Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Istitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga




(A Classroom Action Research of the Third Grade Students of SDN

Karanggondang 01 in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in


English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Istitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga




NIM: 113 11 070










  In the name of Allah, Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the writer himself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by other people, and it does not cite any other people‟ ideas except the information from the references.

  The writer is capable of accounting his graduating paper if in the future it can be proved of containing others‟ idea or in fact, the writer imitates the others‟ graduating paper.

  Likewise, this declaration is written by the writer to be understood.


  Salatiga, May 8 2018 The writer Rifqi Amal Fatah NIM. 113 11 070 th

  Salatiga, May 8 2018

  Noor Malihah, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D

  The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga


  Case: Rifqi Amal Fatah‟ graduating paper

  Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting Rifqi Amal Fatah ‟s graduating paper entitled “THE



VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classroom Action Research of the Third

Grade Students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the Academic Year of


  )”; I have decided and would like to propose that if this paper can be

  accepted by the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, I hope this paper can be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.


  Noor Malihah, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D

  NIP. 197711282006042002



  Jalan Lingkar Salatiga KM.2 Telepon (0298) 6031364 Kode Pos 50716 Salatiga Website e-mail:





  (A Classroom Action Research of the Third Grade Students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)




NIM. 113 11 070

  Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies


  (IAIN) of Salatiga on May 31 2018 and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department.

  Board of Examiners Head : Dr. Ruwandi, M.A.

  Secretary : Noor Malihah, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D


  1 Examiner : Norwanto, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D


  2 Examiner : Hanung Triyoko, S.S.,M.Hum.,M.Ed


  Salatiga, June 4 2018 Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga Suwardi, M.Pd.

  NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002



“Do What You Can with All You Have, Wherever You Are“

(Theodore Roosevelt)



  This graduating paper is heartedly dedicated for: 1. Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon Him).

  2. My parents (Umar Yadi and Siti Muzazanah) who have been supporting me.

  May God take care of you as you both took care of me since I was child.

  3. My younger brothers (Adi Kurniawan and Tatas Bayu Romadhon). My younger sisters (Intan Nur Rahmania and Asri Megasari). Thanks for your kindness.

  4. My big family who supported for my education and finishing this graduating paper.

  5. My fabulous counselor, Noor Malihah, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D for giving me lots of suggestions and motivations.

6. My beloved, crazy, but lovely friends of TBI‟ 11, special for friends in group of band and touring.



  In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the Lord of universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga 2018.

  Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

  1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department and also as a counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

  4. All of the lecturers in English Education Department.

  5. All of the staffs who have helped the writer in processing the graduating paper administration.

  6. SDN Karanggondang 01 for letting the writer conducts a research on his teaching.

  7. My beloved mom Siti Munjazanah and my father Umar Yadi thanks for your praying, guidance, love and kindness. You are the best parents and your smiles give me power to always stand up. You are my everything.

  8. My lovely brothers Adi Kuniawan and Tatas Bayu Romadhon, my lovely sisters Intan Nur Rahmania and Asri Megasari, thanks for your kindness.

  9. My gandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunty, cousins and neighbor. Thanks for your kindness and support.

  10. All of my family in South Mendoh Village, thanks for your support for me. I love you.

  11. All of my beloved friends in campus, thanks for your friendship, kindness, kidding and support.

  12. My friends in TBI ‟ 11, a thousand of thanks who have given me sweet moments.

  13. All my friends anywhere, thank you for your support and togetherness.

  Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers, and the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the readers for the improvement of this graduating paper.


  Salatiga, May 8 2018 The writer Rifqi Amal Fatah NIM. 11311070



  Fatah, Rifqi Amal. 2018. The Use of Pictures and Realia t o Improve Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research of the Third Grade Students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the Academic Year of 2017/2018.

  A Graduating Paper. English Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga. Counselor: Noor Malihah, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D.


Keywords: Picture and Realia, Vocabulary Mastery, Classroom Action Research.

  The research is about the use of pictures and realia to improve s tudents‟ vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the academic year of 2017/2018. The objectives of this research are (1) To find out the influence of using pictures and realia to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the academic year of 2017/2018. (2) To find out the significance improvement before and after teaching vocabulary using pictures and realia.

  This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps, they were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The writer took role as an observer who observed everything that happened in the class while the teacher performed CAR for the students. The number of the students in this research was 28 students. The writer used test and observation checklist to collect the data.

