AN ANALYSIS OF SYNTACTICAL FEATURES ON SENTENCE PATTERN IN “ECLIPSE” NOVEL BY STEPHENIE MEYER A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) In the Eng








Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

In the English and Educational Department











ِميِحهرلا ِن َٰ م ْحهرلا ِ هاللَّ ِمْسِب

  In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other people and people‟s idea except the information cited from the references.

  The writer is capable to account her graduating paper if in the future it can be proved of containing other‟s idea or in fact, the writer imitates the other‟s graduating paper. Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and she hopes that this declaration can be understood.


  Salatiga, January 13 2015 The writer,

  Siti Khotimatun 11310100


  Jl Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) 323706 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website th

  Salatiga, January 13 2015 Sari Famularsih, M.A. The Lecturer of English Department State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga


  Case: Siti Khotimatun’s Graduating Paper Dear The Head of State Institute of Islamic Studies of Salatiga Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting Siti Khotimatun‟s Graduating Paper entitled





  dedicated and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty. I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  Consultant, Sari Famularsih, M.A.

  NIP: 198109112011012004



  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd

  2015 Head of STAIN Salatiga


  Salatiga, March 9

  nd Examiner : Setia Rini, M.Pd.


  Examiner : Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A 4.


  Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) 323706 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Webs

  : Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I, M.A 3.

  : Moh. Khusen, M.A 2. Secretary

  Board of Examiners, 1. Head

  2015, and hereby considered to completely fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I).


  Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga on February, 21




NIM: 11310100









  “Death is peaceful. Life is harder”

  • Stephenie Meyer- “It‟s not the face, but expression on it. It‟s not the voice, but what you say. It‟s not how you look, in that body, but the thing you do with it. You re beautiful.”
  • Stephenie Meyer- “Alone we are smart. Together we are brilliant&rd
  • Steven Anderson, Educator-



  This graduating paper is preciously dedicated to : 1.

  My beloved Mother and Father (Mrs. Mi‟ah and Alm. Mr. Busri), who teach me to love Allah SWT and knowledge, thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for everything.

  2. My dearest brothers and sisters (Mas Arif, Mbak Barokah, Mbak Zum, Mbak Umi, Mas Sholihin, Mas Nurul), thank you for your motivation, kindness, and love.

  3. My dearest nephew and niece (Nuha and Izza), your brightness smiles give special motivation for me.

  4. My dearest part BAT (My tata), who cherishes me deeply from his heart, thank you for entering and filling up an empty space of my life.

  5. All teachers of English Department of Educational Faculty.

  6. All of my friends in English Department ‟10.

  7. My second family at STAIN Salatiga, Unyu Family (Mamam Endhar, De Ririn, De Fita), thank you for our love journey.

  8. All my family & friends who I can not mention the name one by one, thank you for everything.



  Alhamdulillaahirrabbil‟aalamiin, firstly the writer said as praise and thanks to Allah SWT with His blessing, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Department of Educational Faculty of State Islamic Institute (STAIN) Salatiga.

  However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution.

  Therefore, the writer would like to thank to the following: 1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the head of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd, as the head of Education Department.

  3. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd., as a chief of English Department.

  4. Mrs. Sari Famularsih, MA, as a counselor this graduation paper. Thank you for your meaningfull advice, correction, suggestion, and recommendation for this graduating paper from begining until the end.

  5. All of lecturers in English Department especially Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, M.A, Mrs. Setia Rini., M.Pd, Mrs. Win Listyaningrum Arifin, M.A, Mr. Ari Setiawan M.M, Mr. Faizal Risdianto M.Hum, Mr. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, M.Hum, Mr. Ruwandi, M.A, Mr. Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum. M.Ed, Mr.

  Norwanto, M.Hum, thank you for the valuable knowledge that will be useful in my life.

  6. All lecturers of STAIN Salatiga who have bestowed their knowledge to me, especially Dr. Zakiyyudin Baidhawy, thank you for your support.

