A Case Study of English Teaching Methods to Young Learners at Budi Dharma Kindergarten Tebing Tinggi




















Drs. H. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed. TESOL NIP. 19570803 198404 1 004 NIP. 19610703 198601 1 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D NIP. 195411171980031002 NIP. 197502092008121002


Accepted by the Board of Examination in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Tuesday, 28thOctober 2014.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara,

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS. ……….

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. ……….

Dr. Hj. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum. ……….

Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum. ……….



Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah SWT who always gives me blessing, power, strength and love in my entire life and in terms of my study, especially in completing this thesis as one of the requirements to get Scholar Certificate in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. H Syahron Lubis, M.A, The head of English Departement, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, and the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D, and to all the lectures of English Department for all assistances, valuable knowledge and facilities during my academic year.

My sincere gratitude goes to my Supervisor, Drs. H. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL and my Co-Supervisor, Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed. TESOL, who given me a considerable amount if contribution of knowledge, spared their valuable time to comment, encourage, and guide me to finishing this thesis.

For my family especially my father Faridani and my daddy Aldafri Lubis, I also want to say thank you for your support, advice, love in my days, for your taught for me to be always patient and your pray to make me a better person to everybody. Thank you to my beloved brother, Muhammad Ibnuh Lubis for your support and your laugh who always make me feel being your best sister ever.

To all my friends, thank you for you for understanding nd encouragment in many precious moments in my life. My special thanks is dadicated to my best friend Dhini Ayuningtyas for crazy weirdo moments that we created together and special thank goes as well to Annisa Putri, Fakhrana Filza, Liza Pratiwi, Diah Mellyta,


Nurhani Septiany, Ishak Zainal Abidin, Febby Luthfrianti, Putroe Wulandari, Novita Theresia, Rizky Aldiyansyah, Gunanti, Bang Ijal, Bang Yuda, Kak Dinda, Dimas, and Abel. Thank you for every craziness things that we spend together for Ganda Himawan, Tasriqurrahman, Arief Arkhasad, Yudi Chairun, and Faisal. A massive thank you to Bripda Wahyudha Yusman for the support.

In writing this paper, I realized that this thesis is far from being perfect though I have done my best, so I hope suggestion for this thesis. Without any helps and support from all parties, this thesis would not be completed. Finally, I expect this thesis would be useful for the readers in future.

Medan, October 2014 The Writer

Vivi Ramaningsih Lubis No. Reg. 100705008






Signed :









Skripsi ini berjudul A Case Study of English Teaching Methods to Young Learners at

Budi Dharma Kindergarten Tebing Tinggi. Dalam hal ini saya berusaha menganalisis metode dan teknik apa yang digunakan para guru di salah satu Taman Kanak-kanak di Tebing Tinggi yaitu TK. Budi Dharma, dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris pada anak didiknya, dimana bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa kedua atau pun ketiga bagi mereka. Dalam menganalisis metode dan teknik yang digunakan para guru di sekolah TK tersebut, saya menggunakan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif, yaitu suatu metode yang menggambarkan keadaan dan situasi yang diperoleh dari objek penelitian dengan penjabaran kata perkata. Selanjutnya, saya menemukan buku-buku yang relevan dengan pokok bahasan skripsi ini, dilanjutkan dengan mengadakan wawancara langsung dengan seorang informan yaitu guru kelas yang bersangkutan, yang memberikan data-data tentang situasi dan teknik mengajar di sekolah tersebut. Disamping itu, saya juga melakukan observasi langsung di dalam kelas untuk melihat dan membuat catatan tentang aktivitas guru dan murid dalam proses belajar mengajar selama 2 (dua) bulan.



The title of this thesisisA Case Study of English Teaching Methods to Young

Learners at Budi Dharma Kindergarten Tebing Tinggi. In this research, I try to analyze the methods and techniques that are used by the teacher in the one of kindergartens in Tebing Tinggi that is Budi Dharma Kindergarten, in teaching English to the young learners, where English is the second or third language for them. In analysing the methods and techniques that are used by the teacher in the kindergarten, I use the Qualitative Descriptive method that is describing the state and situation of the object obtained from studies with the translation word by word. Furthermore, I found the books related to the subject of this thesis, followed by conducting interview directly with an informant that is the teacher, who gave data about the situation and teaching technique at the school. In addition, I also make a direct observation in the classroom to see and make note about the activities of teacher and students in the learning process for 2 (two ) months.






ABSTRAK ………..…...……….. viii

ABSTRACT ………..………. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………..………... x


1.1 Background of the Study...………...…... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ……….………... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study ……….……….…... 4

1.4 Scope of the Study ……….………... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study……….………...… 5


2.1 Teaching... ………..…... 7

2.2 Learning... ………...…... 9

2.3 Young Learners………..…….... 10

2.4 Methods and Techniques in Teaching and Learning……….. 11

2.4.1 The Grammar Translation Method...……….. 12

2.4.2 Direct Method.…………..………..……. ... 14

2.4.3 Audio-Lingual Method……….……….….…. 16

2.4.4 Communicative Approach..……….……... 18

2.4.5 Community Language Learning ………...…. 20

2.4.6 The Total Physical Respond Method…..……….….……. 22

2.4.7 Suggestopedia ………..………….….…… 23



3.1 Research Design………..……….…. 28

3.2 Source of Data ……….…. 29

3.3 Data Collection ……….……...…. 30

3.4 Data Analysis ……….………..… 30


4.1 Analysis of The Learning Teaching Process ……...…….. 31

4.1.1 Profile of The Class……….……... 31

4.1.2 Natural Students-Teachers Interaction in The Class....…... 32

4.1.3 Activities in English Teaching-Learning Process... 33 Process of Introduction…………...…………..…………. 35 The Teacher Introduces Numbers……...…………. 36 The Teacher Introduces Colour………...…… 36 The Teacher Introduces Fruits and Vegetables...… 37 The Teacher Introduces Things Around and Outside Near Class………...……..… 38 The Teacher Introduces Parts of Body…..…...…… 38 The Teacher Introduces Certain Activities...……... 39 The Teacher Introduces Emotional Reactions..…... 38 The Teacher Introduces Simple Daily Conversations……...…… 40 The Teacher Introduces Songs…………...……… 42 Process of Repetition…………....…………...……… 44 Process of Test………...……....……….. 47 The Teacher Gives Tests About Numbers and Fruits‟ or Vegetables‟ Names………..… 47 The Teacher Gives Tests About Colours…..…...… 48 The Teacher Gives Tests Things Around The Class………...……… 49

(14) The Teacher Gives Questions About The Things

Outside The Class……...………...……..…. 49 The Teacher Gives Some Questions About Parts of Body... 50


5.1 Conclusion ……….…... 52

5.2 Suggestion ………... 53




Skripsi ini berjudul A Case Study of English Teaching Methods to Young Learners at

Budi Dharma Kindergarten Tebing Tinggi. Dalam hal ini saya berusaha menganalisis metode dan teknik apa yang digunakan para guru di salah satu Taman Kanak-kanak di Tebing Tinggi yaitu TK. Budi Dharma, dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris pada anak didiknya, dimana bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa kedua atau pun ketiga bagi mereka. Dalam menganalisis metode dan teknik yang digunakan para guru di sekolah TK tersebut, saya menggunakan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif, yaitu suatu metode yang menggambarkan keadaan dan situasi yang diperoleh dari objek penelitian dengan penjabaran kata perkata. Selanjutnya, saya menemukan buku-buku yang relevan dengan pokok bahasan skripsi ini, dilanjutkan dengan mengadakan wawancara langsung dengan seorang informan yaitu guru kelas yang bersangkutan, yang memberikan data-data tentang situasi dan teknik mengajar di sekolah tersebut. Disamping itu, saya juga melakukan observasi langsung di dalam kelas untuk melihat dan membuat catatan tentang aktivitas guru dan murid dalam proses belajar mengajar selama 2 (dua) bulan.



