Karya dan Ilmiah dan SBI.docx (1)

Scientific Papers
Compiled To Meet English Language Tasks
Year 2018

Arranged by:

Dora Amiliani Contesa
Eny Mustafidah
Ista Evia Maftuchah

Jayanti Kusuma
Khusnun Nisa’
Kurniati Rohmah
Khusnul Arif
Nurul Khumayyah
Raudlotul Jannah


Praise be to the author always pray Allah Almighty, may the salvation
poured to Rasulullah SAW, family, friends, and his faithful followers until the end
of time. Thanks to grace, taufik, and hidayah His writer finally able to finish this
The author realizes that this scientific work is far from perfection. By
realizing the limitations and ability of the author, this scientific work can be
solved by the help of various parties. Therefore, with all humility, the authors

would like to thank:
1. Bapak Ma’mun Mukmin M.Ag M.Si M.Hum as in the Director
Ma'had Al-Jami'ah IAIN Kudus
2. Bapak Salahudin Al-Ayyubi as staff Ma'had Al-Jami'ah IAIN Kudus
3. Ibu Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd as a tutor who has provided advice and
guidance to the author so that this scientific work can be completed
4. Kakak Eva Miftahurrohmah as an assistant tutor who has helped
complete this scientific paper well.
5. As well as other parties who participated in completing this scientific
Hopefully this scientific work can be useful for all of us. The author
realizes that this scientific work is still far from perfection and with all humility
the author receives constructive criticism and suggestions in order to be an
improvement for the future to come.
Kudus, 1 August 2018



The background of this paper is from a partial assumption people consider
boarding school an existing educational institution less orderly, putting aside
world affairs even with assumptions boarding school is a hotbed of terrorists.
Such views should be discarded left because they actually boarded an Islamic
educational institution that their main contribution to Islamic civilization in
Indonesia and Indonesia.
Superb Indonesian man succeeds in forming the virtuous, noble,
understand and practice the teachings of Islam. This success is due to boarding
school has succeeded in building the education system which is contextual to the
needs of the people of Indonesia. That the teaching system on boarding school
system is divided into two classical and learning non clasal learning system. The
learning system was adopted from classical modern educational systems that exist
in students are grouped accordingly appropriate level of capability, level of
Ibtida’iyah Madrasah, Tsanawiyah Level (Mts), Aliyah (MA) level, Hadadiyyah
levels (SP).
While non-classical learning system supervised directly by scholars with
sorogan and bandongan system. Curriculum education in the dormitory is broadly
divided into 7 groups of subjects fiqh, hadish, quran, monotheism, Arabic

literature, mysticism, comments, on each subject of this boarding school
determine the book used by the grade level or the student’s abillty. Besides
boarding school is one of the media for understanding Islam in depth especially
Islam Nusantara.


TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………… 3
A. Background………………………………………………………. 5
B. Problem Limitation……………………...………………………... 6
C. Problem Formulation……….………….…………………………. 6
D. Research Objectives……………………..…………………………6
E. Benefits Of Research……………………..………………………. 6
F. Research Methodology……………………...…………………… 7
A. Science education……………………………………...………… 8

B. Existence of Boarding School…………………………………… 8
C. Understanding Islamic Sharia…………………………………… 9
A. Background Of Boarding School Lirboyo……………………… 11
B. The Concept of Education and Influence of Boarding School
Lirboyo on the Development of Islam Nusantara……………… 12
A. Conclusion…………………………………………………….... 15
B. Suggestion……………………………………………………… 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………… 16
ATTACHMENTS…………………………………………………………. 17





