Land use induced spatial heterogeneity o

Catena 54 (2003) 59 – 75

Land-use induced spatial heterogeneity of soil
hydraulic properties on the Loess Plateau in China
Jannes Stolte a,*, Bas van Venrooij a, Guanghui Zhang b,
Kim O. Trouwborst a, Guobin Liu c, Coen J. Ritsema a, Rudi Hessel d
Alterra Green World Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Department of Resource and Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, PR China
Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources,
Yangling, PR China
Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

On the Loess Plateau in China, soil erosion amounts to between 10 000 and 25 000 tons/km2/
year. In 1998, the EROCHINA project was started, with the major objective of developing
alternative land-use and soil and water conservation strategies for the Loess Plateau, using the

LISEM soil erosion model. In order to provide the model with accurate input on soil hydraulic
properties of the catchment, this study tried to quantify these properties for major land-use units
and to examine the effects of the statistically identified in-field heterogeneity on model outcome.
The study area (Danangou catchment) is located in the middle part of the Loess Plateau in the
northern part of Shaanxi Province. The catchment is about 3.5 km2 in size. To determine the
hydraulic properties of the soil, a sampling scheme was implemented to measure unsaturated
conductivity and water retention characteristics. The saturated conductivity measurements were
performed on land-use clusters, based on treatment and plant and soil differences. A 100  100 m
sampling grid was set out on 12 fields, with 1  1 m grid squares. On each field, 10 sampling
spots were randomly selected, using Simple Random Sampling. The sensitivity of the LISEM
model to the measured heterogeneity of saturated conductivity was analysed by using the
geometric mean and standard deviation (S.D.) of the Ks-optimized of the various land-use units to
calculate discharge and soil loss during a single rain event. This proved that, using the standard
deviation of the saturated conductivity, which was 30 – 50%, the calculated discharge and total
sediment losses varied by a factor 2. Using the standard deviation had a minor effect on the
calculated sediment concentration. As regards the on-site effects, the use of the geometric mean of
Ks minus the S.D. resulted in an increase in the level of erosion, while the use of geometric mean

* Corresponding author. Fax: +31-317-419000.
E-mail address: (J. Stolte).

0341-8162/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

of Ks plus the S.D. value resulted in a significant decrease in erosion level relative to that obtained
using the geometric mean of Ks itself. Using randomly selected sampling spots and a calibration
procedure as was done in the present study make detailed information on Ks available, which can
be used to compare alternative land-use options for their effectiveness in reducing discharge and
sediment losses.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Soil erosion modeling; Loess Plateau

1. Introduction
Spatial and temporal variability of soil hydraulic conductivity are important
parameters in soil erosion studies (Springer and Cundy, 1988) and are, in general,
difficult to measure. So far, studies have been carried out to determine the spatial or
temporal variability in soil physical properties themselves (e.g. Cassel and Nelson,

1985; Mapa et al., 1986; Mallants et al., 1996). Kim and Stricker (1996) concluded
that one set of equivalent soil hydraulic characteristics does not accurately capture the
effects of (field-scale) spatial heterogeneity on the presence of surface runoff. Sharma
et al. (1980) concluded from their experiments at watershed level that there was no
obvious pattern in the distribution of infiltration parameters with respect to soil type or
position in the watershed. De Roo and Riezebos (1992) used infiltration experiments to
show that within-unit variability was higher than between-unit variability, so no
statistically significant differences in infiltration characteristics could be detected
between the experimental fields they used. Studies on the effects of the variability
of soil hydraulic properties, or related parameters such as infiltration rate, show that
these properties are key factors in predicting runoff rates (e.g. Singh and Woolhiser,
1976; De Roo et al., 1992). Trends in infiltration properties are crucially important in
understanding and predicting Hortonian runoff (Woolhiser et al., 1996). De Roo et al.
(1996a) showed that saturated hydraulic conductivity is the most sensitive parameter
for a physically based soil erosion model. In-field variation in conductivity characteristics of crusted areas was found to have major effects on calculated runoff (Stolte et
al., 1997).
On the Loess Plateau in China, soil erosion amounts to between 10 000 and 25 000
tons/km2/year (Zhang et al., 1998). Of this quantity, 73% ends up in the Huang He
(Yellow River), causing enormous problems of sedimentation, as well as flood risks, in
downstream areas. In 1998, the EROCHINA project was started, with the major