The title of this thesisisA Case Study of English Teaching Methods to Young

Learners at Budi Dharma Kindergarten Tebing Tinggi. In this research, I try to analyze the methods and techniques that are used by the teacher in the one of kindergartens in Tebing Tinggi that is Budi Dharma Kindergarten, in teaching English to the young learners, where English is the second or third language for them. In analysing the methods and techniques that are used by the teacher in the kindergarten, I use the Qualitative Descriptive method that is describing the state and situation of the object obtained from studies with the translation word by word. Furthermore, I found the books related to the subject of this thesis, followed by conducting interview directly with an informant that is the teacher, who gave data about the situation and teaching technique at the school. In addition, I also make a direct observation in the classroom to see and make note about the activities of teacher and students in the learning process for 2 (two ) months.



1.1 Background of the Study

There are about thousands living languages in this world and English is the most widely used. With this predicate as the International Language, makes English become important nowadays, especially for people who live in developing countries like Indonesia. People are expected to master the English or at least have ability as passive English users in order to get a good job in every field of work.

Because of the importance of English nowadays, many parents send their children to school where English is taught as a compulsory subject. And now in some developing towns in Indonesia, like TebingTinggi in North Sumatera, many parents begin to send their young childrento some kindergartens where English is taught and practiced, in order to get good qualities in English for their children.

There are many methods in English teaching. Therefore, teachersshould select a suitable method or students. A suitable method to teach can help the student in understanding the materials easily. A suitable method is very effective for situation and condition of the teaching and learning process in Classroom. Using the suitable method is hoped that the teacher can deliver the materials clearly and the students can understand the lesson easily. Beside that, the teacher should also be able to make students active in the classroom. In addition, suitable method will make the process of teaching and learning in the classroomeffective, finally the purpose of the teacher and students can beachieved.


Considering this case, in teaching-learning process, the teacher must pay attention to the method used. The teacher must make English class joyful. It means that students feel fun in learning teaching process. Monotonous activities make the children bored. The teacher must make English method in joyful such as singing and games in the classroom. Managing a big class is not as easy as anybody thinks. It needs patience and high motivation for teaching. Beside that, it also needs a good preparation for teaching, such as media and facilities.

There are many reasons why I choose the kindergarten students. Budi Dharma Kindergarten is the favorite school in Tebing Tinggi for the parents to send their children to get the education. So, I interest to know the English Teaching at the school. As young learner, children have great talent in learning new things, including language. The children are able to receive new language easily. The only apparent acceptation to this is pronunciation, which is learned more easily by young learners (Children) as state by Penny Ur (Penny, 1996:286). Moreover, they have good memory. They can memorize new vocabularies better and faster than adult. Beginning, the teachers have to arrange the activities as well as possible to get the students‟ attention because they usually get bored fast.

In the recent years there has been a massive increase in teaching languages at schools. English is in demand at schools even in lower primary classes. Teachers need to find interesting and enjoyable ways in order to involve children in successful learning process and enhance their progress, which is mostly not an easy task. That is why I have chosen the topic concerning methods and technique. From this condition, there are many kindergartens and are built and they increase in number every year. Most of them competite to serve best methods or ways in teaching English for


children. In those kindergarten, the teachers begin to introduce English to the children through many ways, such as communication, songs, pictures, games, etc. The children in the includein “young learners” category, where young learners mean the children in the range age 3 – 12 years old.

Many theories stated by psychologists related to the processes in language learning and language acquisition, might be useful for the teachers. The writer is interested in the topic above because many theories of teaching English discuss little about teaching children. In my mind, learning English which English is their second language in the early ages is important because child‟s mind is still fresh, empty, and most of them are able to grasp and remember new things, so the children can increase the vocabulary by using many ways of teaching. Studying a language can‟t be separated from studying vocabulary. By learning vocabulary first, learners will be able to communicate in English.

Children in the early ages can acquire a second and even a third language because the speed learning center of the brain is at its maximum capacity between the first to the ninth years of life. According to Pearson (in Curtain and Carol 2009: 6) “Age is strongly related to learning another language. Children are more likely to develop native-like proficiency before age 10, and they are also at a maximum of openness to other cultures.”

In teaching language (especially English) to children, the teachers and the methodologist need to work together to make the syllabus ( objectives and methods ) and the programmes of teaching-learning process. Here, there is a relationship between the theory and practice in order to get the target for children‟s abilities in English


1.2 Problem of the Study

According to the title of this proposal “A Case Study Of English Teaching Methods To Young Learnersat Budi Dharma Kindergarten in TebingTinggi”, there

are two problems that I try to clarify the problems into some questions, they are: a. What kind of techniques are used by the kindergarten teachersin teaching English

to the young learners?

b. What kind of methods used by the kindergarten teachers in teaching English to the young learners?

1.3 Objective of the Study

This thesis is also designed to achieve two objectives, they are:

a. To show some the activities of teachers and students (English teaching process) in the kindergarten class.

b. To know some teaching methods used by the kindergarten teacher through some techniques practised in the class.

1.4 Scope of the Study

As shown above, the analysis is focused on the class activities in the “Cherry B Class” at Budi Dharma Kindergarten.I try to analyze what kind of methods that are used by kindergarten teachers in teaching.


Therefore, she limits the scope of the thesis in teaching English through some methods (as the theories) and the use of some techniques in the class activities (as the application or practice) inthe kindergarten.

1.5 Significance of the Study

For those who have an interest in this topic, there are some significances. The significances of this thesis are:

a. To show the teachers in the schools about the methods and techniques that are used in teaching English are appropriate with the young learners or not.

b. To let the readers know that teaching English to young learners is not as easy as many people think.

c. To let the readers know about the nature of students-teachers interaction the class.

d. To let the readers know about teaching English by using some methods or techniques for young learners where English is their second language.

e. To help the other those who intend to discuss furthter about young learners and English teaching method.




In writing this thesis and doing the research, I use the result of the observations and also uses some opinions, statements and theories of some expects in children psychology, children language acquisition, and some methods of language teaching for young learners in books. These are adopted from several books which I used as references.

