




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities the

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Adi Darma Siswanto Reg. Number: A03211003





The undersigned,

Name : Adi Danna Siswanto NlM : A03211 003


Thic; thesis contains materials\\ ィゥセNZィ@ have been accepted for the award of Sat] ana degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanity State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. and to the best of my knowledge and belteC tt contains no material previously published or \Hitten by other person except \\'here due reference is made in the text of the thesis.



This thesis has been approved by the advisor to be examined.

Surabaya, January 05 , 2016 Advisor



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Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag. NIP. 196909251994031002

Acknow I edged by: Head of Department






Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M . Ag. NIP. 196909251994031002







This thesis has been approved and accepted by the board of examiners of English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humaruties State Islamic University ofSunan Ampel Surabaya.

Surabaya, February 10th2016

The Board Examiners are:

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NIP. 196909251994031002 NIP 198011182009121002

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Siswanto, Adi Darma. 2016. Deixis Analysis on Thomas Hardy’s Novel “The

Return Of The Native”. Final Project. English Education. English Department

Faculty of Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor I: Dr. Muhammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Keyword: Deixis Analysis on Thomas Hardy’s Novel “The Return Of The Native

Deixis is pointing or indicating and has as prototypical or focal exemplars the use of demonstratives, first and second person pronouns, tense, specific time and place adverbs like there and here, and variety of other grammatical features tied directly to the circumstance of utterance. It divided into five categories; they are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. The objective of this study is to identify the equivalence of deixis which includes person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis as well as to see whether the translated sentences can be justified with Indonesian structure.

This research was designed as a qualitative research and the nature of the study is descriptive and explorative. Qualitative research presents the data and research in the form of qualitative description. The objectives of the data in this study are the words, utterances, and sentences that contain deixis in English. The observation involves some steps, namely observing, identifying, classifying, and evaluating. Documentation and observation methods were used to collect the data. The data gathered were analyzed descriptively by using qualitative approach.

The findings of the analyses are as follows the percentages of types of deixis for each classification are as follows; There are 474 deixis in various types found in chapter 1 until chapter 10, there are 256 (54%) person deixis that has dominated the analysis of the data, 32 (6.7%) for the place deixis, 131 (27,6%) for time deixis, 40 (8,4%) for discourse deixis, and the last 15 (3,1%) sentences for the social deixis. With regard to the deixis achieved by various types of deixis. Writer found that the equivalence of person deixis can be achieved by involving the inclusive/exclusive dimension and the familiar/non familiar dimension from source language into the target language. The equivalence of time deixis can be achieved through translating from source language into target language by giving temporal determiners and adverbial of times. The analysis of place deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis showed that every word in the sentence of target language is translated into equivalent concepts in the target language to give accurate of meaning.

Writer conclude that the types of deixis used in the novel “The Return Of

The Native” by Thomas Hardy are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. The writer hopes that the next researcher has deeper understanding about the theory of deixis that can help them to analyze the data well. Moreover, the writer suggest for the next researcher to use other theory of deixis and media as the data source



Siswanto, Adi Darma. 2016. Deiksis Analysis on Thomas Hardy’s Novel “The Return of the Native”. Final Project. English Education. English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor I: Dr. Muhammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Keyword: Deiksis Analysis on Thomas Hardy’s Novel“The Return of the Native Deiksis merupakan petunjuk atau menandakan dan berfungsi sebagai contoh pertama atau contoh utama yang digunakan dalam penggunaan ungkapan, kata ganti orang pertama dan kedua, tenses, spesifikasi waktu and keterangan tempat seperti there and here, dan berbagai jenis lain dari keistimewaan grammar,mengikat secara langsung terhadap keadaan dari sebuah unggapan. Hal ini dibagi kedalam lima katagori; yaitu person deiksis, place deiksis, time deiksis, discourse deiksis, and social deiksis. Objek dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengidentifikasi kesamaan dari deiksis yakni person deiksis, time deiksis, place deiksis, discourse deiksis, and social deiksis sebaik mungkin untuk mengetahui jenis deiksis apa saja yang terdapat dalam novel The Return Of The Native karya Thomas Hardy.

Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitative dan sifat mendasar dari penelitian ini yakni penjelasan berupa deskriptif dan eksploratif. Dokumentasi dan metode pengamatan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa secara descriptive dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitative.

Temuan dari analisa yang telah dilakukan yakni persentasi dari jenis deiksis dari setiap pengklasifikasian yaitu; Terdapat 474 deiksis dengan berbagai jenis deiksis yang ditemukan pada chapter 1 sampai 10, terdapat 256 ungkapan (54%) person deiksis yang mendominasi analisa dari data, 32 ungkapan (6.7%) untuk the place deiksis, 131 ungkapan (27,6%) untuk time deiksis, 40 ungkapan (8,4%) untuk discourse deiksis, dan yang terakhir 15 ungkapan (3,1%) untuk social deiksis. Dengan hormat dari pencapaian deiksis dengan berbagai macam deiksis. Penulis menemukan bahwa persamaan dari person deiksis bisa dicapai dengan menyertakan seluruh/sebagian dimensi dan lazim/tidak lazim dimensi dari sumber bahasa kedalam target bahasa. Persamaan dari time deiksis bisa dicapai melalui terjemahan dari sumber bahasa kedalam target bahasa dengan memberikan temporal determiners and adverbial of times. Analisis dari place deiksis, discourse deiksis, and social deiksis menunjukan bahwa setiap kata di dalam kalimat target bahasa diterjemahkan kedalam persamaan konsep dalam target bahasa untuk memeberikan arti yang akurat.

Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa jenis dari deiksis yang digunakan dalam novel “The Return Of The Native” karya Thomas Hardy yaitu person deiksis, place deiksis, time deiksis, discourse deiksis, and social deiksis. Penulis berharap bahwa peneliti selanjutnya memiliki pengertian yang lebih mendalam tentang teori dari deiksis yang dapat membantu mereka meneliti data dengan baik. Selain itu, Penulis menyarankan bagi peneliti berikutnya untuk menggunakan teori yang berbeda tentang deiksis dan media sebagai sumber data.




Inside cover ... i

Inside tittle ... ii

Declaration ... iii

Dedication ... iv

Motto ... v

Advisor’s Approval ... vi

Examiner’s Approval ... vii

Acknowledgments ... viii

Table of Contents ... x

Abstract ... xii

Intisari ... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 7

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 8

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 8

1.5Scope and Limitation ... 9



2.1 Theoritical Framework ... 11

2.1 Pragmatics ... 12

2.2 Deixis ... 13

2.3 Previous Studies ... 29

CHAPTER III METHODE OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Approach ... 32

3.2 Source of data ... 33

3.3 Technique of collecting data ... 33

3.4 Technique of analizing data ... 35








This chapter discuss and present background of the study, statement of problem, objective of study, the significance of the study, the limitation of the study and definition of the key term.

1. Background of study

Human beings are social creatures, who always need a company in their life. They have to cooperate with one another, which can be carried out in a community. As a result, they need a means of communication, Language is considered as one of the most important things used to communicate each other.Language is system of symbols by which people communicate. The symbols may be spoken, written. People who use a language to communicate with one another constitute a society. wardhaugh said (2005:1), a languange is what the members of particular society speak. People use language to transfer what in their minds or thoughts to the addreassee, which can be the reader or the hearer. It is supported by Kreidler (1998: 19) proposed that language is used to communicate and interact with each other in our daily life, whether in society, environment, educational institutions, recreational places, family, etc. Besides that, language can be called as a unique thing. It means that human can understand what other people pronounce, although by using body language or other language. Languange represents the personality and behavior of people itself. Communication represents the important aspect in social process of human life.