objective of developing alternative land-use and soil and water conservation strategies for the Loess Plateau (Ritsema, 2003). To evaluate alternative land-use options,
model simulation is carried out using the physically based LISEM soil erosion model
(De Roo et al., 1996b). The model is highly sensitive to saturated hydraulic conductivity
(De Roo et al., 1996a). In order to provide the model with accurate input on soil
hydraulic properties of the catchment, the present study aimed at (i) quantifying the soil
hydraulic properties of major land-use units, (ii) quantifying the within-unit heterogeneity of saturated conductivity, (iii) detecting statistically significant differences

J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75


between land-use units, and (iv) examining the effects of the on-field heterogeneity on
model outcome.

2. Materials and methods
The study area (Danangou catchment) is located in the middle part of the Loess
Plateau in the Northern part of Shaanxi Province. The catchment is about 3.5 km2 in
size, and drains directly into the Yanhe river. The elevation of the catchment ranges from
1085 to 1370 m above sea level (Fig. 1). A soil survey (Messing et al., 2003) found
Calcaric Regosols in the WRB (1998) reference system and Typic Ustorthents according

to the Soil Survey Staff (1992) for the stratified loessial soils above 1200– 1225 m
altitude. The stratified loessial soils below 1200 – 1225 m were found to be Calcaric/

Fig. 1. Digital elevation map of the study area.


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

Chromic Cambisols (WRB) and Calcic Ustochrepts/Umbric Fragiochrepts (SSS); the
alluvial soils were Calcaric Fluvosols (WRB) and Typic Ustifluvents (SSS); soils with
the bedrock at a depth of less than 25 cm or containing little fine earth (skeleton soils)
belonged to the Calcaric/Lithic Leptosols (WRB) and Lithic Ustorthents (SSS). The soil
map is shown in Fig. 2.
At Ansai City, 5 km from the Danangou catchment, average annual rainfall was 513
mm over the period 1971 – 1998 (Ansai County Meteorological Station), of which 72% fell
in the period June –September, with an average of three to four thunderstorms each year
causing discharge.
In 1999, land use of the Danangou catchment consisted of 41.4% wasteland/wild
grassland, 35.4% cropland (mainly maize, millet, potato, and soybean), 13.4% forest/

shrub, 7.3% fallow, 2.4% orchard/cash tree, and 0.1% vegetables (Hessel et al.,
2003a). Average crop coverage was less than 50%, while the wasteland and fallow

Fig. 2. Soil map of the study area.

J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75


areas showed a vegetation coverage of 33%, the shrub 42% and the forest 49%
(Wu et al., 2003). Fallow areas are treated as cropland in spring by the farmers, but
no crop is planted during the season, while wasteland is not subjected to any
To determine the hydraulic properties of the soil, samples were taken to measure
unsaturated conductivity and water retention characteristics and the saturated conductivity. For the unsaturated conductivity and water retention characteristics samples
were taken from the top soil layer (0– 10 cm) at fields representing the various major
types of land use in the catchment, on the assumption that these land-use differences
would cause differences in overland flow. The major land use types were cropland
(four samples), orchard (two samples), wasteland (two samples), shrub (two samples)
and woodland (two samples). Deeper soil horizons (10 – 20 cm: four samples, 20 –

100 cm: six samples taken at 30 cm depth) were measured as well, to provide the
model with the necessary input data to solve the Richards’ equation for flow in
unsaturated soils. Sampling was done in duplicate at each field, taking samples 10 cm
in diameter and 8 cm high. The sample cores were carefully closed, sealed and
transported to the field station in Ansai City to be measured using the evaporation
method (Halbertsma and Veerman, 1994). In this method (Fig. 3), the weight of the
sample and the pressure head at four depths (1, 3, 5 and 7 cm from top of sample)
are measured simultaneously and automatically while the sample is left to evaporate
soil water. These measurements were used to calculate each sample’s water retention
and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity characteristics (Wind, 1968). With the evapo-

Fig. 3. Setup of the evaporation method. A = Balance, B = pressure transducers module, C = data logging and
control unit, D = back-up battery.


