



Silvia Sabatini NIM. 408141106

Biology Education Bilingual Study Program


Submitted to Biology Education Department State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



MEDAN 2012




The deepest thank and praise the writer prayed to the Almighty God ALLAH SWT who has given the ability, health and safety so that the writer is able to finish the thesis project with a title “A Module Development to Improve Student’s Mastery Learning in Human Reproductive System Topic for Grade XI Science Program SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012”, to fulfill one of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, the State University of Medan (UNIMED).

The writer would like to thank and express the sincerest gratitude for: 1) Thesis supervisor and also academic supervisor Mrs. Dra. Meida

Nugrahalia, M.Sc. for having her precious time and useful advises by criticizing the draft of this thesis during the consultation.

2) Mr. Dr. Syarifuddin,M.Sc.,Ph.D, then Mrs. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si., and also Mr. Dr.rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., as the examiners who had given criticisms and suggestions to me.

3) Mr. Drs. H. Tri Harsono, M.Si., as the chairman of the Biology Department, as my ‘second father’ that always guide me to get every achievements. Without his guidance, the writer will become nothing. 4) Mr. Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Si. as the coordinator of Bilingual

program, that always raise our fighting spirit and build the dicipline attitude into us.

5) All of the lecturers who had given advise, guidance, motivation and the valuable knowledge to the writer during academic years at UNIMED. 6) Mr. Mhd. Syarif, M.Si., M.Pd. as the principal of SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi. Mr. Adil Shadli, S.Pd., M.Si., then Ms. Maimunah Nasution, STP, M.Pd., also Mrs. Fahrinandriana W.N., S.Pd. as the biology teachers who had given the writer a lot of help during the research.


support and everything they had. The writer also thank to the lovely sisters Fransiska Widiastuti, S.Pd., and Indah Fajarwati, S.Pd. also the lovely brother Beny Syahputra, S.H. thank you for being the solid siblings. The funniest nephews and niece ever, Fransdito Aryo Wicaksono, Yudhistira Dwi Lacksono, and Sasi Kirana Raharjo, thank you for inspire me everyday with your cheerful acts.

8) Muslim Nasution, S.Si., thank you for being my ‘real brother’ and my disscussion partner in every scientific research that I have done.

9) Biology Bilingual Education 2008 (Airi’s Family), thank you for the warm atmosphere, solid relationship, and nice experience in these recent years. You will always be my second family forever.

10) Sincerest gratitude for BIOTA (Biologi Pecinta Alam) and HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan), the organizations that have built my character to be more survive and competitive.

11) All the delegations of Indonesia Leadership Camp 2011 from Sabang to Merauke, thank you for inspire me to do every useful things for this country. Global leaders, Indonesian Colours!

12) For the right man as the owner of this rib cage, thank you for your love, faithful, and support. I love you as always.

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laailahaillallah, Allahu Akbar.

Medan, July 2012 The writer,

Silvia Sabatini 408141106






Silvia Sabatini (408141106)


The aim of this study was to produce a valid and good module as a source for learning biology in Human Reproductive System topic in grade XI Science SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi. The positive thing is an opportunity for students to learn according to their fastness. The type of this research is the development research, which develop biology module in the Human Reproduction System topic by using the development model of Borg and Gall, which has the following steps: (1) Expert testing, (2) Conceptual Analysis, (3) Revision I, (4) Small-field Testing, (5) Revision II, (6) Large-field Testing, (7) Review, (8) Revision III, and (9) Final Product and Dissemination.From the expert validation results, the material aspect: 93.75%, presentation aspect: 91.66%, readability aspect: 89.28% and graphical aspect: 81.94%. From the small-field validation results, graphical aspect: 95.83%, readability aspect: 93.05%, material aspect: 95.83% and presentation aspect: 92.36%. All aspects of the criteria are very good. In large-field testing, student’s mastery that using module are improved above the minimum criterion 75: in grade XI Science 3 from 62.35 becomes 89.01. But student’s mastery that using handbook is not reached the minimum criterion 75: in grade XI Science 4 from 52.83 becomes 67.55. It means that the module can be used to improve student’s mastery learning in Human Reproductive System topic.