Communication can be success if both of listener and speaker can give the clear meaning and use languange easily, because languange is effective tool for delivering information or making close relationship to other people. . George N. Gordon said that communication takes place when one mind so acts upon its environment that another mind is influenced, and in that other mind an experience occurs which is like the experience in the first mind and is caused in part by that experience. ( Halliday (1985: 46) says that spontaneous conversation as the characteristic form of spoken language. Spoken language tends to be complex grammatically and written language tends to be complex lexically. Languange refers to the process of conveying meaning and referring idea. Languange divided into two parts, written and spoken languange (Brow and Yule, 1983:4). Written languange refers to languange which is written by someone in a text, while spoken languange usually refers to languange which is said by someone orally. Actually, spoken languange is typically more depend on the context and not focused on grammar, but in written languange is typically focused on grammar.

By using the language, people can express their ideas, opinion, and whishes to others. In addition, he can get much information whether from books, internet, television, or else by using the language. However, all of the information available in the books or other Medias does not merely use one language. Most books or articles about science, technology, art, etc in general are written in various languages which are different from each other depending on the sources where they are discussed, observed, applied, and developed. In English, there are many



expressions and words which entrust all of the utterance and can be understood in statement of these circumstances. As sub field of linguistics developed in the late

1970’s, pragmatics studies how people understand and produce a communicative

act in a real situation which is in the conversation.

Pragmatics is concerned with the study of the relationship between expression and the use of this expression in a communicative situation, particularly the relationship between sentences and context and situation in which they occur. Morris (1983:6) states the pragmatics is the study of the relationship between sign and symbol with the interpreters. In addition, Richards (1985:67) writes that pragmatics is the study of the use of language in communication particularly the relationship between sentences and context and situation in which they are used. Leech (1981:70) states that pragmatics is study of how meaning get to interpret in communicative situation in relation to the roles of the speaker and the hearer. Yule (1995: 3) states that pragmatics is the study of the speaker meaning which relates to the utterances situation. Thus, pragmatics be defined as the study of the relationship between language and context which are used based on situation in order to get some meaning.

In the pragmatics, deixis is one part that is studied. In pragmatics, deixis describes words or expressions of the references, which rely absolutery on concept. Talking about deixis, it cannot be separated with context. Context is a small subpart of the universe of discouse shared by speaker and hearer and includes fact about the topic of the conversation in which utterance occurs about situation.The phenomenon of deixis raises a number of puzzles about the proper



way to think about the relationship of semantics and pragmatics. Deixis abouns in language use and marks one of the boundaries of semantics and pragmatics. In pragmatics, deixis describes words or expressions the references of which rely absolutely on concept.

Deixis is a technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterance. When we ask to someone, come here!” We are using a context in the utterance, such as who is speaking to whom. What relation they have, the time or place of speaking, the gesture of the speaker and what status the interaction participants have. In the sentence I miss you, the word I and you are deictic words which do not have permanent reference. Deixis appears not only in spoken language but also in writtern language.

In spoken language we may recognize the person, place and time deixis because the one who is talked about by the speaker is also known by the hearer and the time is when the speaker utters some utterance According to Lavinson (1983 : 54) deixis is the single obvious way in which the relationship between languange and contex is reflected in the structures of languange themselve. Lavinson divided deixis theory into five types; person deixis, time diexis, place diexis, dicourse deixis, and social diexis. Deixis is a two side of reference and a part of language involved in locating what is talked about relative to the speaker's point of view, whether in space (here, there, this-that), time (now-then), discourse (former-latter), or social relations (I, you).In written languagen, it is more difficult because we may not know who are the speaker and the hearer and the time is also unpredictable unlee there is a clue showing the exact time like: “Today is August



17, 2015”. Deixis is a two side of reference ana part of language involved in

locating what is talked about relative to the speaker’s point of view, whether in

space (here-there, this-that), time (now-then), discouse(former-latter), or social relations (I-you).

The writer found many readers who are confused in understanding the

utterance in the text and using the alteration of participant “I” become “you” in

the conversation because they do not know about theory and kinds of deixis. As readers have new text, they need to get information about who are the speaker and the hearer, where, and when the events take place. The information can be gotten by understanding of the written text.

On this occasion the writer wants to explain the use of deixis in written language because in written language the person deixis might be confusing while in spoken language is not. To teach more about what deixis the writer uses the novel “The Return of the Native” by Thomas Hardy. The Return of the native is great novel which contains many actions . This novel is more generally curious, beside that this novel shows a large number of deixis than the other novels I have read before. Thomas Hardy a famous novelist in britian in nineteenth century. In this novel has many characters and shows a complex story by placing the character in a number of diffrent situation. Hardy was unique novelist becouse he created the setting of his story by himself and named it Wessex wich referred to south-central of England Hardy takes Egdon heath part of the country of Wessex as the setting of the novel since most of the plot of this The Retunr of the Native is



someone’s love, education, romance, life, humor, and dream in the society. So that way the writer interest to use this novel because the story have some

education that we can learn all the thing in the world don’t ever cheat with

persuade of world like in the story tells about love if we love to deep with world we got nothing only get a weakness in this life, so that way the researcher interest to analysis this novel to understanding the novel with written text to get information about who are the speaker and the hearer, where, and when the events take place in a nut shell able get what its mean in reading novel with uses theory of diexis.this topic will be a fresh research.

The writer takes reviews of related literature from the other graduating paper as comparison and also close relation of the use of English word. They are: The first review related to this research, the title is “Studied deixis used in the

National section of The Jakarta Post” which has been research by Farida in 2007,

in her graduating paper, She found that deixis used on National section of The Jakarta Post consists of person, time, place, discourse and social deixis. The first person deixis is used when journalist wants to show the speaker who produces the utterance in the context. The second review related to this research, the title is

“Deixis in the writing form of Advertisement in Time Magazine” by Uddin

(2009), In his graduating paper, He found that the pronoun deixis is often used. In almost all advertisements the personal pronoun "you" existed. Its pronoun refers to the readers or customers. The third review related to this research, the title is

“deixis found in surah aldukhan” by Faizah (2008). In her graduating paper, the



time deixis because it includes person that becomes center deixis of the utterance and it shows a certain time or a temporal of time in surah Al-Dukhan translation.

This research has same theme with the first, the second, and the third review related literature research that is analyzing the deixis, but the objectives of this research is not concern to magazine or surah Al-Dukhan but then concern with dialogue in the novel.

Although there are many researchers who have conducted the researches on the same field, yet they have different subjects and different or similar theories. Some of them conducted the research on newspaper, magazine, and Koran. However, in this research the writer takes a novel that written by Thomas Hardy. The research is entitled Deixis Analysis On Thomas Hardy’s Novel”The

Return Of The Native” .

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The problem of the study can be stated as follows:

1. What types of deixis are found in the novel “The Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy?

2. How to depict the use of deixis in the novel “The Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy?



1.3Objectives of the Study

The purposes of the study are:

1. To find types of deixis found in the novel“The Return Of The Native” by

Thomas Hardy.