A. Background
Boarding School is a traditional education that the students live together
and learn under the guidance of teachers who are better known as kyai and
have a dormitory for place to stay santri. Boarding School is not only a
gathering place for many people, but there is a very detailed teaching and
religious sciences.
Indonesia has many Boarding Schools from various islands, one of
which is Lirboyo Boarding School located in Lirboyo Village, Mojoroto
District, Kediri City, East Java. More precisely, the Brantas River, in the Wilis
Mountain Valley. This Lirboyo Boarding School is a well-known Boarding
School and the largest with its existence which is widely known by the public.
Many people already know the existence of this Lirboyo Boarding
School, but maybe there are still many people who don't know it yet. Teenagers
and school children are also not many who attend the Boarding School.
Whereas as a young generation of intellectuals, we as students must also know
a lot about the religious sciences, because it is very useful in the hereafter. One
of them is by studying at Lirboyo's Boarding School.
Seeing the above phenomenon, causing a sense of interest to examine

it. Therefore, we do research on Boarding School Lirboyo which we
summarize in this scientific work. Our results do not close the possibility of far
from the right word. But this can add to the repertoire of the education rubric
by the Boarding School method in Indonesia.


B. Problem Limitation
Based on the selection of titles of scientific papers and some of the
underlying arguments and the limited ability of the author in exposing
everything that is in this scientific paper then the issues that will be discussed
1. Background of Boarding School Lirboyo
2. The concept of Lirboyo's Boarding School education and influence against
Islamic development of the archipelago.
C. Problem Formulation
In accordance with the above problem limitation, then the formulation
of the problem is:
1. How to background Boarding School Lirboyo
2. What is the concept of Lirboyo's Boarding School education and influence

against Islamic development in the archipelago
D. Research Objectives
Each study has a purpose for a number of problems as formulated.
This study has the following objectives:
1. To know the background of Boarding School Lirboyo
2. To know the concept of Lirboyo's Boarding School education and influence
on the development of Islamic Nusantara.
E. Benefits of Research
Efforts to deepen the knowledge of the research that the author is doing,
at least get the benefits derived from the formulation of the problem:
1. Obtain knowledge about the background of Lirboyo's Boarding School
2. Gaining knowledge about the concept of education and the influence of
Lirboyo's Boarding School on the development of the Islamic Archipelago

F. Research Methods
Method of collecting data
Data collection methods are the methods taken to obtain data. The
method used in this study is:
1. The method of reading notes is the method used in obtaining data by reading

a literary text, which is further recorded in the data card available.
2. The method of library research is the method used to search and review
various reference books as written sources. The author also observes and
studies other data as supporters such as the internet, and related books.
3. Interview
This interview method aims to obtain information from informants who
know about the object under study. The informant who was interviewed was
a person who really knew the history of the object being studied. The
interview time took place on August 1, 2018.


A. Science education
Science is the knowledge of a field that is compiled systematically
according to a particular method, which can be used to explain certain
symptoms in the field of knowledge. (https://kbbi.web.ac..id) Education is the
process of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people
in an effort to mature man through the effort of teaching practice, process,

deeds, how to educate. (https://kbbi.web.ac.id).
Education aims to help humans to develop human potentials. Because
human existence cannot be separated from its environment, the ongoing
process of education will be closely related to the environment and will
mutually influence each other.
Human potentials can be developed through experience. That
experience occurs because of the effective and efficient interaction between
humans and their environment, both the physical environment and the human
social environment. human interaction with the environment in an effective and
efficient manner that provides an experience that can develop the humanitarian
potentials that is called education.1
B. Existence of Boarding School
The existence of boarding school in the modern era is a separate
phenomenon in the world of education, thus raising the hypothesis that the way
taken by boarding school in maintaining the existence worthy to be examined.
This is because boarding school is an educational institution that emerged long
before Indonesia was formed and until now its existence deserves to be taken
into account in the modern era. If viewed from a historical point of view,


Mohammad Imam Farisi, 2007, Struktur Kompetensi Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Sekolah Dasar
dan Pengorganisasian Pengalaman Balajar Siswa, Jurnal Kependidikan, Vol.03 No.03, diakses
https://journal.um.ac.id, hlm 6-7


