
Mariany Gusniar Samosir
Reg. Number 4113332003
Bilingual Chemistry Education Program

Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan



The greatest praise and thankfulness to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for
His grace and blessing who always provide health, spirit, strength and everything to
the author in finishing this thesis well and accordance to the planning time.
This thesis, “The Development of Interactive and Innovative Chemistry
Learning Material on the Teaching of Chemical Equilibrium” has been arranged to
obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), State University of Medan (UNIMED).
In this opportunity, the author would like to express the great appreciation to
Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the thesis supervisor and Dr. Simson
Tarigan, M.Pd., Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si and also Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M.Si as the
thesis examiners and also to Drs. Marudut Sinaga, M.Si., as the author’s academic
supervisor for their valuable time spent in giving guidances, advices, motivations,
comments and suggestions during the process of finishing this thesis.
The author also says thanks to Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the dean
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan, then Prof.
Dr.rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., and Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., as the head and
secretary of Bilingual Program. Great thanks to Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si.,
Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., Dr. Zainuddin Muchtar, M.Si, Dra. Anna Juniar,

M.Si, and also Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, S.Pd., M.Pd as the expert lecturer to
standarize the module. And also thanks to Syamsuddin, S.E., (Pak Sam) as bilingual
staff for his helping in administrative assistance and kindness.
The author’s gratitude also to all of students who have rendered their time to
standarize the module as a sample of research, the chemistry bilingual 2011,
chemistry bilingual 2012, chemistry bilingual 2014, and mathematic bilingual 2013
who have given their helping and their support to finishing this research.


The deepest and special gratitude, appreciation and love to my beloved
parents, E. T. P. Samosir and D. Sitinjak for theis countless love, supports, prays,
motivation and careness and also to my beloved brothers, Septian Adil Putra Samosir
and Denis Ary Yusuf Samosir, then to my beloved sisters Sriratika Samosir for their
supports. And also special thanks to my beloved sister Vera Christina Manalu and
also my brothers and my sisters at “Bersama 25” for their loves and great motivations
and also funny capricious that make me spiritfully.
Special thanks also goes to my friends Lanita Br Munthe, Liesa Afridhila,
Nova Syntia, Januelman Purba (Dik’A 2011), Corry, Fitri, Esalygna, Novi, Dessy,
Yory Yosua Siahaan (BilChem 11), Rhone P. Brocha (BilChem 11), Rusdi Lastaida

(BilChem 11), Juwita Sitorus (BilChem 11), Hesti vera (BilChem 11), that have
accompany me during the research. I also would like to thanks for all of my friend in
BILINGUAL CHEMISTRY 2011, and for Billingual Chemistry 2010 as our
“original senior”, Brother Dimas Frananta Simatupang, S.Pd (BilChem’09), Sis
Fenny Rizki Amelia, S.Pd (BilChem’10) and also for my closed friend Obi
Satrinanda Manik for his support during the research, and everyone who cannot be
mentioned his/her name for their support and frienship during my academic years.
Finally, the author hopes this thesis would be useful for everyone who like to
explore more about the learning material and the innovation and integration to learn
chemical equilibrium notably and chemistry generally. May God bless us forever.

Medan, July


The author,

Mariany Gusniar Samosir


Mariany Gusniar Samosir (Reg. Number : 4113332003)
The development of innovative and interactive learning material on the teaching of
chemical equilibrium is explained. The study is aimed to obtain good and standard learning
material on the teaching of chemical equilibrium to university students. The study is
conducted through enrichment of chemical equilibrium topics followed by the
development of learning media in video form to integrate a relevant material on each
chemistry topics on chemical equilibrium. The results showed that the learning subject of
chemical equilibrium has been developed well. Standardization of the material and
learning material have been carried out by make questionnaire and the lectures are agree
with developed learning materials with respond (3.62), students bilingual chemistry 2011
with responds (3.50), students bilingual chemistry 2012 with responds (3.70), and student
bilingual chemistry 2013 with responds (3.60). The total average of the respond is 3.67 that
means learning material is valid and good. The learning material set in e-book and the
media is set in a CD to make it easy to use in learning process in offline system. The
developed of learning material have been standard and can use as learning material on the
teaching of chemical equilibrium as topic in General Chemistry II motivate the student to

study chemistry.
Keyword: Learning material, e-book, university students, chemical equilibrium


