Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts
State University of Medan, in Partial of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Registration Number: 2101321003


Alwi, Fadillah. 2101321003. The Effect of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy
on the Students’ Writing Achievement in Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English

Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.
This study is an attempt to discover the effect of applying Think Talk Write
(TTW) Strategy on students’ writing achievement in descriptive text. It was
conducted by using experimental research design. The Population of this research
was the tenth (X) grade students of SMAN 1 Tanjung Balai Asahan which
consists of 4 parallel classes with the total number of students is 128. The samples
of this research were taken by random sampling through lottery technique. The
result was class X IPA 1 consisted of 30 students became the experimental group
and class X IPA 2 consisted of 30 students became the control group. The
experimental group was taught by using Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy while
the control group was taught by using Conventional Strategy. The instrument for
collecting the data was writing test. The data were analyzed by using t-test
formula. The result shows that the value of t-observed (4.362) is higher than the
value of t-table (2.000) (α = 0.05) with the degree of freedom (df) = 58. It means
that there is a significant effect of applying Think Talk Write Strategy on
students’ writing achievement in descriptive text. So, the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is accepted.

Keywords: Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy, Writing Descriptive

First of all the writer would like to express his highest gratitude to the
Almighty Allah SWT for giving blessings and mercy, so that the writer could
finally finish this thesis to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree (Sarjana
Pendidikan/s1) at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
This thesis could have not been accomplished without the guidance,
suggestions and comments from several people. In this chance, the writer would
like to express her appreciation and special thanks to :

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, as the Rector of State University

of Medan

Arts in State university of medan and all her staffs.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra.
Meisuri, M.A, the Secretary of English Department. Dra. Masitowarni

Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program.
Dra. Tjut Ernidawaty, M.Pd, his Thesis Consultant for her advice,
guidance, constructive comments and precious time she spent to revise this


supported his throughout the academic years.

helping the writer to complete this thesis.

Dra. Siti Aisah Ginting,M.Pd,

his Academic Advisor, who has

Roban,S.Pd, the Head master of SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung balai Asahan for

His beloved Family, Mom and Dad, Grandma, brothers and sisters (Faisal
putra, Fikri, Salwa annisa, Aulia Rahman, Mizwar effendi) for their
encouragements, prayer , material supports, and endless love during his

academic years at University.
A special mention of thanks also goes to the best friends, small group of 7
ikan: Adi pranata singarimbun, Fransisca sipayung, Putri HM sinaga,

Sinde elisa lumban raja, Syarifah imroh tamani nasution, and

Veronika napitu for love, moments, and nice fellowship during our

academic years.
His best friends : Imran simatupang and Aminah Ari Fadhila for
supports and for always being there during the writer completed this


writer on when he wrote this thesis.

His friends at boarding house : Boy, Yudi, Iqbal, Mamat for cheering the

Students in Reg A, B, C, and especially for students regular B 2010 for

being his friends, giving experiences, and for moments that were spent

His best friend Rizal Maulana Fajarhari for supporting and fixing his
computer when he completed this thesis.

Overall, the researcher hopes this thesis can give contribution to the
English Education students and further pedagogical research. And also it can be
useful for the readers.

Medan, November 2014
The Writer

Fadillah Alwi


ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...............................................................................i
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................iv
LIST OF APPENDIXES ............................................................................. vii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1
A. The Background of the Study ............................................................. 1
B. The Problem of the Study ................................................................... 3
C. The Objective of the Study ................................................................. 3
D. The Scope of the Study ...................................................................... 4
E. The Significance of the Study ............................................................ 4
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 5
A. Theoritical Framework ....................................................................... 5
1. Achievement................................................................................. 5
2. Writing ........................................................................................ 6
3. Genres of Writing ........................................................................ 7
a. Descriptive ........................................................................... 7
b. Recount ................................................................................ 7
c. Narrative ............................................................................... 7
d. procedure ............................................................................... 8

e. Explanation ........................................................................... 8
f. Discussion ............................................................................. 8
g. Exposition ............................................................................. 8
h. News item ............................................................................. 9
i. Information report ................................................................. 9
j. Anecdote ............................................................................... 9
k. Review................................................................................... 9

Descriptive text ........................................................................... 9

a. Generic Structure ................................................................ 10
b. Example ............................................................................... 10