2. To depict the use of deixis in the novel “The Return Of The Native” by

Thomas Hardy

1.4 Scope and limitation of the study

This research, “The analysis of deixis of the novel” The Return of the native”

by Thomas Hardy, is a part of pragmatic, so the writer must limit the area of research, there are:

1. The analysis focusing on five kinds of deixis; they are person deixis, place deixis, Time deixis, Discourse deixis, social deixis

2. The use of deixis of the novel is analysed only in the form of utterances. Especially, the writer chooses chapter 1 until chapter 10 because these chapter can represent the story of this novel. The writer thinks that it has some examples of deixis from the utterance and many explain the beginning.



1.5 Significance of the study

This study is expected to give theoretical and practical contribution to enrich the area of deixis analysis.

1. Theorotical

A contribution to field of linguistics especially in pragmatic, the result of this study is hoped to increase the discussion of deixis in pragmatics. Then, pragmatics competence can be tought in learning process.

2. Practically

the results of this research are very important for teachers and students in comprehending deixis expression in written texts. Moreover, This research is also expected to give an important direction and contribution for any researchers in the same field in helping them to analyze the deixis in any written text.

1.6 Definition of the key term

In order to avoid misunderstanding toward the term used in this study. There are four term that explained their definition

1. Deixis is a technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterance. single obvious way in which the relationship between languange and contex is reflected in the structures of languange themselve. Lavinson divided deixis theory into five types; person deixis, time diexis, place



diexis, dicourse deixis, and socuial diexis. The word “deixis” has a meaning technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we do with uttrance (Yule, 1995:9). It means “pointing” via language. Any linguistic form used to explain this pointing is called a deictic expression. Deictic expression can indicate to person via or person deixis (me, you, he, she, her), location via or spatial deixis (here, there), time via or temporal via (now, then) and demonstrative article or discourse deixis (this, that, these, those).

2. Novel is an extended piece of prose fiction that contain sixty thousand to seventy thousands words. In other word, based on a glossary of literary terms/ Seventh Edition(1999; 160).

3. The return of the native is the title of novel by thomas hardy the novel tell It contains various stories about someone’s living. It is a story about

someone’s love, education, romance, life, humor, and dream in the society. 4. Thomas Hardyis the author of the novel “The Return Of The Native”.





To support the analysis, this chapter reviews on several theories related to this research. Those are pragmatics, the role of pragmatics in the resolution of deixis expressions, deixis, definition of deixis,categories of deixis types of deixis which consist of five kinds: person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis, and related studies to support the analysis.

2.1 Pragmatics

There are many definitions of pragmatic. It comes from some linguists. Every linguist has his owner concept and principal about pragmatic itself. One of them, Leech (in Wirotinoyo 2009:8) states that Pragmatic is study about meaning and has connection with utterance. Moreover Levinson (1985:9) states that Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. In other words, pragmatic is study of relation between language and context that are basic to understand the language. By those perceptions about pragmatic, thus I can conclude that pragmatic focuses on the language and context itself or emphasize to how the utilizing of language in communication. The coverage of pragmatic is deixis, utterance, implicature. Pragmatic does not examine the words or sentence, but it examines the utterance. Levinson (1985:54) underlines that the context where utterance produce or deixis terminology is a subject that is noticed in pragmatic.



Yule (2010: 127) also claimed that the study of what speakers mean, or

“speaker meaning,” is called pragmatics. Communication clearly depends on not

only recognizing the meaning of words in an utterance, but recognizing what speakers mean by their utterances. From the definitions above, the writer can conclude that pragmatics has relation between language and context which contains the study of deixis. It also discusses about what a speaker means in the utterance.

Leech (1983: 1) said that pragmatics is about how language is used in communication. It also can be usefully defined as the study of how utterances have meaning in situations. Griffiths (2006: 1) said that pragmatics is concerned with the use of these tools in meaningful communication. Strazny (2005: 872 and 869) explained that pragmatics is the study of language use. It examines how

linguistic resources are used in communication, investigates a speaker’s (or writer’s) intentions and a hearer’s (or reader’s) interpretations, and deals with

words, utterances, texts and how they are used by humans in communication. The

term ‘pragmatics’ is derived from the Greek word pragma has means ‘action’. Action is defined as intentional behavior. Based on the definitions above, the writer assumes that pragmatics also relates to the process of using language in

communication and utterance’s interpretation in situations between the speaker and the hearer. It also considered in the form of words, utterances, and texts. Cruse (2006: 136) said that pragmatics deals with the uses made of those meanings. The following belong to pragmatics: politeness phenomena, reference and deixis, implicatures, and speech acts. Additionally, according to Collin



Cobuild Dictionary (2006), pragmatics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the meanings which come from the use of language in particular situations. From the statements above, the researcher can take a conclusion that pragmatics is the study of meaning that includes deixis, reference, etc. It is also called as language usage that relates to the interpretation in certain situations.

2.3 Deixis

Deixis as one of the language aspects have to be learned when people are learning a language. Good mastery of deixis is important for anyone who learns the language used in listening, speaking, writing, reading and grammar.

2.3.1 Definition of Deixis

Deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we

do with utterances (Yule: 1995: 9). It means “pointing via” language. Any linguistic form used to accomplish this “pointing” is called a deixis expression. Deixis expressions are also sometimes called deixis. They are among the first forms to be spoken by very young children and can be used to indicate people via person deixis (me, you), or location via spatial deixis (here, there), or time via temporal deixis (now, then) or discource analysis or demonstrative article or discouce deixis (this, that, these, those).

Deixis signals a referents and it relates that referent to a common ground shared by the speaker and the addressee. It is ability to speaker and hearer in



relation to one another and to the world around them. Levinson (1983: 55) says that deixis belongs within the domain of pragmatics, because it directly concern the relationship between the structure of languages and context in which they are used. Lyon (1983: 275) argues that the notion of deixis (which is merely the

Greek word for “pointing” or “indicating” it becomes a technical term of grammatical theory) is introduce to handle the ‘orientational’ features of language

which are relative to the time and place of utterance.

Within linguistic view, deixis refers to the phenomenon where in understanding the meaning of certain words and phrases in an utterance requires contextual information. Then, deixis can give interpretation to the context of the utterance, such as who is speaking, the time or place of speaking, the gesture of the speaker, the curret location in the discource and the topic of the discource.

According to James (1983: 63) Deixis word is one which takes some element of its meaning from the situation (i.e. the speaker, the addressee, the time and the place) of the utterance in which it is used. Deixis expression is an expression that gets it is directly from the utterance context that makes reference to one or more of theroles in the utterance context : the speaker, the hearer, the location, or the time. Wagiman (2008: 66) says that deixis words occur in utterance meaning. In utterance meaning, there are words of which referents are determined by the specific context in which a speaker converses with a hearer about a particular topic of conversation,for example :



(2) You are beautiful

Diexis I in the first sentence refers to the speaker who is feeling sick. In the second sentence deixis you is refer to second person means someone who hears the utterance. By the explanation above, I interpret that deixis is identification person, object, and event, activity, which is discussed and connected with the time and place that utterance by the speaker.

