The Effect of Modelled Writing on the St


By PERIMAN BATEE Register Number 122108087




Submitted to Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli and the English Education Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By PERIMAN BATEE Register Number 122108087




Batee, Periman, 2016, The Effect of Modelled Writing on Students’ Ability in Writing Skill at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016,

Thesis Advisor (I) Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Thesis Advisor (II) Dra. Nursayani Maruao, M.Pd.

Key Words: Students’ Ability in Writing Skill, Modelled Writing.

Writing skill is an interactive skill for communicating through written text language whereby the process of transferring message is happened. Writing is also a skill that is strong expected by the government of Indonesia for the students in school nowadays that can be seen on the content of KTSP 2006. As great expectations, it was expected that the students could express their idea, thought and feeling by writing or producing written language. Unfortunately, based on the researcher ’s observation in the field especially in SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo, most of students cannot express their idea in written text form correctly. Most of them were lack of vocabulary and did not know well about the nature of writing itself. They had shortage knowledge about what they should do when they produce the writing itself. Reflecting to the fact, it can

be said that there was a gap between the curriculum expectations with the real fact. Thus, to overcome that problem, the researcher solved it by applying Modelled Writing in teaching writing to guide the students to write easily and correctly.

The purpose of the research is to know the significant effect of Modelled Writing on students ’ ability in writing skill at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016. While in conducting the research, the researcher used quasi- experimental design. The population was the eighth grade students whereby the sample were two classes (experimental and control class) that consisted of 60 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used essay test that has been validated by three high qualified validators.

Afterwards, since the instrument was valid and reliable, the researcher performed pre-test and treated the students in two meetings only then conducted post- test in the last time. Based on the pre-test data calculation, it was gotten that the mean score of students’ score of experimental class was 45 that was classified bad, while the mean score of students’ mark of control class was 47 that was also classified bad. Besides, the data of the pretest for the experimental class was L count (0.0995) lower than L table (0.1610) and in the control group was L count (0.0993) lower than L table (0.1610), so both of the data in the pretest stated normal distribution. Furthermore, the result of examination of the homogeneity in the pretest was F table (1.86) higher than f count (1.17) means the sample are homogenous. Recognizing that the samples have normal distribution and homogeneous, so the researcher gave treatment for the both classes. After doing a treatment, the researcher gave posttest to both experimental and control class. The mean score of the posttest for the experimental class was 78 and it was classified in good criterion while in the control class was 71 that is classified good enough criterion. The result of the hypothesis testing (t-test) was t count (2.245) higher than t table (2.002) so, ha was acceptable. It means that there is Afterwards, since the instrument was valid and reliable, the researcher performed pre-test and treated the students in two meetings only then conducted post- test in the last time. Based on the pre-test data calculation, it was gotten that the mean score of students’ score of experimental class was 45 that was classified bad, while the mean score of students’ mark of control class was 47 that was also classified bad. Besides, the data of the pretest for the experimental class was L count (0.0995) lower than L table (0.1610) and in the control group was L count (0.0993) lower than L table (0.1610), so both of the data in the pretest stated normal distribution. Furthermore, the result of examination of the homogeneity in the pretest was F table (1.86) higher than f count (1.17) means the sample are homogenous. Recognizing that the samples have normal distribution and homogeneous, so the researcher gave treatment for the both classes. After doing a treatment, the researcher gave posttest to both experimental and control class. The mean score of the posttest for the experimental class was 78 and it was classified in good criterion while in the control class was 71 that is classified good enough criterion. The result of the hypothesis testing (t-test) was t count (2.245) higher than t table (2.002) so, ha was acceptable. It means that there is



Praise the Lord for His blessing and love which makes the researcher can finish the research. The research was made as the requirement for S-1 program at English Education Study Program in Institute of Teachers Training and Education of Gunungsitoli. Based on the requirement, the researcher made a research entitled: “The Effect of Modelled Writing on Students’ Ability in Writing Skill at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016 ”.

On this occasion, the researcher also wants to thanks to:

1. Mr. Drs. Henoki Waruwu, M.Pd as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

2. Mr. Adieli Laoli, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education of Languages and Arts, and as the examiner who has given a good leadership during the researcher finishing his study.

3. Miss Yanna Queencer Telaumbanua, S.Pd.,M.Pd as the Chair of English Department and as the first advisor who has guided the researcher to finish the thesis.