  7. My beloved mother and father (Mrs. Mi‟ah and Alm. Mr. Busri), who always educate, care, enthusiasm and support me, and also thanks for your love, trust, and never stop pray for me.

  8. My beloved big family thanks for your guidance, advice, encouragement, and praying to Allah.

  9. My second family “unyu” (mamam Endhar, de Ririn, de Fita) thank you for support and our true friendship.

  10. The big families of Racana Kusuma Dilaga – Woro Srikandhi, PIK Sahajasa, Biro TAZKIA, Kwarcab Kota Salatiga, DKC Pandu Dewanata, and Bappermasper KB KP Kota Salatiga, have always give support and successful.

  11. Thanks also to all side who help me, it is immpossible for me to mention one by one here, for the help, suggestion, and guidance.

  Finally, may Allah receive all their kindness and also repay all of those who have helped the writer during finished this graduation paper. Hopefully, this paper could give beneficial for the readers.

  Salatiga, January 13 th 2015

  The writer Siti Khotimatun



  Khotimatun, Siti. 2015. An Analysis of Syntactical Features on Sentence Pattern

  in “Eclipse”Novel By Sthephenie Meyer. Final Graduating Paper of

  English and Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Sari Famularsih, M.A.

  Keywords : Syntactical Features, Tree Diagram. Novel

  The aim of this research are to know what kind of syntactical features that use in “Eclipse” Novel, what is the implication of using an analysis of syntactical features in the Novel in English Language Learning. This research is qualitative study by a decomposition of documentary data.

  The writer analyzes about syntactical features in Eclipse Novel by Sthephenie Meyer. The research use 75 data of sentences then classified and analyzed the data based on classification of sentence by number of full predication that are simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence and also tree diagram. From the analysis, the writer concludes that are 35 sentences about simple sentence, 18 sentences about compound sentence, and 22 sentences about complex sentence. All of the sentences consist of syntactical features, starting from structural nodes for example Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase or the branches for example Verb, Noun, Adverb.

  The result of this research can be implicated on English Language Learning. The teacher can use this research as an authentic material to teach grammar (e.g. simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence).



TITLE ................................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION .............................................................................................. ii


  ........................................................... iii


PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................................ iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION .................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ vii


  ...................................................................................................... ix


TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x

LIST OF ABREVIATION .............................................................................. xii

LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURE ................................................................ xiii

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ......................................................................... 1 B. Statement of the Problem ......................................................................... 5 C. Objective of the Study ............................................................................. . 5 D. Benefit of the Study ................................................................................ 6 E. Limitation of the Study ........................................................................... 6 F. Literature Review ............................................................................... 7 G. Definition of Key Term ............................................................................ 8 H. Research Methodology ............................................................................ 9 I. Graduating Paper Outline ........................................................................ 12

  CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Syntactic Analysis .................................................................................. 13 B. Syntactic Features .................................................................................. 15 C. Authentic Material ................................................................................ 27 CHAPTER III: LITERARY ELEMENTS AND DATA PRESENTATION A. Synopsis of the Novel ............................................................................. 31 B. Literary Elements .................................................................................... 36 C. Data Presentation .................................................................................... 43 CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH FINDING A. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 46 B. Implication of the finding to English Language Learning ..................... 105 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 106 B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 107 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIXES


  1. = Sentence S

  2. = Noun Phrase NP

  3. = Verb Phrase

  VP 4. = Prepositional Phrase

  PP 5. AdjP = Adjective Phrase 6. AdvP = Adverbial Phrase

  7. = Gerund Phrase GP

  8. = Noun N

  9. = Verb

  V 10. = Preposition

  P 11. = Determiner

  D 12. Adj. = Adjective 13. Adv. = Adverb


Figure 4.13 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 53Figure 4.24 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 58Figure 4.23 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 58Figure 4.22 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 57Figure 4.21 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 57Figure 4.20 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 56Figure 4.19 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 56Figure 4.18 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 55Figure 4.17 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 55Figure 4.16 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 54Figure 4.15 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 54Figure 4.14 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 53Figure 4.12 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 52Table 3.1 Syntactical Features in Eclipse Novel Based On Sentence Types.............................................................Figure 4.11 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 52Figure 4.10 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 51Figure 4.9 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 51Figure 4.8 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 50Figure 4.7 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 50Figure 4.6 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 49Figure 4.5 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 49Figure 4.4 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 48Figure 4.3 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 48Figure 4.2 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 47

