5. The use of ICT for motivating students to learn English - The use of ICT for motivating students to learn English

5. The use of ICT for motivating students to learn English
Siti Aisyiyah, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Department of Language, Communication and Tourism, Politeknik Negeri Jember,
The development of ICT has given positive effects on English Language
Teaching. It is broadly known that the use of ICT on language learning can
increase students’ motivation to learn, give fast access and varieties of learning
resources, as well as facilitate exposure to authentic materials. One of ICT tools
that can be used to support English language teaching is internet. This article
aims to describe and analyze the use of the internet as learning resources for
motivating students to English. First, this article describes the use of the internet
in English language teaching particularly for students majoring in Informatics
Management of Politeknik Negeri Jember. It needs to be discussed as the teacher
only used a workbook as learning media previously. Second, the article provides
how the selected learning resources could be used in English language teaching.
Next, the article addresses how the students’ acquisition was assessed based on
process and performance based- assessment. Moreover, the teaching learning
process could encourage them to learn English. Based on data collected from
simple questionnaires consisting of some open questions, most students said that
they consider the teaching learning process was better and more interesting than

before. This study gives implication about the urgency of the use of internet to
motivate students to learn English. Undoubtedly, motivation brings significant
effect to the students’ success in learning. Thus, this article gives a fascinating
insight into how learning resources could be used to motivate students in learning
Keywords: Internet, Motivation, Learning English

The development of ICT has given positive effects on English Language Teaching. It is
broadly known that the use of ICT on language learning can increase students’
motivation to learn, give varieties of learning resources, provide easy and fast access to
authentic materials, as well as facilitate a learner-centred approach that leads to the
development of learner autonomy. One of the most popular ICT tools used in ELT is the
internet. The Internet provides an easy and fast access to the use of current and
authentic materials in the language being studied, which is motivating for the language
learner (Kumar & Tammelin, 2008). The authentic materials can be provided on, for
example, web pages, online newspapers, blogs, newsroom video clips or video sharing
websites such as YouTube.
Nevertheless, teaching learning process of English in Politeknik Negeri Jember,
particularly for non-English Department students, are dominated by the use of printed

media so far. This article discusses how the ICT tool was used in teaching learning
process of English for specific purposes in Informatics Management of Politeknik
Negeri Jember. English as a foreign language is considered as a difficult subject for
most students of Politeknik Negeri Jember. It is indicated by the poor English skills of

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most students of Politeknik Negeri Jember, particularly non-English department
students. Most students of Politeknik Negeri Jember, taken randomly from non-English
departments, got low score on TOEFL preparation test. Moreover, they are not skilful in
communicating using English.
The difficulties in learning English can be solved by using media. Besides, the
use of media can increase students’ motivation. Motivation, according to Woolfolk
(2004), refers to an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains behaviour. In
general, motivation can be classified into intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic
motivation is associated with activities which are students’ own reward, while extrinsic
motivation is created by external factors. Motivation plays an important role to the

students’ success in learning English. Accordingly, a teacher must be able to evoke and
maintain students’ motivation to learn English.
One of important factors to motivate students in learning English is by creating a
rich learning environment. It can be created by providing appropriate learning resources
and media for students, such as using ICT tools in English language teaching.
Mullamaa (2010) states that ICT supports the modern principles of learning and
language acquisition. Individualization, interaction and student motivation, often
considered paramount in modern education theories, are necessarily a part of the
process in ICT. As Theobald (2006) in Mullama (2010) points out, some students need
extrinsic tools to increase their motivation.
For students of Informatics Management department, learning English using
ICT will be an enjoyable experience because they deal much with the ICT in their field
of study. Moreover, English skill is badly needed by those students. Their field of study
is related to information technology which mostly uses English as an international
language. Without having enough skill in English, they will be left behind and unable to
survive in the future. Accordingly, to increase and maintain learning motivation of
students majoring in Informatics Management of Politeknik Negeri Jember, the teacher
used the Internet, through Google search, as a learning resource in teaching learning
process of English.
This article aims to provide reflective accounts of the use of the Internet as a