As quoted from Levinson’s book “Pragmatics” there are five kinds of

deixis, they are: person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discource deixis and social deixis. Then, citation from Yule’s book “pragmatics” there are there kinds of deixis they are: person deixis, spatial deixis and temporal deixis.

2.3.2 Categories of Deixis

The categories of deixis based Levinson’s study (1983:69-94) and

Marmaridou (2000:65-74) is divided into five, they are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. Person Deixis

Person deixis clearly operates on a basic three part division exemplifield by the pronouns for first person (I), second person (you), and third person (he, she, or it). According to Yule (1996: 10) “The choice of one will certainly

communicative something (not directly said) about the speaker’s view of his or her relationship with the addressee. “ Levinson (1983: 62) states:

Person deixis concerns with the encording of the role of participants in the speech event, in which the utterance in question is delivered: the category first



person the encoding of reference to one or more addresses and third person the enconding of reference ti persons and entities which are neither speakers nor addresses of the utterance in question. According to Levinson above, person deixis clearly operates on basic three part division.

Exemplified by the pronouns for first person (I), second person (you) and third person (he, she, or if). On the other hand, expressions like this person, this man, the car, these houses, etc are also deixis because they require situational information for the listener to make out the referent or the meanings.

Tabel 1.1 : Singular and plural pronoun

Person deixis engages basically the speaker, known as the first person, the addressee, known as the second person, and other significant participant in the speech situation, neither speaker nor hearer; these are known as third person. All of these, they come in singular and plural pronoun.

For example by using person deixis as follow: The pronoun I:

Context: Thomasin is talking to her aunt. She smiled up at him over her cup of tea in the living room.

Pronoun Singular Plural

First I We

Second You You



I cannot agree with you, aunt; you know I cannot”. The pronoun you:

Context: Mrs Yeobright is talking to her niece. She asked for Tamsin that she must go to solve the problems in Egdon Heath.

you may be very sure he will always like going to Randalls, because of his daugther’s being housemaid there”.

The Pronoun she:

Context: When Mr. Wildive was dinner in Mr.Yeobright, they talked about Miss Thomasin life after she was not married with Mr. Wildive.

“But, I know she is really very sorry to lose poor Miss Thomasin to matrimony, and I am sure she will miss her even more than she thinks for now.”

The personal pronoun I and We are said to be in the first person. The speaker uses in the singular to refer to himself in the plural, to speak of a group people covering the speaker. You are in the second person. It refers to the addressee. You are used in both the singular and plural. All other pronoun and all nouns are in the third person.

According to Yule (1995: 11) says that there is in English a potential ambiguity in such uses which allows two different interpretations. There is an

exclusive “We” (speaker plus other (s), excluding addressee) and an inclusive

“we” (speaker and addressee included). It informs us that deixis word does not have permanent reference. Deixis expression is an expression that gets its meaning directly from the utterance context that makes reference to one or more of the roles in the utterance context: the speaker, the hearer, the location, or the



time. The reference is depending on two is speaking up or the speaker, to whom the speaker is speaking is speaking up or hearer, where are the speaker and the hearer located, when the conversation is happened, and what are talking about.

In deixis terms, third person is not a direct participant in basic (I-You) interaction and, being a outside, is necessarily more distant (Yule 1995: 11). Really, third person singular personal pronoun he/him, she/her and it indicate gender distinctions. Third person pronouns which say more or less about the referent than it does not include the speaker or hearer. The explanation of gender distinctions are using pronoun correctly. He refers to something that is perceived as male. She refers to something that is perceived as female, and it refers to something that is perceived as non- human. The using od third person pronoun

depend on the hearer’s ability to interpet them. So the third person can be called speaker oriented.

In other hand, Grundy (1995:22) and Marmaridou (2000:75) state that the third person is not included in person deixis because it does not get involve directly in face to face in communication. Third person is quite unlike first or second person, in that it does not correspond to any specific participant-role in the speech event by Lyons (1977:638).

Marcella (1972:29) declares that the personal pronouns change their form for person (first, second, third), for case (subject, object, and possessive), number (singular, plural) and gender (masculine and feminine) and the reflexive pronoun make the same kinds of changes. Here are the pronouns summarized from



and in English.

Table 2.1 The pronouns in English and its translation into Indonesian

No Categories Person deixis

English Indonesian

1 First Person Singular I,me Saya, aku, ku-,-ku Possessive Adjective My -ku, aku, saya Possessive Pronoun Mine Milikku, milik saya Reflexive Pronoun myself Diriku, diri saya 2 First Person Plural We


Kami (exclusive), kita (incluclusive) Possessive Adjective Our Kami (exclusive),

kita (inclusive)

Possessive Pronoun Ours Milik Kami

(exclusive), milik kita (inclusive) Reflexive Pronoun ourselves Diri Kami

(exclusive), diri kita (inclusive) 3 Second Person Singular you Engkau, Kau,



Kamu, Dikau, Anda

Possessive Adjective Your Anda, -mu Possessive Pronoun Yours Milikmu, milik


Reflexive Pronoun Yourself Dirimu, Diri anda 4 Second Person Plural you Kalian, Anda

sekalian Possessive Adjective Your Kalian, Anda

sekalian Possessive Pronoun Yours Milik anda

sekalian, milik kalian

Reflexive Pronoun yourselves Diri kalian, diri anda sekalian, 5 Vocatives

Singular Sir, Madam,

John, Liz

Pak, Bu, tuan, John, Liz

Plural Sirs,Madams,





It can be seen from the table that the Indonesian pronouns have more than one form. As explained by Catford (quoted by Baker, 1992:95), Bahasa Indonesia has a nine pronoun system where English has only seven. The gender is absent from Bahasa Indonesia, but two other dimensions are relevance:

(1) The inclusive/exclusive dimension: English we has two translations in Bahasa Indonesia involving a choice between kami dan kita depending on whether the addressee is included or excluded.

(2) The familiar/non familiar dimension, which necessitates a choice between for instance aku dan saya for English I depending on the relationship

pertaining between a speaker and hearer.

From the review above, it can be conclude that person deixis refers to the role of participants in speech event, such as the speaker, the addressee. First person, second person, and vocatives are deixis. Meanwhile, third person is not included in person deixis because it does not get involve directly in face to face in communication. Place Deixiss

The concept of distance already mentioned is clearly relevant to place deixis, where the relative location of people and things is being indicated. Levinson (1983: 62) states :

“Place deixis concern with the encoding of spatial locations relative to the location of the participants in the speech event. Probably most languages grammaticalize at least a distinction between proximal (or close to speaker) and



distal (or non- proximal, sometimes close to addressee), but many make much more elaborate distinctions so we shall see. Such distinctions are commonly encoded in demonstratives (as in English this vs. That) and in deixis adverbs of

place (like English here vs. There)”.

Place deixis show itself princpally in the form of location adverbs such as here and there, and demonstrative such as this and that. English has a relatively impoverished place deixis system, with two terms there are proximal and distal. The proximal term here means something like “region relative close to the

speaker”, and there means “ relatively distant from speaker”. It is very important

to realize that relatively closeness is contextually determined. Here represent an area less than square meter from the speaker is standing or it could be something much large.

Form example:

Mrs Yeobright is talking to Diggory Ven: “come here, please!”

Mrs Yoebright request to Mis Thomasin.: “Go there to Egdon Heath!”