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

ration equipment, it was possible to measure four samples at a time, with a total
measurement period per cycle (i.e. four samples) of about 2 weeks. A fit procedure

(Van Genuchten et al., 1991) was used to describe the hydraulic functions with a set
of Mualem – Van Genuchten equation parameters (Mualem, 1976; Van Genuchten,
The saturated conductivity measurement was based on a sampling scheme using
Simple Random Sampling. This approach to sampling is, together with other types of
probability sampling, referred to as the design-based approach (De Gruijter, 1999). In
the Simple Random Sampling design, all sample points are selected with equal
probability and independently from each other. Sampling was performed on the soil
surface of identified land-use types as a result of an overlay of land treatment and plant
and soil differences. It was expected that land treatment and plant and soil differences
would cause differences in overland flow, as has been shown by Stolte et al. (1996).
The land-use types identified in the catchment area, and as such sampled, included
cereal, potato, bean on yellow and red loess; orchards on red and yellow loess; forest
on red and yellow loess and wasteland and shrub. The latter were present only on
yellow loess. On selected 12 fields (each field representing one of the land use types),
a 100  100 m square was set out with 1  1 m grid squares. This sampling square
encompassed most of the field area. Ten sampling spots were selected, using randomly
selected x and y coordinates for the grid identification. Soil samples were taken
carefully from the surface, causing as little disturbance to the top layer as possible. The
samples were transported to a shed owned by a local farmer, where equipment for

measuring saturated conductivity had been installed (Fig. 4). The samples were
saturated, and the constant head method was used to measure saturated conductivity
(Stolte, 1997). The one-factor analysis of variance followed by Student t-tests (least
significant difference method), was used to evaluate the results of the measurements in
terms of significant differences between land-use types. Land-use types were merged to
physical units if no significant differences were found. For each of the physical units,
the geometric mean of the saturated conductivity was calculated, together with the
standard deviation. We used a calibration procedure (Hessel et al., this issue(a)) to
optimize the LISEM model results, using fitted saturated conductivity (resulting from
the Mualem – Van Genuchten fitting procedure on the data from the evaporation
method), as well as measured saturated conductivity. Theoretically, the fitted Ks value
is too low (since the Mualem – Van Genuchten equations do not take the influence of
macro-pore flow into account) while the measured Ks is too high (as a result of soil
sample disturbance and cut-through of dead-end pores). The ‘actual’ value of the
saturated conductivity (Ks-optimized) lies between these values. Ciollaro and Romano
(1995) also recognized that the K factor resulting from the Van Genuchten equation is a
model parameter rather than an estimate of the saturated conductivity, and proved it to
be smaller than measured Ks. The calibration took place for a single rain event and was
based on optimizing the calculated hydrograph and sedigraph on the measured hydrograph and sedigraph. Validation was done for four other rain events (Hessel et al.,

Discharge and sediment losses from the Danangou catchment were simulated using
the physically based LISEM soil erosion model (De Roo et al., 1996b). Basic

J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75


Fig. 4. Setup of saturated conductivity measurements.

processes incorporated in the model are rainfall, interception, surface storage in microdepressions, infiltration, vertical movement of water in the soil, overland flow, channel
flow, detachment by rainfall and throughfall, transport capacity and detachment by
overland flow. The model is one of the first examples of a physically based model that
is completely integrated in a raster Geographical Information System. The catchment
under study is divided in grid cells of equal sizes. For each grid cell for every time
step, rainfall and interception by plants are calculated, after which infiltration and
surface storage are subtracted to give net runoff. Subsequently, splash and flow erosion
and deposition are calculated using the stream power principle and the water and
sediment are routed to the outlet with a kinematic wave procedure. Infiltration can be
calculated with various sub-models, according to the data available. In this study, a
finite difference solution of the Richards’ equation is used. This includes vertical soil

water transport and the change of matric potential in the soil during a rainfall event.
For a detailed background description of the model, it is referred to the web-page The sensitivity of the LISEM model to the measured
heterogeneity of the saturated conductivity was analyzed using the geometric mean and
standard deviation of the Ks-optimized as input for the various physical units to
calculate discharge and soil loss during a single rain event. This rain event took place
on July 20, 1999, and included a total rainfall of 21 mm in 65 min, with a peak
intensity of 180 mm/h. This event was also used to calibrate the model (Hessel et al.,
2003a). The measurements of the saturated conductivity took place in the first week of
August 1999.

