Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Animal Feed Science and Technology:Vol84.Issue1-2.Apr2000:

Animal Feed Science and Technology
84 (2000) 13±21

Particle size and heat treatment of barley
in diets for early-weaned piglets
P. Medel, M. GarcõÂa, R. LaÂzaro, C. de Blas, G.G. Mateos*
Departamento de ProduccioÂn Animal, ETSI AgroÂnomos, Universidad PoliteÂcnica de Madrid,
28040 Madrid, Spain
Received 4 October 1999; received in revised form 18 January 2000; accepted 31 January 2000

One hundred and twenty male piglets weaned at 20 days and weighing 5.71.0 kg were used in a
28-day trial to evaluate the effect of dietary particle size and heat treatment of barley on
performance and total tract apparent digestibility. There were four dietary treatments: coarsely
ground barley (4.5 mm screen); ®nely ground barley (2.5 mm screen); micronized and then ®nely
ground barley (2.5 mm screen); and ®nely ground (2.5 mm screen) and then expanded barley. All
the diets contained 500 g of barley issued from the same batch/kg. There were six replicates of ®ve
piglets per treatment. Total tract apparent digestibility of organic matter (OMD), energy (ED) and
crude protein (CPD) were assessed from samples taken at 14 and 28 days from each replicate using
chromic oxide as indigestible marker. No differences were found between results associated with
screen sizes in the raw barley-based diets. Processing of barley caused an increase in starch

gelatinization, a decrease in the proportion of large particles (>1.25 mm) and an increase in the
proportion of ®ne particles (0.15). Feed ef®ciency and incidence of scours as measured by proportion of animals
that needed antibiotic treatment were not affected by diet. Neither particle size nor type of
processing affected any of the performance traits studied.
The OMD, ED and CPD of the diets are shown in Table 6. Processing of barley tended
to increase OMD (0.817 vs. 0.784; pˆ0.07) and ED (0.793 vs. 0.766; pˆ0.13), but
neither grinding size nor type of processing affected nutrient digestibility. Digestive
ef®ciency was similar among treatments at 14 or 28 days (p>0.15), and no interactions
between age and type of diet were detected for any trait.

4. Discussion
Grinding size did not affect signi®cantly piglet performance or apparent digestibility of
nutrients. Previous results with piglets are confusing due to the wide range of screen sizes
used, the type of cereal tested and the differences in complexity of the experimental diets.
Reducing particle size is generally expected to improve performance and FCR because
the surface area of the ingredients available to the digestive enzymes is increased. At this
respect, Wu and Fuller (1974) found a positive response in ADG and FCR for the ®rst
week after weaning (28±35 days of age) when the screen size used for maize grinding
was decreased from 9.5 to 1.6 mm. However, they did not ®nd any difference when
comparing samples prepared with screen sizes of 4 and 1.6 mm. Healy et al. (1994)

reported that reducing the particle size of maize from 900 to 300 mm improved ADG and
FCR for the ®rst two weeks after weaning (22±36 days of age), but not thereafter.
However, reducing the particle size of hard or soft sorghum to the same extent as for
maize, did not affect performance for any of the periods studied.
An excessive ®neness of the feed induces gastric ulceration and impairs AFI and ADG
of pigs (Hedde et al., 1985; Hale and Thompson, 1986; Ayles et al., 1996). Partridge and
Gill (1993) suggested that the negative effect of an excessive ®neness of particle size is
especially important with wheat, due to the tendency of this cereal to become sticky and
pasty in the buccal cavity because of its high gluten content. The problem might be of less
importance for barley because particles of 0.2 mm did not affect the performance of
growing pigs (Chu et al., 1998). Goodband and Hines (1988) working with barley diets,
did not observe any difference in piglet performance from 0 to 14 days, but a positive
response of 5% in ADG and in FCR was found from 0 to 35 days when the screen size
was reduced from 4.8 to 3.2 mm. On the other hand, Gipp et al. (1995) failed to ®nd
differences in performance of 7.5 kg piglets with screen sizes of 6.35, 4.76 or 3.18 mm.
Similarly, we did not observe any improvement on performance or digestibility of
nutrients due to a reduction of screen size from 4 to 2.5 mm.
In the current experiment processing of barley caused a 13% improvement in growth in
the ®rst 14 days of the experiment, which agrees with previous results in piglets
(Aumaitre, 1976; Medel et al., 1999). However, no differences were detected between 14

and 28 days. Studies conducted with piglets fed barley diets show that processing caused
an increase in nutrient digestibility (Chu et al., 1998; Huang et al., 1998). In the current
study, processed barley diets showed a 4% higher total tract apparent OMD than the
control diet at 14 and 28 days, although this improvement was not associated with better


P. Medel et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology 84 (2000) 13±21

performance. The observed improvement of digestibility due to processing agrees with
previous data (Medel et al., 1999), and is slightly higher than the values reported by
Aumaitre (1976). Expansion and micronization produced similar degrees of starch
gelatinization, nutrient digestibility and piglet performance, results that agree with data
presented by Vestergaard et al. (1990) and Medel et al. (1999). The digestibility of
nutrients was similar when assessed at 14 and 28 days after weaning. Van der Poel et al.
(1989) reported higher OMD and CPD in piglets of 7.2 kg than in piglets of 5.8 kg. In the
current study, the digestibility of diets was determined with heavier pigs (8.8 and 15.6 kg)
which might explain the lack of response with age.
In conclusion, decreasing particle size of barley within the range tested (4.0 vs.
2.5 mm) had no signi®cant effect on total tract apparent digestibility or performance of

piglets. Heat processing only improved performance in the ®rst 14 days after weaning and
no differences between micronization and expansion were detected for any of the traits
studied. Based on this experiment, heat processing of barley in diets for early-weaned
piglets is recommended.

This research was supported by CICYT project AGF96-1142. Thanks are due to A.
Sanz and G. Fructuoso for their help in the management of the animals and to Y. Alegre
for typing the manuscript.

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