Teori Kondisioning Klasik

Teori Kondisioning Klasik (KK)
Muna Erawati

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Sekilas tentang Penemu
• Tokoh: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
• Ahli fisiologis (S1 kedokteran) yang mendapat
Nobel Prize karena kontribusinya dalam
bidang pencernaan.
• Tetapi dunia lebih mengingatnya karena
eksperimennya pada proses belajar dasar—
yang ditemukan secara tidak sengaja.

Eksperimen Pavlov
• Pavlov sedang meneliti sekresi dan salivasi pada
anjing ketika berhadapan dengan berbagai jenis
makanan. Selama proses eksperimen, dia
mengamati bahwa sekresi dan salivasi terjadi
pada anjing sebelum ia memakan makanan. Si

anjing sudah mengalami sekresi dan salivasi
ketika mendengar suara langkah kaki
• Pavlov melihat, bahwa respon anjing tersebut
bukan hanya hasil dari proses biologis (rasa lapar)
semata, melainkan merupakan hasil belajar.

Hakikat KK
• KK adalah jenis belajar yang memanfaatkan
stimulus netral untuk mempengaruhi respon
setelah dipasangkan dengan stimulus yang
secara alamiah mengakibatkan respon.

Konsep-konsep Kunci dalam KK:
1. Neutral stimulus: a stimulus that, before
conditioning, does not naturally bring about
the response of interest. Unconditional
2. Stimulus (UCS): a stimulus that naturally
brings about a particular response without
having been learned.

3. Unconditioned Response (UCR): a response
that is natural and needs no training (e.g.
salivation at the smell of food)

4. Conditioned Stimulus (CS): a once-neutral
stimulus that has been paired with an UCS to
bring about a response formerly caused only
by the UCS
5. Conditioned Response (CR): a response that
after conditioning, follows a previously neutral
stimulus (e.g. salivation at the ringing of a

Prinsip-prinsip kunci dalam KK
• The sequence and timing of the presentation
of the UCS and CS sangat penting.
• Yang paling efektif: just before the UCS
presented, the SC had to presented (between
half second and several seconds, depending
on what kind of response is being


Lanjutan Prinsip…
• Extinction: a basic phenomenon of learning
that occurs when a previously conditioned
response decreases in frequency and
eventually disappears.
• Spontaneous recovery: the re-emergence of
an extinguished conditioned response after a
period of a rest and with no further

The End of This Part