

The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of

Bahasa Indonesia

English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of the Faculty of Languages and Arts Education of the Indonesia University of Education as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree








Readers’ Attitude towards the

Realization of

Bahasa Indonesia

English Code

Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Oleh Meifahmi Intan N

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Meifahmi Intan 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Januari 2013

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.




The present study entitled The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine aims to investigate types and functions of code switching used in “Mailbox” and “Readerstyle” columns of LOOKS magazine and the readers’ attitude towards the code switching. Document analysis was occupied to classify types and functions of code switching in the magazine whereas questionnaires were distributed to find out the readers’ attitude towards code switching in the magazine. Ten students from English Education Department are purposively chosen as the respondents. The collected data were analyzed by applying some theories. The theory proposed by Poplack (1980) was utilized to analyze the types of code switching; Koziol’s theory (2000) was employed to investigate the functions of code switching and the theory of Garret (2010) was applied to explore the readers’ attitude towards code switching. The findings reveal that intra-sentential switching dominates the discourse in the magazine (62.50 %). Meanwhile, Emphasize function tends to be the most frequent function occurs in the magazine (45.39 %). Regarding the readers’ attitude, it is discovered that the majority of the respondents seem to have a positive attitude towards code switching in the magazine.

Keywords: Bilingual, LOOKS magazine, code switching types, code switching



The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | TABLE OF CONTENTS









1.1 Background of the Study………1

1.2 Research Questions………5

1.3 Aims of the Study………..….5

1.4 Scope of the Study………..5

1.5 Research Methodology ... 6

1.5.1 Research Design………...6

1.5.2 Site and Subjects of the Study………..6

1.5.3 Data collection and Instruments ... 7

1.5.4 Data Analysis ... 7

1.6 Clarification of the Terms………..8

1.7 Organization of the Paper ... 10



2.1 Bilingualism……….11

2.2 Code Switching………14

2.2.1 Types of Code Switching……….15 Tag Switching………..15 Inter-sentential Switching………17 Intra-sentential Switching………17


2.2.2 Functions of Code Switching……….19 Personalization ... 22 Reiteration ... 23 Designation (Endearment and Name Calling) ... 23 Substitution (Appositive) ... 24 Emphasize ... 24 Clarification ... 25 Objectification ... 25 Untranslatability ... 26 Mitigating Message ... 26 Interjection ... 27 Parenthesis ... 27 Aggravating Message ... 28 Quotation ... 28 Topic Shift………..………..29

2.3 Attitude towards Code Switching ... 29

2.4 Previous related Studies………...….32



3.1 Formulation of the Problem ... 35

3.2 Research Method ... 35

3.3 Data Collection ... 37

3.3.1 The Document Analysis ... 37

3.3.2 Questionnaires ... 38

3.4 Data Analysis ... 39

3.4.1 The Document Analysis ... 40 Making a List of Code Switching Found in the Magazine ... 40

(7) Discussing the Findings ... 42

3.4.2 Questionnaires ... 42 Identifying the Respondent’s answer ... 42 Discussing the Findings of the Questionnaire………..42



4.1 Types of Code Switching ... 43

4.1.1 The Findings of Code Switching Types ... 43 Tag switching ... 44 Inter-sentential Switching ... 46 Intra-sentential Switching ... 47

4.1.2 The Discussion of Code Switching Types ... 48

4.2 Functions of Code Switching ... 51

4.2.1 The Findings of Code Switching Functions ... 52 Personalization ... 53 Reiteration ... 54 Designation (Endearment and Name Calling) ... 54 Substitution (Appositive) ... 55 Emphasize ... 55 Clarification ... 56 Untranslatability ... 57 Mitigating Message ... 57 Interjection ... 58 Parenthesis ... 59 Aggravating Message ... 59 Topic Shift ... 60

4.2.2 The Discussion of Code Switching Functions ... 61

4.3 The Readers’ attitude towards Code Switching ... 65

(8) Cognitive Aspect ... 67 Affective Aspect ... 69 Behavior Aspect ... 73

4.3.2 The Discussions of the Readers’ attitude towards Code Switching 84

CHAPTER V ... 88


5.1 Conclusions ... 88

5.2 Suggestions ... 90




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter discusses the background of the present study. This chapter also includes the formulation of problems of the study, the aims of the study, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, research method, the clarification of terms, and the organization of the paper.


