The Flouting Maxims Used by The Main Character In Magic Hour movie.


The Flouting Maxims Used By The Main Character In

‘’Magic Hour’’



Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Aminatur Rizkiyah Reg. Number : A33213057




The Flouting Maxims Used By The Main Character In

‘’Magic Hour’’



Aminatur Rizkiyah








Rizkiyah, Aminatur. 2017. The Flouting Maxim Used by the Main Character In magic Hour, Movie. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Key Terms : Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxims, Magic Hour.

This thesis analyzed the flouting maxim used by the main character in magic hour movie. Flouting maxims is the situation where in the speakers cause misunderstanding on their participants’ part or to achieve some other purposes in conversation. There are four types of flouting maxims; they are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of relevant and flouting maxim of manner.

The flouted maxims not only can be found in daily life such as advertisement in Radio, television, news paper or magazine. But also, it can be found in the novel, short story, drama or movie. The writer choosed to analyze flouting maxims in a movie the title ‘’magic hour’’ because, this movie interesting object that content of lovely, family, and friendly. And also this movie many conversation so it made easy to analyze the flouted maxims by the main character in ‘’Magic Hour’’ movie.

The writer used Grice’s theory to analyze the flouting maxim in this study. The writer analyzed about the types of flouting maxims and the purposes of flouting maxims by the main character in ‘’Magic Hour’’ movie. The data in this research was utterances of conversation from ’’magic hour’’ movie that included flout maxims. The source of data was a movie directed by Asep Kusdinar 2015 untitled ‘’magic hour’’. The movie was download from ‘’Youtube’’.

In addition, the writer found all the types of flouting maxims by the main character. In this research, the writer found 21 utterances that flouted by the main character. They was 2 flouted maxim of quality, 5 flouted maxim of quantity, 12 flouted maxim of relevant and 2 flouted maxim of manner. There was some purposes why the main character used the flouting maxim. They was to hide something, to give more explanation, to stress something, to avoid talking about something, to change the conversation topic, to avoid the bad situation, to annoy, to get explanation and to be clear.

Thus the writer concluded that the flouting maxims the deep was important to make communication goes smooth. When people understand the deep meaning of what speaker say, misunderstanding will not occur in the end of conversation



Rizkiyah, Aminatur. 2017. The Flouting Maxim Used by the Main Character In magic Hour, Movie. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Key Terms : Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxims, Magic Hour.

Thesis ini menganalis tentang pelanggaran maksim yang digunakan oleh tokoh utama dalam film magic hour. Penulis menggunakan teori grice tentang pelanggaran maksim. Pelanggaran maksim adalah orang yang dengan sengaja berhenti mematuhi cooperative principle. Ada empat macam flouting maxim yaitu pelanggaran maksim of quality, pelanggaran maksim of quanity,pelanggaran maksim of relevant dan pelanggaran maksim of manner.

Penulis memilih untuk menganalisis pelanggaran maksim karena fenomena ini sering terjadi disekitarnya. oleh karena, itu penulis membahas tentang macam-macm pelanggaran maksim apa saja yang digunakan oleh tokoh utama dalam film magic hour dan apa tujuan tokoh utama melakukan pelanggaran maksim. Penilis menganalisis pelanggaran maksim untuk membantu pembaca memperbaiki ketepatan berbahsa saat melakukan komunikasi terutama saat melakukan pelanggaran. Berdasarkan alasan diatas, Thesis ini mengguakan descriptive analysis untuk menjelaskan data menggunakan Grice theory. Magic hour sebagai sumber data. ecakapan dan ungkapan sebagai data yang mana penulis telah menulis percakapan dari film ini.

Penulis menemukan semua type pelanggaran maxim yang digunakan oleh tokoh utama dalam film magic hour. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menemukan 21 pelanggaran maksim. diantaranya, 2 pelanggaran maksim of quality, 5 pelanggaran maksim of quantity, 12 pelanggaran maxim of relevant dan 2 pelanggaran maksim of manner. Selain itu, penulis juga menemukan tujuan mengapa tokoh utama dalam film ini melakukan pelanggaran maksim. yaitu untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu, memberikan banyak penjelasan, menekankan sesuatu, menghindari topic yang sedang dibicarakan, mengganti topic pembicaraan, menghindari situasi yang buruk, untuk mendapatkan penjelasan yang jelas. Jadi penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pelanggaran maksim sangat penting untuk membuat komunikasi berjalan lancar. Saat seseorang memahami makna dari apa yang pembicara katakan, kesalah pahaman tidak akan muncul diakhir pembicara.



Cover Page…..……….…….i

Inside Cover Page…….……….ii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page………….……….…iii

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page…….………...…………iv





Table Of Content ………..……….x



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study………..1

1.2Research Problem……….…7

1.3Objective of The Study………7

1.4Significance of the Study……….8

1.5Scope and Limitation………...8

1.6Definition of The Key Terms………..….9


2.2 Grice’s Cooperative Principle………11

2.2.1 Maxim of Quality………12

2.2.2 Maxim of Quantity………..12

2.2.3 Maxim of Relevant………...13

2.2.4 Maxim of Manner………....14

2.3 Flouting cooperative principle………..………..14


3.1 Research Design………..………...20

3.2 Research Focus………...20

3.3 Data Collection………...21

3.4 Data Instrument……….………...21

3.5 Data Analysis……….22


4.1.1 The Type of Flouting Maxim………..24 Flouting Maxim of Quality………..24 Flouting Maxim of Quantity………....26 Flouting Maxim of Relevant………31 Flouting Maxim of Manner………..42

4.2 The purposes of Flouting Maxim………...……....43

4.3 Discussion………..……61


5.2 Suggestion………..………...64





This chapter presents background of study, research problems, Objective of the study, Significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of The Study

Language is a system to transfer and inform something through a communication. The people used language to inform, to express their idea, and to build up their social relationship. Language is important things for human being to maintain their life. Saussure’s (1974) theory can prove the statement above, he states that ‘’language is a system of sign that express ideas, and it is therefore comparable to a system of writing. The alphabet of deaf-mutes, symbolic rites, polite formulas, military signals, etc. ’’(p. 16). Language is the most important tool for us to communicate with other people, in writing, gesturing, or speaking.

According to Bloomer (2005) Language becomes an important aspect in human life. Language used to communicate, and to convey messages to the others. Language cannot be separated from human life since it is a means of communicate. We use language to ask for and give information. We also use it to express indignation and annoyance as well as admiration and respect (Holmes, 1992: 2). So language is very important for everybody to communicate each other.



Communication is also very important in maintaining and establishing good relationship with others and sharing information.

Usually, when the people communicate with each other, they never think what their conversation successful or no and what the listener understand or no what they are talking. So, in doing conversation the speaker and the hearer have to make a successful communicate in order to create a good understanding between them. Their conversation can be successful when the speaker and listener make the cooperative principle in the communication. To make a cooperative principle they must be obey the rules of being a good conversation itself. It must be informative, true, relevant, and clear. The people need a cooperative principle to make the conversation runs well and to get the good communication.

The cooperative principle is the study about pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study about the speaker meaning and how more is communicate than is said. According Levinson (1985) stated that pragmatics is the study of the relation between language and context that are basic an account of language understand. (p. 2). To make the communication be cooperative there is a theory cooperative principle which introduced by Grice (1975) as stated by Grundy (2000) in his book that ‘’Grice argued that speaker intends to be cooperative when they talk. One way of being cooperative principle is for a speaker is to give as much information as is expected’’ (p. 73). According to Levinson (1983), ‘’Cooperative principle is a set of general rules to describe how participants’ cooperate’ in conversation to achieve smooth and efficient interaction’’ (p.101).



Cooperative principle has strong relation with the ‘four rules’ in communication, those are maxims. Maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevant, and maxim of manner make the speaker transfer the information clearer to the hearer. Those four rules can make the conversation run well. And when the speaker does not obey that rules in order to create an extra meaning, that’s what call the flouting maxims. The Flouting a maxim is a particular salient way of getting addressee to draw an inference and hence recover an implicature. (Grundy, 2000: 78).