4. Mrs. Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd as the second advisor for guiding the researcher in improving the mistaken made during the research process.

5. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, M.hum, as the pleasant lecturer and the examiner who has given the guidance during the study in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

6. Mr. Yaredi Waruwu, S.S., M.S. as the examiner of who has given the significant correction in finishing the thesis.


7. Mr. Toroli Buaya, the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo, who allowed the researcher to make a research in the school.

8. Mr. Syukurman Zai, S.Pd., the English teacher of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Ululgawo, who helped the researcher in gathering the data

9. The entire lecturers of English Education Study Program for giving lectures and sharing valuable knowledge to the researcher.

10. Thanks to the beloved family who always support the researcher from the beginning until the end of studying in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

11. Thanks to Serius Harefa who always accompanies, supports and gives motivation for the researcher during to finish the thesis.

12. His beloved girlfriend (Jun Herlina Zega) who has taken part to accompany the researcher during finishing the thesis.

13. All of the researcher’s friends (Luther Harefa, Datafati Berkah Zebua, Jurdil Laoli, Anugerah Tafo ’nao, Kristalenta, Muliani, Harry, Listinawati and all

friends) from English Education Study Program for supporting and accompanying the researcher during conducting the research.

Gunungsitoli, July 2016 The researcher,

PERIMAN BATE’E Reg. Number. 122108087



b. Features of Modelled Writing ................................


c. Purposes of Modelled Writing ...............................


d. Implementation of Modelled Writing ....................


e. Roles of teacher in Modelled Writing ....................

f. Advantages and disadvantages of Modelled writing ...................................................



2. Conventional Teaching Method ....................................


a. Definition of Conventional Teaching Method .......

b. Implementation of Conventional Teaching Method ...................................................................



c. Advantages of Conventional Teaching Method ....

d. Disadvantages of Conventional Teaching Method ...................................................................



e. Purposes of Conventional Teaching Method .........


3. Writing Recount Text ...................................................


a. Writing ....................................................................


1) Definition of Writing.........................................


2) Teaching of Writing ..........................................


a) Reasons for Teaching Writing ...................


b) Principles for Teaching Writing .................


3) Process of Writing .............................................


4) Elements of Writing ..........................................


5) Purposes of Writing ..........................................


6) Assessment of Writing ......................................


Figure Page


1. Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................


30. Liliefor’s Formula for the Normality of Posttest Data of Experimental Class in Writing Recount Text ....................................................................... 159

31. The Calculation Process to Seek the Homogeneity of the Samples (Pre-test) ......................................................................................................... 160

32. The Calculation Process to Seek the Homogeneity of the Samples (Post-test) ....................................................................................................... 161

33. The Width under the Normal Standard from 0 to Z ....................................... 163

34. Critical Values for Liliefor’s Test .................................................................. 164

35. Critical Values for t-Students Distribution .................................................... 165



A. The Background of the Problem

Writing is a basic skills of language proficiency that is used for communication to express messages and feelings for other. Ontario Ministry of Education (2008:18) confirms that writing is an essential literacy tool that is used to convey thought, feelings, and ideas as well as what has been read, seen or experienced. Additionally, Bowker (2007:2) defines that writing is a skill that is required in many contexts throughout life. Moreover, writing is a complex process which is often used to communicate with others.

Furthermore, Yunus, et al., (2013:1.19) assert that writing is the process to share information between addressor and addressee in written text form. Besides, writing is a complex communication activity. The complexity itself depends on the skill of organizing the thought, idea, opinion, and experience chronologically or in good order. However, the complexity itself can be learned. The successful learning of writing is affected by the teaching activity in the classroom.

