Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2113321043


Inayah, Rifa’atul. NIM. 2113321043. The Effect of Think Talk Write (TTW)
Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Writing Report Text. A Thesis. English

and Literature Department of Faculty Languages and Arts. State University
of Medan. 2016.

This study aims to discover the effect of using Think Talk Write Strategy on
Students Achievement in Writing Report Text. It was conducted by using
experimental research design. The population of this research were the eleven
grade students of SMAN 6 Pematangsiantar which consist of four parallel classes
with the total number of students were 120. The sample of this research was taken
randomly by using lottery technique. The result were class XI IPA 1 consisting 30
students became the experimental group and XI IPA 2 consisting 30 students
became the control group. The experimental group was taught by Think Talk
Write Strategy meanwhile the control group was taught by Group Investigation
Strategy. The instrument for collecting the data was writing test. In the calculation
of test, the mean of students’ score in experimental group was 82.6 and the mean
of students’ score in control group was 72.2., the value of Tobserved is higher then
Ttable 2.75 > 2.004 at the level significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df)58.
So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Think Talk Write (TTW)
Strategy significantly affected students’ achievement in writing report text.
Keywords :Think Talk Write Strategy, Writing, Report Text.

All Prices and greatest thanks to almighty Allah SWT, the most merciful
who has blessed, given time, opportunity, and health so that this thesis entitled “
The Effect of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy on Students’ Achievement in
Writing Report Text” could be completed. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the
requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) of the English
Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express her gratitude
indebtedness and thanks for giving permission, suggestion, advising and
contribution during completing her thesis, support, love, prayer, motivation, help
and encouragement to pursue a better live and achieve the best education that
might not requrted to people who have been involved in her accomplishment the
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of state University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as her Reviewer and Examiner who have given their
precious time, guidance, suggestions and comments

4. Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department and as her
Reviewer and Examiner who have given their precious time, guidance,
suggestions and comments.
5. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study
6. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., her Thesis Advisor (I), who has given
his valuable advice, guidance, and spent his precious time in the process of
completing this thesis.
7. Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., her Academic Advisor, who has supported her
throughout the academic years, as well as her Reviewer and Examiner who
have given their precious time, guidance, suggestions and comments
8. All of the Lectures of English Department who have taugh, guidance,
and advised her throughout the academic years.
9. Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Mr. Pantes the Administration
Staff of English and Literature Department who always helped the writer
during her academic year.
10. Drs. H. Akhyar, M.Pd., as the Head Master of SMAN 6 Pematangsiantar,
who has given the Permission to Conduct the research in his School.
11. Alben Sigiro, S.Pd. M.Hum., as the English Teacher who has given the
struggle, faithfulness, patience, prayers, support, and everything in

Completing her Education.
12. Drs. Junaidi, M.Pd (alm) and Rusminah, Her beloved parents who have
given love, prayers, support, advice, suggest, motivation, support, and has
struggled so much for her. Her lovely sister Nurun Nazifah, S.E.I., and
young brother M.Irsyad Tamimi and all her families for their endless

love, pray inspiration, motivation and everything that they have given to
the writer during her whole study up to finish.
13. Ayu Purnama Sari, Fahrunnisa Mariyam, Julia Zetriavona, Karmila,
Khalida Gustani Nasution, Khairuni Syafitri, Siti Nurhasanah,
Mardhatillah Maresa, Phupuh Citra Dewi, MUNQIDZS, and
Extension B 2011, for their endless support, prays, and love which they
have been giving to the writer and also help during the term of writers
Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give the contribution to the English
Education Students and also further pedagogical research.


March 2016

Rifa’atul Inayah
NIM. 2113321043

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDIX .................................................................................... viii

INTRODUCTION .............................................................
A. The Background of the Study .........................................
B. The Problem of the Study ..............................................
C. The Objective of the Study .............................................

D. The Scope of the Study ...................................................
E. The Significances of the Study .......................................



RIVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................
A. Theoretical Framework ...................................................
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing .............................
2. Writing .......................................................................
a. Definition of Writing .............................................
b. Process of Writing .................................................
c. Purpose of Writing.................................................
3. Types of Genre ...........................................................

a. Report Text ...........................................................
1) Generic Structure ..............................................
2) Language Feature ..............................................
3) Example ............................................................
4. Assessment .................................................................
5. Teaching Strategy .......................................................
a. Think-Talk-Write Strategy ....................................
1) The Step of Think-Talk-Write Strategy ...........
2) Advantages ........................................................
3) Disadvantages ...................................................
b. Group Investigation Strategy .................................
1) Stages in Group Investigation Strateg ..............
2) Advantages ........................................................
3) Disadvantages ...................................................
B. Relevant of Studies .........................................................
C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................
D. Hypothesis .......................................................................




CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .....................................
A. Research Design ..............................................................
B. Population and Sample....................................................
1. Population ..................................................................
2. Sample .......................................................................
C. Instrument of Collecting Data .........................................
D. The Procedure of the Research .......................................
1. Pre-test ........................................................................
2. Treatment ...................................................................
a. Controlling .............................................................
3. Post-test ......................................................................
E. Assessment and Scoring of Writing ................................
F. The Validity and Reliability of the test ...........................
1. The validity of the Test ..............................................
2. The Reliability of the test ...........................................
G. The Technique of Analyzing Data ..................................

H. The Statistical hypothesis................................................


A. Data .................................................................................
B. Data Analysis ..................................................................
C. Testing Hypothesis ..........................................................
D. Research Findings ...........................................................
E. Discussion .......................................................................



CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................. 57
A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 57
B. Suggestion ....................................................................... 57

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 58


Table 1.1
Table 2.1
Table 3.1
Table 3.2
Table 3.3
Table 3.4
Table 4.1

The Percentage of Grade XI IPA1 ................................................
Assesment in Writing ....................................................................
Research Design ............................................................................
Teaching Report for Experimental Group .....................................
Teaching Report for Control Group ..............................................
Scoring of Writing Components ...................................................
Students’ Achievement Score in Pre-test and Post-test ................


Figure 2.1 Writing Process ............................................................................. 15
Figure 2.2 Instructional Design ...................................................................... 23

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L

Assesment in Writing ............................................................... 61
Pre-Test for Experimental and Control Group ......................... 63
Post-Test for Experimental and Control Group........................ 64
The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Group .. 65
The Score of Post-Test and Post-Test in Control Group .......... 66
Testing the Reliability of the Test ............................................ 67
The Calculation of T-Test in Experimental and Control Group 69
Percentage Points of the Contribution ...................................... 72
Lesson Plan of Experimental Group ........................................ 73
Lesson Plan of Control Group .................................................. 88
Students Answer Sheet Of Experimental Class........................ 103
Students Answer Sheet Of Control Class ................................. 107

A. The Background of the Study
Language is a communication tool. The language is basically means of
expression that more than just a tool for conveying information, thoughts and
feelings. Language is also to built the relationships in everyday life. With language,
someone can pass on information to others both in the country and abroad. Knapp
and Watkins (2005:14) said that Language is both of natural and cultural, individual
and social. Language is a social construct as much as it is a mental ability. It is
important for students to be just aware of this in a foreign or the second language as
they are in their own (Harmer 2004: 25). Nowdays, English is one of the
international language has became popular in the world. People use it for
international communication and Cooperating between people in different
countries, even to apply for a job. In teaching learning English subject , the skill
that have to be mastered are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The fact
proved that writing is one of the language skills that is a little bit harder to be
mastered than the other skills. Generally, the language can be spoken and written,
so it also needed to learn to write .
Curriculum in Indonesia chaged and developed overtime. So far, as
cited in Maulidah,N (2013) about Curriculum and Material Development in
English Language Teaching, Indonesia has already implemented nine curricula
known as the 1950 curriculum, 1958, 1962, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004 and the
current one being the 2006 curriculum. The 2006 curriculum is also known as the

“Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). The KTSP is designed
in order that every school can be develop the teaching and learning process
according to the student’s character and the situation of school.
In KTSP syllabus, there are some genres which are learned for grade XI,
such as narrative, report and analytical exposition . But in this study, the writer
only take the report text as the observation that has been done before. Writer was
chosen this kind of text because based on KTSP syllabus, students of class XI of
Senior High School must know and comprehend of report text so that they can
explaine and express a variety of information they received or get from the
environment around them. In other that the students’ score of this report text is
rather low and almost under the Minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM), it is the result
of the writer observation.
Writing is a process of thinking. Thinking means trying out ideas, mind,
and opinions or words that come into our minds and poured through a paper into
the paper. When we focused on a particular type of text, we seen how the look of
the text and how to start in clarifying ideas, then the results of the text look at how
well the concept of experience by the author. Writing (as one of the four skills as
listening, speaking, reading, writing) has always formed part of the syllabus in the
teaching of English (Harmer, 2007:31). Writing is one of English skills which the
students must understand and comprehend. By doing writing, students can explore
what they have in their mind if it is ideas, opinions, and feelings in written form to
the reader. As Hyland (2003:9) said that way of sharing personal meanings and

writing course emphasize the power of individual to construct his or her own
views about a topic”. In other words, writing is the exploration of human mind.
In this study the writer choosed on writing as her topic because when
writer was conducted the bservation in SMAN 6 Pematangsiantar in class XI IPA,
the writer found that most of students have some difficulties in writing, especially
to write report text well in english. It maked them get low score. Almost students
got the score under the Minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM). The KKM that was
applied for the subject in that school is 70, so they have remedial test to get the
standart score. Most of them got low score in writing. The students felt difficulty
in their writing skill, because they frequently confused of what to write and how
to start, they also do not know how to recognize their ideas in writing. Here is the
students’ writing score in the first and second semester.
Table 1.1
The Percentage of Grade XI IPA 1 Students’ Score in Writing
< 70
26 Students
1 Semester
6 Students
< 70
21 Students
2nd Semester
11 Students
Source: Students’ accumulative score of Grade XI IPA 1 students of SMA
Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar academic year 2014/2015
Corresponding to the statements and the percentage of students’ writing
score like the data above, it was show that the students’ achievement in writing
still low. It is shown by the percentage of students’ writing score under KKM is
higher than over KKM.
In the line of this percentage, it is assumed that the students of senior
high school to be seen faced a lot of difficulties in developing writing skills,

which cover the five dimension of good English writing text. The difficulties are
first, the students were difficult to comprehend the relevance of the topic with the
substance of the task. Second, the students admitted that it was difficult to find
ideas how to write in a good arrangement. Third, the students found the obstacle
in using the effectiveness of sentences and grammar accuracy. Fourth, about
vocabulary, especially the choosing of words that they are going to use to describe
what they mean. And fifth, they seen difficult in implementing the adherence of
writing rules, the use of punctuation marks, and the appropriate of spelling. The
fact that the students were faced by a large amount of the difficulties, may lead
them become poorly motivated and uninterested in English. As a result, there are
under the mastery learning of writing competency, involves the eleven grade
students of SMA 6 Pematangsiantar.
The teacher needs a strategy to develop learning and teaching writing in
the classroom how to write a text well and to be more effective. In this case the
writer was chosed to use Think Talk Write Strategy. Think talk write has been
proposed by various experts as one of the ways in Teaching English.
Huinker dan Laughlin (1996:82) said that the Think Talk Write strategy
builds in time for thought and reflection and for the organization of ideas and the
testing of those ideas before students are expected to write. The flow of
communication progresses from student engaging in thought or reflective dialogue
with them selves, to talking and sharing ideas with one another, to writing.
The writer choosed Think Talk Write Strategy, because in this strategy
the student is expected can wrote effectively. For more effectively first, the