The flouting maxims happen commonly in daily life when someone wants to show expressions or say something which they cannot or can say in order to create an implicature. According to Grice in Jaworski and Coupland stated that in a conversation, sometimes people can exploit the maxims to create some implicatures (2000:99). According to Grices in Brown and Yule that the flouting maxims results in the speaker conveying, in addition to the literal meaning of his utterance, an additional meaning, which is a conversational implicature (1983:32)

The flouting maxims can be found in daily life as like in advertising. Advertising can be found in Radio, television, news paper or magazine. Advertising is any controlled form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor that is used to inform and persuade the selected market (Bolen, 1984:4). Advertising is not only to inform the product, but also to attract and get more consumers by using slogan. Every



allows the advertisers to use their propagandas message that, usually contain implied meaning since it is a systematic effort to influence people’s opinions, to win them over to certain view or side and to wider the range of the target market. This phenomenon in daily life often referred to as flouting maxims. The advertisers blatantly disobey Gricean maxims of efficient communication because they must do so with the intention of attracting consumers to pay attention to the advertised product.

The flouted maxims may exist not only in a daily life conversation but also in novel, short story, drama or movie. The researcher uses the movie as object study. In this study , the researcher want to show the types of flouting maxims and the purposes of flouting maxims by the main character in ‘’magic hour’’movie. This movie is which one the movie Indonesia in 2015 that adapted from the novel the title Magic Hour : Let In The Unexpected By Tisa TS and directed by Asep Kusdinar. This movie is Drama romantic which is story about a Girl that be trapped between two choose. She has to choose between love and friendly.

The researcher wants to show the plausibility of flouted maxims in a movie. It means that flouted maxims are not only used in a daily life conversation but also it’s used in a drama in movie. The flouting maxim choose to be study because, it can be knowledge and understand in the conversation that deliver the meaning when doing communication and it will be successfully transformation to the receiver. This object is important media which can give influences directly toward the audience whether it will deliver bad or good.



The writer interests to analyses this movie because there are many conversations in this movie. From this conversation, the researcher can distinguish the types of flouting maxims and the purposes of flouting maxims by the main character. And also, the researcher choose analyses flouting maxims in this movie because, this phenomenon happened in the around her. She thinks that it easy to analyze the types of flouting maxims in magic hour movie. The flouting maxim is one of this study about daily conversation and movie is one of short story that represent our daily life. In this study, the researcher wants to know what the types of flouting maxims and the purposes of flouting maxims by the main character in this movie. Usually The flouting maxim used in movie such as personal secret to hiding or just kidding, to give exploration and deeper understanding toward the flouting maxim.

The researcher found the some previous studies. The first, Riski Aprilia Sukarno (2015), she was a student of UINSA Surabaya. In Her study the title ‘’ Flouting Of Conversation Maxim Uttered By Characters In Fast Five Movie’’. In this research, the writer used movie as the object and used Grice’s theory to analyze flouting maxim in this movie. The writer analyzed flouting maxim by four characters they are Dom, Brian, Vince, Ant and Tej. The writer also found the reason why the characters used flouting maxim in this movie they are angry, worry, scare, happy, peevish, disappoints, and ambitious.

The second, Mufidah (2014), a student of UINSA Surabaya. Entitled ‘’The Flouting of Maxims By The Characters in The Conversation in “You Touched



short story as the object. In this research, the researcher focuses on the maxims which are flouted by the characters in this short story. The writer only found three flouting maxim they are flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim, of relevant, flouting maxim of manner. And also, the writer analyzed purpose flouting maxim by the characters such as to explaining more about something, stressing something, give unnecessary additional information, and to avoid talking about something.

The last, Wafirotul Fami (2015) UINSA Surabaya. In this study the title’’ Flouting The Maxim used By the Characters in Frozen Movie’’. In this study the researcher used the movie as object study. She analyzed flouting maxim by the characters in this movie, they are Elsa, Ana, Sven, Mother (as the Queen), (Father as the King), Duke, Servant, Prince Hans, and Olaf (a creation from snow that created by Elsa) as the figurant of characters. In this study the researcher found the four flouted maxim. They are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of relation and flouting maxim of manner. From the context of situation the researcher analyzes the data in term of field, tenor, and mode by used Halliday’s theory.

From the some previous studies, in this study there are some different from others. In the previous studies, there are two previous study used movie and one previous study used a short story as object study. They analyzed the types of flouted maxims by all characters. Whereas, in this study analyses the types of flouting maxims and the purposes of flouting maxims by only one character in other movie. And also the purposes why flouted the maxims by the main



character in ‘’magic hour’’ movie. Based on the explanation above, this research purposed.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the description of the background above, the researcher has 2 problems to answer as follows:

1. What are the types of flouting maxims by the main character in Magic Hour movie?

2. What are the purposes of flouting maxims by the main character in Magic Hour movie?

1.3Objective of the study

Based on the problem above, the objective of the study is aimed:

1. To describe the types of flouting maxims by the main character in magic hour movie

2. To describe the purposes of flouting maxims by the main character in magic hour movie



1.4Significance of the study

The significance of the study is to give contributions in pragmatics study. The finding of the study is expected to be references or alternative information about how to apply pragmatics study especially in how to analyze flouting maxims in Magic Hour movie. The result of this study is expected to give exploration and deeper understanding toward flouting maxims in this movie. This study also expected to be a reference and alternative information for other researchers in conducting research in this area. In other words, I hope the result of this study can enrich the knowledge and add the new example object that can be analyzed by flouting maxim. So, the other researcher can easily to do the research. Furthermore, the researcher hope this study can raise the reader’s knowledge and understanding in predicting the conversation that deliver the meaning when doing communication and it will be successfully transform to the receiver. The research is also expected to arouse curiosity and interest in other linguistics and students of linguistics to make further research on this kind of study.

1.5 Scope and limitation

The research focuses on the flouting maxims in the conversation (utterances) its context and also the purposes of flouting the maxims by the main character in magic hour movie. The researcher uses the Grice’s theory of conversational maxims in analyzing the conversations to determine the flouted of maxims in four ways they are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of relevant and flouting maxim of manner.



The researcher chooses this movie as object because, in this movie many conversation so, it easy to analysis the type of flouting maxims in this movie. Furthermore, flouting maxims is one of this study about daily conversation and movie is one of short story that represent our daily life. In this study, the researcher analyzed what the type the Flouting of Maxims and the purposes of flouting maxims in this movie. Usually The flouting maxim used in a movie such as personal secret to hiding or just kidding, to give exploration and deeper understanding toward the flouting maxim.

1.6 Definition of the key terms

In order to avoid any misunderstanding of the key term and to make them clearer, I would like to give certain definition of the key term use in this study. The key terms are provides as follows:

1. Pragmatics : Pragmatics is the study of the relation between language and context that are basic account of language understand. (Levinson, 1985:2).

2. Cooperative principle : Cooperative principle is a set of general rules to describe how participants’ cooperate’ in conversation to achive smooth and efficient interaction. ( Levinson, 1983 : 101).

3. Flouting maxims : A particular way of getting addressee to draw an inference and hence recover an implicature. (Grundy, 2000 : 7).


Chapter II


Theoritical Framework

In this study, the writer needs a tool to achieve the purpose of the study itself. The researcher uses pragmatics as the grand theory then discussed Grice’s theory of cooperative principle it is maxim which connect with the flouting maxim. The tool is a theory of Grice’s maxims cooperative principle which is used to identify utterances produced by the main character in magic hour movie.

2.1 Pragmatics

According to Levinson (1983) pragmatics is the study of language usage. It is a part of linguistic study which learns how language as a code relating to its context helps the hearer in interpreting what the speaker implies.

According to Leech (1983), people cannot really understand the nature of the language itself unless they understand pragmatics. One of the linguistics purposes of pragmatic is the study of meaning in relation to speech situation. Based on this purposes, the speaker can choose the language for social interaction and understand the effect of their utterance choices. Besides, pragmatics is important because in a communication, speaker and hearer attempt to solve problem.



