Influence of plant species on physical c

Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24
DOI 10.1007/s10342-008-0246-2


Influence of plant species on physical, chemical and biological soil
properties in a Mediterranean forest soil
A. Pe´rez-Bejarano Æ J. Mataix-Solera Æ
R. Zornoza Æ C. Guerrero Æ V. Arcenegui Æ
J. Mataix-Beneyto Æ S. Cano-Amat

Received: 30 December 2007 / Revised: 6 July 2008 / Accepted: 11 September 2008 / Published online: 20 December 2008
Ó Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract In semiarid ecosystems plant cover plays an
important role in the improvement of physical, chemical and
biochemical soil properties. With the aim of studying the
influence of different plant species on soil properties, and
establishing the relationships between them, 160 soil samples from under four different plant species (Pinus
halepensis, Quercus coccifera, Juniperus oxycedrus and
Rosmarinus officinalis) were taken in a forest area of the

province of Alicante (SE Spain). The following soil properties were analyzed in all soil samples: organic carbon
content, microbial biomass, soluble organic carbon, aggregate stability, basal respiration, and some eco-physiological
ratios. In addition, the near infrared spectra (NIR) of all soil
samples were obtained to verify the similarities or differences between soil samples under the four species. Some
differences in parameters such as organic carbon content or
basal respiration were found mainly between the group of
P. halepensis and Q. coccifera with respect to J. oxycedrus
and R. officinalis. Despite this, the high organic carbon
content found under the four plant species showed an
influence on the rest of soil properties. Moreover, using a
discriminant analysis with factorial scores from NIR
absorbance data did not result in a good classification of

Communicated by A. Merino and A. Rubio.
This article belongs to the special issue ‘‘Plant–soil relationships in
Southern European forests’’.
A. Pe´rez-Bejarano  J. Mataix-Solera (&)  R. Zornoza 
C. Guerrero  V. Arcenegui  J. Mataix-Beneyto  S. Cano-Amat
GEA—Grupo de Edafologı´a Ambiental—Environmental Soil
Science Group, Department of Agrochemistry and Environment,

University Miguel Herna´ndez, Avenida de la Universidad s/n,
03202 Elche, Alicante, Spain

samples in terms of the species, reflecting some similarities
between them. Our results show that the high contents
observed in some parameters under the four species, and the
lack of significant differences in most of them, prove the
important role of shrubland in semiarid conditions, it being
capable of promoting good soil conditions.
Keywords Soil organic carbon  Microbial biomass 
Soluble organic carbon  Basal respiration 
Aggregate stability  Eco-physiological indicators 
Pinus halepensis  Quercus coccifera 
Rosmarinus officinalis  Juniperus oxycedrus

It is well known that vegetation is a key factor in soil genesis.
Furthermore, it provides soil protection and contributes to
enhance soil properties (Garcia et al. 1994), which are

influenced by the type of vegetation. In arid and semiarid
ecosystems, where variation in the spatial and temporal
availability of water and nutrients is extreme, dominant
plants cause changes in soil properties that lead to complex
local interactions between vegetation and soil (Wilson and
Agnew 1992). Vegetal debris contributes to soil organic
carbon which plays an important role in soil functions: it has
nutrient and pollutant retention capacity, it improves soil
structure and stability and it is source of nutrients and substrate for soil microbial community (Nambiar 1997; Vallejo
et al. 2005) and has influence over their distribution and
activity. Furthermore, biologically active fractions of soil
organic matter are important in understanding decomposition potential of organic materials, nutrient cycling
dynamics, and biophysical manipulation of soil structure
(Franzluebbers et al. 2001). In this way, soluble organic



