The Effect of Sight Word Strategy on the


Reg. Number 122108132


Submitted to Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By YUSPINTA KRISTIANI GEA Reg. Number 122108132


Gea, Kristiani, Yuspinta. 2016. The effect of Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. Thesis. Advisors (1) Drs. Ellyanus, M.Pd., (2) Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Keywords: Effect, Sight Word Strategy, Mastering Vocabulary.

The importance of reading skill to transmit the information has allowed the students to develop their ability in gaining the information from the written source. In most of the school, the main source of the lesson material comes from the written language, which means the students challenge to get more practices in reading, whether they want it or not. Sight Word Strategy is useful for developing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary.

The purposes of this research are: (1) to find out whether there is a significant difference between using Sight Word Strategy and the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary especially in instruction form at the eighth class of SMP 1 Tuhemberua.

(2) to find out the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary especially in instruction form by using Sight Word Strategy at the eighth class of SMP 1 Tuhemberua. (3) to

find out the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary especially in instruction form by using Sight Word Strategy at the s eighth class of SMP 1 Tuhemberua. (4) to find out

which is the better strategy between Sight Word Strategy towards the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary especially in instruction form at the eighth class of SMP 1 Tuhemberua. This research is held at SMP 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017. The subject of the action is the eighth class students. This research is held by using Ex Post Facto Research.

The instrument used by the researcher is evaluation paper. The evaluation paper is given to the students in order to evaluate the students’ ability in mastering

vocabulary, either in Class using Sight Word Strategy. The result of this research is: (1) The mean of the students’ score who are taught by using Sight Word Strategy is

77.38 (Good), (2) The researcher finds that  table is 11.341 while  count is 0.981

which means  table >  count which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. (3) There is no significant difference between using Sight Word Strategy towards the students’


The researcher thanks to God, because He always blesses the researcher during making the research. Since the researcher started the research, there were a lot of things that challenged the researcher in making the research. The researcher has been supported by many valuable people to finish her thesis. Hence, the researcher wants to express her sincere appreciation and thanks to: Her beloved Parents: Father Talizaro Gea and Mother Yunila Zalukhu. Thank you for love, prays, motivations, and supports from all of you. Ms. Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, M.Pd,as the Chair of English Education Study Program, and alsoas the second advisor, who has given her time, support, motivation, guidance and suggestion in completing the thesis. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd, M.Hum as the secretary of English Education Program, as her examiner of education, who gives corrections and ideas in building the thesis. Mr. Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd, as the Dean of FPBS and alsoas the examiner of study who always guides her patiently by giving suggestions and ideas in finishing the thesis.

Drs, Ellyanus, M.Pd he firts advisor,who always gives suggestion, guides

he and gives the correct grammatical composition during finishing the thesis. Drs,

2, as the sample of the research, who has given his/her time in teaching learning

process. The students of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua conduct external validity by trying out the items test. Mr. Heza’aro Zai, as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua who gives permission and facilitates the researcher in

conducting the research. Mr. Mediyunus Zai, S.Pd, as the English teacher in SMP

SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua, who gives a good contribution to help the researcher.

The best friends: Yusni Mendrofa S.Pd, Damai Kristian Telaumbanua S.Pd,

Agusriang Laia S.Pd, Siliria Telaumbanua S.Pd and all of the students class C

English Deparments generation 2012.

Finally, the researcher realizes that the thesis is far from being perfect.

Therefore, she hopes all constructive suggestions and criticisms so the thesis can be

better, and hopefully the thesis will be useful for the readers.


December 2016

4. The Research Findings Implication ……………….. 74

5. The Research Findings versus Theories ………….. 75

6. The Analysis of the Research Findings Limitation ………………………………………. 76


: CLOSING ……………………………………………… 77

A. Conclusions …………………………………………… 77


B. Suggestions……………………………………………

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................

79 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................