In closing, Place deixis is important to remember that location from the speaker’s perspective can be fixed mentally as well as physically. It may be that the truly pragmatic basis od spatial deixis is distance.

In additional, (Grundy, 1995:23) declares that place deixis is deictic reference to a location relative to the location of a participant in the speech event. The most obvious place-deictic terms in English are the adverbs “here” and



there” and the demonstratives “this” and “that”, along with their plural forms.

Fillmore (taken from Mamaridou’s book, 2000:91) explains that place deixis can also be related to the path taken by a moving object in relation to its source or origin and to its goal or destination, as expressed in certain motion verbs

such as “come” and “go”. These verbs encode assumptions about the goal of the motion and the relative positions of interlocutors in a particular speech event.

It can be seen that place deixis refers to a location relative to the location of a participant in the speech event. Additional, a moving object can also be related into place deixis because it is moving from its source into its goal or

destination, as expressed in certain motion verbs such as “come” and “go”. Time Deixis

Mamaridou (2000:82-83) says that the most prominent expressions in

encoding time deixis in English are the time adverbs “now”, “then”, “soon”, and

“recently”. When time deixis interacts with calendrical unit of time, words like “today”, “tomorrow”, and “yesterday” are used to locate an utterance relative to time.

Another basic type of time deixis in English is in the choice of verb tense. Whereas other languages have many different forms of the verb as different tenses, English has only two basic forms, the present as in (I live here now), and the past as in (I lived there then).

In Indonesia, tense system is not applied. In Purwo taken by Nadar (2009:59), it is stated that the particles are used to show aspect in Indonesian are



telah, sudah meaning already (to show something happened at some time in the past). Present activities are marked by the words sekarang, saat ini, masih, dan sedang meaning in progress. akan meaning will is to use in future activities.

Temporal or time deixis concerns with the encoding of temporal points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance is spoken. Temporal deixis is commonly grammatical zed in deixis adverb of time (like English now and then, yesterday and this year) but above all in tense. English has two basic of tenses there are present and past tense. Present and past tense in time deixis (temporal deixis as Yule called) differentiate proximal and distal from (Yule, 1996: 15), for example:

a. I live here now. b. I lived there then.

When somebody uttered (a), it means that the deixis center is close to him or is considered proximal because he is still involved in a current situation at which he uttered the utterance or the situation is still in a progress, while (b) is considered distal as the situation does not exist anymore.

The present is the proximal from and the past tense is the distal form. The past tense is always used in English in those if clauses that events presented by the speaker. We have to recognize that in temporal deixis the remote or distal can be used to communicate not only distance from time, but also distance from facts.



week bases on the point of time. Now, last week is the week that came before the current week. I cannot use last week for any old week that has come before.

Time or temporal deixis makes ultimate reference to participant role. The

use of the proximal form “now” as indicating what is the happening. In contrast to “now”, the distal expression “then” applies to both past and future time relative to

the speaker’s present time. The forms of temporal reference are learned a lot later

than the deixis expression like tomorrow, today, yesterday, tonigh, last week, next week, this week. The tell expression are based on te interpretation or pasticipant on knowing the relevant utterance time.

According to statements above, I can know that time deixis is reference to time relative to temporal reference point by adverbs of time. Verb tense is also used to point of time in the context of utterances. In Indonesian, tense system is not applied. Discource Deixis

Discource deixis concerns with the use of expression within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains the utterance. The deixis word used here are the demonstratives this and that. This can be used to refer to a portion to a of the discourse and that to a previous portion. Demonstrative article divided into four tpes there are this, that, these and those (Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams, 2007: 202-203). According Levinson (1983: 85)



refer to some portion of the discourse that contains that the utterance (including the utterance itself), for example:

a. This is a great poetry

“this” refers to an upcoming portion of the discource

b. That was an amazing month.

“That” refers to a prior portion of the discouse.

Discourse deixis deals with “the encoding of reference to portions of the

unfolding discourse in which the utterance (which includes the text referring

expression) is located” (Levinson, 1983: 62). Discourse deixis, somehow, is often

compared to anaphora. However, discourse deixis and anaphora is different since discourse deixis is located in a pronoun which refers to a linguistic expression or part of discourse itself, while anaphora as located in a pronoun which refers to the same entity as a prior linguistics expression refers to (Levinson, 1983: 86). Let’s have a look at the following example:

a. X : That’s a rhinoceros Y : Spell it for me

b. John’s sweetheart; he’s so considerate

The example (a) above is an example of discourse deixis. There, the word

‘it’ is not functioned to refer or replace the entity, i,e. a rhinoceros, but it is used mention the rhinoceros itself. It is diferent from the concept of anaphora in (b)



Reference to parts of a discourse which can be interpreted by knowing where the current coding or receiving point is it. The demonstrative adjectives this and that are employed in difinite noun pharase. As we have known, the English demonstrative this and that, used as deixis. It can be understood as instructing or inviting the hearer to direct his attention to a part region of the environment in order to find out the individual or group of individuals that is being referred to something. Social Deixis

Social deixis concerns the social information that is encoded within various expressions, such as relative social status and familiarity. Levinson (1983: 63) says that social deixis concerns the encoding of social distinctions that are relative to participant-roles, particularly aspects of the social relationship holding between speaker and addressee (s) or speaker and some referent. Besides that, social deixis is reference to the social characteristics of, or distinctions between, the participants or referents in a speech event. The example as follow:

The distinction, found in many Indo-European languages, between familiar and polite

Social deixis is a deixis expression used to distinct social status. Social deixis separated in to two kinds relational and absolute social deixis. Relational social deixis is a deixis reference to some social characteristic of referent apart from any relative ranking of referents or deixis reference to a social relationship



between the speaker and addressee. For example: my husband, teacher, cousin, mother, etc. Absolute social deixis is a deixis reference usually expressed in certain forms of address which will include no comparison of the ranking of the speaker and addressee. For examples: your highness, Mr. President, your majesty, etc

2.4 The Definition of Reference

Talking about deixis, it can not be separate with the use of words that refers to the people and thing. Sometimes in using the words in sentence is easy for to do rather than to explain how and what is the meaning of those words. In order to know what the writer or speaker mean in sentence or utterance, as the listener or reader should understand about the meaning of the sentence or utterance, at least understand about who is the reference. It is because reference is

clearly tied to speaker’s goal for instance to identify something or someone. Yule (1996:17) says that reference as an act in which a speaker or writer uses linguistic forms to enable a listener or reader to identify something. For

example, ‘table’, the form of table is letters of (ta- b-l-e) and the object is refers to

the referent table. The word ‘table’ has meaning piece of furniture with a flat top

on legs and has function to put a something. Based on the example, I say that reference meaning is combination between form and object. It covers by Odgen and Richard (in Sudaryat : 2008) that meaning is the relationship between symbol and referent. The symbol could be the form of the object and referent is the



meaning of the object. Those linguistic forms are referring expressions which can be proper noun, noun phrase which are definitive or indefinite, and pronouns.

In shared visual context, those pronouns that function as deixis expression may be sufficient for successful reference. Moreover, Lyon (1977:176) has similar explanation about reference. He underlines that reference is an utterance dependent notion. It means that the speaker refers to a certain individual by means referring expression. A sentence which contains one referring expression typically became a subject in the sentence. From the grammatical point of view, there are three kinds of singular definitive referring expression in English such definitive noun phrase, proper names and personal pronouns. Each of them is associated with the characteristically distinct means of identifying the person or object that the speaker is referring to on a particular occasion of utterance.

