Analysis Of The Main Characters In Robert Harris’ Novel “The Ghost Writer”







REG. NO. 082202027






It has been proved by Supervisor,

Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE NIP. 19510907197902 2 001

Submitted to faculty of Culture Studies University of North Sumatera In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A. NIP.19521126198112 1 001

Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera As a paper for the DIPLOMA (D-III) Examination


Accepted by the Board of examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on June 2011

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera Dean,

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. NIP. 19511013197603 1 001

Board of examiner Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. ( Head of ESP ) 2. Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE (Supervisor ) 3. Drs. Mohammad Syafi’i, M.A. ( Reader )



I, JOKO HADI SUNAWAN, declare that I am the sole of author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

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Paper ini berjudul “Analysis of the Main Characters in Robert Harris’ Novel, The Ghost Writer”. Ada empat tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut, yaitu: The Ghost, Adam Lang, Ruth Lang, Amelia Bly. Setiap tokoh memiliki karakter dan peran yang berbeda. Adam Lang merekrut The Ghost untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan Mc Ara yang telah meninggal dalam pekerjaannya membukukan memoir Adam Lang yang akan digunakan sebagai bukti dari tuntutan pengadilan internasional atas dirinya dalam kasus kejahatan perang. Seperti Mc Ara, The Ghost juga mengetahui terlalu banyak tentang masa lalu Adam Lang dan isterinya, Ruth Lang yang ternyata adalah agen CIA, sehingga mengancam keselamatan dirinya. Menyadari bahwa terlalu banyak kebohongan yang disembunyikan keluarga Lang terutama Ruth Lang, The Ghost berinisiatif membongkar kenyataan keluarga Lang dengan menuliskan memo yang diberikan kepada Ruth Lang pada saat peluncuran buku autobiografi Adam Lang yang dihadiri oleh banyak tamu undangan. Dalam menyelesaikan paper ini, metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan yang menggunakan buku-buku sebagai sumber relevan dan informasi dari internet. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis novel, penulis menerapkan pendekatan yang fokus pada analisis teks.



This paper entitled "Analysis of the Main Characters in Robert Harris' novel, The Ghost Writer". There are four main characters in the novel, namely: The Ghost, Adam Lang, Ruth Lang, Amelia Bly. Each character has different characters and roles. Adam Lang recruited The Ghost to continue the work of Mc Ara who had died in his work of Adam Lang's memoirs record that will be used as evidence of an international court charges in case of war crimes. Like Mc Ara, The Ghost also knows too much about the past of Adam Lang and his wife, Ruth Lang who turns out to be CIA agents, thus threatening the safety of himself. Recognizing that too many lies to hide the family, especially Ruth Lang, The Ghost took the initiative to dismantle the Lang family reality by writing a memo given to Ruth Lang at the launch of the book of Adam Lang's autobiography, which was attended by many invited guests. In working on this paper, the method pursued is the study of literature by using the books as relevant sources and information from the Internet. As for analyzing the novel, the author applies an approach that focuses on text analysis.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT, for blessing and giving me strength, health, patience, and ease in finishing this paper in order to get a Diploma degree in English from Faculty of Letters, Univbersity of Sumatera Utara.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Culture, Drs. Syahron Lubis M.A and I wishes to express my sincere gratitude to all lecturers for their valuable knowledge and guidance and advice during the years of the my study at the faculty and also my sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A as the Head of English (D-III) Study Program and Dra. Persadanta karokaro, M.Hum as the secretary of English (D-III) Study Program who gives me advice to finish this paper.

To Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE as my supervisor and my reader for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics from the very beginning up to the end of the writing and Drs. Mohammad Syafi’i, M.A. as my reader. Thanks for time, patience and supportive guidance in completing of my paper.

To all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me the instruction, tuition, and knowledge.


To all my closed friends in the college especially Yolanda, Agnes, Doni, Rizka, Jimmy, Maria, Leni for being such nice friends and supporting me in life, keep on our friendship forever.

To my parents, brothers and sisters, especially to my oldest sister, Dra. Siswati, S.Ag. Thank you for the material and emotional support. You all know how much I love you and I present this paper for you.

Finally, I realized that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I am ready to welcome creative suggestion and criticism, so that this paper will be much better.

Medan, ...2011 The Writer

Joko Hadi Sunawan Reg. No. 082202027




ABSTRAK ... ...i

ABSTRACT ... ..ii




1.1Background of the Study ... ..1

1.2Scope of the Study ... ..3

1.3Purpose of the Study ... ..4

1.4Significance of Writing ... ..4

1.5Method of the Study ... ..4




4.1Plot ... 13

4.2Theme ... 14

4.3Character... 14

4.4Setting... 15

4.5Point of View ... 16

5. THE ANALYSIS ... 18

5.1The Ghost ... 18

5.2Adam Lang ... 21

5.3Ruth Lang ... 22

5.4Amelia Bly ... 25


6.1Conclusion ... 28

6.2Suggestion ... 29 REFERENCES



Paper ini berjudul “Analysis of the Main Characters in Robert Harris’ Novel, The Ghost Writer”. Ada empat tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut, yaitu: The Ghost, Adam Lang, Ruth Lang, Amelia Bly. Setiap tokoh memiliki karakter dan peran yang berbeda. Adam Lang merekrut The Ghost untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan Mc Ara yang telah meninggal dalam pekerjaannya membukukan memoir Adam Lang yang akan digunakan sebagai bukti dari tuntutan pengadilan internasional atas dirinya dalam kasus kejahatan perang. Seperti Mc Ara, The Ghost juga mengetahui terlalu banyak tentang masa lalu Adam Lang dan isterinya, Ruth Lang yang ternyata adalah agen CIA, sehingga mengancam keselamatan dirinya. Menyadari bahwa terlalu banyak kebohongan yang disembunyikan keluarga Lang terutama Ruth Lang, The Ghost berinisiatif membongkar kenyataan keluarga Lang dengan menuliskan memo yang diberikan kepada Ruth Lang pada saat peluncuran buku autobiografi Adam Lang yang dihadiri oleh banyak tamu undangan. Dalam menyelesaikan paper ini, metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan yang menggunakan buku-buku sebagai sumber relevan dan informasi dari internet. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis novel, penulis menerapkan pendekatan yang fokus pada analisis teks.