82 BIOGRAPHY ………………… ……………………………………………… 245


Tables Pages

1. Research Design ……………………………….………………...…………… 49

2. The Population Condition of the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2011/2012…………………………………… 51

3. The Total Sample of the the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2011/2012 ………………….……………….. 52

4. Work Table for Lilliefors Formula …………………………………………. 59

5. The Validation Result of Item One to Ten in Research Try Out Instrument …………………………………………………………. 63

6. The Normality Examining of Experiment’s Pre Test …………………… 66

7. The N ormality Examining of Experiment’s Post Test ……………… 66

8. The Normality Examining of Control Class Pre Test …………………… 67

9. The Normality Examining of Control Class Post Test …………………… 67

10. T – Test through Independent Samples Test ………………............................ 69

11. The Score of Research’s Try Out Instrument at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Swasta Pembda 2 Gunungsitoli in 2011/2012 …………..…………... 109

12. Pearson Correlation ………………………………………………………… 111


Frames Pages

2.1 Irwin’s Five Basic Comprehension ……………………………………… 28

2.2 The Conceptual Frame ………………………………………………. 47


Figures Pages

2.1 Story Map with C- SPACE ……….……………………………………… 38

2.2 Story Face ……………….………………………………………………. 39

2.3 Story Recipe ……………………………………………………………… 42


Graphic Pages

1. Normal Q- Q Plot of Pretest (Experimental Class) ……………………… 133

2. Normal Q-Q Plot of Pretest ( Control Class) ………………………… .... 133

3. Detrended Normal Q-Q Plot of Pretest (Experimental Class) ………….. 134

4. Detrended Normal Q-Q Plot of Pretest (Control Class) ………………. 134

5. Pre Test Normality Graph ………………………………………………... 135

6. Normal Q- Q Plot of Post Test (Experimental Class) …………………… 141

7. Normal Q-Q Plot of Post Test ( Control Class) ………………………… . 141

8. Detrended Normal Q-Q Plot of Post Test (Experimental Class) ………… 142

9. Detrended Normal Q-Q Plot of Post Test (Control Class) ………………. 142

10. Post Test Normality Graph ……………………………………………… 143


A. The Background of the Problem

In junior High School, English subject becomes one of the basic subjects especially vocabulary subject that must be learnt by the students. As teacher knows, there are four skills in mastering English; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skill are supported by four components such as grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronouncation. Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in teaching English language, as stated by Edward (1997:149)

Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching, students must continually be learning words as they learn structure and as they practice sound system.

In addition vocabulary is much more than grammar, it is the key for the students to understand what they hear, write, read, and communicating successfully with other people. For this reason, it is very important to quickly build up a large store of the words. Related to that, Richards and Renandya (2002:255) affirm, “Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the In addition vocabulary is much more than grammar, it is the key for the students to understand what they hear, write, read, and communicating successfully with other people. For this reason, it is very important to quickly build up a large store of the words. Related to that, Richards and Renandya (2002:255) affirm, “Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the

a text, in the same time they suppose learning about vocabulary too. Learning vocabulary can help the students in comprehending reading text. However, vocabulary is not written directly in In syllabus of Junior High School especially in English subject. In sylalabus, there are four skills that should be mastered by the students, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skill are supported by three components namely vocabulary, grammar and pronouncation. The syllabus of KTSP-2006 of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017 particulary at the Eighth grade, that reading is one of the skills that is taught to the eighth grade. The Competence standard expected that the students should be able to respond the meaning of the written text to make interaction with environs in descriptive and recount form. The basic competences hopes the students

In fact, the students get many problems in learning English. They are not able to make a good communication with each other by using English. And also they

are difficult to read the text in English. This is caused by the limited of students’ vocabulary in learning English, it is difficult for them to remind words in English and

they are not interested to learn English. The problems above are caused by some factors namely; the English teacher has the lack to use media in learning vocabulary, and the lack of choosing appropriate strategy in teaching vocabulary. Most of the students cannot reach what the syllabus asks them for. It can be seen for the score they got; most of them cannot pass of the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) 60 score.

To solve the students’ problem, the researcher will apply Sight Word Strategy to increasi ng the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. Wilskfuyzi (2004:52) states “Sight Word Strategy is useful for developing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary”. According to Schooll (2012:80),” Sight Word is a common and frequent word that occur in every day reading and writing ”. The goals of the strategy to increase independent learning, memorize key vocabulary, and provide a sense of control over learning and to promote motivation about learning new

B. The Identification of the Problems

The identification of the problems in the research, namely:

1. Some of the students could not identify the definition of the words.

2. Most of the students could not pronounce the words.

3. The lack of the teacher’s teaching media.

4. The students lack of prior knowledge.

C. The Limitation of the Problems

The researcher wants to limit the problem. In the research, the researcher will search the effect of Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in mastering

vocabulary especially in noun as pronoun of the students can understand to read the text well by using Sight Word at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problems, the researcher wants to formulate the problem namely: “Is there a significant effect of Sight Word Strategy on the

E. The Purposes of the Research

The purpose of the research is to insvestigate whether there is effect of using Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in noun as pronoun of the students can understand to read the text by using Sight Word at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017”.