Speaker’s problem is how to achieve his/her goal in communicating something. In contrast, the hearer tries to understand what the speaker‘s goals in his speech.

According to Grundy (2000), pragmatics is about explaining how we produce and understand the language which is used in communication everyday but apparently rather peculiar uses of language (p. 3). Pragmatics is how the people use good language, follows the rules of language, understand the utterances, and be responsible for what they say. It can help people to understand about what the speaker means.

2.2 Grice’s Cooperative Principle

Grice (1989) advises cooperative principle which makes the conversational contribution is in the right size and agrees with the accepted purpose of the conversation a speaker is connected. Grice states that cooperative principle ‘’make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged ’’(p 26). It means that a speaker need to be as informative as is requires based on the context of the conversation so that communication will be successful.

To make the principle acceptable, Grice (1989) generates the principle into four conversational categories or maxim that will result in accordance with cooperative principle (p. 26). The categories are:



2.2.1 Maxim Of Quality

a. Do not say what you believe to be false

b. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence maxim of quality suggests speakers to be true. It proposes a speaker to say what he believes to be true and not say something with less evidence. Black (2006) adds that ‘’this maxim has to do with the truth of an utterance’’ (p. 30).


Tika puts her hat on the sofa then, she goes to the bathroom. Fina outs from her room and looking the bag because she wants to go out. Fina found the hat on the sofa and takes it. After that, tika ask her Fina.’’

Tika : do you find my hat?

Fina : yes. I find your hat on the sofa then I take it.

Fina really takes the hat, so it completes the maxim of quality because Fina to do it and she tells the truth.

2.2.2. Maxim of Quantity

a. Make your contribution as informative as it required



Those mean that maxim of quantity suggests speakers to be brief. It proposes a speaker to contribute as informative as a required and not to contribute too much or too little information than is required. Black (2006) added that ‘’this maxim requires that we offer the appropriate amount information ’’ ( p. 29) ’’. Example:

A : where is the nearest hospital? B : it is in front of the post office

A ask B where is the nearest hospital. B understands that the nearest hospital from the place they are talking is in front of the post office. It fulfills the maxim of quantity. It is because, B answer is informative and explicit that the hospital is near with it place where the conversation is taken.

2.2.3 Maxim of Relevance a. Be relevance

b. Maxim of relevance proposes speakers to be relevant. A speaker has to say something related to the topic.


A : how was the scenery? B : it was amazing

The conversation above is clear enough, between the answer and the question is relevant.



2.2.4 Maxim of Manner

a. Avoid obscurity of expression b. Avoid ambiguity

c. Be brief ( avoid unnecessary prolixity) d. Be orderly

Maxim of manner suggest speaker to be clear. It means that a speaker needs to say briefly, orderly, and avoid obscurity and ambiguity. Black (2006) stated that ’’the maxim refers not to what said, but to how it express ’’(p. 30).


Dewi : when will you go to Surabaya? Anton : tomorrow

Dewi : what time you will go to Surabaya Anton : at 08.00

The conversation is clear without the appearance of misunderstanding. It was perfectly brief and well ordered. Those all how maxims work in cooperative principle, after understanding it all, the researcher lets to know the connection between the cooperative principle and maxim, and also conversational implicature. According to Grice (1989 : p.30)

2.3 Flouting the cooperative principle

Flouting the cooperative principle is happened on some occasions. The speakers do the flouting intend their hearer to understand what the speaker’s flouting about. A flout occurs when a speaker blatantly fails to observe a maxim,



not with any intention of deceiving or misleading, but because the speaker wants to the hearer to look for the meaning which is different from, or in addition to the expressed meaning. It takes place when individuals deliberately cease to apply the maxims the persuade their listeners to infer the hidden meaning behind the utterances that is, the speaker employ’’ implicature ‘’(S.C Levinson, 1983, p.104).

Grundy (2000) states in his book that flouting is a particular silent way of getting an addressee to draw an inference and hence recover an implicature .(p.78). It also said by Cutting ( 2002) that flouting maxims is when the speakers appear not to follow the maxim but expect hearers to appreciate the meaning implied (p. 37). Thomas stated that flouting maxim occur when speaker blatantly fails to observe a maxim to the level of what is said, with the deliberate intention of generating an implicature. ( Thomas, 1995 : 65 ).

Usually flouting maxim occurs in daily conversation such as in daily life. But also can be found in movie, novel or short story. It is done by people because some purposes, such as they want to create a humorous in their communication or they want to say something.

1.3.1 Flouting Maxim of quality

Flouting maxim of quality occur when the speaker says something which is blatantly untrue or for which she lacks evidence (Thomas, 1995 : 67). The participant can be mentioned flouted the maxim of quality when the speaker implies the information which is not suitable with the fact.

A : do you take my book on the table? B : I don’t take your book



In this conversation B not give clear answer. Actually B took his book on the table but, he

does not give information clear to A.

2.3.2 Flouting Maxim of quantity

Cutting (2002) stated that ‘’the speaker who flouts the maxim quantity sees to give too little or too much information’’ (p.37). It means that the speaker may give information not as it requires.


Tomi : where do you buy it bag?

Doni : in the supermarket, it is very nice and cheep

Doni answered and he giving all the information that his bag very nice and cheep. Tomi only needs information where the place he buy it bag but he give more said.

2.3.3 Flouting Maxim of Relation

Cutting (2002) if the speaker flouted the maxim of relation, The speaker expect that the hearers will be able to imagine what the utterance did not say, and make connection between their utterance and preceding one. The speaker flouted the maxim of relation when he/she does not give a response within the topic which is being discussed. (p. 39). Here the example:

Jo : can you dinner with me this night?



The answered above not connection with the question. So that make the conversation not runs well. Jo asked Jeni that he want to invite her to join diner with him. But she not answer yes or no but give the reason she is very tired it can conclude that she can’t to join with him.

2.3.4 Flouting Maxim of Manner

According to Cutting (2002), the speaker flouted the maxim of manner, because he/she appears utterance which to be obscure or ambiguous. (p. 39). So, the speaker flouted the maxim of manner when the speaker deliberately fails to observe the maxim by not being brief, using obscure language, not being orderly or using ambiguity.


Nina : where are you off too ?

Roy : I was thinking of going out to get some of that funny white stuff for somebody

Nina : ok, but don’t be long dinner nearly ready

Roy speaks in an ambiguous way saying ‘’that funny white stuff for somebody’’ because he is avoiding saying ‘ice-cream’ and ‘Michelle’ so that his little daughter does not become and ask the ice cream before her meal. Sometimes writers play with heighten words the ambiguity



1.4 Previous studies

This study has analysis by some people. In previous study, as I know that there are three people who analysis about the fluting maxim. The first, Riski Aprilia Sukarno (2015), she was a student of UINSA Surabaya. In Her study the title ‘’ Flouting of conversation Maxim Uttered used by characters In Fast Five Movie’’. In this research, the writer used movie as the object and used Grice’s theory to analyze flouting maxim in this movie. The writer analyzed flouting maxim by four characters they are Dom, Brian, Vince, Ant and Tej. The writer also found the reason why the characters used flouting maxim in this movie they are angry, worry, scare, happy, peevish, disappoints, and ambitious.

The second, Mufidah (2014), a student of UINSA Surabaya. Entitled ‘’The Flouting of Maxims By The Characters in The Conversation in “You Touched Me, A Short Story By D.H. Lawrence’’. In this research, the researcher used short story as the object. In this research, the researcher focuses on the maxims which are flouted by the characters in this short story. The writer only found 3 flouting maxim they are flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim, of relevant, flouting maxim of manner. And also, the writer analyzed purpose flouting maxim by the characters such as to explaining more about something, stressing something, give unnecessary additional information, and to avoid talking about something.



