
Angka Dasar Value







  4 “empat”








  8 “delapan”

  9 “sembilan”

  Angka Serupa

  38 “tiga puluh delapan”

  83 “delapan puluh tiga”

  69 “enam puluh sembilan”

  96 “sembilan puluh enam”

  52 “limah puluh dua”



  25 “dua puluh lima”

  71 “tujuh puluh satu”

  17 “tujuh belas”

Huruf Value



  “ a”


  “ b”


  “ c”


  “ d”







  “ j”

  “ h”

  “ g”

  “ f”

  “ e”

  “ i”




  “ m”

  “ k”

  “ l”


  “ o”

  “ n” Oo


  “ p”



  “ r”


  “ s”


  “ t”


  “ u”

  “ q”



  “ x”

  “ w”

  “ v”



  “ y” Zz

  “ z”

Kata Value

  Text bibi

  “ bibi” didi

  “ didi” rara

  “ rara” nana

  “ nana” mama

  “ mama” wawa

  “ wawa” dadu

  “ dadu” babu

  “ babu” buku

  “ buku” duku

  “ duku”




  // Halaman Game1.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media; namespace AlGame


  /// <summary> /// This is the main type for your game /// </summary> public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework. Game


  GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; SpriteBatch spriteBatch; public static SoundEffect MENU_SOUND;

public static SoundEffectInstance MENU_SOUND_INSTANCE; //The screen and the current screen Screen mCurrentScreen; HomeScreen mHomeScreen; LevelScreen mLevelScreen; AboutScreen mAboutScreen; PlayScreen mPlayScrren; SubLevelScreen mSubLevelScreen; HowToPlay mHowToPlayScreen; // cursor public static Texture2D CURSOR_CSTM; public static Vector2 CURSOR_POS; // static sound effect public static SoundEffect MOUSE_DOWN; //Static variabel for screen name public static double HOME = 1; public static double PLAY = 2; public static double HOW_TO_PLAY = 3; public static double ABOUT = 4; public static double LEVEL_SCREEN = 5; public static double LEVEL1 = 1.1; public static double LEVEL11 = 1.11; public static double LEVEL12 = 1.12; public static double LEVEL2 = 2.2; public static double LEVEL21 = 2.21; public static double LEVEL22 = 2.22; public static double LEVEL3 = 3.3; public Game1()

  { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager ( this ); Content.RootDirectory = "Content" ; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 600; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 800;

  //this.IsMouseVisible = true;


  /// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.

  /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic

  /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well.

  /// </summary> protected override void Initialize()


  // TODO: Add your initialization logic here base .Initialize();


  /// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content.

  /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent()


  // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.

  spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (GraphicsDevice); CURSOR_CSTM = Content.Load< Texture2D >( "image/cursor_action_t" );

  // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here //Initialize the various screens in the game

  mHomeScreen = new HomeScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (HomeScreenEvent));

  mLevelScreen = new LevelScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (LevelScreenEvent));

  mAboutScreen = new AboutScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (AboutScreenEvent));

  mHowToPlayScreen = new HowToPlay ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (HowToPlayEvent)); //Set the current screen

  mCurrentScreen = mHomeScreen;

  // static sound effent

  /// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"> Provides a snapshot of timing values. </param> protected override void Update( GameTime gameTime)


  base .Update(gameTime);

  mCurrentScreen.Update(gameTime); CURSOR_POS = new Vector2 (mouse.X, mouse.Y);

  MouseState mouse = Mouse .GetState(); // TODO: Add your update logic here

//KeyboardState keyboard = Keyboard.GetState();

//if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { MySpiretPosition.Y -= 5; } //if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { MySpiretPosition.Y += 5; } //if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { MySpiretPosition.X += 5; } //if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { MySpiretPosition.X -= 5; }

  ButtonState .Pressed) this .Exit();