learning resource and Power Point media to motivate students majoring in informatics
management at one of the Indonesian colleges to learn English. First, this article
addresses the use the Internet - in English language teaching and learning. Alongside
this, the article provides justifications for using such tools. Second, the article provides
how the selected ICT tool could be used in English language teaching. Last, the article
addresses how the students’ performance was assessed based on process and
performance based assessments.
The use of the ICT-based tools in English language teaching
There are varieties of ICT tools that can be used in English language teaching. The use
of ICT in the classroom gives some benefits as stated in Becta (2004) below:
• Learning environments can be extended beyond the physical constraints of the
• Creative use of ICT in the classroom can promote inclusion and reflect cultural and
linguistic diversity.
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• Learners can showcase and share their work which has positive motivational effects
and raises self-esteem.
• Resources and activities can be created quickly and easily.
• Current information relating to linguistic and cultural diversity can be made
accessible to all.
• Leaner independence and group study is enabled.
• Learners have immediate access to content rich sources of materials that draw on the
previous learning and experiences of students.
Teaching English as a foreign language for the first grade students majoring in
Informatics Management of Politeknik Negeri Jember used the internet for searching
learning resources and power point as presentation media. The selection of those ICT
tools based on consideration that they have been very familiar for students, and most
students have been capable to use the tools.
The Internet
The Internet offers an almost unlimited amount of information. The result of the ECAR
survey (2007) indicated that Internet searching was one of students’ most important
strategies for learning, with 72% listing Internet searching as their preferred means of
learning. O’Reilly (2005) also found that Google was their first action when trying to
get information. Most find Google easy to use.


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The teaching learning process of English for Informatics Management students
used Google search to explore learning resources. As a warming up, the teacher gave a
reading text that will be learnt. Surely, the topic was related to students’ field of study,
for example, about New Technologies. Apperception was done by discussing some
commonly used new technologies that were familiar with the students. The activity was
continued by reading a text about New Technologies and answering some questions
based on the text. Afterwards, the students were divided into some groups consisting of
3 – 4 students. It was due to the number of students in the class was quite large, around
35 students. Each group had to explore an article about another new technology used in
learning English by surfing the internet through Google search. It was not allowed for
each group to download the same topic.
So far, the activities ran well. Most students were active in doing learning tasks
because the activities and topic had close relationship to their field of study.
The next activity was a take-home assignment; that is, the groups made a

summary of the article in a Word document and prepared a power point presentation of
their summary. The students wrote the summary under teacher’s guidance outside the
classroom activities. They could consult their work through face to face meeting after
appointment or by email.
The use of the Internet as learning resources gives some advantages for the
students. First, students can get fast and easy access to learning resources. Using
Google search, the students can get a large amount of desired information in minutes.
Second, there are varieties of learning resources could be accessed provided in the
Internet. The students can select the appropriate resources as they want. Next, the
Internet provides a number of authentic materials that can be learnt. It makes the
students can learn the materials that are related to their field of study and meet their
language proficiency.
Power Point Presentations
After finishing the summary of the article, the students were required to prepare
PowerPoint for 15 minutes presentations in front of the class. Mullama (2010) says that
something as basic as power-point presentations has proved to be most popular with
students. Presented in the classroom, the power-point presentations remain up on the
net, and offer students the possibility of revisiting the presentations they liked the most,
checking up the new vocabulary items presented in the power-point reports, and
revising new knowledge on topics interesting for them.

PowerPoint was selected as a presentation media because all students could
operate it well and it gave some benefits to the class activities. Conole (2008) states
that a high proportion of reported ICT-usage was in connection with assessed work. The
data provided a rich picture of the ways in which students are using technologies on a
daily basis to support routine aspects of their study. Students used Word to write
assignments as well as take notes and PowerPoint to prepare and give presentations to
their class. All were positive about the benefits of PowerPoint and Word and some
wondered how they had ever managed without these tools. Besides, a number of
students mentioned the benefits of Word and PowerPoint in terms of improving the final

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presentation of their work; foreign students valued the grammar, spell checking and
dictionary functionality.
Having presentation in the class, the groups of students got some inputs from
both the teacher and other students as peer assessment. The inputs deal with contents or

materials, manner or the way in giving presentation, and the media that they created. In
general, the activities ran well, students were enthusiastic in participating in those
learning tasks.
The use of PowerPoint as presentation media gives some benefits to the teaching
learning process. First, the PowerPoint media has been very familiar for the students.
Almost all students have mastered how to make and operate the media, so preparing
PowerPoint presentations is not a difficult thing for the students. Second, using
PowerPoint media can support an effective and interesting presentation, because the
information on the slides can be written briefly, systematically and clearly. Next,
conducting presentation in front of the class can increase students’ self confidence and
train their ability in presenting their idea.
However, there were some weaknesses in conducting such activities. First,
because the students worked in groups, only some students who could speak English
fluently were active in the activity, while the others tended to be passive. Second,
instead of selecting important points to display on their slides, there were still some
groups who copied and pasted full texts on the power point slides. Besides, a few
students could not have good presentations because they merely read the text without
developing their explanation.
Students’ learning activities were assessed based on the process of learning and their