Legalization Sheet








List of Contents


List of Tables


List of Figures


List of Appendix



1.1. Background


1.2. The Problem Identification


1.3. The Problem Formulation


1.4. The Problem Limitation


1.5. Research Objectives


1.6. The Significance of Research


1.7. The Operational definition


2.1. Learning Material


2.1.1. Defining of Learning Material Focused


2.1.2. The Types of Learning Material


2.1.3. The Development of Learning Material


2.2. The Innovation of Learning


2.2.1. Defining of Innovation Focused


2.2.2. Innovation in Teaching and Learning Process


2.2.3. Interactive Teaching Material for Chemistry


2.2.4. Multimedia on Teaching Chemistry


vii E- learning Focused Definition

18 E-learning as Bio-information

20 Assessment of the Feasibility Standard


Textboook in Learning Materials based

on Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)

Description of Study Materials


2.3.1. Chemical Equilibrium

23 Definition of Chemical Equilibrium

24 Le Châtelier Principle

26 Equilibrium Expression


2.4. Conceptual Framework


2.5. Research Hypothesis


3.1. The Overview of Research


3.2. Research Location and Time


3.3. Research Population and Sample


3.4. Research Instrument


3.5. Research Design


3.6. Research Procedure


3.7. Data Analysis


3.7.1. Descriptive Analysis



4.1. Survey of General Chemistry Textbooks


4.2. Descriptive analysis of General Chemistry Textbooks


4.3. Development of Innovated Chemistry Learning Module


4.4. Standardization of Innovative Learning Module


4.5. Discussion


5.1. The Conclusion


5.2. The Suggestion




Table 2.1. The table of relationship between Q and K in chemical equilibrium


Table 4.1. The Description of General Chemistry Textbook that are include
in the survey


Table 4.2. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code A


Table 4.3. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code B


Table 4.4. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code H


Table 4.5. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code C


Table 4.6. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code D


Table 4.7. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code E


Table 4.8. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code F


Table 4.9. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code G


Table 4.10. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code I


Table 4.11. The result of Descriptive Analysis of Textbook Code J


Table 4.12. The Percentage Average of Suitability of Description Material
for Analyzed Textbooks


Table. 4.13. The Questionnaire Result of Innovative and Interractive
Chemistry Learning Material by Chemistry Lecturers and Students
Table. 4.14. Description of trial of development learning material



Fig 2.1. The figure of thermal equilibrium


Fig 2.2. the figure of chemical equilibrium concept


Fig 2.3. The figure of final concentration of chemical equilibrium


Fig 2.4. The figure of reaction of Le Chatelier principle


Fig 2.5. The figure of disruption and restoration of chemical equilibrium reaction


Fig 4.1. The comparison of average percentage of books


Fig 4.2. The application of development learning material using software


Fig 4.3. The integration of module innovation


Fig 4.4. The innovation that used internet as a media for learn.


Appendix 1. Sylllaby


Appendix 2. Analysis of General ChemistryTextbok


Appendix 3. Questionnaire of Innovation and Interactive Chemistry


Learning Material on the topic of chemical equilibrim
Appendix 4. The question for Description of Trial