carbon is a useful tool as it represents the fraction easily

decomposable by microorganisms and is closely related
with microbial growth and activity (Jandl and Sollins 1997).
It can be used as a measure of the labile fraction of total soil
organic mater, which is actually available for soil microorganisms (West et al. 1992; Tanaka et al. 1998). Soil
microbial properties have proved to be powerful indicators
of soil quality. This has led to a great expansion of research
into the possibilities of using such parameters to assess
degradation processes and the feasibility of restoration
strategies (Goberna et al. 2006). A better understanding of
the ability of plants to promote soil microbial processes in
these conditions is necessary for successful soil reclamation
(Garcı´a et al. 2005). In this sense, soil microbial respiration
is a useful index for measuring soil microbial activity
(Nannipieri et al. 1990), being specifically the activity
related to the decomposition of the organic matter. Furthermore, the metabolic quotient (qCO2: ratio between
microbial respiration and microbial biomass), is a valid
indicator of the microbial efficiency in the use of energy and
the degree of substrate limitation for soil microbes (Dilly
and Munch 1998; Moscatelli et al. 2005).
In other way soil aggregate stability (AS) is one of the

most important properties controlling plant growth in semiarid Mediterranean environments (Hillel 1982; Letey
1985). Aggregates provide good conditions for plant
growth in soil, related to porosity, water movement, air
circulation and soil erosion resistance (Hillel 1982; Singer
et al. 1992). Plants also affect the composition of the soil
microbial community (Rolda´n et al. 1994), which can
influence soil AS (Lynch 1981; Caravaca et al. 2002a). The
agents responsible for AS are mainly organic, and hence
biological in origin (Rolda´n et al. 2006). A few studies
have demonstrated the important relationship between soil
organic carbon and soil microbial biomass, and the influence of microbial biomass over soil structure (Harris et al.
1964; Allison 1968; Insam and Domsch 1988). Moreover,
many authors have studied the positive relationship
between AS and organic matter (Pagliai et al. 1981; Clapp
et al. 1986; Oades 1993; Cerda´ 1998). There is a need for
studies that look for changes in soil AS in relation to
vegetation species.
An alternative method to measure soil characteristics is
using near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy. In the
near-infrared region, the radiation is absorbed by the different chemical bonds, such as C–H, N–H, S–H, C=O and

O–H of the compounds present in the sample. Moreover,
the radiation is absorbed in accordance with the concentration of these compounds. As a consequence, NIR spectra
contain information about the composition of a soil sample.
In this sense, many authors have observed that NIR spectra
contain information about physical (Moron and Cozzolino
2003), chemical (Reeves et al. 1999; Chang and Laird


Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24

2002; Confalonieri et al. 2001; Zornoza et al. 2008) and
biological (Reeves et al. 2000; Zornoza et al. 2008) properties of soils. Such variables are well known to indirectly
influence soil microbial activity and plant growth (Odlare
et al. 2005). According to this, the NIR spectrum can be
considered as an integrative measure of many soil characteristics. With the aim of establish the influence of
vegetation on soil properties, samples under four different
plant species (Pinus halepensis, Quercus coccifera, Juniperus oxycedrus and Rosmarinus officinalis) from a forest
region in SE Spain, were taken. These selected species are
the most dominant in the study area and in Mediterranean

semiarid forests. We could expect some differences
because different inputs of organic debris would be
expected as we are comparing different species.
The main objectives of this study were: (1) to determinate the influence of different plant species on some soil
properties in a Mediterranean semiarid area, and (2) to
investigate the relationships among them.

Materials and methods
Study area
The study area is located in the ‘‘Sierra de la Taja’’
(38°230 N; 0°590 W) near Pinoso, in the province of Alicante
(southeast Spain). The region has a semiarid Mediterranean
climate with a mean annual precipitation of 260 mm and a
mean annual temperature of 15.8°C ranging from 7.8°C in
January to 24.1°C in August (average 1961–1990). The
whole area of the ‘‘Sierra de la Taja’’ is approximately
500 ha. The samples were taken within 3 ha, representative
of the whole area, with homogeneous conditions with
respect to soil type, geology, plant distribution and slope.
The soil is a Lithic Xerorthent (Soil Survey Staff 2006),