F. The Significant of the Research

The significance of this research can be useful for:

1. The researcher, as experience and practice to teach in vocabulary Mastery in her teaching activities in learning English by using Sight Word.

2. The students, as guideline to get more information from the content of reading text

3. The English teacher, as contribution strategy on the implement in teaching- learning process especially in vocabulary Mastery.

4. The other researcher, as a comparative material of her/his research that is relevant to the topic of this research.

5. The reader, as the information about the effect of using focus Sight Word on the

G. The Hypothesis of Research

In this research, the hypothesis of research are:

H a : There is the significant effect of using Sight Word on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017.

H o : There is not the significant effect of using Sight Word on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017.

H. The Assumptions in this Research

As the assumption of this research are:

1. Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write.

2. Reading is a process the readers to get the information and knowledge.

3. Sight word is agroup of common word of use that readers must know on sight, instanly, and automatically in order to develop into an efficient and smooth reader.

I. The Research Limitation

In the research, the researcher focuses on:

1. The population of the research is the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017.

2. Samples of the research is theclass VIII-1

3. The research will conduct Quantitative Research Method with general types is Experimental which is specified into Quasi Experimental with Pre Test and Post test design.

4. The researcher will implement Sight word Strategy in teaching vocabulary and descritive text as material especially in noun and pronoun by using Sight Word Strategy.

J. The Key Terms Definition of the Research

The key terms definition of the research are:

1. Vocabulary is the key to help the students to comprehend, analyze and predict the certain text.

2. Sight Word Strategy is are common words that often occur when students read and


A. Theoretical Framework

1. Sight Word Strategy

a. The Definitions of Sight Word Strategy

Since reading comprehension is an important skill of reading, the readers or the students should have the ability to recognize some words before they are going to read and comprehend the meaning in the text. If the readers do not know familiar word in assigned readings, it is difficult for them to read the text well even understand the meaning correctly and briefly.

According to Johnson (2012:80), Sight Word are common and frequent word that occur in everyday reading and writing. Ehri (2015:10) says;

Sight Word Strategy is a word that is immediately recognized as a whole and does not require word analysis for identification. Good readers instantly

recognize sight words without having to decode them. Sight words are usually "high-frequency" words, which occur most frequently in our language.

According to Lysman (1981:129), “Sight Word Strategy is useful for According to Lysman (1981:129), “Sight Word Strategy is useful for

In teaching vocabulary the English teachers must prepare her/him self before teaching the students. The teacher must teach the students as in the lesson plan. To present the new words for the students, the teacher should find the best or the effectiveness in the communication between the teacher and the students in the teaching- learning process, it is also used to stimulate the students’ motivation and students’ interest to learn English. Because of that, the researcher tries to teach vocabulary to the students through Sight Word in English class.

Carleton in Sethna (2011:30) states same steps of Sight Word Strategy, as follows.

1) Do a comprehension/ vocabulary preview (see steps 1-3 of the sample lesson).

2) Practice some of sight words from the story in isolation or material.

3) Make a set word cards. Place the word cards in an empty container, such us an empty tennis ball container. Make several sets of these.

4) Devided the class into small groups, give each group a word card container.

5) When students come to unknown word that do not follow the typical decoding rules as they read the text, ask them to identify the parts of the word they know. Tell them how to pronounce the remaining parts of the word.

6) Ask students to read the word again, and then reread the sentences containing the word.

7) Continue reading, reviewing any difficult sight word.

8) After reading the entire book or reading passage, discuss what happened in the story and the students’ reaction to it.

5) Use the monitoring sheet to check targeted students’ progress. 6)

A word is mastered when it is known within there second on three consecutive days.

7) Allows the students having difficulty to practise the words, preferably with a helper and using a game like snap or concentration, for a couple of minutes each lesson until they are mastered.

Based on the steps of teaching Sight Word Strategy above, the researcher will modify the steps to teach the students vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri

1 Tuhemberua, they are:

1) The researcher makes a set cards into an empty container from a story or materials.

2) The researcher consolidate words that students can read or answered students correctly within 2 seconds. This is the "knowns".