  // Allows the game to exit if ( GamePad .GetState( PlayerIndex .One).Buttons.Back ==




  // TODO: Unload any non ContentManager content here


  /// </summary> protected override void UnloadContent()

  /// <summary> /// UnloadContent will be called once per game and is the place to unload /// all content.


  this .Content.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/menu" );


  this .Content.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/mousedown" );

  /// <summary> /// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"> Provides a snapshot of timing values. </param> protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime)

  { GraphicsDevice.Clear( Color .CornflowerBlue);

  // TODO: Add your drawing code here

  spriteBatch.Begin(); mCurrentScreen.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.Draw( Game1 .CURSOR_CSTM, Game1 .CURSOR_POS,

  Color .White);


  base .Draw(gameTime);


  //This event fires when the Controller detect screen is returning control back to the main game class public void HomeScreenEvent( object obj, EventArgs

  e) {

  //Switch to the title screen, the Controller detect screen is finished being displayed if (( double )obj == Game1 .ABOUT)

  { mCurrentScreen = mAboutScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL_SCREEN)

  { mCurrentScreen = mLevelScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .HOW_TO_PLAY)

  { mCurrentScreen = mHowToPlayScreen; } }

  public void AboutScreenEvent( object obj, EventArgs

  e) { mCurrentScreen = mHomeScreen; }

  public void HowToPlayEvent( object obj, EventArgs

  e) { mCurrentScreen = mHomeScreen; }

  public void LevelScreenEvent( object obj, EventArgs

  e) {

  if (( double )obj == Game1 .HOME)

  { mCurrentScreen = mHomeScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL1)



SubLevelScreen .LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL1;

  mSubLevelScreen = new SubLevelScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (SubLevelEvent)); mCurrentScreen = mSubLevelScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL2)



SubLevelScreen .LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL2;

  mSubLevelScreen = new SubLevelScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (SubLevelEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mSubLevelScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL3)



PlayScreen .SUB_LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL3;

  mPlayScrren = new PlayScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (PlayScreenEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mPlayScrren; } }

  public void SubLevelEvent( object obj, EventArgs

  e) {

  if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL_SCREEN)

  { mCurrentScreen = mLevelScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL11)



PlayScreen .SUB_LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL11;

  mPlayScrren = new PlayScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (PlayScreenEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mPlayScrren; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL12)



PlayScreen .SUB_LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL12;

  mPlayScrren = new PlayScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (PlayScreenEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mPlayScrren; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL21)



PlayScreen .SUB_LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL21;

  mPlayScrren = new PlayScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (PlayScreenEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mPlayScrren; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL22)



PlayScreen .SUB_LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL22;

  mPlayScrren = new PlayScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (PlayScreenEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mPlayScrren; }


  { mCurrentScreen = mSubLevelScreen;

  } }

  public void PlayScreenEvent( object obj, EventArgs

  e) {

  if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL1)



SubLevelScreen .LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL1;

  mSubLevelScreen = new SubLevelScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (SubLevelEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mSubLevelScreen; }

  else if (( double )obj == Game1 .LEVEL2)



SubLevelScreen .LEVEL = Game1 .LEVEL2;

  mSubLevelScreen = new SubLevelScreen ( this .Content,

  this .GraphicsDevice, new EventHandler (SubLevelEvent));

  mCurrentScreen = mSubLevelScreen; }


  { mCurrentScreen = mLevelScreen; } MENU_SOUND_INSTANCE.Play(); } } } // LevelScreen.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using System.IO; namespace AlGame


  class LevelScreen : Screen


  Texture2D bgTexture; Rectangle bgPosition; Rectangle level1Position; Texture2D btnLevel1; Rectangle level2Position; Texture2D btnLevel2;