3. Results
An example of the results of the evaporation method and the fit procedure is
shown in Fig. 5. The results of the measurements of water retention and unsaturated
hydraulic conductivity characteristics are presented in Table 1, in the form of


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

Fig. 5. Results of measurement of water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity characteristics using the
evaporation method, and fit procedure used to describe the characteristics in terms of parameters to solve the
Mualem – Van Genuchten equations (Theta-r = residual water content (m3/m3); Theta-s = saturated water content
(m3/m3); Alpha, n, l, m = shape parameters; Ks = fitted saturated conductivity (cm/day)).

Mualem –Van Genuchten equation parameters. In Table 1, results of measurements are
assigned to soil layers. Presented are the results of the samples that are selected for
input in the model. Selection took place based on the results of the evaporation
method. Samples with highest range of data and best fit were selected. The results of
Table 1
Mualem – Van Genuchten equation parameters of land-use systems and soil layers in the Danangou catchment
Layer 0 – 10 cm











10 – 20 cm

20 – 100 cm



hr = residual water content; hs = saturated water content; a, n, l = shape parameters; Ks-fit = fitted saturated conductivity.


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

the saturated conductivity measurements are presented in Table 2, showing the
geometric mean and standard deviation (S.D.) of the saturated conductivity for each
field. The data shown in Table 2 indicate that the permanent land-use systems
(forest, orchard, wasteland, shrub) showed higher geometric mean Ks values and
greater heterogeneity within the system (high S.D. values) than the arable areas. This
is probably due to the presence of more macro pores (e.g. insect burrows or roots)
in the permanent systems than in the arable land, as was also noticed during
The measured data of Ks showed that differences between the geometric mean of
Ks for a number of field combinations are smaller than the Least Square Difference
(Table 3). Using this table, it is possible to merge land-use groups in groups with
similarity in soil type and land management, as shown in Table 4. The statistical
analysis of the saturated conductivity resulted in the identification of six physical units
within the catchment. These units are on red loess cropland, forest and orchard and on
yellow loess cereal and potato, bean, orchard, and wasteland, shrub and forest.
For the July 20, 1999 event, the calibration procedure as presented by Hessel et al.
(2003b) resulted in a ratio between the measured and fitted Ks values of 0.15 and 0.85,
respectively, when calibrating on peak discharge. The same ratio was used in the
sensitivity analysis, resulting in a value for Ks-optimized that was considerable lower
than that of Ks-measured. The Ks-fit was based on the results of the evaporation method,
as shown in Table 1. The geometric mean of Ks-optimized and its standard deviation
were used to calculate discharge and soil loss, to be used as input for the LISEM model.

Table 2
Geometric mean of measured saturated conductivity for several land-use/soil-type combinations in the Danangou
Soil type

Land use


Geometric mean



Red loess

Arable land


Yellow loess

Arable land






Measurements used the constant head method; sampling spots for each field were selected using Simple Random
S.D. = standard deviation.
n = number of samples.


Table 3
Geometric mean of measured Ks for each field and the significant differences between fields at a Least Significant Difference (at 5% level) of 0.3415
Soil type

Red loess

Mean lnKs 4.23
Red loess

Cereal 1
Cereal 2
Yellow loess Cereal 1
Cereal 2
Red loess
Yellow loess Forest

Yellow loess

Red loess

Yellow loess

Cereal 1 Potato Bean Cereal 2 Cereal 1 Potato Bean Cereal 2 Orchard Forest Forest Waste Orchard Shrub







 indicates the fields which are significantly different (AlnKsi










J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

Land use


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

Table 4
Geometric mean of Ks and standard deviation for land-use groups that showed no significant differences
according to analysis of variance on the measured Ks values
Soil type

Land use

Geometric mean
Ks-measured (cm/day)


Red loess

Orchard and forest
Cereal and potatoes
Wasteland, shrub, forest



Yellow loess


S.D. = standard deviation.