3) The researcher consolidate words that students can not read or answered correctly within 2 seconds. It is an 'unknown'.

4) The researcher takes first card the students read aloud.

5) The researcher present unknown cards and read the words aloud, having students repeat the word.

6) The researcher takes the next card, if students make mistakes on the card or hesitation for more than two seconds, the researcher reads the card aloud, and 6) The researcher takes the next card, if students make mistakes on the card or hesitation for more than two seconds, the researcher reads the card aloud, and

According to Rwrith (2004:45), there are some advantages and disadvantages of Sight Word Strategy, there are:

1) Advantages of Sight Word Strategy, they are:

a) Lack of students decoding skills.

b) Students’ vocabulary is limited.

c) Students' do not understand the sentence.

d) Students are less able to read a sentence in English.

e) Increase the students’ ability to independently learn key vocabulary.

2) Disadvantages of Sight Word Strategy, they are:

a) It is slow process to find a word.

b) Only nouns that can be described through this strategy.

2. Conventional Teaching Method

a). Definition of Conventional Teaching Method In conducting the research, the researcher will compare the use of Conventional Method which is usually implemented by the English teacher in teaching narrative text to the students with Sight Word. According to Marbun et al (2009:74), Conventional Method is a teaching method used by the teacher to transfer information to the students verbally.

b). Procedure to do Conventional Method b). Procedure to do Conventional Method

According to Sinarno in Suryobroto (2009), there are some advantages in applying Conventional Method in teaching material to the students, namely.

1) The teacher can control the class easily.

2) Easy to organize the students’ place in the classroom.

3) It can be followed by the large students.

4) It is easy for the teachers to conduct the teaching-learning activity.

5) Make the teacher easily explain the teaching material.

Besides some advantages which have been stated by Sinarno in Suryobroto (2009), there are some disadvantages in applying Conventional Method in teaching material to the students too, namely.

1) Execution of the method is dominant to define words by words.

2) If the method always used, it makes the teacher and the students feel bored.

3) The method makes the students are passive.

4) The teacher does not know whether the students understand about the teaching material or not.

3. Vocabulary

a. Definitions of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a series of the letters formed to be a word that can be understood by the people. As written in Oxford Learner ’s Pocket Dictionary

Furthermore, Hornby (1987:959) states, Vocabulary is the total number of words, (which rules for combining them)

makes up a language. It is true that vocabulary is the number of the words with their meanings which is used by someone to communicate with the other people.

Furthermore, according to Manser (1995:461) vocabularies are, (1) Total number of words in a language, (2) Words known to a person, (3) List of words with their meaning. According to Burgess (1997:1707) vocabulary is:

1) All the words that a person knows or uses,

2) All the words in a particular language,

3) The words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject, 4)

A list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language.

Furthermore, Princeton (2007:6) affirms, “Vocabulary is a broad topic, and it forms the foundation for reading comprehension, grammar, and spelling”. In addition, Buehl (2001:127) says, “Vocabulary is a key predicator of how well a student will comprehend a given text. ” It is emphasized that vocabulary has strength influence in mastering reading skill and it is called as foundation in developing the reading skill.

From the theories on the above, it is concluded that without establishing a strong vocabulary base first, comprehension and use of a language will not be achieved. In addition, the students should be able to recognize words, and know their From the theories on the above, it is concluded that without establishing a strong vocabulary base first, comprehension and use of a language will not be achieved. In addition, the students should be able to recognize words, and know their

Teacher needs a serious attention in teaching vocabulary to the students. As Richards and Renandya (2002:46) state, teacher is the most powerful player in classroom dynamic and determines the class structure. In other words, a good teacher should have a good ability in teaching and learning process in the classroom. The teacher should be a creative person and attractive to organize and manage the class more interesting and enjoyable in order that the students do not get bored to follow the teaching and learning process.

Marzano in Blachowicz (2008:201) proposes six steps to teaching content vocabulary, the steps are:

1) Explain: Provide a student-friendly description, explanation, or example of the new term.

2) Restate: Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words.

3) Show: Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representation of the term.

4) Discuss: Engage students periodically in structured vocabulary discussions that

help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their vocabulary notebooks.

5) Refine and reflect: Periodically ask students to return to their notebooks to discuss and refine entries.

6) Apply in learning games: Involve students periodically in games that allow them to play with terms.