Background of the Study

Communication is very important in people’s daily life. It is in line with Novinger (2001) who claims that communication becomes the necessity of people’s life. In this case, people as human being who generally deal with social life need to share information among them, such as sharing their needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states (Julia Scherba de Valenzuela, 1992).

Furthermore, people use different code or language to communicate in certain condition. According to Holmes (2001), the code choice or language choice used by people when they are communicating is influenced by three important social factors, namely participant, setting and topic. People may select certain code to discuss particular topic. Moreover, people are also likely to select appropriate code or language to communicate with different speech community or to communicate in different settings – whether it is in formal or informal setting.


When people select different codes for certain condition, there is a phenomenon in which people tend to use two or more codes in the same conversation or sentence; it is then called code switching (Gardner-Chloros, 2009). In this state, people use more than one code for various reasons, such as for indicating the arrival of a new person, for signaling shared ethnicity with an addressee or for emphasizing message content in the conversation (Holmes, 2001, pp. 35-37). In addition, Holmes (2001) also states that the use of code switching can be for an affective function, for representing complex meanings (metaphorical switching) and for reflecting lack of vocabulary in a language.

The term code switching generally has to do with bilingualism since in switching the codes, there must be two or more languages used. The phenomenon of code switching has occurred in almost entire bilingual societies and communities in which the bilingual people tend to use several languages in the same conversation or sentence (Gardner-Chloros, 2009). In fact, Indonesia becomes one of many countries that cannot escape from the phenomenon of code switching. In this case, both Indonesia’s various local languages (such as Sundanese, Javanese, etc) and foreign languages (such as English, Cantonese, etc) are possible to have a contact with Bahasa Indonesia. Furthermore, the existence of those languages causes Indonesian speakers to switch their Indonesian language or combine it with languages in a particular discourse. Therefore, Indonesian speakers seem to use code switching in their daily life, for instances, in




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

business conversation, in casual conversation even in written discourse such as the code switching used by the writers of certain novel or magazine.

The discussion of code switching in Bahasa Indonesia can lead us to the other discussion which deals with the attitude of Indonesian people towards the use of code switching. Since Bahasa Indonesia was established as an official language which has important roles in Indonesia, Indonesian people who realize the occurrence of code switching in Bahasa Indonesia may show certain attitude towards it. Their attitude is embodied either by their positive or negative emotional responses towards code switching (Thurstone 1931 cited in Garrett, 2010:19). The study of code switching and the attitude towards code switching has been attracting many researchers’ attention. Hence, many studies of code switching have been conducted in various subjects of studies. The followings are some studies which have investigated code switching and the attitude towards code switching.

Poplack (1980) in her study entitled “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in Spanish Y TERMINO EN ESPANOL: toward a typology of code-switching” investigated the speech of twenty Puerto Rican residents of a stable bilingual community. The results of the study describe that non-fluent bilingual people tend to use sentential switching while fluent bilingual people tend to use inter-sentential switching. Moreover, Barredo (1997) explored the pragmatic functions of code switching among Basque-Spanish bilingual people. The findings show that the Basque-Spanish bilingual people use code switching for some intentions.


One of the intentions is to fill a Basque lexical item. Furthermore, Alenezi (2010) and Diaz (2004) examined people’s attitude towards the occurrence of code switching. Alenezi (2010) focused on the study regarding the students’ language attitude towards the use of Arabic-English code switching as a medium of instruction in the college of health science. The study reveals that the majority of students have positive attitude towards either the use of code switching as the media of instruction or the use of code switching relates to their academic performance. Moreover, Diaz (2004) analyzed the languages’ attitudes of two different generations of Galician/Spanish community in London towards their Spanish-English code switching. The findings of this study present that either the respondents of the first generation or the respondents of the second generation has a negative attitude towards the use of code switching.