  43 Figure 4.1 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 47

Figure 4.25 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 59Figure 4.27 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 60Figure 4.43 Main Clause.................................................................... 67Figure 4.55 Main Clause.................................................................... 71Figure 4.54 Compound Sentence....................................................... 70Figure 4.53 Main Clause.................................................................... 70Figure 4.52 Main Clause.................................................................... 70Figure 4.51 Compound Sentence....................................................... 69Figure 4.50 Main Clause.................................................................... 69Figure 4.49 Main Clause.................................................................... 69Figure 4.48 Compound Sentence....................................................... 68Figure 4.47 Main Clause.................................................................... 68Figure 4.46 Main Clause.................................................................... 68Figure 4.45 Compound Sentence....................................................... 67Figure 4.44 Main Clause.................................................................... 67Figure 4.42 Compound Sentence....................................................... 66Figure 4.28 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 60Figure 4.41 Main Clause.................................................................... 66Figure 4.40 Main Clause.................................................................... 66Figure 4.39 Compound Sentence....................................................... 65Figure 4.38 Main Clause.................................................................... 65Figure 4.37 Main Clause.................................................................... 65Figure 4.36 Compound Sentence....................................................... 64Figure 4.35 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 64Figure 4.34 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 63Figure 4.33 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 63Figure 4.32 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 62Figure 4.31 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 62Figure 4.30 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 61Figure 4.29 Simple Sentence.............................................................. 61Figure 4.56 Main Clause.................................................................... 71Figure 4.58 Main Clause.................................................................... 72Figure 4.74 Main Clause.................................................................... 77Figure 4.86 Main Clause.................................................................... 81Figure 4.85 Main Clause.................................................................... 81Figure 4.84 Compound Sentence....................................................... 80Figure 4.83 Main Clause.................................................................... 80Figure 4.82 Main Clause.................................................................... 80Figure 4.81 Compound Sentence....................................................... 79Figure 4.80 Main Clause.................................................................... 79Figure 4.79 Main Clause.................................................................... 79Figure 4.78 Compound Sentence....................................................... 78Figure 4.77 Main Clause.................................................................... 78Figure 4.76 Main Clause.................................................................... 78Figure 4.75 Compound Sentence....................................................... 77Figure 4.73 Main Clause.................................................................... 77Figure 4.59 Main Clause.................................................................... 72Figure 4.72 Compound Sentence....................................................... 76Figure 4.71 Main Clause.................................................................... 76Figure 4.70 Main Clause.................................................................... 76Figure 4.69 Compound Sentence....................................................... 75Figure 4.68 Main Clause.................................................................... 75Figure 4.67 Main Clause.................................................................... 75Figure 4.66 Compound Sentence....................................................... 74Figure 4.65 Main Clause.................................................................... 74Figure 4.64 Main Clause.................................................................... 74Figure 4.63 Compound Sentence....................................................... 73Figure 4.62 Main Clause.................................................................... 73Figure 4.61 Main Clause.................................................................... 73Figure 4.60 Compound Sentence....................................................... 72Figure 4.87 Compound Sentence....................................................... 81Figure 4.89 Main Clause.................................................................... 82Figure 4.90 Complex Sentence........................................................... 82Figure 4.91 Main Clause.................................................................... 83Figure 4.92 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 83Figure 4.93 Complex Sentence.......................................................... 83Figure 4.94 Main Clause.................................................................... 84Figure 4.95 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 84Figure 4.96 Complex Sentence........................................................... 85Figure 4.97 Main Clause.................................................................... 85Figure 4.98 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 85Figure 4.99 Complex Sentence........................................................... 86