  Rectangle level3Position; Texture2D btnLevel3; Texture2D btnKembali; Texture2D btnKembaliActive; Texture2D btnKembaliHover; Rectangle btnKembaliPosition; Texture2D lockImg; public LevelScreen( ContentManager theContent, GraphicsDevice

  graphicDevice, EventHandler theScreenEvent) : base (theScreenEvent) { bgPosition = new Rectangle (0, 0, graphicDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicDevice.Viewport.Height); bgTexture = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/bg" ); level1Position = new Rectangle (90, 64, 150, 233); btnLevel1 = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/number_animals_1" ); level2Position = new Rectangle (307, 255, 180, 216); btnLevel2 = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/number_animals_2" ); level3Position = new Rectangle (560, 118, 180, 235); btnLevel3 = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/number_animals_3" ); btnKembaliActive = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-active" ); btnKembaliHover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-hover" ); btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; btnKembaliPosition = new Rectangle (100, 521, 150, 35); lockImg = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/lock" ); }


//Update all of the elements that need updating in the

Controller Detect Screen public override void Update( GameTime theTime)


  MouseState mouse = Mouse .GetState();

if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState .Pressed)


  Point pointer = new Point (mouse.X, mouse.Y); if (btnKembaliPosition.Contains(pointer))


  Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .HOME, new EventArgs ());

  return ;


  else if (level1Position.Contains(pointer))


  Thread .Sleep(200); Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL1, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;


  else if (level2Position.Contains(pointer))


  Thread .Sleep(200); Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL2, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;


  else if (level3Position.Contains(pointer))


  Thread .Sleep(200); Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL3, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;

  } }

  Rectangle hoverPosition = new Rectangle (mouse.X, mouse.Y,

  1, 1);

  if (hoverPosition.Intersects(btnKembaliPosition))

  { btnKembali = btnKembaliHover; }


  { btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; }

  base .Update(theTime);


  //Draw all of the elements that make up the Controller Detect Screen public override void Draw( SpriteBatch spriteBatch)

  { spriteBatch.Draw(bgTexture, bgPosition, Color .White); spriteBatch.Draw(btnKembali, btnKembaliPosition,

  Color .White);

  spriteBatch.Draw(btnLevel1, level1Position, Color .White); spriteBatch.Draw(btnLevel2, level2Position, Color .White); spriteBatch.Draw(btnLevel3, level3Position, Color .White);

  //for lock level 2 //spriteBatch.Draw(lockImg, new Rectangle(390, 320, 140, 130), Color.White); //for lock level 3

  //spriteBatch.Draw(lockImg, new Rectangle(631, 228, 140, 130), Color.White); base .Draw(spriteBatch);

  } } } // HowToPlay.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; namespace AlGame


  class HowToPlay : Screen


  /* Background */ Texture2D bgTexture; Rectangle bgPossition; Texture2D btnKembali; Texture2D btnKembaliActive; Texture2D btnKembaliHover; Rectangle btnKembaliPosition; SpriteFont normalFont; public HowToPlay( ContentManager theContent, GraphicsDevice

  graphicDevice, EventHandler theScreenEvent) : base (theScreenEvent) { bgPossition = new Rectangle (0, 0, graphicDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicDevice.Viewport.Height); bgTexture = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/home" ); btnKembaliActive = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-active" ); btnKembaliHover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-hover" ); btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; btnKembaliPosition = new Rectangle (100, 521, 150, 35); normalFont = theContent.Load< SpriteFont >( "normalFont" ); }


//Update all of the elements that need updating in the

Controller Detect Screen public override void Update( GameTime theTime)



KeyboardState keyboard = Keyboard .GetState(); if (keyboard.IsKeyDown( Keys .Back)) {

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( this , new EventArgs ());

  return ;


  MouseState mouse = Mouse .GetState();

if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState .Pressed)


  Point pointer = new Point (mouse.X, mouse.Y); if (btnKembaliPosition.Contains(pointer))


  Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( this , new EventArgs ());

  return ;