In line with the previous studies above, the present study is also aimed to investigate types and functions of code switching. However, this study focuses on code switching used in the media of magazine; code switching used in “mailbox” and “readerstyle” columns of LOOKS magazine. This study is interested in investigating LOOKS magazine since this magazine presents the language style of many Indonesia people who tend to switch bahasa Indonesia into English while contributing their ideas or opinions to the magazine. To add more, this study goes further to discuss the readers’ attitude towards the occurrence of code switching in LOOKS magazine. By revealing the readers’ attitude towards code switching used




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

in LOOKS magazine, it is expected to show how the media of magazine contributes to the language style of the readers.


Research Questions

This research was guided by the following questions.

1) What are types of code switching used in “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns of LOOKS Magazine?

2) What are functions of code switching used in “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns of LOOKS Magazine?

3) How is the attitude of the readers towards code switching used in LOOKS Magazine?


Aims of the Study

Relevant to the background of the study, this study intends to uncover the realization of code switching used by Indonesian people who contributed their ideas or opinions to the articles of LOOKS magazine. The investigation of the realization of code switching includes the investigation of the types and the functions of code switching in “mailbox” and “readerstyle” columns of LOOKS magazine. In addition, this study also aims to reveal the attitude of female bilingual readers towards the realization of code switching.



Scope of the Study

This study specifically discusses the realization of bahasa Indonesia - English code switching in the articles of LOOKS magazine and the readers’ attitude towards the code switching. The investigation of the realization of code switching covers the examination of the types and the functions of code switching used in “mailbox” and “readerstyle” columns from twelve editions of LOOKS magazine. Furthermore, in investigating the readers’ attitude towards the realization of code switching, ten respondents were purposively chosen for the study. The respondents consist of female students of the eighth semester of English Education Department who either subscribe or ever read LOOKS magazine.


Research Method

1.5.1 Research Design

The present study is a case study which employs a qualitative method. According to Hancock (2002), case study as a research design is used to describe single or small number of units in-depth. In this study, this research design was aimed to describe the phenomenon of code switching that appears in LOOKS magazine and the bilingual readers’ attitude towards the code switching. By using a case study, in-depth information of the data in this study are obtained.




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 1.5.2 Site and Subjects of the Study

The study focuses on the types and the functions of code switching used by Indonesian people who contributed their ideas or opinions to “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns of LOOKS magazine. Moreover, this study involved the readers of the magazine with the purpose to seek their attitude towards the occurrence of code switching in LOOKS magazine. The respondents were purposively chosen for the present study. The respondents consist of 10 female students of the eighth semester of English Education Department who subscribe or ever read LOOKS magazine. The study selected the respondents from English Education Department to find out the bilingual readers’ attitude towards code switching. Moreover, the selected respondents are females since LOOKS magazine deals with features which mostly discuss the typical women topics, such as fashion or lifestyle.

1.5.3 Data collection and Instruments

The data were compiled from “Readerstyle” and ”Mailbox” columns of twelve editions of LOOKS magazine and from the readers of the magazine. To collect the data from the magazine, the technique used was document analysis. Meanwhile, questionnaires were employed to gain the data from the respondents (the readers of the magazine).


1.5.4 Data Analysis

The data gathered from the magazine and the questionnaires were analyzed through content analysis. However, both of the data were analyzed through different steps.