Nowadays, the students are expected to mastery about the writing skill. This is most expected by the government of Indonesia which can be seen on the syllabus of KTSP 2006 especially in the Junior High School level. As the competence standard of writing in syllabus is expressing the meaning in short functional text and simple short essay in the forms of recount and narrative to interact with others in daily life. While basic competence of it is expressing the meaning and rhetorical steps on the simple Nowadays, the students are expected to mastery about the writing skill. This is most expected by the government of Indonesia which can be seen on the syllabus of KTSP 2006 especially in the Junior High School level. As the competence standard of writing in syllabus is expressing the meaning in short functional text and simple short essay in the forms of recount and narrative to interact with others in daily life. While basic competence of it is expressing the meaning and rhetorical steps on the simple

However, in fact, what the researcher found in his observation in SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo is out of the government’s expectation. Most of students’ mark were under the MCC scores. Moreover, most of them could not express their thought or idea in written text form. This condition proved that the teaching-learning activity apparently failed. Still, this condition would be as the first stepping stone to the researcher to conduct the research. By knowing that the students’ marks were under the score point of MCC, the researcher predicted this gap was caused by problems. Most of the students were unable to write short essay about what they just thought or felt without direct instruction. This was might be caused of their weaknesses to compose the correct sentences. They may weak because they were still lack of vocabulary. They had poorly vocabulary in mind so that they felt confuse where they should start to write. Besides, once they were able to write their first sentence, then they suddenly wrote beyond their topic of writing. They could not develop the topic itself, indeed, they were unable to express their ideas through writing immediately and independently. Additionally, the English teacher’s method in teaching was less to However, in fact, what the researcher found in his observation in SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo is out of the government’s expectation. Most of students’ mark were under the MCC scores. Moreover, most of them could not express their thought or idea in written text form. This condition proved that the teaching-learning activity apparently failed. Still, this condition would be as the first stepping stone to the researcher to conduct the research. By knowing that the students’ marks were under the score point of MCC, the researcher predicted this gap was caused by problems. Most of the students were unable to write short essay about what they just thought or felt without direct instruction. This was might be caused of their weaknesses to compose the correct sentences. They may weak because they were still lack of vocabulary. They had poorly vocabulary in mind so that they felt confuse where they should start to write. Besides, once they were able to write their first sentence, then they suddenly wrote beyond their topic of writing. They could not develop the topic itself, indeed, they were unable to express their ideas through writing immediately and independently. Additionally, the English teacher’s method in teaching was less to

Based on the problems above, the researcher solved them by conducting teaching-learning activity in the classroom by using Modelled Writing. Hence, in conducting the research, the researcher sought whether there is a significant effect or not when applying Modelled Writing on the students’ ability in writing skill. In applying Modelled Writing, the researcher modelled the writing when teaching the students in writing skill. So the researcher demonstrated a writing and guided the students to think aloud also invited the students to develop about what they have written.

According to Department of Education WA (2013:8) about the definition of Modelled Writing. The modelled writing is most effective when the teaching focus is based on

observation of students’ learning needs, then builds on their experiences, current understanding and prior knowledge. Students might need many

repeated demonstrations before they can apply the understandings to their own writing.

Furthermore, Northern Ireland Curriculum (2012:3) defines Modelled Writing as a specific strategy which allows the teacher to explicitly demonstrate the process of writing by thinking aloud to the students in the classroom.

The statements before show that Modelled Writing is beneficial to the students. Visualizing the writing stages by demonstrations will help the students to learn writing precisely. Through demonstrations, the students may watch the teacher which places as the real writer in order start to write a draft, revise draft, proofread and more publish the draft itself.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher has conducted a research to see whether there is a significant effect on the students’ ability in writing skill when applying Modelled Writing or not. So that the researcher focused on the research

entitled: “The Effect of Modelled Writing on Student’s Ability in Writing Skill at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016. ”

B. The Identification of the Problems

The identification of the problems in the research as follows.

1. The students were lack in vocabulary.

2. It was difficult for the students to start to write immediately and independently.

3. It was difficult for the students to write short essay about what they just think or feel without any direct instruction.

4. The students were unable to develop the topic of writing.

5. The teaching atmosphere that supportless the teaching-learning activity that can

be seen by the English teacher’s method that was less to train the students in writing.

C. The Limitations of the Problems

In conducting the research, the researcher has limited himself on the effect of Modelled Writing on students’ ability in writing skill especially on writing personal recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016.

D. The Formulation of the Problems

The research is formulated as: “Is there any significant effect of Modelled Writing on students ’ ability in writing skill especially on writing personal recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016 ?”

E. The Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the research is to know the significant effect of Modelled Writing on students’ability in writing skill especially on writing personal recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016.

F. The Hypotheses of the Research

The hypotheses of the research are as follows. Ha : There is a significant effect of Modelled Writing on students’ ability in writing skill especially on writing personal recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016.