Appendix 5. The Innovative and Interactive Chemistry Learning Material


Appendix 6. The Questionnaire of Standardization by Students


Appendix 7. The Questionnaire of Standardization by Chemistry Lecturers


Appendix 8. The Average of Standardization value by Students and Lecturers


Appendix 9. Research Documentation


Appendix 10. Letter of Administration


1.1. Background
Basically the vision of science education is to prepare the students to have
an understanding of science and technology, through the development of thinking
skills, attitudes and skills in an effort to understand themselves, they will be able
to manage the environment, can overcome the problems in the environment.
Fenrich (in Pranomo, 2008) state that, in the long run, the vision of science
education provides critical thinking ability, logical, systematic, be creative,
diligent, disciplined, follow the rules, be able to work together, be open,
confident, have job skills, social skills, communication skills and other basic
capabilities which is a scholarly work continuously need to be developed to
provide students in the face of the challenges in an increasingly competitive
Wiederhold (in Costa, 1980) state that, the underlying philosophy is the
study of the basic capabilities of this scientific work is the very essence of science
which holds science as a product and a process. As a product, is the science of
Sciences acquired through a structured process of active, dynamic and explorative
of inductive activity (Carin, 1997). Next learning science is based on
constructivism learning theory which holds that learning is an activity to build
knowledge that is done by the students based on the experience of previous owned
(Ramsey, 1993). The learning process is carried out through an exploration of the
stages which have experience through scientific activities started with the
observation of primary and or secondary data up to the conclusion that a new
knowledge. Learning is an activity to apply new knowledge on relevant issues
conducted in inductive and deductive, which is an activity that develops thinking
and acting in a sustainable way (Zevenbergen et al., 2010).
According to Ariani and Haryanto (2010), doing science with basic
scientific work ability gives an understanding of the basic knowledge, thinking,


and higher-order thinking, developing a critical attitude, logical, systematic,
disciplined, objective, open and honest, cooperative, curiosity, love to learn
science. In addition, it will foster job skills through relevant activities. The
attitudes and skills ability to grow "science disposition", i.e. the desire, awareness
and dedication to science is needed in 21st century technology. The purpose of
learning starts with a desired or would like to know the students. Dalton (2008)
state that learning based on constructivism reference gives students experience as
a means to form knowledge. The provision of science learning, students are
required to develop the science process skills, inductive thinking, scientific
attitude, skill manipulation tools, communication skills all of which are integrated
in the basic skills of scientific work (Liliasari, 2009)
According to (Arifin, 2005), currently, the problems of the quality of
secondary education are often discussed and debated, especially not the
achievement of a quality education which evenly even if Indonesia has used the
national curriculum as a guide. Various efforts to improve the quality of education
continue to be done in various ways, but the indicator towards the improvement of
the quality of education is still slow. Improved quality of education should always
be done continuously, either conventionally or through innovation in anticipation
of the changes to be faced by the students, so as to be able to think globally and
act in accordance with the culture of Indonesia (Pandley et al., 1994)
Chemistry is one of the disciplines of the natural sciences that focus on
studying the matter and energy in terms of the nature of the reaction, structure,
composition and the energy changes that accompany reactions. Its allow students
to understand why and how the phenomenon occurs in the vicinity (Amien, 1988).
Chemical concepts of empirical research are generally based on the structure of
matter and chemical bond is the subject material that difficult to study. The nature
of the concepts of chemistry are also in line with the concept that involves the
mathematical calculations. This shows that the lessons of chemistry requires a set
of higher-order thinking skills. One of the capabilities that require chemical is


"Chemical Equilibrium". Chemical Equilibrium contains concepts difficulties
analysis concept in study and teach it.
Many research findings revealed the students difficulties on the concepts
relating to the topic of chemical equilibrium which is, stated that students have
difficulty in describing the scheme of particulate matter and transfer to the submicro symbolic representations in equilibrium in solution. According to Orgill &
Shuterland (2008) states, although students are able to complete the calculation
(as a symbolic representation), but find it difficult to represent aspects of the
system submicroscopic solution. Based on this problem researchers intend to
make innovation of teaching materials, in order to facilitate the students to
understand the concepts learned.
According to Atwi Suparman on (Suhi achmad, 2009), improving the
quality of education should always be performed conventionally or through
innovation. Innovation in education is seen as central concept for obtaining
change for a better education, as it believed that the quality of education is an
indicator for the development rate of the country. The common approach of
innovation is a changed in a significant and substantial respect for the innovated
object. The innovations in education are including the invention, diffusion and
adoption, communication and utilization that produce better result. Innovation in
education could be in a new practice in technology of teaching, aided instruction,
teaching and learning activities, learning material, and another practice that bring
improvement in education sector.
According to Joice and weil in Nahadi (2010), innovation in education are
often linked with the renewal that comes from the result of creative thinking,
findings and modifications that make the ideas and methods that are used to
address a problem of education. Educational innovations also include a plan or
pattern that can be used to build learning instructional materials in the classroom
or outside class including learning materials. Thus, innovation in the learning
materials very urgent to implement so that the delivery of the material to be