The data derived from the articles of magazine were analyzed through the following steps. Firstly, making a list of code switching found in the magazine. In this case, the code switched items found in each sentence in “Mailbox” and “Readerstyle” columns are listed in the table. Secondly, classifying the code switching based on types and functions of code switching. The theory proposed by Poplack (1980) was used to analyze code switching types found in the magazine while the theory proposed by Koziol (2000) was applied to analyze code switching functions used in the magazine. Thirdly, quantifying the occurrence of each type and each function of code switching. Finally, discussing the findings of the study so that the conclusion can be drawn.

Meanwhile, the data collected from the questionnaires filled in by the respondents were analyzed through the following steps. Firstly, identifying the respondents’ answers of each question or statement. Secondly, discussing the findings based on the theory proposed by (Garret, 2010) regarding the structure’s attitude; cognition, affect and behavior.




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


Clarification of the Terms

There are some terms which need to be clarified in order to avoid misunderstanding in the present study.

1. Bilingual: According to Steinberg (1993: 242), bilingual refers to “the person who knows more than one realization of language in the same modality or two languages based on different modalities”. The modalities itself can be in the form of sound (speech), vision (writing) and even visual motion (signs) (Steinberg, 1993). In this study, the respondents from the eight semester of English Education Department are considered as bilingual people.

2. Code switching: code switching can be defined as the switching between two or more codes/ languages in certain discourse (Holmes, 2001). This study will only focus on the code switching found in “Mailbox” and “Readerstyle” column of LOOKS magazine.

3. LOOKS magazine: LOOKS magazine is a monthly magazine which has been published in Indonesia since February 2007. The discussion of LOOKS magazine mostly focuses on Hollywood fashions and celebrities in which it consists of some rubrics such as “style rubric”, “celebrity rubric” and “etc rubric”.

4. Mailbox column: Mailbox column is included in “etc rubric” of LOOKS magazine. This column contains Indonesian reader’s opinions towards the discussion in LOOKS magazine.


5. Readerstyle column: Readerstyle column is included in “style rubric” of LOOKS magazine. It contains an interview article per edition of Indonesian people who are chosen as having a unique style.

6. Readers’ attitude: attitude is a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this (Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2011). In this study, the readers’ attitude reflects the attitude of the readers of LOOKS magazine towards the occurrence of code switching in the magazine.

7. The realization of code switching: it is drawn from types and functions of code switching used in the magazine.


Organization of the Paper

The study was organized as follow.

1. Chapter 1 Introduction

This chapter presented background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, clarification of the terms, and organization of the paper.

2. Chapter 2 Literary Review




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

This chapter discussed the formulation of the problems, research methodology, data collection techniques and data analysis process in conducting the study.

4. Chapter 4 Findings and Discussions

This chapter presented the results of the data analysis and the discussion of the findings.

5. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion

This chapter provided the interpretation of the conclusion of the research and the suggestion for other researchers who will contribute in this study.




This chapter discusses the methodological aspects of the present study. It includes the formulation of the problems, the research method, the data collection and the data analysis.


Formulation of the Problem

The present study investigated the readers’ attitude towards the realization of code switching in LOOKS magazine, specifically in “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns. The problems of the present study were formulated in the following questions.

1) What are types of code switching used in “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns of LOOKS Magazine?

2) What are functions of code switching used in “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns of LOOKS Magazine?

3) How is the attitude of the readers towards code switching used in LOOKS Magazine?




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

was used to describe the phenomenon of code switching that appears in LOOKS magazine and the readers’ attitude towards the code switching. By using a case study, in-depth information of the data finally could be obtained.

In a qualitative method, the data analyses are not only described but also interpreted so that the results of the analysis contribute to the development of theory (Alwasilah, 2011). Therefore, in this study, the data – which were in the form of largely text- were both described and interpreted with the purpose of creating the development concepts of types and functions of code switching and the readers’ attitude towards the occurrence of code switching in LOOKS magazine.

Furthermore, in developing concepts or theories of qualitative data, inductive approach is utilized since it enables the researcher to explicitly interact with the respondents and identify the realities and related aspects from the respondents of study (Alwasilah, 2011; Hancock, 2002). In this study, inductive approach was employed to identify the readers’ attitude towards code switching used in LOOKS magazine. The identification of the readers’ attitude was conducted through a set of questionnaires given to the respondents.

