


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Programmatic passages
Rasa talk: polysemy and new directions
Summary: rasa’s domains of reference

. Correspondences





‘ishq or preman
‘āshiq or nāyaka
ma‘shūq or nāyikā

‘ishq-i ḥaqīqī

viṣāl or saṃprayoga



Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.9.8–11
किब न होउँ निह बचन बीनू । सकल कला सब िबा हीनू ।
आखर अरथ अलं कृित नाना । छंद बंध अन ेक िबधाना ।
भाव भेद रस भेद अपारा । किबत दोष गनु िबिबध कारा ।
किबत िबबेक एक निह मोर । स कह िलिख कागद कोर ।
I am not a poet; I am not skilled with words. I lack all of the arts, all
knowledge. There are various figures of sound and meaning,
several kinds of metrical compositions, endless varieties of
emotions and varieties of rasas, various kinds of virtues and faults
of poetry. But I have no poetic discrimination: I speak the truth,
writing on blank paper.

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.37.10

नव रस जप तप जोग िबरागा । ते सब जलचर चा तड़ागा ।
The nine rasas, repetition of the name of God, austerity, yoga, and
dispassion—all these are the charming aquatic life in the lake.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 2.275

आम सागर सांत रस पूरन पावन पाथ ु ।
ु ु॥
सेन मनँ कना सिरत िलय जात रघनाथ
His āśrama was an ocean of śānta rasa, full of pure water; it was as
if the Lord of the Raghus was going there via the river of karuṇa
which was his host.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.241.4–dohā
ु रित ित देखी त ैसी ॥
िज के रही भावना ज ैसी । भमू
देखिहं प महा रनधीरा । मन बीररस ु धरे सरीरा ॥
ु िनहारी । मन भयानक मूरित भारी ॥
डरे कुिटल नृप भिह
रहे असरु छल छोिनप बेषा । ित भ ु गट काल सम देखा ॥

देख दोउ भाई । नरभूषन लोचनसखदाई

ु ।
नािर िबलोकिहं हरिष िहय िनज िनज िच अनप
जन ु सोहत िसंगार धिर मूरित परम अनपु ॥


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.241.4–dohā
However a person’s conception was, thus did the bodily
manifestation of the lord appear to them. Great men, tough in
battle, saw his form as if it were the heroic rasa (bīrarasu)
embodied. Crooked kings trembled, beholding the lord as if he
were the terrifying rasa (bhayānaka) in bodily form. The demons,
through their deceit, were disguised as princes: to them the lord
appeared as death made manifest. To the inhabitants of the city
both brothers appeared as ornaments among men, giving pleasure
to their eyes. The women looked upon them, feeling excitement in
their hearts, each according to her own interest, as if the erotic
rasa (siṃgāra) was shining, having taken an excellent and
incomparable form.

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.242.1–8
ु कर पग लोचन सीसा ।
िबष भ ु िबराटमय दीसा । ब मख
जनकजाित अवलोकिहं कै स े । सजन सगे िय लागिहं ज ैसे ।
सिहत िबदेह िबलोकिहं रानी । िसस ु सम ीित न जाित बखानी ।
जोिग परम तमय भासा । सांत सु सम सहज कासा ।
ु दाता ।
हिरभगत देख े दोउ ाता । इदेव इव सब सख
ु ु निह कथनीय ।
रामिह िचतव भाय जेिह सीया । सो सने सख

उर अनभवित
न किह सक सोऊ । कवन कार कहै किब कोऊ ।
जेिह िबिध रहा जािह जस भाऊ । तेिह तस देखउे कोसलराऊ ।

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.242.1–8
The wise saw the lord in cosmic form, with many faces, hands, feet,
eyes, and heads. How did Janaka’s family looked upon him? As
their own blood relatives appeared. The queens, together with
Janaka, viewed him with love equal to their love of their children:
it cannot be described. To the yogins he appeared in the form of
the highest reality, peaceful (sāṃta), pure, calm, and
self-luminious. Devotees of Viṣṇu saw the two brothers as if they
were their chosen deity, the givers of all happiness. The emotion
with which Sītā took note of Rām—that affection and happiness
cannot be told. She felt it in her heart, but was not able to speak it:
how could any poet tell of it? Each person saw the prince of Kosala
as the emotion (bhāū) which resided in his own heart.

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Rāmcaritmānas 1.22 dohā

सकल कामना हीन जे राम भगित रस लीन ।
नाम पेम पीयूष द ितँ िकए मन मीन ॥
Those who, lacking all sensual desires, are sunk in the rasa of
devotion to Rām—their minds have been made into fish in the
nectar-lake of love for his name.


Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa



Introduction: poetics of rasa
Rasa in the premākhyāns
Rasa in the Mānas

Distancing and appropriation
The figure of rasa
Rasa and bhakti

. Devotion through poetics
New uses for the concept of rasa:
Rasa modelling Ṣūfī metaphysics and practice
(14th c.)
Rasa and the bhakti-sādhanā of the Gauḍīya
Vaiṣṇavas (early 16th c.)
Rasa modelling Rāma-bhakti (late 16th c.)
The response of Sanskrit discourse: Jagannātha
Paṇḍitarāja (17th c.)

Andrew Ollett




Rasa-bhākhā: Some vernacular concepts of rasa