  The result showed that the implementation of pictures and realia to improve s tudents‟ vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of SDN

  Karanggondang 01 in the academic year of 2017/2018 is really successful. The students who passed the passing grade improved gradually from the cycle I and the cycle II. The passing grade was 65. The improvement of the students

  ‟ vocabulary mastery in using pictures and realia of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 is significant. In the cycle I, the t-test was 7.002 and the t-table was 2.056. The significant level was 5%. Then, in the cycle II, the t-test was 7.473.



  TITLE ...................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ................................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR

  ‟ NOTES .................................................................iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ……………………………………..…….iv MOTTO ...................................................................................................................v DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................vii ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENT ..........................................................................................x LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................xiii

  CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research …………………………………… 1 B. Research Questions……. ………………………………………..4 C. Objectives

  of the Research ……………………………………....4

  D. Significance of the Research ………………………….................5 E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator


  F. Procedure of the Research …………….……………………….... 6 G.

  Graduating Paper Outline …………………………………...… 14


  ………………………………………………...……... 15

  1. The Definition of Picture ……………………………….... 15

  2. The Roles of Pictures ……………………………………...16

  3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Picture ……16

  4. Types of Picture ……………………...................................17

  5. Sources of Pictures ……………………………………..….18

  6. The Use of Pictures …………………..............................…21 B.

  Realia………………………………………………………… 22

  1. The Definition of Realia ……..……….………………..…22 2.

  The Use of Realia……….…….……............................…..23

  3. Advantages of Using Realia ……….….……..……………24 C.


  1. The Definit ion of Vocabulary……………………………..24

  2. The Kinds of Vocabulary…………………………………25 3.

  The Significance of Vocabulary………………………..…26 4. Teaching Vocabulary……………………………………...27 D. Previous Research Review……………………………………28


  ……………………...……………...… 30 B. Description of Cycle II…………………………………….….32 C. The Minimal Standard of Successfulness……………………..33



  1. Research Finding …………………..………..……………34

  2. Discussion ………………………………………………... 61

  CHAPTER V : CLOSURE A. Conclusions …………………………………………….……..63 B. Suggestions …………………………...……..…………….….64 REFERENCES APPENDICES



  Table 1.1: List of the Third Grade Students …………………...……………….…8

  Table 1.2: Research Schedule……………………………………………………..9

  Table 4.1: The S

  tudents‟ Result Observation Check List in Cycle I…………………..38

  Table 4.2 : Students‟ score of the Pre-test in the Cycle I…………………………40

  Table 4.3: Count of Passing Grade in the Pre-test of Cycle I ……………………41

  Table 4.4 : Students‟ Score in the Post-test of the Cycle I…………………….….41

  Table 4.5: Count of Passing Grade of the Post-test in the Cycle I …………….…43

  Table 4.6: Difference Square in Pre and Post-test Score of Cycle I......................43 Table 4.7: The S tudents‟ Result Observation Check List in Cycle II…………………51 Table 4.8

  : Students‟ score of the Pre-test in the Cycle II………………………..53 Table 4.9: Count of Passing Grade in the Pre-test of Cycle II

  …….…………….54 Table 4.10

  : Students‟ Score in the Post-test of the Cycle II……………………..55 Table 4.11: Count of Passing Grade of the Post-test in the Cycle II

  …………….56 Table 4.12: Difference Square in Pre and Post-test Score of Cycle II

  ………….. 57 Table 4.13: Table of Data Analysis………………………………………………61

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This is the first step of the research which will be used by the writer as a

  guide. This chapter contents background of the research, research question, objectives of the research, significance of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, procedure of the research, and graduating paper outlines.

A. Background of the Research

  According to Baharuddin and Wahyuni (2010: 5), Education is a complex effort which has purpose to improve the human quality of a country.

  It means education is very important for everyone because as human, everyone should learn everything and get the knowledge. It can be held by formal and informal institution, but the first thing that we have to know is, that both of them are good in their purpose.

  Nowd ays, English is very important for people‟s life, mainly in the world of communication and work. It is why English is called as the world language. We know that wherever people go abroad, they must use it to communicate with other people. Also in the world of work, English is also stated as the requirement of computer application. Therefore, People who want to work in big company must have more ability in using English.