  } }

  Rectangle hoverPosition = new Rectangle (mouse.X, mouse.Y,

  1, 1);

  if (hoverPosition.Intersects(btnKembaliPosition))

  { btnKembali = btnKembaliHover; }


  { btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; } }

  //Draw all of the elements that make up the Controller Detect Screen public override void Draw( SpriteBatch spriteBatch)

  { spriteBatch.Draw(bgTexture, bgPossition, Color .White); spriteBatch.Draw(btnKembali, btnKembaliPosition,

  Color .White);

  spriteBatch.DrawString(normalFont, "Aplikasi ini

  • merupakan jenis game puzle dimana \n"

  "bertujuan sebagai sarana pelatihan dan pembelajaran \n"

  • "anak-anak yang mengalamai kondisi ketidakmampuan bel
  • \n"

  "yang disebabkan oleh kesulitan dalam melakukan

  • aktiviatas\n"

  "membaca dan menulis (dyslexia). Game ini terbagi dalam 3

  • level. \n"

  "Untuk memulai, silahkan klik tombol mulai dan level yang

  • \n"

  "ingin dimainkan. Kemudian akan muncul soal yang

  • sesuai\n"

  "dengan level yang Anda pilih. Anda sebutkan angka\\ \n"

  • "huruf\\kata yang mucul. Jika Anda benar, skor akan \n"
  • "ditambahkan 1. Pemainan akan berhenti setelah \n&q
  • "aplikasi memunculkan 5 soal yang berbeda di \n"

  "setiap level." , new Vector2 (100, 250), Color .White); base .Draw(spriteBatch);

  } } } // AboutScreen.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; namespace AlGame


  class AboutScreen : Screen


  /* Background */ Texture2D bgTexture; Rectangle bgPossition; Texture2D btnKembali; Texture2D btnKembaliActive; Texture2D btnKembaliHover; Rectangle btnKembaliPosition; Texture2D logoUSU; Rectangle logoUSUPosition; SpriteFont normalFont; public AboutScreen( ContentManager theContent, GraphicsDevice

  graphicDevice, EventHandler theScreenEvent) : base (theScreenEvent) { bgPossition = new Rectangle (0, 0, graphicDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicDevice.Viewport.Height); bgTexture = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/home" ); btnKembaliActive = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-active" ); btnKembaliHover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-hover" ); btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; btnKembaliPosition = new Rectangle (100, 521, 150, 35); logoUSU = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/logo usu" ); logoUSUPosition = new Rectangle (350, 450, 100, 100); normalFont = theContent.Load< SpriteFont >( "normalFont" ); }


//Update all of the elements that need updating in the

Controller Detect Screen public override void Update( GameTime theTime)



KeyboardState keyboard = Keyboard .GetState();

if (keyboard.IsKeyDown( Keys .Back)) {

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( this , new EventArgs ());

  return ;


  MouseState mouse = Mouse .GetState();

if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState .Pressed)


  Point pointer = new Point (mouse.X, mouse.Y); if (btnKembaliPosition.Contains(pointer))


  Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( this , new EventArgs ());

  return ;

  } }

  Rectangle hoverPosition = new Rectangle (mouse.X, mouse.Y,

  1, 1);

  if (hoverPosition.Intersects(btnKembaliPosition))

  { btnKembali = btnKembaliHover; }


  { btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; } }

  //Draw all of the elements that make up the Controller Detect Screen public override void Draw( SpriteBatch spriteBatch)

  { spriteBatch.Draw(bgTexture, bgPossition, Color .White); spriteBatch.Draw(btnKembali, btnKembaliPosition,

  Color .White);

  spriteBatch.DrawString(normalFont, "Aplikasi ini

  • dikembangkan oleh \"Alman Julinius Tarigan\". \n"

  "Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dalam rangka penelitian

  • skripsi \n"

  "yang merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan mahasiswa \n"