These values are shown in Table 5. The spatially varying input data for the saturated
conductivity given in Fig. 6 correspond to Table 5. The 1999 land-use map together with
the derived map of the physical unit groups for the saturated conductivity data is shown
in Fig. 6.
Fig. 7 shows the calculated and measured values of discharge, sediment concentration and calculated cumulative sediment load in the Danangou catchment, for a rain
event on July 20, 1999, calculated on the basis of the geometric mean of Ksoptimized, plus and minus the standard deviation. The figure shows that, using the
standard deviation of saturated conductivity, which is 30 – 50%, the calculated
discharge and total sediment losses varied by a factor of 2. Using the standard
deviation had a minor effect on the calculated sediment concentration. Fig. 8 shows
the on-site effects of the calculated erosion patterns, in terms of the absolute erosion
value resulting from the use of the mean value of Ks-optimized, and the differences
resulting from the use of the standard deviation. It is clear that using the Ks value
minus the S.D. results in an increase in the level of erosion, while using the Ks value
plus the S.D. results in a significant decrease relative to that obtained using the mean
Ks value.

Table 5
Geometric mean of Ks-optimized ( = 0.15Ks-measured + 0.85Ks-fitted) and standard deviation of land-use groups
Soil type

Land use

Geometric mean
Ks-optimized (cm/day)


Red loess

Cereal and potatoes



Yellow loess


S.D. = standard deviation.


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

Fig. 6. Land-use map of the Danangou catchment for 1999 (top) and derived land-unit map for saturated
conductivity (bottom).

J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75


Fig. 7. Calculated and measured discharge (a), sediment concentration (b) and calculated cumulative sediment
load (c) for the Danangou catchment in a rain event on July 20, 1999. Calculation was based on the geometric
mean of Ks-optimized, plus or minus the standard deviation.


J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75

Fig. 8. Calculated erosion/deposition pattern in the Danango catchment for a rain event on July 20, 1999, using
the mean value of Ks-optimized (A) (green = deposition, red = erosion); difference in erosion/deposition using
Ks-S.D. (B) (green = less deposition, red = more erosion) and Ks + S.D. (C) (green = less erosion, red = more

J. Stolte et al. / Catena 54 (2003) 59–75


4. Discussion and conclusion
Saturated hydraulic conductivity proved to be very heterogeneous. Although this
had previously been recognised by several other authors (e.g. Russo et al., 1997;
Mallants et al., 1997; Mohanty et al., 1994; Lauren et al., 1988), the effect of this
spatial variability on soil erosion predictions has rarely been quantified. The procedure
carried out in the present study provides a sensitivity analysis of the LISEM model,
using the standard deviation of the optimised saturated conductivity. Though the S.D.
of Ks-optimized was much lower than that of Ks-measured, there was nevertheless a
considerable effect on calculated discharge and sediment loss. This indicates that
considerable effort is required to estimate the saturated conductivity in order to predict
the discharge of a catchment. Using randomly selected sampling spots and a
calibration procedure as was done in the present study make detailed information
on Ks available, which can be used to compare alternative land-use options for their
effectiveness in reducing discharge and sediment losses.
There is no indication that the results will differ if other rainfall events were
used. As is shown in the calibration results by Hessel et al. (2003a), the factor
between Ks-measured and Ks-fitted has a minor change for different events. That
means that differences between the soil physical units remain the same, and so
the outcome of the sensitivity analysis will remain the same. Only the magnitude of the differences due to different rainfall amounts and intensity will
The present study showed that saturated conductivity depends on both soil type and
land use. This indicates that this value is determined by the texture and structure of
the soil. Apart from the bean-field, none of the crop fields on a specific soil type
showed any statistically significant differences in Ks values. This could be explained
from the fact that the same tillage techniques are used for all fields in this area. It
is not clear why the bean field on yellow soil showed different values. The fact that
for the red loess orchard and forest are in the same physical unit, in contradiction
with the yellow loess where the orchard is a separate unit, can be explained by the
use of the field. The orchard on red loess was not tilled, whereas for the yellow loess
area the orchard was used for growing of vegetables. The finding that, in general,
every field with the same treatment on a particular soil type had the same Ks value
shows that a preliminary sampling scheme can be defined to reduce the number of

This project was funded by the European Union (INCO-DC) and the Dutch Ministry of
Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries (North –South program). It is financed
under the EU work program INCO (contract number IC18-CT97-0158). The project does
not necessarily reflect the European Commission’s views and in no way anticipates its
future policy in this area.


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