  Figure 4.100 Main Clause.................................................................... 86 Figure 4.101 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 86 Figure 4.102 Complex Sentence........................................................... 87 Figure 4.103 Main Clause.................................................................... 87 Figure 4.104 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 87 Figure 4.105 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 88 Figure 4.106 Complex Sentence........................................................... 88 Figure 4.107 Main Clause.................................................................... 88 Figure 4.108 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 89 Figure 4.109 Complex Sentence........................................................... 89 Figure 4.110 Main Clause.................................................................... 89 Figure 4.111 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 90 Figure 4.112 Complex Sentence........................................................... 90 Figure 4.113 Main Clause.................................................................... 90 Figure 4.114 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 91 Figure 4.115 Complex Sentence........................................................... 91 Figure 4.116 Main Clause.................................................................... 91 Figure 4.117 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 92 Figure 4.118 Complex Sentence........................................................... 92

  Figure 4.120 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 93 Figure 4.121 Complex Sentence........................................................... 93 Figure 4.122 Main Clause.................................................................... 93 Figure 4.123 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 94 Figure 4.124 Complex Sentence........................................................... 94 Figure 4.125 Main Clause.................................................................... 94 Figure 4.126 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 95 Figure 4.127 Complex Sentence........................................................... 95 Figure 4.128 Main Clause.................................................................... 95 Figure 4.129 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 96 Figure 4.130 Complex Sentence........................................................... 96 Figure 4.131 Main Clause.................................................................... 96 Figure 4.132 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 97 Figure 4.133 Complex Sentence........................................................... 97 Figure 4.134 Main Clause.................................................................... 97 Figure 4.135 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 98 Figure 4.136 Complex Sentence........................................................... 98 Figure 4.137 Main Clause.................................................................... 98 Figure 4.138 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 99 Figure 4.139 Complex Sentence........................................................... 99 Figure 4.140 Main Clause.................................................................... 99 Figure 4.141 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 100 Figure 4.142 Complex Sentence........................................................... 100 Figure 4.143 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 100 Figure 4.144 Main Clause.................................................................... 101 Figure 4.145 Complex Sentence........................................................... 101 Figure 4.146 Main Clause.................................................................... 101 Figure 4.147 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 102 Figure 4.148 Complex Sentence........................................................... 102 Figure 4.149 Main Clause.................................................................... 102

  Figure 4.151 Complex Sentence........................................................... 103 Figure 4.152 Main Clause.................................................................... 103 Figure 4.153 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 104 Figure 4.154 Complex Sentence........................................................... 104 Figure 4.155 Main Clause.................................................................... 104 Figure 4.156 Subordinate Clause.......................................................... 105

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study People always interact with their environments by using language. The use of languages is very important in our life, since by the use of

  language we are able to deliver our message with others, and we can make an interaction with others particularly in our position as the member of society. Language, as Bloomfield conceived it, is a set signals, and the structure of the set can be studied by the linguist without commitment to any theory about what threre is to signal or how it is possible for human beings to signals (Dinneen, 1967:244). Furtheremore, based on Kridalaksana and Djoko Kentjono, Language is an arbitrary system of sound symbols that used in the member of society to cooperation, communication, and identifying themselve (Chaer, 2003:32).

  Language has a close relation to the society and it makes people use language everyday. There are many functions of language. According to Poedjosoedarmo (2003:170), the functions of language are: 1.

  Language as a communication tool 2. Language as a transmitter of politeness 3. Language as a transmitter of respect 4. Language as a self-recognition tool 5. Language as the tool conveys a sense of solidarity

7. Language as a means of expressing of steam 8.

  Language as the nation‟s civilization visualization People get many informations and values from what they read, for example magazines, newspapers, articles, journals, and books. Reading have many influences for the reader such as: to develope the knowledge, to get new experiences, to be creative, to guide for critical thingking, and to grow a good moral, social, and religious. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement. In addition, reading requires creativity and critical analysis.