developed over Jurassic limestone, and has a loamy texture
consisting of 13% clay, 42% silt, and 45% sand. The mean
content of carbonates is 37% and the pH 8.2.
The tree stratus of the area is formed by P. halepensis
Miller of approximately 40 years old, and the shrub vegetation comprises mainly Q. coccifera L., R. officinalis
L. and J. oxycedrus L., which are the species where soil
samples were taken for this study. The range of height for
these species in the study area is: 6–12 m for P. halepensis,
1–2.5 m for Q. coccifera, 0.5–2 m for J. oxycedrus, and
less than 1 m for R. officinalis. Brachypodium retusum
Pers. (Beauv.), Stipa tenaccissima L., and Pistacia lentiscus L. are also present in the area. Tree and shrub species
are mixed in the study area, but as consequence of the
relatively low density of vegetation, it was possible to carry
out the sampling in microsites per stem of each species
avoiding interference between them.

Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24

Soil sampling
In October 2004, 40 soil samples were collected from the

first 5 cm of the mineral A horizon at micro-sites under
each of the four species (P. halepensis, Q. coccifera,
J. oxycedrus and R. officinalis). The sampling was done by
selecting stems randomly, and taking one sample per stem
(pooling soil material from ten different points around the
stem). The distance between the stems sampled was around
10 m. Each sample contained around 1.2–1.5 kg soil. All
soil samples were air- dried at room temperature (20–25°C)
to a constant weight, carefully sieved through a 2-mm
mesh, and the coarser material discarded and the remaining
fine-earth fraction gently mixed until it appeared to be
homogeneous. For AS measurements, aliquots of the
samples were sieved between 0.25 and 4 mm.
Soil parameters analysed
Soil organic carbon (Corg) was determined by wet oxidation with 1 N potassium dichromate in acidic medium and
back titration with 0.5 N ferrous ammonium sulphate, as
described by Walkley and Black (1934). Microbial biomass
carbon was determined using the fumigation-extraction
(Cmic–FE) procedure (Vance et al. 1987), and the substrateinduced respiration (SIR) method (Cmic–SIR) (Anderson
and Domsch 1978). For the SIR method, soil samples were

amended with glucose (optimum rate 4.5 g glucose g-1
soil) and were incubated at 25°C and 50% of water holding
capacity (WHC) during 4 h. Hourly rates of evolved CO2
(ll CO2 g-1 h-1) and consumed O2 (ll O2 g-1 h-1) were
measured using a respirometer (Micro-Oxymax, Columbus, USA). Two equations were used to calculate the Cmic–
SIR (mg C kg-1):

Cmic  SIR mg C kg1 ¼ 40:04  ðll CO2 g1 h1 Þ
þ 0:37

Cmic  SIR mg C kg1 ¼ 19:6  ðll O2 g1 h1 Þ
Results of Cmic–SIR using Eqs. 1 (Anderson and
Domsch 1978) and 2 (Sparling and West 1990) were
statistically similar (paired-samples t test P [ 0.05), and
closely related (r = 0.989). According to this, only the
Cmic-SIR obtained with the Eq. 2 was used. Soluble organic
carbon (Csol, extracted with K2SO4 0.5 M) was measured by
oxidation with K2Cr2O7 and measurement of absorbance at

590 nm (Sims and Haby 1971). Basal soil respiration
(CO2–C) was monitored over 4 days at 55% WHC and
25°C with a multiple sensor respirometer (Micro-Oxymax,
Columbus, OH, USA). AS was measured with the method
of Rolda´n et al. (1994). This method examines the
proportion of aggregates that remain stable after a soil
sample (sieved between 0.25 and 4 mm) is subjected to an