It is quite hard for me to find the precise theory for the research especially in analysing the data. However, I can find some references from some books in library. Further, the main sources which I use for this research are the following books. They are very useful for me in completing the thesis.

a. “Technique and Principles in Language Teaching” by Larsen-Freeman (2000) which gives information about the histories, descriptions, and principles of eight teaching methods. They are the Grammar-Translation Method, The Direct Method, The Audio-Lingual Method, The Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, The Total Phsycal Response Method, and The Communicative Approach.

b. “Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition” by Krashen (1995) who talks about the relationship between „theory‟ and „practice‟. It is a discussion of how both methodology and material interrelate with each other. It talks about methods in second and foreign language teaching.

c. “Teaching Languages to Young Learners” by Cameron (2001), talk about teaching that puts learning in the centre of the frame. Teaching foreign languages to young learner, which in this book will mean those between five and twelve


years old. Teaching languages to children needs all the skills of the good primary teacher in managing children and keeping them on tasks and that children will only learn simple language.

d. “Principles of Language Learning and Teaching,” by Brown (1980) which tells the readers about scientific apprroaches to the methodology of foreign language teaching, principle approaches based in varying degrees, on experimentation and research on linguisti, psychological, and pedagogical foundation. It also gives the readers some informations about principles of language learning and teaching which provides teachers with a comprensive and update grasp on the theoritical foundations of foreign language teaching.

e. “Teaching Englis as a Foreign Language,” by Broughton and friends (1980), the member of Department of English as a foreign language at the University of London Institute Education. They talk about teaching English as a foreign language both to adults and children in the classroom. It discusses the management and the activities which can make children enjoy the lesson.

2.1 Teaching

Education consists of teaching and learning. Teaching is done by someone to give knowledge to others. The success of education depends on teaching and learning process. Brown (2000: 7) states in Principlesof LanguageLearning and Teaching that teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, knowing or understanding. This activity involves active communication and interaction between students in information during study. As stated by Wright in his book


entitled Roles of Teacher and Learner“Teaching is essentially social activities implying relationship between teacher and learner”. (Wright, 1987: 10).

In teaching activities, teachers absolutely have significant roles and close relationship with students in delivering messages or knowledge. According to Elliot, Stephen N (1999: 369) “Teacher acts as Curriculum facilitator and not Curriculum planners”. It can be concluded that teacher as the center of education is faced by a number of decisions to be made in the classroom. As a manager classroom, a teacher must control the student in determining what the students suppose to do and acquire. The responsibilities of teacher in managing favorable atmosphere and media to support learning are important.

AccordingtoLesleyII in her book Strategy for effective teaching(2000: 18) the strategies and methods for motivating students are:

1. Be sure students can fulfill their basic school needs.

2. Make sure the classroom in comfortable, orderly and pleasant. 3. Help students perceive classroom as valuable.

4. Be sure that the tasks are suitable for students. 5. Help students set reasonable goals.

6. Provide variety in learning activities. 7. Use cooperative learning methods.

8. Monitor students work: provide feedback.

In teaching activity, there must be an interaction between teachers and students and their relationship should be friendly, cooperative and conducive too, so the intention of teaching can be successfully achieved.


2.2 Learning

Learning cannot be separated from teaching. According to Brown (2001: 7), learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience or instruction” meanwhile Kimble and Garmezy (1963: 133) states, “Learning is relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and result of reinforced practice”. Learning does not always happen in formal class, but it can happen in our daily life as experience.

Here are some understandings of learning according to Brown in (2001: 7):

1. Learning is acquisition or “getting”

2. Learning is retention formal of information or skill

3. Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization

4. Learning involves active, conscious focus and acting upon events outside or inside the organism

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting

6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice 7. Learning is a change in behavior

To achieve success in the learning English language, the students must have high motivation. This motivation will support them to try their ability in practicing exercise and also getting knowledge. We can conclude that learning is activity to get knowledge through complex processes, not only mental process but also physical process.


2.3 Young Learners

In Indonesia, young learners can be categorized as students of Kindergarten. In their ages, their brain development grows fast. That‟s why learning language from earliest time is very important. According to Scott and Ytreberg (2000: 1) in their book Teaching English to children, young learners are divided into two main groups:

1. The five to seven years old (beginner stage) 2. The eight toten years old

Furthermore, Scott ( 1990: 3) explained that there are some characteristics of young learners that are relevant to language teaching and learning:

a. Young learners use language skills long before they are aware of them.

b. Young learners understand situations more quickly than they understand language used.

c. Young learners have very short attention and concentration. d. Young learners cannot decide for themselves what to learn.

e. Young learners love to play, and learn the best when they are enjoying themselves.

f. Young learners are enthusiastic and positive about learning

From the statement above it is true that young learners have their own abilities to know and appreciate new things around them, like new sounds and new words. They love playing and learning something which are enjoyable for them.


2.4 Methods and Techniques in Teaching - Learning

According to Brown in his book Teaching by Principles(1994: 16), Method is “a generalized set of classroom specifications foraccomplishing linguistic objectives. Method tends tobe concerned with teacher and student role and behaviors and secondary with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing and materials”.

According to Anthony (1963) in has provided a useful set of definitions for our purposes. A method, is a set of procedure, i.e., a system that spells out rather precisely how to teach a second of foreign lguage. It is less specific than a technique. Methods are typically compatible with one (or sometimes two) approaches. A technique is a classroom activity and thus represents the narrowest of the three concepts. Some techniques are widely used and found in many methods.

Larsen and Freeman in his book “Techniques and Principles in Language

Teaching”(1986: 4), states that there are eight methods of teaching with the tehniques:

2.4.1The Grammar-Translation Method

The grammar-Translation method‟s characteristics are:

a. Grammar is studied deductively that is, students given the grammar rules and examples.

b. The ability to communicate in the target language.

c. The students are taught to translate from one language to another.

d. The teacher is authority in the classroom, and the students do as the teacher says. e. Primary skills at the reading and writing,


f. The teacher supplies the students with the correct answer in facing the student‟s errors.

g. The students and teacher use native language.

The techniques in The Gramar-Translation Method are:

a. Translation of literary passage

Students translate a reading passage from the target language into their native language. The reading passage then provides the focus for several classes: vocabulary and grammatical structures in the passage are studied in subsequent lessons. The translation may be written or spoken or both

b. Reading comprehension questions

Students answer questions in the target language based on their mother tongue understanding of the reading passage.

c. Antonyms/synonyms

Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms or synonyms in the reading passage.

d. Cognates

Students are taught to recognize cognates by learning the spelling of sound patterns that correspond between the languages. Students are also asked to memorize words that look like cognates but have meanings in the target language that are different from those in the native language.

e. Deductive application of rule

Grammar rule are presented with exmples. Exceptions to each rule are also noted. Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it to some different examples.


f. Fill in the blanks

Students are given a series of sentences with words missning. They fill the blanks.

g. Memorization

Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their native language equivalents and are asked to memorize them.

h. Use words in sentences

In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new vocabulary item, they make up sentences in which they use the new words.

i. Composition

The teacher gives the students a topic to write about in the target language.