This paper entitled "Analysis of the Main Characters in Robert Harris' novel, The Ghost Writer". There are four main characters in the novel, namely: The Ghost, Adam Lang, Ruth Lang, Amelia Bly. Each character has different characters and roles. Adam Lang recruited The Ghost to continue the work of Mc Ara who had died in his work of Adam Lang's memoirs record that will be used as evidence of an international court charges in case of war crimes. Like Mc Ara, The Ghost also knows too much about the past of Adam Lang and his wife, Ruth Lang who turns out to be CIA agents, thus threatening the safety of himself. Recognizing that too many lies to hide the family, especially Ruth Lang, The Ghost took the initiative to dismantle the Lang family reality by writing a memo given to Ruth Lang at the launch of the book of Adam Lang's autobiography, which was attended by many invited guests. In working on this paper, the method pursued is the study of literature by using the books as relevant sources and information from the Internet. As for analyzing the novel, the author applies an approach that focuses on text analysis.



1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is a body of written works related by subject- matter, by language or places origin, or by dominant cultural standard. Literature has long been related to the collection of poem, prose, novel, and drama. The term of the novel can be defined as a literary composition. It tells a story which usually shows the human conflict through writting a dialogue ( Koesnosoebroto, 1998: 78). Some of novels are fiction and based on true stories. Both of those not only entertaint but also give meaning messages and impression to readers. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves (Peck and Martin Coyle, 1998: 102).

Today, many novels are published to the people. The novel that I discussed is about politic which titled The Ghost Writter by Robert Harris, one of his best seller. The author is really creative so that the messages of the story can be sent to the readers.

The Ghost Writer is a story of an unnamed successful British ghostwriter, he is called as the ghost. When the ghost agrees to complete the memoirs of the former British Prime Minister Adam Lang, his agent assures him it is the opportunity of a lifetime. But the project seems doomed from the start, not least because his predecessor on the project, Lang’s long-term aid, died in an apparent accident. The ghost writer flies out to work on the project, in the middle of winter,


at an oceanfront in the fictional village of Old Haven. But the day he arrives, a former British foreign minister named Rycart accuses Lang of authorizing the illegal seizure of suspected terrorist and handling them over for torture by the CIA. Adam Lang faces the threat of prosecution by the International Criminal Court, unless he stays in the U.S or goes to another country that does not recognize that court.

The controversy brings reporters and protesters swarming to the security perimeter of the island home where Adam Lang is staying with his wife, Ruth, and his personal assistant Amelia Bly. As the ghost writer works, he uncovers clues suggesting his predecessor may have stumbled on a dark secret concerning and that somehow this information is hidden in the manuscript he left behind. The next morning, the ghostwriter follows the GPS in the car of the previous writer, which leads him to the estate of Professor Paul Emmett. The ghostwriter can tell that Emmett is hiding something. As the writer leaves Emmett's estate, he is followed by a car, but eludes it. The writer boards the ferry, but then flees the boat as he sees the car that had followed him drive onboard. He decides to spend the night on the mainland, and stays in a small motel and while there, finds information on the Internet that points to Paul Emmett as a CIA agent.

The writer then contacts Rycart, whose phone number had been among the effects of his predecessor, and who tells him that the previous writer had said that he had hidden information in the "beginning" of the book. The men cannot, however, find anything in the manuscript's early pages. Lang then calls and the


writer is told by Rycart to go with Lang. The writer warns that Lang will be able to avoid Rycart no matter what he does. On the plane, the writer accuses Lang of being a CIA agent recruited by Emmett, but Lang derides his suggestion. Upon departing the aircraft, Lang is assassinated by an anti war. Despite Lang's death, the ghostwriter is asked to complete the book for posthumous publication.

Realizing that the clues were hidden in the original manuscript at the beginning of each chapter, he underlines the words at the beginning of each chapter and reveals the message, "Lang's wife Ruth was recruited as a CIA agent by Professor Paul Emmett of Harvard University." Ruth Lang has shaped Lang's every political decision to benefit the U.S as directed by the CIA. After passing a note to Ruth of his discovery, the ghostwriter leaves with the original manuscript in hand.

The Ghost Writer (The Ghost: UK title) is Robert Harris’ best seller novel. The story of The ghost Writer is a contemporary political fiction. Robert Harris is recognized English novelist and journalist.

This novel is chosen not only for the story, but also to let the readers know and understand the story, the main characters and the political intricacy.

1.2 Scope of the Study

This novel is a fascinating fiction that can take the readers into the main characters’ feeling and thought. To make this paper easy to read and understand, I


limit the discussion into the main characters only. I will discuss each characters clearly and completely.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

In this study, I have two main purposes. First, to understand the whole story and the main characters in this novel. Second, to inform that politics are also interesting to be learned.

1.4 Significance of Writing

In general, I hope this paper can enrich the readers’ knowledge, especially the students of English Diploma Study Program.

1.5 Method of the Study

The source of this paper analysis is novel. In this paper I discussed The Ghost Writer. The focus of analysis is the main characters.

The method used in writing this report is library research and internet research. In this research, all the data and information related to the analyses are taken from books and other sources.



Robert Dennis Harris was born in Nottingham, England on 7 March 1957, is an English novelist.