artificial rainfall of known energy (270 J m-2). Five ecophysiological ratios were also calculated: the metabolic
quotient (qCO2: CO2–C/Cmic–FE), Cmic–FE/Corg, Csol/Corg,
CO2–C/Corg and Cmic–SIR/Cmic–FE.
NIR spectra of soil samples were obtained with the
following procedure: aliquots of around 50 g of soil samples were placed in glass Petri-dishes, and scanned on
reflectance mode from 12,000 to 3,800 cm-1. For these
measurements we used a Fourier-Transform near infrared
(FT-NIR) spectrophotometer (MPA, Bruker Optik GmbH,
Germany), equipped with quartz beamsplitter and PbS
detector. It is also equipped with an integrating macrosample sphere and rotating sample cup, allowing the
scanning of large areas of the samples. In each of the
reflectance measurements, 64 scans were averaged. Samples were measured in duplicate, increasing the surface of
soil sample scanned. After this, they were averaged again.
The time employed for the spectral measurement was
approximately 1 min per sample. The resolution used for
spectral analysis was 8 cm-1. Background corrections
were made before each sample scan. The x scale of each
NIR spectrum was transformed from wavenumber to
wavelength, obtaining a spectrum with 1,000 data of
absorbance comprising from 830 to 2,630 nm.
Statistical analyses
The fitting of the data to a normal distribution for all
properties measured was checked with the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov test. When necessary, analytical data were transformed using logarithms to assure normal distribution. A
one-way ANOVA was carried out with all properties and
eco-physiological ratios to assess the differences amongst
species. The separation of means was made according to
Tukey’s verified significant difference at P \ 0.05. Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to
quantify the linear relationship between parameters. A
discriminant analysis (DA) was performed using the factorial scores from NIR absorbance data of the soil samples
with the aim of evaluating if plant species have significantly influenced soil characteristics so that soil samples
can be classified by species. The samples were categorized
in four groups based on the different species: J. oxycedrus,
R. officinalis, Q. coccifera and P. halepensis. Previously, a
principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the
NIR spectral matrix (160 samples 9 1,000 wavelengths),
extracting the first 20 principal components (PCs), that
explain the 99.9% of the variability. The scores of the first
20 PCs were used, reducing the size of the matrix (from
160 9 1,000 to 160 9 20). Thus, the DA was performed
on the 160 samples which represent 20 variables (the
scores of these 20 first PCs) in 4 groups or categories.



Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24

Statistical analyses were performed with the software SPSS
for Windows, Version 14.0.

The NIR spectra of soil samples collected under four
plant species did not show great differences. The DA carried
out with the factorial scores of NIR absorbance data, that
explained 91.1% of variance (60.3% for the first discriminant function [DF1] and 30.8% for DF2) did not result in a
good classification of samples in terms of the species (Fig. 2,
Table 2). A 75% of soil samples taken under R. officinalis
and J. oxycedrus were correctly classified. However, classification was poorer for P. halepensis and Q. coccifera with
32.5 and 50% of soil samples, respectively, correctly classified, reflecting that soil samples beneath these two species
show similarities with the other species studied.

Differences between species
Significant differences (P \ 0.01) between some of the
species were obtained in Corg, CO2–C, Cmic–FE/Corg,
qCO2, Cmic–SIR/Cmic–FE, whereas no differences were
found for the rest of soil parameters (Fig. 1, Table 1).
Mean values of Corg, Csol, AS and CO2–C, even though
being high in all samples, are relatively higher in samples
under P. halepensis and Q. coccifera. Samples under these
two species also showed higher mean values of Cmic–SIR/
Cmic–FE ratio but a clear statistical difference was only
observed between P. halepensis and R. officinalis.
Soil samples under Q. coccifera showed the highest
values in qCO2 (P \ 0.01). The ratio Cmic–FE/Corg was
significantly higher in samples under R. officinalis than
under Q. coccifera and P. halepensis. This species also
showed the highest mean values of the CO2–C/Corg ratio,
although with no statistically significant differences with
respect to the others.