Thesis Approval i

Biography ii

Abstracts iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content vi

List of Figures viii

List of Tables x

List of Appendix xii


1.1. Background of Problem 1

1.2. Problem Identification 3

1.3. The Scope of Study 3

1.4. Problem Formulation 4

1.5. Research Objectives 4

1.6. Benefits of Research 4


2.1. Learning Concept and Understanding of Learning 5

2.1.1. Learning Concept 5

2.1.2. Understanding of Learning 5

2.1.3. Teaching and Learning Process 7

2.1.4. Learning Outcomes 7

2.1.5. Instructional Media 11

2.1.6. Mastery Learning 12

2.1.7. Learning Media 18

2.1.8. Module 22

2.1.9. Topic: Human Reproductive System 32

2.2. Conceptual Framework 48


3.1. Location and Time of Research 49

3.2. Population dan Sample 49

3.3. Designs of Research 50

3.4. Research Instruments 52

3.5. Research Procedures 54

3.6. Instrument Testing 62

3.7. Data Analysis 64


4.1. The results 67

4.1.1. Data description 67

4.1.2. Description of the module development 68




5.1. Conclusions 103

5.2. Suggestions 104





Table 2.1 Comparison Between Conventional Learning with

Module Learning 27

Table 3.1 Number of Grade XI Science Students 49

Table 3.2 Large Scale Field Trials 52

Table 3.3 Test Series in the Human Reproductive System Topic 53

Table 3.4 Criterion of Validation Instrument with Likert Scale 64

Table 3.5 Criterion of Aspect Percentage in Module Development 65

Table 3.6 Categories of student’s mastery level 66

Table 4.1 Students’ responses about Mastery Learning 69

Table 4.2 Students’ responses about Biology Handbook 71

Table 4.3 The experts’ score on the material aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 74

Table 4.4 The experts’ score on the presentation aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 76

Table 4.5 The experts’ score on the readability aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 78

Table 4.6 The experts’ score on the graphical aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 80

Table 4.7 The experts’ comparison score on each aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 83

Table 4.8 Results of Revision I 84

Table 4.9 The small field’ score on the material aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 86

Table 4.10 The small field’ score on the presentation aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 88

Table 4.11 The small field’ score on the readability aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 90

Table 4.12 The small field’ score on the graphical aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 92

Table 4.13 The small field’ comparison score on each aspect of

Human Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1

Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 93

Table 4.14 Results of Revision II 95

Table 4.15 The result of student’s mastery learning in grade XI

Science 3 SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for pretest 96

Table 4.16 The result of student’s mastery level in grade XI Science 3





Figure 2.1 The Variables of Mastery Learning 14

Figure 2.2 Hypothetical Learning for Mastery Versus Nonmastery 17

Figure 2.3 Steps of Module Development 27

Figure 2.4 Remedial in Mastery Learning by Using Modules 30

Figure 2.5 The Examples of Module 31

Figure 2.6 Male Reproductive Organs 34

Figure 2.7 Mechanism of Spermatogenesis 35

Figure 2.8 Female Reproductive Organs (side) 38

Figure 2.9 Female Reproductive Organs (front) 39

Figure 2.10 Mechanism of Oogenesis 40

Figure 2.11 Menstrual Cycle 43

Figure 2.12 Fertilization Process 44

Figure 2.13 Stages of Childbirth 45

Figure 3.1 Design Module of Development Research 56

Figure 3.2 Validation Process of Module 58

Figure 3.3 Chart of the implementation phase procedure of the 61

research until varying the conclusions

Figure 4.1 The experts’ score on the material aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 75

Figure 4.2 The experts’ score on the presentation aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 77

Figure 4.3 The experts’ score on the readability aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 79

Figure 4.4 The experts’ score on the graphical aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 82

Figure 4.5 The experts’ comparison score on each aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 83

Figure 4.6 The small field’ score on the material aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 87

Figure 4.7 The small field’ score on the presentation aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 89

Figure 4.8 The small field’ score on the readability aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 91

Figure 4.9 The small field’ score on the graphical aspect of Human

Reproductive System module in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 93