H 0 : There is no any significant effect of Modelled Writing on students’ ability in writing skill especially on writing personal recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016.

G. The Significances of the Research

There are some significances of the research as follows.

1. Result of the research can be a great experience for the researcher in his life.

2. Result of the research can help the students in writing skill especially in writing personal recount text about interesting experience or their unforgettable moment.

3. Result of the research can be a guideline for the further researchers when searching relevant topics in the future.

4. Result of the research can be as comparison for the English teacher when teaching writing to the students.

H. The Assumptions of the Research

There are some assumptions of the researcher toward the research namely.

1. Writing is an important skill that should be mastered by the students as expected by the Government of Indonesia as stated clearly in the syllabus of KTSP 2006.

2. As a type of writing, recount text should be learned carefully and precisely by the students.

3. Recount text is a text the story in past event.

I. The Limitations of the Research

There are some limitations of the research as follows.

1. The research only focused on knowing the effect of Modelled Writing on students’ ability in writing skill without exploring about the ways for increasing 1. The research only focused on knowing the effect of Modelled Writing on students’ ability in writing skill without exploring about the ways for increasing

2. Population of the research was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016. Samples of the research consisted of two classes that

were selected through cluster sampling.

3. The researcher conducted quantitative approach in doing the research, used quasi experimental design and pretest-posttest with comparison group design.

4. Two variables only that was used in the research, namely; Modelled Writing as the independent variable and the students’ ability in writing skill especially in

writing personal recount text as the dependent variable.

J. The Key Terms Definitions of the Research

There are two key terms definitions related to the research as follows.

1. Modelled Writing is a models of teaching writing wherein the teacher demonstrates first the writing activity during teaching-learning process, guide the students to write, and visualize the process of the writing itself through activity, then asks the students to write as what the researcher does after watching the demonstrations.

2. The students’ ability in writing skill especially in writing recount text that is concentrated on the retelling best experience, unforgettable moment, or event in the past time.


A. Theoretical Framework

1. Modelled Writing

a. Definition of Modelled Writing

Department of Education Western Australia (2013:8) states , “Modelled Writing is the explicit demonstration of writing behaviors and the verbalization of the

thinking process involved.” Besides, Atwell (1987) in Ontario Ministry of Education (2008:30) says that Modelled Writing is the activity of the teacher to write and share

their writing, process and products with their students. Based on the opinions, Modelled Writing is the explicit demonstration and sharing of writing in order that the students can think aloud to express their thought in written form.

As the Northern Ireland Curriculum (2012:3) affirms about definition of Modelled Writing as follows. Modelled Writing is a specific strategy which allows the teacher to explicitly

demonstrate the process of w riting by thinking aloud…. for example, planning… choice of words or how to spell or locate words.

Furthermore New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2007:27) states,

Modelled writing means using both models and modelling. Modelled writing refers, on the one hand, to the selection of models to show students how writing….

From the whole opinions, it can be concluded that Modelled Writing is the teachers’ model when teaching the students in writing by demonstrating the writing itself for the students, so it encouraged the students to think aloud then they expressed their thoughts, feeling and ideas in written form.

b. Features of Modelled Writing

Modelled Writing is the good model to teach writing to the students, such as Northern Ireland Curriculum (2012:4) states the features of Modelled Writing as follows.

1) Each session has a planned focus

2) Pupils should be seated so that they can clearly see the teacher writing.

3) The teacher should demonstrate writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.

4) Both compositional and secretarial aspects should be addressed.

Then, Department of Educational Western Australia (2013:8) confirms, the features of Modelled Writing as the following.

1) Sessions are brief: five to ten minutes.

2) Sessions have a clear, singular locus.

3) Clear Think-Aloud statements are used.

4) The writing is composed as the students watch.

5) The text being composed can be seen by all students.

So, from the opinions the students were taught by the excellent model, it is Modelled Writing, because it has the good features. Modelled Writing encouraged the students to have correct writing as demonstrated by the researcher.

c. Purposes of Modelled Writing

There are some purposes of Modelled Writing. NSW Department of Education and Training (2007:

27) states, “Modelled Writing helps the students to gain knowledge about knowledge, vocabulary and text structures required to write for

a range of purposes”. Then, continued by Stead and Therriault (2008), Routman (2004) in Stead and Hoyt (2012:15) affirming, The goal of modelled writing is to show rather than assign, so nonfictions

writers have an opportunity, every day, to observe high-quality writing as it is crafted.