boarding school is the inheritance of Indonesian intellectual treasures
especially in Islamic treasures.2
The purpose of boarding school education is to create and develop a
Muslim personality, namely a personality that is faithful and devoted to Allah
SWT, has a noble character, is beneficial to society and berikhmat to the
community by means of servants or public servants that is to become
community servants as to the personality of Prophet Muhammad SAW
(following sunnah Prophet), able to stand alone, free, and firm in personality.
Spreading religion or upholding Islam and the triumph of the people in the
midst of society and loving knowledge in order to develop the human
The purpose of the establishment of boarding school is basically
divided into two, namely: the general goal is to foster the students to become
human beings who are capable of religious with the science of his religion
became mubaligh in the community. Special purpose is to prepare the students
to be a religious expert, and practice it in life socially.3
C. Understanding of Islamic Shari'ah
Understanding the Shari'ah of Islam is the same as understanding
Islamic law. These terms are shari'ah, fiqh, and Islamic law itself. The Shari'ah
is derived from the word Al-Shari'ah which means the path of water or the way
to be followed, the way to the source of life. This is very important for the
living capital in the world because humans will be destroyed when not
understanding the prevailing Islamic shari'a. In doing daily activities and even
then using Islamic shari'ah in waking up to sleep again.4


Nurul Qodim, 2017, Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren, Jurnal Islamic, Vol.07 No.03, diakses: https://
e-journal.staima.ac.id, hlm 22-23
Ibid, Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren hlm. 24
Marzuki, 2016, Memahami Hakikat Hukum Islam, Jurnal Syari’ah, Vol. 02 No. 04, diakses:
https://jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id hlm 7-8


The purpose of Islamic Shari'ah in the ushul fiqh science, the purpose
of Islamic law is often called maqashid al-syari'ah. The main discussion in
maqashid al-syari'ah is a matter of wisdom and 'illah setnya a law. The study of
maqashid al-syari'ah is an important and interesting study in the field of ushul
fiqh. The purpose of Islamic law must be known by mujtahid (people who do
ijtihad) in order to develop legal thinking in Islam in general and answer
contemporary legal issues whose cases are not explicitly regulated by the
Qur'an and Sunnah.
All provisions of Islamic law (shari'ah) both in the form of orders and
prohibitions, as stated in the Qur'an and Sunnah, have certain objectives. There
is no single provision in the Shari'ah that has no purpose. Islamic law comes to
the world carrying a very noble mission, namely as a mercy for all humanity on
earth. Therefore, human beings are required to understand the Shari'ah of Islam
to survive the world and the hereafter. From this, many parents now want their
children to be educated at a famous boarding school.5


Ibid, Memahami Hakikat Hukum Islam, hlm: 10-11


A. Background Of Boarding School Lirboyo
Lirboyo, is the name of a village used by KH. Abdul Karim to be the
name of Boarding School. Located west of the Brantas River, in the valley of
Mount Willis, Kediri. The beginning of the founding of Boarding School
Lirboyo closely related to the removal and settlement of KH Abdul Karim to
the village of Lirboyo in 1910 AD.
Boarding School Lirboyo developed into the center of Islamic studies
since tens of years before the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Even
in the events of independence, Boarding School Lirboyo participate in the
movement of the struggle by sending students to the battlefield as the events of
November 10, 1945 in Surabaya.
As the Center for Islamic Education, Boarding School Lirboyo creates a
generation of intelligent, intelligent, intellectuals in the diversity of fields, as
well as authentic Islamic religiosity. Boarding School Lirboyo combines the
tradition that is able to fill the modernity and proved to have given birth to
many religious figures religious, as well as social piety.6
Boarding School wherever it is, from ancient times until now known as
an educational institution of Islam that basically has the purpose of educating
and nurturing the students to be printed into a cadre of Islamic generation who
berakhlaqul karimah and concerned about the development of Islam in the
midst of society. For that purpose pesantren cottage is very concerned about
the lessons and skills that are channeled to the santrinya.
Likewise with Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo. Although better known as a
salaf boarding school, Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo has a diverse educational
system, all of which depend on the wisdom of the carer and the head of each