The last, Wafirotul Fami (2015) UINSA Surabaya. In this study the title’’ Flouting The Maxim used By the Characters in Frozen Movie’’. In this study the researcher used the movie as object study. She analyzed flouting maxim by the characters in this movie, they are Elsa, Ana, Sven, Mother (as the Queen), (Father as the King), Duke, Servant, Prince Hans, and Olaf (a creation from snow that created by Elsa) as the figurant of characters. In this study the researcher found the four flouted maxim. They are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of relation and flouting maxim of manner. From the context of situation the researcher analyzes the data in term of field, tenor, and mode by used Halliday’s theory.




This chapter contains of research methodology. It includes research design, data instrument, data and data sources, data collection and data analysis

3.1 Research Design

Surakhmad (1994 : 139) stated that descriptive method is a ways of research using of technique of searching, collecting of classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting and making conclusion. In this, study the researcher used descriptive method which described all of utterance in the conversation used by characters in ‘’Magic Hour’’ Movie that included the types of flouted maxims and the purposed of flouting maxims used by the main character in magic hour movie. The researcher used Grice’s theory about cooperative principle to analyzed the utterances that flouted maxim by the main character.

3.2 Data Instrument

According to Parahoo (1997 : 52) stated that data instrument is a tool used to collect the data. An instrument is a tool designed to measure knowledge attitude and skills. In qualitative research, the researcher is the primary instrument. As stated by Bogdan and Biklen (1982: 97), the researcher himself/herself is the key instrument of qualitative research. In accordance with Bogdan and Biklen,

20 20



Lincoln and Guba (in Vanderstoep and Johnston, 2009: 188) state that the best instrument for qualitative is human. Therefore, the researcher used descriptive qualitative which had person as the instrument. In this research, the exact instrument to acquire and analyzed the data collection is the writer herself, some notes, personal computer and some utterances that flouted maxims by the main character in the movie. In other words the writer watched and understood the movie, selected, analyzed and took some utterances that flouted maxim by the main character. And also took note which connected with the theory that used in this research.

3.3 Data and Data sources

The data in this research was utterance of conversation from ’’magic hour’’ movie that included flout maxims. The source of data was a movie directed by Asep Kusdinar 2015 untitled ‘’magic hour’’. The movie was gotten from ‘’Youtube’’.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

The data of this research are those utterances that include in flouting maxims by the main character in ‘’magic hour movie’’. The writer started to collect the data right after she found the appropriate character to be the object of this research. In collecting the data, the writer did several steps such as:

1. Browsing and downloading the movie of ‘’Magic Hour’’’ and script from’’ internet’’.



2. Watching and reading the script of the movie until finish and checked the utterances by the main character.

3. Collecting the word, sentence, utterances or expressions then selected and identified the conversations which were flouted maxims by the main character

3.5 Data Analysis

According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982:145) stated that data analysis is working with data which includes classifying, understanding the data, and determining the data that will be presented. In analyzing the data, the writer did several steps:

1. Finding all the types of flouting maxims used by the main character in ‘’magic hour’’ movie.

2. Collected and classified all the types of flouting maxims by the main character in ‘’magic hour ’’movie.

3. Analyzed the types of flouted maxims and the purposes of flouted maxims by the main character in ’’magic hour’’’ movie.




This study focus on the types of flouting maxim used by the main character and the purposes why the main character flouted the maxim in magic hour movie. The main point of this chapter is to answer the statement of problem in chapter one. In this chapter, the data are taken from the conversation which uttered by the main character in magic hour movie. The researcher takes data only informing of utterances which include into flouting maxim field.

4.1 Findings

In magic hour movie there are some characters but, the researcher only focus to the main character. In this study the main character in magic hour movie often flout the maxims. The researcher finds that the main character flouted the four maxims in this movie. They are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of relevant and flouting maxim of manner.

In this section, the researcher focuses on the types of flouting maxim. That is found 21 utterances that flouted maxim by the main character. Besides that, the researcher also analyzed the purposes flout the maxim by the main character. There are some purposes flouted the maxim by the main character. They are to hiding something, to give more explanation, to stressing something, to avoid talking about something, to change the conversation topic, to avoid the bad situation, to annoying, to get explanation and to be clear.



4.1.1 The type of flouting maxim

There are four types of flouting maxim by the main character in this movie. They are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of relevant and flouting maxim of manner. In this research, the researcher found 21 flouted maxim by the main in this movie. 2 flouted maxim of quality, 5 flouted maxim of quantity, 12 flouted maxim of relevant and 2 flouted maxim of manner. Flouting maxim of quality

The flouting maxim of quality occur when the speaker says something which is blatantly untrue or for which speaker lacks evidence (Thomas, 1995 : 67). The participant can be mentioned flouted the maxim of quality when speaker implies the information which is not suitable with the fact. The pattern below that includes flouting maxim of quality was data 4 and data 17.


This conversation was taken between Gweni and Raina in the living room. 07 : 34 – 09 : 15

GWENI : Rain! How do if you calling Dimas then you invite him to meet you tomorrow?



GWENI : This is Dimas’s number phone that given by my Mom yesterday. My Mom thinks that I always calling with him. Where is your phone?

RAINA : in the bad room GWENI : you lie!

In this conversation, flouted the maxim by Raina when she gave untrue information. Gweni ask her to calling Dimas to invite to meet her tomorrow. But, Raina not agree with her. She gave the reason to her that she can not to meet him tomorrow. She said that ’’Tomorrow but, I have many other important’’. It can be concluded that she flouted the maxim. Because of she did not give true information. It also occur when she answer that her phone in the badroom. At the time, Gweni ask her.’’ Where is your phone?’’ then Raina give unclear information. She said that her phone in the badroom whereas, her phone in the bag on the table in living room.


In this conversation taken when Dimas visited to her house 57 – 56 : 45

DIMAS : I will into to your house then I will to tell all about us to your aunt. I will also say that I want to get merried with you.

RAINA : Don’t do it please! Actually, I want to say that I don’t love you DIMAS : Lie!

RAINA : No!!! I don’t love you. You may hate me. Up to you, your free angry me.



In this scene, Raina did not give true explanation about her felling. She said that’’ she doesn’t love him’’. There was something hide by her so that, it make she did not brave to give true answer about her feeling. It make she flouted maxim of quality. Flouting maxim of quantity

The speaker who flouts the maxim quantity sees to give too little or too much information’’ (Cutting, 2002 : 37) It means that the speaker may give information not as it requires. It means that the speaker flout the maxim of quantity. When the speaker flouted the maxim of quantity, it will cause of the Communication can’t run well. In magic hour movie there are some utterances are flouted by giving more information. Below are some pattern flouting maxim of quantity. The pattern below that includes flouting maxim of quantity was data 3, 6, 9, 10, 16.


This conversation taken when Raina and gweni stay in the house

07 : 51 – 08 : 21

RAINA : uuuhh!

GWENI : are you oke Rain? RAINA : yes, I’am Ok! GWENI : are you serious? RAINA : yes!



GWENI : I think you have to scan. I afraid you are not fine RAINA : I am fine. It is only a common headache

GWENI : ok. It’s good if you are fine

In this scene when Gweni ask about Raina condition, Gweni asked’’ I

afraid there is something happen to you. Are you fine ?’’ but, Raina answered

that’’ I’am fine. It is only common headache. Her answer occur flouted maxim because she give more information that it’s only common headache.


This conversation between Raina and Tobi in a CAFÉ

12: 50 – 13 : 14

RAINA : ok! Next TOBI : Next, what?

RAINA : you say that you want to next to tell for me. Lest to tell for me. Oh Maybe you can’t move on from you love it right?

TOBI : who?

RAINA : your love it! If you tell something it has to clear. Who is your love it. You never give know to me, who is she. No problem for me. Up to you and I don’t care. But, the most important is she girl?

In this scene, Tobi try to ask Raina who was her saying. Then she answer’’ your love it. If you tell something it has to clear. Who is your love it. You never give know to me, who is she. No problem for me. Up to you and I don’t care.