The analysis of correlations (Table 3) showed that Corg and
Cmic–FE were closely related. Corg also showed positive
correlations with Csol and CO2–C, although the latter seems
to be indirectly influenced by the relationship between Corg
and Cmic–FE (as observed by analysis of partial correlations controlling the Cmic–FE effect). Furthermore Csol was
also positively correlated with Cmic–FE and AS. In addition, a strong correlation between soil microbial biomass
analysed by SIR and by fumigation-extraction method was
found (r = 0.735; P \ 0.001).











CO2-C (µg h-1 g-1)
















J. oxycedrus
R. officinalis

AS (%)

Q. coccifera









Cmic -FE (mg kg-1)








Csol (mg kg-1)


Corg (%)

Fig. 1 Mean values (±standard
deviation) of soil parameters
compared between species.
Different letters indicate
significant differences
(P \ 0.05) among values after
one-way ANOVA. Corg organic
carbon, Cmic–FE microbial
biomass carbon by fumigationextraction method, Csol soluble
carbon, CO2–C basal respiration
rate, AS aggregate stability

Relationships between soil parameters

P. halepensis

Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24


Table 1 Mean values (±standard deviation) of eco-physiological ratios compared between species
Soil parameter
Cmic–FE/Corg (%)
Csol/Corg (%)
qCO2 (mgC gCmic-1 h-1)
CO2–C/Corg (lgC gC-1
org h )

J. oxycedrus
1.6 ± 0.5 bc

R. officinalis

Q. coccifera

1.8 ± 0.3 c

1.3 ± 0.3 a

0.58 ± 17.5

0.64 ± 20.3

0.64 ± 16.9

2.9 ± 0.7 a

3.3 ± 1.6 a

0.83 ± 0.26 ab

0.80 ± 0.14 a

45 ± 14

61 ± 33

P. halepensis
1.5 ± 0.4 ab


0.58 ± 17.7


4.5 ± 3.8 b

3.3 ± 1.0 a


0.91 ± 0.34 ab

0.97 ± 0.26 b

56 ± 44

47 ± 16


Different letters indicate significant differences (P \ 0.05) among values after one-way ANOVA
Corg organic carbon, Cmic–FE microbial biomass carbon by fumigation-extraction method, Csol soluble carbon, CO2–C basal respiration rate,
qCO2 CO2–C/Cmic–FE, Cmic–SIR microbial biomass carbon by SIR method, ns non significant
Significant differences at *P \ 0.05; **P \ 0.01; ***P \ 0.001

(r = 0.648; P \ 0.001) and P. halepensis (r = 0.682;
P \ 0.001). Samples under P. halepensis showed the
strongest correlations between all parameters. In these
samples, all parameters had a positive correlation with Corg
except for eco-physiological ratios and AS. Moreover, Csol
was correlated with Cmic–FE (r = 0.682; P \ 0.001) and
CO2–C (r = 0.523; P \ 0.01).


Fig. 2 Discriminant analysis with factorial scores from NIR absorbance data of samples taken under four different species (n = 160).
Black circles Pinus halepensis, white circles Juniperus oxycedrus,
open triangles Rosmarinus officinalis, grey squares Quercus coccifera. Black stars denote the centroids for each group

Correlations among the studied parameters for each
species separately were also developed. Positive significant
correlations between Corg, Cmic–FE and Csol were observed
in all species. Samples under J. oxycedrus and R. officinalis
also showed positive correlations between Corg and AS
(r = 0.505; P \ 0.01 for J. oxycedrus, and r = 0.669;
P \ 0.001 for R. officinalis), while CO2–C was positively
correlated with Cmic-FE in samples under J. oxycedrus
Table 2 Percentage of soil
samples classified at each plant
species group using
discriminant analysis. Values in
bold indicate the percentage of
correctly classified. Leave-one
out validation method was