Imam Taulabi, 2013, Integritas Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren dan Sekolah, Jurnal Integritas
Sistem Pendidikan, Vol. 24 No. 02 September, diakses https://e-journal.iai-tribakti.ac.id hlm: 1315


unit. In Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo, in addition to teaching salaf education also
teaches formal education, namely at Tribakti University, Boarding School
Children Ar Risalah and HM Putra Almahrusiyah.7
B. The concept of Lirboyo's Boarding School education and influence against
Islamic development of the archipelago.
The concept is the design, idea or understanding that is abstracted from
concrete events. (KBBI) In education must also have a concept. One of them is
education with the concept of boarding school, the education of the method is
Islamic.8 Historical view shows that the presence in this country along with the
process of spreading Islam religion for the first time performed or under the
leadership of the guardians. Initially, boarding school was the centers of the
spread of Islam by the guardians who were the connections of the Zawiyah
system in India and the Middle East. This means that the guardian who
pioneered the establishment of the model of the oldest Islamic educational
institutions in Indonesia called boarding school. Therefore, boarding school
earned the title as an indigenous form of education.9
Boarding School Lirboyo is one of the forerunners and pillars of
education in Indonesia, in addition to general education and Islamic education.
Boarding School is an educational institution that has been proven to play an
important role in the transmission of religious science in society.10 Boarding
School as a very popular Islamic educational institution in Java, can be seen
from two sides of understanding that is the understanding of the physical or
building and cultural sense. From a physical point of view, pesantren is an
educational complex consisting of a structure of buildings that are equipped

Muslihun, 2017, Pesantren Sebagai Identitas Islam Nusantara, Al-Tsiqoh: Islamic Economy and
Da’wa Journal, Vol. 02: No.01, diakses https://e-journal.ikhac.ac.id hlm: 53-54
Ijudin, 2015, Pengembangan Konsep Mutu Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren, Jurnal Pendidikan
Universitas Garut, Vol. 09; No. 01, diakses https://journal.uniga.ac.id hlm: 15-32
Husmiaty Hasyim, 2015, Transformasi Pendidikan Islam (Konteks Pendidikan Pondok
Pesantren), Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam-Ta’lim, Vol. 13 No. 1, doakses
https://jurnal.upi.edu.ac.id hlm: 59-61
Rusydi Sulaiman, Juni 2016, Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren: Institusionalisasi Kelembagaan
Pendidikan Pesantren, Jurnal ‘Anil Islam, Vol. 09 No. 01, diakses https://jurnal.instika.ac.id 153174


with supporting facilities for the provision of education. Culturally, pesantren
includes a broader understanding ranging from the peculiar value system
sintrinsically embedded in the life pattern of santri.11
In general there are three main characteristics of education in any
pesantren, including those applicable at Boarding School Lirboyo. Concepts in
Boarding School Lirboyo include;
1. Ta'lim is the provision of provisions and teaching and directing knowledge
of the sciences of syariat, either in the form of science tools (language) to
read the text / nash and also teaching jurisprudence, tafseer, hadith,
2. Tarbiyah is a form of coaching and direction for the formation of personality
and mental attitude.
3. Ta'dib is the guidance of moral and aesthetic intuition in order to improve
human dignity. Boarding School educates students to be religious and pious
religious people.
Lirboyo Boarding School's own educational calendar every year is full
year-round, with the school year of education using the Hijri calendar. Divided
into 2 briefing of the material that is compulsory study (school) and learn book.
For technical education Boarding Schoool in Lirboyo is implementing 2
education systems that run side by side and coherent namely, as follows;
1. Classical (school)
This system of application as a compulsory learning tailored to the
ability of each santri in absorbing and understanding the given scholarship.
Compulsory for students with subjects that have been recorded as levels of
learning. Starting from mid-month Shawwal until the end of Rajab month
every year. Holiday 2 times in 1 year ie 10 days in the month of Mawlid and 30
days in Ramadan.

Muhammad Hasan, 2015, Inovasi dan Modernisasi Pendidikan Pesantren,
Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman, Vol. 23 No. 02, diakses
https://ejournal.stainpamekasan.ac.id hal: 295-305