But, the most important is she girl?’’. Tobi question who was her saying but she answer then give more explanation. Here, Tobi only need one answer because, she only ask who is someone that mean by her. But, she give answer and more explanation. It can cause of there was many more explanation because, when Tobi tell something about his someone love, he never to give clear information. And she never give to know for her, Who is she. So it make she add explanation in her answer. It prove when she said ‘’ you never give know to me, who is she’’. So that the more answer by Raina make she flouted the maxim of quantity.


This conversation occurs by Raina and Gweni in the bad room

22 : 42 – 22 : 48

GWENI : is it Tobi’s Voice,Right?

RAINA : Yes! It is Tobi’s voice. He made the song itself. It is good right

This scene, she flout the maxim of quantity because, she give more information as not require. Here, Gweni only asked her ’’is it Tobi’s voice?’’ the, she answer’’ Yes! It is Tobi’s voice. He made the song itself. It is good right’’. She gave too much information’’ He made the song itself. It is good right’’. Whereas Gweni only ask is it Tobi’s voice or no. But she added information. So that it make she flout the maxim




In this conversation between Gweni and Raina by Phone

26: 05 – 26 : 47

GWENI : Hallo! Rain

RAINA : Hallo Gwen! Dimas came here Gwen

GWENI : it’s good! You have to pretend to be me and the most important you have to know all about him.

RAINA : but, I can do it. Suddenly I feel stomachache and all my hand is very cold. I feel afraid. Anyway we shouldn’t to lie. So, can I get out from here? GWENI : uh! Rain! You don’t fussy please! The most important you have to do all my asked to you. Understand!

In this scene, the conversation occur when Raina at a CAFE to meet Dimas. At the time she calling Gweni to give information that Dimas came to it place. Gweni said’’ You have to pretend to be me and the most important you

have to know all about him’’. Raina answered’’ but, I can do it. Suddenly I feel

stomachache and all my hand is very cold. I feel afraid. Anyway we shouldn’t to lie. So, can I get out from here?’’. In this answer she gave more information. She tried to give the reason why she can not to do it. She gave more explanation to her. Gweni did not ask yet about her reason. So, it make she flout the maxim in this conversation.




This conversation between Raina and Dimas in the flora’s Florist

54 : 51 – 55 : 5f

RAINA : what for do you come here? DIMAS : you don’t replay my message

RAINA : I don’t ask about last night. I ask about right now. What for do you come here?

DIMAS : to meet you

RAINA : you may come here for two important. The first, you may to come here to meet Gweni and the second, to buy flower.

DIMAS : when since do you talk about Gweni for me?

RAINA : since the first meet us. The first my purpose to meet you, it’s only to know all about you and what are you like For Gweni.

In this scene, Raina flouted the maxim. When Dimas asked her’’ When

since you talk about Gweni for me?’’. Then she answer’’ since the first meet us,

the first my purpose to meet you, it’s only to know all about you and what are you like for Gweni’’. In her answer she gave more explanation. She added explanation about the first purpose she met to him. From this answer, it can be concluded that she flouted the maxim because she give more explanation in her answer.


31 Flouting maxim of relevant

If the speaker utters about something but does not relation on the topic, it can be concluded that the speaker flouts the maxim of relation. As Grice’s theory that the maxim of relation ( be relevant ) is exploited by making a response or observation which is very obviously irrelevant to the topic in hand ( Thomas, 1995 : 70). The speaker flouted the maxim of relation when he/she does not give a response within the topic which is being discussed. Below there are 13 flouting maxim of relevant by the main. They are Data 1, 2, 5,8, 12, 13 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.


This conversation between Raina and Gweni in the house 00 : 11 – 01 : 05

GWENI : One hour again you have to arrive at CAFÉ MA PETIT. After arrive at CAFÉ you say to a waiter then you say that if you are Gweni and you just sit down on the chair that ordered on my name. In there you will meet a Man and I want to you attention to him and you have to know all about him.

RAINA : But,

GWENI : ssstt who miss you? RAINA : you

GWENI : who miss me? RAINA : me



In this scene, the conversation between Gweni and Raina occur by phone. At the time Raina there is in a CAFÉ to meet a man. Gweni ask Raina to pretend to be her and she also asked her to look for all about him. Then, Raina answered that ‘’BUT’’. Her answer not connection with Gweni’s said. Here, Gweni need answer YES or No. but she answer ‘’but’’. She gave irrelevant answer. So that, she make flouted the maxim in this conversation


This conversation between Raina and Nurse in the Hospital 02 : 59 – 03 : 17

NURSE : Hallo!!!

RAINA : Hallo! What happen to me?

NURSE : Occured accident for you. But, there is nothing serious injury. So, how are you your condition right now? Do you feel dizzy, queasy or backache? RAINA : I have to go right now!What may I go out now?

When a Nurse asked about Raina condition, she answered that she want to go out. this conversation the Raina answer not relevant with the question. In this conversation, a Nurse asked’’ how are you your condition? Do you feel dizzy,

queasy or backache?’’. Then She answered that’’ I have to go right now! May I

go out now?’’. Raina did not give true information about her condition but She talk about other topic. She flout the maxim because, She did not give response to Nurse Question.




This conversation between Tobi and Raina in a CAFÉ 11 : 56 – 12 : 26

TOBI : Rain! What happen to your forehead? RAINA : it’s common, whiz girl

TOBI : your cheek also injured. Why?

RAINA : I am hungry and thirsty. What’s your job is done? TOBI : yes.

In this scene, The conversation between Raina and Tobi not relation. When Tobi look at Raina’s forehead injured, he want to know why. So He asked’’

Raina! What happen to your forehead?’’. Raina answered’’ it’s common, whiz

girl’’. Her answer does not give true information about what happen to herself. She does not give answer and response to him question. She only said that’’ It’s common, whiz girl’’. It answered not relevant because, Tobi does not get true information from her. So that, she flout the maxim in this conversation. Beside that it also occurred when Tobi asked again to her.

TOBI : your cheek also injured. Why?

RAINA : I am hungry and thirsty. What’s your job is done?

Raina answer that she is hungry and thirsty. Whereas, him question is why her cheek injured. But she does not give true answer. She talked about other topic. It can prove when she said that she is hungry and thirsty. It can talk that she does not give information about happen to herself. And also she does not want to discussion about it. So that it make she answer flout the maxim




This conversation between Raina and Tobi in a CAFE 14 : 44 – 14 : 50

TOBI : who people that have your collision?

RAINA : what is it important to know who people collision me.

In this scene, Tobi want to know who people that have collusion her. This conversation, Raina did not give true information. She answered’’ what is it important to know who people collision me’’. She gave irrelevant answer so that, Tobi did not get who people collusion. It make she flout the maxim.


This conversation between Raina and Tobi on the road 30 : 04 – 30 : 28

DIMAS : Are you Ok?

RAINA : what? What for I there is in your car? Do you want to kidnap me?

DIMAS : I see you fainted on the road then I help you. Where will you go? RAINA : go home!

In this scene, the conversation occurred between Dimas and Raina on the road. At the time Raina fainted on the road. Then, Dimas help to her. When Raina aware, Dimas asked’’ Are you Oke?’’ but, Raina answered’’ what? What for I there is in your car? Do you want to kidnap me?’’. This conversation Raina did not give answer from Dimas question. She talked about other that it can



concluded that Raina flout the maxim. It occur because at the time, she feel shock and afraid. So that she did not give response to Dimas question.


This conversation between Tobi and Raina in Raina’s house

51 : 32 – 52 : 04

TOBI : Oh My God! You always like to rain. How if you are sick RAINA : what for do you come here in this night?

TOBI : why! Do you forbid me to come here? RAINA : Tobi! I’am no fighting with you please! TOBI : so, your think we only fated to fighting RAINA : what do you mean, you talk about fated

In this scene, Raina flout the maxim 2 more in this conversation. At the time, Tobi visited to her. He asked’’ how if you are sick?’’ Raina did not give response to him. She answered’’ what for do you come here in this night?’’. This conversation, between answer and question no connection. She also did not give response when Tobi asked ’’Why! Do you forbid me come here?’’. In this question, Tobi did not get true answer from Raina. Because, She answer ‘’ Tobi! Ia m no fighting with you please!’’. She gave answer with other topic and all her said is irrelevant answer.