Figure 4.10 The small field’ comparison score on each aspect of


Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012 94

Figure 4.11 The review result of pretest and postest from class XI



Table 4.17 The result of student’s mastery learning in grade XI

Science 4 SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for pretest 96

Table 4.18 The result of student’s mastery level in grade XI Science 4

SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for pretest 97

Table 4.19 The result of student’s mastery learning in grade XI

Science 3 SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for postest 98

Table 4.20 The result of student’s mastery level in grade XI Science 3

SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for postest 98

Table 4.21 The result of student’s mastery learning in grade XI

Science 4 SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for postest 98

Table 4.22 The result of student’s mastery level in grade XI Science 4

SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi for postest 99




Appendix 1 Syllabus of Learning Activities 107

Appendix 2 Hasil Kesesuaian Buku Ajar Biologi 111

Appendix 3 Pertinggal Daftar Nilai Siswa Kelas XI IPA 1

Sub-Topik Sistem Reproduksi Manusia

Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011 113

Appendix 4 Questionnaire of Student’s Perception About Mastery

Learning 115

Appendix 5 Questionnaire of Student’s Perception About Mastery

Learning 118

Appendix 6 Test Series and Answer Key 121

Appendix 7 Assessment Questionnaire of Module Quality 145

Appendix 8 The Results of Validation 153

Appendix 9 Module of Human Reproductive System Sub-topic 154

Appendix 10 Daftar Nilai Siswa XI IPA 3 dan XI IPA 4 155




1.1 Background of Problem

Educational problem that is often faced by a biology teacher at the school is the low of student’s learning outcomes for some subjects in school, including

the biology subject. Based on the results of Teaching Practice Program (Program

Pengajaran Lapangan / PPL) in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi in July until

November 2011, it was to used that the learning outcome for grade XI students in this school was still low, 62 in average score. Meanwhile, the minimum criteria of

mastery (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimun / KKM) for biology subject class XI was

75 in average. This fact is closely related to various factors including the success of learning which covers how the concepts of biology are taught to the students by the teachers.

Based on the interview with the Biology teacher, Maimunah Nasution STP, the researcher find the serious fact that usually student’s achievement and mastery in Human Reproductive System topic are still low. Because this subtopic is very wide, so the students can not uderstand all of the materials easily. The result is almost similar to the other topics, with the average of student’s mastering learning is 62 (Maimunah STP. Personal interview).

Out of several is the presentation of material that by the teacher is less attractive and monoton. In fact, if viewed from the defenition of the learning process was in essence a process of communication, namely the process of delivering a message from the message source to the receiver of the message through the media. However, there are several factors which have obstructed the process of communication of which are psychological barriers, cultural, and environmental. Because of the various types of barriers from both teachers and students, whom receiving or delivered a message, the process of teaching and learning communication takes place is often ineffective and inefficient.

The use of handbooks in the schools also become a major problem. Students are faced with the fact that the book as a learning resource that availabe in the library is inadequate. Often a book is used for two or more peoples, and


brought home turn. So the opportunity to study the lesson at home is limited. Students also can’t mastery the lesson because the test only occur in the end of the book chapter, they just skip the difficult part, and the teacher continuing the next part. And usually in the final test, they are failed. That is all because of the low awareness to mastery learning. The content of the book is also in low categorize, in the International Standard School actually they have to use Esis, Platinum or Campbell, but in this school they use Erlangga. The material in this book is not same good as the other book, and the explanation is not wide.

The existence of different learning styles, interests, intelligence, sense limitations, disability, or geographic barriers, the distance of time and others can be overcome by the use of educational media (Sardiman.2003:18). According to Arsyad (2004:24), the effective use of media in teaching and learning can generate a new interest and desire, motivational and learning stimulation, and even can bring psychological influence positively to the students so as to assist the delivery of messages and content of subject matter very well. The media and the appropiate effective teaching can help students improve understanding, facilitate the interpretation of the subject matter presented by the teacher. The use of instructional media is one effort to enhance learning outcomes because basically student’s level thinking will follow the stages of development ranging from concrete thinking to abstract thinking (Sudjana.2002:36). The use of the media itself is indeed a must if we want to obey the principle of the philosophy of education that emphasize the absolute critical participants learn and produce knowledge from their own experience.

It appears that there is a positive role of media use in teaching and learning which certainly has implications on improving learning outcomes. One of the

learning media isHand Outmedia in theModulform. Rooijaker (1990:32) stated

that Hand Out is a sheet which was distributed to students by the teacher during the lesson in which there are charts or summaries are intended to guide the students so that students are expected to follow the structure of a good lesson. Because of very limited use of textbooks, so the module is expected to help the students to repeat lessons privately at home.



The classical teaching that uses the same teaching and learning for all students would not be appropriate for the needs and personality of each student. Therefore, it is necessary to find teaching system that opens the possibility of providing instruction for a large number of students and in addition it gives an opportunity for individual instruction. Among the variety of individual teaching methods, teaching by module is the most recent method that combines the advantages of the various individual instruction such as specific instructional objectives, learning according to their fastness, as well as a lot of feedback.