We have not found great differences in soil parameters
between species. P. halepensis, the only tree species
present in the study area, is not the only species which
guarantees the best conditions for the improvement of soil
properties. The lack of clear differences in most parameters
and the high microbial biomass and activity under shrub
species, suggest the importance of shrubs for soil functioning under semiarid conditions.
The property most clearly influenced by the different
species has been the Corg. We observed higher Corg contents under P. halepensis and Q. coccifera. This probably is
related to higher aboveground and belowground biomass
with increased C inputs in soil as litter and root exudates.
In this sense, a positive relation between vegetation size
and Corg content was observed. The influence of the vegetation type on soil properties due to different organic matter
dynamics has been shown by many authors (e.g.: Fyles and
Cote´ 1994; Dell’Abate et al. 1999). As reported very often,
plant cover has a considerable influence on the quantity of
exudates and plant debris the soil receives (Caravaca et al.

Predicted group
R. officinalis

P. halepensis

Q. coccifera

R. officinalis


P. halepensis




Q. coccifera




J. oxycedrus






J. oxycedrus



Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24

Table 3 Correlation coefficients (r values) for relationships between the studied parameters for all soil samples (n = 160)
Soil parameter


log Cmic–FE

log Csol

log Cmic–FE


log Csol





0.34 ns

0.37 ns


0.34 ns

0.32 ns


0.26 ns

-0.29 ns




0.19 ns


-0.07 ns

-0.19 ns


0.15 ns

0.26 ns

0.16 ns

0.07 ns

0.21 ns

log qCO2

0.05 ns

-0.26 ns

0.06 ns


0.05 ns

-0.29 ns



0.09 ns

0.26 ns

0.28 ns

0.04 ns


-0.09 ns

-0.14 ns

-0.28 ns

log qCO2

Csol /Corg




-0.06 ns

0.31 ns

0.05 ns
-0.12 ns
0.12 ns

0.21 ns

-0.04 ns

Corg organic carbon, Cmic–FE microbial biomass carbon by fumigation-extraction method, Csol soluble carbon, CO2–C basal respiration rate,
qCO2 CO2–C/Cmic–FE, Cmic–SIR microbial biomass carbon by SIR method, AS aggregate stability, ns non significant
Significant differences at *P \ 0.001

2002b; Garcı´a et al. 2005). Vegetation exerts significant
influence on the accumulation and turnover of soil organic
matter (Quideau et al. 2001). Nonetheless, the organic
carbon content in soil under all species is high in comparison with other researches based on natural forests or
afforestations with similar environmental conditions
(Maestre et al. 2003; Maestre and Cortina 2004; Bastida
et al. 2008).
Associated to the high content of Corg, a high AS is
present in the soil under all species ([89%). Other studies on
forest soils of the region have also shown high values in AS
(Guerrero et al. 2001; Mataix-Solera and Doerr 2004). We
observed a positive correlation between Corg and AS under
J. oxycedrus and R. officinalis. This correlation was not
found for P. halepensis and Q. coccifera, nor by pooling all
soil samples from all species. These results suggest that an
increment of organic carbon in the samples with lowest
values cause an increment of AS. In any case the organic
content in soil is high enough to guarantee a correct aggregation, independently of the concrete species. Furthermore,
a positive correlation was found between AS and Csol, the
labile organic fraction, pointing to their action as being one
of the key cementing agents (Elliot and Lynch 1984). Garcı´a
et al. (2005) also found a positive correlation between labile
organic carbon fractions and the percentage of AS. This high
stability of aggregates indicates a good soil structure under
all species, and so increases resistance to erosive processes
(Rolda´n et al. 1994). It is also probable that the contribution
of other factors in the aggregation of particles in this area is
as important as organic matter content. The carbonates
content, clays, iron compounds, microbial activity and the
presence of divalent cations must play an important role in
the AS of these soils (Hillel 1982; Singer et al. 1992; Porta
et al. 2003; Lynch and Brugg 1985).
The positive correlation found between Corg and Csol has
also been observed in other studies (Garcı´a et al. 2005;