Thus I say that reference is the central point of utterance or sentence. It has function to identifying someone or something and helps the reader or listener to understand about what the speaker mean in utterance.

2.5 Review Of The Related Study

This study area has been investigated by some university students, but presented using different perspective. Faricha (2007) studied deixis used in the National section of The Jakarta Post. She found that deixis used on National section of The Jakarta Post consists of person, time, place, discourse and social deixis. The first person deixis is used when journalist wants to show the speaker who produces the utterance in the context. The second person deixis is used when



journalist wants to show the persons identified as addressee in the context. The third person deixis is used when journalist wants to show the referents not identified as the speaker or addressee in the context. Place deixis is used to describe a location relative to the location of participant in a speech event, as well as have been shown in the context. Time deixis is used to point the certain period of time when journalist shows the utterances used by the speaker and also the time of an event. Furthermore, discourse deixis is used to refer to some portions of discourse that contain the utterance as a signal and its relation to surrounding text. In addition, social deixis is used to indicate the distinct social roles between participants. Moreover, Uddin (2009) discussed deixis in the writing form of Advertisement in Time Magazine. He found that the pronoun deixis is often used. In almost all advertisements the personal pronoun "you" existed. Its pronoun refers to the readers or customers. Place deixis in the advertisements are "anywhere' in Siemens that call be interpreted as some places where the readers need to use their mobile phone. Furthermore, Faizah (2008) also studied the deixis found in surah aldukhan. She found the deixis used in surah Al-Dukhan is included into three types of deixis, namely: person deixis, time deixis, and place deixis. However, in her research, the frequency of those three types of deixis which often appear is person deixis and time deixis because it includes person that becomes center deixis of the utterance and it shows a certain time or a temporal of time in surah Al-Dukhan translation.

Although there are many researchers who have conducted the researches on the same field, yet they have different subjects and different or similar theories.



Some of them conducted the research on newspaper, magazine, and Koran. However, in this research the writer takes a novel that written by Thomas Hardy, namely the Return of the Native as a subject of the research. Therefore, in this study the writer analyzes the Return of the Native novel by using five kinds of deixis theory proposed by Stephen C. Levinson..




This chapter present method of the study implemented in present study in order to convey a clear idea about the methodological aspect employed. It consist of the research approach, technique of data collection, data sources and data, instrument, procedure, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The aim of this final project investigation is to analyse the deixis used in Novel “The Return Of The Native”. For this graduating paper, the writer uses qualitative research. Qualitative research explains the features that it describes to understand a given research problem, likely; five features of qualitative research according to Yin (2011:7) : 1)Studying the meaning of people’s lives, under real -world conditions, 2) Representing the views and perspectives of the people (participants) in a study, 3) Covering the contextual conditions within which people live, 4) Contributing insights into existing or emerging concepts that may help to explain human social behavior, and, 5) Striving to use multiple sources of evidence rather than relying on a single source alone .

From Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (1988:201 and 222) explains that descriptive is used to describe what something looks like. Explorative is used to explore something to get a new knowledge. Qualitative research presents the data and research in the form of qualitative description. Analysis of this type is done



qualitative study obtains the descriptive data either spoken or written.

So that way, Qualitative research is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific information about the value, opinion, behavior, and social context of particular population.

3.2 Data And Sources Of Data

The sources of the data in this study were taken from novel entitled “The Return of the native”(2003). This novel was written by Thomas Hardy sixth published in the Belgravia magazine on United Kingdom. This novel was gotten from buy in the market of Blauran Surabaya. The data source of this research is a novel especially in the “The Return of the native” novel that contains many kinds of deixis namely: person, place, time, discource and social deixis.

The data were taken one of Thomas Hardy’s novel entitled “The Return Of

The Native” which is published by Macmillan in the year 2003. The data taken for the analysis are limited to the only in the form of utterances. Especially, the writer chooses volume 1 until vol 10.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

According to Arikunto (2006:149), there are four methods in collecting data, namely (1) interview, (2) observation, (3) questionnaire, and (4) documentation. In this final project, observation and documentation methods are



used. The documentation method is employed as the data in the form of Thomas

Hardy’s novel entitled The Return Of The Native.

The data of the research are collected by doing the following steps: 1. Observing

After reading the novel “The Return of the native” by Thomas Hardy carefully for several times, the types of deixis were observed by underlining the sentences to find out whether there were sufficient data for study.

2. Identifying

Based on five categories namely, person deixis, place deixis, time deixis,discourse deixis, and social deixis the sentences were identified. The next which showed deixis were marked. Each category was identified in one table.

The table was divided into eight columns. The numbering data was presented in the first column. The sentences were placed in the second column. The next five columns were used to identify the category of deixis, as follows: person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. When sentences were appropriate with category of deixis, the tick sign (√) would put in the suitable column. Lastly, the eighth column was used to place the comments of the words identified.



3. Classifying

In this stage, the selected sentences were under the headings of five types of deixis. Those sentences were then further classified based on the way theThe writer classifies all the data into the utterances contain deixis and do not contain deixis. the writer selects the data by selecting the sentences in volume 1 until vol 10 from the novel that includes of five types of deixis theory and gathered from the data source to have the nature of the problems of the study

The writer collects the data from the utterances which are found in the novel “The Return of the native” by Thomas Hardy. Each type of deixis was classification in table.

4. Evaluating

Further investigation was done in the form of evaluation. The findings obtained from the process of classifying were elaborately evaluated to find whether the deixis expessions.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

After gathering the data from The Return of the native novel, the writer analyzes the data as follows:

1. The writer categoriezes the data based on diexis types, namely person deixis, time deixis, place diexis, discourse deixis and social deixis.



2. The writer convey the data obtained from each category based on deixis theory. As the writer applied below:

Formulation of table: Frequency x 100% = Precentages Total frequency

No Type Of Deixis Number Of Utterances Percentages

3. Afther that, the writer discusses the whole data based on the theory of deixis to get the answer of writer question.

4. Finally, the writer concludes the whole data analyzed to obtain the answer of reseach question





This chapter will present my findings and interpretations. I will answer the statement of the problems that had been stated in chapter I. Based on the data analysis; the result can be presented as follows.

4.1 General Findings

The objective of this study is to find out the deixis in the novel “The

Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy. To reach the objective, the utterances in the novel are gathered. Then, the relationships occurred in the utterances are analysed. There are five types of deixis, they are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis.. The findings can be seen in brief on the table


Table 4.4 The Frequency of Deixis in The Novel The Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy

No Type of Deixis Number of Utterances Percentages

1 Person Deixis 256 54%

2 Place Deixis 32 6,7%

3 Time Deixis 131 27,6%

4 Discourse Deixis 40 8,4%



As seen from the result, the percentages of types of deixis for each classification are as follows; there are 256 (54%) person deixis that has dominated the analysis of the data, 32 (6.7%) for the place deixis, 131 (27,6%) for time deixis, 40 (8,4%) for discourse deixis, and the last 15 (3,1%) sentences for the social deixis.

4.2 Types of Deixis Used in the Novel

The following discussion is about the five types of deixis in more detail.