  • "Teknik Informasi, Universitas Sumatera Utara. \n \n"
  • "Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan Microsoft \n&q
  • "Speech Recognizer (Microsoft SAPI) sebagai engine \n"
  • "untuk pengenalan suara dan Microsoft XNA Framework \n"

  "sebagai game platform. \n \n" +

"Copyright 2014 - Alman Julinius Tarigan" , new

Vector2 (100, 250), Color .White);

  spriteBatch.Draw(logoUSU, logoUSUPosition, Color .White);

  base .Draw(spriteBatch);

  } } } // PlayScreen.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using AlGameObject; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace AlGame


  class PlayScreen : Screen


  Texture2D bgTexture; Rectangle bgPosition; Texture2D textInfo; Rectangle textInfoPosition; Texture2D btnKembali; Rectangle btnKembaliPosition; SAPIEngine sapi; SpriteFont font; SpriteFont gameFont; SpriteFont finishFont; SoundEffect levelStartSound; SoundEffectInstance levelStartInstance; SoundEffect levelSound; SoundEffectInstance levelSoundInstance; SoundEffect trueSound; SoundEffect falseSound; SoundEffect winSound; SoundEffect loseSound; int jumlahSoal = 5; int benar = 0; List < string > listSoal; String soal; bool newSoal = true ; bool selesai = false ; bool selesaiSound = true ; int viewPortWidth; bool next = false ; List < Soal > listSoalHurufKata; Soal currentSoal; public static double SUB_LEVEL = 1.11; public PlayScreen( ContentManager theContent, GraphicsDevice

  graphicDevice, EventHandler theScreenEvent) : base (theScreenEvent) { bgPosition = new Rectangle (0, 0, graphicDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicDevice.Viewport.Height); viewPortWidth = graphicDevice.Viewport.Width; bgTexture = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/bg" ); btnKembali = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-

  active" );

  btnKembaliPosition = new Rectangle (100, 521, 150, 35); font = theContent.Load< SpriteFont >( "MenuFont" ); gameFont = theContent.Load< SpriteFont >( "gameFont" ); finishFont = theContent.Load< SpriteFont >( "finishedText" );

  if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL11)


  var xml = theContent.Load< List < Kata >>( "data/level1" );

  sapi = new SAPIEngine (xml); textInfo = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/level1msg" ); textInfoPosition = new Rectangle (107, 80, 600, 60); levelSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/angka_apa_ini" ); } else if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL12) {

  var xml =

  theContent.Load< List < Kata >>( "data/level12" ); sapi = new SAPIEngine (xml); textInfo = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/level1msg" ); textInfoPosition = new Rectangle (107, 80, 600, 60); levelSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/angka_apa_ini" ); } else if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL21) {

  var xml =

  theContent.Load< List < Kata >>( "data/level21" ); sapi = new SAPIEngine (xml); textInfo = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/level2msg" ); textInfoPosition = new Rectangle (107, 80, 600, 60); levelSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/huruf_apa_ini" ); }

  else if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL22)


  var xml =

  theContent.Load< List < Kata >>( "data/level21" ); sapi = new SAPIEngine (xml); textInfo = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/level2msg" ); textInfoPosition = new Rectangle (107, 80, 600, 60); listSoalHurufKata = theContent.Load< List < Soal >>( "data/level22" ); levelSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/huruf_apa_ini" ); }

  else if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL3)


  var xml =

  theContent.Load< List < Kata >>( "data/level3data" ); sapi = new SAPIEngine (xml); textInfo = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/level3msg" ); textInfoPosition = new Rectangle (107, 80, 600, 60); listSoalHurufKata = theContent.Load< List < Soal >>( "data/level3soal" ); levelSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/kata_apa_ini" ); } trueSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/true_sound" ); falseSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/false_sound" ); winSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/minigame_win" ); loseSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/minigame_lose" ); levelStartSound = theContent.Load< SoundEffect >( "sound/level_start" ); levelStartInstance = levelStartSound.CreateInstance(); levelStartInstance.Volume = 0.2f; levelStartInstance.Play(); levelSoundInstance = levelSound.CreateInstance(); levelSoundInstance.Play(); listSoal = new List < string >(); soal = "" ;