Bastida et al. 2007; Zornoza et al. 2007a, b). Thus,
although differences in Csol are not significant, plant species with higher biomass show high values in this
parameter. Csol is the labile fraction of organic matter, and
root exudates and the amount of belowground biomass
fallen as litter can contribute to the increases in this organic
The high content of organic matter under all species
contributes to high levels of microbial biomass. Soil
microbial biomass and activity are influenced by the
amounts of organic compounds (Goberna et al. 2006). A
positive correlation between Cmic–FE and Corg was
observed, indicating that organic matter content controls
microbial biomass (Zornoza et al. 2007b). Usually, this
correlation is found in soils at equilibrium status (Anderson
and Domsch 1993). Despite the fact that the soil under all
species showed similar levels in Cmic–FE, we observed that
Cmic–FE/Corg ratio was higher in samples under R. officinalis and J. oxycedrus. This ratio suggests that under these
species higher populations of microorganisms are maintained per unit of organic carbon. Thus, this brings to light
the great importance of shrubs under semiarid Mediterranean conditions, as a high proportion of microbial biomass
pool is established under these species. This ratio is influenced by climatic conditions (Insam 1990). In soils from
dry and arid zones, microorganisms can only metabolize
organic compounds during the brief periods when soil
moisture is increased after rainfall episodes. In these cases,
microbial populations can survive in starving situations
until climatic conditions are favourable, and as a result, the
ratio Cmic–FE/Corg is higher. In contrast, in humid zones,
microorganisms are more active most of the time and die
when easily mineralized compounds are exhausted. Thus,
this ratio could be indicating a more active soil microbial
community under Q. coccifera and P. halepensis. This
hypothesis was supported by the data of soil microbial

Eur J Forest Res (2010) 129:15–24

biomass measured by the SIR method (Cmic–SIR). With
this method, microbial biomass is estimated from active
heterotrophic microorganisms, while the fumigationextraction method (Cmic–FE) is based on the estimation of
microbial biomass from the extracted carbon constituent of
most microorganisms. Thus, the ratio Cmic–SIR/Cmic–FE
can inform about the proportion of active versus latent
microbial biomass. The Cmic–SIR must be lower or equal
to Cmic–FE. We observed that Q. coccifera and P. halepensis showed the highest values of the ratio Cmic–SIR/
Cmic–FE. These results may support the hypothesis that
microbial community under these two species is more
active. Furthermore, differences found in this ratio also
suggest differences in the microbial community structure
under each species. It has often been reported that plant
species condition microbial communities by the release of
radical exudates (Grayston et al. 1998; Yang and Crowley,
2000; Hackl et al. 2005).
Basal respiration was higher under P. halepensis and
Q. coccifera. High positive correlations between this
parameter and Corg have been found, as has also been
observed in other researches (Saviozii et al. 2001; Garcı´a
et al. 2005; Zornoza et al. 2007a). This suggests that total
organic carbon controls microbial activity. A high content
in organic carbon in soil provides more nutrients for
microbial communities development, and so, activity is
increased (Incla´n et al., this issue). This assertion is supported by the ratio CO2–C/Corg, which showed no
significant differences between species, reflecting an
equilibrium between microbial activity and organic matter.
Studied species have similar levels in qCO2 except for
Q. coccifera. It has been proved that soil microorganisms
divert more energy from growth into maintenance as stress
increases, and thus qCO2 can be a sensitive indicator of
stress (Killham and Firestone, 1984). However, in our case,
we do not think the increments of qCO2 under Q. coccifera
imply a stress for the soils. Metabolic quotient (qCO2) has
also been used as an indicator of efficiency in the use of
carbon (Insam and Haselwandter 1989). Soil under this
species has the highest content in Csol. It is well known that
Csol is the most easily mineralizable fraction of organic
matter, source of energy and nutrients, directly used by
microbial populations. Thus, the high content in Csol may
have led to increases in the qCO2.
All results shown here demonstrate the importance of
shrubs in semiarid environments, and question the traditionally believed statement that trees are more effective for
the improvement of soil conditions in comparison to shrub
species. Under a semiarid climate, the establishment of
trees is difficult owing to the high water deficit most of the
year, and the natural autochthonous vegetation normally
corresponds to shrub communities. Restoration policies
carried out during the 20th century in the semiarid areas of