2. Traditional (Reading the Book)
This system is applied by means of joint learning or reading with the
bandongan, sorogan method, deepening discussion of the current religious text
problems. Book study is highly recommended as a provision of additional
scholarship students. Last year and every year and on bualn Ramadan at
Boarding School Lirboyo always holds flash recitation.
The influence of boarding school Lirboyo on the development of Islam
Nusantara that has been successfully changed all the communist society and
kejawen into a polite and religious society, bermazhab ahlu sunnah wal jamaah
and Nahdhotul Ulama organization through boarding school Salafiyah
education. Make santri children to instill the character of santri, start waking
tidu to sleep again.
In boarding school lirboyo the santri divided into three levels namely
Ibtidaiyah (MI), Tsanawiyah (Mts), Aliyah (MA). This division of levels is not
based on age, but based on ability. In boarding school Lirboyo there are three
mainstay methods that are very well known, namely the method of discussion
(discussion), methods bahtsul masail (solving msalah), and methods sorogan
(reading the book in detail in front of teachers). The other influence is that the
public increasingly believes that boarding school education is better than
general education. As well as boarding school lirboyo is also famous for its
excellent discipline and teaching methods. Produces a young generation of
high intellectual and religious.

A. Conclusion

1. Lirboyo, is the name of a village used by KH Abdul Karim to become the
name of the Islamic Boarding School. Located west of the Brantas River,
in the Willis mountain valley, Kediri City. The beginning of the Lirboyo
Islamic Boarding School was closely related to the move and the stay of
KH Abdul Karim to the village of Lirboyo in 1910 M. This Boarding
School was very well known and was no stranger to the ears of the
Indonesian people.
2. The concept is the design, idea or understanding that is abstracted from
concrete events. So the concept of education is a design or idea that is
taught by a particular method disebuah educational institutions. The
influence of Lirboyo Boarding School was to transform all Communist
and Kejawen society into a polite and religious society, bermazhab
ahlussunah wal jama'ah, and organized Nahdlotul Ulama through
Boarding School Salafiah education.
B. Suggestion
1. The younger generation should now prioritize boarding school-based
education so that the younger generation has a religious soul and more
detailed religious knowledge.
2. Lirboyo's boarding school should be introduced in Indonesia and abroad
so that Lirboyo's boarding school will be more and more students from
abroad and people throughout Indonesia know about the existence of
Lirboyo's boarding school.



Husmiaty Hasyim, 2015, Transformasi Pendidikan Islam (Konteks
Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren), Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam-Ta’lim, Vol. 13
No. 1, doakses https://jurnal.upi.edu.ac.id
Ijudin, 2015, Pengembangan Konsep Mutu Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren,









Imam Taulabi, 2013, Integritas Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren dan Sekolah,
Jurnal Integritas Sistem Pendidikan, Vol. 24 No. 02 September, diakses https://ejournal.iai-tribakti.ac.id
Marzuki, 2016, Memahami Hakikat Hukum Islam, Jurnal Syari’ah, Vol.
02 No. 04, diakses: https://jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id
Mohammad Imam Farisi, 2007, Struktur Kompetensi Ilmu Pengetahuan
Sosial Sekolah Dasar dan Pengorganisasian Pengalaman Balajar Siswa, Jurnal
Kependidikan, Vol.03 No.03, diakses https://journal.um.ac.id
Muhammad Hasan, 2015, Inovasi dan Modernisasi Pendidikan Pesantren,










Muslihun, 2017, Pesantren Sebagai Identitas Islam Nusantara, Al-Tsiqoh:
Islamic Economy and Da’wa Journal, Vol. 02: No.01, diakses https://ejournal.ikhac.ac.id
Nurul Qodim, 2017, Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren, Jurnal Islamic, Vol.07
No.03, diakses: https://e-journal.staima.ac.id







Institusionalisasi Kelembagaan Pendidikan Pesantren, Jurnal ‘Anil Islam, Vol. 09
No. 01, diakses https://jurnal.instika.ac.id


Ngaji Bandongan/ How to Read the Book with the Bandongan method

Picture of gate or entrance to boarding school in Kediri, East Java.


Front part of Lirboyo's boarding school in Kediri, East Java.


1. What is the history or background of Lirboyo's boarding school?
2. What is the concept of education at Lirboyo's boarding school?
3. How did the influence on Lirboyo's Boarding School affect the development of
Isalm Nusantara?
4. Who gave the name of this Lirboyo boarding school?
5. Who has worked hard to build or establish Lirboyo's boarding school?
6. Since when was the establishment of Lirboyo's boarding school?