2.4.2 Direct Method

Direct method has one rule that is no translation allowed

a. The grammar is taught inductive that is: the students are presented with an example and figure out the rule or generalization from the examples.

b. The teacher and the students are more like partners in teaching and learning process.

c. Reading in the target language should be taught from the beginning instruction. d. The syllabus used is based upon situation or topics.

e. Primary skills at spoken language.

f. Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar.

g. The native language should not be used in the classroom.


a. Reading aloud

Students take turns reading sections of a passage, play, or dialog out loud.

b. Question amd answer

This exercise is conducted only in the target language. Students are asked questions and aswer in full sentences so that they practice new words and grammatical structures. They have the opportunity to ask questions as well as answer them.

c. Getting students to self-correct

The teacher of this class has the students self-correct by asking them to make a choice between what they said and an alternative answer he suplied. There are, however, other ways of getting students to self-correct.

d. Conversation practice

The teacher asks students a numbe of questions in the target language, which the students have to understand to be able to answer correctly. In the class observed, the teacher asked individual students questions about themselves. The questions contained a particular grammar structure.

e. Fill in the blank

This techniques has already been in the previous method, but differs in its application in this method. All the items are in the target language; furthermore, no explicit grammar rule would be applied.

f. Dictation

The teacher reads the passage three times. First read at normal speed, while the students just listen. Second read is phrase by phrase and the student write down what they have heard. The last read at the normal speed and the students check their work.


g. Map drawing

The class included one example of a technique used to give students listening comprehension practice. The tudents were given a map then the teacher gave the students ddirections such as the following.

h. Paragraph writing

The teacher in the class asked the students to write a paragraph in their own words. They could have done this from memory, or they could have used the reading passage in the lesson as a model.

2.4.3Audio-Lingual Method

This methods focus on pronunciation, pattern drills and conversation practice. The characteristics of this method are:

a. The teacher is a leader, while the students are imitators. b. The aim is to use the target language communicatively.

c. Pronunciation is taught from beginning, often by students working in language laboratories on discriminating between members of minimal pairs.

d. The narrative language and the target language has separate.

e. The habits of the students‟ native language are taught to interface with students attempt to master the target language.

f. The students should learn to respond to either verbal or nonverbal stimuli. g. Speech is more basic to language than the written form.


The techniques in Audio-Lingual Method are:

a. Dialog memorization

Dialog or short conversation between two people are often used to begin a new lesson. Students memorize the dialog through mimicry; students usually take the role of one person in the dialog, and the teacher the other.

b. Backward build-up (expansion) drill

The drill is used when a long time of a dialog is giving students trouble. The teacher breaks down the line into several parts. The students repeat a part of the sentence, usually the last phrase of the line. Then, following the teacher‟s clue, the students expand what they aree repeating part by part until they are able to repeat the entire line. The teacher begins with the part at the end of the sentences (and works backward from there) to keep the intonation of the line as natural as possible. This also directs more student attention to the end of the sentence, where new information typically occurs.

c. Repetition drill

Students are asked to repeat the teacher‟s model as accurately and as quickly as possible. This drill is often used to teach the lines of the dialog.

d. Chain drill

A chain drill gets its name from the chain of conversation that forms around the room as students, one by one, ask and answer questions of each other.

e. Single slot substitution drill

The teacher says a line, usually from the dialog. Next, the teacher says a word or phrase called the cue. The students repeat the line the teacher has given them, substituting the cue into the line in its proper place.


f. Multiple slot substitution drill

This drill is similar to the singe slot substitution drill. The difference is that the teacher gives one phrase, one at a time, that fit into different slots in the dialog line. The students must recognize what part of speech each cue is, or at least, where it fits into the sentence, and make any other changes, such as subject verb agreement. They then say the line, fitting the cue phrase into the line where it belongs.

g. Transformation drill

The teacher gives students a certain kind of sentence pattern, an affirmative sentence.

h. Question and answer drill

This drill gives students practice with answering questions. The students should answer the teacher‟s question very quickly.

i. Use of minimal pairs

The teacher works with pairs of words which differ in only one sound; for example, „ship/sheep‟. Students are first asked to perceive the difference between the wtwo word and later to be able to say the two words.

j. Complete the dialog

Selected words are erased from a dialog students have learned. Students complete the dialog by filling the blanks with the missing words.

k. Grammar game

The games are designed to get students to practice a grammar point within a context. Students are able to express hemselves, althought it is rather limited in this game. Notice there is also a lot of repetition in this game.


2.4.4Communicative Approach

This method involves in real communication. The characteristics of these methods are:

a. Teacher is facilitator of the students in learning English. b. The target language is a vehicle for classroom communication. c. The goal is to enable students become communicatively competent. d. Language is for communication.

e. Emphasizing in language function.

f. Students should be given an opportunity to express their ideasand opinions. g. The students‟ native language has no particular role.

h. The teacher evaluates students‟ accuracy and fluency. The techniques in Communicative Approach are:

a. Authentic material

The use of language materials authentic to native speakes of the target because the typical problem that students cannot transfer what they learn in the classroom to the outside world and to expose students to natural language in variety of situations.

b. Scrambled sentences

The students are given passage (a text) in which the sentences are in a scrambles order. This type of exercise teaches students about the cohesion and coherence properties of language.

c. Language games

The students find them enjoyable, and if they are properly designed, they give students valuable communicative practice.


d. Picture strip story

An information gap existed the students in the groups did not know wha the picture contained. They had a choice as to what their prediction would be and how they would word it. They received feedback, not on the form but on the content of the prediction, by being able to view the picture and compare it with their prediction.

e. Role play

Role play is very importat in this method beacuse they give the students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and in different social roles. Role plays can be set up so that they are very structured.

2.4.5Community Language Learning

The purpose from community language learning is to make students learn how to use the target language communicatively. The characteristics of these methods are:

a. Building relationship with and between the students is very important. b. The students depend on the teacher.

c. Any new learning experience can be threatening. d. The teacher responds to the students‟ feeling.

e. The students‟ native language is used to make the meaning clear. f. The teacher encourages the students‟ initiative and independences.

The techniques in Community Language Learning are:

a. Tape recording student conversation

This is a technique used to record student generated language as well as give the opportunity for community learning to come about. By giving students the choice about what to say and when to say it, students are in a good position to take


responsibility for their own learning. Students are asked to have a conversation using their native language as the common language of the group.

b. Transcription

The teacher transcribes the students‟ tape-recorded target language conversation. Each student is given the opportunity to translate his or her utterances and the teacher writes the native language equivalents beneath the target language words.

c. Reflection on experience

The teacher takes time during and/or after the various activities to give the students the opportunity to reflect on how they feel about the language learning experience, themeselves as learners, and their relationship with one another. As students give reaction, the teacher understand them – shows that he has listened carefully by giving an appropriate understanding response to what the student has said. He does not repeat what the learner says, but rather shows that he understands its essence.

d. Reflective listening

The students relax and listen to their own voices speaking the target language on the tape. Another possible technique is for the teacher to read the transcript while the students simply listen, with their eyes open or shut. A third possibility is for the students to mouth the words as the teacher reads the transcript.

e. Human computer

A student chooses some part of the transcript to practice pronouncing. She is „in control‟ of the teacher when she tries to say the word or phrase.


f. Small group tasks

The small group in the class we observed were asked to make new sentences with the words on the transcript. Afterward, the groups shared the sentences they made with the rest of the class. Teacher who use small group activities believe students can learn from each other and can get more practice with the target language by working in small group.

2.4.6The Total Physical Respond Method

The characterictics of The Total Physical Respond Method are:

a. The students are imitators of the teacher.

b. The teacher interacts with the whole group of the students and with individual student.

c. The methods are introducing to the students‟ native language the meaning is made clear through body movements.

d. The teacher is director of all students‟ behavior.

e. Formal evaluation is conducted simply by commanding individual students to perform a series of action.