  In education sector, Indonesian government has decision to include English as school subject in the curriculum. Formally, students were taught English when staying at junior high school, but in modern era English subject is begun from elementary school. Moreover, there are some education institution which introduce English in kindergarten. It is so good to start introducing English earlier for young learners.

  English as the main language in the world has four skills namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. Harris (1970: 9) states that those four skills are supported by the learning of language elements. They are structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. Therefore, vocabulary is one of the important language elements the students should master. He also says that vocabulary and grammar are two very important elements shared by all four skills. From the statements above, it can be said that if the students learn all four skills, they have to master the vocabulary.

  According to Aarts, Bass and friends (2014: 436), vocabulary is used in its everyday sense as a set of words. In English language teaching, vocabulary is very important to learn. When the students have many lists of vocabulary, they will be easy in learning English. They can also understand the material well. As a result, they can use the vocabulary to have a short conversation with their friend.

  Based on the writer‟ experiences in teaching English for elementary school, there are some problems in delivering English materials to the younger students. This is because the children still tend to play with friend, it makes them lost control when getting English materials. In addition, when learning process runs, the students get difficulties to understand English vocabulary. To solve the problem there, the teacher must have an extra method and skill to make them participa te because the result of students‟ vocabulary mastery and learning process have not been effective of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01.

  One of good alternatives in joyful English teaching is the use of media. Asnawir and Usman (2002: 11) state that media is something which can deliver message and also can stimulate mind, feel and wish of audiences (students), so it can motivate them to learn. The use of media is very important because it causes all students can catch the materials clearly. It is why media are very useful in learning vocabulary. There are kinds of media such as picture, diagram, chart, realia, graph and etc. In this research, the writer is interested to aplly pictures and realia in teaching elementary school students. Using pictures and realia, students can remember and understand their characters such as shape, color and function. Thus, it will help sudents to remember about the name of something, also their meaning. For example, when there is topic about things around us, the teacher can use picture and relia to help them in memorize the name of things that they learn. Therefore, it seems that these media are interesting to be applied to the students of elementary school which still have limitation about vocabulary mastery.

  Arsyad (2011: 15) says that in a teaching and learning process, there are two important elements called teaching method and learning media.

  These both aspects are mutually related.

  It is about the teacher‟ creativity to

use the appropriate media, so these media can attract the students in learning process. Based on the explanation above, the writer would like to conduct a research to the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 entitled


  VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classroom Action Research of the Third Grade Students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the Academic Year of 2018/201 9)”.

  B. Research Questions

  Based on the explanation above, the writer will simplify the problems as follows:

  1. Do pictures and realia improve vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the academic year of 2018/2019?

  2. How far is the significant improvement before and after teaching vocabulary using pictures and realia?

  C. Objectives of the Research

  Based on problem of the research above, the writer has following objectives:

  1. To find out the influence of using pictures and realia to improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the academic year of 2018/2019.

  2. To find out the significant improvement before and after teaching vocabulary using pictures and realia.

D. Significance of the Research

  The result of this research are expected to give some benefits as follows:

  1. Theoretically The writer hopes that this research can contribute to the science of linguistics, especially in using pictures and realia to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery..

  2. Practically

  a. Writer This research can be used as a guide in improving the writer‟ teaching experience, especially by using pictures and realia in teaching vocabulary.

  b. Students The writer hopes, this research can improve the students or readers knowledge in learning vocabulary by using pictures and realia. Those media are hoped to be able to ease the students in learning vocabulary.

  c. Teachers The writer really hopes that this research can be used as one of alternative media for English teachers in teaching vocabulary. By using these media, they are hoped to interest their students in making learning process more active. d. Institution The result of this research can contribute to the institution to develop and create English language curriculum appropriate the students‟ need.

  E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator

  Based on the students observation result about learning vocabulary in chapter I, the writer tries to resolve those problems by implementing pictures and realia as a good solution to help the students in learning vocabulary at the classroom. By conducting this research, the writer proposes a hypothesis: The implementation of these media can improve the student s‟ understanding about all of vocabulary material for young learners.

  The success indicator of this research is shown in Lesson Plan (RPP) (see appendix). The students

  ‟ success and failure in conducting this research can be seen in cycle I and II by referring to the criterion of passing grade (KKM) (see appendix). The passing grade of English Subject in SDN Karanggondang 01 is 65. The teacher expects that there are at least 75 % of the students who can pass the passing grade.