focused and able to support the achievement of competence of students in
learning. Therefore, it is necessary that learning can make students understand
about the subject presented and can be applied in everyday life. Need a concrete
attempt to design learning which gives ease to students in solving problems and
guide students to associate of science in real life creatively (Giantcarlo and Slunt,
Innovation learning materials on chemical subjects especially on the topic
of Chemical Equilibrium is also very necessary as it relates to the improvement of
the quality of graduates in employment fill the field of chemistry. The utilization
of information technology for learning has also encouraged a shift from the
conventional learning, learning to be independent so that the impression of
learning long remembered by students, in addition to the technology will make
students more interactive learning independently, besides learning innovations can
also provide increased efficiency and effectiveness of learning toward renewal
(Ingo Eilks and Bill Byers, 2009).
A good learning materials must be able to present the teaching material
according to the demands of the curriculum, following the development of science
and technology and can bridge the learning for competencies has been established
can be achieved (Rosenberg, 2001). Chemical materials in the learning materials
should be systematic, complete, easier to understanding, attract, motivate
independent study and has additional material as appropriate to the characteristics
of student enrichment. The research aims to produce innovative chemical
materials in hardcopy and electronic forms to support the achievement of desired
competencies (Bruner, 2010).
Studies that have been made connection with the development of
innovative and interactive chemisty learning material on the topic of chemical
equilibrium that Vika Hardila (2012) with the tittle “The Influence of Critical
Thinking Developments in learning Salt Hydrolisis Concept Through Chemistry
Modules to

Increase Student’sAchievement

Grade XI” with student’s

achievement from normalized gain which taught using critical thinking


development through module is 74% whereas in the control class (without
module) is 61%. The other researcher that have been made in connection with the
teaching methode that Dimas Frananta S (2013) with the tittle “The Effectivity of
Innovated Learning Module and Demostration Methode with Macromedia Flash
Animation to Improve Student’s Achievement on the Teaching of Salt Hydrolisis”
with effectivenes percentage of innovated module is 74,25% for student without
module and 84.33% with innovated module.
Based on the description, researchers are interested in doing some research
and trying to develop innovative learning materials in learning chemistry. This
research entitled “The Development of Innovative and Interactive Chemistry
Learning Material on the Teaching of Chemical Equilibrium”
1.2. Problem Identification
Based on the background of that which has been described previously,
some problems can be identified as the following:
1. The arrangement of chemistry learning material on the topic of Chemical
Equilibrium to order it is suited to the common curriculum.
2. Prepare an innovation and interactive chemistry learning material on the
topic of Chemical Equilibrium in order the teaching and learning process
can be proceeded optimum.
3. Make innovation on to the chemistry learning material of Chemical
Equilibrium in order the students can easily to study chemistry.
4. Standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard provided
by Indonesia Education National Standard Beareau (Badan Standar
Nasional Pendidikan).


1.3. Problem Formulation
Based on the background that has been stated previously, then the
formulation of the problem in this study are:
1. How the arrangement of chemistry topic Chemical Equilibrium to order it
is suited to the common curriculum?
2. How to prepare an innovative and interactive chemistry learning material
on the topic of Chemical Equilibrium in order the teaching and learning
process can be proceeded optimum?
3. What kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of
Chemical Equilibrium in order the students can easily to understand
4. How to standardized a developed learning material to meet the standard
provided by Indonesia Education National Standard Beareau (BSNP)?
1.4. Problem Limitation
In order for this study did not deviate from the purpose of research, the
problem in this study should be limited. From the formulation of this problem, so
that limit the problem in this study are:
1. Arranging and developing the standard innovative and interactive learning
materials on the topic of Chemical Equilibrium.
2. Preparation of innovative and interactive teaching materials developed
from the general chemistry textbooks used in the Science Faculty, State
University of Medan.
3. Analyze the student’s opinion to the textbooks used in university.
4. Teaching materials will be reviewed and revised by the chemistry lecturer
and students in Chemistry Department to obtain the standard learning