  One of the reading sources is literature. Literature helps us to be realistic, mature, wise, and human. It helps understand human sentiments, human interests, human problems, human values, etc. It brings us closer to other human beings of different nationalities, cultures, human values, etc.

  Literature gives us knowledge of other peoples, nations, histories, lands, etc. Literature graces us with a new outlook that we can imagine our conclusions and interpretations about behavior in life. We may also learn new emotions, new values, new appreciation, new methods of literary writing. Literature is generally divided into three groups, respectively prose, drama, and poetry. Prose uses the language not only in verse form, e.g. novels, short stories, novellas, etc. Drama is played with its act(s) and its its scenes in dialogues, conversations, comedies, tragedies, tragig- comedies, etc. Poetry is the art of poets, poems, in verse form, e.g. ballads, epics, lyrical poetry, etc. (Risdianto, 2011:5). Furthermore, based on

  Sumardjo‟s opinion as cited in Franlina (2013:1), the meaning of novel is the most popular literary work in the world. This form of literature is considerably published and publicized, since the wide potency of community in a society.

  In this study, the writer would like to discuss about the novel entitled “Eclipse”. The story is very interesting. In this case, the writer would like to discuss about grammatical analysis in the novel. There are many rules of grammar that applied in the novel. The grammar represents our linguistics competence. Every grammar is equally complex and logical and capable of producing an infinite set of sentences to express any thought. Every sentences has a noun phrase subject and a verb phrase predicate. According to Bloomfield, the sentence is the largest unit of grmmatical description (Lyons, 1968:172). A sentence is a grammatical unit between the constituent parts of which distributional limitations and dependencies can be established, but which can itself be put into no distributional class. This is equivalent to saying that the notion of distribution, which is based on substitutability, is simply not applicable to sentence. A sentence is grammatical, it means that sentence conforms to the rules of both grammar, conversely, an ungrammatical (starred) sentence deviates in some way from the rules (Fromkin, 1988:13).

  According to Noam Chomsky, the fundamental aim in the lingustic analysis of a language is to separate the grammatical sequences which are sentences of from the ungrammatical sequences which are not sentences of and to study the structure of the grammatical sequences (Fromkin, 1988:162).

  For this purpose, there is a term called syntax. In detail, based on Fromkin and

  Rodman‟s opinion, syntax is the part of the grammar that concerns the structure of phrases and sentences (1988:162). Furthermore, from Fromkin and

  Rodman‟s point of view (1988:166), syntactic rules in a grammar must at least account for:

  1. The grammatically of sentences 2.

  The ordering of words and morphemes 3. Structural ambiguity 4. The fact that the sentences with different structures can have the same meaning

  5. The grammatical and logical relations within a sentence 6.

  Speaker‟s creative ability to produce and understand any of an infinite set possible sentences.

  According to Parker, there are syntactical features in syntax, that is categories or part of speech; constituent structures that include phrases, clauses, and sentences; and transformation is an operation that moves a phrasal category (e.g. NP, VP, PP) from one location to another within the structure (1946:54). Therefore, the writer tried to analyze the syntactical features in one of the trilogy twilight novels entitled “Eclipse” written by Stephenie Meyer. Many people in the world know about the great novel which has an awesome imagination with a thrills, chills, and romance.

  The writer hopes that this research can help to the readers to solve their problems and the writer would like to emphasize the importance of learning about grammatical sentences. So for such purposes the writer is interested in conducting a research entitled

  “An Analysis of Syntactical Features On Sentence Pattern In “Eclipse” Novel By Stephenie Meyer”.

B. Statement of the Problem

  In this research, the writer intends to focus in the following problems:

1. What kind of syntactical features that use in “Eclipse” Novel? 2.

  What is the implication of using an analysis of Syntactical Features in the Novel for English Language Learning?