Harris spent his childhood in a small rented house on a Nottingham council estate. His ambition to become a writer arose at an early age, from visits to the local printing plant where his father worked. Harris went to Belvoir High School in a hall is now named after him. There he wrote plays and edited the school magazine.


Harris read English literature at

was president of the

TV correspondent for the BBC and has also worked as a columnist for the London Sunday Times and the Daily Telegraph, and as Political Editor for The Observer.

He was named 'Columnist of the Year' in the 2003 British Press Awards. As well as several non-fiction books, including Selling Hitler: The Story of the Hitler Diaries (1986), he is the author of six novels: Fatherland (1992), set in 1964 in Berlin; Enigma (1995), set in World War II; Archangel (1998), set in present day Russia; Pompeii (2003), a dramatisation of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79; Imperium (2006), the first of a trilogy of novels about Cicero; and The Ghost (2007), narrated by a professional ghost writer. Robert Harris lives in Berkshire. His novel Enigma, about the code breakers of Bletchley Park, was made into a feature film directed by Michael Apted, from a script by Tom Stoppard. Archangel, the story of a historian on the trail of Stalin's secret diaries, was adapted for BBC Television in 2005, starring Daniel Craig. Pompeii has recently been adapted for film by the author, and will be directed by Roman Polanski. Robert Harris is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. His latest novel is Lustrum (2009), the second in the Cicero trilogy, shortlisted for the 2010 Walter Scott Prize.

Harris lives in a Hornby, herself a writer and sister of best-selling novelist have four children.



"Of all the advantages to be a ghost writer, one of which must have been an opportunity for you to meet interesting people," said Robert Harris, author of The Ghost, at the beginning of his novel. His sentence is excerpts from the book Ghostwriting (2004) by Andrew Crofts.

"I am your ghost," said the ghost at the first met with Adam Lang (p. 75). As a ghost writer, someone is not unlike a ghost for the owner of the name that will be specified as an author. He is there but invisible. He is exist but unknown. His pride may be just one: has been in contact with one interesting person in the world. Although in this novel, meeting political celebrity was not a thing that appeals to the ghost. Instead, he is like Kate’s saying, his girlfriend, named as, "... the only rat to jump into a sinking ship." (P. 85).

Adam Lang, a former British Prime Minister, must belong to the 'interesting people'. Not everyone can get a chance to meet him. But the man who becomes the narrator of The Ghost, the ghost whose name never be mentioned until the end of the novel, with easy to acquire this rare opportunity. The ghost is a ghost writer and was recruited to help write Lang memoirs.

The narrator is the second choice. At first the writing of Lang memoirs written by Michael McAra, Lang's political aide when he was prime minister. McAra has conducted a series of research which he described in his memoir throughout sixteen chapters. Unfortunately, before completion, McAra was found


dead on the beaches of Martha's Vineyard. So this work is transferred to the new ghost who experienced in writing celebrities memoirs.

Leaving London, the ghost went to Martha's Vineyard. He will continue the work of McAra together with Lang in Martin Rhinehart resort, the owners who want to publish Lang memoirs. In fact the ghost have never read a political memoir as his belief that no one who reads this genre. He accepted the offer because it lured 250 thousand dollar reward for the targeted job in a month.

Martha's Vineyard, where Lang Adam hide from the pursuit of the public because of alleged human rights crimes. At the house, it's Lang personal assistant whom met by the ghost, very strict and disciplined that is Amelia Bly.

At that house the ghost met with Lang's wife, Ruth, who is also former party activist. Because of Ruth's political knowledge is good enough, then the ghost also think that Ruth as the prime minister's political mentor.

After reading the manuscript prepared by McAra, the ghost concluded if this article would be the most failed projects in the history of publishing. No doubt, outworn itself as the worker would become scapegoats. McAra manuscript hardly ever mentions Ruth, Lang's wife who is known for his independence and intelligence. She also did not find matters of Operation Tempest which was become the news of the various world mass media.

There is indication that the five-year-old Lang past has supported Operation Tempest, the mission of kidnapping four British citizens who become


(SAS) in Peshawar, Pakistan and the behest of the CIA handed over to Lang. After they get torture, one of them was killed and three others were imprisoned at Guantanamo. This operation is considered illegal under UK and international law.

Lang case boiling increasingly when Richard Rycart-former British foreign minister who once dismissed Lang from the Cabinet and now serves superb ambassador for the UN humanitarian problems-ask the International Court in The Hague to investigate the involvement of Lang. Presumably, although thought to have a personal vendetta on Lang, Rycart-who claim to be sacked because he was not pro-America had evidence of Lang's involvement in Operation Tempest.

In line with the rise of the preaching of the role of Lang in the case of the so-called war crime, the publishers decided to publish the memoirs. For the publisher this time is the moment to reap the benefits while for the ghost it is became critical moment because there is only two weeks left.

The ghost continues to explore the private lives of Adam Lang, especially during at Cambridge University. From here some puzzles started to opened, including the death of the earlier author of biography of the prime minister, Mike McAra, who is found his death body floating in the sea.

McAra apparently did not want to left things just end even though he's dead. He left a form of memorabilia from the times of Lang lecture at Cambridge; a piece of campus actors photograph who raises a question. Following in the


McAra’s clue, without anyone realizing it, the ghost found that the persistent curiosity has hired himself as the next victim will be.

By tracing the clue left by Mike McAra, the ghost started looking for another figure which has very close relation to Adam Lang, namely Paul Emmett, a professor at Harvard University. Mike McAra death due to drunk very dubious. Then the ghost was visiting Paul Emmett to extract some information. After coming back from the house he was, he was being followed by unknown people and about to kill him.

The ghost survived, then met with Richard Rycart. By using the google search engine, the ghost is trying to figure out who Paul Emmett and his relationship with Adam Lang. With a piece of information, he knows that Paul Elmett is a CIA agent, who recruited Adam Lang in 1973.