This conversation between Raina and Tobi in front of Raina’s house 51 : 58 – 52 : 22

TOBI : Who did you meet? RAINA : I did not meet anyone

TOBI : Raina does not lie to me please! RAINA : I swear that I did not to meet anyone

TOBI : you lie. So, who people called with you. You said that you promise to meet the people it.

RAINA : Yes! But, that people did not come to meet me.

In this scene, Tobi want to know who people that promise to meet with her. Tobi asked’’ Who people called with you.You said that you promise to meet

the people it.’’. This question does not get true answer from Raina. She give

irrelevant answer. She answered “Yes! But, That people did not come to meet me. Her answer does not give true information because between question and answer no connection. So that, it make she flout the maxim. It occur flout because, when Tobi asked that who people that. He does not ask about what that people come or no. whereas, Raina give information that the people it did not come to meet her.




This conversation between Raina and Tobi in Raina’s house 52 : 40 – 53 : 22

Tobi : Raina! How if I love you Raina : What!

Tobi : how about you. If I love you Raina : ???

Tobi : why do you silent

Raina : Tobi I ask for you to go me now. I want to change clothes. I feel cold. Bye be carefull.

In this scene, Tobi said about her feeling to Raina. He said ‘’ Raina! How about you if I love you?’’ Raina only answer ’’What’’. It was irrelevant answer. Then Tobi said again ‘’ How about youIf I love you?’’. In this question, He did not give well response because, Raina nothing give well response. She silent! When Tobi asked to her why she silent, she answered ‘’ Tobi I ask for you to go home Now. I want to change clothes. I feel cold. Bye be carefull’’. In this answer also irrelevant answer. All her answer floute the maxim. Because, Tobi question did not get relevant answer.




This conversation between Raina and Tobi on the road 58 : 14 – 58 : 44

TOBI : So, you mean that you can’t accept to my love. What have you love to other people?

RAINA : No, it is nothing connection with other people.

TOBI : So what? What the reason so that make you can’t accept to my love

RAINA : ….(silent)

In this scene, Raina can’t accept Tobi love. So that it make him was hurt. He want to know why she can’t accept his love. Tobi ask ‘’ So what? What the reason so that make you can’t accept to my love’’. Raina did not give answer to his question. She only silent and nothing give answer to him. This answer make him confuse because, in this conversation she did not give response, she did not give nothing explanation. The answer can be conclude that she flout in this conversation because, she only silent and did not give response and nothing answer




RAINA : So, it is your reason so that make you to approach me. It cause of you feel guilty for me.

DIMAS : I approach you because, I love you RAINA : I dont need your pity

DIMAS : I love you Rain! I love you

RAINA : Go!!! You look at me now. I can’t see you again. I can see the person that I love. You go away!!

This scene, Dimas explain that she was the people who make Raina accident car. But also he gave explain that he inadvertent to do it. After she hear that, Raina feel angry to him. She thinks that Dimas approach her because he pity to her. Dimas gave explain to her that he approach her because, He love to her. Dimas said ‘’ I approach you because, I love you’’. But, Raina did not give response to his said. Raina said ‘’ I don’t need your pity’’. Dimas explain again that he love to her. He said’’ I love you Rain! I love you’’. Raina did not give response again to him said. It prove when she answer ‘’ Go!!! You look at me now. I can’t see you again. I can see the person that I love. You go away!!! She answered no relation so that in this conversation Raina flout maxim of relevant.




This conversation between Raina and Dimas in the Hospital 1 : 14 : 04 – 1 : 14 : 40

RAINA : I think, we would not meet again

DIMAS : I will always beside you to keep you. Don’t be cry because of you are the reason for someone to smile.

RAINA : I don’t hate you. I don’t hate you!!!

This scene, Raina meet Dimas in the hospital. She was crying. She is crying because, She thinks that she will not to meet with Dimas again. Then, Dimas ask her to don’t be cry. Dimas ask ‘’ I will always beside you to keep you.

Don’t be cry because of you are the reason someone to smile’’. Raina does not

give response to him said. She keep to crying and she answer that’’ I don’t hate you. I don’t hate you!!!’’. There was something that make she did not give response him said and does not give relation answer. It make she flout the maxim in this conversation.


In this conversation between Boy and Raina on the beach 1 : 19 : 15 – 1 : 21 : 32

RAINA : Will you remember that you ever say something to me? BOY : I think that ever I say something to you is very much. RAINA : Yes, But I think that this one you will not forget it.



BOY : What is it?

RAINA : You ever said to me that there is the beautiful something more than falling in love.

BOY : yes. Of course! The more beautiful something that falling in love is Dream. Because, it dream will be make us to thanks God for this live. That’s right?

RAINA : you are not Dimas BOY : RAINA

RAINA : actually who are you? BOY : RAIN!

RAINA : No, you go away now!

BOY : Ok! I will go now? You be carefully

RAINA : wait! I know with your beater. You always keep me on the road. You are not Dimas. But, why do your face same with Dimas?

In this scene, Raina ask him to repeat again about something that ever he said to her. when he answer about something that ever his said to her, it was not true. So that it make Raina feels angry to him. It can prove when Dimas said’’ yes.

Of course! The more beautiful something that falling in love is Dream. Because, it

dream will be make us to thanks God for this live. That’s right? ‘’ Raina did not

give response to him said. She answer ‘’ you are not Dimas’’. Here, Raina did not give response. Whereas, Dimas ask what her said it was true or no. but she answer



that’’ you are not Dimas. This is answer not relation. So that, it can be conclude that she flout the maxim.

She also flouted again when Dimas call her. But, she did not give response and true answer. He said’’ Raina!’’ but Raina answer ‘’ actually, who are you?’’. It was not relation. Then Dimas call her again. ’’Raina!’’ then she answer ‘’ No, you go away! All her answer not relevant and it can be conclude that all her answer in this conversation flouted the maxim of relevant. FLOUTING MAXIM OF MANNER

The speaker flout the maxim of manner because, he/she appears utterance which to be obscure or ambiguous (Cutting, 2002 : 39). It means that the speaker make a statement or information that unclear until the hearer can’t understand the intend meaning well. In flouting maxim of manner, the speaker can be ambiguity and the listener need clarification. In magic hour movie, the main character flouted the maxim of manner with giving obscurity expression and giving ambiguity. There are two flouting maxim of manner in this movie. They are Data 7 and 11. Below are all of pattern of flouting maxim of manner.


This conversation between Raina and Dimas in a CAFÉ 13 : 50 – 14 : 08

RAINA : I TOBI : ???



In this scene, Raina said ’’I love you’’. She did not make complete sentence. Beside that when she said to him, her expression not seriously. So that, it make Tobi confused to her said. He needs explanation about her said to him. When Raina continue her said, she said’’ I like to slap you’’. In this conversation, Raina’ said content ambiguous sentence. So that, it make the listener need true explanation.


This conversation between Dimas and Raina in a Café 27 : 40 – 28 : 04

DIMAS : gweni? RAINA : haa.. DIMAS : haa…

In this scene, Gweni ask Raina to meet Dimas and pretend to be herself. When Dimas came it the place, he called her name’ ’Gweni?’’ Raina feel shock and she answered’’ Ha…’’. The answer and it expression make Dimas confuse and also it make him shock. So that, he also said’’ Ha..’’. The conversation between Dimas and Raina flouted maxim of manner because the conversation unclear and ambiguous

4.2 The purposes of flouting maxim

As what have been explained above that there are some purposes why the speaker flouts the maxim. Below are going to be explained the purpose of the



speaker why she/he flouts the maxim on each flouted conversation. There are some purposes flouted the maxim by the main character. They are to give more explanation, to stressing something, to avoid talking about something, to change the conversation topic. To hiding something, to annoying, to avoid the bad situation, to get explanation and to be clear.

