INTRODUCTION A Morphological Study Of All Suffixes In Folk Tales Cinderella And Rumpelstiltskin By The Brother Grimm.

A. Background of the Study
English is an international language which has an important role in
communication by people to interact with other people in the world. As
international language, English is used to conduct communication, in almost the
entire world in many countries. The aspect of language is vocal symbol there is
natural relation between sound and meaning.

When someone goes abroad, they need English skill to communicate with the

other. And when they come back to their country, some of them are getting easier
to talk by English than their own language. In this case, may somebody who can‘t
speak English very well, so the speaker has to speak their original language.
Sometimes people are scary if they hear about English, learn English. Why?
Because word is as a part of language has important rule in forming a language.
People always use it to build a sentence, but they don‘t know where do actually
those millions words come from. People as the user of language sometimes don‘t
think about how a language is formed. There are millions words now used by
people. Every time people get more and more new words, word is very important

words have many main role of study language. The new word form is influenced



by the process of forming a word. This process is usually called word formation
Srijono (2010: 49) states that ―words are the smallest free forms found in
language‖. ―Free‖ means that it can stand by itself. The meaning of word may be
considered as the way it is used as part of different sentences. Various meanings
appear when the words are used in sentences or paragraph‖, word formation is the
creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic
change, which is a change in a single word's meaning. Word-formation process is
a way of forming new words or terms from the use of old words. The process
consists of clipping, blending, acronym, back-formation, folk etymology, and
antonomasia. Change a new word. There are of course numerous word formation
processes that do not arouse any controversies and are very similar in the majority
of languages. In other country English have a difficult pronoun it. If people want
to learn about English, first we must learn about word. Every language in the

world certainly has their similarities and differences between each other. The
diversity of the various languages of the world along with the uniqueness of each
is a phenomenon that very interesting for linguists to study so as to enrich wealth
of linguistic science itself.
English is very important thing because English is an international language.
Learn about speaking English, must to know first about morphology, because in
morphology is study and learning about morphemes and how to combine


morpheme to be a word. In morphology, we are going to learn about the details of
the structure a word and affix. In affix has many kinds of affixes, the one is suffix.
Suffix is also sometimes called a postfix or ending is an affix which is placed
after the stemof a word. If people know earlier about suffix, it can help to
understand about word. Word formation can be creation of a new word sometimes
it changes the word‘s meaning. Word is the important step to learn English. To
make people in Indonesia more interest to learn about English specially word and
suffix, the one way to make them interest is with folk tales. The folk tales is the
good way to make children interest with English, word, and suffix. In the short
story we can find a many suffix, and in have many meaning, so we can

understand clearly what the purpose of the folk tales, because sometimes adding
the suffixes in word can change the meaning of that word. If people know clearly
about suffix in folk tales, as a teacher actually we can learn easily about the
meaning of the story.
This is the reason why the writer chooses analysis suffixes in the folk tales
because it is very helpful us like a teacher.
B. Literature Review
To prove the original of the study, the writer presents the previous study who has
conducted the different study on morphological analysis. The first research from
Trimastuti (UMS 2008) morphological analysis on the word in the windows program,


conducted a study entitled emphasis on the study that identifying the linguistics form
of words that used in the windows program and the analyzing the morphological
construction of sentence. The object of analysis and descriptive of the structure of
morpheme and other unit of meaning and other unit of meaning in a language like
words, affixes, and part of speech and intonation of stress. The writer finds of
compounding used in Windows XP register consists of three types of compounding,
namely, compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective. The most

compounding meaning in Windows XP register are transparent meaning and the rest
in opaque meaning.
The second researcher, from Harlianto ( UMS 2008 ) conducted a study
entitled an analysis of noun forming affixes in the in Time Magazine Issue on January
7, 2008, the objective of his study explain the forming of affixes, he describes the
structure of the sentence based on the affixes that change the forming word class. The
result of the study shows that first, there are 164 data‘s of lexical categories that
change into noun, they are data of derived lexical, categories form verb, and changed
of word.
The two previous studies have a different research between the writer. The
different of both is the first study focus in words, affixes, and part of speech, and the
second study just focus in affixes. The different from this research is the writer not
concentrate in the derivational but the writer would like to focus in analyzed all
suffixes in the folk tales Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin by the Brother Grimm (2010)


and the similar of both study and this research is try to descriptive structure of
C. Problem Statement

Based on the phenomena mentioned on the background of this study, the
writer formulates the following problems:
1. What are the types of suffixes in folk tales Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin by
The Brothers Grimm?
2. What are the meanings of words using suffixes in sentence of folk tales
Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin by The Brothers Grimm?
D. Objectives of the Study
Based on the problems above, the writer formulates the objective of the study
in the following.
1. To differentiate the types of suffix in folk tales Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin
by The Brothers Grimm.
2. To describe the meanings of words using suffixes in sentence of folk tales
Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin by The Brothers Grimm.
E. Benefit of the Study
The benefit of research are as follows:


1. Student
The writer hopes this result of the study can enrich the students‘

knowledge of morphology and kind of morphology.
2. Teacher
The writer hopes this study can be useful for additional information
and suggestion that can be applied by the teacher in the process of teaching
learning of the meaning of morphology, kind of morphology, and can explain
about all suffixes in any text.
3. Lecturer
The result of the research hopefully can be example and reference to
teach linguistics, especially linguistics about all suffixes in morphology.
4. Other Researcher
This research hopefully will be useful for the other researcher who
interested in the study of morphological, especially interest to know about all
suffixes and the meaning the words using suffix.
5. Subtitle
The result will be useful for the subtitle to make better subtitling of the other