The ghost also confirm his meeting with Richard Rycart to Adam Lang through a conversation full of emotion on his private plane. Adam Lang unlucky fate. When he had just got off the plane, he was immediately bombarded with machine guns by a father whose son was killed in the Iraq war.

But the story does not end here. At the launch of this biography, the ghost managed to answer the puzzle long over this: Apparently, Paul Emmett was a member of the CIA, and he has recruited Ruth, Adam Lang’s wife. Those who were both trying to control Adam Lang, including the following U.S. foreign policy to combat terrorism.


Reportedly, Adam Lang character was inspired by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who also had a ghost writer for his memoir. Maybe this is what led to the idea to write a novel that tells the ghost writer. For Harris, the name of the person does not guarantee memoirs sales. He pushed the idea of writing political memoir in which the writer have to give the heart in writing to obtain the sympathy of readers. Successful political memoirs will be able to persuade the readers to identify their emotionally with the owner of the memoir. And able to invite the reader to recognize similarities in them with the characters.

Of course, The Ghost is not a theory book in writing memoirs. What mentioned above is only one part even if it is not removed will not give any systemic impact on the quality of the novel. For a thriller novel, the conflict is the main selling. The more classy conflict is presented, the more viscous its power suspension, and the novel becomes more compelling.

This novel not only contains a single conflict. All the main characters are connected with the old secrets stored by one character. When the secret was revealed, and can only be read ahead of the seal, it is becoming a heavy blow that struck the reader's mind. It's remarkable.

Initially the ghost that becomes the narrator is present as spectators, but gradually he developed into the main character which is threatened by the choices made without thinking carefully. "Ghosts" inappropriate to expect greatness (Ghostwriting, p. 314), but as a "ghost" really inappropriate for me to expect the salvation of his soul.


The Ghost is a kind of novel that can not be ignored reader who liked the novel of politics and intelligence support. Harris was able to prove that despite not primp in terms of plot, he was able to dress the world's second dish is a mesmerizing thriller that will remain long after reading it.



4.1 Plot

Plot is a literary term for which the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, a sequence, through cause and effect, or by coincidence. One is generally interested in how well this pattern of events accomplishes some artistic or emotional effect. An intricate, complicated plot is called an imbroglio, but even the simplest statements of plot may include multiple inferences, as in traditional ballads.

Stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration- the plot, or the controls governing the developement of the actions.

The english novelist E.M.Forster, in aspect of the novel, present a memorable illustration of plot. To show a bare set of actions, he uses the following: “The king died, and then the queen died.” He points out, however, that this sequence does not form of plot because it lacks motivation and causation, which he introduces in his next example: “The king died, and then the queen died of grief.” With the phrase “of grief,” which shows that one thing (grief) controls or overcomes another (the normal desire to live), motivation and causation enter the sequence to form a plot. In a well-plotted story, things precede or follow each


other not simply because time thicks away, but more importantly because effects follow causes. In a good story nothing is irrelevant or accidental: everything is related and causative.

4.2 Theme

Theme is a broad idea, message, or moral of a story. The message may be about life, society, or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost always implied rather than stated explicitly.

All stories have a theme or purpose, no matter how deviously the author chooses to present it. At one time authors stated their purpose, but such a prosedure has become old-fashioned; no self-respecting writers at present will do more than imply their theme. They suggest it through character, athmosphere, setting, plot, and style-thus theme is a kind of composite statement which requires our comprehension of numerous other elements.

4.3 Character

A character is the kharaktêr, the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from th Character, particularly when enacted by an actor in th "the illusion of being a human person. In literature, characters guide readers through their stories, helping them to understand plots and ponder themes. Since the end of the 18th century, the phrase


effectiv characters, as practised by actors or writers, has been called

In fiction, a character maybe defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description and comentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also character we may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

A character who stands as a representative of a particular people is known as a type. Types include both

more fully


specific positions in the between the characters reveal

The study of a character requires an analysis of its relations with all of the other characters in the work. The individual status of a character is defined through the network of oppositions that it forms with the other characters. The relation between characters and the action of the story shifts historically, often about huma

4.4 Setting

Setting is the natural, manufactured, political, cultural, and temporal environment, including everything that characters know and own. In


setting includes the and initiates the main as story world o immediate surroundings of the story. Elements of setting may include

Setting is a key role in plot. In some stories the setting becomes a character itself. In such roles setting may be considered a term "setting" is often used to refer to the social milieu in which the events of a novel occur. Novelist and novel-writing instructor how this social milieu shapes the characters’ values.

4.5 Point of view

Point of view refers to the position and stands of the voice, or speaker, that authors adopt their words. It supposes a living narrator or persona who tells stories, presents arguments, or expresses attitudes such a love, anger, or excitement. Practically, point of view involves the actual physical location of this speaker and his or her position to see and record the man actions and ideas. More abstractly and psychologically, point of view may be considered as the centralizing or guiding intelligence in a work-the mind that filters the fictional experience and presents only the most important details to create the maximum possible impact. It may also be considered as a way of seeing, the perfective into which the work of art is cast.


There are three types point of view: first person point of view, second person point of view, and third person point of view. If the voice of the work is an “I,” the author is using the first person point of view-the impersonation of a fictional narrator or speaker. Of all the points of view, the first person is potentially the most independent of the author, for such a speaker is often given unique identity, with name, job, an economic and social position. The second-person point of view, the least common of the points of view, offers the writer two major possibilities. In the first, a narrator tells a present and involved listener what he or she has done and said at a past time. The action might be a simple retelling of events, as when a parent tells a child about an action of the child during infancy, or a doctor tells a patient with amnesia about events before the causative injury. The actions might also be subject to dispute and interpretation, as when a prosecuting attorney describes a crime for which a defendant is on trial, or a spouse lists grievances againts an alienated spouse in a custody or divorce case. If event is in the work are described in the third person (he, she, it, they) the author is using the third-person point of view. It is not always easy to characterize the voice in this point of view. Sometimes the speaker may use an “I,” and be seemingly identical with the author, but at other times the author may create a distinct authorial voice. There are three varians of the third-person point of view: dramatic or objective, omniscient, and limited omniscient.