The techniques in The Total Physical Respond Method are:

a. Using commands to direct behavior

The commands are given to get students to perform an action; the action makes the meaning of the command clear.

b. Role reversal

Students command their teacher and classsmates to perform some avtions. Asher says that students will want to speak after ten to twenty hours of instruction,


although some students may take longer. Students should not be encouraged to speak until they are ready.

c. Action sequence

At one point we saw the teacher give three connected commands. The series of commands is called an action sequence, or an operation

d. Imitation

Students are imitator of the teacher.

2.4.7 Suggestopedia

The purpose of suggestopedia is to accelerate the process by which students tolearn to use a foreign language for everyday communication. The characteristics of suggestopedia are:

a. The teacher initiates interactions with the whole group of students and with individual‟s right from the beginning language course.

b. Emphasizing vocabulary and speaking communicatively.

c. Students‟ native language translation is used to make the meaning of the dialogue clear.

d. Evaluation is usually conducted on the students‟ normal class performance not formal test.

The techniques in Suggestopedia are:

a. Classroom set up

Emphasis is placed on creating a physical environment that does not “feel” like a normal classroom, and makes the students feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.


b. Peripheral learning

Student can absorb information “effortlessly” when it is perceived as part of the environment, rather than the material “to be attended to”

c. Positive suggestion

Teachers appeal to students‟ consciousness and subconscious in orede to better orchestrate the “suggestive” factors involved in the learning situation.

d. Visualization

Students are asked to close their eyes and visualize scenes and events, to help them relax, facilitate positive suggestion and encourage creativity from the students.

e. Choose a new identity

Students select a terget language name and/or occupation that places them “inside” the language they are learning.

f. Role play

Students pretend temporarily that they are someone else and perform a role using the target language.

g. First concert

Teacher does a slow, dramatic reading of the dialog synchronized in intonation with classical music.

h. Second concert

Students put aside their scriptd and the teacher reads at normal speed according to the content, not the accompanying pre-classical or Baroque music – this typically ends the class for the day.

i. Primary activation

Students “playfull” reread the target language out loud, as individuals or in group.


j. Secondary activation

Students engage in various activities designed to help the students learn the material and use it more spontaniously. Activities include singing, dancing, dramatizations, and games –“communicative intent” and not “form” being the focus.

2.4.8 The Silent Way

The purpose of silent way is to be able to use the language for self expression, perceptions and feelings. The characteristics of silent way methods are:

a. The role of the students is to make use of what they know, to free themselves of any obstacles and to actively engage in exploring the language.

b. The teacher sets up situation that focus student attention on the structure of the language.

c. Vocabulary is somewhat restricted at first.

d. The meaning is made clear by focusing the students‟ perception e. The students‟ native language is used to give instruction when necessary. f. The teacher never gives a formal test.

The techniques in Silent Way are:

a. Sound color chart

The chart contains blocks of color, each one representing a sound in the target language. The teacher and later the students points to blocks of color on the chart. Finally since the sound color chart presents all of the sounds of the target languag at once, students know what they have learned and what they yet need to learn. This relates to the issue of learner autonomy.


b. Teacher’s silence

The teacher gives just as much help as is necessary and then is silent. Or the teacher sets up an unambiguous situation, puts a language structure into circulation, and then is silent. Even in error correction, the teacher will only suply a verbal answer as a last resort.

c. Peer correction

Students re encouraged to help another student when he or she is experiencing difficulty. It is important taht any help be offered in a cooperative manner, not a competitive one. The teacher monitors the aid so that it is helpful, not interfering.

d. Rods

Rods can be used to provide visible actions or situations for any language structure, to introduce it, or to enable students to practice using it. The rods trigger meaning: situations with the rods can be created in such a way that the meaning is made clear; then the langauge is connected to the meaning.

e. Self-correction gesture

The teacher uses her palms as a tool while showing the students‟ mistake. f. Word chart

The teacher and later the students points to words on the wall charts in a sequence so that they can read aloud the sentences they have spoken.

g. Fidel chart


h. Structured feedback

The teacher accepts the students‟ comments in a nondefensive manner, hearing things that will help give him direction for where be should work when the class meets again. The students learn to take responsibility for their own learning by becoming aware of and controlling how they use certain learning strategies in the class.




3.1 Research Design

Peter Gavora claims that there are many ways how to define the term “research”. Althoughhe considers some of these definitions very difficult, he states that “research” can be defined as a systematic way of solving problems. Since the research has correction ability, it confirms or disproves actual evidence or makes the new one (2000, 11).

Research can be classified as:

 Quantitativeis works with numerical values and finds out amount, range or frequency of phenomenon occurrence. Numerical values can be processed mathematically by sum checking, counting theaverage,percentage formulationor by using other methods of mathematic statistics.

 Qualitative is expressed byverbal (non-numerical) form. It is a description which is detailed and cogent. Among typical research methods are non-structured observations or ethnographic interviews.

MiroslavChráska adds that one of the basic differences between quantitative and qualitative research is that they both come from different philosophical principles. Quantitative research is influenced by positivism from which the theory based on the existence of only one reality results, while qualitative research comes


from phenomenology which puts stress on subjective aspects of human‟s acts and that is why it admits the existence of more realities (2007, 32).

This short-term research is therefore classified as a research based on qualitative (the interview with teachers) and also partly on quantitative (results expressing frequency of using particular pronunciation activities and correction techniques obtained from observations) analysis of collected data.

This research I use teh qualitative research. It is based on the observation and interview in teaching-learning process of English in the classroom.

At first, the activities of English teaching-learning process are observed in the class which involves the teachers and students interactionespecially the techniques and methods used by the teacher in teaching English and the responces from the students by using the note taking method for recording the data by using my own observation sheets,. And at last, I try to analyze what kind of techniques and methods that are used by kindergarten teachers in teaching English at Budi Dharma in Tebing Tinggi.

3.2 The source of data

The library research is utilized in adapting theory which supports the topic of this thesis and also to get information about language teaching methods and techniques for children. And also to get information about how to make an analysis which is from some books of Methodology of Reseach.

The definition of the data source in the research is the subject of where the data was obtained. The data source of this thesis is the action or the class activities,


where it is conducted in places where I conduct observations about teaching-learning process in a class. In this research, the observations are done at Budi Dharma Kindergarten in TebingTinggi, in Jln. Veteran No.2 Kel. TebingTinggi Lama, Kec. TebingTinggiKota for 2 months. The students are gathered in one class which is categorized into “Cherry B Class” level where their ages are five years old. In this place, I analyze the methods and techniques of English teaching used by the teachers in teaching – learning process in the class to young learners.

3.3 Data Collection

To get the data, the writer makes an observation on the class activities (involves the teacher‟s and students‟ activities) in the class which categorized into “Cherry B Class” level (the five years old students) at Budi Dharma Kindergarten, Tebing Tinggi and I do interview on the teacher. Then identify the kinds of methods and techniques.

3.4 Data Analysis

Analysis the result of observations by using thetheories in the books.When all the data and information related to the topic are collected, then analysis will be started by:

1. Analyzing the observation and interviews of “Cherry B Class” about the English teaching process to young learners in the class by using the qualitative descriptive. 2. Indentifying the kinds of each methods and techniques that are used by the

teacherin the classrooms. 3. Make the conclusion.