C. The Objective of the Study

  Based on the statement of the problems above, the objectives of the study are as follows:

  1. To know what kind of syntactical features that use in “Eclipse” Novel.

  2. To know the implication of using an analysis of Syntactical Features in the Novel for English Language Learning.

D. The Benefits of the Study

  The benefits expected by the writer in conducting this study are divided in two parts as follows:

  1. Theoretically The writer expects that the result of this study can contribute toward the literary, especially about grammatical sentences, that is syntax. So the readers can more understand about syntax.

  2. Practically The writer hopes that the findings of this study are beneficial to be used to: a.

  To develop literary study, particularly for STAIN Salatigas‟ students especially for English Department‟s students.


  To make the readers more interested to read books and to learn more about the contents of books that they have read.


  To motivate the teachers to use analysis of syntactical features in novel for language teaching.

E. Limitation of The Study

  In syntax, there are many kinds of features that can be analyzed and discussed. It is immpossible to analyze all of them. Thus, this research is limited on the problems by analyzing some sentences, that is indirect sentences. It is appropriate with the sentence patterns of language in

  “Eclipse” Novel. It is based on classification of sentence by number of full predications.

F. Literature Review

  The writer believes that this research is not the first. There are people ever wrote about syntactical analysis. The first is Romiyati graduated from State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga (2003), with the title “A SYNTACTICAL ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH ADVERTISING ON TV PROGRAM”. In this research she analyzed the english advertising on TV program based on sentence pattern. While the second researcher is As‟ad Romadlon graduated from State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga (2003)

  , entitled “A CONTRASIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PRONOUNS (A STUDY OF THE SYNTACTICAL FUNCTION)”. In that research he analyzed about the similarities and the differences between English and Indonesian pronouns viewed from the syntactical funcion. And then the third researcher is Ghozali graduated from State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga (2005), entitled “A

  COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SYNTACTIC USAGE OF ENGLISH AND ARABIC PLURAL NOUN”. He analyzed the form of English and Arabic‟s plural nouns, especially the similarities and the differences it in syntactical usage.

G. Definition of Key Term

  This research contains some key terms which is necessary to be explained briefly. The writer would like to clarify some following main terms to avoid the mistakes of title consideration: a.

  Analysis Analysis is a careful examination of something in order to understand it better (Harlow, 2003:55).


  Syntax According to Carnie, syntax is about the study of sentence structure (1969:63). According to Parker (1986:47), Syntax is the study of the architecture of phrases, clauses, and sentences; that is the way they are constructed. Syntax is one of the better understood areas within linguistics. The element of syntax can begin by considering some observations that we can make about the structure of phrases, clauses, and sentences.


  Eclipse Eclipse is a novel by Stephenie Meyer which is part of the Twilight novel series (series of novels) and Twilight (novel). This novel is the third novel after a series of both New Moon (novel) and will continue on the fourth series Breaking Dawn. This series describes the main character, Isabella "Bella" Swan, a teenager who moves to the town of Forks, Washington whose life changed when he met with Edward Cullen, a vampire 'vegetarian' (do not drink human blood). d.

  Novel The novel is a work of fiction written prose narrative, usually in the form of a story. The word is derived from the Italian novel novella which means "a story or a piece of news". Longer novel (at least 40,000 words) and more complex than a short story, and is not restricted structural limitations and metrical play or poem. Generally a novel tells the story of the characters and their behavior in life, with a focus on the odd sides of the narrative ( Novel is a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary (Harlow, 2003:1309).


  Stephenie Meyer Stephenie was born on December 24th 1973 in Connecticut, USA.

  Her family was settled in Phoenix by the time she was four. The unusual spelling of her name came from her father, Stephen(+ie).

  Stephenie went to high school in Scottsdale, Arizona. She was awarded a National Merit Scholarship, and she used it to pay her way to Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah. She majored in English. Twilight is her very first novel. New Moon is the second book in the series, Eclipse is the third. The fourth book is Breaking Dawn.

H. Research Methodology

  In this part the writer describes research approach, research object, data source, technique of data collection, and data analysis.

