Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2103121024


Simanungkalit, Ingrid Laurensia. 2103121024. The Effect of Applying Think

Talk Write Strategy on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Spoof Text. A
Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University
of Medan. 2014.
This study deals with the effect of applying Think Talk Write strategy on
students’ achievement in writing spoof text. This study is inspired by the problem
the students faced at school in terms of writing skill. The population of the study
was the second grade in the second semester at SMA Negeri 17 Medan, where
there were 3 social classes with the total number was 113 students and there were
two classes (74 students) selected as the sample by applying random sampling.
The sample was divided into two groups. Experimental group (37 students, class
XI IPS 2) was taught by applying Think Talk Write strategy while the control
group (37 students, class XI IPS 3) was taught without applying Think Talk Write
strategy. The data of this research were taken from the students’ score of writing
test. The calculation showed that the coefficient of the test was 0.70, it shows that
the test is reliable and the reliability is substantial. There were two data used in
this research. They were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using ttest formula to show the effect of applying Think Talk Write strategy on students’
achievement in writing spoof text. After analyzing the data, the finding indicates
that t-observed was higher than t-table (4.871>1.994) at the level of significance
0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 72. It means that the hypothesis, applying
Think Talk Write strategy has significantly affected on the students’ achievement

in writing spoof text.



First of all the writer would like to express her praises to Jesus Christ, the
Almighty God source of all the livings. Because of His great love and blessing,
the writer could do and finally complete this thesis.
This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan (S-1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she can not
accomplish without God blessings and supporting from many people, therefore
the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika,

S.Pd. M.Hum., the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA.,
the Head of English Non-Educational Program and Dra. Masitowarni
Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program, Faculty of
Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
4. The writer expresses her special thanks to Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M.Pd.,
as her Thesis Supervisor.


5. The writer sincerely thanks to her Dad, Alm. Alexander Leonardus
Simanungkalit, thank you for wonderful love and being irreplaceable
man, and Mom, Dra. Gunawan Siagian for being the real angel and the
best single parent. The writer’s special gratitude also goes to her dearest
brother and sister, John Viktorianus Simanungkalit and Theresia
Simanungkalit. And also for all family especially Opung J. S’Kalit.
6. The Headmaster of SMA Negeri 17 Medan, Soagahon Simanungkalit,
S.H., his permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do
observation and to collect data. The writer expresses her special thanks to
Bu Marbun, Pak Sitanggang, and Miss ND.
7. Her best friends, Dian, Melda, Rizky, Viviana and pantiers Helena, Eryca,

S.Pd, Sylvia, S.Pd. Thanks K’Ledi, K’Bintang, K’Joy, Imel Chan, Atika,
Dayana, K’Ita, B’Randy, and France ‘09. Thanks to students of English
Department, especially ReAction, PPLT SMA NEGERI 2 KABANJAHE
2013, GeTe and all people that can not be mentioned one by one for their
care, support, prayer and love.

Medan, Agustus 2014
The Writer,

Ingrid Laurensia Simanungkalit
NIM. 2103121024


ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ vii
LIST OF APPENDIXES .................................................................................. viii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ....................................................1
B. The Problem of the Study ..........................................................4
C. The Objective of the Study ...................................................... 4
D. The Scope of the Study .............................................................4
E. The Significance of the Study ...................................................5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .....................................................6
A. Theoretical Framework ..............................................................6
1. Writing ..................................................................................6
a. Definition of Writing ...................................................6
b. The Writing Process ....................................................7
c. The Features of Effective Writing ............................10
2. Students’ Achievement ...................................................... 11
3. Genre ..................................................................................12
a. Spoof Text .................................................................13
b. Anecdote Text .......................................................... 14
c. The Differences between Spoof Text and Anecdote