The opinions show that Modelled Writing helps the students as writers to have the opportunity whenever to get the knowledge as the outcome after learning writing.

d. Implementation of Modelled Writing

In conducting Modelled Writing there are some steps that should be noticed by the teacher when teaching in the classroom. Department of Education Western Australia (2013:9) states how to conduct Modelled Writing sessions. They are as follows.

1) Clearly explain the chosen writing focus, making links to students’ experiences and prior learning.

2) Explain the purpose, audience and form of the writing.

3) Begin to write, pausing often to demonstrate the specific focus by thinking aloud. Students can ask questions and offer suggestions; however, the teacher is in charge of the pen and thinking aloud is the focal point of the session.

4) Invite students to verbally rephrase the session focus.

5) Display the Modelled Writing sample prominently to provide a clear reference point for students’ own writing.

6) Involve students in recording the Modelled Writing behaviors.

Furthermore, Northern Ireland curriculum (2012:4) affirms teachers should model.

1) Planning before writing;

2) Making decision about content as she writers, for example, choosing appropriate language; ensuring grammatical agreement;

3) Re-reading to check for sense or make improvements;

4) How to present ideas or information;

5) How to spell or locate individual words;

6) Leaving spaces and taking new lines;

7) Demarcating sentences;

8) Forming letters correctly.

The steps of implementing Modelled Writing before telling that everything is done by planning, focusing, and encouraging the students to write correctly. Additionally, Ontario Ministry of Education (2008:32) confirms several steps of implementation of Modelled Writing as follows.

1) The researcher adheres the teaching-learning atmosphere to a specific teaching focus which is based on assessment data and observations.

2) The researcher chooses an interesting topic for writing.

3) The researcher demonstrates writing in response to a poem, reading, or event.

4) The researcher models about how to evaluate the quality of the first draft after completion. This evaluation might be achieved by answering some possible

questions such as.

a) Have I kept my purpose and audience in mind?

b) Will my message be clear to my friends?

c) Have I repeated myself?

d) Have I left anything out?

e) Are things presented in the right order?

5) The researcher models how to revise the piece of writing by adding, cutting, moving things around choosing a more precise word.

6) After completion the first revised draft, the researcher models how to use an editing checklist to ensure that the draft is usable. Checklist questions might include.

a) Is this draft easy to read?

b) Is the grammar correct?

c) Are there spelling I need to check?

d) Does the punctuation help to convey the message?

e) Is this a draft that I could consider taking to publication?

7) Lastly, the researcher uses the piece of writing generated during modelled writing as a tool for teaching conventions; aspects of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; or for explaining the importance of conventions and how they help to convey meaning.

All in all, the researcher has modified the ways for implementing Modelled Writing during teaching writing recount text in the classroom as follows.

1) The researcher introduced the topic of material teaching to the students; that was personal recount text related to past interesting experience or unforgettable


2) The researcher asked the students’ opinions about material teaching.

3) The researcher distributed the copied paper of material teaching to the students.

4) The researcher elaborated the material teaching to the students clearly by stating definition, generic structures and giving example.

5) After the researcher explained about the topic of material teaching to the students, then he trained them to write a personal recount text.

6) The researcher modelled to write a first draft about his past experience.

a) The researcher offered several possible questions as the stepping stone for him to entice the students’ opinion. Those questions’ form are as follows. (1) What should I write? (2) Why should I write? (3) Who are my audiences? (4) What is my best interesting experience? Or what is my unforgettable

experience? (5) Where and when it happen?

(6) Who is involved in that event? (7) Should I list all events chronologically? (8) What is the first event? (9) What is the second, the third, the fourth and the last event? (10) What is happened in the last time?

b) Before writing, the researcher prepared the tools of writing, selected the topic of writing about personal recount text, specifically past interesting experience or unforgettable moment, defined the purpose, gathered and organized ideas and also considered audiences.

c) After prewriting, the researcher jumped to start writing his first draft.

d) After drafting, the researcher revised the first draft by adding important information, omitting unnecessary point, moving part into good order or

correcting the diction.

e) After revising the first draft, the researcher modelled how to use an editing checklist to ensure that the draft is usable. Checklist questions might include.