From the theories on the previous page, it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary is a fundamental process to build the students ’ vocabulary. A good teaching vocabulary strategy gives initiative to the students to master vocabulary well. Therefore, the teacher must be creative to make up the class during the teaching-learning process.

c . Types of Vocabulary

According to Wren (1999:19) there are four types of vocabulary, namely:

1) Reading vocabulary

A person’s reading vocabulary is all the words he/she can recognize when reading. This the largest type of vocabulary simply because is includes the other three.

2) Listening vocabulary

A person’s listening vocabulary is all the words he/she can recognize when listening to a speech. This vocabulary is aided in size by context and tone of


3) Writing vocabulary

A person’s writing vocabulary is all the words he/she can in writing. Contrary the previous two vocabularies Components, writing vocabulary stimulated by its


4) Speaking vocabulary

A person’s speaking vocabulary is all the words he/she can use in speech. Due to the spontaneous nature of the speaking vocabulary, words are often misused. This misused though slight and unintentional by expressions, tone of voice, or hand gesture.

Furthermore, from the types of vocabulary on the previous page, the researcher chooses reading vocabulary as a target in to search the effect of Sight

Word Strategy on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary.

d. The Importance of Vocabulary

Mastering vocabulary in English is very important. It is basic item in a language. In learning language, the students learn all about the language included the vocabulary of the language. Then, mastering the basic item in the language can influence toward the language.

The knowledge of vocabulary meanings and the ability to access that knowledge as important factors in reading and listening comprehension, speaking and writing fluency. According to McKeown (2002:8), “Vocabulary knowledge is the heart of a language comprehension and use ”. Additionally, Barra (1995:3) suggests that to comprehend a text successfully students need to have sufficient word knowledge. It is clear that comprehension of a language depends on the amount of words that are known in that language. Also, students need to have sufficient word knowledge to understand what the students already read. Students can understand a

Truly vocabulary is very important to recognize by the students for mastering the fourth skills in English.

From the statement above it can be concluded that, vocabulary is very necessary to the students and the English teacher should teach vocabulary clearly for the students and explain the importance of mastering vocabulary to make them interested to learn English. Therefore, the students should master a lof of vocabulary to help them to improve their ability in comprehending and understanding the meaning of the certain text.

e. Kinds of Vocabulary

Wren and Martin (1990:3) say that the words are devided into different kinds or classes, called parts of speech as follows: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

1) Noun Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, thing, quality, and activity. The examples: The girl goes to school.

The leader is cruel. We buy a book.

2) Pronoun Pronoun is a word which stands for a noun or which is used in the place of a noun.

4) Adjective An adjective is a modifier which is used to describe or limit the meaning of a noun or pronoun. The examples: He is a good boy.

I have a bad condition. She is very happy.

A man is handsome.

5) Adverb

An adverb is a modifier. It modifies a verb, and adjecrive or another adverb. The examples: He is watching a horror film now.

My mother will visit my aunt in the hospital tomorrow. His nephew plays football there. They solve the problem well.

6) Preposition Preposition is a word which is used to show relationship between a noun or pronoun. The examples: He puts the book in my bag.

She stands on the table. He hides himself behind the door.

7) Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that shows connection. The Examples: Ranti and I are students at IKIP Gunungsitoli.

I would like Italian or Chinese food for dinner. The sports car was beautiful but expensive. Yanty is not only beautiful but also clever.

8) Interjection An interjection is a word that shows strong feeling. The examples: Hurrah! I am the winner.

Wow! I love this food. Bravo! That is a great goal. Hey! Look at that!

The eight parts of speech above are the important elements to the students in The eight parts of speech above are the important elements to the students in

Vocabulary and reading cannot be separated because both of the items support each other for understanding the content of the text. The students who master vocabulary well, the students can read the text fluently. The students who can read the text well, it will enrich the students’ vocabulary knowledge. That is supported by Rupley (2005:140) , “Vocabulary is “the glue that hold stories, ideas, and content together and that facilitates making comprehension accessible for children ”. Furthermore, Stahl in Nation (2001:144) says “Vocabulary knowledge can help reading and can contribute to vocabulary growth”. In this case that through reading activity, it can enlarge the stu dents’ vocabulary knowledge.