4.1 Analysis of Teaching -Learning Process 4.1.1Profile ofThe Class

As we know before, the development of many Kindergartens in Tebing Tinggi are growing rapidly in number every year. It deals with the increase of parentsknowledges and considerations to send their young children from 5 years old into some kindergartens in order to give them best educational qualities.

One of the famous kindergartens in Tebing Tinggi is Budi Dharma Kindergarten. In this kindergarten, I make an observation and interviews on the teacher about English teaching methods at kindergarten. Here, I observe the teaching – learning activities in one of the class which is categorized into “Cherry B Class” level where the students are in the age of five.

In the “Cherry B Class”, there are 44 students comprises of 25 (twenty five) boys and 19 (nineteen) girls. They are taught by two female teachers. One is the main teacher and another is the assistant teacher. And both of those teachers control all of students‟ activities in the class absolutely and use the communitive approach to teach the students.

In the Kindergarten, the condition of the class is almost the same. In the Kindergarten the class is divided into two areas, theyare: tables and chairs area where the students have drawing and writing activities and the toys are. To support the


techniques in English teaching-learning processs, there are some facilities that help teacher to get succeed in teaching the learners to understand the target language (English). The materials that are found in the kindergarten class are toys, pictures or posters that hang on the wall, books that contain some pictures and vocabularies in English, colouful blocks, artificial fruits and vegetables, coloured pencils and drawing books, and etc.

4.1.2 Nature Students – Teachers Interaction in the Class

To build a good and responsive interaction among teachers and students, here the teachers should know how the students‟ mood are when they want to start the class. Because most of the children still have instability emotions. Their activities, mostly depend on mood. For instance, if they have good moods to learn, the teachers can start the class with the material that they want to teach successfully. But, on the other hand, if most of the children in the mood of playing or still crying and do not want to enter the classs or far away from their mother, the teacher should wait for a few minutes until they are ready to focus on the subject or object taught at that time. And sometimes, teachers asks students about what they want to do or learn about at that time. It show that the teacher uses the Suggestopedia method, because the students learn depend on mood and learning done in the athmosphere of play in order it can fun, and also Communicative Approach because the teacher should know the students feeling and what they are saying.

Since their attentions are important in teaching-learning process, the teacher shoud have a way all of the students‟ attentions when teacher wants to start the class. In this case, the teacher uses a thing that is called “tambourine”. It is a round musical


instrument like a shallow drum with metal discs around the edges and it is played by being shaken or hit with the hand.

For instance, while the teacher shaking the tambourine and asking the children to sit on their chairs and look at her. Then most of the children run to their chairs, sit on it and look at her. After that, the class begins. This way shows that the teacher uses the Audio-Lingual method because the students are under control of teacher absolutely.

In teaching-learning activities in the class, if a student can answer the question or do the orders from teacher correctly, the teacher asks other students to give the applauze to that student. But if a student makes a mistake in mentioning or pronouncing a thing or answering the question from teacher, the teacher will say or give him/her the correct answer immediately or ask the other students to give the correct one together and loudly. It shows that the teacher uses the Communicative Approach, because the students are under control of teacher, teacher also be sensitive to the students‟ limitation, to build the relationship among the teacher and students and the cooperation among the students, and the last is communication with the students is important.

So, in the nature students-teachers interaction in the classroom, the teacher combines the Communicative Language Learning, Audio Lingual Method and Suggestopedia and the techniques that are used are imitation, repetition drill, language games, and role play.


4.1.3 Activities in English Teaching – Learning Process

One of the teachers, Madam Siti Ilmiami (as the writer‟s informant) says that teaching children is harder than adults. It is not as easy as many common people think. It is not just teaching about numbers from one till ten, or colours (red, yellow, blue, and etc) then they should memorize all of them in their minds. In the play group, it is not just about singing a song, dancing, eating together, and then they may go home. The class is over and also the duties of the teachers. It is absolutely wrong. On the other hand, it is more complicated and need specific knowledges about how to be the kindegarten teachers and how the teachers give the understanding for one concept or thing which is representated the word. And they should have the understanding for those two concepts and things in two languages; in their native language (commonly in indonesian) and in their second language as the foreign (especially English).

Here, the teachers should teach or give an understanding that the concept of “one” is amount of thing that is representated by one thing or “two” for two things, and etc. For example, “one pencil” means there is one pencil, “two apples” means there are two apples, and etc. And the concept of “red” is representated by something which the colour is red, and etc. Or “ball” is a thing which its shape is round and many boys play the ball by kicking it, to his friend or draw it into basket ball. And “cat” is a small animal with soft fur and four legs and it sounds “meow” and it always catch the mouse, and etc. So they can differ “one” from “two”, “red” and “blue”, “cat” and “chicken”, and many other things around them.

For this level, the material taught are about numbers, colours, parts of our body, things in the class, or things out side near the class. Here, they are taught by


using or showing the real things or the artificial ones that representated the words. And some activities or emotional reactions are shown and taught by doing some actions practised by the teachers. It is done beacause students, in this level, do not only the skill of speaking or pronouncing the words (use their parts of speech) but also the visualization of those words in order they can understand what are the things they want to say.

The teacher also says that learning English for children is a form of process. It containts of listening, imitating, and understanding process. Finally, they can differ one thing from the others, one colour to another, or one act with others. So in teaching English to children, teachers divide teaching-learning process into three processes. They are process of introduction, repetition, and the test. And certainly, each processes has its own techiques and methods deal with the purposes.

Here, we can see clearly how the techniques and methods are applied in English teaching-learning process at Kindegertan Budi Dharma : The Process of Introduction

Process of introduction is a process of teaching-learning language when the students are firstly introduced with English words where most of them do not know any English words before.

Here, students are introduced with English words by hearing and looking hat the teacher says and show to them. And then they try to pronounce those words together with the help of teacher. So, at this process, students‟ linstening and visual skills are needed totally, and also little of speaking ability. But, at the time, they are


not forced to pronounce those words correctly, because here, teacher just wants to give the understanding for those words in English.

As shown above that the materials taught by teacher are about numbers, colours, fruits and vegetables, somethings around and outside near the class, parts of body, some activities, some emotional reaction, some simple daily conversations, and songs.

For those clearer feature of this process, here are some teacher‟s and students‟ activities in teaching-learning process. The Teacher Introduces Numbers

In teaching numbers, for the first time, teacher mentions the numbers from one till ten by using her fingers. She says, “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten” for three times and asks all of students to follow her. Then the students try to follow what the teacher says and also use their fingers to show the numbers like what the teacher do in front of the class.

And in other days, the teacher teaches students about the numbers by using different way. For this time, the teacher dose not use her fingers again, but she uses something like pencils, small balls, artificial fruits, books, and etc, to show the amount of those things.

For example, the teacher holds two pencils on one of her hands, shows them to her students and says, “two pencils” or “there are two pencils”. Then she asks the students to follow what she says. And all of students say, “two pencils” together and loudly. Next, she takes another one on the other handm gathers them and says, “three pencils”. And the students also say, “three pencils” loudly.


In this part, the teacher uses Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, and Communicative Approach. The techniques that are used by the teacher are authentic material, repetition drill, chain drill, and memorization. The Teacher Introduces Colours

For the beginner students, the teacher introduces them with three basic colours by using some colourful things like blocks, small balls, artificial fruits, or pictures.