5.1 The Ghost

A nameless British writer who makes his living writing other people’s autobiographies. He is hired by a major US publishing firm to work up the memoirs of a former British prime minister, Adam Lang.

It can be seen quoted below:

Maddox and Kroll looked at one another and I knew then that I had thejob. As Rick said afterward, the trick is always to put yourself in their position. “It’s like interviewing a new cleaner. Do you want someone who can give you the history of cleaning and the theory of cleaning, or do you want someone who’ll just get down and clean your fucking house? They chose you because they think you’ll clean their fucking house.”

“We’ll go with you,” said Maddox. He stood and reached over and shook my hand. “Subject to reaching a satisfactory agreement with Rick here, of course.” Kroll added, “You’ll also have to sign a nondisclosure agreement.”

“No problem,” I said, also getting to my feet. That didn’t bother me. Confidentiality clauses are standard procedure in the ghosting world. “I couldn’t be happier.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 15)

The Ghost is a brave person; the walking self. He has an English face with the rounding face, the titled nose, the small mouth. He is average, shape body; black to blonde hair, blue eyes, and has serious expression.

He is an intelligent man, competent, talented but also friendly, curios and brave. He always want to search everything and workaholic.

It can be seen quoted below:

And, now I came to think of it, I did vaguely remember seeing something. But I had been working fifteen hours a day for a


month to finish my new book, the autobiography of a footballer, and the world beyond my study had become a blur.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 7)

He is about thirtiest years old. He lives alone, but sometimes his partner comes to see him and stay.

It can be seen quoted below:

Kate had already let herself in and was watching the news. Kate: I had forgotten she was coming over for the evening. She was my—? I never knew what to call her. To say she was my girlfriend was absurd; no one the wrong side of thirty has

a girlfriend . Partner wasn’t right either, as we didn’t live

under the same roof. Lover? How could one keep a straight face? Mistress? Do me a favor. Fiancée? Certainly not. I suppose I ought to have realized it was ominous that forty thousand years of human language had failed to produce a word for our relationship.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 10)

He is thinker, silent, and mature. He is a man full with consideration . But sometimes he is egoist.

It can be seen quoted below:

She got up then and went into the bedroom to collect the bag she always brought on the nights she planned to stay. I heard her filling it noisily with lipstick, toothbrush, perfume spray. I knew if I went in I could retrieve the situation. She was probably expecting it; we’d had worse rows. I’d have been obliged to concede that she was right, acknowledge my unsuitability for the task, affirm her moral and intellectual superiority in this as in all things. It needn’t even have been a verbal confession; a meaningful hug would probably have been enough to get me a suspended sentence. But the truth was, at that moment, given a choice between an evening of her smug left-wing moralizing and the prospect of working with a so-called war criminal, I preferred the war criminal. So I simply carried on staring at the television.


The ghost has so many ideas to solve any kind of problems and always ready to take serious risks even he knows that it will become serious threat for his writing carrier.

It can be seen quoted below:

“Great. They gave me the Gulfstream Four—you know, the transatlantic one, with the beds and the shower. Hi, Amelia. Hi, Jeff.” He noticed me. “Hello,” he said. “Who are you?” “I’m your ghost,” I said.

I regretted it the instant I said it. I’d conceived it as a witty, self-deprecatory, break-the-ice kind of a line. I’d even practiced my delivery in the mirror before I left London. But somehow out there, in that deserted airport, amid the grayness and the quietness, it hit precisely the wrong note. He flinched.

“Right,” he said doubtfully, and although he shook my hand, he also drew his head back slightly, as if to inspect me from a safer distance. Christ, I thought, he thinks I’m a lunatic. “Don’t worry,” Ruth told him. “He isn’t always such a jerk.” (Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 33)

The Ghost is a sociable personal and he can be a jerk in the same time. He often to saying jokes although it is not funny at all, without thinking with whom he is talking and its impact.

It can be seen quoted below:

I finished my sandwich and went back upstairs, still clutching my silent phone. I had had an idea,and my newborn confidence gave me the courage to act on it. I went into the study and closed the door. I plugged Amelia’s flash drive into my laptop, then I attached a cable from my computer to the cell phone and dialed up the internet. How much easier my life would be, I reasoned—how much quicker the job would be done—if I could work on the book in my hotel room each night. I told myself I was doing no harm. The risks were minimal. The machine rarely left my side. If necessary, it was small enough to fit under my pillow while I slept. The moment


I was online, I addressed an email to myself, attached the manuscript file, and pressed Send.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 33) 5.2 Adam Lang

Appear quite convincing and authoritative. Super busy public figure, emotional, ambitious, and sports hobby.

It can be seen quoted below:

I’d anticipated that my biggest problem on the first day would be physically getting Adam Lang into a room and keeping him there for long enough to start interviewing him. But the strange thing was that when we reached the house,he was already waiting forme . Amelia had decided we should use Rhinehart’s office, and we found the former prime minister, wearing a dark green tracksuit, sprawled in the big chair opposite the desk, one leg draped over the arm. He was flicking through a history of World War Two that he’d obviously just taken down from the shelf. A mug of tea stood on the floor beside him. His trainers had sand on their soles: I guessed he must have gone for a run on the beach.

“Hi, man,” he said, looking up at me. “Ready to start?”

“Good morning,” I said. “I just need to sort out a few things first.”