Text ................................................................................18
3. Teaching Strategy ...............................................................19
4. Think Talk Write Strategy ...................................................20
a. The Roles of Teachers and Students .........................21
b. The Steps of Think Talk Write Strategy ...................23
c. The Advantages of Think Talk Write Strategy .........24
d. The Disadvantages of Think Talk Write Strategy ....24
B. Conceptual Framework ............................................................26
C. Hypothesis ...............................................................................27
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................28
A. Research Design ........................................................................28
B. Population and Sample .............................................................29
C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ...........................................30


D. Procedure ofConducting Research ...........................................30
1. Pre-Test ..............................................................................30
2. Treatment ............................................................................30
3. Post-Test .............................................................................32

E. Scoringof the Test ......................................................................32
F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ....................................36
1. The Validity of the Test ......................................................36
2. The Reliability of the Test ..................................................37
G. Technique of Analyzing Data ...................................................38
A. The Data ...................................................................................... 39
B. Data Analysis .............................................................................. 40
1. Testing Reliability of the Test .............................................. 40
2.Data Analysis by Using T-Test Formula ............................... 41
3. Testing Hypothesis ............................................................... 42
C. Research Finding ......................................................................... 42
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION .................................. 43
A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 43
B. Suggestions ................................................................................. 43
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................45
APPENDIXES ......................................................................................................48




3.1 The Research Design..................................................................................
3.2Teaching Procedure ....................................................................................
3.3 Jacob’s Scoring Test for Writing ...............................................................
3.4 Criteria of Students’ Achievement ............................................................





2.1 Instructional Design Think Talk Write Strategy .......................................




The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of Control
Group ................................................................................. 48

The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by the Students of
Experimental Group ........................................................... 49
The Reliability of the Test ................................................... 50
The Calculation of T-Test ................................................... 52
Percentage Points of the T Distribution ............................. 57
Pre-Test and Post-Test ....................................................... 59
Lesson Plan ......................................................................... 60
Students’ Work .................................................................... 84


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A. The Background of the Study
Human can not be separated with communication. Communication helps
human to deliver a message or more. The best instrument which is used to
communicate is language. According to Sanggam (2008:10) language is a set of
rules used of human as a tool of their communication. Language is an instrument
to convey information which is used to express ideas,feeling, purposes, thoughts,
and opinions in written or spoken way.There are many languages that human
beings produced in communicating with their societies.
One kind of languages that we learn as a foreign language is English.
English is considered as a global lingua franca which means English as a first
language, as a second language, and as a foreign language. English is officially
admitted as the first international language. Our government realise that by
learning English as a foreign language, students are able to communicate well in
all international activities such as; diplomacy, global tender, tourism, education,
and so forth. In formal education, people, in Indonesia, have generally learnt
English from elementary school until university and at present in some
In learning English, there are four skills that the students should be
mastered in their study. The four skills are speaking, listening, reading, writing.



Writing is one of the four basic skills in learning English holds an important role
in daily communication. People use writing from simple activity to complex
activity. It is also one of the most important skills that can improve students’
achievement in learning foreign language. As one of the basic language skills,
writing has a very complex process. Therefore writing is not easy as some people
think. Ratnasari (2004) as cited by Sa’diyah (2011:164) states that these abilities
can be achieved only if a learner masters some techniques of writing such as how
to obtain ideas about what s/he will write on, how to express them in a sequence
of sentences, how to organize them chronologically and coherently, and how to
review and then to revise the composition until the writing is well-built.
Moreover, even English is officially taught for years and the students had passed
the National Examination, there is still no significant achievement especially in
students’ writing ability.
The study conducted by Msanjila (2005:15) reveals six glaring writing
problems, namely: capitalization and punctuation problems, inexplicitness or
fuzziness, poor organization or illogical sequence, spelling problems and
grammatical errors. There are some factors the students might think that writing is
difficult. First, they find difficulties in gathering their ideas and organizing them
in a good paragraph unity. Second, students do not have much idea of what to
write and how to start writing. As a matter of fact, they waste too much time
thinking about what they are going to write instead of freewriting. Third, students
are afraid of making errors. Most students only focus on not making errors –
spelling, grammar, and punctuations - to their writing rather than strengthening