4.2.1 Person Deixis

The form of pronouns that have found are first person singular (I, me), first singular possessive adjective (my), first person plural (we, us), first plural possessive adjective (our), second person singular (you), second singular possessive adjective (your), second person plural (yours), second plural possessive adjective (your), and vocatives. First Person Singular (I/me)

English first person singular I has different form of subject and object. I is used for a subject. It is changed to pronoun me when it is used as an object. Indonesian

pronoun for the first singular is translated into “saya”, “aku”, “-ku”

(from the word aku). The use of them deals with the situation. There are examples of the use of first person singular (I/me).

No Chapter Page Utterances explanation

1 2 7 ‘ I don’t know, ma’am. I was

near Anglebury this morning. A short way out of the town, I heard someone following me. It

This is uttered by the Reddleman. Pronoun I as translated into aku as Reddleman. I used for



was miss Thomsin, as white as

death. “ oh, Diggory Venn, pleas help me,” she said. “ I’m

in trouble.”

subject. It is changed to pronoun me when it is used for object. The word me is translated into aku.

2 2 8 Then we’ll go to the inn

now and talk to him,’ said

Mrs Yeobright,looking across at the lighted window.

Must I see him too Aunt?’ Thomsin asked.

‘of course you must. I don’t trust him to tell me the truth.’

saya is used as the equivalence of I in the person deixis ,

the object of I, that is me is translated into saya. The speaker is Thomasin.

3 6 23 ‘That’s true, I suppose,’

Captain Vye answered. ‘But the Yeobrights have always lived in a very simple way. We never meet, because I said something, long ago, that made Mrs Yeobrights angry. She has not spoken to me since

The object form of I, that is me is translated into aku. Indonesian pronoun for first person singular is aku. It is used when the speaker speaks to person or people the same age, younger, or to those who already familiar. Captain Vye is as speaker.

4 8 32 (1) “I should have told you, I

know,’ Clym told his

mother. But I didn’t think

you would be pleased

with my plan.’

Pronoun I from sentence (4) is translated into aku.



5 9 36 “But you told me to hold on.

This is the second time I have been hurt today.

Look !”

In sentence (5), the object form of I that is me is translated into -ku. The nature of each translation is reflected in the choice first person singular to target language. Every word of first person singular is translated into equivalent concepts in the target language to give natural of meaning. First Singular Possessive adjective (my)

There are two words in Indonesian for translating “my”; they are “-ku”,

(from the word “aku”), and “saya”. The choice of the words depends on the speech situation. For examples:

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 10 39 “ No use I suppose.’ Clym’s mother replied, but you know my Reason”.

It is said by Clym’s

mother. Pronoun my is translated into saya. It is pointing to Clym. 2 10 39 ‘That is not true, Mother.’ Clym

replied. ‘I am determined to

start a school. Eustacia Vye is an educated woman.She could

The word my is translated into saya. It refers to Clym who as the speaker.



help me with my work First Singular Possessive Pronoun (mine)

The first singular possessive pronoun mine is translated into milikku, milik saya. Unfortunately, there is not any utterance that contains the form possessive pronoun in the novel. First Singular Reflexive Pronoun (myself)

First singular reflexive pronoun myself is translated into diriku, diri saya. There is not example of the first singular reflexive pronoun found in the novel. First Person Plural (we/us)

The deixis we has different form of subject and object in English. We is used for a subject. It is changed to pronoun us when it is used as an object. In Indonesian, the deixis we/us will be translated into two words; kami or kita.

The word we/us will always be translated into kami if the reference is exclusive of the addressee. On the other hand, we/us will be translated into kita if the reference is inclusive of the addressee. For the examples:

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 2 10 “Of course I do. We can go to Budmouth on Monday and get married at once”.

This sentence is uttered

by Damon. The

pronoun we is used as kita in the sentence means Damon and Thomasin . Kita is said to be inclusive.



2 4 18 “ Nothing? Don’t you remember

last year, Eustacia when we walked together on the heath? We love each other


This is uttered by Wildeve to Eustacia . This first person inclusive kita is used in each sentence as all

people in the

conversation are included.

3 2 10 “Of course dear ,’ said Wildeve quickly. If your aunt will excuse us..”

The deixis kami is used as the object from we. It is us. The word us refers to Wildeve, and Thomasin. First Plural Possessive Adjective (our)

Similar to the pronoun we, the first plural possessive adjective our will be translated into kami or kita. This case is more influenced whether the reference includes or excludes the addressee or not.

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 2 10 “ Life is never like our

dreams,’said Wildeve with smile.”

The sentence (1), our refers to exclusive of the addressee, it is translated kita. Meanwhile, our is translated into kita in sentence (2), it refers to inclusive of the addressee. Every word 2 5 20 “ Mrs Yeobrights lokked at the

reddleman in surprise.

‘ I wasn’t red then, you know,’ Venn told her. ‘ But Thomsin thought you would object to our marriage. I thing you may change your



mind now I have as muchmoney as Wildeve. And

I won’t be reddleman forever.”.

of first person possessive pronoun plural is translated into equivalent concepts in the target language to convey the same meaning effect on the readers. First Plural Possessive Pronoun (ours)

Unfortunately, I did not find any data about the first plural possessive pronoun in the novel. Hence, further observation about it cannot be done. First Plural Reflexive Pronoun (ourselves)

In this observation, the data of first plural reflexive pronoun was not found in the novel. So, I was not able to continue the observation. Second Person Singular (you)

The following are examples of the use of the second person singular you in subject and object position and the translation into Indonesian.

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 4 19 “America?’ Eustacia repeated

slowly. ‘Would I happy there? You must give me to think, Damon”.

English pronoun you is translated into anda, kau, kamu, or -mu from the subject form kamu. Sentences (1) and (2)

2 5 21 “ have you heard the latest news,



show the use anda. The speaker is

Fudge and addressee is Prime Ministry.

3 7 28 “ Nothing, Thank you,’ Eustacia

replied, looking down at ground.”

the dexis you is translated into aku. The nature of each translation is reflected in the choice second person singular to target language.

4 10 39 “ She will be no help to you,’ Mrs Yeobright answered.’

you as the object is translated into -mu. Every word of second person singular in the sentence is translated into equivalent concepts in the target language.


48 Second Singular Possessive Adjective (your)

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 3 14 “ can I kiss your hand?’ In sentence (1), the

word your is translated anda. Anda used when the utterances are uttered informal

situation of the speaker. Your is pointing


” Could I hold your hand before I go?”

In sentence (2), the word your is translated anda. Anda used when the utterance is uttered informal situation. The deixis your is pointing to Eustacia.

3 3 14 “ and I have changed your mind” The second singular possessive adjective, your, is translated into the post posed (bound

form) of Indonesian’s

word, -mu. It is pointing to Eustacia.


49 Second Singular Possessive Pronoun (yours)

The second singular possessive pronoun yours is translated into milikmu, milik anda. Unfortunately, there is not any utterance that contains the form second singular possessive pronoun in the novel. Second Singular Reflexive Pronoun (yourself)

In this observation, the data of second plural reflexive pronoun was not found in the novel. So, I was not able to continue the observation. Second Plural Person (you)

The second plural person forms are similar with the first singular person that is you. Since the English second plural and singular persons have the same form that is you, the translators should aware whether they are in singular or in plural form. They have to notice the number of addressees. On the other hand, in Indonesian, the second person plural pronoun you is translated into anda, anda sekalian, dan kalian.