In addition, Pinnel and Fountas in Ellery (2005:106) say, “If students do not understand the meaning of the words they read, the reading process merely becomes

meaningless decoding”. Clearly, lack of vocabulary, process of getting the content of the text is meaningless. Moreover, Jeanne (2006:306) clarifies, “Limited vocabulary is thus both a cause and an effect of poor achievement in reading”. Of course, limited vocabulary, comprehension is poor towards the meaning of the text.

Based the experts’ opinion on the previous page, the researcher concludes that Based the experts’ opinion on the previous page, the researcher concludes that

Evaluating of vocabulary is an important activity to do after teaching-learning of vocabulary. Madsen (1983:12) says, “The purpose of vocabulary tests is to measure the comprehension of word use in speaking or writing.” It indicates that by evaluating , the researcher can get the result of the students’ ability in mastering the material.

Ur (1996:70-73), asserts that there are some kinds of tests to evaluate vocabulary that is commonly called in language testing:

1) Multiple-choice Test 1)

A multiple-choice test Circle the choice that best gives the meaning of the underlined word. Chronic means a) lasting for a long time

b) dissatisfied

c) to greatly decrease

d) effective and harmless

e) do n’t know

2) Matching Test

3) Odd one out Test Underline the odd one out: goat, horse, cow, spiders, sheep, dog, cat.

4) Writing sentences Test

For each of the following words, write a sentence that makes its meaning clear.

5) Gap-filling Test In the seventeenth Spanish ships sailed to Central and . America to fetch gold for the Spanish . The ships were often attacked by ,who infested the 'Spanish Main '(the sea north-east of Central and South America).

6) Translation Test Translate the underlined words into your first language.

a) You can see how the town has develop. b)

I cannot say much about his character.

c) Her idea is a very good one. d)

I want to hear only the facts.

7) Sentence Completion Test

From the kinds of vocabulary test above, the researcher chooses gap-filling Test as the kind of vocabulary test in the research. Through gap-filling, the researcher gets the result of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Sight Word.

In gaining the students score, the researcher will use the formula from Sudijono (2009: 303):


Note: S = Score R = Right answer

Finally, the researcher will use the formula suggested by Cartier et al. in Brown (1996:1- 8) to find the students’ mark, as follows.

Students’ mark: x 100

h. The Relationship between Vocabulary and Sight Word Strategy

Sight Word has a close relationshipin teaching vocabulary. Willskfuyzi Sight Word has a close relationshipin teaching vocabulary. Willskfuyzi

In the English syllabus at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua especially in the second semester, From the four skills, reading is one of the four skills that should be mastered by the students. In the competence standard of the eighth grade expects that the students to be able to comprehending the meaning of written text and short essays in a very simple form of descriptive and procedure texts related to the environs.

Furthermore, the basic competence expects the students to be able to respond meaning and rhetorical stages accurately, fluently and receive to a very simple essay related to the environs in the form of descriptive or procedure texts.

Based on the competences above, the researcher will focus on reading text that tells about descriptive texts.

1) Descriptive text According to Linda Gerot, Peter Wignell,('Making Sense of Functional

Grammar,1994) in M Mursyid PW

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The

c) The language features in descriptive text are : (1) Using Simple Present Tense (2) Using action verbs (3) Using passive voice (4) Using noun phrase (5) Using adverbial phrase (6) Using technical terms (7) Using general and abstract noun (8) Using conjunction of time and cause-effect.

The example of descriptive text: The example of descriptive text:

“Papay” often goes out to find for food at night. And sometime he brings a mouse on his mouth. Then he eats the mouse in the back of my house for himself.

The types of text above, the research states the texts are important for the students to learn. However, in the research, the research chooses descriptive text as the teaching material when implemeting Sight Word Strategy.

B. The Latest Related Research

Williams there is a latest research that related with this research, that is Williams research. The latest related research and the research apply the same

strategy, it is Sight Word Strategy and focus on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. Based on the result of the latest research indicates that most of the students in University of Memphis were able to increase their ability in learnig

vocabulary by applying Sight Word Strategy in 2008 May and the researcher’s. He concluded that Sight Word Strategy is an interesting and creative strategy to be

implemented in the teaching vocabulary in the classroom. The result of the research shows that Sight Word made the students’ vocabulary improved.

research of Quantitative Research only to make an experiment whether if the current sight word has the effect with the students or not.