the Mediterranean Basin were based on the reintroduction
of conifers, primarily P. halepensis (Maestre and Cortina
2004). Concretely, 87% of forests in the semiarid sector of
the province of Alicante are dominated by P. halepensis
(Bautista 1999). This species was chosen preferentially for
reforestation because of low-technical requirements for
nursery production, high-resistance to adverse climatic and
soil conditions, and because it was also considered a
pioneer species, favouring the establishment of late-successional species (Ruiz de la Torre 1973). Nonetheless,
these plantations have resulted in a low average survival as
well as low cover and productivity. Moreover, apart from
the fact that soil properties do not show great differences
between pines and shrub, P. halepensis plantations tend to
decrease species richness and overall plant cover in comparison to shrublands (Maestre and Cortina 2004).
The results of the DA carried out with NIR spectra of
soils also supported the idea that there are no great differences between the four species. The NIR spectra offer an
integrated vision of soil conditions, as well as synthesizing
information regarding mineralogy, soil chemistry, organic
matter and physical attributes (Cohen et al. 2005). Discriminant analyses have been successfully applied in NIR
analysis for the classification of soil texture (Mouazen et al.
2005), to differentiate soil spectra into different water
content groups (Mouazen et al. 2006), to differentiate soils
burned at different temperatures (Arcenegui et al. 2008)
and to discriminate soils under different land use (Zornoza
2007). The fact that soil samples taken under the four
studied species are not correctly classified by the DA
indicates that soil spectra are quite similar between species,
and so, organic compounds and mineral composition of soil
under all these species are also similar.
Although pines can facilitate the reactivation of nutrients
cycles and biological activities in degraded soils, native
shrubs have also proved to be effective, with overall positive effects not only in soil function, but also in the whole
ecosystem functionality. P. halepensis plantations often
homogenize the landscape and reduce habitat diversity, key
factors that negatively affect plants and animals diversity
(Lindernmayer and Hobbs 2004). Some studies have also
found lower soil organic matter content, AS or cation
exchange capacity in P. halepensis plantations than in
adjacent shrublands dominated by Q. coccifera, J. oxycedrus, Rhamnus lycioides or Pistacia lentiscus (Cortina et al.
2001; Castillo et al. 2002; Caravaca et al. 2002a). We have
found in our case that soils under shrub species have high
levels of organic carbon, microbial biomass and activity.
Thus, this work supports the importance of shrub species
under semiarid Mediterranean conditions, as being capable
of maintaining the biological status of soil, assuring the
biogeochemical cycles, as well as promoting high contents
of organic carbon and AS. The introduction of shrubs in



restoration practices in semiarid landscapes, where trees
development is limited due to climate constraints, is prone
to stimulate successional processes, increase ecosystem
resilience against disturbances (Maestre and Cortina 2004)
and improve soil conditions.

Despite the fact that there are some differences in soil
properties between P. halepensis and Q. coccifera with
respect to J. oxycedrus and R. officinalis, the results of this
study demonstrated that the soil beneath the four species
has very good qualities. The high organic carbon contents
found under all species control most soil properties, providing an adequate microbial biomass and activity, as well
as a high stability of aggregates. These results prove the
important role of shrubland in semiarid conditions, being
capable of maintaining similar soil conditions to those
under a tree species such as P. halepensis.
Acknowledgments This research was supported by the CICYT
co-financed FEDER program (Reference CGL2004-01335/BOS).
A. Pe´rez-Bejarano and V. Arcenegui acknowledge the grants from
‘‘Caja de Ahorros del Mediterra´neo’’. The authors also acknowledge
the ‘‘Aula de la Naturaleza’’ of Pinoso and the cerdocarpa team for
their collaboration and Frances Young for improving the English.

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