Assessment of Writing ................................................................ 11

Generic features ................................................................... 11


Textual language .................................................................. 13


Syntactical language............................................................. 14


Spelling ................................................................................ 15

6. Think Talk Write (TTW) ............................................................ 15

Step of Think Talk Write .................................................... 16


Teacher position in Think Talk Write (TTW) ..................... 19


The advantages of Think Talk Write (TTW) ....................... 19


The disadvantages of Think Talk Write (TTW) .................. 20

7. Conventional Method .................................................................. 20
B. Conceptual Framework ..................................................................... 22
C. Hypothesis ......................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................... 24
A. Research Design ................................................................................ 24
B. Population and Sample ...................................................................... 25

Population ................................................................................... 25


Sample ........................................................................................ 25

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data .................................................... 26

The Procedure of Collecting Data .................................................... 26

Pre-test ........................................................................................ 26


Treatment ................................................................................... 27


Post-test ...................................................................................... 28

E. Scoring the Test ................................................................................. 29
F. The Technique of Analyzing Data ..................................................... 30
CHAPTER IV THE DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ............................. 32
A. The Data ............................................................................................ 32
B. Data Analysis .................................................................................... 35
C. Testing Hypothesis ............................................................................ 38

D. Research Findings ............................................................................. 38
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................ 40
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................ 40
B. Suggestions ....................................................................................... 40
REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 42
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................. 44

Table 3.1 Research Design ........................................................................... 24
Table 3.3 Teaching Descriptive Text in Experimental Group ..................... 26
Table 3.4 Teaching Descriptive Text in Experimental Group ..................... 27
Table 3.5 Scoring Aspect of in Writing Descriptive Text ........................... 29
Table 3.6 Example of Applying the Score Aspect ....................................... 29
Table 3.5.1Criteria of Writing Mastery.......................................................... 30
Table 4.1 The scores of pre-test and post-test in experimental group ......... 32
Table 4.2 The scores of pre-test and post-test in control group ................... 34
Table 4.3

The Result of T-test..................................................................... 38

APPENDIX A. Pre-Test and Post-Test for Experimental
and Control Group .............................................................. 44
APPENDIX B. The Lesson Plan.................................................................... 45
APPENDIX C. The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test
(Experimental group) ........................................................... 62
APPENDIX D. The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test (Control group) ....... 63
APPENDIX E. The Calculation of T-Test in Experimental and
Control Group ....................................................................... 64
APPENDIX F. Percentage Points of The T Distribution ............................... 69

Ary, D. 2002. Introduction to research in Education. NewYork. Rinehart and
Best & Khan. 2002. Research in Education. New Delhi : Pentice-Hall of India
Brown, H Douglas. 2004. Language Assesment Principles and Classroom
Practices. New York : Pearson Education
Brown, K. & Susan.H. 1993. Writing Skills and Strategies for Students of English.
Hongkong : Wing King Tong Co
Harmer, J. 2004. How to Teach Writing. London: Longman Group.
Hutchinson. E. 2005. Descriptive Writing. NewYork : Saddleback Educational
McDonald. C R. 2002. Teaching Writing. NewYork : Southern Illinois University
Pardiyono. 2007. Pasti Bisa. Yogyakarta : Andi Offset
Oshima, A. & Hague. 1991. Second language teaching and learning. Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press
Sugiyono. 2010. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif,
Kualitatif,dan R&D). Bandung: Alfabeta.
Taiwo, A. 1995. Fundamental of Classroom Testing. New Delhi : Vicas
Publishing House PVT,LTD.
Verma. G.K. 2005. Researching Education. London : Taylor & Francis e-Library.
Yamin, Martinis and Bansu I. Ansari. 2009. Taktik Mengembangkan Kemampuan
Individual Siswa. Jakarta: Putra Grafika.


