Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Efek Mediasi Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Hubungan Corporate Governance dan Perceived Market Performance

Neva Permatasari Sutedjo (


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kinerja organisasi dari persepsi
pelanggan serta efek mediasi corporate social responsibility terhadap hubungan corporate
governance dan perceived market performance. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 130 responden
yang terpilih melalui metode judgemental sampling. Data dianalisis dengan Structural
Equation Modelling dengan software Lisrel 8.8. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa corporate
governance berpengaruh positif terhadap corporate social responsibility dan corporate social
responsibility berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived market performance. Efek mediasi
corporate social responsibility terhadap hubungan corporate governance dengan perceived
market performance juga menunjukkan hubungan yang positif.
Kata kunci : corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, perceived market


This research aims to analyze the organizational performance from customer
perspective. On the other hand, the mediation effect of corporate social responsibility toward
corporate governance and perceived market performance were also identified. Data were
taken from 130 respondents using judgemental sampling. Data were analyzed using SEM
with software Lisrel 8.8. Results show that corporate governance positively influences
corporate social responsibility whereas corporate social responsibility positively influences
perceived market performance. It is also found that the mediation effect of corporate social
responsibility toward the relationship of corporate governance and perceived market
performance is positively confirmed.
Keywords : corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, perceived market

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