The teachers puts a red block on her hand and shows it to the students and says, “it is red, merah” she asks he students to say it and students do that. Then she takes a yellow small ball, shows it to them and says, “it is yellow, kuning” and again they follow the teacher by saying “this is yellow”, together and loudly.

And for other days, the teacher teaches some different colours with different or same things. For example, green small balls, brown beams, black hair, blue, white, and etc.

In this part, the teacher uses Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, and Communicative Approach. The techniques that are used by the teacher are authentic material, sound color chart, repetition drill, and memorization. The Teacher Introduces Fruits and Vegetables

There are two ways used by teacher to introduce some names of fruits and vegetables to students. The first way is by using someartificial fruits. Here, teacher hols one of the artificial fruit, shows to them and says its name. For example, the teacher holds one the artificial orange on her hand, shows it to them, and says, “this is orange” and then she change it by holding the artificial mango, show to them, and


says, “this is mango”. Then she repeats these same activities, and asks the students to follow what she says and students also say, “this is orange” and “this is mango”.

The second way is by using some pictures that show some names of fruits and vegetables. Teacher shows some pictures of fruits and vegetables by holding the picture on her left hand and point out one picture apple with her right hand while saying, “this is apple”, and continues with the others.

In this part, the teacher uses Direct Method and Audio-Lingual Method, and the techniques that are used by the teacher are authentic material, repetition drill, and memorization. The Teacher Introduces Things Around and Outside Near Class

The teacher also introduces some things around the class like chairs, desks, door, windows, clock, and etc. In teaching those things, teacher directly shows the thing and says its name.

For example, she wants to introduces them with chairs, so she tahes a chair or just points out one of a chairs near the students and then says, “this is chair”, and then being followed by the students by saying, “this is chair”, together and loudly. And it is alos used the same way for the other things in the class.

In teaching something outside near their class, teacher asks stdents to some out to a garden near the class. There, they can find a lot of things like trees, flowers, stone, gerbage, small birds, and etc. And the teacher will directly show a certain thing in the garden and says the name of that thing.

For example, the teacher picks a flower, and asks students to come close to her. Then the students run to her and look at the thing on her hand. The teacher says,


“I have a flower on my hand, di tangan ibu ada sekuntum bunga” , “this is a flower, ini bunga”. And then the students say, “this is a flower” or “a flower”.

In this part, the teacher uses Direct Method, Suggestopedia, Communicative Approach, and Audio-Lingual Method, and the techniques that are used by the teacher are classroom set up, authentic material, repetition drill, and memorization. The Teacher Introduces The Parts of Body

In itroducing parts of body, teacher teaches from the upper parts of body till the lower ones. They are hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheek, chin, neck, stomach, hands, fingers, knees, and legs. Here, the teacher teaches them by touching those parts of body while saying their names.

For example, the teacher says, “this is hair”, by touching her hair. And the students follow what she says and does. Then the teacher moves to touch one of her ears and says, “this is nose” by touching her nose, and the other parts with the same way.

In this part, the teacher uses The Silent Way Method, Direct Method, Communicative Approach, and Audio-Lingual Method. The techniques that are used by the teacher are self correction gesture, repetition drill, and memorization. The Teacher Introduces Certain Activities

The activities taugh are the simple ones. Here, the teacher should demonstrate the activities that she wants to teach by doing some actions, showing those activities in front of the class. The teacher does the actions and in the same time says the name of the activities. Sometimes this lesson combines with playing a game.


For example, the teacher wants to teach about “run”, so she will stand in front of the class, and demonstrates the activity of run to them. Then asks the students to stand up, and do the same action. She says, “come on run, run, run, run ...” and all the studdents begin to rdo the activity of run while saying,”run, run, run”.

Or this activity will be combined with playing a game. For instance, the students should move some small balls from one basket to another by running. So some students begin to run, and the others say, “run, run, run ...”

In this part, the teacher uses Suggestopedia, Communicative Approach, and Audio-Lingual Method, and the techniques that are used by the teacher are classroom set up, role reversal, language games, and role play. The Teacher Introduces Emotional Reactions

In teaching some emotional reactions, like angry, hungry, sad, happy, lazy, diligent, and etc, the teacher teaches them by using hose words in daily conversation with the students.

For example, the teacher will say, “Don‟t do that, child, nggak boleh gitu ya nak, I will be angry with you, kalau enggak bu guru nanti marah”. Or if there is a student who still cry in the class, the teacher will say, “Don‟t cry, nggak boleh nangis dong, don‟t be sad, anak bu guru nggak boleh sedih”, and huges the children.

Here, the teacher combines the target language (English) with the students‟ native language (Indonesia). The teacher also uses her face expression and body language to clear up the meaning.

In this parts, the teacher use Direct Method, Suggestopedia, Communicative Approach, and The Total Physical Respond, and the techniques that are used by the teacher are classroom set up and conversation practice.

(56) The Teacher Introduces Simple Daily Conversation

Some simple daily activities like, “Good morning”, “What is your name?”, “What are you doing”, “Where i my pen?”, “Give me the book!”, and etc, also introduced to them. Here, once again, these daily simple conversations are taught by using them in the cass conversation among the teacher and students. So, in these conversations, the important things are their listening skill and their understandings about what the teacher says or orders to them.

In this case, students are not forced to be able to speak like the teacher or utter those sentences correctly. The teacher also uses some face expression and body language while talking to communiating with students in order to make what she says is easily understood by the students. Or, sometimes the teacher also combines the target language (English) with their native language (Indonesia) in order to give a clear understanding to them.

For example, in the opening class, the teacher always addresses her students by saying, “Good morning children”, “ Selamat pagi anak bu guru semuanya”, and the students at this time just answer it with their native language by saying, “Selamat pagi”. Then she asks their names by saying, “What is your name?”, “Siapa nama anak bu guru yang ini?”, points a girl students. That girl student answer “Salsa”.

Or when a boy student is busy doing something while other studets sit around the teacher, the teacher will ask him by saying, “Hey boy, what are doing there?”, “anak ibu lagi buat apa?”. Then she says “Come here”, “ayo kemari”. And the student will come to her.

We van see ther conversations fom the dialog among teacher and students as follows:


Students just keep silent.

Teacher: anybody knows? Ada yang tau gak?

My pen, pen like this! Pulpen, seperti ini loh! While doing another pen.

One of girl students: Ini!

Teacher: Give me, give me! Bawa sini, nak! The student gives it to her.

Teacher: Thank you, terima kasih ya! Student: Ya.

And the class will go on.

In this part, the teacher uses Direct Method, Suggestopedia, Communicative Approach, and The Total Physical Respond, and the techniques that are used by the teacher are classroom set up, conversation practice, using commands to direct behavior, action sequence, and memorization . The Teacher Introduces Song

In introducing some song to students the teacher firstly sing the song from the beginning till the end of the song. Here, the students just keep silent and sometimes try to follow what the teacher sing. In singing the song, teacher also uses her body language, for instance, by pointing something that represent some words in that song.

