At the Intergeneratlonal Transfer Elderly Population Based Shelter in Medan – Indonesia

Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Edilor- in-Chief
Dr. Vivian Simon : Adjunct Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Western
Washington Uni versity
Associate Edilors:
Dr. Abid \Vaqas: Visiting Professor. Faculty of Social Sciences. University Malaysia
Sarawak, Malaysia
Dr. Pamela Gregg: Associated Professor of Arts. Massachusetts Coll ege of Arts. USA
Dr. John Moore: Visiting Professor. Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Austral ian Catholic
University, Australi a
Dr. I. S. Yar ' zever: Department ofSocio!ogy. Bayero Univers ity. Nigeri a
Ed itorial Boa rd Members - European Ame rican Journals
Dr. Michael Busler: Associate Professor of Finance, Finance Program Coordinator. Richard
Stockton College of New Jersey. USA
Professor Sa m Okoroafo: Professor of Marketing and International Business, Universi ty of
Toledo. USA
Professor Fabrizio Ross i: Adjunct Professor of Economics and Business Organization.
Universi ty of Cassino and Southern Lazi o, Italy
Dr. Mohamed Khaled Amr ELDaJy: Department of Accounting and Finance. Anglia
Ruskin University, UK
Dr. Ojiabo Ukoha: University of Maryland. Eastern Shore. Princess Anne, Maryland, USA

Professor J. C. Okoye: Professor of Public Administration, Department of Public
Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, igeria
Dr. OkeJeke Nzeogwu: Department of Management, University of South em Nevada. USA
Dr. Markus Omagh: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of AlIgsburg, Gennany
Professor Benjamin C. Osisioma: Professor of Accoun ting. Accountancy Department,
namdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
Dr. Taylor M. Matt: Department of Biological Science, Uni versity of Macquqrie, Sydney,
Austra li a
Dr. Markus Haag: Department of Management and Business Systems, Univers ity of
Bcdrordshire. UK
Professor Nathan N. Elekwa: Professor of Public Administration and Loca l Government.
University of Nigeria, Nsuka. Nigeria
Dr. Vl n Vng: Visiting Professor, Department of Computer, University of Bcdfordshi rc, UK
Dr. Stephen Mackson: Department of Management and Business lnformation Systems.
University of Bedfordshire. UK
Dr. Make Smart: Faculty of Mathemati cs and Natural Science, University of Augsbllrg.
Professor Emmanuel I. Okoye: Accountancy Department, Nnamdi Azikiwe University .
Awka, igcria
Dr. Matthew Peters: Department of Computer Science. University of Western Sydney,

Professor Ka le E. Nnabuife: Department of Business Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe
Uni versity. Awka, Nigeria
Dr. Chamber Peters: Psychology Departmen t, Universi ty of Ade laide, Australia

Dr. Qian Zhang: Department of Language and Communication.

ruversity of Bedfordshire,


Dr. Nurul Fadly Habidin: Faculty of Management and EconomJcs. Universiti Pendidikan
Sultan Idris
Professor Hazim Jabbar S hah Ali AI-Oaraji: Animal Resource Dept.. College of
Agriculture, Univers ity of Baghdad, Abu-Ghraib. lrnq
Dr. Anastasia G. Maggina : Accounting. Finance. and tanagerial Economics University o f
Crete, Greece
Dr. Me)'sam Poorkavoos: Business and Management Research Institute. University of
Bedrordshire, UK

Dr. Austine O. [nofe: Department of Accounting. University of Benin. igeria
Aldrin \ V. \Vanambisi: Dept of Mathematics. Masinde Muliro Uni\ersity of Science and
Technology, Kakamega, Kenya
Tabriz Branch.
Dr. Nasse r Fegh-hi Farahmand: Department of Industrial セQ。ョァ・ュ」エN@
Islamic Azad University. Tabriz, Iran
Dr. Michael Busler: Associate Professor of Finance. RIchard IOClaoo College University,

Professo r Krishna P. Kumar: CEO & Secretary, ehru Group oflnstitulions. Indi a
Proressor Franklin S. John : Principal. Nehm Co ll ege of Management. Coi mbatore, India
Dr. Navccd Iqbal: Department of Accounting and Finance. Anglia Ruskin University. UK
Dr. Ofuan J . lIaboya: Department of Accounting, FacuJI)' of Management Sciences,
University of Benin. Nigeria
Dr. \Vaspodo Tjipto Subroto: State University ofSurabaya. Indonesia
Systems, University of
Dr. Sa nd a \Vin : Depanmenl of Management and Busine
Bcdrordshire, UK

Dr. J ema Haji: Associate Professor of Agricultura l Economics College of Agriculture and

En vironmental Sciences School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. Italy
Dr. Jimmy Castro: Business and Management Research Institute. University of
Bedfordshire, UK
Dr. I. S. Yar'zcver: Depanment of Sociology, Bayero Un iversity. Kana, igeria
Dr. Amaresh Das: College of Business, Southern University. e\\ Orleans. USA
Dr. Harl O. Awa: Department of Marketing, University of Port-Harcourt. igcria
Dr. Aisha LU: Visiting Professor of Chemistry Kasetsart Unj\