peranan team story dalam program Junior masterchef Indonesia.


Asri Ashari, 210103110014, Laporan Tugas Akhir, 2014. “Peranan Team Story dalam
program Junior Mascterchef Indonesia”, di bawah bimbingan Pandan Yudhapramesti,
S.Sos.,M .T pada Program Diploma III PAKT, Sub program Studi Penyiaran, Fakultas Ilmu
Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor.

Tujuan pengamatan ini untuk menjelaskan peranan dan tugas team story yang termasuk
dalam bagian tim kreatif dalam proses pra produksi, proses produksi dan hambatan dalam
proses produksi yang dialami oleh seorang team story program Junior Mastrechef Indonesia

Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data
berupa observasi partisipan, wawancara, studi kepustakaan serta dokumentasi.

Hasil pengamatan ini menunjukkan bahwa proses produksi program Junior Masterchef
Indonesia melalui tahap praproduksi, yaitu penemuan ide, perencanaan dan persiapan. Tahap
produksi, yaitu melakukan latihan memasak untuk para konestan sehari sebelum syuting,
melakukan meeting bersama tim, melakukan briefing sebelum syuting berlangsung, pada saat
syuting berlangsung team story melakukan pekerjaannya, menuliskan semua kejadian
menarik para kontestan selama kontestan berada di stasionnya masing-masing, dan

melakukan interview kontestan. Hambatan yang terjadi kurang lebih karena miss komunikasi,
dan harus memiliki kesabaran yang lebih dalam menghadapi para kontestan Junior
Masterchef Indonesia.

Simpulan dari hasil pengamatan ini team story dalam program Junior Masterchef Indonesia
bertugas dalam tiga tahapan produksi, meliputi praproduksi, produksi, dan pascaproduksi.
Team story dan tim lainnya yang terlibat dalam proses produksi Junior Masterchef Indonesia
harus lebih memaksimalkan lagi dalam komunikasi, diharapkan perbanyak lagi SDM yang
terlibat dalam program tersebut, jika program Junior Masterchef Indonesia akan mengadakan
season kedua.



Asri Ashari, 210103110014, Final Assignment Report, 2014. “The Role of „Team Story‟
in Junior Masterchef Indonesia program”, underthe guidance of Pandan Yudhapramesti,
S.Sos.,M .T for D3 Program of PAKT, Sub-program of Broadcasting Study, Faculty of
Communication, Jatinangor Padjadjaran University.
The purpose of this analysis is to describe the team story’s roles and tasks which are implied

in the part of creative team in pra-production and production process and the obstructions in
the production process which are experienced by a team story in Junior Masterchef Indonesia
RCTI program.

The writing method which is used is descriptive method. The technique of data collectionn is
done through participant observation, interview, library research and documentation.

The result of this analysis shows that the production process of Junior Masterchef Indonesia
program is made through pra-production steps, which are idea invention, planning, and
preparing. Production step is to practice cooking by the contestants on a day before shooting,
to held a meeting with the team, to do a briefing before the shooting is going on. When the
shooting takes place, the team story is doing their job; writing every interesting moments
from the contestant while they are at their own kitchen table and doing the interview with the
contestants. The disturbance may be caused by miscommunication and the need to have great
patience in facing the contestans of Junior Masterchef Indonesia.

The conclusion of this analysis is that the team story of Junior Masterchef Indonesia program
has duties on three production steps, which is pra-production, production, and
pascaproduction. The team story and the other teams that get involved in the production of
Junior Masterchef Indonesia should maximilize more in their communication and are

expected to gain more human resources for the program if it is going to hold the second


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