//Update all of the elements that need updating in the

Controller Detect Screen public override void Update( GameTime theTime)


  MouseState mouse = Mouse .GetState(); if (mouse.LeftButton ==

  Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input. ButtonState .Pressed) {

  Point pointer = new Point (mouse.X, mouse.Y); if (btnKembaliPosition.Contains(pointer))


  Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play(); Thread .Sleep(200);

  sapi.stopListening(); sapi.unload();

  if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL11 || SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL12)

  { ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL1, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;


  else if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL21 || SUB_LEVEL

  == Game1 .LEVEL22) { ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL2, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;



  { ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL_SCREEN, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;

  } } }

  if (levelStartInstance.State == SoundState .Stopped &&

  levelSoundInstance.State == SoundState .Stopped) {

  if (!selesai)


  if (newSoal)


  if (listSoal.Count < jumlahSoal)

  { drawSoal(); newSoal = false ; sapi.prepareNewListening(); sapi.startListening();

  Thread .Sleep(200);



  { newSoal = false ; } }

  if (sapi.getResult)


  //MessageBox.Show(sapi.soal + " " + sapi.isTrue); if (sapi.isTrue)

  { benar += 1; trueSound.Play(); }


  { falseSound.Play(); } sapi.stopListening();

  Thread .Sleep(200);

  newSoal = true ;

  /* check selesai atau tidak */ if (listSoal.Count >= jumlahSoal)

  { selesai = true ; } } }





  } }

  base .Update(theTime);


  //Draw all of the elements that make up the Controller Detect Screen public override void Draw( SpriteBatch spriteBatch)

  { spriteBatch.Draw(bgTexture, bgPosition, Color .White); spriteBatch.Draw(textInfo, textInfoPosition,

  Color .White);

  spriteBatch.Draw(btnKembali, btnKembaliPosition,

  Color .White);

  spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Jumlah soal : " + jumlahSoal, new Vector2 (20, 10), Color .White); spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Score : " + benar, new

  Vector2 (20,40), Color .White); if (selesai) {

if (( double )benar / jumlahSoal > 0.5)


  string msg = "Selamat!! Anda berhasil" ;

  spriteBatch.DrawString(finishFont, msg, new


Vector2 ((viewPortWidth / 2) - (finishFont.MeasureString(msg).X / 2),

  260), Color .White);

  if (selesaiSound) { winSound.Play(); }

  } else {

  string msg = "Maaf, Silahkan coba sekali lagi!" ;

  spriteBatch.DrawString(finishFont, msg, new


Vector2 ((viewPortWidth / 2) - (finishFont.MeasureString(msg).X / 2),

  260), Color .White);

  if (selesaiSound) { loseSound.Play(); }

  } selesaiSound = false ; }


  { spriteBatch.DrawString(gameFont, soal, new

  Vector2 ((viewPortWidth /2) - (gameFont.MeasureString(soal).X / 2),

  260), Color .White); }

  base .Draw(spriteBatch);


  public void drawSoal()


  Random rnd = new Random (); int i = 0;

if (SUB_LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL22 || SUB_LEVEL ==

  Game1 .LEVEL3)


  if (next)


  var data = ( from s in sapi.words where s.Text == currentSoal.Pasangan select s).FirstOrDefault();

  soal = data.Value; sapi.soal = data.Text; listSoal.Add(currentSoal.Pasangan); next = false ; }


  { i = rnd.Next(0, listSoalHurufKata.Count - 1);