  F. Procedure of the Research

  1. Research Design This research uses classroom action research. Wiriaatmadja

  (2005: 13) says that a classroom action research is a method how a group of teachers can organize their teaching learning condition and learn from their own experience.

  According to Arikunto (2008: 75), there are four steps in each cycle for doing classroom action research, which can be explained as follows:

  a. Planning In this step, the writer focuses on who, what, when, where, and how the action is conducted.

  b. Action This step conducts to implement the strategies prepared in the planning.

  c. Observation Observation is the next step to monitor and watch closely teaching learning process and collects the data from the result of action. The writer prepares the observation paper to know class condition when the action done, then the writer makes the result of observation, what the problem faced when teaching learning process and look for good solution to solve the problem.

  d. Reflection Reflection is used to analyze the result based on the data which have been collected to determine the next action in the next cycle. In this phase, the writer could observe the activity which results any process, the progress happened, and also about the positives and negatives sides.

  2. Subject of the Research The subject of this research is the third grade students of SDN

  Karanggondang 01 in the academic year 2018/2019. This class consists of 28 students and this is the first year they get English Subject in this school. Table 1.1: List of the third students of SDN Karanggondang 01

  No Name Sex

  1 AAZ Female

  2 AB Female

  3 ADP Male

  4 AKS Male

  5 A Female

  6 AA Male

  7 ADN Female

  8 FTH Male

  9 ERA Female

  10 ESF Female

  11 FJM Male

  12 FKS Female

  13 HGF Male

  14 IUN Male

  15 KRA Female

  16 KEP Female

  17 LPA Female

  18 MRA Male

  19 MKLP Male

  20 MAP Male

  21 MRA Male

  22 NSSA Female

  23 RKR Male

  24 RA Female

  25 RM Female

  26 STWN Female

  27 WCS Female

  28 ZZS Female

  3. Steps of the Research In conducting this research, the writer makes some steps which can help him in doing good research. It also helps him in managing the schedule which can make it more effective. It can be seen in the table 1.2. Table 1.2: Research Schedule

  No Activities Time Allocation

  1 Preparing the research proposal May

  2 Doing cycle July

  3 Doing observation August

  4 Analysis data August

  5 Writing the research result August Continuing writing the graduating

  6 August paper

  4. Data Collection Method and Research Instrument Collecting data is the important part to conduct a good research.

  Arikunto (2010: 265) explains that there are some methods of collecting data. There are questionnaire, test, observation, interview and documentation. In order to collect the data, the writer uses three of them by using documentation, observation and test as instruments to do good research such:

  a. Observation According to Nunan (1993: 93), A Classroom observation is an observation which focuses on the understanding of how social event of the language classroom are enacted. In this classroom observation, the writer observes the students activities in learning process. The observation consists of two cycle, those are cycle I and cycle II. The writer uses blank paper to record all of learning English activities of the third grade students which is observed from beginning until the end, especially for learning English vocabulary.

  b. Test According to Zuriah (2006: 184), Test is a set of stimulus that is given to the people which aims at getting answer as the basic of scoring. Here test means a method of collecting data through a set of question that must answer by the students as sample. In this research, the writer uses written sample of test which can measure the students‟ skills especially in vocabulary mastery.

  In this research, the writer uses written test. According to Henson and Janke (2006: 86), there are subjective and objective in written test. A subjective test evaluated by giving an opinion whereas an objective test is written test which has right or wrong answer include multiple choice and matching items. In this research, the writer uses objective test which forms of multiple choice. It is used in pre-test and post-test which content of ten questions.

  c. Documentation In this research, the documentation is based on teaching and learning process during in the classroom. Here the writer uses photos as the documents of the research because it can be an actual evidence for the writer. It is also simple but really useful.

  5. Data Analysis In this research, the writer mixes methods to analyze the data.

  According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009: 557), mixes-methods are collect and analyze by using qualitative and quantitative method in a single research. Here the writer observes and analyze the process by using qualitative method. After getting the scores, the writer analyzes it by using quantitative method.

  a. Qualitative Data Qualitative research is very important to discover and analyze the motives of behavioral science of human (Kothari, 2004: 3). In this research, the data of check list is analyzed by qualitative. b. Quantitative Data This research uses quantitative analysis to process the data.