C. The Conceptual Framework

In SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, vocabulary is necessary to be mastered by the students for building good comprehension towards the content of the text. The expectation is still not achieved yet because the students have limited vocabulary. The teacher’s creativity in choosing an appropriate strategy in teaching vocabulary is one

of the factors that make the students have low ability in mastering vocabulary. Therefore the researcher wants to help the students by offering learning strategy (Sight Word Strategy) which makes the students are active to recognize vocabularies knowledge so that the students’ vocabulary can increase. Clearly, the researcher makes a conceptual framework of how Sight Word Strategy effects the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary.

The Syllabus of Reading at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua



Teaching Vocabulary

Experimental Group

Pres-test 1) The researcher makes a set cards into an empty Pres-test

container from a story or materials.

2) The researcher identify words that students can


Teaching Vocabulary

read or answered students correctly within 2

seconds. This is the "knowns".


by Using 3) The researcher identify words that students can by Using


not read or answered correctly within 2 seconds. Convention al Method al Method

and test

It is an 'unknown'.

and test

4) The researcher takes first card the students read aloud.

5) The researcher present unknown cards and read the words aloud, having students repeat the

Post- Post-

Test Test


6) The researcher takes the next card, if students

make mistakes on the card or hesitation for

more than two seconds, the tutor reads the card aloud, and then ask students to read the words.

7) The researcher uses monitoring sheets to check the progress of students 'target'. A word that is

controlled when out in 2 seconds.

8) The researcher asks the students to repeat all the


A. Design of the Research

In investigating the effect of Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, the researcher will conduct Quantitative Research with general types is Experimental which is specified into Quasi-experimental with pre test and post test design. It is suitable in the research since it is related to the purpose of the research. Campbell (1963:12) states, “A quasi-experimental is one that applies an experimental mode of analysis and interpretation to bodies of data not meeting the full requirements of experimental control.”

Furthermore, Anderson (2005:263) defines that Quasi-experimental as a form of research that examines differences between research groups based on some natural characteristic using treatments or interventions, but not randomization. Blessing (2009:266) adds that Quasi-experiments are experiments that have treatment, pre- tests, post-tests, and cases, but do not random assignment.

group is divided into two groups as the sample of research, one group is experimental group and the other is control group. In experimental group, the researcher will apply Sight Word Strategy while in control group the researcher will apply Conventional Strategy in teaching and learning process. For more understanding, the research design can be shown in the table below.


Experimental O 1(e) X (e) O 2 (e) Group

O 2 (c) Sugiyono (2004:12) Where: O1 (e) = Giving the pretest to Experimental group O1 (c) = Giving the pretest to Control group

Control group

O 1 (c) -

X (e) = Teaching by Sight Word Strategy

B. Variables of the Research

There are two variables in the research. The variables are Sight Word Strategy as independent variable (X), and the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary as dependent variable (Y). In this case, the researcher will use the two variables in conducting the research that is to know the effect of Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in the mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2015/2016.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Gay (2000:140) states, “Population is the group to which a researcher would like the result of study to be ge neralizable”. Population of the research is the eight grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2016/2017 which consists of 192 students.

The number of population can be seen at the following table.

Table 2


TUHEMBERU IN 2015/2016



Source: Office Administration of SMP Negeri 1 tuhemberua 2016

2. Sample

Sample is the group of elements, or a single element, from which data are

As Khotary (2004:55) says that the researcher must prepare a sample design for her study, plan how a sample should be selected and of what size such as a sample would be. So, the researcher must determine the number of cluster to be selected and select it randomly. This is chosen by the researcher as her design of sampling because considering the policy of the school a nd the similarity of the students’ ability in studying as she found from that school.

The sample consists of two classes, they are VIII-2 and VIII-1 of SMP Negeri

1 Tuhemberua. The number of the sample can be seen at the following table.




Number of Students

Source: Office Administration of SMp Negeri 1 Tuhemberua

D. The Instruments of Collecting Data

To collect the required data the researcher will apply the instrument is evaluation paper. Evaluati on paper will be used to know the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. It can be seen from the test given to the students. There are two types of test, pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is given to the students before they get any treatment, while post-test is given to the students after they get a treatment.