performance in presentation. The process-based assessment was done by assessing
students’ activities in exploring information in the Internet, selecting related articles,
summarizing the article under teacher’s guidance, and preparing PowerPoint
presentation. After having consulted to the teacher, the students had to revise their
work, before submitted it at the end of the learning process. Additionally, the
performance-based assessment was done by assessing the result of students’ works in
the form of word document summary, PowerPoint slides, and presentation activities.
The skills that were assessed in the learning process include writing and
presentation performance. Taylor (2006) states that assessing writing performance will
involve considering a number of different criteria and their interaction. The focuses of
the assessment include content, organization and cohesion of the students’ summary. In
addition, assessment on presentation performance was focused on content, manner of
presentation and body language. Students’ writing performance was assessed by the
teacher, while students’ presentation performance was assessed by both the teacher and
their peers. Peer assessment is an arrangement for learners to consider and specify the
level, value, or quality of a product or performance of other equal status learners
(Topping, 2009). In this teaching learning process, peer assessment was done through
giving feedback to the presenter performance.


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ICT-based tools like the Internet and PowerPoint media can be used to motivate
students in learning English. The use of the Internet as learning resources and
PowerPoint as presentation media can enrich learning environment. The rich learning
environment can be used to increase and maintain the students’ intrinsic motivation.
Without supported by a good extrinsic condition, the students’ motivation might be
The use of the Internet as learning resources gives some advantages for the
students. First, students can get fast and easy access to learning resources. Using
Google search, the students can get a large amount of desired information in minutes.
Second, there are varieties of learning resources could be accessed provided in the
Internet. The students can select the appropriate resources as they want. Next, the
Internet provides a number of authentic materials that can be learnt. It makes the
students can learn the materials that are related to their field of study and meet their
language proficiency.
The use of PowerPoint as presentation media gives some benefits to the teaching
learning process. First, the PowerPoint media has been very familiar for the students.
Almost all students have mastered how to make and operate the media, so preparing
PowerPoint presentations is not a difficult thing for the students. Second, using
PowerPoint media can support an effective and interesting presentation, because the
information on the slides can be written briefly, systematically and clearly. Next,
conducting presentation in front of the class can increase students’ self confidence and
train their ability in presenting their idea.
Moreover, the teaching learning process using ICT could encourage them to
learn English. Based on data collected from simple questionnaires consisting of some
open questions, most students said that they consider the teaching learning process was
better and more interesting than before.
Apart from those advantages, the activities done in groups can be used to
promote students’ skills in having cooperation and collaboration with their learning
peers. Besides, they have to be able to do peer assessment. After having presented their
work, the students were assessed by their peers besides the teacher. Moreover, the use
of portfolios in assessment can develop students’ reflective ability. By doing learning
reflection, the students can know how to learn. The abilities are very essential to
promote students’ learning autonomy.
To sum up, the ICT-based tools as learning resources and media in language
teaching can be used to motivate students’ to learn, to promote students’ learning
autonomy that, further, can lead to long life learning of the students.
BECTA (2004) ”Using ICT to Support Students who Have English as an Additional
Language. General guide for Managers and all Teachers”. Version 1.0. June
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Conole, G. (2008) Listening to the learner voice: The ever changing landscape of
technology use for language students. ReCALL, 20(2), pp. 124–140.
Kumar, S. & Tammelin, M. (2008) Integrating ICT into Language Learning and
Teaching: Guide for Institutions. Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz: Johannes
Kepler Universität Linz.
Lynch, B. & Shaw, P. (2005) Portfolios, Power, and Ethics. TESOL QUARTERLY
Vol. 39, No. 2, June 2005
Mullamaa, Kristina. 2010. ICT in Language Learning - Benefits and Methodological
Implications. International Education Studies. Vol.3 No.1 February 2010.
O'Reilly, T. (2005) What Is Web 2.0 : Design Patterns and Business Models for the
Next Generation of Software.
Taylor, L. (2006) “The changing landscape of English: Implications for language
assessment”. ELT Journal (January 2006) Vol.60 (1): 51-60.
Topping, K. J. (2009) 'Peer Assessment', Theory Into Practice, 48:1,20 — 27
Woolfolk, A. (2004) Educational Psychology. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.


Journal of English in Academic and Professional Communication

JEAPCo, 1(1) 2014