  (listSoal.Contains(listSoalHurufKata[i].Data)) { i = rnd.Next(0, listSoalHurufKata.Count - 1); } currentSoal = listSoalHurufKata[i];

  var data = ( from s in sapi.words where s.Text == currentSoal.Data select s).FirstOrDefault(); soal = data.Value; sapi.soal = data.Text; listSoal.Add(currentSoal.Data); next = true ; } }


  { i = rnd.Next(0, sapi.words.Count - 1);

  while (listSoal.Contains(sapi.words[i].Value))

  { i = rnd.Next(0, sapi.words.Count - 1); } soal = sapi.words[i].Value; sapi.soal = sapi.words[i].Text; listSoal.Add(soal); } } } } Program.cs

  using System; namespace AlGame


  #if WINDOWS || XBOX static class Program


  /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main( string [] args)


  using ( Game1 game = new Game1 ())

  { game.Run(); } } }


  } // SAPIEngines.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Speech.Recognition; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using AlGameObject; namespace AlGame


  class SAPIEngine


  //Speech Recognition Engine public SpeechRecognitionEngine speechRecognitionEngine = null ; // List of text to recognizing public List < Kata > words = new List < Kata >(); public String soal; public bool isTrue; public bool getResult; public SAPIEngine( List < Kata > kata)



  { words = kata;

  // create the engine

  speechRecognitionEngine = createSpeechEngine( "en-

  US" ); // hook to events //speechRecognitionEngine.AudioLevelUpdated += new


  speechRecognitionEngine.SpeechRecognized += new


EventHandler < SpeechRecognizedEventArgs >(speechRecognitionEngine_Speec


  //speechRecognitionEngine.SpeechDetected += new


etected); //speechRecognitionEngine.SpeechHypothesized += new



  // load dictionary



// use the system's default microphone

  speechRecognitionEngine.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); }

  catch ( Exception

  e) {

  MessageBox .Show(e.Message, "Voice recognition failed" );

  } }

  /// <summary>

  /// Creates the speech engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="preferredCulture"> The preferred culture. </param>

  /// <returns></returns> private SpeechRecognitionEngine createSpeechEngine( string

  preferredCulture) {

  foreach ( RecognizerInfo config in SpeechRecognitionEngine .InstalledRecognizers())


  if (config.Culture.ToString() == preferredCulture)

  { speechRecognitionEngine = new

  SpeechRecognitionEngine (config); break ;

  } }

  // if the desired culture is not found, then load default if (speechRecognitionEngine == null )


  MessageBox .Show( "The desired culture is not installed on this machine, the speech-engine will continue using "

  • SpeechRecognitionEngine .InstalledRecognizers()[0].Culture.ToString()

  " as the default culture." , + "Culture " + preferredCulture + " not found!" );

  speechRecognitionEngine = new


SpeechRecognitionEngine ( SpeechRecognitionEngine .InstalledRecognizers(

  )[0]); }

  return speechRecognitionEngine;


  /// <summary> /// Loads the grammar and commands. /// </summary> private void loadGrammarAndCommands()




  Choices texts = new Choices (); foreach ( Kata item in words)


  // add the text to the known choices of speechengine

  texts.Add(item.Text); }

  Grammar wordsList = new Grammar ( new GrammarBuilder (texts));

  speechRecognitionEngine.LoadGrammar(wordsList); stopListening(); }

  catch ( Exception ex)


  throw ex;

  } }

  /// <summary> /// Handles the SpeechRecognized event of the engine control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The source of the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The <see

cref="System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognizedEventArgs"/> instance

containing the event data. </param> void speechRecognitionEngine_SpeechRecognized( object sender,


  e) {

  String msg = "" ;

  msg += "\r " + e.Result.Text;

  //MessageBox.Show(msg); if (e.Result.Text.Equals(soal))

  { isTrue = true ; }

  else {

  isTrue = false ; } getResult = true ; }

  void speechRecognitionEngine_SpeechDetected( object sender, SpeechDetectedEventArgs

  e) {


MessageBox .Show(e.AudioPosition.ToString());



void speechRecognitionEngine_SpeechHypothesized( object

  sender, SpeechHypothesizedEventArgs

  e) {

  MessageBox .Show(e.Result.Text);


  public void startListening()