“Sure. Go ahead. Ignore me.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 33)

A charismatic high opolitician and tough yet vulnerable. Not a powerful politician until he met his wife, Ruth. Dare to take a big decisions to wrestle with the political world. In fact, if it is examined further, when he was in Cambridge University Adam Lang did not show much interest in politics.

It can be seen quoted below:

And that’s it—I’m in love. And it quickly becomes clear that the best way of getting to see her again is to take one of her leaflets and turn up the next Tuesday evening, or whenever it is, and join the local party. Which I do.”

“And this is Ruth?” “This is Ruth.”


“And if she’d been a member of a different political party?” “I’d have gone along and joined it just the same. I wouldn’t

havestayed in it,” he added quickly. “I mean obviously this

was the start of a long political awakening for me—bringing out values and beliefs that were already present but were simply dormant at that time.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 42)

Character of the Prime Minister is quite temperamental, complete with a "furrow", gentle style.

It can be seen quoted below:

Lang reluctantly let go of me and I fastened my seat belt. He did the same. He glanced out of the window at the terminal, then back at me, appalled, as we dipped gracefully onto the runway.

“My God, you’ve already told someone, haven’t you?” I could feel myself turning scarlet.

“No,” I said. “You have.”

“I haven’t.” On the tape I sound as feeble as a child caught red-handed.

He leaned forward again. “Who have you told?”

Looking out at the dark forest beyond the perimeter of the airport, where anything could belurking, it seemed like the only insurance policy I had.

“Richard Rycart,” I said.

That must have been a devastating blow to him. He must have known then that it was the end ofeverything. In my mind’s eye I see him still, like one those once grand but now condemned apartment blocks, moments after the demolition charges have been exploded: for a few seconds, the façade remains bizarrely intact, before slowly beginning to slide. That was Lang. He gave me a long blank look and then subsided back into his seat.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 132) 5.3 Ruth Lang

The wife of disgraced former British P.M Adam Lang. Ruth is a marvel of tighly wound fury and brittle, self-deprecating humor. She skulks about the gray-on-gray shingle and concrete Brutalist beach house (borrowed from her husband's


publisher) in high dudgeon, her ire seemingly the only thing preventing her from being crushed underneath the outsize wall art and huge plate-glass windows that don't frame the drear wintery landscape as much as invite prying eyes to look in.

Ruth is a very complicated and mysterious figure. Characteristics to describe Ruth which began with clever, dominating, vulnerable, jealous, cunning, neurotic and proud of her husband, but contemptuous of him.

It can be seen quoted below:

From somewhere inside the house I heard a woman with a British accent shouting, “This isabsolutely bloodyridiculous !” A door slammed.

“Actually, forget I said that: it’sfucking ridiculous!” shouted the unseen woman.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 27)

Ruth appeared full of charm as the dialogues assertive, loud argument about politics, and concern for her husband. She is sharp-tongued and likes to speak bluntly. Sometimes clashing arguments with her husband's secretary.

It can be seen quoted below:

She didn’t say anything for a while, just stared at the ocean, biting her lip. Then she looked at me, sizing me up. “You did sign that confidentiality agreement?”

“Of course.” “You’re sure?”

“Check with Sid Kroll’s office.”

“Because I don’t want to read about this in some gossip column next week, or in some cheap little kiss-and-tell book of your own a year from now.”

“Whoa,” I said, taken aback by her venom. “I thought you just said I was your idea. I didn’t ask

to come here. And I haven’t kissed anyone.” (Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 31)


Ruth is an emotional woman, her mood can change suddenly, a very unpredictable person, full of mystery.

It can be seen quoted below:

She nodded. “All right then. I’ll tell you why I can’t go home, between you and me. Because there’s something not quite right with him at the moment, and I’m a bit afraid to leave him.”

Boy, I thought. This just gets better and better.

“Yes,” I replied diplomatically. “Amelia told me he was very upset by Mike’s death.”

“Oh, did she? Quite whenMrs. Bly became such an expert in my husband’s emotional state I’m not sure.” If she had hissed and sprung claws she couldn’t have made her feelings plainer. “Losing Mike certainly made it worse, but it isn’t just that. It’s losing power—that’s the real trouble. Losing power, and now having to sit down and relive everything, year by year. While all the time the press are going on and on about what he did and didn’t do. He can’t get free of the past, you see. He can’t move on.” She gestured helplessly at the sea, the sand, the dunes. “He’s stuck. We’re both stuck.”

As we walked back to the house, she put her arm through mine. “Oh, dear,” she said. “You must

be starting to wonder what you’ve let yourself in for.” (Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 31)

Ruth Lang is a former party activist, strong women, manipulative, and harsh personality. Slowly not only lose the love of her husband, but also against her husband's political influence. Ruth was the wife of loneliness and then use Ghost as a runaway love.

It can be seen quoted below:

Something seemed to give way in her and she sagged toward me, her arms outstretched. Her head came to rest against my chest and I thought for a moment she might have fainted, but then I realized she was clinging to me, holding on so fiercely I could feel her bitten fingertips through the thick material of the robe. My hands hovered an inch or two above her, moving back and forth uncertainly, as if she was giving off some kind


of magnetic field. Finally, I stroked her hair and tried to murmur words of reassurance I didn’t really believe.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 90)

The role of Ruth Lang, the ex-Prime Minister’s wife, proved a tougher challenge. intelligent and she’s the person who really makes everything work. She’s also the funniest and the sharpest. She is charm and the gift of communication becomes the public face of the relationship and the one with the acute political brain but less charisma. So upfront and seemingly transparent no one sees the threat that she is incredibly idealistic and driven. She will make the ultimate sacrifice for her beliefs.”