their ideas to be vivid. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are also important
parts in writing a paragraph, but the most important part is how the writers can
give clear views through their writing. Finally, most teachers tend to use the
traditional method. Here, the teacher takes the major role explaining everything,
doing what the student is supposed to do while the student's role is only listening
to what is uttered to him/her by his/her teacher.
In this study, the researcher while doing Field Practice Experience
(Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan: PPL) in one of the Senior High School in
Kabanjahe also found those problems. The students’ competence in writing
English was low. One of genres that Senior High students learn about type of texts
based on the syllabus for Grade XI in the second semester is spoof text. Spoof text
is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable
and funny ending. The researcher found that most of the students were not able to
write spoof text successfully because the students were taught about spoof text
only once as long as the students get formal education in school.
Teachers hold an important role in solving students’ problems in writing.
Making the teaching-learning process interesting and meaningful, teachers can
apply strategy in the process to increase students’ writing achievement. In this
case, the writer implements Think, Talk, Write strategy to make students get their
own ideas and put them down in a good text. Think talk write is a teaching
strategy in facilitating the learners to speak and to write fluently.
Thus, in line with evidence above, the effect of applying Think, Talk,
Write strategy on students’ achievement in writing spoof will be tried by the


writer. The evidences on its effectiveness, especially in the context of teachinglearning writing achievement, are needed to find out. The writer needs to obtain
such evidences by conducting a research.

B. The Problem of the Study
In the relation to the background of the study, the research addresses the
following problem as the following:
“Is there any significant effect of applying Think Talk Write strategy on students’
achievement in writing spoof text?”

C. The Objective of the Study
Applying Think Talk Write as one of the writing strategy in teaching is
expected to help the students in writing competence and to encourage their
motivation, so they are interested in learning, and challenged to learn. Based on
the question formulated in the problem of the study, the objective of this study is
to investigate the significant effect of applying Think Talk Write strategy on
students’ achievement in writing spoof text.

D. The Scope of the Study
Teaching of writing can be conducted in many ways and activities that a
wise and professional teacher can think of in order to succeed in motivating
students to write academic well. To teach a language and its skills successfully to
the students, it is important for the teacher to apply the teaching strategy. By


applying the teaching strategy in the classroom can help both the teacher; to teach
English language and its skills, and students; to learn English and to master its
skills, especially the writing skill. There are many strategies available that can be
used by the teacher but in this research, the study focuses on the application of
applying Think Talk Write strategy in writing spoof text to Grade XI State Senior
High School 17 Medan.

E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of the study are expected to bring up significances, such as:
1. For the teachers, this study is useful to improve their ability in teaching
writing by paying more attention to the strategy of teaching writing.
2. For the students, the results can be used to encourage and stimulate them
in improving their writing achievement.
3. For the next researcher, the results of this study are also expected can be
used as contribution information of opinion that can be used as a reference
for another same research in improving students’ writing achievement in
different contexts.



Based on the result of this study, the researcher found that the students’

achievement taught by applying Think Talk Write strategy is higher than the
students’ achievement taught by without Think Talk Write strategy. It is indicated
from analyzing the data statistically that the result of calculation of t-test that tobserved value 4.871 is higher than t-table value 1.994 at the level of significant
of 0.05, which implies that the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.


The study showed that the applying of Think Talk Write strategy could

improve the students’ achievement in writing spoof text. Based on the conclusion
given, the writer suggests that:
1. English teachers should apply Think Talk Write strategy in their
teaching learning process so that they can improve their students’
achievement in writing spoof text because this method is designed to let
students sharing their ideas to write in good text. So it is expected for
the students to write a text especially spoof well.
2. Students should apply this learning strategy in writing a text because it
can stimulate students’ thinking when the students think their own idea



and share to others. Therefore, the students will find by applying Think
Talk Write strategy is easier to write down their idea into a good text.
3. The readers who are interested for further study related to this research
should explore the knowledge to enlarge their understanding about how
to improve students’ achievement in writing and search another