1.5. Research Objectives
The objective of this research is to develop an innovative and interactive
learning material on the teaching of Chemical Equilibrium in the university.
The specific objectives to be achieved in this study are:
1. Arrangement of chemistry learning material topic Chemical Equilibrium to
order it is suited to the common curriculum
2. To prepare an innovative and interactive chemistry learning material on
the topic of Chemical Equilibrium in order the teaching and learning
process can be proceed optimum
3. To know what kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material
of Chemical Equilibrium in order the students can easily to study
4. To standarize a developed learning material to meet the standard provided
by Indonesia Education National Standard Beareau (Badan Standar
Nasional Pendidikan).
1.6. The significance of Research
The advantages that were hoped from this research:
1. Chemistry teacher can use teaching material as module to make an
effective teaching and learning and to increase student’s achievement.
2. For researcher, to develop and standardize the teaching material as
module to be used in student in university.
3. Student who learn chemistry can understand the topic of Chemical
Equilibrium easier, more attractive, and enjoyable.
4. For the next researcher, can contribute the ideas to do the other


1.7. The Operational Definition
Based on that explanation, the operational definition as the following:
1. Innovation are research activities, development, and engineering
which aims at developing or applying the practical value and the
context of the new science, or new ways to apply science and
technology that already exists in the product or production process
because Innovative for learning material here is a learning that is
designed/ composed by integrating new innovations in the learning
with the goal of keeping students more easily understand the learning
done. Innovation is a new breakthrough that is different from the
ordinary (conventional) learning, such as the addition of the media in
the process of learning, the formation of discussion groups and so on.
2. Interactive learning material are a modification of material to meet
attractive one. Said interactive because the user will experience the
interaction and being active for example actively paying attention to
images, pay attention to the writings of varying color or motion,
sound, video and even animated films.
3. materials are all materials (both information, tools or text) that are
arranged systematically, which shows the figure of the whole of the
competence to be controlled by the learners and are used in the
process of learning with the aim of planning and review of the
implementation of the study.
4. Indonesia Education National Standard Beareau (Badan Standar
Nasional Pendidikan) is an independent institution, professional, and

mission to



and evaluate the

implementation of national education national standard

5.1. The Conclusion
Based on the result of research that obtained from the result of data
analysis. It can be stated some conclusion as follows:
1. The arranging of innovative and interactive chemistry learning material on
topic of chemical equilibrium has succesfully designed suited to the
common curriculum that using at university students. The development of
chemistry learning material could be used as a learning media on teaching
of chemical equilibrium at second semester for university.
2. The standard and good innovative and interractive chemistry learning
material prepared to proceed teaching and learning process optimum. It
was get the positive response from students and chemistry lecturers as a
standardizer with point that given.
3. The kind of innovation that has been include on the development of
innovative and interactive chemistry learning material is offline and online
innovation. There are

video, example and exercise as an offline

innovation, while the online innovation when the students connected to
internet and using the web link that has been inputed on the learning
material as an e-book.
4. The standard and god innovative and interractive chemistry learning
material absolutely have good criteria and suitable with Indonesia
Education National Standard Beareau (Badan Standar Nasional
Pendidikan), however based on content, extension, depth, design and


5.2. The Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestion that have to be
stated in order to make teaching and learning process in chemistry become
effective and efficient as follows:
1. It is suggested that the chemistry lecture should give the standard and good
innovative and interactive chemistry learning material based on the
common curriculum as main learning media to student in the university
especially learning material of chemical equilibrium.
2. It is suggested to next researcher could improve the better innovative and
interactive learning material based on common curriculum and develop the
e-book to make it more simple and easy according to the suggestion that
given by sample as standardizer.
3. It is suggested to university holder for developing and providing the
standard and good innovative and interactive learning material to be used
in the teaching and learning process especially for chemical equilibrium
subject in general chemistry II.


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