students were divided into groups of 4-6 students for each group. In this case, the
students involved with thinking to maked a small note after the process of reading,
then talk to shared ideas with their friends before writing a text.
In this study the writer was identify the effectiveness of teaching learning
process of using the Think Talk Write Strategy based on four indicators, they are
students activity, the application of lesson plan, students responsed, and students
achievement in writing text, in this case the ability in creating report text.
All this time the teacher just teach the students and asked them to do the
exercise. It was maked students felt bored and they didn’t know how to do their
tasks. The strategy which is used the teacher cannot influence student’s ability in
writing, especially in writing report text.
The writer was choosed Think-Talk-Write Strategy, because it has
activities that can solved students problem above. By thinking activity, students
were able to differ the ideas that the test presents with their ideas after students
reading the test. By talking activity, students did the communication with their
friends by using of their own language, they also share the ideas which they was
discuss. It maked students got confidents to wrote their ideas because they are
sure that ideas which they discuss in talking activity are good.
As cited in Aida (2012) said that there is significant effect of TTW
Strategy on students achievement in writing descriptive text, it can make them
easily to understand the component and process of writing, and also can motivate
them to solve their difficulties and problem in writing descriptive text. In order,
Maulidah (2013) said that the result from this research showed that TTW strategy

is effective to be used as an alternative strategy in order to teach writing. The use
of TTW strategy can minimize the students’ difficulties in writing and help the
teacher in teaching writing, especially writing descriptive text. In addition,
Simaremare (2013) said that there is significant effect of Think Talk Write
Strategy on students’ achievement in writing hortatory. It can motivate the
students to write and make them easily to understand the component and process
of writing.
This strategy also help the students in writing report text, to build their
own knowledge to communicated their minds with their friends, and wrote the
result of their discussion. after talk their ideas with their friend, they just connect
the ideas and opinion that they maked with the new ideas and opinion that they
got from their friends. It stimulated good ideas.
By applied this strategy, the writer expected that students are able to
complated their writing in a report systematically and meaningfully. It will make
students to be better in their writing skill and an alternative teaching strategy
especially in writing report text. It means this strategy is effectived to use in
teaching learning process of students achievement in writing report text. Next, the
writer was hoped this strategy can be applied to make an effective on students
writing skill easily.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study was
formulated in the form of question as follows:

“Is the students’ achievement in writing report text taught by using Think
Talk Write Strategy higher than that taught by using Group Investigation

C. The Objective of the Study
This study is intended to find out whether the students’ achievement
taught by using Think Talk Write Strategy was higher than the students’
achievement taught by using Group Investigation Strategy.

D. The Scope of the Study
In teaching learning process of observation, the writer focuses on
applying Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy as teacher ways in teaching writing
report text.

E. The Significances of the Study
The significances of the Study are :
1. For the English teachers, it is better to applying Think Talk Write strategy
because this strategy helps the students in understanding the report text
much better.
2. For the students, with this strategy can improve their writing achievement
especially in writing report text. And it is better for they thinking
individually before they talk and discuss and share their ideas in discussion


A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that teaching
English by using Think Talk Write Strategy, was affected the students’
achievement in writing report text. It was found that the score of the students that
taught by using Think Talk Write Strategy is higher after treated than the taught
by using Group Investigation Strategy. It was proved by the result of t-test. The
result of t-test calculation showed that t-observed value (2.75) was higher than ttable value (2.004) with α =0.05 and df= 58. It means that Ha was accepted.
B. Suggestion
The writer point out some suggestions as follows :
1. For the English teachers, it is better to applying Think Talk Write strategy
because this strategy helps the students in understanding the report text
much better.
2. For the students, with this strategy can improve their writing achievement
especially in writing report text. And it is better for they thinking
individually before they talk and discuss and share their ideas in discussion

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