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 6 24 “ Have you all got your

custumes ready,lads?

One asked”

In sentences the word you is translated into anda. The categories (anda and anda sekalian) are used at the same situations and are influenced with the same relationship between the addressee and the speaker. Those deixis are chosen when the speaker faces a lot of people that are needed to be respected and that s/he has not



known well. Second Plural Possessive Adjective (your)

The second plural possessive pronoun, you which is translated into kalian anda sekalian, is not found in the novel. Second Plural Possessive Pronoun (yours)

The second plural possessive pronoun, your which is translated into milik anda sekalian, milik kamu sekalian is not found in the novel. Second Plural Reflexive Pronoun (yourselves)

I did not find any data about the second plural reflexive pronoun in the novel. Hence, further observation about it cannot be done. Vocatives

The data of vocatives can be easily found in the novel. Most of the utterances are translated appropriately with Indonesian. But there are some loan words of English that are still used to call someone such as Ms, Miss, Sir and etc.

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 3 12 “ you must call me Miss Vye” The title is called by the speaker, Vye. miss is translated into equivalence of nyonya.

2 3 14 “ Goodnight then

Eustacia.Goodbye”. In a moment, Wildeve had gone.Eustacia sighed and looked down at the dying fire. She knew that Wildeve

The speaker is Wildeve and addressee is Eustacia.



did not love her. But she did not want to stop loving him.

3 4 19 “ My poor Tamsie,’ he said at last.

‘I must help her, I must!’

The speaker is The reddleman who is pointing to Tamsie. Tamsie did not translated into Indonesian.

4.2.2 Place Deixis

Place deixis is deictic reference to a location relative to the location of a

participant in the speech event, typically the speaker. The most obvious placedeictic

terms in English are the adverbs “here” and “there” and the demonstratives “this

and “that”, along with their plural forms. There are some examples about place deixis, as follows;

No Chapter Page Utterances Explanation

1 2 7 “I don’t know, ma’am. I was near Anglebury this morning. A short way out of the town, I heard someone following me. It was miss

Thomsin, as white as death. “ oh, Diggory Venn, pleas help me,” she sauid. “ I’m in trouble.’

The word ‘was’ is translated ‘berada’, it

means that Thomasin as the speaker

is moving towards the

addressee’s location.

2 2 7 “ You must be Diggory Venn, the

reddleman,’ Mrs Yeobright

here which is translated into disini refers to the



showed that every word in the sentence of target language is translated into

equivalent concepts in the target language to give accurate of meaning.

2.3 Discussion

1. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that there are five

types of deixis which were used in The Novel “The Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy. It means that all types of deixis were applied in this novel. From the table 4.4 above person deixis is

dominant type used with formation 256 utterances. The dominant

deictic words pointing to the person in this type “it”, “he” and “she”. After calculating person deixis is 54 %. The second type deixis is time

deixis with formation 131 utterances with percentage time deixis is

27,6%. The third deixis is this study is discourse deixis with formation

40 utterances after calculating discourse deixis is 8,4%.The fourth

deixis in this study is place deixis with formation 32 utterances, after

calculating place deixis is 6,7%. And the last is social deixis, it consist

of 15 utterances with percentage of Social deixis becomes 3,1% .

2. How to analyze word or phrase which directly relates and utterance to

a person, time, place, social and discourse. It concerned with the

encoding of many different aspects of the circumstances surrounding

the utterance and the relationship between the structure of language

and context in which they are being used, and deixis is the study about



utterance or speech event, and also about the way in how to

interpretation of utterances depends on analysis of the context

utterance. Deixis is not a simple as it seems. Deixis shows the

important meaning which is expressed by the writer to help the reader

to understand the text. It means that it will be better if the reader

understand deixis to discover the meaning in a text. Moreover,

sometimes the readers read some discourses of the text to get the real

sense of words or phrases because some words in a language cannot be

interpreted directly. A deep understanding is regarded as an important

information which is focused by most of the readers. The equivalence

can be achieved by involving the inclusive/exclusive dimension and

the familiar/non familiar dimension from source language into the

target language. The equivalence of time deixis can be achieved

through translating from source language into target language by

giving temporal determiners and adverbial of times. The analysis of

place deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis showed that every

word in the sentence of target language is translated into equivalent




After finding out and analyzing the data in the previous chapter, the writer

presents the conclusion and suggestion as the last part of this research. The

conclusion is written based on the formulated statement of the problems while the

suggestion is intended to give information to the next researchers who are

interested in doing future research about deixis.

5.1 Conclusions

There are 474 deixis in various types found in chapter 1 until chapter 10 in

the novel of “The Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy, the percentages of types of deixis for each classification are as follows; there are 256 (54%) person

deixis that has dominated the analysis of the data, 32 (6.7%) for the place deixis,

131 (27,6%) for time deixis, 40 (8,4%) for discourse deixis, and the last 15 (3,1%)

sentences for the social deixis.

I come to the conclusions that:

1. The types of deixis used in the novel “The Return Of The Native” by Thomas Hardy are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse

deixis, and social deixis.

2. There are many variations that used all the types of the deixis. The analysis

is regarding to person deixis. The form of pronouns that have found are



person plural (we, us), first plural possessive adjective (our), second

person singular (you), second singular possessive adjective (your), second

person plural (yours), second plural possessive adjective (your), and

vocatives. The equivalence can be achieved by involving the

inclusive/exclusive dimension and the familiar/non familiar dimension

from source language into the target language. The equivalence of time

deixis can be achieved through translating from source language into target

language by giving temporal determiners and adverbial of times. The

analysis of place deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis showed that

every word in the sentence of target language is translated into equivalent

concepts in the target language to give accurate of meaning.

5.2 Suggestions

By considering the research findings and the conclusions, there are some

suggestions which are presented as follows:

1. for students’ of English Education those get a few task of appreciation on literature works, especially English novels are not only as an

entertainment, but also as a media in studying and learning English.

2. English teachers are suggested to enrich their teaching materials by using

novel to improve the students’ ability and to grow their interest in deixis. It’s suggested that this study can be used as a reference for the teacher to teach the students and to give the view how actually deixis is applied in



specific context to communicate. Specifically, it will be useful for teaching

culture and the ways of speaking.

3. For students as beginner in translators, translating deixis will gain some

advantages. It has already proved by many previous studies about the

relation between reading activity and the students’ vocabulary mastering. The relation is positive. It means that through reading activity, students’ vocabulary mastering is improved. Besides, through reading a novel,

students’ vocabulary and styles in English are enriched. And the ways to obtain this can be done by translating the deixis.

4. In translating, a translator should have capability in translating sentences

and words context. The translator also should have considered the

accurateness, the equivalence, and made sure that the translation result is

acceptable. The beauty of the language in the original text must be

maintained, so that the deixis will not lost in translation. If the deixis were

translated incorrectly, the readers would lose the sense that the original

text wanted to express.

5. Other researchers are suggested to make more depth analysis of deixis in

other objects. The next researcher to conduct further study concerning the

study of deixis not only focus on the type but also the message in order to

spread the area of analysis and also employ the theories about deixis. It is suggested to develop this study to get understanding in deixis and how it’s applied a better in a real life situation.



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