  1. Research Approach In this research the researcher used descriptive approach.

  Descriptive research is the study intended to investigate the situation, condition, circumstances, events, and other activities, and the result presented in the form of the research report (Arikunto, 2010:3).

  2. Research Object The research object in this study is indirect sentences. It observed words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that are contained the syntactical features in “Eclipse” Novel. This part is focusing on types of the sentences.

  3. Data Source Data source is divided into primary and secondary source.


  Primary Source It is a source of original data and a basis of research. The primary source is taken from “Eclipse” Novel.


  Secondary Source It is a data source, which is used to support and complete the primary data. The data is taken from any kinds of books and relevant materials such as books literature theories and syntax.

  The writer accomplished the research within three months namely in August, September, and October 2014. Besides, she only take the data from the novel for some chapters, that is chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 7, and chapter 11 in English novel.

  4. Technique of Data Collection In collecting data, the researcher does some following steps: a. Collecting the data from books and academic writing that is related with this research.


  Reading and analyzing “Eclipse” Novel.


  Writing down the important note in “Eclipse” Novel and other books.


  Finding the part of sentences.


  Rearranging the data into several parts, which are related with the problem of study.


  Concluding the data.

  5. Data Analysis In data analysis, the researcher tries to analyze the sentences of the novel in order to know the contents of the novel, that is syntactical features. The technique of data analysis in this study is descriptive by following the steps: a.

  Looking for the chapter, try to know how many pages of the chapter. Choosing some chapters that have many pages.


  Analyzing the sentences based on syntactical theories, viewed from sentence pattern.


  Concluding based on the data analysis.

I. Graduating Paper Outline

  To make easier to the reader in understanding the whole contents of the thesis, the writer organizes it into five chapters as following.

  Chapter one is introduction, containing background of the study, statements of the problem, the objectives of the study, the benefits of the study, the clarification of key terms, research methodology, and thesis outline.

  Chapter two presents theoretical review. It consists of description of the syntactical features and authentic material.

  Chapter three presents synopsis of the novel, the biography of the author, analysis literary elements of the novel, and the data presentation.

  Chapter four is analysis of the data that is about syntactical features in the novel and the implication of the research.

  Chapter five is closure, it presents conclusion and suggestion. The last part is bibliography.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Syntactic Analysis Grammar is traditionally subdivided into two different areas study, they

  are morphology and syntax. Morphology is the study of how words are formed out of smaller units (traditionally called morphemes), and so addreses questions such as „What are the various component parts (=morphemes) of word like desireability (consist of three morphemes: desire, able, ity), and what kinds of principles determine the ways in which the parts are combined together to form the whole? Syntax is concerned with the ways in which words can be combined together to form phrases and sentences, and so addresses question like „Why is it OK in English to say Who did you see

  Mary with? , but not OK to say *Who did you see Mary and?

  According to Lyons, the word is the unit par excellence of traditional grammatical theory. It is the basis of the distinction which is frequently drawn between morphology and syntax and it is the principal unit of lexicography or „dictionary-making‟. According to a common formulation of distinction between morphology and syntax, morphology deals with the internal structure of words and syntax with the rules governing their combination in sentences. The very term morphology and syntax, and the way in which they are applied, imply the primacy of the word. Etimologically speaking, „morphology‟ is simply „the study of forms‟ and „syntax‟ the theory of „putting together‟: it was taken or granted by traditional grammarians that forms treated in grammar are the forms of words and that words are the units which are put together, or combined in sentences (1968: 194).

  Syntax is concerned with the organization of meaningful elements within the sentence (Walker, 2013:6a). Such a view implies that a large part of morphology should be considered part of syntax. In line with tradition, the word is the minimal of syntactic analysis. In modern grammar two approaches to the analysis of syntactic structures have contributed to an understanding of how such structures are used to build up sentences (Frank, 1972:231). Both are based on different conceptions of what the sentence is. According to one view, the sentence represents an expansion of the subject- verb-complement core. This is known as structural grammar. For example:

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