The Background of the Study
Language is an instrument to send or exchange information and to interact

with the others. Language is used by all people in the world as means of
communication. Anyone cannot interact with others without language, thus it is very
important to learn language.
Writing holds an important role in daily communication, through writing
people can express their experiences, events, stories, and ideas. So writing is central
to our personal experience and identities which is focusing on the contents, ideas, and
written products.
Writing skill has become a necessity for employment in some officers. The
ability to write becomes the perquisite to get job. Therefore, writing subject as last
skill of language lesson oblige student to achieve, starting from writing letter, writing
for advertisement, announcement, poetry until writing an essay which related to the
genre of writing. This refers to brown’s statement (2003:218) which is the ability to
write has become an indispensable skill and writing skill is necessary condition for
achieving employment in many walks in life.
However learning to write for student can improve learning language better.
As harmer (2004:31) states, writing encourages student to focus on accurate language
use because they think as they write. Writing is integrated skill which conducted with

studying grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening comprehension and learn
another references material to help them write and provoke well language
development as students resolve problems which the writing puts into their minds.
Unpredictably student can improve their ability in language as well as they write, as
Wallace (2004:15) states writing skill for beginning students can benefit from
learning and practicing one skill at a time. So, studying writing skill can benefit
student to learn another aspect of language all at once.
As the fact that writing is necessary for student, standard based curriculum
2013 input writing in English subject as syllabus of the student senior high school, it
is stated that some genres of writing have to be mastered by students, they are
descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, hortatory exposition, analytical exposition,
and news item.
As the current issue, based on the data writer got after observation in SMA N 1
Tanjung balai asahan , the result shows that 50% of the students belong to poor
writer, 35% students belong to fair criteria, 15% of students belong to good criteria
and 0% student belongs to very good criteria, as the result most of them could not use
English as a mean of communication. It is shown by their scores in which almost all
students got score below minimum criterion (KKM) that is 70. The writer observed
that the teacher applied Conventional Strategy (CS) in teaching English. The teacher
explained English theoretically. Then the teacher asked the students to do the
exercises. The student did not have any chance to express their ideas and opinions to

stimulate their confidence to use English and could not get benefit, the students failed
to express themselves adequately in speaking English.
Based on background above, the writer is interested in conducting a research
entitled “The effect of applying think talk write (TTW) strategy on the students’
writing achievement in descriptive text. The writer chooses this strategy because this
strategy makes students interact and collaborate with their friends in discussion group
so that students easily express the result of discussion in written text. Theoretically,
the problem can be solved by applying TTW strategy, as the teaching strategy it
involves the students in the teaching-learning process and it is student-centered


The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of study above, the writer makes the identification of

study as: “is there any significant difference of the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text taught by using TTW strategy and conventional strategy.


The Objective of the Study
In line with this problem, the objective of the study is to identify the effect of

applying Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy on students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text.


The Scope of the Study
Writing can be categorized such as report writing, essay writing, descriptive

writing, etc. Descriptive writing achievement is dominantly improved by the strategy
being used. This research is basically limited to students’ skill particularly on
descriptive writing by applying one of the learning strategies, that is Think Talk
Write (TTW) Strategy.


The Significance of the Study
The significances of the study is intended :
1. To give worthwhile experiences and improvement in teaching English
especially for teaching writing
2. To add some knowledges about TTW strategy
3. To be helpful for improving students ‘skill in writing through TTW strategy
4. Can be used as the references for those who want to conduct a research



After analyzing the data, it was found that the scores of the students that

were taught by applying Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy was higher than those
who were taught without applying TTW Strategy because there was a significant
improvement of the student’s score in experimental group after the writer did
treatment, in treatment the writer brushed up on their knowledge not only in
writing but also in thinking through reading and speaking through discussion
group. The total score and the mean score in experimental group shows that there
was a significant improvement of the students’ score between the pre-test and the
post-test score.
Since the value of t-observed was 4.362 with df (58) at the level
significance (0.05) = 2.000, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. So,
from the calculation of the data, it can be concluded that Think Talk Write (TTW)
Strategy significantly affected students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.\


The result of this study showed that the use of Group Investigation

Method was able to improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.
So, the writer’s points out some suggestions as in the following:
1. The English teachers are suggested to use Think Talk Write (TTW)
Strategy to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive text and

also to improve their attitude and skill during the teaching and learning
2. By talking and sharing, students can be guided to be able to do more
practices in writing especially in writing descriptive text.
3. The students can apply this strategy not only in learning descriptive text
but also in learning other genres of text.
4. The other researchers, who want to study more about Think Talk Write
(TTW) Strategy , this research could be advisable reference.