Moreover, in qualitative method, the samples of the study were purposively chosen to acquire important information which cannot be obtained from the other samples (Alwasilah, 2011). In the present study, the samples were selected with regard to the purpose of the study which focused on how bilingual readers responded towards code switching found in LOOKS magazine. Therefore, ten female students of the eighth semester of English Education Department who


either subscribe or ever read LOOKS magazine were chosen considering the assumption that the respondents master two laguanges (Bahasa Indonesia and English) who are also defined as bilingual people.


Data Collection

There are some major data collection techniques which are generally used in qualitative research; they are observation, text and document analysis, survey (questionnaire), interviews, recording and transcribing (Silverman, 2001; Alwasilah, 2011). However, to uncover the data from LOOKS magazine, the technique applied was document analysis. Meanwhile, the readers’ attitude was revealed by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The document analysis technique is discussed in detailed in 3.3.1 while questionnaires are discussed in 3.3.2.

3.3.1 Document Analysis

In the present study, document analysis technique was employed to classify types and functions of code switching found in the documentary data, magazine. The documentary data were taken from “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns of 12 editions (edition of July 2011 to June 2012) of LOOKS magazine.

This study purposively utilized “Readerstyle” and “Mailbox” columns since these two columns demonstrate code switching used by Indonesian people




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

code switching by the editor of the magazine. “Mailbox” column contains the collection of the readers’ opinion towards the discussion of the magazine. Meanwhile, “Readerstyle” column contains the interview of Indonesian people who are chosen based on their unique style. In this case, the backgrounds of twelve people in “Readerstyle” column were observed. There are some people who are studying abroad, being International models and being fashion designers.

3.3.2 Questionnaires

Questionnaires were applied to reveal the readers’ attitude towards the occurrence of code switching in LOOKS magazine. The respondents who were purposively chosen in the present study consist of ten female students of the eighth semester of English Education Department who subscribe or ever read LOOKS magazine. The study selected the respondents from English Education Department to find out the bilingual readers’ attitude towards code switching. Moreover, the selected respondents are females since LOOKS magazine deals with features which mostly discuss the typical women topics, such as fashion or lifestyle.

The purpose of the use of questionnaires in collecting the data from the respondents was due to the fact that this technique was considered as relatively quick and easy. In the present study, the questions given to the respondents were based on the attitude’s structure proposed by Garret (2010) who claims that attitude consists of three aspects, namely cognition, affect and behavior.

The issue of cognitive aspect in this study was revealed in the questions number 1 to 4 in the form of close-ended questions. The questions dealt with the


readers’ cognition towards the occurrence of code switching in the magazine; the portion of the occurrence of code switching in the magazine; the most frequent type of code switching found in the magazine; and the most frequent function of code switching used in the magazine. Meanwhile, the issue of affective aspect was raised in the question number 5 in the form of scaled questions. The statements A, B, C and D were intended to show the readers’ affective aspect towards the magazine; the statements E, F, G, H were aimed to reveal the readers’ affective aspect towards people who switch the code in the magazine; and the statements I, J, K, L were used to describe the readers’ affective aspect towards code switching relating to their ability of both languages. Finally, the issue of behavioral aspect was presented in the questions number 6 to 9 in the form of either close-ended or open-ended questions. The questions dealt with the respondents’ behavior after realizing the occurrence of code switching; the respondents’ behavior towards the realization of code switching; the respondents’ behavior towards code switching types; and the respondents’ behavior towards code switching functions in the magazine.


Data Analysis

In analyzing both the documentary data and the data from the questionnaires, the process of content analysis was used. In using content analysis, the data passed through two levels of analysis. The first level of analysis (manifest level of




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

without reading and assuming it (Hancock, 2002). Whereas, the higher level of analysis (latent level of analysis) is interpretative which deals with what is meant by the data and what can be inferred from the data (Hancock, 2002). However, both the documentary data and the data from questionnaires were separately analyzed through different steps while fulfilling the two levels of content analysis. The steps conducted for analyzing the collected data were as follow.