From the description above, researcher will develop the module as the learning resource in teaching the subject matter Human Reproductive System topic for grade XI Science students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi, so that the

researcher plan to conduct the research with title “A Module Development to

Improve Student’s Mastery Learning in Human Reproductive System Topic for Grade XI Science Program SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012”.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the background above, then the problem identifications of this study are as follows:

1. The lack of use learning resource in teaching and learning activities, due to limited sources of biology books from library. The teacher not use module to make the teaching and learning process become easier than before. 2. The low of student’s mastery learning in biology subject, so that the

achievement range is only 62 in average score.

1.3 The Scope of Study

1. The developing of module as the instructional learning resource in Human Reproductive System topic for grade XI science program SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.

2. The improvement of student’s mastery learning in Human Reproductive System topic grade XI science program SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.


1.4 Research Questions

In this study, the research questions are as follows:

1. How to develop module as the new additional learning resource media in the Human Reproductive System topic for grade XI science program in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012?

2. Is there any improvement of student’s mastery learning before and after being given the module as the new additional learning resource media in the Human Reproductive System topic for XI grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012?

1.5 Research Objectives

1. To develop module as the new additional learning source media in the Human Reproductive System topic for XI grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.

2. To know the improvement of student’s mastery learning before and after being given the module as the new additional learning source media in the Human Reproductive System topic for XI grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.

1.6 Significances of Research

The significances that expected from the results of this research are:

1. For teachers, they can enhance the innovative learning instructional by using module on teaching and learning process in the classroom.

2. For students, they can mastery the concepts in the Human Reproductive System topic easier and also to increase efficiency and quality of biology learning materials.

3. For researcher, especially myself as the teacher candidate can apply the using of module in the teaching and learning process if I had become a teacher, and to know the devastating impact lack of mastery concepts for prospective students.

4. As an idea donation for the next researcher and it can be useful in developing science.





5.1 Conclusions

Based on the formulation, objective, result and discussion of research on the developmental of the biology module for Human Reproductive System sub-topic that previously stated, it can be concluded that:

1) The developmental of biology module in the Human Reproduction System topic was conducted by using the development model of Borg and Gall, which has the following steps: (1) Expert testing, (2) Conceptual Analysis, (3) Revision I, (4) Small-field Testing, (5) Revision II, (6) Large-field Testing, (7) Review, (8) Revision III, and (9) Final Product and Dissemination.

2) In the large-field testing, data showed that student learning outcomes are improved and they are satisfy with the module that given. Improvement obtained by the grade XI Science 3 that using module in learning score average was from 62.35 becomes 89.01. But grade XI Science 4 that using handbook were not reach mastery learning, the score just improve from 52.83 becomes 67.55.

3) The results of expert validation on the aspects of the Human Reproductive System module: the results of the comparison showed that the material aspect is the highest of 93.75%, then followed by presentation aspect 91.66% and readability aspect 89.28%. Graphical aspect is the lowest than other aspects, which only reached 81.94%. But all aspects are still in very good criterion.

4) The results of small-field testing validation of the Human Reproductive System module: the results of the comparison showed that the graphical aspect is the highest of 95.83%, then followed by the readability aspect 93.05%, and the material aspects namely 95.83%. Presentation aspect is the lowest aspect of the among the other aspects, which only reached 92.36%. But all aspects are still in very good criterion.


5) Module that have developed by the researcher is suitable for use as a good biology learning resource at the Human Reproductive System sub-topic for grade XI science students.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the findings outlined in the conclusion of the study, the following proposed some suggestions are:

1) Because of all this learning process in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi still use teaching materials of handbooks from the library, it is recommended to use materials that more applicable, which can help students understand the learning material and linking learning to real life, also can give better feedback to students.

2) The conclusions in this study still allows influenced by factors that have not been able to control, it still needs to be done further research on a numerous and widespread samples.




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Silvia Sabatini was born in Medan, on 4th August 1990, the last daughter of

Drs.H.Syafii Thahir and Hj.Sri Hartati. In 1995, the writer started her first educational experience in TK Dian Ekawati Medan and finished in 1996. In 1996, the writer entered SD Budisatrya Medan and finished in 2002. In 2002, the writer started her study in SMP Negeri 17 Medan and finished in 2005. In 2005, the writer continued her study in SMA Negeri 3 Medan and graduated in 2008. In 2008, the writer was registered in Biology Bilingual Education, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, The State University of

Medan, and did the thesis examination on 23rd July 2012. The writer is the 2nd

winner of OSN Pertamina 2010 in North Sumatera regional, the Best Student of FMIPA and UNIMED 2011, the UNIMED Delegation for Indonesia Leadership

Camp 2011 in University of Indonesia, and the 2nd winner of UNIMED Science

Olympiad 2012. The writer activities in college are related to BIOTA (Biologi

Pecinta Alam) and HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan). Now, the writer is

registered as the science and biology teacher in Science Department of Chandra Kusuma School – Cemara Asri Medan.