  The quantitative data is processes after the teacher and the researcher get the score of the students. The score of the exercise in each correct answer is 10 and 0 to each wrong answer. The maximum score is 100.

  According Kothari (2004:3), Quantitative research is process based on the measurement of quantity. To measure the quantitative data, the writer uses the following formula: 1) To find out the mean score of the pre-test and the post-test

  The formula of mean is: ∑

  Note: M = The mean of the students score

  = The sum of the students score Σ X N = The total number of the students

  2) To calculate the mean of difference The formula of the mean of difference is:

  ∑ Note: MD = The mean of difference.

  Σ D = The total differences between the pre test and the post test.

  N = The total number of the students. 3) To calculate standard deviation

  The formula of the standard deviation is: ∑ ∑

  √ ( )

  Note: SD D = Standard Deviation.

  D = The Difference between the pre test and the post test.

  N = The number of the students. 4) To calculate the standard error for the mean difference, the researcher used this formula:

  √ Note: SE = The standard error for the mean difference.

  SD = Standard Deviation. N = The total number of the students. 5) To calculate the t-test, the researcher used this formula:

  Note: T = T – test.

  MD = Mean of difference. SE = The standard error for the mean difference.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

  In order to have a guidance, the writer organizes this graduating paper into five chapter, they are: Introduction, Theoretical review, Implementation of the research, Research findings and data analysis and Closure. There are five chapters which will be discussed as follows:

  Chapter I is introduction. It contains the background of the research, research question, objectives of the research, significance of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, research methodology, and graduating paper outlines. Chapter II is theoretical review. It contains theory of picture, realia, vocabulary and previous research. Chapter III is implementation of the research. It contains procedures of the research.

  Chapter IV is research findings and data analysis. It contains the result of the research about the use of pictures and realia to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of SDN Karanggondang 01 in the academic year of 2018/2019. Chapter V is closure. It contains conclusions and suggestions. The last parts are bibliography and appendices.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter presents theories which are related to the variable of this

  research. The supporting theories are needed to help the writer to conducts this research.

A. Pictures

  Here the writer discusses about the definition of pictures, roles of picture, advantages and disadvantages of using picture, types of picture, source of picture and the use of picture. They are such:

  1. The definition of picture Picture is one of learning which can be used to explain the subject matter. Zenger (1982: 78) states that picture is a flat visual representation of an object, person or view, and its main purpose is to draw attention to or emphasize to a certain thing. Picture is presentation (as of a person, landscape, and building) on canvas, paper, or other surfaces produced through painting, drawing, engraving, or photography.

  In other definition, picture is one of the important learning media which is very useful in learning process. Because of its simplicity, we can bring it everywhere (Sudjana and Rifai, 1997: 71). Picture is one of good media for teacher in delevering English materials. With pictures, all students can see directly what they learn.

  Belong to other education media, picture is media which is used generally. It is about general language which can be understood and enjoyed everywhere. Therefore, there is Chinese Aphorism defines that a picture says more than a thousand of words (Sadiman and friends, 1993: 29).

  2. Roles of Picture Wright (1989: 10) states that pictures have several roles in the class such as: a. Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay attention and want to take a part.

  b. Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being used. They bring the world into the classroom.

  c. Picture can be described an objevtive way or interpreted or responses to subjectivity.

  d. Pictures can response to question, or cue subtitutions through control practice.

  e. Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in conversation, dicussion, and storytelling.

  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Pictures According to Sadiman (1993: 29), there are advantages and disadvantages of pictures, as follows: a. Advantages 1) Pictures is more realistic in pointing main problem than other verbal media.

  2) Pictures can overcome the limitation between space and time.

  There are not all object and phenomenon can be brought to the classroom.

  3) Picture can overcome our limitation in observing something. 4) Picture is cheap, easy to be found and used.

  b. Disadvantages 1. Picture just focuses on senses of eye.