(1) Is this draft easy to read? (2) Is the grammar correct? (3) Are there spelling I need to check? (4) Does the punctuation help to convey the message? (5) Is this a draft that I could consider taking to publication?

f) Lastly, the researcher finalized the draft by revising if there was point should

be revised, and published it if there was no point should be corrected.

7) After modelling session, the researcher gave times for the students to pose questions about things they still did not understand.

8) Afterwards, the researcher asked the students to write an essay about personal recount text related to their interesting experience or their unforgettable moment through process of writing as well as what has been demonstrated by the researcher before.

9) Next, the researcher collected the student's work papers, then checked for errors, gave the scores and improved mistakes.

10) Finally, the researcher wrote the students’ weaknesses on their papers as the feedback, then reviewed the material teaching to them based on those


To achieve the successfulness of the teaching-learning activity, the researcher also used the guideline to engage the students’ creativity in learning as taken from the McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. as follows.

1) The students were directed to make a prewriting plan before starting to write.

2) The students were allowed to discuss with their friends, partner or small group.

3) The students were asked to contribute questions and suggestions to their friends as other writers also.

4) The students were asked to revise their draft as also shown in the procedure of implementation of Modelled Writing.

5) The students were asked to proofread their draft. The researcher was as the proofreader of the students’ draft.

e. Roles of Teacher in Modelled Writing

Ontario Ministry of Education (2008:32) confirms several roles of implementation of Modelled Writing as follows.

1) It plans the modelled writing lesson based on student need;

2) It communicates the purpose of the writing and the intended audience;

3) It uses students’ prior knowledge as springboard for writing;

4) It uses the think aloud strategy while writing the text;

5) It uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation;

6) It demonstrates the use of resources in the classroom (e.g., word wall, theme words, calendar, dictionaries, thesauri);

7) It models neat printing.

Furthermore, the role of teacher during Modelled Writing as stated by Wulandari (2012:45) as follows.

1) The teacher should use the explicit language to model the writing process.

2) The teacher should think aloud about actions in writing and spelling.

3) The teacher should demonstrate effective strategies to help the students better in spelling.

4) The teacher should use Modelled Writing as mini lesson activity to teach the writing.

5) The teacher should demonstrate the process for composing the writing.

6) The teacher should model the usage of correct conventions during writing.

7) The teacher should demonstrate rereading activity for the students.

8) The teacher should use essential spelling word list. As a whole, it can be concluded that the teacher has important roles in teaching writing during the implementation of Modelled Writing. Therefore, the researcher takes point that understanding the roles when teaching will guide the teacher to be as a great model that should be imitated by the students in the classroom. When the researcher modeled the writing process in correct sequence, made the students knew better about the writing itself. Thus, since the researcher

made correct demonstrations it gave positive effect toward the students’ ability.

f. Advantages and Disadvantages of Modelled Writing

1) Advantages of Modelled Writing

According to Ontario Ministry of Education (2008:31), there are several advantages of Modelled writing as follows.

a) Demonstrates an actual writing experience. The student gains the widely insight and learn based on the teacher’s writing process and learn that the teachers is a writer who follows the same process they do and faces

the same challenges they faces in writer’s workshop.

b) Shows that a writer always writes with an audience- a reader or readers- in mind; the teacher emphasizes this aspect while thinking aloud during the writing demonstrations.

c) Shows students that, when choosing words and walking with language, trial and error is an accepted strategy. Students learn how to incorporate

new information, reject information, and add or modify details. They see how good writers think and how they craft their writing to make it more effective.

d) Explicitly teaches students strategy that help them plan, draft, revise, edit, polish, and publish, with the ultimate goal or making their writing

clearer, more precise, more effective and more powerful.

e) Allows everyone in the class to participate and learn from the demonstrations.

f) Enables the teacher to meet observed and assessed needs by giving explicit, focused demonstration of real writing.

g) Help students learn to value the risk taking that is part of writing.

Then, Department of Education Western Australia (2013:8) affirms that Modelled Writing provides several advantages as follows.

a) It helps the students to understand how effective they compose the text.

b) It helps the students to understand that the text is composed for a specific purpose or audience.

c) It helps the students to develop an understanding of the process of the writing.

d) It helps the students to understand the relationship between spoken with written language.

e) It helps the students to understand how the particular text is constructed explicitly.

f) It helps the students to use a piece of writing as reference point for their own writing.