3.4.1 The Document Analysis Making a List of Code Switching Found in the Magazine

The first step in analyzing the documentary data was to make a list of code switching found in the magazine. The code switched items found in each sentence in “Mailbox” and “Readerstyle” columns are listed in the table. It can be seen in Table 3.1. Classifying the Code Switching

The occurrence of code switching which have been listed then were classified and presented in the table. The classification was leaned on the categories of types and functions of code switching. The investigation of code switching types was based on the theory proposed by Poplack. According to Poplack (1980), there are three types of code switching, namely tag switching, intra-sentential switching and inter-sentential switching. Furthermore, the examination of code switching functions was based on the theory of fourteen functions of code switching


proposed by Koziol (2000). The following table illustrated the analysis of types and functions of code switching in LOOKS magazine.

Table 3.1 The example of types and functions analysis

No Sentence (s) Page Code Switching Type of Code Switching

Function of Code Switching


Ada kakak sepupuku yang juga mendesign bajunya. First we both

make many design and then narrow it down by choosing the best.


design; First we both

make many design and the narrow it down by choosing the best.

Intrasentential; Intersentential

Personalization; Clarification

In Table 3.1, the word design is categorized as intra-sentential switching as the switch from Indonesian to English here occurs at the word level. On the contrary, the second switch is inter-sentential switching since it appears at the level of sentence (First we both make many design and the narrow it down by choosing the best). In the term of function, the first switch (the word design) is called personalization as the code switched item is compatible with the readers. Since LOOKS magazine mostly discusses fashion, the code switched item (the word design) is likely familiar with the readers and furthermore it has made an intimate relation with the readers. In addition, the second switch is aimed to specify the previous utterance, or it is called clarification function.




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

occurrence of types and functions of code switching, the formula proposed by Sudjana (1984:49) was used.

P = Percentage fo = Frequency

n = Total of Code Switching Discussing the Findings

The last step in analyzing the documentary data was to discuss the results of the use of types and functions of code switching which had been quantified. Thus, the conclusion finally could be drawn.

3.4.2 Questionnaires Identifying the Respondent’s answer

After all questionnaires from the respondents had been collected, they were then identified. The answer which mostly occurred of each number was aimed to uncover the tendency of the respondents’ answer. Discussing the Findings of the Questionnaire

The next step in analyzing the data from the questionnaire was to discuss the findings based on the attitude’s structure proposed by Garret (2010), namely cognition, affect and behavior.






The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter consists of two parts. The first part provides the conclusions of the present study regarding the research questions which are presented in the first and the third chapter. Meanwhile, the second part discusses the suggestions for further studies which are related to the present study.



Based on the results of the data analyses, some conclusions can finally be drawn. The three code switching types – tag switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching - proposed by Poplack (1980) were found in “Mailbox”

and ”Readerstyle” columns of LOOKS magazine. However, the most frequent

code switching type used is intra-sentential switching (62.50%), followed by inter-sentential switching (23.68%) and tag switching (13.82%). Within the category of intra-sentential switching, people in the two columns tend to adopt nouns and noun phrases as the code switched items. The reason in using nouns and noun phrases is likely because they are relatively free of syntactic restrictions (Romaine, 1995). Furthermore, the occurrence of intra-sentential switching represents the competence of people who contributed to the two columns towards both languages. As it is stated by Romaine (1995), intra-sentential switching involves the greatest syntactic risk than the other two code switching types. In this


case, while switching the code, people in the two columns tend to conform to the rules of both languages.

