Implementasi Metoda Sum Squared Error untuk Identifikasi Kategori Pembakaran Mesin Sepeda Motor 4 Tak Bahan Bakar Bensin (Sum Square Error Method Implementation For Combustion Categorizing Identification in 4 Stroke Engine Gasoline Fuel Motorcyle) - Polit

POLI REKAYASA Volume I l, Nomor


April 2016

/,s"sN.. t 8s8-3709

Implementasi Metoda Sum Squared Error untuk ldentifikasi Kategori
Pembakaran Mesin Sepeda Motor 4 Tak Bahan Bakar Bensin
Sum Square Error Methods Implementation For Combustion Categorizing
Identi/ication in 4 Stroke Engine Gasoline Fuel Motorcyle




& Rivanol Chadry


Teknik Elekro Politeknik Negeri Padang Kampus IJNAND Limau Manis Padang 25163

Telp A75L-72590 Fax0752-725768mai1:,


Teknik Mesin, Politeknik Negeri Padang Kampus IINAND Limau Manis Padang 25163
Telp 0751-72590 Fax 0752-72576 Email :

Motorcyeles with injection system uses engine scanner tool as a reference for a mechanic when
pedormtng o tune-up to find out and get the engine Jiring conditions were perfect. Unlike the motorqtcle

carburetor system, relyins only on the experience of a mechanic. lf ustng tools, usually using exhaust emission
analyzer which only serves to measure the levels of elements and compounds and exhaust emissions and it can
not be used to identi{y the condition of the combustion engine. Besides, not all the workshops have it, just a

certain manufacturer authorizedworlcshops, garages and a large scale or related government agencies that have
it. There arc twa categories of combustion engine, the first engine combustion conditions are not perfect and
complete combustion conditions. Perfect engine combustion conditions is needed so that maximum engine
performance with an fficient we of fitel. This study aims to make a device that is capable of detecting the
condition of eombustion 4-stroke motorcycle carburetor system using the method of sum square error (SSE)
through the value ofthe data patterns ofexhaust emissions based gas seruors. The study, ofthefwe categories of
motorcycles with the manufacturer, type and year of rnanufacture of dffirent shows that, the system made
capable of identifying categories of combustion engine based on the SSE on the identification and reference set.
The success rate of identification detection system performs the complete cornbastion of 89.33% and 97.99% of
inc omp I et e comb

us tio n.

Keyword: identification, combustion conditions, the pattern data.

Setiap penguna kendaraan bermotor

Pengguna sepeda motor secara rutin

menginginkan agar kendaraan yang dan berkala melakukan tune up ata.u service
digunakan efisien dan irit bahan bakar kendaraan di bengkel sepeda motor.
dengan tenaga serta kinerja mesin tetap Kegiatan service atau tune up dilal