4.2.1 Flouted maxim of Quality

There is purpose why the speaker flouted the maxim of quality. It is to hiding something.


GWENI : Rain! How do if you calling Dimas then you invite him to meet you tomorrow?

RAINA : Tomorrow? But I have many other important

GWENI : This is Dimas’s number phone that given by my Mom yesterday. My Mom thinks that I always calling with him. Where is your phone?

RAINA : in the bad room GWENI : you lie

The purpose: The flouting maxim of quality by Raina is to hiding something. She did not give true answer that her phone there was in the bag that on the table. Whereas, she put her phone there was in the bad room. She did not give true information in order to Raina did not use her phone to call Dimas. And then asked Raina to meet him and pretend to be Gweni.



There was some the reason why Raina did not give her phone then she hiding her phone from Gweni. She afraid if Gweni call Dimas use her phone then he thinks that it is Gweni number. She does not agree if Gweni asked her to pretend to be herself. Because, she know that Dimas is a man that mate by Gweni’s mom. So that it have to lie and she give untrue information that she has many other important. It prove when she said ‘’ Tomorrow? But I have many other important’’. It is her reason to her. She also afraid Gweni’s mom will angry to her. If Gweni’s mom to know that she meet Dimas and pretend to be Gweni. So that she have to hiding her phone.


DIMAS : I will into to your house then I will to tell all about us to your aunt. I will also say that I want to get merried with you.

RAINA : Don’t do it please! Actually, I want to say that I don’t love you DIMAS : Lie!

RAINA : No!!! I don’t love you. You may hate me. Up to you, your free angry me.

The purpose: Raina flouted maxim to hiding something because she does not make Gweni hurt. Raina know that Dimas and Gweni mate by them parent. Then Dimas will betroth with Gweni. So that it make Raina hiding about her feeling to Dimas. When Dimas said to Raina that he love to her and he want to merried with her, Raina answer that she does not love to him. It prove when she said’’ No!!! I don’t love you. You may hate me. Up to you, your free angry me’’.



Raina give untrue information. She answer that she does not love to him. She hiding her feeling to him because she does not make her Friend (Gweni) is hurt. 4.2.2 The flouted maxim of quantity

There are purposes why Raina flout the maxim. They are to stressing something and to give more explanation.


RAINA : uuuhh!

GWENI : are you oke Rain? RAINA : yes, I am Ok! GWENI : are you serious? RAINA : yes!

GWENI : I think you have to scan. I afraid you are not fine RAINA : I am fine. It is just a common headache

GWENI : ok. It’s good if you are fine

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to stressing something. She doesn’t want to make Gweni panic to her. When Gweni asked her ‘’I afraid you are not

fine. She answered’’ I am fine. It is just a common headache’’. Raina give more

explanation to her to stressing something that ‘’ it is just common headache’’. So, she give more explanation because of, she doesn’t want to make Gweni panic to her condition so that she stressing to her that she is fine.




RAINA : ok! Next TOBI : Next, what?

RAINA : you say that you want to next to tell for me. Lest to tell for me. Oh Maybe you can’t move on from you love it right?

TOBI : who?

RAINA : your love it! If you tell something it has to clear. Who is your love it. You never give know to me, who is she. No problem for me. Up to you and I don’t care. But, the most important is she girl

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to give more explanation. Because she needs more information about the girl that always Tobi told to her. In this conversation Raina give more explanation because she need more true information actually who was a girl that he love. It can prove when she said’’ If you tell something it has to clear. Who is your love it. You never give know to me, who is she. No problem for me. Up to you and I don’t care. But, the most important is she girl’’.


GWENI : is it Tobi’s Voice,Right?



The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to give more explanation. She gave too much information to Gweni that Tobi make the song itself. She want to give know that Tobi can song and also he can make the good song itself. It can prove when she added information ‘’He made the song itself. It is good right.’’.


GWENI : Hallo! Rain

RAINA : Hallo Gwen! Dimas came here Gwen

GWENI : it’s good! You have to pretend to be me and the most important you have to know all about him.

RAINA : but, I can do it. Suddenly I feel stomachace and all my hand is very cold. I feel afraid. Anyway we shouldn’t to lie. So, can I get out from here? GWENI : uh! Rain! You don’t fussy please! The most important you have to do all my asked to you. Understand!

The purpose: to give more explanation to Gweni why she can’t to meet Dimas and pretend to be herself. She gave more explanation to give understand that she nerves and she did not brief to meet him. She nerves to meet Dimas and it can see from her face expression and her said.’’ all my hand is very cold’’. She also said that’’ can I get out from here?’’. Her said to make Gweni know that she did not want to meet with Dimas and she leave it place. Beside that she gave more explanation to stressing to her that she did not want to lie. Because of, lie it was not well.




RAINA : what for do you come here? DIMAS : you don’t replay my message

RAINA : I don’t ask about last night. I ask about right now. What for do you come here?

DIMAS : to meet you

RAINA : you may come here for two important. The first, you may to come here to meet Gweni and the second, to buy flower.

DIMAS : when since do you talk about Gweni for me?

RAINA : since the first meet us. The first my purpose to meet you, it’s only to know all about you and what are you like For Gweni.

The purpose: Raina give more explanation to make Dimas know that the first purpose she meet him it’s only to know all about him and what is he like for Gweni. She said’’ The first my purpose to meet you, it’s only to know all about you and what are you like For Gweni’’. She gave more explanation to give understanding to him that the first meet them, she never falling in love to him. Whereas the first she meet Dimas, Raina has feeling to him. She hiding her feeling because, she know that Dimas and Gweni will be betroth and also she does not want to make Gweni (her friends) is hurt.



4.2.3 Flouted maxim of relevant

There are some purposes why the speaker flouted the maxim. They are to change conversation topic, to avoid talking about something and to avoid the bad situation.


GWENI : One hour again you have to arrive at CAFÉ MA PETIT. After arrive at CAFÉ you say to a waiter then you say that if you are Gweni and you just sit down on the chair that ordered on my name. In there you will meet a Man and I want to you attention to him and you have to know all about him.

RAINA : But,

GWENI : ssstt who miss you? RAINA : you

GWENI : who miss me? RAINA : me

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to avoid the bad situation. Gweni ask her to come a café to meet a man then she have to pretend to be Gweni. But, Raina did not agree to do it. So that, it make she answered ’’. But,,’’. She flouted the maxim to avoid the bad situation. She afraid there was problem if she Dimas and Gweni’s mom know she lie pretend to be Gweni. So that, Raina answer ‘’but’’, because she want to make Gweni know that she want to give explanation to her that she can not to do it.




NURSE : Hallo!!!

RAINA : Hallo! What happen to me?

NURSE : Occured accident for you. But, there is nothing serious injury. So, how are you your condition right now? Do you feel dizzy, queasy or backache? RAINA : I have to go right now! What may I go out now?

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to change the conversation topic. She did not give response Nurse’s question. When Nurse ask her’’ how are you

your condition right now? Do you feel dizzy, queasy or backache?’’. She talked

about other topic. Here, Nurse asked about her condition. But, she does not give to response. She answered’’ I have to go right now! What may I go out now?’’. It was irrelevant answer. So that, it make she flout the maxim. She flouted the maxim to avoid talking other topic. Because of, at the time she has to meet Dimas in the CAFÉ. So that, when Nurse ask about her condition she talking other topic. She look at 10.30 pm and it make she confused. So that she give irrelevant answer. She change the conversation topic so Nurse gave allow to her to go out from the Hospital.


TOBI : Rain! What happen to your forehead? RAINA : it’s common, whiz girl

TOBI : your cheek also injured. Why?

RAINA : I am hungry and thirsty. What’s your job is done? : yes.



The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to avoid talking about something. She did not want to make Tobi apprehensive to her. So that she does not give true answer when Tobi asked’’ Rain! What happen to your forehead?’’. She only answer’’ it’s common, whiz girl’’. Beside that she also avoid talking about something when Tobi asked’’ your cheek also injured. Why?’’. But, Raina give relevant answer’’ I am hungry and thirsty. What’s your job is done?’’. It show that she avoid talking about something because she did not want to discussion this topic. She did not want Tobi know that she was accident. She afraid Tobi shock and add problem.


