Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu Psikologi dan Beban Kerja terhadap Kinerja Petugas Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) Dalam Melaksanakan Program di Puskesmas se Kota Pematangsiantar


Salah satu pelayanan Petugas Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Petugas KIA) dalam
pelaksanaan Program KIA adalah pelayanan antenatal yang bertujuan untuk
memantau kemajuan kehamilan, memastikan kesehatan ibu dan tumbuh kembang
bayi, mengenali secara dini adanya ketidak normalan atau komplikasi yang mungkin
terjadi selama kehamilan.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik individu
(umur, masa kerja, kemampuan), psikologi (sikap dan motivasi) dan beban kerja
terhadap kinerja petugas KIA dalam pelayanan antenatal di puskesmas se Kota
Pematangsiantar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik
dengan pendekatan potong lintang cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah semua
petugas program KIA sebanyak 104 orang. Sampel sebanyak 51 orang yang diambil
secara proportionate stratifiet random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara
menggunakan kuesioner dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji chi square dan uji
regresi logistik berganda pada taraf kepercayaan 95%.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel karakteristik individu (masa kerja
p=0,011 dan kemampuan p=0,008), variabel psikologi (sikap p=0.002) berpengaruh
terhadap kinerja petugas KIA dan variabel karakteristik individu (umur p=0,164),
variabel psikologi (motivasi p=0,204) dan variabel beban kerja p=0,045 tidak
berpengaruh terhadap kinerja petugas KIA

Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pematangsiantar hendaknya
menempatkan petugas KIA secara proporsional berdasarkan masa kerja sehingga ada
pemerataan petugas KIA junior dan senior. Meningkatkan kemampuan petugas KIA
dengan memberi kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan dan mengikuti pendidikan ke
jenjang yang lebih tinggi, serta melaksanakan supervisi secara rutin.

Kata Kunci : Kinerja, Petugas KIA, Antenatal

Universitas Sumatera Utara


One of the services provided by the Maternal and Child Health Workers in the
implementation of Maternal and Child Health Program is the antenatal service
intended to monitor the pregnancy progress, to ensure mother’s health and infant’s
growth and development, to earlier identify the abnormality or compication that may
occur during pregnancy.
The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of the characteristics of
individuals (age, years of service, ability), psychology (attitude and motivation) and
work load on the performance of the Maternal and Child Health Workers in

providing an antenatal service at the Puskesmas (Community Health Centers) in the
City of Pematangsiantar. The population of this analytical descriptive study with
cross-sectional approach was all of the 104 workers of Maternal and Child Health
Program and 51 of them were selected to be the samples for this study through the
proportional stratified random sampling technique. The data for this study were
obtained through questionnaire-based interviews. The data obtained were analyzed
through Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression tests at the level of
confidence of 95%.
The result of this study showed that the variables of characteristics of
individual (years of service with p = 0.011; and ability with p = 0.008) and variable
of psychoilogy (attitude with p = 0.002) had influence on the performance of the
Maternal and Child Health Workers while the variables of characteristics of
individual (age with p = 0.164), variable of psychoilogy (motivation with p = 0.204),
and variable of work load (p = 0.045) did not have any influence on the performance
of the Maternal and Child Health Workers.
The management of Pematangsiantar Municipal Health Service is suggested
to proportionally assign the Maternal and Child Health Workers based on their years
of services that the equal placement of junior and senior Maternal and Child Health
Workers can be achieved, and to improve the ability of the Maternal and Child
Health Workers by routinely supervising and giving them a chance to attend trainings

and higher education level.

Keywords: Performance, Maternal and Child Health Worker, Antenatal

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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