It has been proved by Supervisor, Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si NIP. 19600711198903 2 001

  Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatra Utara In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

  Approved by Head of Diploma III English Study Program, Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. NIP. 19521126198112 1 001

  Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatra Utara

  As a paper for the Diploma (D III) Examination

  Accepted by the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III of Examination of the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Study University of Sumatra Utara The examination is held August, 2013 Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatra Utara

  Dean, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013197603 1 001 Board of Examiners : Signature

  1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A (Head of ESP)

  2. Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si (Supervisor)

  3. Dra. Persadanta Br. Karo, M.Hum (Reader)



  I am, FENI MARIA LUMBAN TORUAN, declare that I am the sole author of this paper, except where references is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

  No other persons’ work has been without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

  Signed : Date :


  AS AN ECOTOURISM Qualification : D-III/Ahli Madya Study Program : English I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatra Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

  Signed : Date :



  Kertas karya yang berjudul “Possibilities in Developing Bukit Lawang as an Ecotourism” memaparkan tentang keberadaan perkembangan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Langkat, khususnya ekowisata di Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang dikenal untuk penangkaran orangutan Sumatra terbesar (sekitar 5.000 orangutan), dan juga jalur akses utama ke Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser. Bukit Lawang adalah pusat rehabilitas orangutan yang didirikan pada tahun 1973. Masalah yang di uraikan dalam kertas karya ini adalah bagaimana potensi yang dimiliki Bukit Lawang sebagai ekowisata dan bagaimana strategi pengembangan Bukit Lawang sebagai ekowisata. Melalui kertas karya ini penulis berharap, agar pemerintah mampu mengelola objek wisata di Bukit Lawang dengan sistem bekerja sama dengan masyarakat tanpa mengesampingkan kelestarian alam dan budaya sekitar juga sumberdaya lainnya seperti pengelolaan objek wisata yang berada di lokasi masyarakat. Pengelolaan tersebut seharusnya dikelola oleh pemerintah setempat dan bekerja sama dengan masyarakat agar pengelolaan tersebut maksimal. Teori yang digunakan dalam penulisan kertas karya ini adalah teori- teori pariwisata secara umum. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penulisan kertas karya ini adalah pengelolaan suatu objek wisata yang maksimal diserahkan kepada pemerintah setempat dan dikelola bersama masyarakat dengan sistem pembangunan yang berkelanjutan tanpa mengesampingkan kelestarian lingkungan dan budaya masyarakat sekitar.


  The title of paper “Possibilities in Developing Bukit Lawang as an Ecotourism” explained about the existence of the development of tourism in Langkat Regency, particularly ecotourism in Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang is known as the largest animal sanctuary of Sumatran orangutan (around 5,000 orangutans occupy the area), and also the main access point to the Gunung Leuser National Park from the east side. Bukit Lawang rehabilitation is the center for Orangutans which was found in 1973. The problem described in this paper is what is the potential of Bukit Lawang as an ecotourism and what is the strategies to develop Bukit Lawang as an ecotourism. Through this paper the author hopes, that the government is able to manage tourism in the Bukit lawang working together with the community without prejudice the preservation of natural and cultural: The management should be managed by local government along with the local people to get the maximum manage. The theory used in this paper is theories in general tourism. The results obtained in this paper is the management of a maximum attraction submitted to the local government and community with a system of sustainable development without compromising environmental sustainability and cultural communities.


  First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for the blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III degree in English from Faculty Culture of Studies Sumatera Utara University.

  Then I would like to express a gratitude, love, and appreciation:

  • To Dr.Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A as the Head of Program Diploma III of English Study Program. Thank you for encouragements and suggestions during my academic years at university
  • To Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si as my supervisor. Thank you for the valuable time on supervising the draft of this paper, for your assistance, guidance, and your advice from beginning up to the end of the writing.
  • To Dra. Persadanta Br. Karo, M.A. as my reader. Thanks to correct this paper.
  • To all my lecturer for giving me the knowledge, instruction, and valuable advice during I studied in English Diploma Study Program.
  • Greater thanks are fully dedicated to my parents, especially my mom

  D.Napitupulu who have patiently given moral, spiritual, financial,

  support, advice, and your attention. Thank you for everlasting love and your pray.

  • To my brother Frans Andri Joli Lumban Toruan, SP; my older sister

  Yuni Satriani Lumban Toruan, SE and Sri Nova Riza Lumban Toruan, ST; my younger sister Santa Crusita Lumban Toruan. Thank

  for your support, time, advice and your pray to me. May we can pride children. I love you all.

  • To my best classmate Retno Vitasari Br.Tarigan (Rere), Charolina

  Lumban Gaol (Chacha), Deviana Sinabutar (Miss Lelet 1), Selly Napitupulu (my beloved aunty), Christin Magdalena Pasaribu (Miss Lelet 2 or Thithin), Dwi Khairani, Sry Ira Ameliani. Thanks a lot for

  your attention and time. And thanks to all my classmate

  • To my beloved Family in FIB, KMK St. Gregorius Agung. Especially,

  Lisna Sitinjak, Beatrix Chance Tarigan, Mariani Sitanggang, Jernita Limbong, Alex Siahaan, Martua and Anastasya. Thanks for give spiritual support. I will be miss you all.

  • To my best friend Veronika Manihuruk and Agus Mienda Sitepu who give your time to help me in finishing this paper. I hope our friendship everlasting
  • To Head of Indonesian Guide Assosiation (B’Bahagia), B’Leng as guide, and all of guide in Indonesian Guide Assosiation in Bahorok. Thanks for all information, data, their kindness and their time.

  • Special thanks for Brother Johannes Silalahi who has always give valuable and spirit as long as I done my paper. Thanks for everbody who has been mentioned, just be sure that all of you will be remembered forever. God Bless.

  Medan, August 2013 The Writer

   NIM.10202019 Feni Maria Lumban Toruan

  TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATIONS ............................................................... i COPY RIGHT DECLARATION ............................................................. ii ABSTRAK .................................................................................................. iii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... vii I.


  1.1 Background of Study .......................................................................... 1

  1.2 Problem of Study ................................................................................ 10

  1.3 Scope of Study .................................................................................... 10

  1.4 Reason for Chosen .............................................................................. 10

  1.5 Significance of Study .......................................................................... 10

  1.6 Method of The Writing ....................................................................... 11


  2.1 Definition

  2.1.1 Definition of tourism ........................................................................... 12

  2.1.2 Definition of tourist ............................................................................. 14

  2.1.3 Definition of nature tourism ................................................................ 15

  2.2 Ecotourism

  2.2.1 Definition of ecotourism ..................................................................... 15

  2.2.2 The ecotourism activities .................................................................... 17


  3.1 History of Bukit Lawang .................................................................... 19

  3.2 The Potential of Bukit Lawang as ecotourism .................................... 21

  3.3 The Strategies in developing Bukit Lawang as ecotourism ................ 24


  4.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 27

  4.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................... 28