In this study, the research questions are as follows:

1. How to develop module as the new additional learning resource media in the Human Reproductive System topic for grade XI science program in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012?

2. Is there any improvement of student’s mastery learning before and after being given the module as the new additional learning resource media in the Human Reproductive System topic for XI grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012?

1.5 Research Objectives

1. To develop module as the new additional learning source media in the Human Reproductive System topic for XI grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.

2. To know the improvement of student’s mastery learning before and after being given the module as the new additional learning source media in the Human Reproductive System topic for XI grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2011/2012.

1.6 Significances of Research

The significances that expected from the results of this research are:

1. For teachers, they can enhance the innovative learning instructional by using module on teaching and learning process in the classroom.

2. For students, they can mastery the concepts in the Human Reproductive System topic easier and also to increase efficiency and quality of biology learning materials.

3. For researcher, especially myself as the teacher candidate can apply the using of module in the teaching and learning process if I had become a teacher, and to know the devastating impact lack of mastery concepts for prospective students.

4. As an idea donation for the next researcher and it can be useful in developing science.




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the formulation, objective, result and discussion of research on the developmental of the biology module for Human Reproductive System sub-topic that previously stated, it can be concluded that:

1) The developmental of biology module in the Human Reproduction System topic was conducted by using the development model of Borg and Gall, which has the following steps: (1) Expert testing, (2) Conceptual Analysis, (3) Revision I, (4) Small-field Testing, (5) Revision II, (6) Large-field Testing, (7) Review, (8) Revision III, and (9) Final Product and Dissemination.

2) In the large-field testing, data showed that student learning outcomes are improved and they are satisfy with the module that given. Improvement obtained by the grade XI Science 3 that using module in learning score average was from 62.35 becomes 89.01. But grade XI Science 4 that using handbook were not reach mastery learning, the score just improve from 52.83 becomes 67.55.

3) The results of expert validation on the aspects of the Human Reproductive System module: the results of the comparison showed that the material aspect is the highest of 93.75%, then followed by presentation aspect 91.66% and readability aspect 89.28%. Graphical aspect is the lowest than other aspects, which only reached 81.94%. But all aspects are still in very good criterion.

4) The results of small-field testing validation of the Human Reproductive System module: the results of the comparison showed that the graphical aspect is the highest of 95.83%, then followed by the readability aspect 93.05%, and the material aspects namely 95.83%. Presentation aspect is the lowest aspect of the among the other aspects, which only reached 92.36%. But all aspects are still in very good criterion.


5) Module that have developed by the researcher is suitable for use as a good biology learning resource at the Human Reproductive System sub-topic for grade XI science students.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the findings outlined in the conclusion of the study, the following proposed some suggestions are:

1) Because of all this learning process in SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi still use teaching materials of handbooks from the library, it is recommended to use materials that more applicable, which can help students understand the learning material and linking learning to real life, also can give better feedback to students.

2) The conclusions in this study still allows influenced by factors that have not been able to control, it still needs to be done further research on a numerous and widespread samples.


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Silvia Sabatini was born in Medan, on 4th August 1990, the last daughter of Drs.H.Syafii Thahir and Hj.Sri Hartati. In 1995, the writer started her first educational experience in TK Dian Ekawati Medan and finished in 1996. In 1996, the writer entered SD Budisatrya Medan and finished in 2002. In 2002, the writer started her study in SMP Negeri 17 Medan and finished in 2005. In 2005, the writer continued her study in SMA Negeri 3 Medan and graduated in 2008. In 2008, the writer was registered in Biology Bilingual Education, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, The State University of Medan, and did the thesis examination on 23rd July 2012. The writer is the 2nd winner of OSN Pertamina 2010 in North Sumatera regional, the Best Student of FMIPA and UNIMED 2011, the UNIMED Delegation for Indonesia Leadership Camp 2011 in University of Indonesia, and the 2nd winner of UNIMED Science Olympiad 2012. The writer activities in college are related to BIOTA (Biologi Pecinta Alam) and HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan). Now, the writer is registered as the science and biology teacher in Science Department of Chandra Kusuma School – Cemara Asri Medan.