  2. Picture which is too complex is not quite effective in learning process.

  3. Pictures has limit dimension for large group.

  4. Types of Pictures There are so many types of picture. It may be small or large size, it will be easily to be found everywhere. Wright (1984: 193-199) states that pictures have many types, as follows:

  a. Checkchart for picture

  b. Pictures of single objects

  c. Pictures of one person

  d. Pictures of famous people

  e. Pictures of several people

  f. Pictures of people in action g. Pictures of places

  h. Pictures from history i. Pictures with a lot of information j. Pictures of the news k. Pictures of fantasies l. Pictures of maps and symbols m. Pairs of pictures n. Pictures and texts o. Sequences of pictures p. Related of pictures q. Single stimulating pictures r. Ambigious pictures s. Bizzare pictures t. Explanatory pictures u. Student and teacher drawings

  5. Sources of Picture According to Wright (1984: 182-187), there are sources of picture as follows: a. Newspaper

  Pictures in newspaper are usually small and too distinct for use with the whole class, but they are usually logical and linked with text, which can lead to particular activities. b. Magazines This is the major sources of useful pictures material of high quality. Full page pictures are big enough for class use, while others are more appropriate for individual work.

  c. Advertisements and publicity This includes direct mail leaflets, posters and advertisement in magazines and newspaper. Sizes vary, making the pictures of use in both classwork and groupwork.

  d. Business brochure Business brochures are used in many offices like: banks, post offices and university. They showed reader written text and pictures of building and facilities.

  e. Catalogues In some countries catalogue are rich of pictures material.

  Tehre also specialist catalogues, for example, of toys, cars or gifts.

  f. Calendars Commonly in Indonesia calendars are illustrated with written text are pictures to make it more interesting but sometimes for advertisement media.

  g. Postcards Every possible subject is illustrated on post card. Post cards are associated with writing. For instances, when pictures on the collages at the cambridge, then a text can be given by students as if written there.

  h. Reproductions of art Painting, drawing and photography represent an immense range of subject, scenes and abstract concepts. The special qualityof art is that it is expensive and stimulating. Reproduction of art can be used for creative work. i. Posters

  Posters are designed big enough to be seen. A huge poster may show a subject or it may illustrate a lot of information. j. Intructions

  Instructions for carrying out process such as cooking or putting on a life jacket are often illustrated. They can be used in sequencing activities. k. Comics and cartoon strips

  These are heavy illustrated. They are sequence of pictures with are closely related to a narrative text. The stories in some publication are illustrated by hundreds of photograph. l. Family photographs and slides

  Sometimes family photographs can be brought to the lesson, show the students and talked about it. m. Coursebook There are illustrations in the coursebook. These illustrations can be used in ways which the author does not suggest. n. Playing card

  Many playing cards have illustration. The card can be used for their original purpose and the students ask to play the game in the target language.

  6. The Use of Pictures Harmer (2001: 134-136) states that pictures of all kinds can be used in a multiplicity of ways, as follows: a. Drills

  With lower level students a traditional use for pictures or graphics whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper, and magazine or photographs to facilitate learning.

  b. Communication (games) Pictures are extremely useful for a variety of communication activities, especially where they have a game like feel such as describe and draw activities.

  c. Understanding One of the most appropriate used for pictures is for presenting and checking for the meaning. d. Ornamentation Pictures of various kinds are often used to make work more appealing.

  e. Prediction Pictures are useful for getting students to predict what is coming next in a lesson.

  f. Discussion Pictures can stimulate question.

B. Realia

  1. The Definition of Realia In this modern era teaching without media is the boring learning process. It depends on the teacher perception to use the suitable tools or media to make learning process can run well.

  Hubbard (1983: 115) states that realia is real life object which enable the students to make connections to their own lives. It means that realia is really important in order to make the students can know directly about what they are learning. It also helps them to always remember about the materials given because they can see and touch them directly.

  According to Harmer (2001: 140), realia is an object from real life. However, he adds that this realia can be used in classroom. He also men tions that realia can be used to improve the students‟ uderstanding about culture and real life situation. Realia is also used in the classroom by the teacher to improve the students‟ understanding of materials given. There are samples of realia which accustomed to be used such insects, coins, rocks, plants, pets, and so on. Although, Harmer says that realia is used to learn about culture and real life situation, in this research the writer will implement the use of realia to teach about everything or small thing like fruit, vegetable, number and etc.

  Based on the both explanation above, the writer can conclude that realia is a part of media which can seen and touched directly especially used for teaching and learning process in order to stimulate the students be more interested and easy to follow the lesson.

  2. The Use of Realia According to Hubbard (1983: 114), there are several uses of realia, as follows: a. Uses for presenting vocabulary

  b. Uses for presenting new structure

  c. To help students get into character when acting out a dialogue or doing role play d. As props for dialogue or role play

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