5.4 Amelia Bly

Skilled personal Assistant and mistress to a former British Prime Minister, Adam Lang. serious personal and skilled assistants and curt. She looks always arguing with Lang’s wife, Ruth Lang.

It can be seen quoted below:

“Actually, I thinkI’ll go to the airport,” said Ruth, suddenly pulling her windbreaker back down.

“Amelia can stay here and polish her nails or something. Why don’t you come?” she added to me. “He’s keen to meet you.” Score one to the wife, I thought. But no: in the finest traditions of the British civil service, Amelia bounced off the ropes and came back punching. “Then I’ll travel in the backup car,” she said, snapping her cell phone shut and smiling sweetly. “I can do my nails in there.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 32)

A very powerful figure. She’s a kind of super secretary or personal assistant who becomes, as it were, a professional wife. There’s a curious


relationship between the boss and this professional who tells him he’s marvelous or makes sure his tie is straight.

It can be seen quoted below:

After that I shut up for a while. I could see why Ruth didn’t like her. She was a shade too clever and several shades too blonde for comfort, especially from a wife’s point of view. In fact it struck me as I sat there, passively inhaling her Chanel, that she might be having an affair with Lang. That would explain a lot. He’d been noticeably cool toward her at the airport, and isn’t that always the surest sign? In which case, no wonder they were so paranoid about confidentiality. There could be enough material here to keep the tabloids happy for weeks.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 34)

A career out of helping politicians and she is always one step ahead anticipating his needs. She's smart, she's capable and she's really indispensable. Her support of Adam Lang is unconditional and I think she feels that he has done the right thing.”

It can be seen quoted below:

“We’re a small team,” said Amelia. “Myself, Alice here”—the girl in the corner looked up—“and Lucy, who’s with Adam in New York. Jeff the driver’s also in New York—he’ll be bringing the car back this afternoon. Six protection officers from the UK—three here and three with Adam at the moment. We badly need another pair of hands, if only to handle the media, but Adam can’t bring himself

to replace Mike. They were together so long.” “And how long have you been with him?”

“Eight years. I worked in Downing Street. I’m on attachment from the Cabinet Office.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 28)

An elegant blond woman, wears blazer, collar style. Aged 40s, but she looks 10 years younger. Amelia has a friendly smile, beautiful blue eyes, and thick makeup.


It can be seen quoted below:

“Amelia Bly,” she said with a fixed smile. She was probably forty-five but at a distance could have passed for ten years younger. She had beautiful large, clear blue eyes but wore too much makeup, as if she worked at a cosmetics counter in a department store and had been obliged to demonstrate all the products at once. She exuded a sweetly opulent smell of perfume. I presumed she was the spokeswoman mentioned in that morning’sTimes . “Adam’s in New York, unfortunately, and won’t be back till later this afternoon.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 28)

His demeanor calm, relaxed, elegant, and completely regular. Wise in words and very polite.

It can be seen quoted below:

“I’m so sorry. I’m afraid Ruth’s a little busy at the moment. She sends her apologies. She’ll catch you later.” Amelia’s smile had hardened somewhat. It looked as natural as her nail polish. “So, if you’ve finished your coffee, I’ll show you where we work.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 27)

Always be graceful in doing any kind, gentle, and motherly. But still has a firmness, impresses that she was an elegant woman who can not be underestimated.

It can be seen quoted below:

“This is not to be removed from this room,” she said, laying it on the desk. “It is not to be copied. You can make notes, but I must remind you that you’ve signed a confidentiality agreement. You have six hours to read it before Adam gets in from New York. I’ll have a sandwich sent up to you for lunch. Alice, come on. We don’t want to cause him any distractions, do we?”



6.1 Conclusion

After reading the novel The Ghost Writer by Robert Harris, there are four major characters in the novel. Namely The Ghost, Adam Lang, Ruth Lang and Amelia Bly. Character is an important element in literature. Characters are fictitious living person who live as if they were real. They talk, have feelings and live together to fulfill their needs as individuals and social living in a character or person. He or she has the quality of being person.

The Ghost writer is one of the most interesting political stories in English Literature: the relation between Lang’s family and The Ghost. Through character The Ghost, he appears to be representation of independent man. He is workaholic, thinker and full of consideration.

In real life, we can find some of advantages by reading the novel like the value of daily life.


6.2 Suggestion

Hopefully, this paper will give some advantages for the readers. It can also enrich our knowledge and open insights about many things from the characters in this novel. For exampple: courage, determination, indepence, reputation, and loyalty. Robert Harris conveys a message for the reader through this novel, The Ghost Writer. It is also valuable to improve and intensify our ability in learning English.

Studying the main character in a novel is very interesting and there are still many elements of fiction that are also interesting to be studied. Plot, point of view, setting, theme, are other elements of fiction that can be studied. Therefore, this paper is just a part of these elements. This study could at last become guidance for further study about other element of literature.



Hamalian and Karl, 1967. The Shape of Fiction, British and American Short Stories. USA: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Harris, Robert. 2010. The Ghost Writer, Sang Penulis Bayangan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Harris, Robert. 2007. The Ghost, A novel. London: Hutchinson.

Roberts, Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs. 1987. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretice Hall, Inc.

Singarimbun, Masri,1985. Metode Penelitian Survei. Jakarta: LP3ES

Subagyo, P.Joko,1997. Metode Penelitian Teori dan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Taylor, Richard, 1981. Understanding the Element of Literature. Hongkong: The MacMilln Company.

Whitla, William, 1934. The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies. British Library.


of magnetic field. Finally, I stroked her hair and tried to murmur words of reassurance I didn’t really believe.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 90)

The role of Ruth Lang, the ex-Prime Minister’s wife, proved a tougher challenge. intelligent and she’s the person who really makes everything work. She’s also the funniest and the sharpest. She is charm and the gift of communication becomes the public face of the relationship and the one with the acute political brain but less charisma. So upfront and seemingly transparent no one sees the threat that she is incredibly idealistic and driven. She will make the ultimate sacrifice for her beliefs.”