2) Disadvantages of Modelled Writing

However, besides those advantages before, Modelled Writing also has several weaknesses. Those weaknesses lead to the disadvantages of the method itself. Actually there is no enough theory that shows this disadvantages, but of course it have weaknesses as follows.

a) It needs complete preparation for modelling the writing itself that apparently seems complex.

b) It requires much time for preparation and for implementation.

2. Conventional Teaching Method

a. Definition of Conventional Teaching Method

In conducting the research, the researcher used two classes as sample of the research. The both of decided samples were treated by the researcher. The experiment class was taught through Modelled Writing, while the control class was taught through Conventional Teaching Method. Conventional Teaching that is used traditionally in teaching-learning activity, is defined as the method of teaching that encouraged the students to be passive in the classroom. It is also simply defined as a

teaching method by giving formal talking to the students (Cambridge Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 2008).

Furthermore, Westwood (2008:18) writes that Conventional Teaching Method in teaching is a method for imparting information to the students by talking it out. Here, it is such like oral presentation in the classroom. During teaching-learning activity, most of the students just focus on their listening skill only, yet less to train their writing skill. Conventional Teaching Method is such better implemented in teaching the large-classroom, but less to guide the students more active and participated during teaching-learning activity.

For all, it can be mentioned that Conventional Teaching Method is a way of teaching in one communication of information only whereby the teacher teaches in the classroom by explaining materials broadly in front of the classroom, while the students just sit and listen to the teacher. It seems suitable in teaching the large-class room, but less to guide students to be more active and participated in learning.

b. Implementation of Conventional Teaching Method

According to Westwood (2008:18), the main point of implementation Conventional Teaching Method in teaching is oral presentation in term talking too much about the material teaching. The target of teacher in teaching is to present material teaching in short period of time even in the large class.

Besides, Sellers, et al., (2007:67-68) write the ways for implementation Conventional Teaching Method as follows.

1) The teacher prepares the material teaching and the handout.

2) The teacher presents the material orally in the front of the classroom in a whole of teaching-learning activity.

3) The teacher explain to the students about how to write a recount text

4) The students focus and listen carefully to the teacher’s presentation. They might write same notes if possible during learning and pose some questions if there is thing that make them confused. All the steps were did by the researcher to teach the students especially in control


c. Advantages of Conventional Teaching Method

Good and Brophy (2008) in Westwood (2008:19) believe that Conventional Teaching Method advantageous for teaching-learning process because when it conducted efficiently and enthusiastically, it can stimulate interest, challenge

students’ thinking, and raise issues that students will want to follow up. Follow on, there are several advantages of Conventional Teaching Method

according to Sellers, et al., (2007:69) as follows.

1) It gives the teacher the chance to expose students to unpublished or not readily available material.

2) It allows the teacher to precisely determine the aims, content, organization, pace and direction of a presentation. In contrast, more student-centered methods, for instance, discussions or laboratories, require the instructor to deal with unanticipated student ideas, questions and comments.

3) It can be used to arouse interest in a subject.

4) It can be used to complement and clarify text material.

5) It can be used to complements certain individual learning preferences. Some students depend upon the structure provided by highly teacher-centered methods.

6) It can be used to facilitate large-class communication.

d. Disadvantages of Conventional Teaching Method

Sellers, et al., (2007:69) also describe several disadvantages of Conventional Teaching Method as follows.

1) It places students in a passive rather than an active role during teaching-learning activity.

2) It encourages one-way communication only.

3) It requires a considerable amount of unguided student time outside of the classroom to enable understanding and long-term retention of content.

4) It requires like forces the teacher to have or to learn effective writing and speaking skills.

According to Westwood (2008:19), the disadvantageous of Conventional Teaching Method in teaching depend on its usage like as.

1) Lectures are least appropriate with young children. Their attention span for listening is fairly limited and their main mode of learning is through activity and talking.

2) Lectures are inappropriate for most children with learning difficulties, mainly because their attention span tends to be limited, their ability to process and reflect upon information presented verbally is not good, their note-taking skills are minimal, and their intrinsic motivation to learn by this method is poor.

3) Lecturing is inappropriate when the subject matter clearly requires hands-on processing by students.