  // start listening

  speechRecognitionEngine.RecognizeAsync( RecognizeMode .Multiple); }

  public void stopListening()

  { speechRecognitionEngine.RecognizeAsyncStop(); }

  public void unload()


  // unhook events speechRecognitionEngine.RecognizeAsyncStop();

  // clean references

  speechRecognitionEngine.Dispose(); }

  public void prepareNewListening()

  { getResult = false ; } } } // Screen.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; namespace AlGame


  class Screen


  //The event associated with the Screen. This event is used to raise events

//back in the main game class to notify the game that

something has changed //or needs to be changed protected EventHandler ScreenEvent; public Screen( EventHandler theScreenEvent)

  { ScreenEvent = theScreenEvent; }

  //Update any information specific to the screen public virtual void Update( GameTime theTime)

  { }

  //Draw any objects specific to the screen public virtual void Draw( SpriteBatch theBatch)

  { } } } // SubLevelScreen.cs

  using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; namespace AlGame


  class SubLevelScreen : Screen


  Texture2D bgTexture; Rectangle bgPosition; Texture2D btnSubLevel1; Texture2D SubLevel1Active; Texture2D SubLevel1Hover; Rectangle btnSubLevel1Position; Texture2D btnSubLevel2; Texture2D SubLevel2Active; Texture2D SubLevel2Hover; Rectangle btnSubLevel2Position; Texture2D btnKembali; Texture2D btnKembaliActive; Texture2D btnKembaliHover; Rectangle btnKembaliPosition; public static double LEVEL; public SubLevelScreen( ContentManager theContent,

  GraphicsDevice graphicDevice, EventHandler theScreenEvent)

  : base (theScreenEvent) { bgPosition = new Rectangle (0, 0, graphicDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicDevice.Viewport.Height);

  if (LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL1)

  { SubLevel1Active = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-angka-active" ); SubLevel1Hover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-angka-hover" ); SubLevel2Active = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-angka-serupa-active" ); SubLevel2Hover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-angka-serupa-hover" ); }

  else if (LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL2)

  { SubLevel1Active = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-huruf-active" ); SubLevel1Hover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-huruf-hover" ); SubLevel2Active = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-huruf-serupa-active" );

  SubLevel2Hover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/btn-mengenal-huruf-serupa-hover" ); } btnSubLevel1 = SubLevel1Active; btnSubLevel1Position = new Rectangle (152, 144, 225, 104); btnSubLevel2 = SubLevel2Active; btnSubLevel2Position = new Rectangle (152, 284, 225, 104); btnKembaliActive = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-active" ); btnKembaliHover = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/kembali-hover" ); btnKembali = btnKembaliActive; btnKembaliPosition = new Rectangle (100, 521, 150, 35); bgTexture = theContent.Load< Texture2D >( "image/bg-

  sublevel" );



//Update all of the elements that need updating in the

Controller Detect Screen public override void Update( GameTime theTime)


  MouseState mouse = Mouse .GetState();

if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState .Pressed)


  Point pointer = new Point (mouse.X, mouse.Y); if (btnKembaliPosition.Contains(pointer))


  Thread .Sleep(200); Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play();

  ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL_SCREEN, new

  EventArgs ()); return ;


  else if (btnSubLevel1Position.Contains(pointer))


  Thread .Sleep(200); Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play(); if (LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL1)

  { ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL11, new

  EventArgs ());


  else if (LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL2)

  { ScreenEvent.Invoke( Game1 .LEVEL21, new

  EventArgs ());


  return ;


  else if (btnSubLevel2Position.Contains(pointer))


  Thread .Sleep(200); Game1 .MOUSE_DOWN.Play(); if (LEVEL == Game1 .LEVEL1)