TOBI : who people that have your collision?

RAINA : what is it important to know who people collision me.

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to avoid the bad situation. She did not want to make Tobi panic and add the problem. So that, when Tobi asked her’’

who people that have your collision?’’ she does not give true answer who people

is. She answered ‘’ what is it important to know who people collision me’’. She gave explanation to him that no important to know who people is. It means that she doesn’t want to make Tobi panic and angry to people it. And also she did not want to make the bad situation. Beside that she did not give true information because, she did not know who was people it. Because, At the time Raina fainted.




DIMAS : Are you Ok?

RAINA : what? What for I there is in your car? Do you want to kidnap me?

DIMAS : I see you fainted on the road then I help you. Where will you go? RAINA : go home!

The purposes: Raina flout the maxim to change the conversation topic because she feel shock and confuse why suddenly she any in Dimas’ car. So that she flouted the maxim when Dimas ask her condition she did nott give true answer. ‘’ Are you Oke?’’. Raina did not give true answer but she change the conversation other topic. She said’’ what? What for I there is in your car? Do you want to kidnap me?’’. She did not give answer to Dimas question. But, She change the conversation other topic it cause of she need explanation from Dimas what happen to her and why can she is any in his car. She afraid because it was first time Raina met with him.


TOBI : Oh My God! You always like to rain. How if you are sick RAINA : what for do you come here in this night?

TOBI : why! Do you forbid me to come here? RAINA : Tobi! I am no fighting with you please! TOBI : so, your think we only fated to fighting RAINA : what do you mean, you talk about fated



The purpose: To change conversation the conversation topic. Raina feel bad mood. She was disappointed with Dimas because, he did not come to meet her. It can see from her said and her expression. When Tobi visited her, Tobi asked’’ How if you are sick’’. She doesn’t give answer she said’’ what for do you come here in this night?’’. She want Tobi know that she was lazy to meet him. It can prove when Tobi asked her ‘’ why! Do you forbid me to come here?’’. Here, she does not give answer again but she said ‘’ Tobi! I am no fighting with you please!’’. It can conclude that she change the conversation topic because, she give explanation to him that there something make her feel bad mood.


TOBI : Who did you meet? RAINA : I did not meet anyone

TOBI : Raina does not lie to me please! RAINA : I swear that I did not to meet anyone

TOBI : you lie. So, who people called with you. You said that you promise to meet the people it.

RAINA : Yes! But, that people did not come to meet me.

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to avoid the conversation other topic. When Tobi asked her ‘’ Who people is called with you. You said that you

promise to meet the people it’’. Raina did not give true answer. She did not give

know to him who is people called and promise to meet with her. She avoid conversation other topic. She said’’ Yes! But, that people did not come to meet



me. Whereas, Tobi asked who is people name is, she did not ask what the people it come or no. But, she gave irrelevant answer. It answered show that she did not want to mention who is name. She does not mention who people name is that meet her. She did not want Tobi know that he is Dimas. Because, Raina afraid if he know, Tobi will jealous to her. Raina know that he has feeling to her so that she avoid the conversation other topic to hiding the people it was Dimas.


TOBI : Raina! How if I love you RAINA : What!

TOBI : how about you. If I love you RAINA : ???

Tobi : why do you silent

The purpose: Raina flout the maxim to avoid the conversation topic. She confused to answer when Tobi explain about his feeling. So that when tobi said ‘’ Raina! How if I love you’’ she did not give answer but she said’’ what’’. She shock to hear that. But, Tobi need her answer then he repeat again his question. He asked’’ how about you. if I love you ’’. Here, Raina did not give answer. She only silent and she not to give answer. She confused how she answer it question. So that she only silent to avoid the conversation topic. It cause of she did not love him because, she has love other people. It all make her confused and only silent to think how give the reason.



Dimas also need explanation why Raina shock and answered ’’haa’’ when

he called her name’’ Gweni’’. Here, Raina answer ’’haa’’. Because she afraid to

meet him and pretend to be Gweni. So that, it make He confused and also He

answered ’’haa’’. He said like that because she shock when he look at to her face

it was a girl that collision by him. He thinks that Raina said ’’haa’’ because she

know that he was people that collision her. Whereas, she didn’t know that he was

people collision to her

4.3 Discussion

This section is discussion of finding the data. The data is gotten from

movie entitled ‘’ magic hour’’. Directed by Asep Kusdinar (2015), there are 21

data of flouting maxim. The researcher finds all of the types of flouting maxim

within conversation. They are Flouting Maxim of quality, Flouting Maxim of

quantity, Flouting Maxim of relevant, Flouting Maxim of manner.

Above explanation show the main character often flout the maxim of

relevant. It is done because the main character often change the conversation other

topic. There are 12 utterances that she flouted the maxim of relevant. She often

give irrelevant statement when do interaction. Then she also often flouted the

maxim of quantity. There are 4 utterances that she flouted the maxim of quantity.

It cause of she want to give more explanation. Those all the data is utterances is

found by researcher in this chapter. The researcher also found the purposes why

the main character flouted the maxim. They are to give more explanation, to



topic. To hiding something, to annoying, to avoid the bad situation, to get

explanation and to be clear.

The researcher has explained the data was found and identified the types

and purposes the flouting maxim by the main character in magic hour movie. The




5.1 Conclusion

The data in this research is utterances within conversation used by the main character

in ‘’magic hour’’ movie. The data include in flouting maxim. The source of data is a movie

directed by Asep Kusdinar 2015 entitled ‘’magic hour’’. The movie is gotten from ‘’you

tube’’. This movie is categorized romantic movie that produced by Sukhdev Singh Wicky V.

Olindo. This movie adapted from novel the title Magic Hour : Let In The Unexpected By Tisa


After obtaining and analyzing the data in chapter IV, the researcher concluded that

there are 21 utterances flouted the maxim by the main character. In this study, the researcher

found the main character 2 flouted the maxim of quality, 5 flouted maxim of quantity, 12

flouted the maxim of relevant and 2 flouted the maxim of manner. It can conclude that the

main character often flouted the maxim of relevant. And also the researcher found there are

some purposes why the main character flouted the maxim. They are to give more explanation,

to stressing something, to avoid talking about something, to change the conversation topic.

To hiding something, to annoying, to avoid the bad situation, to get explanation and to be


From this research can be known that the main character often flout the maxim of

relevant, and followed by flouting maxim of quantity and the last followed by flouting maxim

of quality and flouting maxim manner that occurs only utterance. Flouting maxim of relevant

often used because, the participant often change the topic, avoid talking about the topic when


The similarity of this study with the some previous studies are used the movie as object study. To analyze the flouting maxim used Grice’s theory about cooperative principle

and used descriptive method to analyze. And the difference from previous studies with this

research is in this study focused analyzed flouted the maxim by only one character it is the

main character. Whether in previous studies analyzed flouted maxim by all characters.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the study, the researcher suggests to the next researchers that want to know

and understand deeper about flouting maxim field to analysis the flouting maxim not only in

a movie but also analyzed in other area. The researcher also recommends to uses Grice’s

theory to conduct the research within other topic. Other researchers can analyze flouting

maxim in more specific are because many researchers only focus on all the types flouting

maxims. The other researcher can choose one or two the types of flouting maxim to be

analyze. Such as, the other researcher can focused to analyze only one or two flouting maxim

of quality. They can analyze with other statement problem.

Therefore, the writer suggest to the reader to have interest in study pragmatics that

can be fulfilled as the maxim required of the theory cooperative principle. From those we can

investigate about the aspect of meaning at very scope of science.

Finally, the writer hopes hope that this study gives benefit for the English

Department, especially student in State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya who

want to analyze cooperative principle. It can be knowledge to the reader that flouted maxim

not only happened in daily life but also in the movie. And also it can be reference and




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