E. Procedures of Collecting the Data

There are some procedures which the researcher uses in this research, they are:

1. Finding the location. The location of the research is the SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

2. th Selecting the population. The population of the research is the 8 grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

3. Selecting sample. The samples in the research are control group and experimental group.

4. th Holding the try out instrument at the 8 grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua. To analyze the data, the researcher will use the product moment

8. After doing it, the researcher analyze the result by using the test.

9. Analyzing the data, getting finding and drawing the conclusion.

F. Techniques of Analyzing the Data

1. Examining the Validity of the Instrument In the research, the instrument will be tried out by the researcher in SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua. It is done before using the test to collect the data. It is important to know the validity, because it refers to the extent to which the representative of the samples to the content area of the knowledge of reading comprehension.

Sugiyono (2007:121) says that the instrument is valid means that the instrument can be used to measure what should be measured. It is based on what Arikunto (2002: 146) says that the formula of correlation that can be used is as what Pearson states. It is known as product moment correlation.

Then, the researcher held the try out instrument at SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua to get the scores. The scores can be high or low. The good validity can be got from items score which has the parallel of the total parallel. The parallel can be understood as correlation. To get the correlation the researcher uses the product moment formula.

n  xy      x  y

 x = The sum of items

 y = The total of score participant  2

x = The total score of X after quadrate

2  y = The total score of Y after quadrate

 xy = The sum of multiplication of X and Y

After r xy has been known, then consulted with the value of r table to know whe ther the correlation is significant or no. The significant level is 5 % (α=0,05). If r xy >r t is significant. But if the value of r xy <r t is not significant.

2. Examining the Reliability of the Instruments The reliability of a measuring instrument is the degree of consistency with which it measure whatever it is measuring”. Reliability of a good test refers to the consistency measurement. To obtain the reliability test, the researcher uses “Kuder Richhardson 20 (K- R 20)”. Because of the researcher has an abnormal item (20 items) which gives to the students.

2  k   s pq 

 pq = the sum of multiplication of p and q

K = the number of test item S

= standard deviation

3. The determining of the Students’ Ability in mastering vocabulary To find the students’ ability in answering the test, the researcher will use the formula written by Cartier in Brown (2004:1-8):

Students’ mark:

x 100

4. Mean Sore and Standard Deviation Djiwandono to get the mean score (2008: 212) :


X = The Mean for the data

X = The sum of all of score N

= Number of sample

X = The score of item

X = The mean for the data N

= The number of the sample

5. Examining the Normality The normality of the data is used to know whether experimental group and control group has normal data distribution or not. The normality of data can be analyzed by using chi square formula, as follows:

2 (fo  X fe)  



X 2 = the chi square (X count) Fo

= the perception of result frequency Fe = the expected frequency

2 2 The criteria of examining the normality of data is : if X ≥X table means that

2 the data is not normal if X 2 ≤X table the data is normal.

In this research as the last result of the research, the researcher will analyze the hypothesis as follow:

H a : There is a significant effect of Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in

mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. Ho : There is no a significant the effect of Sight Word Strategy on the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.

The hypothesis alternative (H a ) will be accepted if t count calculated is higher than t table at 5 % level from significant, and will be denied if t count calculated is lower than t table . To examine whether using sight word strategy teaching in classroom significan ce improved the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary, so the research will use the t test of polled variant formula from Arikunto (2001:95) as follows.

Which : t count = Amount of t count

2 = The Variants of Control group S = The Unity of Standard Deviation

Then it will be confirmed to t table where the level significance is 0,05 and

statistic t count above is students distribution, dk (n 1 +n 2 – 2).

Examining criteria is H o is accepted if – t (1-½α) < t <t (1-½α) and the others t, H o is unacceptable.


A. Research Findings

1. Try Out Instrument

a. Validity

In conducting the research, the researcher prepared the instruments in collecting the data before going to the subject of the research. The researcher did the try out to examine whether the tests were valid and reliable. So, before the researcher conducted the research in SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, the researcher did the try out for pretest and posttest in SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua at the eighth grade in 2016/2017. The researcher gave the tests to the students in SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua especially at the eighth grade. Then, the researcher gave the students’

score based on the tests they had done that was filling gaps. Before using the tests as the instruments of collecting the data in SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua, the test was validated by the validators, and based on the calculation through Product Moment Correlation formula shown in the appendix 10a (Table 10) and appendix 10b (Table score based on the tests they had done that was filling gaps. Before using the tests as the instruments of collecting the data in SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua, the test was validated by the validators, and based on the calculation through Product Moment Correlation formula shown in the appendix 10a (Table 10) and appendix 10b (Table