Furthermore, from fourteen functions of code switching suggested by

Koziol (2000), there are twelve code switching functions found in “Mailbox” and “Readerstyle” columns of LOOKS magazine. The twelve code switching

functions emerge in the magazine are: emphasize, personalization, untranslatability, clarification, interjection, mitigating message, reiteration, substitution, designation, aggravating message, topic shift and parenthesis. However, quotation and objectification are not found in the discourse of the two columns. Furthermore, the different percentage of each code switching function occurs in the two columns indicates that some code switching functions have more important role for the discourse (Koziol, 2000 cited in Apriany, 2006). Based on the results of the present study, it is revealed that emphasize (45.39%), personalization (28.62%) and untranslatability (8.22%) functions seem to have more significant role for the discourse in the two columns since they are the most three frequent functions found in the two columns.

Concerning the readers’ attitude towards code switching in LOOKS

magazine, the majority of the respondents tend to have a positive attitude towards the occurrence of code switching in the magazine. It is discovered that most of the respondents positively show their attitudes either towards the magazine as the media where code switching appears or towards the people who switch the code



The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

attitude is due to the cognition they have towards code switching in the magazine. From the explanation given by the respondents, it is uncovered that code switching which emerges in the magazine gives them certain advantages. There

are three advantages which have been identified from the respondents’ answers.

The first advantage is that code switching in LOOKS magazine has facilitated the respondents in discussing certain topic in their daily life. The second advantage is that code switching in LOOKS magazine has increased the English vocabularies of the respondents, especially vocabularies which relate to fashion. Finally, code switching in the magazine has also increased the English ability of the respondent.

Overall, it can be concluded that bilingual people in the present study tend to have positive attitude towards code switching. They are likely to consider that they are included to the speech community in LOOKS magazine. Thus, they positively respond towards code switching in the magazine. As bilingual people, they may also assume that the occurrence of code switching in LOOKS magazine is a common phenomenon. However, it tends to play an important role in their daily conversation.



The followings are some suggestions given for further studies. Firstly, the suggestion relates to the object of the present study which focuses on the use of code switching in the media of magazine. It is suggested that further studies may focus on code switching used in the other media, such as television or radio.


Secondly, the suggestion deals with the respondents of the present study

which only focuses on females’ attitude towards code switching. It is suggested that further studies may investigate the attitude of both females and males.

Finally, the suggestion is concerned with the data collection technique used in revealing the attitude in the present study. Further research may use the other data collected techniques, such as interview or observation in order to obtain more information from the respondents.




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The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

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attitude is due to the cognition they have towards code switching in the magazine. From the explanation given by the respondents, it is uncovered that code switching which emerges in the magazine gives them certain advantages. There

are three advantages which have been identified from the respondents’ answers.

The first advantage is that code switching in LOOKS magazine has facilitated the respondents in discussing certain topic in their daily life. The second advantage is that code switching in LOOKS magazine has increased the English vocabularies of the respondents, especially vocabularies which relate to fashion. Finally, code switching in the magazine has also increased the English ability of the respondent.

Overall, it can be concluded that bilingual people in the present study tend to have positive attitude towards code switching. They are likely to consider that they are included to the speech community in LOOKS magazine. Thus, they positively respond towards code switching in the magazine. As bilingual people, they may also assume that the occurrence of code switching in LOOKS magazine is a common phenomenon. However, it tends to play an important role in their daily conversation.



The followings are some suggestions given for further studies. Firstly, the suggestion relates to the object of the present study which focuses on the use of code switching in the media of magazine. It is suggested that further studies may focus on code switching used in the other media, such as television or radio.



The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

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Secondly, the suggestion deals with the respondents of the present study

which only focuses on females’ attitude towards code switching. It is suggested that further studies may investigate the attitude of both females and males.

Finally, the suggestion is concerned with the data collection technique used in revealing the attitude in the present study. Further research may use the other data collected techniques, such as interview or observation in order to obtain more information from the respondents.




The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

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The Readers’ Attitude towards the Realization of Bahasa Indonesia – English Code Switching in LOOKS Magazine

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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