4) This form of direct teaching is inappropriate if the objectives for a course are mainly affective (dealing with development or change in

feelings, emotions and attitudes) or social (requiring interaction, cooperation and communication among students).

5) Lectures are also inappropriate for fostering students’ creativity and initiative, although a lecture may be appropriate at times for introducing new themes and ideas that are explored later by quite different methods.

e. Purposes of Conventional Teaching Method

The main purpose of Conventional Teaching Method is to present a large amount topics of material into the large-class room with a single period of time (Sellers, et al., 2007:69).

Similarly, Westwood (2008:19) asserts some purposes of Conventional Teaching Method like as.

1) introducing a new topic, providing an overview, arousing interest and raising issues that can be pursued later by different methods

2) bringing students up to date with recent information that is not readily available through other media

3) presenting information in a quick, concise and integrated way that would otherwise take students a great deal of time to research and discover for themselves

4) providing an opportunity for review and revision of course material (e.g., prior to examinations).

For all, it can be concluded Conventional Teaching Method is used to present

a large material teaching with simple and short period of time. The method is appropriate to be applied in training the listening skill for the students. Moreover, it is

also appropriate to be used in the university to encourage the students’ motivation learning independently. Yet, the method is less appropriate to be used in teaching

writing and unsuitable to be implemented in teaching the young learners; includes the

students of Junior High School level. So, considering that Conventional Teaching Method is inappropriate to be used in teaching writing in the classroom, thus, applying Modelled Writing is expected to be as solution that has positive effect

toward the students’ ability in writing skill especially in writing recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Ulugawo in 2015/2016.

3. Writing Recount Text

a. Writing

1) Definition of Writing

Writing can be defined as an essential of literacy tool to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and also the responses toward what has been read, seen or experienced (Ontario Ministry of education, 2008:18). Writing is also as a communication skill that should be mastered by the students as confirmed by Yunus, et al., (2013:1.3). It is also one of the important skills of learning English. As National Institute for Literacy (2007:31) states that writing is a tool for communication and learning that allows us to document, collect, and widely circulate detailed information.

Writing is also defined as powerful instrument for students to use to express their thoughts, feelings, and judgments about what they have read, seen, or experienced (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2005:I.3). Instead, the goal of the writing itself is to convey the message (Wilkie, 2001:9).

Thus, it can be concluded that writing is skill of language proficiency that is used to express ideas of mind and the feelings through written text form. Then, the business of writing itself is to convey the message.

2) Teaching of Writing

a) Reasons for Teaching Writing

Graves (1978) in Yunus, et al, (2013:1.4) comments that writing benefit is reasons for teaching the writing itself. Here, Graves points out that writing will give positive effect for the students as follows. (1) Writing increases the students’ intelligence. Actually writing is a complex

activity, yet, it is beneficial for the students who success to learn and more to do it.

(2) Writing increases the initiative capacity and students’ creativity to produce an organized writing.

(3) Writing brings the students’ self-confidence is alive. (4) Writing encourages behavior and increases the competence of curiosity to do a

research, to gather, and to organize information. In other words, it can be said that the teaching of writing is most promoted to guide the students to communicate effectively in written text form. Besides, the fluency communication through writing is the focus one in teaching writing. This is standing a line with the expectation of the government of Indonesia as written in the syllabus of KTSP 2006.

As a whole, as the expectation of the government, writing is a skill that is very important for the students. Writing allows the students to express their ideas and makes communication with their friends in written text form. Additionally, writing also beneficial for the students themselves. Those are reasons about how important the teaching writing itself to the students. Since the students had problem in writing as stated in the background of problem of the research, that is why the research conducted with applying Modelled Writing as an optional beneficial strategy of teaching writing. Fortunately, Modelled Writing gave positive effect to the quality of

the students’ writing.

b) Principles for Teaching Writing

The National Council of the Teachers of English (2015-online) asserts some guiding principle for teaching writing as follows. (1) It emphasizes the rhetorical nature of writing. (2) It considers the needs of real audiences. (3) It recognizes writing as a social act. (4) It enables students to analyze and practice with a variety of genres. (5) It recognizes writing processes as iterative and complex. (6) It depends upon frequent, timely, and context-specific feedback from an

experienced postsecondary instructor. (7) It emphasizes relationships between writing and technologies.

(8) It supports learning, engagement, and critical thinking in courses across the curriculum.