For example, the teacher sing a song:

“this is a window, this is a door, this is a blackboard, and this is the floor”

“anjing dog, kucing cat, kupu-kupu butterfly, ular snake, kodok frog, kerbau


Here, the tacher does not just sing the song, but she also points a window in the class when she says, “This is a window”, point te door when she says, “This is a door”, points the blackboard in front of them when she says “This is a blackboard”, and points the floor when she says “This is the floor”. And give some actions to show the characteristics of the animals that is said. For example when they say butterfly they use their hand to make it like wings.

In this parts, the teacher use Suggestopedia, Direct Method, Communicative Approach, and Audio-Lingual Method, and the techniques that are used by the teacher are classroom set up, repetition, creative adaptation, and selft correction gesture .

In the process of introduction at teaching-learning activities, the teacher uses the combination of Audio Lingual Method, The Total Physical Response Method, Direct Method and Suggestopedia. It is shown as follows:

a. The material taught are around the verbal and unverbal (Audio Lingual Method) b. Students also learn the things around their environment (Suggestopedia)

c. Students‟ understandings of the target language should develop before speaking. Here “concept” is important than the translation (Total Physical Response Method)

d. Teachers use pictures, and artificial things to explain the concept of something (Direct Method)

e. Demonstration is used to teach some actions (Total Physical Response)

f. Dramatation is used to teach the emotional reaction by using the face expression and body language (Total Physical Response)

g. Song and name of things are taught by following or repeting what the teacher says (Audio Lingual Method)


h. Opening the class by addressing them and ending the class by singing some songs (Direct Method)

The techniques in the process of introduction at teaching-learning activities, the teacher uses the combination of. It is shown as follows:

a. Teacher teaches introduces to the students about things and words again and again (repetition and memorization).

b. Teacher sets the situation and codition in the class enjoyable (classroom et up). c. Introducing by using authentic things (authentic material and sound color chart) d. Build a simple conversation that makes children easy to understand and remember

(conversation practice and language game)

e. Learning language enjoyable and using gesture (creative adaptation and self correction gesture)

f. Giving commands to asked the students or classmate toperform an action (using commands to direct behavior , role reversal, and action sequence) The Process of Repetition

Process of repetition is a process in teaching-learning activities where the teacher repeats the activities that she had ever taught to the students at process of introduction again and again, and sometimes she will improve the activities or combine them each other or involve them by playing a game.

One of the teachers, madam Siti Ilmiani says that process of repetition is also a kind of process of imitation and habit. Here, students try to imitate what the teacher has ever said and demonstrated to them. Then they try to remember and do what they


have ever heard, seen, and understood about all the material taught again and again, and keep all of them in their mind.

So in this process, the important thing which the teacher takes more attention is the repetition of those activities by doing them again and again. And it is better for them if the teacher can improve or develope the way of teaching or combine them each other or by playing a game. It is useful for them to avoid the bored atmosphere in teaching-learning activities.

We can see the combination clearly froom the teacher-students dialogue below:

The teache holds a red artificial appe, takes it up, and shows it to the students. Then she asks them to follow waht she says.

Teacher : This is apple Students : This is apple Teacher : The colour is red Students : The colour is red Teacher : This is one apple Students : This is one apple

Then teacher asks to the students. Teacher : What is this? Apa ini? Students : Apple

Teacher : What is the colour? Apa warna apel ini? Students : Red

Teacher : How many apple? Berapa banyak apelnya? Students : One


This model of dialog will be repeated by the teacher again and again from days to days with different things, colours, and amount. It is done in order to give the understading of those thigs ad concept of colour and amount to them and the varieties or differences among those things. So, they can differ apple and orange, red and yellow, one and two, and etc, although they can not give the complete answer. Here, the teacher also use their native language to help the students to understand what she asks to them. It is not forbidden since te teacher‟s target for the students is their listenings and undersatndings to what she says, not the utterances from the students (not the speaking ability).

For some activities and emotional reactions, the important is the demonstration of those activities. Here, the teacher always demonstrates those activities and actions again and again in order they can imitate and also understand them well. And for some activities, the teacher usually combines them with playing a game.

And also for some simple daily conversation, the teacher will say those sentences again and again in order to make them become familiar to those sentences, and be able to understand what the sntences mean. So they can answer the teacher‟s question in English, although in a short form or not in complete one. And here once again the face expression and body language or gesture from the teacher are really needed the students understand what she says well.

For memorizing and be able to sing the song, the teacher just repeat those song again and again among the times of learning. Here, the teacher always sings the song from the beginning till the end lyrics of the song. The students just repeat the words of the sog sunk by the teacher and also the tones. On this process, the students need to hear the words of the song and try to repeat and memorize them in their


mind. It is also the process of habit or usuality. More much time they always hear them, more quickly they can sing those songs.

In the process of repetition at teaching-learning activities, teacher uses the combination of Audio Lingual Method, The Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Communicative Language Learning, and The Silent Way. We can clearly see as follows:

a. Process of repetition is a process of habit (Audio Lingual Method)

b. Teachers start with material that they have already know (in the process of introduction) before developing the lesson with the others or their combination (The Silent Way)

c. Teachers make some variations in teaching the materials (Suggestopedia)

d. Errors can be tolerated, but the teachers should correct them immediately (Suggestopedia and Audio Lingual Method)

e. Students still begin to speak when they are ready (Total Physical Response) f. Teachers still use their native language to help students to clear up the meaning

what they say, usually some orders and questions and also use the target language (Communicative Language Learning)

The techniques in the process of repetition at teaching-learning activities are same like in the process of introduction. In this process, the teacher repeats the same techniques to make the studnets remember about the materials that the teacher has been taught.







I. Siswa

1. Berapa rata-rata umur siswa? 5 tahun

2. Berapa jumlah siswa dalam satu kelas? Laki-laki : 25 orang

Perempuan : 19 orang Total : 44 orang

3. Jam berapa kelas mulai dan jam berapa kelas berakhir? Kelas mulai jam : 0800 WIB

Kelas berakhir jam : 1000 WIB

4. Kemahiran apa yang diperoleh rata-rata siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris?

Kemahiran berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.

II. Pengajar dan Pengajaran

1. Berapa jumlah guru pengajar dalam satu kelas? 2 (dua) orang, 1 guru utama dan 1 guru asisten

2. Bagaimana peran guru dalam proses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas? Guru mengkontrol semua aktivitas murid di dalam kelas

3. Pendekatan atau metode apa yang digunakan guru dalam prosese belajar mengajar di dalam kelas?


xxxi  Audio-lingual method

 The total physical response

4. Materi apa saja yang diajarkan kepada para siswa?

Angka dan huruf, warna, anggota tubuh, benda-benda disekeliling, binatang dan tumbuhan, lagu, percakapan sehari-hari yang sederhana dan aktivitas sehari-hari.

5. Fasilitas apa yang mendukung berlangsungnya proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris dalam kelas?

Buku bergambar dan disertai dengsn kosakata bahasa Inggris, balok-balok warna, buah-buahan dan tumbuhan plastik, gambar-gambar di dinding, angka, huruf, binatang, tumbuhan, anggota tubuh dll.

6. Apa tujuan atau target dari pengajaran bahasa Inggris pada murid tingkat TK?

Murid diharapkan bisa berbicara atau berkomunikasi dengan guru da para siswa lainnya dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

7. Bagaimana pemberian nilai oleh guru terhadap murid?

Guru memberikan test pada akhir periode, dengan memodifikasikannya secara lisan melalui percakapan dan permainan.