5.4 Amelia Bly

Skilled personal Assistant and mistress to a former British Prime Minister, Adam Lang. serious personal and skilled assistants and curt. She looks always arguing with Lang’s wife, Ruth Lang.

It can be seen quoted below:

“Actually, I thinkI’ll go to the airport,” said Ruth, suddenly pulling her windbreaker back down.

“Amelia can stay here and polish her nails or something. Why don’t you come?” she added to me. “He’s keen to meet you.” Score one to the wife, I thought. But no: in the finest traditions of the British civil service, Amelia bounced off the ropes and came back punching. “Then I’ll travel in the backup car,” she said, snapping her cell phone shut and smiling sweetly. “I can do my nails in there.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 32)

A very powerful figure. She’s a kind of super secretary or personal assistant who becomes, as it were, a professional wife. There’s a curious


relationship between the boss and this professional who tells him he’s marvelous or makes sure his tie is straight.

It can be seen quoted below:

After that I shut up for a while. I could see why Ruth didn’t like her. She was a shade too clever and several shades too blonde for comfort, especially from a wife’s point of view. In fact it struck me as I sat there, passively inhaling her Chanel, that she might be having an affair with Lang. That would explain a lot. He’d been noticeably cool toward her at the airport, and isn’t that always the surest sign? In which case, no wonder they were so paranoid about confidentiality. There could be enough material here to keep the tabloids happy for weeks.

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 34)

A career out of helping politicians and she is always one step ahead anticipating his needs. She's smart, she's capable and she's really indispensable. Her support of Adam Lang is unconditional and I think she feels that he has done the right thing.”

It can be seen quoted below:

“We’re a small team,” said Amelia. “Myself, Alice here”—the girl in the corner looked up—“and Lucy, who’s with Adam in New York. Jeff the driver’s also in New York—he’ll be bringing the car back this afternoon. Six protection officers from the UK—three here and three with Adam at the moment. We badly need another pair of hands, if only to handle the media, but Adam can’t bring himself

to replace Mike. They were together so long.” “And how long have you been with him?”

“Eight years. I worked in Downing Street. I’m on attachment from the Cabinet Office.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 28)

An elegant blond woman, wears blazer, collar style. Aged 40s, but she looks 10 years younger. Amelia has a friendly smile, beautiful blue eyes, and thick makeup.


It can be seen quoted below:

“Amelia Bly,” she said with a fixed smile. She was probably forty-five but at a distance could have passed for ten years younger. She had beautiful large, clear blue eyes but wore too much makeup, as if she worked at a cosmetics counter in a department store and had been obliged to demonstrate all the products at once. She exuded a sweetly opulent smell of perfume. I presumed she was the spokeswoman mentioned in that morning’sTimes . “Adam’s in New York, unfortunately, and won’t be back till later this afternoon.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 28)

His demeanor calm, relaxed, elegant, and completely regular. Wise in words and very polite.

It can be seen quoted below:

“I’m so sorry. I’m afraid Ruth’s a little busy at the moment. She sends her apologies. She’ll catch you later.” Amelia’s smile had hardened somewhat. It looked as natural as her nail polish. “So, if you’ve finished your coffee, I’ll show you where we work.”

(Robert Harris, The Ghost Writer, 2007, p. 27)

Always be graceful in doing any kind, gentle, and motherly. But still has a firmness, impresses that she was an elegant woman who can not be underestimated.

It can be seen quoted below:

“This is not to be removed from this room,” she said, laying it on the desk. “It is not to be copied. You can make notes, but I must remind you that you’ve signed a confidentiality agreement. You have six hours to read it before Adam gets in from New York. I’ll have a sandwich sent up to you for lunch. Alice, come on. We don’t want to cause him any distractions, do we?”



6.1 Conclusion

After reading the novel The Ghost Writer by Robert Harris, there are four major characters in the novel. Namely The Ghost, Adam Lang, Ruth Lang and Amelia Bly. Character is an important element in literature. Characters are fictitious living person who live as if they were real. They talk, have feelings and live together to fulfill their needs as individuals and social living in a character or person. He or she has the quality of being person.

The Ghost writer is one of the most interesting political stories in English Literature: the relation between Lang’s family and The Ghost. Through character The Ghost, he appears to be representation of independent man. He is workaholic, thinker and full of consideration.

In real life, we can find some of advantages by reading the novel like the value of daily life.


6.2 Suggestion

Hopefully, this paper will give some advantages for the readers. It can also enrich our knowledge and open insights about many things from the characters in this novel. For exampple: courage, determination, indepence, reputation, and loyalty. Robert Harris conveys a message for the reader through this novel, The Ghost Writer. It is also valuable to improve and intensify our ability in learning English.

Studying the main character in a novel is very interesting and there are still many elements of fiction that are also interesting to be studied. Plot, point of view, setting, theme, are other elements of fiction that can be studied. Therefore, this paper is just a part of these elements. This study could at last become guidance for further study about other element of literature.



Hamalian and Karl, 1967. The Shape of Fiction, British and American Short

Stories. USA: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Harris, Robert. 2010. The Ghost Writer, Sang Penulis Bayangan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Harris, Robert. 2007. The Ghost, A novel. London: Hutchinson.

Roberts, Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs. 1987. Literature: An Introduction to

Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretice Hall, Inc.

Singarimbun, Masri,1985. Metode Penelitian Survei. Jakarta: LP3ES

Subagyo, P.Joko,1997. Metode Penelitian Teori dan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Taylor, Richard, 1981. Understanding the Element of Literature. Hongkong: The MacMilln Company.

Whitla, William, 1934. The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies. British Library.